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AS Paper 2

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The key takeaways are that this is an A-level mathematics practice paper consisting of multiple choice and multi-step questions covering topics such as algebra, calculus, probability and statistics. The paper provides instructions for completing the paper within the time limit and space provided while showing working.

The purpose of this practice paper is to allow students to practice answering A-level mathematics exam questions in preparation for the actual exam.

The topics covered in this practice paper include algebra, calculus, coordinate geometry, probability and statistics based on the questions provided.



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Paper 2

Practice paper – Set 1 Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes

• You must have the AQA Formulae for A-level Mathematics booklet.
• You should have a graphical or scientific calculator that meets the
requirements of the specification.

• Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Pencil should be used for drawing.
• Answer all questions.
• You must answer each question in the space provided for that question.
If you require extra space, use an AQA supplementary answer book;
do not use the space provided for a different question
• Show all necessary working; otherwise marks for method may be lost.
• Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work that you do
not want to be marked.

• The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
• The maximum mark for this paper is 80.

• Unless stated otherwise, you may quote formulae, without proof, from the booklet.
• You do not necessarily need to use all the space provided.

Version 1.0

Section A

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

(a b)
4 2

1 Simplify 1

(a 3b ) −3 2

Circle your answer.

[1 mark]

a19b ab 4 ab a19b 4

2 Find the solution of the inequality

( 3 − x ) ( x + 4) < 0
Circle your answer.
[1 mark]

x < −4 x < −3
−4 < x < 3 −3 < x < 4
x>3 x>4

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

 x
3 (a) Find the first three terms, in ascending powers of x, of the expansion of  3 − 
 2
[3 marks]

3 (b) Use your expansion to estimate the value of 2.9958.

[2 marks]

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

4 (a) (i) Express as a single logarithm

loga 36 − loga 81 + 2loga 4 − 3loga 2
[3 marks]

4 (a) (ii) Hence find the value of a, given

1 3
loga 36 − loga 81 + 2loga 4 − 3loga 2 =
2 2
[1 mark]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

4 (b) Solve the equation 9e

= 16 , expressing your answer in the form ln p where p is a
rational number.
[2 marks]

Turn over for the next question

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5 The points A and B have coordinates (1, –2) and (5, 6) respectively.

Given that the point with coordinates (p, p + 8) lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB,
find the value of p.
[4 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

6 Differentiate f ( x) = 3 x 4 from first principles.

Fully justify your answer.
[5 marks]

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

7 The curve with equation y = x3 – 7x + 6 is sketched below.

The curve intersects the x-axis at the points A (–3, 0), B (1, 0) and C.

7 (a) Find the coordinates of C.

[1 mark]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

∫(x − 7 x + 6 ) dx
7 (b) Find

[2 marks]

7 (c) Find the total area of the shaded regions enclosed by the curve and the x-axis.
[4 marks]

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

8 Two models are proposed for the value of a car.

8 (a) The first model suggests that the value of the car, V pounds, is given by
V = 18 000 − 6000 t , where t is the time in years after the car was first purchased.

8 (a) (i) State the value of the car when it was first purchased.
[1 mark]

8 (a) (ii) Find V and when t = 4
[3 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

8 (a) (iii) Interpret your answers to (a)(ii) in the context of the model.
[2 marks]

Question 8 continues on the next page

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8 (b) The second model that is proposed suggests that the value of the car, V pounds, is
given by V = ab , where t is the time in years after the car was first purchased.

When t = 0, both models give the same value for V.

When t = 4, both models give the same value for V.

Find the value of a and the value of b.

[3 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

8 (c) Explain, with a reason, which model is likely to be the better model over time.
[2 marks]

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

9 A company plans to manufacture a flour shaker with a capacity of 200 cubic centimetres.
The company models the flour shaker as a cylinder with base radius r centimetres and
height h centimetres, attached to a hemisphere at one end, as shown in the diagram

It can be assumed that the flour shaker will be made from a material of negligible
For a sphere radius r, surface area = 4 πr and volume = πr 3

5πr 2 400
9 (a) =
Show that the total surface area A of the flour shaker is A +
3 r
[4 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

9 (b) In order to minimise the cost of production, the company wishes to minimise the surface

Find the dimensions of the flour shaker when it has the minimum surface area.
Fully justify your answer.
[7 marks]

Question 9 continues on the next page

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

9 (c) State one limitation of the model and suggest an improvement.

[2 marks]


AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

Section B

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

10 In which of the following sampling methods does every member of the population have
an equal chance of being selected?
Circle your answer.
[1 mark]

Convenience Simple random

Cluster sampling Quota sampling
sampling sampling

11 Estimate the standard deviation of the times given in this frequency table.

Time (minutes) Frequency

5 ≤ t < 10 4

10 ≤ t < 20 2

20 ≤ t < 25 6

25 ≤ t < 40 1

Circle your answer.

[1 mark]

7.3 7.8 8.5 9.2

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

12 (a) The events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.4 and P(B) = 0.5
A and B are mutually exclusive.

Find P(A ∪ B).

[1 mark]

12 (b) The events C and D are such that P(C) = 0.8 and P(D) = 0.3.
C and D are independent.

12 (b) (i) Find P(C ∪ D)

[3 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

12 (b) (ii) Find P( C ′ ∩ D′ )

[1 mark]

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

13 The data in this question is taken from the large data set.
The scatter diagram below shows the purchased quantities of concentrated soft drinks
(low calorie) against purchased quantities of concentrated soft drinks (not low calorie) in
Each dot represents a different year.

13 (a) Describe the nature of the relationship shown by this graph.

[2 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

13 (b) Charlotte studies the graph, and says “Over time the purchased quantity of low calorie
soft drinks is decreasing.”

Using your knowledge of the large data set, explain with a reason whether Charlotte is
likely to be correct.
[2 marks]

Turn over for the next question

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

14 The discrete random variable Y has probability distribution given by:

Y 0 1 2 3 4

P(Y = y) a b c 0.1 0.15

where a, b and c are constants.

P(Y = 1) = P(Y ≥ 3)

P(Y = 0) = P(Y = 2) ─ 0.1

Find the values of a, b and c.

[4 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

15 It is given that X ~ B(5, p) and P(X = 3) = P(X = 4)

15 (a) Find the value of p, given that 0 < p < 1

[3 marks]

15 (b) Explain how you have used 0 < p < 1 in your answer to part (a).
[1 mark]

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Practice paper – Set 1 Turn over 

16 A garden centre claims that 90% of a particular type of seed will produce yellow flowers.
Xavier randomly selects 40 of these seeds and 32 produce yellow flowers.
Xavier wants to use a binomial distribution to model the number of yellow flowers

16 (a) State, in context, two assumptions necessary for the binomial distribution to be
applicable in this case.
[2 marks]

AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

16 (b) Xavier claims that the garden centre is overstating the proportion of these seeds that will
produce yellow flowers.

Carry out a hypothesis test at the 5% significance level to investigate Xavier’s claim.
[6 marks]


AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

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AS Mathematics Paper 2
Practice paper – Set 1 Version 1.0

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