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Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

Conceptual Problems

1. A crate of weight W is being pushed across a horizontal surface by a force directed at an

angle of 20° below the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the crate?

a. It is less than W.
b. It equals W.
c. It is more than W. -----------
d. None of the above since the coefficient of kinetic friction is not given.

2. The net force on an object is in the positive x-direction. Consider the following statements.
(i) The object can be moving in the negative x-direction.
(ii) The object can be speeding up.
(iii) The object can be slowing down.
(iv) The object can be moving in the positive y-direction.
Which of the statements are true?

a. (i) and (ii)

b. (ii) and (iii)
c. (iii) and (iv)
d. Choose this answer if all the statements are true.-------------

3. An object weighs 100 N. If the gravitational constant G were half of what it is currently, what
would the weight of the object be?

a. 100 N
b. 50 N----------
c. 25 N
d. 200 N

4. Five boxes, each having weight 100 N, are stacked up. The bottom box is the fifth from the
top. What is the magnitude of the normal force upward exerted by the fourth box from the top
on the third box from the top?

a. 100 N
b. 200 N
c. 300 N-------
d. 400 N

5. A box of mass m is placed on an incline with angle of inclination θ. The box does not slide.
The magnitude of the frictional force in this case is:

a. μs mg sin θ.
b. mg cos θ.
c. mg sin-------
d. not given.
4.1 Forces

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

4.2 Newton’s First Law

4.3 Newton’s Second Law

4.4 Newton’s Third Law

1. Which of the following is an example of the type of force that acts at a distance?

a. gravitational
b. magnetic
c. electrical
d. all of the above-----

2. If we know an object is moving at constant velocity, we may assume:

a. the net force acting on the object is zero.

b. there are no forces acting on the object.
c. the object is accelerating.
d. the object is losing mass.

3. Which of the following expresses a principle, which was initially stated by Galileo and was
later incorporated into Newton’s laws of motion?

a. An object’s acceleration is inversely proportional to its mass.

b. For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.
c. The natural condition for a moving object is to remain in motion.
d. The natural condition for a moving object is to come to rest.

4. What condition must apply to a system’s state of motion for it to be regarded as an inertial
frame of reference?

a. in decreasing velocity
b. in constant velocity
c. in constant acceleration
d. in increasing acceleration

5. A 7.0-kg bowling ball experiences a net force of 5.0 N. What will be its acceleration?

a. 35 m/s2
b. 7.0 m/s2
c. 5.0 m/s2
d. 0.71 m/s2

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

6. An astronaut applies a force of 500 N to an asteroid, and it accelerates at 7.00 m/s2. What is
the asteroid’s mass?

a. 71 kg
b. 135 kg
c. 441 kg
d. 3 500 kg

7. Two ropes are attached to a 40-kg object. The first rope applies a force of 25 N and the
second, 40 N. If the two ropes are perpendicular to each other, what is the resultant
acceleration of the object?

a. 1.2 m/s2
b. 3.0 m/s2
c. 25 m/s2
d. 47 m/s2

8. Two forces act on a 6.00-kg object. One of the forces is 10.0 N. If the object accelerates at
2.00 m/s2, what is the greatest possible magnitude of the other force?

a. 1.0 N
b. 2.0 N
c. 22.0 N
d. 34.0 N

9. The acceleration due to gravity on the Moon’s surface is one-sixth that on Earth. An
astronaut’s life support backpack weighs 300 lb on Earth. What does it weigh on the Moon?

a. 1 800 lb
b. 300 lb
c. 135 lb
d. 50 lb

10. The acceleration due to gravity on the Moon’s surface is one-sixth that on Earth. What net
force would be required to accelerate a 20-kg object at 6.0 m/s2 on the moon?

a. 1.3 N
b. 20 N
c. 33 N
d. 120 N

11. If we know that a nonzero net force is acting on an object, which of the following must we
assume regarding the object’s condition? The object is:

a. at rest.
b. moving with a constant velocity.
c. being accelerated.
d. losing mass.

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

12. A 2 000-kg sailboat experiences an eastward force of 3 000 N by the ocean tide and a wind
force against its sails with magnitude of 6 000 N directed toward the northwest (45° N of W).
What is the magnitude of the resultant acceleration?

a. 2.2 m/s2
b. 2.1 m/s2
c. 1.5 m/s2
d. 3.0 m/s2

13. A 2 000-kg sailboat experiences an eastward force of 3 000 N by the ocean tide and a wind
force against its sails with magnitude of 6 000 N directed toward the northwest (45° N of W).
What is the direction of the resultant acceleration?

a. 60° N of E
b. 30° N of W
c. 30° N of E
d. 74° N of W

14. A cart of weight 20 N is accelerated across a level surface at 0.15 m/s2. What net force acts on
the wagon? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

a. 0.92 N
b. 0.31 N
c. 3.0 N
d. 4.5 N

15. A rock is rolled in the sand. It starts at 5.0 m/s, moves in a straight line for a distance of 3.0
m, and then stops. What is the magnitude of the average acceleration?

a. 1.8 m/s2
b. 4.2 m/s2
c. 5.4 m/s2
d. 6.2 m/s2

16. Rita accelerates a 0.40-kg ball from rest to 9.0 m/s during the 0.15 s in which her foot is in
contact with the ball. What average force does she apply to the ball during the kick?

a. 48 N
b. 72 N
c. 24 N
d. 60 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

17. A 70.0-kg man jumps 1.00 m down onto a concrete walkway. His downward motion stops in
0.0200 seconds. If he forgets to bend his knees, what force is transmitted to his leg bones?

a. 15 500 N
b. 7 010 N
c. 4 900 N
d. 3 500 N

18. The accelerating force of the wind on a small 200-kg sailboat is 707 N northeast. If the drag
of the keel is 500 N acting west, what is the acceleration of the boat?

a. 1.5 m/s2 due east

b. 2.5 m/s2 due north
c. 3.0 m/s2 northeast
d. 2.0 m/s2 north by northwest

19. A barefoot field-goal kicker imparts a speed of 30 m/s to a football at rest. If the football has
a mass of 0.50 kg and time of contact with the football is 0.025 s, what is the force exerted on
the foot?

a. 190 N
b. 380 N
c. 600 N
d. 900 N

20. An automobile of mass 2 000 kg moving at 30 m/s is braked suddenly with a constant
braking force of 10 000 N. How far does the car travel before stopping?

a. 45 m
b. 90 m
c. 135 m
d. 180 m

21. A shot-putter moves his arm and the 7.0-kg shot through a distance of 1.0 m, giving the shot
a velocity of 10 m/s from rest. Find the average force exerted on the shot during this time.

a. 175 N
b. 350 N
c. 525 N
d. 700 N

22. A baseball batter hits an incoming 40-m/s fastball. The ball leaves the bat at 50 m/s after a
ball-on-bat contact time of 0.030 s. What is the force exerted on the 0.15-kg baseball?

a. 450 N
b. 250 N
c. 90 N
d. 50 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

23. In the terminology a 500-N block, the 500-N refers to the block’s:

a. mass.
b. force.
c. weight.
d. None of the above.

24. The statement by Newton that “for every action there is an opposite but equal reaction” is
regarded as which of his laws of motion?

a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth

25. A thrown stone hits a window, but doesn’t break it. Instead it reverses direction and ends up
on the ground below the window. In this case, we know:

a. the force of the stone on the glass > the force of the glass on the stone.
b. the force of the stone on the glass = the force of the glass on the stone.
c. the force of the stone on the glass < the force of the glass on the stone.
d. the stone didn’t slow down as it broke the glass.

4.5 Applications of Newton’s Laws

26. Two blocks, joined by a string, have masses of 6.0 and 9.0 kg. They rest on a frictionless
horizontal surface. A 2nd string, attached only to the 9-kg block, has horizontal force = 30 N
applied to it. Both blocks accelerate. Find the tension in the string between the blocks.

a. 18 N
b. 28 N
c. 12 N
d. 15 N

27. Three forces, 5.0 N, 15.0 N, and 20.0 N, are acting on a 9.81-kg object. Which of the
following forces could also be acting on the object if it is moving with constant velocity?

a. 1.0 N
b. 19.0 N
c. 39.0 N
d. any of the above

28. An airplane of mass 1.2 × 104 kg tows a glider of mass 0.6 × 104 kg. The airplane propellers
provide a net forward thrust of 3.6 × 104 N. What is the glider’s acceleration?
a. 2.0 m/s2
b. 3.0 m/s2
c. 6.0 m/s2
d. 9.8 m/s2
29. Two blocks of masses 20 kg and 8 kg are connected together by a light string and rest on a
frictionless level surface. Attached to the 8-kg mass is another light string, which a person
Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

uses to pull both blocks horizontally. If the two-block system accelerates at 0.5 m/s2 what is
the tension in the connecting string between the blocks?

a. 14 N
b. 6 N
c. 10 N
d. 4.0 N

30. Two blocks of masses 20 kg and 8.0 kg are connected together by a light string and rest on a
frictionless level surface. Attached to the 8-kg mass is a second light string, which a person
uses to pull both blocks horizontally. If the two-block system accelerates at 0.5 m/s2, what is
the tension in the second string attached to the 8-kg mass?

a. 14 N
b. 6.0 N
c. 10 N
d. 4.0 N

31. A 10-kg mass and a 2.0-kg mass are connected by a light string over a massless, frictionless
pulley. If g = 9.8 m/s2, what is the acceleration of the system when released?

a. 2.5 m/s2
b. 6.5 m/s2
c. 7.8 m/s2
d. 9.8 m/s2

32. A 15-kg block rests on a level frictionless surface and is attached by a light string to a 5.0-kg
hanging mass where the string passes over a massless frictionless pulley. If g = 9.8 m/s2, what
is the tension in the connecting string?

a. 65 N
b. 17 N
c. 49 N
d. 37 N

33. An elevator weighing 20 000 N is supported by a steel cable. What is the tension in the cable
when the elevator is being accelerated upward at a rate of 3.00 m/s2? (g = 9.80 m/s2)

a. 13 900 N
b. 23 100 N
c. 20 000 N
d. 26 100 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

34. As a basketball player starts to jump for a rebound, he begins to move upward faster and
faster until he leaves the floor. During this time that he is in contact with the floor, the force
of the floor on his shoes is:

a. bigger than his weight.

b. equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to his weight.
c. less than his weight.
d. zero.

35. As I slide a box at constant speed up a frictionless slope, pulling parallel to the slope, the
tension in the rope will be:

a. greater than the tension would be if the box were stationary.

b. greater than the weight of the box.
c. equal to the weight of the box.
d. less than the weight of the box.

36. A boxcar of mass 200 tons at rest becomes uncoupled on a 2.5° grade. If the track is
considered to be frictionless, what speed does the boxcar have after 10 seconds?

a. 0.37 m/s
b. 0.59 m/s
c. 1.3 m/s
d. 4.3 m/s

37. As a 3.0-kg bucket is being lowered into a 10-m-deep well, starting from the top, the tension
in the rope is 9.8 N. The acceleration of the bucket will be:

a. 6.5 m/s2 downward.

b. 9.8 m/s2 downward.
c. zero.
d. 3.3 m/s2 upward.

38. A 5 000-N weight is held suspended in equilibrium by two cables. Cable 1 applies a
horizontal force to the right of the object and has a tension, T1. Cable 2 applies a force
upward and to the left at an angle of 37.0° to the negative x axis and has a tension, T2. What is
the tension, T1?

a. 4 000 N
b. 6 640 N
c. 8 310 N
d. 3 340 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

39. A 5 000-N weight is suspended in equilibrium by two cables. Cable 1 applies a horizontal
force to the right of the object and has a tension, T1. Cable 2 applies a force upward and to the
left at an angle of 37.0° to the negative x-axis and has a tension, T2. Find T2.

a. 4 000 N
b. 6 640 N
c. 8 310 N
d. 3 340 N

40. Three identical 6.0-kg cubes are placed on a horizontal frictionless surface in contact with
one another. The cubes are lined up from left to right and a force is applied to the left side of
the left cube causing all three cubes to accelerate to the right at 2.0 m/s2. What is the
magnitude of the force exerted on the middle cube by the left cube in this case?

a. 12 N
b. 24 N
c. 36 N
d. none of the above

41. Three identical 6.0-kg cubes are placed on a horizontal frictionless surface in contact with
one another. The cubes are lined up from left to right and a force is applied to the left side of
the left cube causing all three cubes to accelerate to the right at 2.0 m/s2. What is the
magnitude of the force exerted on the right cube by the middle cube in this case?

a. 12 N
b. 24 N
c. 36 N
d. none of the above

42. A sled weighs 100 N. It is held in place on a frictionless 20° slope by a rope attached to a
stake at the top; the rope is parallel to the slope. Find the tension in the rope.

a. 94 N
b. 47 N
c. 37 N
d. 34 N

43. A sled weighs 100 N. It is held in place on a frictionless 20° slope by a rope attached to a
stake at the top; the rope is parallel to the slope. What is the normal force of the slope acting
on the sled?

a. 94 N
b. 47 N
c. 37 N
d. 34 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

44. A 500-N tightrope walker stands at the center of the rope such that each half of the rope
makes an angle of 10.0° with the horizontal. What is the tension in the rope?

a. 1 440 N
b. 1 000 N
c. 500 N
d. 2 900 N

45. A 500-N tightrope walker stands at the center of the rope. If the rope can withstand a tension
of 1 800 N without breaking, what is the minimum angle the rope can make with the

a. 4°
b. 8°
c. 10°
d. 15°

46. A 20-kg traffic light hangs midway on a cable between two poles 40 meters apart. If the sag
in the cable is 0.40 meters, what is the tension in each side of the cable?

a. 12 000 N
b. 9 800 N
c. 4 900 N
d. 980 N

47. A girl is using a rope to pull a box that weighs 300 N across a level surface with constant
velocity. The rope makes an angle of 30° above the horizontal, and the tension in the rope is
100 N. What is the normal force of the floor on the box?

a. 300 N
b. 86 N
c. 50 N
d. 250 N

48. A karate master strikes a board with an initial velocity of 10.0 m/s, decreasing to 1.0 m/s as
his hand passes through the board. If the time of contact with the board is 0.002 0 s, and the
mass of the coordinated hand and arm is 1.0 kg, what is the force exerted on the board?

a. 1 000 N
b. 1 800 N
c. 2 700 N
d. 4 500 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

49. Find the tension in an elevator cable if the 1 000-kg elevator is descending with an
acceleration of 1.8 m/s2, downward.

a. 5 700 N
b. 8 000 N
c. 9 800 N
d. 11 600 N

4.6 Forces of Friction

50. A block of mass 5.00 kg rests on a horizontal surface where the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the two is 0.200. A string attached to the block is pulled horizontally, resulting in a
2.00-m/s2 acceleration by the block. Find the tension in the string. (g = 9.80 m/s2)

a. 0.200 N
b. 9.80 N
c. 19.8 N
d. 10.0 N

51. A horizontal force of 750 N is needed to overcome the force of static friction between a level
floor and a 250-kg crate. If g = 9.8 m/s2, what is the coefficient of static friction?

a. 3.0
b. 0.15
c. 0.28
d. 0.31

52. A horizontal force of 750 N is needed to overcome the force of static friction between a level
floor and a 250-kg crate. What is the acceleration of the crate if the 750-N force is maintained
after the crate begins to move and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.12?

a. 1.8 m/s2
b. 2.5 m/s2
c. 3.0 m/s2
d. 3.8 m/s2

53. A 100-kg box is placed on a ramp. As one end of the ramp is raised, the box begins to move
downward just as the angle of inclination reaches 15°. What is the coefficient of static friction
between box and ramp?

a. 0.15
b. 0.27
c. 0.77
d. 0.95

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

54. A 300-kg crate is placed on an adjustable inclined plane. As one end of the incline is raised,
the crate begins to move downward. If the crate slides down the plane with an acceleration of
0.70 m/s2 when the incline angle is 25°, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction between
ramp and crate? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

a. 0.47
b. 0.42
c. 0.39
d. 0.12

55. A 250-kg crate is placed on an adjustable inclined plane. If the crate slides down the incline
with an acceleration of 0.70 m/s2 when the incline angle is 25°, then what should the incline
angle be for the crate to slide down the plane at constant speed? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

a. 12°
b. 21°
c. 25°
d. 29°

56. Doug hits a hockey puck, giving it an initial velocity of 6.0 m/s. If the coefficient of kinetic
friction between ice and puck is 0.050, how far will the puck slide before stopping?

a. 19 m
b. 25 m
c. 37 m
d. 57 m

57. It is late and Carlos is sliding down a rope from his third floor window to meet his friend
Juan. As he slides down the rope faster and faster, he becomes frightened and grabs harder on
the rope, increasing the tension in the rope. As soon as the upward tension in the rope
becomes equal to his weight:

a. Carlos will stop.

b. Carlos will slow down.
c. Carlos will continue down at a constant velocity.
d. the rope must break.

58. Three identical 6.0-kg cubes are placed on a horizontal frictionless surface in contact with
one another. The cubes are lined up from left to right and a 36-N force is applied to the left
side of the left cube causing all three cubes to accelerate to the right. If the cubes are each
subject to a frictional force of 6.0 N, what is the magnitude of the force exerted on the middle
cube by the left cube in this case?

a. 12 N
b. 24 N
c. 36 N
d. none of the above

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

59. Three identical 6.0-kg cubes are placed on a horizontal frictionless surface in contact with
one another. The cubes are lined up from left to right and a 36-N force is applied to the left
side of the left cube causing all three cubes to accelerate to the right. If the cubes are each
subject to a frictional force of 6.0 N, what is the magnitude of the force exerted on the right
cube by the middle cube in this case?

a. 12 N
b. 24 N
c. 36 N
d. none of the above

60. As a car goes up a hill, there is a force of friction between the road and the tires rolling on the
road. The maximum force of friction is equal to:

a. the weight of the car times the coefficient of kinetic friction.

b. the normal force of the road times the coefficient of kinetic friction.
c. the normal force of the road times the coefficient of static friction.
d. zero.

61. As a car moves forward on a level road at constant velocity, the net force acting on the tires

a. greater than the normal force times the coefficient of static friction.
b. equal to the normal force times the coefficient of static friction.
c. the normal force times the coefficient of kinetic friction.
d. zero.

62. As a car skids with its wheels locked trying to stop on a road covered with ice and snow, the
force of friction between the icy road and the tires will usually be:

a. greater than the normal force of the road times the coefficient of static friction.
b. equal to the normal force of the road times the coefficient of static friction.
c. less than the normal force of the road times the coefficient of static friction.
d. greater than the normal force of the road times the coefficient of kinetic friction.

63. There are six books in a stack, each with a weight of 5.0 N. The coefficient of friction
between all the books is 0.20 as is the coefficient between the table and the bottom book.
What horizontal push must I just exceed on the next to bottom book to start sliding the top
five books off the bottom one?

a. 1.0 N
b. 5.0 N
c. 3.0 N
d. 7.0 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

64. Two objects, A and B, are placed on an inclined plane that can be rotated to different angles
of elevation. A starts to slide at twice the angle of elevation that B starts sliding. The
respective coefficients for static friction for A and B are μA and μB. Choose the last answer

that is correct.

a. μB > μA

b. μA > μB B

c. μB = 2 μA

d. μA = 2 μB B

65. A 10.0-kg mass is placed on a 25.0° incline and friction keeps it from sliding. The coefficient
of static friction in this case is 0.580, and the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.520. What is
the frictional force in this situation?

a. 41.4 N
b. 88.8 N
c. 46.2 N
d. 51.5 N

66. A 10.0-kg mass is placed on a 25.0° incline and friction keeps it from sliding. The coefficient
of static friction in this case is 0.580, and the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.520. The mass
is given a shove causing it to slide down the incline. What is the frictional force while the
mass is sliding?

a. 41.4 N
b. 88.8 N
c. 46.2 N
d. 51.5 N

67. A 10.0-kg mass is placed on a 25.0° incline and friction keeps it from sliding. The coefficient
of static friction in this case is 0.580 and the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.520. The mass
is given a shove causing it to slide down the incline. Taking down the incline as positive,
what is the acceleration of the mass while it is sliding?

a. 0.477 m/s2
b. -0.477 m/s2
c. 1.99 m/s2
d. -1.99 m/s2

68. A man pulls a sled at a constant velocity across a horizontal snow surface. If a force of 80 N
is being applied to the sled rope at an angle of 53° to the ground, what is the force of friction
between sled and snow?

a. 80 N
b. 64 N
c. 48 N
d. 40 N

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

69. A trapeze artist, with swing, weighs 800 N; he is momentarily held to one side by his partner
so that the swing ropes make an angle of 30.0° with the vertical. In such a condition of static
equilibrium, what is the horizontal force being applied by the partner?

a. 924 N
b. 400 N
c. 196 N
d. 462 N

70. A trapeze artist, with swing, weighs 800 N; he is being held to one side by his partner so that
the swing ropes make an angle of 30.0° with the vertical. In such a condition of static
equilibrium what is the tension in the rope?

a. 924 N
b. 400 N
c. 196 N
d. 461 N

71. A 200-N crate rests on an ramp; the maximum angle just before it slips is 25° with the
horizontal. What is the coefficient of static friction between crate and ramp surfaces?

a. 0.11
b. 0.21
c. 0.38
d. 0.47

72. A 150-N sled is pulled up a 28° slope at a constant speed by a force of 100 N. What is the
coefficient of kinetic friction between sled and slope?

a. 0.53
b. 0.22
c. 0.13
d. 0.33

73. Jamal pulls a 150-N sled up a 28.0° slope at constant speed by a force of 100 N. Near the top
of the hill he releases the sled. With what acceleration does the sled go down the hill?

a. 1.20 m/s2
b. 1.67 m/s2
c. 2.22 m/s2
d. 2.67 m/s2

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

74. Dana uses a rope to pull a box that weighs 300 N across a level surface with constant
velocity. The rope makes an angle of 30° above the horizontal and the tension in the rope is
100 N. What is the coefficient of friction?

a. 0.35
b. 0.29
c. 0.17
d. 0.20

75. Hector drives a pickup truck horizontally at 15.0 m/s. He is transporting a crate of delicate
lead crystal. If the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the truck bed is 0.400,
what is the minimum stopping distance for the truck so the crate will not slide?

a. 28.7 m
b. 51.0 m
c. 33.6 m
d. 44.4 m

76. The coefficient of friction between a racecar’s wheels and the track is 1.0. The car starts from
rest and accelerates at a constant rate for 400 m. Find the maximum speed at the end of the

a. 44 m/s
b. 66 m/s
c. 89 m/s
d. 99 m/s

77. A worker pulls a 200-N packing crate at constant velocity across a rough floor by exerting a
force F = 55.0 N at an angle of 35.0° above the horizontal. What is the coefficient of kinetic
friction of the floor?

a. 0.133
b. 0.267
c. 0.400
d. 0.200

78. A hockey puck moving at 7.0 m/s coasts to a halt in 75 m on a smooth ice surface. What is
the coefficient of friction between the ice and the puck?

a. µ = 0.025
b. µ = 0.033
c. µ = 0.12
d. µ = 0.25

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

79. An Olympic skier moving at 20.0 m/s down a 30.0° slope encounters a region of wet snow, of
coefficient of friction µk = 0.740. How far down the slope does she go before stopping?

a. 119 m
b. 145 m
c. 170 m
d. 199 m

80. The coefficient of static friction between the tires of a car and the street is µs = 0.77. Of the
following, what is the steepest inclination angle of a street on which a car can be parked (with
wheels locked) without slipping?

a. 22.5°
b. 30°
c. 37°
d. 45°

81. A 9.0-kg hanging weight is connected by a string over a pulley to a 5.0-kg block sliding on a
flat table. If the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.20, find the tension in the string.

a. 19 N 5 kg
b. 24 N T
c. 32 N
d. 38 N T

9 kg

82. A 100-N block, on a 30° incline, is being held motionless by friction. The coefficient of
static friction between the block and the plane is 0.60. The force due to friction is:

a. 0 N.
b. 30 N.
c. 50 N.
d. 52 N.

83. A block is launched up an incline plane. After going up the plane, it slides back down to its
starting position. The coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.3. The time
for the trip up the plane:

a. is the same as the time for the trip down.

b. is more than the time for the trip down.
c. is less than the time for the trip down.
d. cannot be found without knowing the angle of inclination.

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

84. A block is launched up an incline plane. After going up the plane, it slides back down to its
starting position. The coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.3. The
speed of the block when it reaches the starting position on the trip down:

a. is the same as the launching speed.

b. is less than the launching speed.
c. is more than the launching speed.
d. cannot be compared to the launch speed with the information given.

85. The maximum possible value for the coefficient of static friction is:

a. 0.50.
b. 1.00.
c. a value up to but not quite 1.00.
d. greater than 1.00.

86. A box is to be moved across a level surface. A force of magnitude 200 N may be applied at
an angle of 30° below the horizontal to push the box or at an angle of 30° above the
horizontal to pull the box, either application sufficient to overcome friction and move the
box. Which application will cause the box to have the greater acceleration?

a. the one below the horizontal

b. the one above the horizontal
c. both give equal acceleration
d. more information is needed

Chapter 4, The Laws of Motion

# Ans Difficulty # Ans Difficulty
C1. C 2 42. D 2
C2. D 2 43. A 2
C3. B 1 44. A 2
C4. C 2 45. B 2
C5. C 3 46. C 2
1. D 1 47. D 2
2. A 1 48. D 2
3. C 1 49. B 2
4. B 1 50. C 2
5. D 1 51. D 2
6. A 1 52. A 3
7. A 2 53. B 2
8. C 2 54. C 3
9. D 1 55. B 3
10. D 2 56. C 2
11. C 1 57. C 1
12. A 2 58. B 3
13. D 2 59. A 3
14. B 2 60. C 2
15. B 2 61. D 2
16. C 2 62. C 2
17. A 3 63. B 2
18. B 2 64. B 2
19. C 2 65. A 2
20. B 2 66. C 3
21. B 2 67. B 3
22. A 2 68. C 2
23. C 1 69. D 2
24. C 1 70. A 2
25. B 2 71. D 2
26. C 2 72. B 3
27. D 2 73. D 3
28. A 2 74. A 2
29. C 2 75. A 3
30. A 2 76. C 2
31. B 3 77. B 3
32. D 3 78. B 2
33. D 2 79. B 3
34. A 2 80. C 2
35. D 2 81. D 3
36. D 2 82. C 2
37. A 3 83. C 3
38. B 3 84. B 3
39. C 3 85. D 2
40. B 2 86. B 3
41. A 2

Chapter 5, Energy

Conceptual Problems

C1. Is it possible for the total mechanical energy of a moving particle to be negative?

a. No, because a moving particle has positive kinetic energy.

b. No, because potential energy cannot have a value more negative than the value of the
positive kinetic energy of the particle.
c. Only if friction is involved.
d. yes

C2. Three different mass projectiles are launched from the top of a building each at different
angles of elevation. Each particle has the same initial kinetic energy. Which particle has the
greatest kinetic energy just as it impacts with the ground?

a. The one launched at the highest angle of elevation.

b. The one with the highest mass.
c. The one with the lowest mass.
d. They all will have the same kinetic energy on impact.

C3. Three different mass projectiles are launched from the top of a building each at different
angles of elevation. Each particle has the same initial kinetic energy. Which particle has the
greatest speed just as it impacts with the ground?

a. The one launched at the highest angle of elevation.

b. The one with the highest mass.
c. The one with the lowest mass.
d. They all will have the same speed on impact.

C4. A block is projected with speed v across a horizontal surface and slides to a stop due to
friction. The same block is then projected with the same speed v up an incline where is slides
to a stop due to friction. In which case did the total mechanical energy of the block decrease
the least?
a. This problem cannot be solved since it was not indicated whether the horizontal
surface and the incline both had the same coefficient of kinetic friction.
b. The case on the horizontal surface had the least decrease in total mechanical energy.
c. The case on the inclined surface had the least decrease in total mechanical energy.
d. In both cases the decrease in mechanical energy was the same.

C5. In a problem using energy considerations to solve for the speed of a ball thrown from the top
of a building when it strikes the ground below, where should the potential energy have its
zero value?

a. It should be at the level from where the ball is thrown.

b. It should be at the ground level where the ball hits.
c. It should be slightly below ground level so the potential energy is always positive.
d. It doesn’t matter since only differences in potential energy matter in solutions.

Chapter 5, Energy

5.1 Work

1. The unit of work, joule, is dimensionally the same as:

a. newton/second.
b. newton/kilogram.
c. newton-second.
d. newton-meter.

2. Rupel pushes a box 5.00 m by applying a 25.0-N horizontal force. What work does she do?

a. 10.0 J
b. 25.0 J
c. 125 J
d. 550 J

3. A worker pushes a sled with a force of 40 N over a level distance of 6.0 m. If a frictional
force of 24 N acts on the wheelbarrow in a direction opposite to that of the worker, what net
work is done on the wheelbarrow?

a. 240 J
b. 216 J
c. 144 J
d. 96 J

4. A horizontal force of 100 N is applied to move a 45-kg cart across a 9.0-m level surface.
What work is done by the 100-N force?

a. 405 J
b. 500 J
c. 900 J
d. 4 500 J

5. I use a rope 2.00 m long to swing a 10.0-kg weight around my head. The tension in the rope
is 20.0 N. In half a revolution how much work is done by the rope on the weight?

a. 40.0 J
b. 126 J
c. 251 J
d. 0

Chapter 5, Energy

6. The work done by static friction can be:

a. positive.
b. negative.
c. zero.
d. Any of the above.

7. A satellite is held in orbit by a 2 000-N gravitational force. Each time the satellite completes
an orbit of circumference 80 000 km, the work done on it by gravity is:

a. 1.6 x 108 J.
b. 1.6 x 1011 J.
c. 6.4 x 1011 J.
d. 0.

5.2 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem

8. Which of the following is an example of a nonconservative force?

a. gravity
b. magnetism
c. friction
d. Both choices A and B are valid.

9. Which of the following is that form of energy associated with an object’s motion?

a. potential
b. thermal
c. bio-chemical
d. kinetic

10. Which of the following is that form of energy associated with an object’s location in a
conservative force field?

a. potential
b. thermal
c. bio-chemical
d. kinetic

11. What is the kinetic energy of a 0.135-kg baseball thrown at 40.0 m/s (90.0 mph)?

a. 54.0 J
b. 87.0 J
c. 108 J
d. 216 J

Chapter 5, Energy

12. A horizontal force of 200 N is applied to a 55-kg cart across a 10-m level surface. If the cart
accelerates at 2.0 m/s2, then what is the work done by the force of friction as it acts to retard
the motion of the cart?

a. -1 100 J
b. -900 J
c. -800 J
d. -700 J

13. A golf ball hits a wall and bounces back at 3/4 the original speed. What part of the original
kinetic energy of the ball did it lose in the collision?

a. 1/4
b. 3/8
c. 7/16
d. 9/16

14. If both mass and velocity of a ball are tripled, the kinetic energy is increased by a factor of:

a. 3.
b. 6.
c. 9.
d. 27.

15. A 1 200-kg automobile moving at 25 m/s has the brakes applied with a deceleration of 8.0
m/s2. How far does the car travel before it stops?

a. 39 m
b. 47 m
c. 55 m
d. 63 m

16. If during a given physical process the only force acting on an object is friction, which of the
following must be assumed in regard to the object’s kinetic energy?

a. decreases
b. increases
c. remains constant
d. cannot tell from the information given

5.3 Gravitational Potential Energy

17. A very light cart holding a 300-N box is moved at constant velocity across a 15-m level
surface. What is the net work done in the process?

a. zero
b. 1/20 J
c. 20 J
d. 2 000 J

Chapter 5, Energy

18. A 7.00-kg bowling ball falls from a 2.00-m shelf. Just before hitting the floor, what will be its
kinetic energy? (g = 9.80 m/s2 and assume air resistance is negligible)

a. 14.0 J
b. 19.6 J
c. 29.4 J
d. 137 J

19. A rock is thrown straight up with an initial velocity of 15.0 m/s. Ignore energy lost to air
friction. How high will the rock rise?

a. 1.53 m
b. 22.9 m
c. 6.50 m
d. 11.5 m

20. What is the minimum amount of energy required for an 80-kg climber carrying a 20-kg pack
to climb Mt. Everest, 8 850 m high?

a. 8.67 MJ
b. 4.16 MJ
c. 2.47 MJ
d. 1.00 MJ

21. A professional skier reaches a speed of 56 m/s on a 30° ski slope. Ignoring friction, what was
the minimum distance along the slope the skier would have had to travel, starting from rest?

a. 110 m
b. 160 m
c. 320 m
d. 640 m

22. As an object is lowered into a deep hole in the surface of the earth, which of the following
must be assumed in regard to its potential energy?

a. increase
b. decrease
c. remain constant
d. cannot tell from the information given

23. When an object is dropped from a tower, what is the effect of the air resistance as it falls?

a. does positive work

b. increases the object’s kinetic energy
c. increases the object’s potential energy
d. None of the above choices are valid.

Chapter 5, Energy

24. Samantha pushes a 50-N crate up a ramp 25.0 m in length and inclined at 10° with the
horizontal. What potential energy change does the crate experience?

a. 13 J
b. 55 J
c. 120 J
d. 220 J

25. A 15.0-kg crate, initially at rest, slides down a ramp 2.0 m long and inclined at an angle of
20° with the horizontal. If there is no friction between ramp surface and crate, what is the
kinetic energy of the crate at the bottom of the ramp? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

a. 220 J
b. 690 J
c. 10 J
d. 100 J

26. A 10.0-kg box starts at rest and slides 3.5 m down a ramp inclined at an angle of 10° with the
horizontal. If there is no friction between the ramp surface and crate, what is the velocity of
the crate at the bottom of the ramp? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

a. 6.1 m/s
b. 3.5 m/s
c. 10.7 m/s
d. 8.3 m/s

27. A baseball catcher puts on an exhibition by catching a 0.15-kg ball dropped from a helicopter
at a height of 101 m. What is the speed of the ball just before it hits the catcher’s glove 1.0 m
above the ground? (g = 9.8 m/s2 and ignore air resistance)

a. 44 m/s
b. 38 m/s
c. 31 m/s
d. 22 m/s

28. A simple pendulum, 1.00 m in length, is released from rest when the support string is at an
angle of 35.0° from the vertical. What is the speed of the suspended mass at the bottom of the
swing? (g = 9.80 m/s2 and ignore air resistance)

a. 0.67 m/s
b. 0.94 m/s
c. 1.33 m/s
d. 1.88 m/s

Chapter 5, Energy

29. A simple pendulum, 2.0 m in length, is released with a push when the support string is at an
angle of 25° from the vertical. If the initial speed of the suspended mass is 1.2 m/s when at
the release point, what is its speed at the bottom of the swing? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

a. 2.3 m/s
b. 2.6 m/s
c. 2.0 m/s
d. 0.5 m/s

30. A simple pendulum, 2.0 m in length, is released by a push when the support string is at an
angle of 25° from the vertical. If the initial speed of the suspended mass is 1.2 m/s when at
the release point, to what maximum angle will it move in the second half of its swing?

a. 37°
b. 30°
c. 27°
d. 21°

31. A hill is 100 m long and makes an angle of 12° with the horizontal. As a 50-kg jogger runs up
the hill, how much work does gravity do on the jogger?

a. 49 000 J
b. 10 000 J
c. −10 000 J
d. zero

32. A 2.00-kg ball has zero kinetic and potential energy. Ernie drops the ball into a 10.0-m-deep
well. Just before the ball hits the bottom, the sum of its kinetic and potential energy is:

a. zero.
b. 196 J.
c. −196 J.
d. 392 J.

33. A 2.00-kg ball has zero potential and kinetic energy. Maria drops the ball into a 10.0-m-deep
well. After the ball comes to a stop in the mud, the sum of its potential and kinetic energy is:

a. zero.
b. 196 J.
c. −196 J.
d. 392 J.

Chapter 5, Energy

34. Two blocks are released from the top of a building. One falls straight down while the other
slides down a smooth ramp. If all friction is ignored, which one is moving faster when it
reaches the bottom?

a. The block that went straight down.

b. The block that went down the ramp.
c. They both will have the same speed.
d. Insufficient information to work the problem.

35. Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone Park shoots water hourly to a height of 40 m. With what
velocity does the water leave the ground?

a. 7.0 m/s
b. 14 m/s
c. 20 m/s
d. 28 m/s

36. An 80 000-kg airliner is flying at 900 km/h at a height of 10.0 km. What is its total energy
(kinetic + potential) if the total was 0 when the airliner was at rest on the ground?

a. 250 MJ
b. 478 MJ
c. 773 MJ
d. 10 300 MJ

37. A pole vaulter clears 6.00 m. With what speed does he strike the mat in the landing area?

a. 2.70 m/s
b. 5.40 m/s
c. 10.8 m/s
d. 21.6 m/s

38. A baseball outfielder throws a baseball of mass 0.15 kg at a speed of 40 m/s and initial angle
of 30°. What is the kinetic energy of the baseball at the highest point of the trajectory? Ignore
air friction.

a. zero
b. 30 J
c. 90 J
d. 120 J

39. A bobsled makes a run down an ice track starting at 150 m vertical distance up the hill. If
there is no friction, what is the velocity at the bottom of the hill?

a. 27 m/s
b. 36 m/s
c. 45 m/s
d. 54 m/s

Chapter 5, Energy

5.4 Spring Potential Energy

40. A 2 000-kg ore car rolls 50.0 m down a frictionless 10.0° incline. If there is a horizontal
spring at the end of the incline, what spring constant is required to stop the ore car in a
distance of 1.00 m?

a. 340 kN/m
b. 681 kN/m
c. 980 kN/m
d. 1 960 kN/m

41. An amount of work equal to 1.5 J is required to compress the spring in a spring-gun. What is
the “launch speed” of a 15-g marble?

a. 14 m/s
b. 15 m/s
c. 18 m/s
d. 21 m/s

42. The SI units for k, the spring constant, are equivalent to:

a. J.
b. J / N.
c. kg / s2.
d. None of the above.

43. By how much is the energy stored in a Hooke’s law spring increased when its stretch is
increased from 8.00 cm to 16.0 cm?

a. 100%
b. 200%
c. 300 %
d. The correct answer is not given.

44. A Hooke’s law spring is compressed 12.0 cm from equilibrium and the potential energy
stored is 72.0 J. What is the spring constant in this case?

a. 10 000 N/m
b. 5 000 N/m
c. 1 200 N/m
d. No answer is correct.

Chapter 5, Energy

45. A Hooke’s law spring is compressed 12.0 cm from equilibrium, and the potential energy
stored is 72.0 J. What compression (as measured from equilibrium) would result in 100 J
being stored in this case?

a. 16.7 cm
b. 14.1 cm
c. 13.6 cm
d. No answer is correct.

46. A Hooke’s law spring is mounted horizontally over a frictionless surface. The spring is then
compressed a distance d and is used to launch a mass m along the frictionless surface. What
compression of the spring would result in the mass attaining double the kinetic energy
received in the above situation?

a. 1.41 d
b. 1.73 d
c. 2.00 d
d. 4.00 d

47. A Hooke’s law spring is mounted horizontally over a frictionless surface. The spring is then
compressed a distance d and is used to launch a mass m along the frictionless surface. What
compression of the spring would result in the mass attaining double the speed received in the
above situation?

a. 1.41 d
b. 1.73 d
c. 2.00 d
d. 4.00 d

5.5 Systems and Energy Conservation

48. A 50-N crate is pulled up a 5-m inclined plane by a worker at constant velocity. If the plane is
inclined at an angle of 37° to the horizontal and there exists a constant frictional force of 10 N
between the crate and the surface, what is the force applied by the worker?

a. zero
b. 20 N
c. 30 N
d. 40 N

49. Adisa pulls a 40-N crate up a 5.0-m long inclined plane at a constant velocity. If the plane is
inclined at an angle of 37° to the horizontal and there is a constant force of friction of 10 N
between the crate and the surface, what is the net change in potential energy of the crate?

a. 120 J
b. −120 J
c. 200 J
d. −200 J

Chapter 5, Energy

50. A 20-N crate starting at rest slides down a rough 5.0-m long ramp, inclined at 25° with the
horizontal. 20 J of energy is lost to friction. What will be the speed of the crate at the bottom
of the incline?

a. 0.98 m/s
b. 1.9 m/s
c. 3.2 m/s
d. 4.7 m/s

51. Preston pushes a wheelbarrow weighing 500 N to the top of a 50.0-m ramp, inclined at 20.0°
with the horizontal, and leaves it. Tamara accidentally bumps the wheelbarrow. It slides back
down the ramp, during which an 80.0-N frictional force acts on it over the 50.0 m. What is
the wheelbarrow’s kinetic energy at the bottom at of the ramp? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

a. 4 550 J
b. 6 550 J
c. 8 150 J
d. 13 100 J

52. A pile driver drives a post into the ground. The mass of the pile driver is 2 500 kg and it is
dropped through a height of 8.0 m on each stroke. If the resisting force of the ground is 4.0 ×
106 N, how far is the post driven in on each stroke?

a. 4.9 cm
b. 9.8 cm
c. 16 cm
d. 49 cm

53. A baseball catcher puts on an exhibition by catching a 0.150-kg ball dropped from a
helicopter at a height of 100 m above the catcher. If the catcher "gives" with the ball for a
distance of 0.750 m while catching it, what average force is exerted on the mitt by the ball?
(g = 9.80 m/s2)

a. 78 N
b. 119 N
c. 197 N
d. 392 N

54. A girl and her bicycle have a total mass of 40.0 kg. At the top of the hill her speed is 5.0 m/s,
and her speed doubles as she rides down the hill. The hill is 10.0 m high and 100 m long.
How much kinetic energy and potential energy is lost to friction?

a. 2 420 J
b. 1 500 J
c. 2 000 J
d. 3 920 J

Chapter 5, Energy

55. A girl and her bicycle have a total mass of 40 kg. At the top of the hill her speed is 5.0 m/s.
The hill is 10 m high and 100 m long. If the force of friction as she rides down the hill is 20
N, what is her speed at the bottom?

a. 5.0 m/s
b. 10 m/s
c. 11 m/s
d. She stops before she reaches the bottom.

56. I drop a 60-g golf ball from 2.0 m high. It rebounds to 1.5 m. How much energy is lost?

a. 0.29 J
b. 0.50 J
c. 0.88 J
d. 1.0 J

57. A parachutist of mass 50.0 kg jumps out of an airplane at a height of 1 000 m. The parachute
deploys, and she lands on the ground with a speed of 5.0 m/s. How much energy was lost to
air friction during this jump?

a. 49 400 J
b. 98 700 J
c. 198 000 J
d. 489 000 J

58. A Hooke’s law spring is compressed a distance d and is used to launch a mass m vertically to
a height h above its starting position. Under the same compression d, the spring is now used
to launch a mass of 2m. How high does this second mass rise?

a. h
b. h/2
c. h/1.41
d. h/4

59. A Hooke’s law spring is compressed a distance d and is used to launch a mass m vertically to
a height h above its starting position. Under double the compression, the spring is now used
to launch the mass. How high does the mass now rise above its starting position?

a. 2 h
b. 1.41 h
c. 3 h
d. 4 h

Chapter 5, Energy

60. A Hooke’s law spring is compressed a distance d and is used to launch a particle of mass m
vertically to a height h above its starting position. Under double the compression, the spring
is now used to launch a particle of mass 2 m. How high does the second mass rise above its
starting position?

a. h
b. 2 h
c. 3 h
d. 4 h

5.6 Power

61. The quantity of work equal to one joule is also equivalent to which of the following?

a. watt
b. watt /s
c. watt ⋅ s
d. watt /s2

62. The rate at which work is done is equivalent to which of the following?

a. increase in potential energy

b. thermal energy
c. potential energy
d. power

63. The unit of power, watt, is dimensionally the same as:

a. joule-second.
b. joule/second.
c. joule-meter.
d. joule/meter.

64. A 60-kg woman runs up a flight of stairs having a rise of 4.0 m in a time of 4.2 s. What
average power did she supply?

a. 380 W
b. 560 W
c. 620 W
d. 670 W

65. An automobile delivers 30.0 hp to its wheels when moving at a constant speed of 22.0 m/s.
What is the resistance force on the automobile at this speed? (1 hp = 746 watts)

a. 18 600 N
b. 410 000 N
c. 1 020 N
d. 848 N

Chapter 5, Energy

66. Yuri, a Russian weightlifter, is able to lift 250 kg 2.00 m in 2.00 s. What is his power output?

a. 500 W
b. 2.45 kW
c. 4.90 kW
d. 9.80 kW

67. A jet engine develops 1.0 × 105 N of thrust in moving an airplane forward at a speed of 900
km/h. What is the power developed by the engine?

a. 500 kW
b. 10 MW
c. 25 MW
d. 50 MW

68. A speed boat requires 80 kW to move at a constant speed of 15 m/s. What is the resistive
force of the water at this speed?

a. 2 700 N
b. 5 300 N
c. 6 500 N
d. 7 700 N

69. Water flows over a section of Niagara Falls at a rate of 1.20 × 106 kg/s and falls 50.0 m. What
is the power dissipated by the waterfall?

a. 588 MW
b. 294 MW
c. 147 MW
d. 60.0 MW

70. A 1 000-kg sports car accelerates from zero to 25 m/s in 7.5 s. What is the average power
delivered by the automobile engine?

a. 20.8 kW
b. 30.3 kW
c. 41.7 kW
d. 52.4 kW

71. A force of 5.0 N is applied to a 20-kg mass on a horizontal frictionless surface. As the speed
of the mass increases at a constant acceleration, the power delivered to it by the force:

a. remains the same.

b. increases.
c. decreases.
d. doubles every 4.0 seconds.

Chapter 5, Energy

72. A 100-W light bulb is left on for 10.0 hours. Over this period of time, how much energy was
used by the bulb?

a. 1 000 J
b. 3 600 J
c. 3 600 000 J
d. 1.34 hp

73. A 200-hp engine can deliver, in SI units, an average power of ________. (1 hp = 746 W)

a. 200 W
b. 74 600 W
c. 149 000 W
d. 298 000 W

5.7 Work Done by a Varying Force

74. The area under the force vs. displacement curve represents:

a. area.
b. force.
c. work.
d. coefficient of static friction.

75. A force of 100 N is applied to a 50-kg mass in the direction of motion for a distance of 6.0 m
and then the force is increased to 150 N for the next 4.0 m. For the 10 m of travel, how much
work is done by the varying force?

a. 1 200 J
b. 1 500 J
c. 2 400 J
d. –1 500 J

76. The net force acting on a 6.0-kg object is given by Fx = (10 – x) N, where Fx is in newtons
and x is in meters. How much work is done on the object as it moves from x = 0 to x = 10 m?

a. 100 J
b. 75 J
c. 50 J
d. 25 J

77. The net force acting on a 12.6-kg object is given by Fx = (20 – x) N, where Fx is in newtons
and x is in meters. How much work is done on the object as it moves from x = 0 to x = 10 m?

a. 300 J
b. 200 J
c. 150 J
d. 100 J

Chapter 5, Energy

# Ans Difficulty # Ans Difficulty

C1. D 2 37. C 2
C2. B 2 38. C 2
C3. C 3 39. D 2
C4. C 3 40. A 2
C5. D 2 41. A 2
1. D 1 42. C 2
2. C 1 43. C 2
3. D 2 44. A 2
4. C 1 45. B 3
5. D 2 46. A 2
6. D 2 47. C 3
7. D 2 48. D 2
8. C 1 49. A 2
9. D 1 50. D 2
10. A 1 51. A 2
11. C 1 52. A 2
12. B 2 53. C 2
13. C 2 54. A 2
14. D 1 55. C 2
15. A 2 56. A 2
16. D 1 57. D 2
17. A 1 58. B 2
18. D 1 59. D 2
19. D 2 60. B 2
20. A 2 61. C 1
21. C 2 62. D 1
22. B 1 63. B 1
23. D 1 64. B 2
24. D 1 65. C 2
25. D 2 66. B 2
26. B 2 67. C 2
27. A 2 68. B 2
28. D 2 69. A 3
29. A 3 70. C 2
30. B 3 71. B 2
31. C 1 72. C 2
32. A 1 73. C 1
33. C 2 74. C 1
34. C 1 75. A 2
35. D 2 76 C 3
36. D 2 77. C 3

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

Conceptual Problems

C1. Two masses collide and stick together. Before the collision one of the masses was at rest. Is
there a situation in which the kinetic energy is conserved in such a collision?

a. Yes, if the less massive particle is the one initially at rest.

b. Yes, if the more massive particle is the one initially at rest.
c. Yes, if the two particles have the same mass.
d. No, kinetic energy is always lost is such a collision.

C2. In an automobile collision, how does an airbag lessen the blow to the passenger? Assume as a
result of the collision, the passenger stops.

a. The air bag decreases the momentum change of the passenger in the collision.
b. During the collision, the force from the air bag is greater than would be the force from
the windshield or dashboard so the passenger cannot hit the hard objects.
c. The stopping impulse is the same for either the hard objects or the airbag. Unlike the
windshield or dashboard, the air bag gives some increasing the time for the slowing
process and thus decreasing the average force on the passenger.
d. The airbag is there to insure the seatbelt holds.

C3. Two masses m1 and m2, with m1 = 3 m2, undergo a head-on elastic collision. If the particles
were approaching with speed v before the collision, with what speed are they moving apart
after collision?

a. 3 v
b. v/3
c. 3v/4
d. v

C4. Two masses m1 and m2, with m1 < m2, have momenta with equal magnitudes. How do their
kinetic energies compare?

a. KE1 < KE2

b. KE1 = KE2
c. KE1 > KE2
d. More information is needed.

C5. Two particles collide, one of them initially being at rest. Is it possible for both particles to be
at rest after the collision?

a. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, then this happens.

b. If the collision is elastic, then this happens.
c. This can happen sometimes if the more massive particle was at rest.
d. No.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

6.1 Momentum and Impulse

1. A valid unit for momentum is which of the following?

a. kg⋅m/s2
b. kg/m2
c. kg⋅m/s
d. N⋅m

2. The dimensional equivalent of the quantity impulse in terms of the fundamental quantities
(mass, length, time) is which of the following?

a. MLT−1
b. ML2T−2
c. MLT
d. MLT−2

3. A 75-kg swimmer dives horizontally off a 500-kg raft. The diver’s speed immediately after
leaving the raft is 4.0 m/s. A micro-sensor system attached to the edge of the raft measures
the time interval during which the diver applies an impulse to the raft just prior to leaving the
raft surface. If the time interval is read as 0.20 s, what is the magnitude of the average
horizontal force by diver on the raft?

a. 900 N
b. 450 N
c. 525 N
d. 1 500 N

4. A 0.12-kg ball is moving at 6 m/s when it is hit by a bat, causing it to reverse direction and
have a speed of 14 m/s. What is the change in the magnitude of the momentum of the ball?

a. 0.39 kg⋅m/s
b. 0.42 kg⋅m/s
c. 1.3 kg⋅m/s
d. 2.4 kg⋅m/s

5. The impulse experienced by a body is equivalent to its change in:

a. velocity.
b. kinetic energy.
c. momentum.
d. None of the above choices are valid.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

6. The dimensional equivalence of the quantity “momentum” in terms of the fundamental

quantities (mass, length, time) is:

a. MLT−1.
b. ML2T−2.
c. MLT.
d. MLT−2.

7. Alex throws a 0.15-kg rubber ball down onto the floor. The ball’s speed just before impact is
6.5 m/s, and just after is 3.5 m/s. What is the change in the magnitude of the ball’s

a. 0.09 kg⋅m/s
b. 1.5 kg⋅m/s
c. 4.3 kg⋅m/s
d. 126 kg⋅m/s

8. Alex throws a 0.15-kg rubber ball down onto the floor. The ball’s speed just before impact is
6.5 m/s, and just after is 3.5 m/s. If the ball is in contact with the floor for 0.025 s, what is the
magnitude of the average force applied by the floor on the ball?

a. 60 N
b. 133 N
c. 3.0 N
d. 3.5 N

9. A crane drops a 0.30 kg steel ball onto a steel plate. The ball’s speeds just before impact and
after are 4.5 m/s and 4.2 m/s, respectively. If the ball is in contact with the plate for 0.030 s,
what is the magnitude of the average force that the ball exerts on the plate during impact?

a. 87 N
b. 133 N
c. 3.0 N
d. 3.5 N

10. Jerome pitches a baseball of mass 0.20 kg. The ball arrives at home plate with a speed of 40
m/s and is batted straight back to Jerome with a return speed of 60 m/s. What is the
magnitude of change in the ball’s momentum?

a. 4.0 kg⋅m/s
b. 8.0 kg⋅m/s
c. 18 kg⋅m/s
d. 20 kg⋅m/s

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

11. Lonnie pitches a baseball of mass 0.20 kg. The ball arrives at home plate with a speed of 40
m/s and is batted straight back to Lonnie with a return speed of 60 m/s. If the bat is in contact
with the ball for 0.050 s, what is the impulse experienced by the ball?

a. 360 N⋅s
b. 20 N⋅s
c. 400 N⋅s
d. 9.0 N⋅s

12. A ball with original momentum +4.0 kg⋅m/s hits a wall and bounces straight back without
losing any kinetic energy. The change in momentum of the ball is:

a. 0.
b. −4.0 kg⋅m/s.
c. 8.0 kg⋅m/s.
d. −8.0 kg⋅m/s.

13. If a glass of water is on a table with a piece of paper under it, it is relatively easy to pull the
paper out without disturbing the glass very much if the pull is done very quickly. This is
because, with a quick pull:

a. the force on the glass will be less.

b. the momentum of the paper will be greater.
c. the time for the pull will be less.
d. the coefficient of kinetic friction will be less.

14. A car wash nozzle directs a steady stream of water at 1.5 kg/s, with a speed of 30 m/s, against
a car window. What force does the water exert on the glass? Assume the water does not
splash back.

a. 11 N
b. 45 N
c. 110 N
d. 440 N

15. The units of impulse are equivalent to:

a. those of energy.
b. N⋅m.
c. kg⋅m/s.
d. those of force.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

6.2 Conservation of Momentum

16. A 75-kg swimmer dives horizontally off a 500-kg raft. If the diver’s speed immediately after
leaving the raft is 4 m/s, what is the corresponding raft speed?

a. 0.2 m/s
b. 0.5 m/s
c. 0.6 m/s
d. 4.0 m/s

17. A cannon of mass 1 500 kg fires a 10-kg shell with a velocity of 200 m/s at an angle of 45°
above the horizontal. Find the recoil velocity of the cannon across the level ground.

a. 1.33 m/s
b. 0.94 m/s
c. 2.41 m/s
d. 1.94 m/s

18. The law of conservation of momentum is applicable to systems made up of objects described
by which of the following?

a. macroscopic
b. microscopic
c. interacting through friction
d. All the above choices are valid.

19. A machine gun is attached to a railroad flatcar that rolls with negligible friction. If the railroad
car has a mass of 6.25 × 104 kg, how many bullets of mass 25 g would have to be fired at 250
m/s off the back to give the railroad car a forward velocity of 0.5 m/s?

a. 400
b. 2 000
c. 3 000
d. 5 000

20. Ann the Astronaut weighs 60 kg. She is space walking outside the space shuttle and pushes a
350-kg satellite away from the shuttle at 0.90 m/s. What speed does this give Ann as she
moves toward the shuttle?

a. 4.0 m/s
b. 5.3 m/s
c. 8.5 m/s
d. 9.0 m/s

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

21. A miniature spring-loaded, radio-controlled gun is mounted on an air puck. The gun’s bullet
has a mass of 5.00 g, and the gun and puck have a combined mass of 120 g. With the system
initially at rest, the radio controlled trigger releases the bullet causing the puck and empty gun
to move with a speed of 0.500 m/s. What is the bullet’s speed?

a. 4.80 m/s
b. 11.5 m/s
c. 48.0 m/s
d. 12.0 m/s

22. A uranium nucleus (mass 238 units) at rest decays into a helium nucleus (mass 4.0 units) and
a thorium nucleus (mass 234 units). If the speed of the helium nucleus is 6.0 × 105 m/s, what
is the speed of the thorium nucleus?

a. 1.0 x 104 m/s

b. 3.0 × 104 m/s
c. 3.6 × 104 m/s
d. 4.1 × 104 m/s

23. If the momentum of an object is tripled, its kinetic energy will change by what factor?

a. zero
b. one-third
c. three
d. nine

24. The kinetic energy of an object is quadrupled. Its momentum will change by what factor?

a. zero
b. two
c. eight
d. four

25. A moderate force will break an egg. However, an egg dropped on the road usually breaks,
while one dropped on the grass usually doesn’t break. This is because for the egg dropped on
the grass:

a. the change in momentum is greater.

b. the change in momentum is less.
c. the time interval for stopping is greater.
d. the time interval for stopping is less.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

26. A 70-kg man is standing in a 20-kg boat. The man steps to the right thinking he is stepping
out onto the dock. However, the following will actually happen (ignore the friction of the
water or air on the boat or the man):

a. The man only moves a short distance to the right while the boat moves a larger
distance to the left.
b. The man actually stays still while the boat moves toward the left.
c. The boat doesn’t move and the man moves to the right.
d. None of the above.

27. A lump of clay is thrown at a wall. A rubber ball of identical mass is thrown with the same
speed toward the same wall. Which statement is true?

a. The clay experiences a greater change in momentum than the ball.

b. The ball experiences a greater change in momentum than the clay.
c. The clay and the ball experience the same change in momentum.
d. It is not possible to know which object has the greater change in momentum.

28. A high-diver of mass 70 kg jumps off a board 10 m above the water. If, 1.0 s after entering
the water his downward motion is stopped, what average upward force did the water exert?

a. 100 N
b. 686 N
c. 980 N
d. No answer is correct.

29. Object 1 has twice the mass of Object 2. Both objects have the same kinetic energy. Which
of the following statements is true?

a. Both objects can have the same magnitude of momentum.

b. Object 1 has a momentum of greater magnitude than Object 2.
c. The magnitude of the momentum of Object 2 is four times that of Object 1.
d. All the statements are false.

30. Object 1 has twice the mass of Object 2. Each of the objects has the same magnitude of
momentum. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Both objects can have the same kinetic energy.

b. One object has 0.707 times the kinetic energy of the other.
c. One object has twice the kinetic energy of the other.
d. One object has 4 times the kinetic energy of the other.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

31. Three satellites are launched into space connected together. Once in deep space, an explosive
charge separates the three satellites and they move apart. The satellites each have different
masses with m1 < m2 < m3. Which of the following statements is always true?

a. The one with mass m1 receives the greatest impulse.

b. The one with mass m3 receives the greatest impulse.
c. The all must receive equal impulses.
d. Although one or more of the above statements could be true in special cases, they are
not always true.

6.3 Collisions

6.4 Glancing Collisions

32. A 20-g bullet moving at 1 000 m/s is fired through a one-kg block of wood emerging at a
speed of 100 m/s. If the block had been originally at rest and is free to move, what is its
resulting speed?

a. 9 m/s
b. 18 m/s
c. 90 m/s
d. 900 m/s

33. A 20-g bullet moving at 1 000 m/s is fired through a one-kg block of wood emerging at a
speed of 100 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the block that results from the collision if the
block had not been moving prior to the collision and was free to move?

a. 10 kJ
b. 9.8 kJ
c. 0.16 kJ
d. 0.018 kJ

34. A 20-g bullet moving at 1 000 m/s is fired through a one-kg block of wood emerging at a
speed of 100 m/s. What is the change in the kinetic energy of the bullet-block system as a
result of the collision assuming the block is free to move?

a. 0 J
b. 9.7 kJ
c. – 9.7 kJ
d. – 18 J

35. An object of mass m moving at speed v0 strikes an object of mass 2m which had been at rest.
The first object bounces backward along its initial path at speed v0. Is this collision elastic,
and if not, what is the change in kinetic energy of the system?

a. The collision is elastic.

b. The kinetic energy decreases by mv2.
c. The kinetic energy decreases by ½mv2.
d. The kinetic energy increases by mv2.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

36. A billiard ball is moving in the x-direction at 30.0 cm/s and strikes another billiard ball
moving in the y-direction at 40.0 cm/s. As a result of the collision, the first ball moves at 50.0
cm/s, and the second ball stops. In what final direction does the first ball move?

a. in the x-direction
b. at an angle of 53.1° ccw from the x-direction
c. at an angle of 45.0° ccw from the x-direction
d. Such a collision cannot happen.

37. A billiard ball is moving in the x-direction at 30.0 cm/s and strikes another billiard ball
moving in the y-direction at 40.0 cm/s. As a result of the collision, the first ball moves at 50.0
cm/s, and the second ball stops. What is the change in kinetic energy of the system as a result
of the collision?

a. 0
b. some positive value
c. some negative value
d. No answer above is correct.

38. During a snowball fight two balls with masses of 0.4 and 0.6 kg, respectively, are thrown in
such a manner that they meet head-on and combine to form a single mass. The magnitude of
initial velocity for each is 15 m/s. What is the speed of the 1.0-kg mass immediately after

a. zero
b. 3 m/s
c. 6 m/s
d. 9 m/s

39. A 2 500-kg truck moving at 10.00 m/s strikes a car waiting at a traffic light, hooking
bumpers. The two continue to move together at 7.00 m/s. What was the mass of the struck car?

a. 1 730 kg
b. 1 550 kg
c. 1 200 kg
d. 1 070 kg

40. A billiard ball collides in an elastic head-on collision with a second stationary identical ball.
After the collision which of the following conditions applies to the first ball?

a. maintains the same velocity as before

b. has one half its initial velocity
c. comes to rest
d. moves in the opposite direction

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

41. A billiard ball collides in an elastic head-on collision with a second identical ball. What is the
kinetic energy of the system after the collision compared to that before collision?

a. the same as
b. one fourth
c. twice
d. four times

42. In a two-body collision, if the momentum of the system is conserved, then which of the
following best describes the kinetic energy after the collision?

a. must be less
b. must also be conserved
c. may also be conserved
d. is doubled in value

43. In a two-body collision, if the kinetic energy of the system is conserved, then which of the
following best describes the momentum after the collision?

a. must be less
b. must also be conserved
c. may also be conserved
d. is doubled in value

44. A railroad freight car, mass 15 000 kg, is allowed to coast along a level track at a speed of 2.0
m/s. It collides and couples with a 50 000-kg loaded second car, initially at rest and with
brakes released. What percentage of the initial kinetic energy of the 15 000-kg car is
preserved in the two-coupled cars after collision?

a. 14%
b. 23%
c. 86%
d. 100%

45. A miniature, spring-loaded, radio-controlled gun is mounted on an air puck. The gun’s bullet
has a mass of 5.00 g, and the gun and puck have a combined mass of 120 g. With the system
initially at rest, the radio-controlled trigger releases the bullet, causing the puck and empty
gun to move with a speed of 0.500 m/s. Of the total kinetic energy of the gun-puck-bullet
system, what percentage is in the bullet?

a. 4.0%
b. 50%
c. 96%
d. 100%

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

46. A 20-kg object sitting at rest is struck elastically in a head-on collision with a 10-kg object
initially moving at +3.0 m/s. Find the final velocity of the 20-kg object after the collision.

a. −1.0 m/s
b. −2.0 m/s
c. +1.5 m/s
d. +2.0 m/s

47. A 0.10-kg object moving initially with a velocity of +0.20 m/s makes an elastic head-on
collision with a 0.15-kg object initially at rest. What percentage of the original kinetic energy
is retained by the 0.10-kg object?

a. 4%
b. −4%
c. 50%
d. 96%

48. Two billiard balls have velocities of 2.0 m/s and −1.0 m/s when they meet in an elastic
head-on collision. What is the final velocity of the first ball after collision?

a. −2.0 m/s
b. −1.0 m/s
c. −0.5 m/s
d. +1.0 m/s

49. Two objects, one less massive than the other, collide elastically and bounce back after the
collision. If the two originally had velocities that were equal in size but opposite in direction,
then which one will be moving faster after the collision?

a. The less massive one.

b. The more massive one.
c. The speeds will be the same after the collision.
d. There is no way to be sure without the actual masses.

50. In a partially elastic collision between two objects with unequal mass:

a. the velocity of one will increase by the amount that the velocity of the other
b. the momentum of one will increase by the amount that the momentum of the other
c. the energy of one increases by the amount that the energy of the other decreases.
d. the total momentum of the system will decrease.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

51. A 7.0-kg bowling ball strikes a 2.0-kg pin. The pin flies forward with a velocity of 6.0 m/s;
the ball continues forward at 4.0 m/s. What was the original velocity of the ball?

a. 4.0 m/s
b. 5.7 m/s
c. 6.6 m/s
d. 3.3 m/s

52. A 1.00-kg duck is flying overhead at 1.50 m/s when a hunter fires straight up. The 0.010 0-kg
bullet is moving 100 m/s when it hits the duck and stays lodged in the duck’s body. What is
the speed of the duck and bullet immediately after the hit?

a. 1.49 m/s
b. 2.48 m/s
c. 1.80 m/s
d. 1.78 m/s

53. Kaitlin uses a bat to hit a thrown baseball. She knocks the ball back in the direction from
which it came in a partially inelastic collision. The bat, which is heavier than the baseball,
continues to move in the same direction after the hit as Kaitlin “follows through.” Is the ball
moving faster before or after it was hit?

a. The ball was moving faster before it was hit.

b. The ball was moving faster after it was hit.
c. The ball was moving at essentially the same speed before and after the hit.
d. There is insufficient information to answer this problem.

54. A tennis ball is held above and in contact with a basketball, and then both are simultaneously
dropped. The tennis ball bounces off the basketball at a fairly high speed. This is because:

a. the basketball falls farther than the tennis ball.

b. the tennis ball is slightly shielded from the Earth’s gravitational pull.
c. the massive basketball transfers momentum to the lighter tennis ball.
d. the tennis ball has a smaller radius.

55. Two skaters, both of mass 75 kg, are on skates on a frictionless ice pond. One skater throws a
0.3-kg ball at 5 m/s to his friend, who catches it and throws it back at 5 m/s. When the first
skater has caught the returned ball, what is the velocity of each of the two skaters?

a. 0.02 m/s, moving apart

b. 0.04 m/s, moving apart
c. 0.02 m/s, moving towards each other
d. 0.04 m/s, moving towards each other

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

56. A 90-kg halfback running north with a speed of 10 m/s is tackled by a 120-kg opponent
running south at 4 m/s. The collision is perfectly inelastic. Compute the velocity of the two
players just after the tackle.

a. 3 m/s south
b. 2 m/s south
c. 2 m/s north
d. 3 m/s north

57. A neutron in a nuclear reactor makes an elastic head-on collision with a carbon atom initially
at rest. (The mass of the carbon atom is 12 times that of the neutron.) What fraction of the
neutron’s kinetic energy is transferred to the carbon atom?

a. 14.4%
b. 28.4%
c. 41.4%
d. 56.6%

58. Popeye, of mass 70 kg, has just downed a can of spinach. He accelerates quickly and stops
Bluto, of mass 700 kg (Bluto is very dense), who is charging in at 10 m/s. What was
Popeye’s speed?

a. 10 m/s
b. 31 m/s
c. 50 m/s
d. 100 m/s

59. Mitch throws a 100-g lump of clay at a 500-g target, which is at rest on a horizontal surface.
After impact, the target, including the attached clay, slides 2.1 m before stopping. If the
coefficient of friction is µ = 0.50, find the speed of the clay before impact.

a. 4.5 m/s
b. 12 m/s
c. 27 m/s
d. 36 m/s

60. Two identical 7-kg bowling balls roll toward each other. The one on the left is moving at +4
m/s while the one on the right is moving at −4 m/s. What is the velocity of each ball after they
collide elastically?

a. Neither is moving.
b. −4 m/s, +4 m/s
c. +4 m/s, −4 m/s
d. −14 m/s, 14 m/s

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

61. A 5-kg object is moving to the right at 4 m/s and collides with another object moving to the
left at 5 m/s. The objects collide and stick together. After the collision, the combined object:

a. is moving to the right.

b. is moving to the left.
c. is at rest.
d. has less kinetic energy than the system had before the collision.

62. A 5-kg object is moving to the right at 4 m/s and collides with a 4-kg object moving to the
left at 5 m/s. The objects collide and stick together. After the collision, the combined object:

a. has the same kinetic energy that the system had before the collision.
b. has more kinetic energy than the system had before the collision.
c. has no kinetic energy.
d. has less momentum than the system had before the collision.

63. If a two-body collision is not head-on, then we may always assume that:

a. momentum is conserved.
b. kinetic energy is conserved.
c. neither momentum nor kinetic energy are conserved.
d. both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.

64. In a system with two moving objects, when a collision occurs between the objects:

a. the total kinetic energy is always conserved.

b. the total momentum is always conserved.
c. the total kinetic energy and total momentum are always conserved.
d. neither the kinetic energy nor the momentum is conserved.

65. A billiard ball (Ball #1) moving at 5.00 m/s strikes a stationary ball (Ball #2) of the same
mass. After the collision, Ball #1 moves at a speed of 4.35 m/s. Find the speed of Ball #2
after the collision.

a. 1.25 m/s
b. 1.44 m/s
c. 2.16 m/s
d. 2.47 m/s

66. A baseball infielder, mass 75.0 kg, jumps up with velocity 3.00 m/s and catches a 0.150-kg
baseball moving horizontally at 50.0 m/s. Of the following, which is closest to the final
momentum of the system, infielder and baseball?

a. 225 kg⋅m/s
b. 228 kg⋅m/s
c. 230 kg⋅m/s
d. 233 kg⋅m/s
67. When a collision is perfectly inelastic, then:

a. all the kinetic energy is conserved.

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

b. all the kinetic energy is gone.

c. the participants stick together.
d. the total momentum is zero.

6.5 Rocket Propulsion

68. A model car is propelled by a cylinder of carbon dioxide gas. The cylinder emits gas at a rate
of 4.5 g/s with an exit speed of 80.0 m/s. The car has a mass of 400 g, including the CO2
cylinder. Starting from rest, what is the car’s initial acceleration?

a. 0.90 m/s2
b. 4.5 m/s2
c. 9.0 m/s2
d. 36 m/s2

69. A 1 000-kg experimental rocket sled on level frictionless rails is loaded with 50 kg of
propellant. It exhausts the propellant in a 20-s “burn.” If the rocket, initially at rest, moves at
150 m/s after the burn, what impulse is experienced by the rocket sled?

a. 1.1 × 105 kg⋅m/s

b. 1.6 × 105 kg⋅m/s
c. 1.5 × 105 kg⋅m/s
d. 1.9 × 105 kg⋅m/s

70. A 1 000-kg experimental rocket sled at rest on level frictionless rails is loaded with 50 kg of
propellant. It exhausts the propellant in a 20-s “burn.” The rocket moves at 150 m/s after the
burn. What average force is experienced by the rocket during the burn?

a. 0.95 × 104 N
b. 0.75 × 104 N
c. 0.60 × 104 N
d. 0.35 × 104 N

71. A helicopter stays aloft by pushing large quantities of air downward every second. What
mass of air must be pushed downward at 40.0 m/s every second to keep a 1 000-kg helicopter

a. 120 kg
b. 245 kg
c. 360 kg
d. 490 kg

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

72. A model rocket sits on the launch pad until its fuel is ignited, blasting the rocket upward.
During the short time of blast-off, as the ignited fuel goes down, the rocket goes up because:

a. the fuel pushes on the ground.

b. air friction pushes on the escaping fuel.
c. the downward force of gravity is less than the downward momentum of the fuel.
d. of none of the above reasons.

73. At liftoff, the engines of the Saturn V rocket consumed 13 000 kg/s of fuel and exhausted the
combustion products at 2 900 m/s. What was the total upward force (thrust) provided by the

a. 3.77 × 107 N
b. 7.54 × 107 N
c. 1.47 × 108 N
d. 2.95 × 108 N

74. Neglecting gravity, doubling the exhaust velocity from a single stage rocket initially at rest
changes the final velocity attainable by what factor? Assume all other variables, such as the
mass of the rocket and the mass of the fuel, do not change.

a. The final velocity stays the same.

b. The final velocity doubles.
c. The final velocity increases by a factor of 0.693.
d. The final velocity increases by a factor of 0.310.

75. Neglecting gravity, doubling the exhaust velocity from a single stage rocket initially at rest
changes the final kinetic energy of the burnout stage by what factor? Assume all other
variables, such as the mass of the rocket and the mass of the fuel, do not change.

a. It is the same.
b. It doubles.
c. It quadruples.
d. It increases by a factor of 1.693.

76. A rocket of total mass M and with burnout mass 0.20 M attains a speed of 3 200 m/s after
starting from rest in deep space. What is the exhaust velocity of the rocket?

a. 1 000 m/s
b. 2 000 m/s
c. 3 000 m/s
d. 4 000 m/s

Chapter 6, Momentum and Collisions

# Ans Difficulty # Ans Difficulty

C1. D 2 37. A 2
C2. C 2 38. B 2
C3. D 2 39. D 2
C4. C 2 40. C 1
C5. D 1 41. A 1
1. C 1 42. C 1
2. A 1 43. B 1
3. D 2 44. B 3
4. D 2 45. C 3
5. C 1 46. D 3
6. A 1 47. A 2
7. B 2 48. B 2
8. A 2 49. A 2
9. A 2 50. B 2
10. D 2 51. B 2
11. B 2 52. D 3
12. D 1 53. D 2
13. C 2 54. C 2
14. B 2 55. B 2
15. C 1 56. C 2
16. C 2 57. B 3
17. B 2 58. D 2
18. D 1 59. C 3
19. D 2 60. B 2
20. B 2 61. D 2
21. D 2 62. C 2
22. A 2 63. A 1
23. D 1 64. B 1
24. B 1 65. D 3
25. C 1 66. A 3
26. A 2 67. C 1
27. B 2 68. A 2
28. D 3 69. C 2
29. B 3 70. B 2
30. C 3 71. B 2
31. D 2 72. D 2
32. B 2 73. A 2
33. C 2 74. B 1
34. C 3 75 C 2
35. D 2 76. B 2
36. B 2


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