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ENGLISHContent List Formal and Lexical Sr.No. | Chapter [Reading and Thinking Skills] gure SPE Gea Reading Tor comprehension “aking nouns for verbs ‘Fin the blanks Tolerance ofthe Soft 1 FRasool ‘Negative and ilerogatve sentences we) shaver of manne, tine and place Finding meaning in context Problem soning Present porfet tense se ofhas and have 2 Dialogue se of dash se of hyphen Finding meaning in context Recognize and use new words | «Rhyming words a | ont oeamn ‘Making nouns from verb (oem) +Simies Finding meaning in context Recognize and use new words | Present perfect continuous «Reading for comprehension Use of for" and since™ 4 ‘An Exhibition ‘Match the folowing Word opposite ‘Finding meaning in context Review - 01 Brainstorming Synonyms ‘Reading for comprehension shnionyns 5 Magic Show Sentence corecton Thesaurus usage «Phrasal verbs sai of Words Word meaning Homophones The Twins Finding meaning in context ‘ (Poem) Understanding story elements. | Word opposite shies + | cverntrcs Finding meaning in contextContent List Writing skills Oral Communication Skills | Page No. ‘Engage in conversation 1 Paragraph witing 6 Thanks giving note ‘Summary wring Engage in conversation 4 Paragraph wing Paragraph witing 19 Review - 01 24 Paragraph writing Express personal ierest 27 Dialogue writing Share ideas ‘Express reasons fr kes and distkos +Re-wnie sample sentence 32 Get wal s00n card Sentence wing Story wing using elements of story Engage in conversation 28 Character Sketen ‘Dialogue WritingContent t Sr. No. Chapter Reading and Thinking Skills Formal and Lexical Aspects of Language Hockey =Synonyns shavers ‘Negative sentences Use of why & when Thesaurus usage Review - 02 Prayer (Poem) Reading for comprehension «Praposion af time, poston, movement and dretion Rhyming words Dictionary usage 10 Hazrat Umar easy + Extending conceptual understancing of events Reading for comprehension Flin the blanks Use ofa, an and the ‘Present perfect continuous synonyms tantonyms ‘Countable & uncountable nouns Vere form ‘Finaing meaning ln context Dictionary usage " AGroat Virtue Reading for comprehension sAajectves Dictionary usage 2 Wiateris a lovely ting (Poem) «Reading for comprehension simolied meaning Concrete nouns snostract nouns ‘Metaphor Syllable division Rhyming words Dictionary usage 2 The Telephone Flin the blanks ‘Choose the correct option Proverbs Dictionary usage “ Lets Make Gur Roads Safer! Flin the blanks +Reading for comprehension Synonyms and antonyms ‘Making sentences ‘Thesaurus usage Syllable division Review - 03 oContent List Writing skills Oral Communication Skills | Page No. Creative weting Dialogue between wo fiends “6 Dialogue wring Review - 02 52 Summary weting ‘Moot personal noeds 55 +Paraphrase Creative witing Dialogue writing Express dissatisfaction politely 60 Paragraph writing ‘Making sentences Creative weting 65 Paragraph writing ‘Making sentences Analyze main idea «Express personal needslresponses 70 Summary weting ‘Hloke and respond io requests ‘Making sontoncos Sentence wring 75 Creative wring 80 Dialogue wring Dialogue between wo fiends Paragraph writing Review - 03 88 eoAll rights are reserved with the Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board, Lahore. No part of this book can be copied, translated, reproduced or used for preparation of test papers, guide books, key| notes and help books. Authors: Rafiq Mahmood B.A. Chishty Z.1, Farooqui Mohammad Aslam Mrs, Sabiha Saleem Reviewers: Ms. Zarqa Bashir Asstt. Professor, Govt. Islamia College for Women, Cooper Road, Lahore Dr. Zafar Iqbal Vice Principal, Islamabad Model College for Boys, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad. Ms. Parveen Din Muhammad Subject Specialist (English), Directorate of Staff Development, Wahdat Colony, Lahore. Supervised by: Yusra Raees (Subject Specialist English) Published by: Printed by. Date of Printing _Edition Impression Copies __Price Experimental tetChapter 01 , SEE i After completing this lesson, the students willbe able to: makenounsifom the verbs + identity anduse sutix (+ change sentenceinte negative andinterrogative J < eee 1. Doyouknow the meaning of tolerance? | (2. Canyourecalianincdentotolerance tomthe iteottheRasool(.haalhye —_) 1 Tolerance means to bear pain or hardships with patience. Italso means to bear things you do not like. For example, when you are in a position to take revenge, but you do not do so, you are displaying tolerance. The greatest tolerance was practised by our Rasool (sft). 2 The Rasool (*:,i-4«i\*) is a model of tolerance. He (+1.%,4a\") never wished ill for anyone, Hazrat Ayesha (i+ .*.) said that the Rasool (1,484) never took revenge upon anyone. Abu Sufyan was the worst enemy of Islam before he became a Muslim. Atthe conquest of Makkah the Rasool (J+) not only forgave him but also honoured him by declaring amnesty for those who took refuge in his house, 3 When the Rasool (sai!) went to Taif to preach Islam, the people there threw stones at him. Hazrat Jibrael (i,t) asked the Rasool (isi) on the occasion of trial, “O, Sil) speak, if you so wish, | will For the Teacher: Enhance students’ interest forthe given topic with the help of pre-reading activity, Help students understanding paragraphs i.e. topie sentence, supporting details, etc._/destroy them.” The Rasool (*1.ib3U") replied, “O Gracious and Merciful Allah, show them the right path, for they do not know what they are doing. They do not recognize me. They do not know I am Muhammad (*..,il*) the Rasool of Allah. The Rasool (“:iti) showed great tolerance throughout his life. He (Siti) even prayed for his enemies and for those who troubled him. 4 Inhis lastaddress, the Rasool (1.i\}) said, “Revenge for bloodshed, as was the custom in the days of ignorance before Islam, is forbidden. I forgive those who murdered my cousin, Ibne-Rabiah’, Hazrat Ans Bin Malik (2+ ii.) said, “I served the Rasool (1.2) of Allah for 10 years. By Allah, he (*.,-kai) never objected to anything | said or did’ 5 We, as Muslims should follow the noble example of the tolerance of our How long did Hazrat Ans Bin Malik {ea F serve the Rasool (sf -bai}? Rasool (*:/,,t\).The deterioration and conflict prevailing in the society is due to lack of tolerance. This menace can only be cured by following the noble ‘examples set by our beloved Rasool Hazrat Muhammad (*1.,4ai\)"). GLOSSARY: hardship: something that causes suffering display: something shown to the people trouble: pain; difficulty destroy: damage, irreparablerecognize: patience: forbidden murder: revenge: conquest: socially: custom: objected acknowledge the ability to bear; suffering without complaining prohibited unlawful killing of human being deliberate punishment or injury inficted in return for what one has suffered the act of conquering situations and activities that involve being with other people a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society say something to express one's disapproval of or disagreement ACTIVITIES A. Answer the following question: 1. 2. What do you mean by tolerance? Give an example of tolerance from the life of the Rasool (ssi), How did the Rasool (*”..f._44i\") respond to the ill-treatment of the people of Taif? What did Hazrat Jibrael (-1+) ask the Rasool (“s.isa) when he was ill-treated by the people of Taif ? How did the Rasool (+...) deal with his enemies at the conquest of Makkah? What did Hazrat Ans Bin Malik (24 y*.) say about the Rasool (Pfs)? What did the Rasool (4i,4.t\}*) say about revenge in his last address? B. Makenouns from the following verbs. Example: die death tolerate, practise, conquer, destroy, object eCc. Suffix The suffix 'some' means full of. The suffix ‘less’ means ‘without’. They change nounsinto adjectives For example: burden: burdensome, meaning meaningless. Add suffix ‘some’ and ‘less’ to the following words to make them adjectives, also use them into sentences. lone flaw loath some thank less bother law trouble worth irk hope D. the blanks with suitable words from the text. 1 means to bear pain or hardships with patience. 2. The Rasool (*sf, bail) is a of tolerance. Hazrat Ayesha (,4i|%,) said that the Rasool (“..44") never took upon anyone. 4. The Rasool (#421) went to to preach Islam. In his last address, the Rasool (“1itai) said. * for E. OralCommunication S bloodshedis forbidden” Asghar: Aslam Asghar: Imran: Asghar: Aslam Imran: Is Why were you fighting with Imran? He has taken my pen. Heis not giving it back to me now. You should not fight with him instead we should try to find it out. Ihad placed the pen on the desk and nowitis not there. He has not lost your pen intentionally. | think you should forgive him. You should show tolerance. Yes, you are right! “I forgive him”. Thank you brother, | shall remember this act of tolerance, eopractised by you. F, Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative. Example: He purchased a book He did not purchase a book. (Negative) Did he purchase a book? (Interrogative) Aslam worked hard to complete the new project. He sold mangoes. Nauman wrote a book. He fought bravely. 1 2 3. 4. 5. He showed great tolerance For the Teacher: Ask the students to role-play the conversation given in oral communication skills, + Help them change sentences into negative and interrogative, also give them some new sentences for more practice. eCam J A Dialogue (SE ‘After completing this lesson, the students willbe able to: + use and understand present perfecttense + use "has" and*have" * write a “note” of thanks + make sentences + use adverss demonstrate the use of collective noun 7 \ orci: Whatis dialogue? Canwe solve a problemby discussion? For the Teacher: Enhance students’ interest for he given topic with the help of pre-reading activity. + Help students understand the importance of discussion to solve a problem.Qasim: Uncle: Qasim: Uncle: Qasim: Uncle: Qasi Uncle: Qasim: Uncle: Qasim: Uncle: Qasi Assalam-o-Alaikum, uncle! Wa-Alaikumussalam! Where have you been, Qasim? We have metafteralong time. Ihave been to Saudi Arabia, uncle, and | have just come back Why did you go to Saudi Arabia? You know father is doing a job there and mother is there too. |wentto see them, particularly mother because she wasill. (Who was il? I'm sorry to hearthat. How is she now? Sheis fine, uncle. Thank you! She has now fully recovered. Your school, I hear, has just reopened after vacation and | don't think, you have missed much. | think with just a little extra effort you could easily make up your deficiency in ( How will Qasim cover the your studies. deficiency in studies? No, uncle, I have certainly missed many important lessons and | know I'll have to work pretty hard. I'm glad, | have already started doing so. | have started attending classes regularly and my brother has started helping me too. Whenare your exams starting, Qasim? My exams are not too far. That's why | (5555 Qasim want lo miss have come back from Saudi Arabia. | | the exams? never wanted to miss my exams. How about your course in science? Have you finished it? We have neatly finished our science course. Only a few chapters are left. I'm not worried so much about science. My real worry is that | have missed a number of lessons in English and Maths. | find these two subjects rather tough and they are important too. But I'm glad that my brother has started helping me out in these subjects. My brother is a teacher, you know, and he Who was helping Qasim in his studies? has taught these subjects for a number of years, oeUncle: That's good. I'm glad to know that your brother has thought it fit to help you immediately. | know, he is a good teacher. What do you plan todo after your Matriculation exams? Qasim: I have decided to go in for medicine if | get a good position. If, however, | don't get good marks, | may (Which profession is Q: go into business or agriculture. planning to adopt in future? Uncle: _ Whatever your plans forlife are, Qasim, your English has to be good We should know that English has become an international language and the language of science and technology. Qasim: You are very right, uncle, I'll keep that in mind. My school van has come and | must go now. Allah Hafiz! Uncle: Allah Hafiz! GLOSSARY: deficiency: lacking something, shortcoming has thought it fit: has thought it proper go in for: to choose something as one’s career particularly especially recovered to get back one’s health extra: more than or beyond what is usual finish: to come to an end & Le CR et + Familiarize the students with the importance of English language to enhance the interest ofthe children for learning English language. Conduct a dialogue in the classroom by giving different o e to the students. \ACTIVITIES es A. Answer these questions. Why did Qasim go to Saudi Arabia? Why did Qasim come back from Saudi Arabia? 4 2 3. What two subjects does Qasim find tough? 4, What has Qasim decided to do after his studies? 5. Why does Qasim’s uncle think that our English has to be good? B. Note of thanks: note of thanks includes date, proper salutation, body, closing and signature. Dear Ahmad, How thoughtful of you to think of me on my birthday. | truly appreciate the watch you gave and want you to know that every time I wear it, | will think of you. Thank you so much for your kind gift. Yours sincerely, AliMuhammad Dated: 14-01-17 One of Qasim's friends prepared notes for him in the subjects of Maths and English while Qasim was on leave. Qasim should write a note of thanks to him, Help Qasim in writing a note of thanks, C. Provide the correct tense in the blanks using the verb given within brackets with have or has. omen >) Help students understand a note of thanks and also tellthem howto tet. {+ Givettommor situations for writing ‘anote of thanks ) eoExample: They, from England by plane just now. (arrive) They have arrived from England by plane just now, 1. We an exciting football match today. (watch) 2. The clock five. (strike) 3. The gardener the lawn after a long time today. (mow) 4, ___you ever in the river? (swim, swam, swum) 5. This milk sour. We can't drink it. (go) 6. The butcher a cow for the meat. (slaughter) 7. He two books this year. (publish) 8 L_not, Zahid since he was fourteen. (see) 9 We the match. (win) 10. Nausheen her knitting and is now going to read a story book. (finish) D. Collective Noun: a. Acrowd is a lot of men, women and children b. Cutlery is a lot of knives, forks and spoons Now give three examples for each of these in the same way. 1. Clothes arealotof___ and 2. Fumiture is alot of ___, and. 3. Poultryarealotof___,__ and. 4. Cattle arealotof___,__and 5. Stationeryisalotof___,___ and E. Adverb Anadverbis often used to modify a verb, adjective or another adverb. Le CR tet Help students learn more words used for the combination of things or people, ete. {+ _ Make them familiarize with hyphen by giving them examples, @Q /Examples 1. He can run quickly. 2. She writes neatly. Let's learn about some adverbs. (a) Adverbs of Manner: They tell us the way people do things. Examples 1. Hehas arrived safely. 2 The soldier fought bravely. (b) Adverbs of time: They tell us about the time, when the action took place. Examples 4. May Ido my work later? 2. Ahmad has just arrived (c) Adverbs of place: They tell us about the place, where the action was taken. Examples 1. He is here for the holiday. 2, It's raining, let's go inside. Activity-1: Change the following adjectives to adverb. 4 strong 2 brave 3. soft 4. quiet 5. slow Activity-2: Underline the adverbs in the following sentences. 1. Ahmad, you can stay outside. 2. Come here. 3. The sunis shining brightly. 4, The old man is walking slowly. 5. Sana arrived late. 6. It rained heavily last night. 7. Please put the cups thereFrom these sentences, pick out the adverbs of time place and manner and write them in the right columns. Adverb of manner | Adverb of place Adverb of time Activity Pick out at least five adverbs from the lesson and make sentences from them F, Whatwordis used for Example: One who speaks: speaker ‘One who teaches? ‘One who buys? ‘One who sells? ‘One who acts? ‘One who plays? 4 2. 3 4 5 6. Onewho operates? 7. One who sings? 8. One who writes? 9. Onewho challenges? 4 4 0. Onewhoreads? 1 ‘One who lies? For the Teacher: Help students learn adverbs properly by giving them more examples. + Introduce them to some more professions. @G. Change the narration of the following: 1. Qasimsaid,* | have just come back from Saudi Arabia.” Uncle told me that he was going to Islamabad 2 3. Qasimsays, “| am happy that my brother has started helping me.” 4, Uncle said, “How is your mother now?” 5. Qasim says, “She is fine now.” For the Teacher: Help students change the narration and make them proficient by giving them more examples, / @Ca 03 On the Ocean SEE After completing this lesson, the students will be able to: + analyze apoemformainidea ‘+ write the summary of poem + understand how a poet uses language to appeal to the senses through similes identify and use rhyming words Use appropriate expressions, vocabulary and style to engage in conversation use linking verbs identify atopic sentence in a paragraph identify sentences carrying supporting details recognize that text comprises a group of paragraphs that develop a single theme or idea ell Have you everseen an ocean? How do youfeelonahotday? Recite the poom using proper stress and intonation. + Help students understand the importance of stress and intonation in poetry. ‘Ask more pre-reading questions for the comprehension of the students.Allin a hot and copper sky, The bloody sun, atnoon; Right up above the mast did stand, No bigger than the moon Day afer day, day after day, We stuck, nor breath nor motion; Asidle asa painted ship, Upon a painted ocean Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, But nota drop to drink. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge) Aboutthe Poet: S.T. Coleridge (1772 - 1834) was an English poet, literary critic and a philosopher. Among his poetic works: ‘The Rime of Ancient Mariner’ and ‘Kubla Khan’ are the most appreciated and well known poems. ‘Biographia Literaria’ is his major prose work. About the Poem: These stanzas have been taken from S.T. Coleridge's poem, ‘The Rime of Ancient Mariner’, one of the most influential poems in English language. This poem is about an old sailor who narrates his long story about a voyage in which his entire crew was killed. In the given stanzas the narrator explains the hardships and dangers that they ‘encountered during the sea voyage. For the Teacher: Help students understand the meaning of the words in context, (+ _Helpstudents understand the difference between a paragraph anda stanza. D) @GLOSSARY: coppersky: the sky waslike a sheet of copper bloody like blood (in colour) stuck, nor breath nor Jntsesatevertingwas otis, event one motion: as idle as a painted ship |asmotionless and stillas the ship and the ocean ina painting upon a painted ocean: ACTIVITIES A. Answer the following questions: Write the main idea of the poem, Define , ‘the bloody sun’ Why everything was stuck? Rens What do you understand by ‘painted ocean’? 5. Explain the last stanza in your own words. B. Underline the words in the poem which rhyme with these: drink ocean moon Can you think of any other words with the same sound? Cc. Prefix The prefix ‘dis’ means ‘not' and the prefix ‘inter’ means ‘between, among’ For example, integrate — disintegrate, national — international ~ For the Teacher: Help students to understand verbs and nouns and also facilitate them to make nouns from the verbs. \ /Add prefixes to the following words to change their meanings. dis interest city like connect inter loyal play joint act figure link Use the new words in your sentences. Simile Asimile compares two things using 'like' or‘as'. For example: + Heisas braveasalion. + He fought like a lion. We see an example of simile in the poem. i.e. ‘as idle as a painted ship’ Make your own similes with the given words. hot idle right beautiful big soft Oral Communication Skills: Nadia: We should go fora picnic. Shazia: Yes, we should go. Laiba: This is an excellent idea but the whole class should decide the picnic point first. Nida: Yes, the whole class should be involved in this decision Fakhra: —_Dearclassfellows, where do you want to go? (the whole class agrees to go to the beach to see the ocean.) Rememeuee >) Give them more examples tounderstand ‘prefix’ Help students in learning the conceptof simile andits use. Give them more examples to make their concept clear. Cearssevmumuu©5 53g) eee @ONadia: Well, the beach is a very good place. We shall request our teacher about our picnic trip. (the whole class cheers up) F._ Writea summary of the poem. ‘On the Ocean’. G. Write a paragraph of about 50 to 60 words on ‘Journey by Bus’. Keepin mind the topic sentence and supporting details ina paragraph. You may take help from the given vocabulary: rs, conductor, tickets, hawker hotirainy/stormy/ windy day, pleasant, horrible, feelings. etc. bal Ce . Help students conducting oral communication skills activities, also give them other topics for more practice, XM 7 @Gam 04 An Exhibition Learning Outcomes: After completing this lesson, the students will be able to: ‘+ understand and use present perfect continuous tense © use or'and'since" ‘= recognize and use new words + identifyanduse articles Pre-reading: 1. Whatisan exhibition? 2, Whatdo yousee in the exhibition? 3. Howdo you define hobby?Mr. Qazi was standing before his class. Mr. Qazi asked, “Did you enjoy exhibition yesterday? Allhands wentup to say'yes' “Good!” said Mr. Qazi “What did you like best in the exhibition, Akbar?" Akbar stood up and said, “Lliked paintings the best, sir. They looked so beautiful.” “Why did you like the paintings?" Akbar: Painting is my hobby and Ihave a good collection of paintings of my own. Rizwan stood up next “I liked the rocks best. You see I collect rocks, too. I have been doing so since my childhood. It is my hobby but the rocks there | had never seen before.” Mr. Qazi appreciated Rizwan's response. “The reason is that the rocks in the exhibition had come from all over the world and the rocks that you have in your collection were probably found near your own house.” Everybody in the class said one thing or the other but one boy sat mum all the time. He had not uttered a word all this while. “What's wrong with you today, Saleem?” said Mr. Qazi to this boy. “You have not spoken today. Didn'tyou like anything in the exhibition?” Saleem said, “Sir, | have been (Way aia wr, Qazi ask Saleem collecting stamps for quite sometime now | to bring his collection of stamps? and | didn't see stamps in the exhibition.” Mr. Qazi said, yes, you are right. There was no stall of stamps there. Itis a very popular hobby. Mr. Qazi said: “ | have a surprise for alll of you.” Everybody looked anxious. Let's have an exhibition at school and let everybody bring his own collection. Saleem, you'll bring your stamps, will @you?" “Yes, sir’, said Saleem Mr. Qazi then asked the class if they hada hobby. Sadiq: "Sir, Ihave been collecting pictures of great leaders. I'l bring my collection of pictures.” Asif bring them, too, Some of those coins are very rare.” “Sir, | have been collecting coins. I'll Sheeraz: “Sir, | have been collecting postcards of other countries. I'l bring those.” Aslam “I have been collecting sea shells,” Kashif: “My sister has a big collection of dolls. She has been collecting dolls from other countries and has been ‘Who wants to bring collection of making dolls herself. | would like to bring dolls for school exhibition? ‘some of those dolls to this exhibition.” Mr. Qazi said: “It appears you have all been doing a good job. It seems all set now, Please bring your collections to school next Thursday for the exhibition. Don'tforgetto invite your parents, relatives and friends to this exhibition, The children were so excited today. They all clapped. They liked the idea ofaschool exhibition. Who introduced the idea of school exhibition for the students? Glossary: appreciate: recognize with gratitude mum silent utter: tomakea sound with the mouth exhibition: acollection of things for public display invite: ask someone ina friendly way to go or to do something excited: excessively affected by emotion clap: to strike the inner surface of one's hands together allsetnow: _allarranged now @ACTIVITIES Oe] Answer these questions. Where did Mr. Qazi take his class fora trip? What did Mr. Qazi ask Akbar? What did Akbar like bestin the exhibition? What did Rizwan like best in the exhibition and why? Whats Sadiq's hobby? Whatis your hobby? Why exhibitions are important? NOMRONS Present Perfect Continuous This tense is used to talk about an action or actions that started in the past and continued until recently or that continued into the future. Example: He has been working asa reporter with this newspaper for five years. Use ‘since’ or ‘for’ to complete these sentences. 1. Mymotherhasbeensewingclothes___8 o'clockin the moming. 2. Nosheenhasbeengoingto this school____fouryears. 3. Myfriendhasbeenreading___three hours. 4. Ihave beensittingatthistable___early morning. 5. Myfatherhasbeentellingstories___the lasttwo hours. 6. Shehasbeendoing herhomework___4o'clockinthe afternoon. Fill each blank with the opposite of the word underlined. Exampl We are going to paint the front and the of ourhouse We are going to paint the front and the back of our house. @Hewas____ when his cousin came but sorry when he left. Fatherwillsellhisoldcarand____anewone. Hetiedthe____length of the cord to the long one. The girls were quietin the school butvery___ outside. Five years ago he was. snowheis very rich. My watch was five minutes fast yesterday butitis__ today. NOMRONS Ifyou your toy, nobody will be able to mend it D. _ Fillinthe blanks with appropriate articles. 1. Mygrandmotherlikes flowers very much. aa b.an c.the d.none 2. Theircardoes 150 miles hour. aa b.an c.the d.none 3. lalwayslisten to radio in the morning. aa b.an c.the d.none 4, Isyourmother working in old office building? aa b.an c.the d.none 5. Where's USB drive | lentyou last week? aa b.an c.the d.none E. You wentwith your school teacher on a school trip toa park. Write in ‘sequence what you did on your visit to the park in a paragraph. Use the sequence markers: first, next, afterwards to write about your visit. F. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the exhibition that recently held in your school. For the Teacher: + Tell students that they may use abbreviations, contractions and informal language for writing an informalletter. + Revisearticles with the students. @ XXZe Chapter 1 - 4 1 Paw Answer the following questions: Give an example of tolerance from the life ofthe Rasool (*s.f,.esi\). What did Hazrat Ans Bin Malik (-»ii#,) say about the Rasool (*s.f, 4a)? Why does Qasim’s uncle think that our English has to be good? What do you understand by ‘painted ocean’? What is your hobby? What did Rizwan like best in the exhibition and why? B. Make nouns from the following verbs. tolerate, practise, conquer, destroy, object N on pr w 1 2. Fill in the blanks. 1. means to bear pain or hardships with patience. The Rasool (*s.f,,4a\/)is a of tolerance. We an exciting football match today. (watch) He two books this year. (publish) My friend ___ since three o'clock. (read) H atthis table since early morning, (sit) What word is used for ‘One who teaches? ‘One who buys?10, " One who sells? One who acts? ‘One who plays? ‘One who operates? One who sings? One whowrites? ‘One who challenges? One who reads? ‘One who lies? Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative. 1. Aslam worked hard to complete the new project. He sold mangoes. Nauman wrote a book. He fought bravely. He showed great tolerance. Match the hobby to the right person Saleem likes to collect rocks. Rizwan likes to collect pictures. Sadiq likes to collect dolls. Kashif sister likes to collect stamps. Aslam likes to. collect coins. Asiflikes to collect postcards. Sheerazlikes to collect sea shells. @G. Change the narration of the following: 1 Qasim said, “| have just come back from Saudi Arabia.” 2, Uncle told me that he was going to Islamabad. 3. Qasimsays, “| am happy that my brother has started helping me.” 4, Uncle said, “How is your mother now?” 5. Qasimsays, “Sheis fine now.” H. Write a paragraph of about 50 to 60 words on ‘Journey by Train’. Keepin mind the topic sentence and supporting details ina paragraph. You may take help from the given vocabulary: platform, travellers, ticket checker, tickets hotrainy/stormy! hawkers, \dy day, pleasant, horrible, feelings. etc.C= Uh Magic Show (SEE >) After completing this lesson, the students willbe able to: + use synonyms andantonyms + correctsentences + respond oralyorin writing + transfer the writen texttoa flow chart ‘+ use pre-writing strategies such as brainstorming and mind map + askand respond o questions of personal interest (+ shareideas J \ Areelurn 1. Whatdo you know about “Magic Show"? 2, Whoisamagician? For the Teacher: Conduct pre-reading activity to create students'interestin the text and to assess their previous knowledge on the topic.1 Itisafine Friday morning, All the students are very excited as the principal of the school has arranged for a magic show. We are anxiously waiting for the magician. Suddenly the door opens and a strange looking man enters. He is wearing a long black coat, a hat and is holding a stick in his hand. Look, he is the magician. He is here to amuse the school children with his magic tricks. 2 Theresa big wooden box with a lid on it. He takes off the lid in full view of the school. The helper of the magician gets into the box. The lid is put on the box and itis closed again. The magician has a saw in his hand. He cuts the wooden box in the middle with the saw. The box is cut into two pieces. The helpers in the box. The lid is removed. Lo and behold! The helper is safe and sound. The helper gets out | phrase ‘Lo and behold!"? of the box. The whole school cheers the magician on his clever trick. 3 What is the magician doing now? He is taking the hat off his head. He is showing the hat to every one. It is absolutely empty. There is nothing in it. He puts the hat on his head, He takes it off again. Lo and behold! There is a pigeon sitting on his head. Everybody cheers. 4 What is the magician doing now? He is showing his empty pocket to everybody. He borrows a handkerchief from one of the ba MT Ce ¥ Wi hile-reading activity given in the box may be exploited for better understanding of the textin the class. Further questions may also be generated for the said purpose. @audience. He puts the handkerchief in his pocket and takes it out again. Lo and behold! There are handkerchiefs What did the magician do with the handkerchief? coming out of his pocket one after another. Everyone cheers the magician 5 Whatis the magician doing now? He is borrowing a ring from someone. He puts the ring on his palm. He closes his palm and opens it again. The ring has disappeared. The magician has many boxes, inside each other (From where the ring was found? all tied with a rope. Lo and behold! The ring is inthe innermost box. The whole crowd cheers and claps for the magician. Glossary: anxiously: eagerly lid: a cover over a container saw: a hand tool for cutting wood cheers: expressing good wishes empty containing nothing or not filled audience: spectators or listeners at a public event borrowing: to obtain or receive something as loan palm the inner surface of the hand amuse: causing laughter or smiles loand behold used to express surprise innermost: mostinward $ For the Teacher: While-reading activity given in the box may be exploited for better understanding of \ the textin the class. Further questions may also be generated for the said purpose @®ACTIVITIES A. Answer the following questions: 1. Whoisamagician? 2. Whatis the first rick that the magician performs? 3. Howmany tricks did the magician show? 4, Whattrick would you perform if you were a magician? B. Correct the following sentences. 1. Lisa boy. 2. Shes here yesterday. 3. Ihave been reading from 8 o'clock in the morning 4, He said what is your name? 5. My mother asked me that where | was going. C. _ Saythese words aloud after your teacher pronounces them correctly. blew blue sew sow red read (past tense) threw through flew flu D. — Writing Activity Write a paragraph of about 100-150 words on ‘Magic Show’ you have ever seen, Make a mind map first. Your paragraph should comprise the given points, + Where it was held? + How many magicians were there? + What magic tricks did they show to you? + What was the most interesting thing about the show? + What do you feel about the show and the magician? For the Teacher: Help students write a paragraph using topic sentence and supporting details. XX 7 @Thesaurus inthe class With the help of the given word bank complete the table given below: Word Bank: gain stupid boring full vanished cheerful decrease smart unfilled appeared WORDS SYNONYMS ANTONYMS clever smart stupid disappeared increase empty amusing Describe the sequence of events in the lesson ‘Magic Show’ in a flow chart. Oral Communication Skills: Sidra: Hi Sara! How are you? Sara: |amfine. Thankyou. Sidra: Sara do you remember the magic show that was held last Friday in ourschool Sara: Yes, Ido Sidra: Well, what did you like the mostin the show? Sara: [liked the trick of the hat on the magician’s head and when he took his hat off, there was a pigeon sitting on his head. That was the mostinteresting trick. What did you like the most? Sidra: | liked the handkerchief trick, but the pigeon one was also good Sara: Ireally enjoyed a lo. Sidra: Me too, | wish the magic show should be performed again For the Teacher: Help students understand the difference between synonyms and antonyms. Help students understand the concept and use of Thesaurus. Show them a @Cam Ul} The Twins Learning Outcome: After completing this lesson, the students will be able to: ‘= recite the poem with stress and intonation ‘= use homophones identify rhyming words identify and use phrasal verbs change the voice write the summary of the poom learn the use of pair of words in sentences learn to write the simple sentences from the stanzas Arnon 1. Have you ever seen the twins? 2. Were you able to recognize each one of them? For the Teacher: Enhance the students’ understanding and interest for the given topic with the help of pre-reading activity X 7Inform and feature, face and limb, I grew so like my brother, That folks got taking me for him, ; What did puzzle the kith and kin? And each for one another. Itpuzzled all our kith and kin, Itreached a fearful pitch, For one of us was bom a twin, Yet not a soul knew which (One day to make the matter worse Before ournameswere fixed, ‘As we were being washed by nurse, We got completely mixed; And thus you see by fate’s decree, Who mixed the twins? Orrather nurse's whim, My brother John was named me. And | was named him This fatal likeness ever dogged My footsteps when at school, And Iwas always getting flogged, For John turned outa foo! Iput this question fruitlessly What do you understand Toevery one! knew, by ‘fatal likeness’? ‘What would you do, ifyouwere me, To prove that you were you?’ | (Henry S. Leigh) eee » eats the poem uslng proper stress andintonation Help students understand the mportance of stress andintonationin poetry. /Askmore pre-reading questions forthe comprehension ofthe students ) @Aboutthe Poet: Henry Sambrooke Leigh (1837 - 1883) was born in London on 29 March, 1837. He was a poet and playwright. He started writing from an early age. He was brilliant and witty conversationalist, and a humorous singer. He died in London in 1883. Aboutthe Poem: In this poem, the poet narrates a story of twin brothers. They got mixed by a nurse while they were being washed. When they were at school one was beaten up for the follies of the other. GLOSSARY: feature: any ofthe distinct parts of the face, as the eyes, nose, or mouth limb: apartofthe body folks: people of a specified class or group, members of one's family, ‘one's relatives, one's parents puzzled: tobe frustrated, confused kithandkin: friends and relatives, fearful feeling or showing fear or anxiety pitch the degree of highness orlowness ofa tone dogged persistentin effort flogged: to beat somebody with a whip or stick, etc. fruitlessly: _withoutresults or success For the Teacher: Help students understand the meaning of the words in context, (+ _Helpstudents understand the difference between a paragraph anda stanza. D) @ACTIVITIES es Answer the following questions. 1. Howdid the twins resemble as mentioned inthe poem? 2. Howdid people take them? 3. Whendid the twins mix up? 4, Whathappened to the twins when they were at school? 5. Whatquestion did the poet ask in the last lines of the poem? Rewrite the following lines in simple sentences. 1. Thatfolks got taking me forhim 2. Foroneofuswas bor atwin 3. Wegotcompletely mixed 4, This fatallikeness ever dogged 5. AndIwasalways getting flogged Fill in each blank with the right word from the two given in brackets. 1. (i) Youlookrather___. Aren'tyoufeeling well? (ii) Hewentdownthehilltofetcha____of water. (pale, pail) 2, (i) Thaveread___all your answers. They are good. (ii) The boy___the ball out of the window. (through, threw) 3. (i) Onthe__youhave done very well in your exam. (ii) Thereisa___inmyshoe. Itneeds mending (whole, hole) 4, (i) Theheadmasterwillnot____ your explanation. (ii) Ihaveseenallimportantcities__ Quetta. (except, accept) @5. (i) Canyouseethepictureover___? (ii) Theyhavealldone___work very well (there, their) 6. (i) Mothergavemea__of cake. (ii) Weshouldlivein____with each other. (peace, piece) 7. (i) 1__whatyousaid. (ii) | A____of sheep was grazing in the meadows. (herd, heard) 8 (i) Thedriverappliedthe___of the car. (ii) Theglasswill___ityoupourhotwaterinit. (brake, break) 9. (i) Theyarrivedtherean___later. (ii) Pakistanis____beloved homeland. (our, hour) 10. (i) Mysisterwas____myshirt. (ii) Sheis___seedsinher garden (sowing, sewing) Match the words with their meanings. limb relatives kith and kin a part of the body fearful without results or success fruitlessiy feeling or showing fear or anxiety Change the voice of the following. 1 Twins were being washed by the nurse. 2. He wrote aletter. 3. John always speaks the truth. 4. puzzled my kith and kin. 5. Ourfatallikeness dogged us @Phrasal verb A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb. For examples: driveoff: She gotinto the carand drove off. geton: How did you get on in your examination? ‘These words ‘drove off and ‘geton’ are phrasal verbs. Activity F. Write atleast five phrasal verbs and use them into sentences. () ii) ii) iv) ( ( ( (v) G. Write down the summary of the poem.Gen 07 Clever Mirchu neues fier completing this lesson, the students willbe ableto: + recognize and describe story elements «identify beginning, middle and ending ofthe story identi setting, plot, theme and charactersin the story * _ identify the speaker or narrator in the story + use mind map towntea character sketch ite an informal dilogue orci: Who isa woodcutter? Can you predict the story by looking at the title and the picture of the story? \ How many characters do you seein the picture? Conduct pre-reading activity to create students’ interestin the text. @1 Awoodcutter and his wife lived in a village. They had seven children, all of them were boys. The woodcutter and his wife were so poor that at times they did not know where to get money to buy food for their children. The children were growing so fast that they always felt hungry. 2 The youngest son, however, was the one who caused his parents the utmost anxiety. It is true that he did not eat much, but this was because he was so small. Indeed, when he was born, he was only the size of a pepper, and that was why | called Mirchu? hewas named Mirchu 3 Once ithappened that there was no rain for months on end. Agreat famine spread across the land and the woodcutter soon had nothing to give to his family. Allthe savings were | eat? gone and there was nothing left to eat. 4 ‘We can no longer feed our children.” The woodcutter told his wife one night as they sat beside the empty hearth. “When the boys get up in the morning for their breakfast there is nothing for them to eat. My dear, there is only one thing that we can do. We must take them into the forest and leave them there. May be some rich man finds them and takes them home. | am sure that he'll take better care of them.” 5 Thepoorwife cried and cried. She was so full of sorrow to hear this. But, at last, as the night wore on, she agreed to her husband's plan. Afterall, she could not see her children die of hunger. She thought and thought, but no other plan came to her mind. She wished, she had only three children instead of seven. They could have been | wife wish for? fed well and brought up nicely. 6 —_ Asthe woodcutter and his wife argued, they raised their voices. The little Mirchu heard every bit of what they said For the Teacher: ¥ + While-reading activity given in the box may be exploited for better understanding of \__the textin the class, Further questions may alsobe generated forthe said purpose, @®Unlike his brothers, he was not asleep. For a long time he lay thinking what would be the best thing to do, As soon as it was twilight, he got up quickly and crept out of the cottage and off he ran to the forest. He filled his pockets there with small white stones. Then he ran back to the house and was in bed again all quiet and | pocket with? pretending to be fast asleep when his mother called him 7 ‘We are all going to the forest.” His mother told the boys, "You must all help your father gather firewood, for there is no money left to buy any food.” The boys were so excited that they completely forgot about their hunger and were in no time on the way to the forest with their father leading. The forest was dark and | the boys in the moming? lonesome but the woodcutter knew every bit oft so well that before long they were rightin the deepest part of the forest. 8 “will cut down the small trees,” said What did the woodcutter ask the woodcutter, “and you boys must collect | the boys to do? all the branches and tie them into small bundles. Itis going to be hard work.” 9 With that he cut the trees with his axe and set his seven sons to work. While the boys were gathering as many sticks as they could, the woodcutter nodded to his wife and the two of them just sneaked away, 10 The boys felt a kind of shudder. They began to shout and call for their father, thinking that he might be playing some kind of a trick with them. When, however, he did not appear for quite some time they really felt frightened and began to cry bitterly. Then the clever Mirchu said, “Do not worry, boys, | know the way home. All we have to do is to follow the trail of the white stones. Father isn't eee >) + Read the text with expression using correct intonation patterns to make the story ‘more engaging andinteresting forthe students. @going tocome.” 11 Mirchu's brothers, however, doubted what he said. At this he repeated what their father had said the night before and told them how he had filled his pockets with stones and dropped them one by one on the way. So Mirchu led his brothers through the deep forest and along the winding paths until they reached the cottage. “Perhaps we are not going to Who led the boys through the be welcomed”, Mirchu said softly. “Let us | deep forest? wait outside the cottage for a while and see if we can hear what father and mother are talking about.” 12 When the woodcutter and his wife arrived home early that day they had found ten silver coins waiting for them. This was in payment of a debt that they had long forgotten about. At the sight of so much money the woodcutter's wife wept with joy. But when she What did the woodcutter and remembered that she would never | his wife find when they arrived home? see her boys again, all her joy vanished and she began to sob. “What use was that money to her now,” she thought. 13 “My sons, my poor little sons.” She exclaimed sorrowfully, "What would | not give to have you safely back home. Perhaps, by now they might have been eaten by wolves.” This was all Mirchu wanted to hear. He pushed the door open and ran to his mother. His brothers followed him too 14 ‘Don't ery mother. We are all here. All safe (Wnat aia Mirchu say to and sound.” What joy and happiness there was in | his mother? the woodcutter's cottage that night and what a feast they all had as they sat around the table! The woodcutter, his wife and all their seven sons lived happily ever after. Well done, Little Mirchu! J $ For the Teacher: While-reading activity given in the box may be exploited for better understanding of the textin the class. Further questions may also be generated for the said purpose. @Glossary: anxiety: on end lonesome: before long: wore on twilight: sneak: trail: vanish: sob: feast famine: hearth: nodded shudder: debt: worry ata stretch lonely early, aftera short while passed gradually faint, halflight before sunrise or after sunset togo away quietly theline, path disappear tocry noisily asplendid meal extreme shortage of food ina region abrick, stone toa fire place or oven tomove the head up and downasto indicate agreement toshake with fear asum of money owed to somebody ACTIVITIES A. Answer the following question: Why were the woodcutter's children always hungry? Who gave the utmost anxiety to his parents? Why was the youngest son called Mirchu? What did the mother wish, when she was so full of sorrow? What did Mirchu fill his pockets with? What did Mirchu's mother tell him in the morning? Why did the boys forget their hunger? Why did the boys begin to weep bitterly? Why did they have a feast in the woodcutter’s cottage? CENOnewone (oT AC |" + Askthe students to read lesson silently and answerthe questions, ) \_*_ Askthe stidenisio read lesson silently andanswerthequestons; @B. _Fillin the blanks with the words given below. unlike growing sorrowful spread anxiety nodded doubted excited pretending remembered 1. Thechildrenwere___sofast. 2. Theyoungestchild gave his parentstheutmost___. 3. Agreatfamine___across the land 4. Thepoorwifeweptandwas very 5. ____his brothers Mirchu was notasleep 6. Hewasinbed___tobeasleep. 7. The boys were so___ that they completely forgot about their hunger. Thewoodcutter____tohis wife. Mirchu's brothers, what he said 10. Woodeutter's wife her boys and began to sob C. Read the following sentences and tick the correct answer. i The children were always hungry, hungry means: a) without food b) withoutwater —_c) without money ii, The youngest son gave the utmost anxiety to his parents, anxiety here means: a) joy b) sadness ©) worry iii, When he was born, Mirchu was the size of a pepper only, size of a pepper means: a) very fat b) very small ©) very big For the Teacher >) ‘Ask the students to read lesson carefully and help themin activityiv. Some rich man will find them and look after them, look after here means: a) runafterthem b) searchforthem c) take care of them v. _ Assoonas there was light Mirchu crept out of the cottage, crept out here means: a) ranout quickly b) moved out quietly c) jumped out loudly D. Foreach word in list ‘A’ find a word of opposite meaning from list 'B’ as shown in the example. List'a’ wife oN poor oN mS sad parents small day pretty sleep sit black laugh son old long thin Pe CMT le) Revise the concept of word opposite and ask the students to match the listin activit List’B" big children daughter husband young stand night short thick ory white ugly awake happy rich @E. FE G. H. XX Write the character sketch of Mirchu. Focus on the following points inthe mind map. accomplishment physical appearance role’ personality challenge / problem Identify the following elements of the story ‘Clever Mirchu’: a. Setting: Setting includes the time and location. b. Character: Differentpersons playing different role in the story. c. Plot: Plot means different events in the story. d. Theme: Themes the central idea of the story. Read the story and complet the given timeline of the story. Beginning Middle End Work in pairs and prepare a dialogue in which two friends are discussing about a cartoon movie and share it with the whole class. Diphthong: Aunion of two vowel sounds or vowel letters. e.g. The sounds /ai/in ‘pipe’ orthe letters /ou/ in ‘doubt’ Pick out as many words containing diphthong as you can from the lesson. ues ) Help children in writing the character sketch of Mirchu’ Help students identify the elements in activity Tell students that every story has a beginning, middle and an end. Help them find the answers in activity Encourage students to work in pairs and groups. @Cam 08 Hockey (SEE >) ‘After completing this lesson, the students willbe abeto: + choose appropriate synonym from thesaurus + utilize priorknowledge «write a dialogue respond toinvitation + demonstrate the use of determiners XS S Areeclen Which s the national game of Pakistan? 2, _Whatdo you know about hockey Le CR Cet Conduct pre-reading activity to create students’ interest in the text and to assess, their previous knowledge on the topic. ie pr 9 ph ) @1 Sport and physical education are fundamental to the early development of children and youth, The skills learned from sports contribute to the entire development of young people. Through participation in sports they learn about the importance of key values such as: honesty, teamwork, fair play, respect for themselves and What are the key values that’ young people lear from sports? others, and adherence of rules. 2 There are many sports played worldwide. The top five sports are football, cricket, basketball, hockey and tennis. Among all these, hockey is our national game. It is played throughout the country. Many countries of the world started playing hockey in the 19th century. It became very popular in Great Britain. British soldiers brought this game to the subcontinent when Great Britain occupied this part of the world in the 19th century. So, in the history of Pakistan { In which century did-many hockey is as old as that of the country itself. countries start playing hockey? 3 Between 1956 and 1986, Pakistan recorded extraordinary conquests which are stil unmatched. Three times during this period, Pakistan won the Olympic and World Cup crowns, The Asian Games title was won six times and the Champions Trophy in the first two years of its inauguration. Two times Pakistan held Asian, Olympic and World Cup crowns, three of the world's most prestigious titles. No other hockey playing country has achieved this victory in the | hS™ many ines dic Pakistan win the history of the game so far. 4 Players undertake different positions in hockey. They are attackers, mid- fielders, defenders and a goalkeeper who remains in his team's shooting circle, protecting the area. Each team consists of 16 players, 11 on the field and 5 in the interchange area. Players use their hockey stick to control, pass, push and hit the ball. The objective of the game is to get the ball into the opposing team's goal N $ For the Teacher: + While-reading activity given in the box may be exploited for better understanding of e the textin he class. Further questions may alsobe generated forthe said purpose.) @The team that scores more goals wins the match 5 The match consists of two periods of 35 minutes with a short half-time break of about five to ten minutes. If there is an even score, or tie at the end of regulation time, two extra time periods of seven-and-a-half minutes can be given. The first team to score a goal during this time is the winner and the game stops. This is called the golden goal rule. If there is sill atie at the end of extra time, penalty strokes will | nat 's the golden goal decide a winner. 6 Women also actively take part in the game. An international Women Hockey tournament was held in Lahore in 1996. Pakistani women Where and when was an international women participated in it. | hockey tournamentheld? hockey team Pakistan women hockey is still thriving and making its way to the - » ta, So intemational evel 7 The following titles were won by Pakistan. The first Asian Games hockey title was won by Pakistan (1958-Tokyo). The first World Cup was won by Pakistan (1971- Barcelona). The first Junior World Cup was won by Pakistan (1978-Versailles). The first Champion Trophy was won by Pakistan (1978- Lahore). The first Asian Cup was won by Pakistan (1982-Karachi). For the Teacher: = While-reading activity given in the box may be exploited for better understanding of L thetextinthe cass. Further questions may alsobe generatedforthe said purpose.) @Glossary: civilization: indulged strives: adherence: inauguration: prestigious: mid-fielders: defenders interchange: opposing: thriving: penalty: strokes: an organized culture encompassing many communities to become involved in an activity totry very hard to achieve something to obey something /to stick to something a formal beginning of high reputation a player who operates behind the attackers, in frontof the defence one of the players whose primary taskis to prevent the opposition from scoring to swap or change places on the opposite side to grow or develop well a punishment for an infraction of the rules abloworhit ACTIVITIES SUNN PUnEP Tune ep A. Answerthe following questions: 1. 2 3. 4 Who broughtthe game of hockey to the subcontinent? Whatare the top five sports played world wide? How many players are there in each team? Do you think women hockey team has a future in Pakistan? B. _ Tickthe correct words to complete these sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3s For the Teacher: Inwinterwe mostly (stay, are staying, stayed) indoors. She will go for shopping ifthe weather (will be, is, can be) fine, We have only (asmall tle, few) number of letters to write, There was a (large, a great many, plenty) number of rooms in the apartment. She visited her friend (that, who, she) lives in Islamabad. Ask students to read the text silently to answer the questions given in activity ‘A’. XN @C. _Usea thesaurus to find alternative words to write into these spaces. Read the passage first. For example: Chitral Valley is one of the most fascinating, wonderful (beautiful) valleys inthe North of Pakistan. Itis a calm, placid (peaceful) place. ‘Ayoung shepherd was sitting on a hillside (eating) his lunch and feeling very____(lonely). Suddenly a_(large) bird flew down in front of him. The shepherd felt____(afraid) . He wondered what the bird intended to do. Was the bird going to attack him or attack the lambs grazing nearby? ___ (shaking) with fear he threw some bread to the bird. The bird ___ (umped) forward, took the bread and, much to the shepherd's relief, flew off. He came every day after that and shared the young shepherd's lunch. Soon he ____ (took) the bread from shepherd's hand, He was not an enemy, he was a (friend). The young shepherd was lonely no longer. D. Choose the correct option from the following determiners: i Thad friends in Lahore so, | moved there. none afew few none of the above ii the students passed the exam. no none none of none of the above iii. We've been living here for years. eno >) Telth students that thesaurushelpsin finding synonyms. v psin finding synony ) @many alot of much none of the above iv. Have you watched these movies. any of some of any none of the above v. people think that the world is geting worse. lot of none of many none of the above E. Work in pair and write a dialogue between two friends talking about a recently held cricket match. Oral Communication Skills: Ahmad: — HiAli, what are you doing this Sunday? Ali: Hello Ahmad! | am free. Ahmad: — 1am planning for a cricket match, Ali: Itwill be fun. Ahmad: Yes it will be. | am also inviting some other friends as well. You also have to come. Ali: Sure. | will come, Ahmad: Looking forward to see you then. Take care. Bye. Ali: You also take care....bye. For the Teacher: & + Help students perform oral communication activities emphasizing on stress and intonation in dialogue. + Encourage them to work in pairs. X 7_m = Chapter 5 - 8 Answer the following questions. Whoisamagician? What trick would you perform if you were a magician? What happened to the twins when they were at school? Why were the woodcutter's children always hungry? Why was the youngest son called Mirchu? PAona Why did the boys forget their hunger? B. Correct the following sentences. 4 lis a boy. 2. She is here yesterday. 3. Ihave been reading from 8 o'clock in the morning 4. He said what is your name? 5. My mother asked me that where | was going. g Acti Write a paragraph of about 100-150 words on ‘Puppet Show’ you have ever seen. Make a mind map first D. Foreach word in list ‘A’ find a word of opposite meaning from list 'B’ as shown in the example. List'A’ List'B’ wife. big poor ~ children sad daughter parents “husband small young @FE day stand pretty night sleep short sit thick black cry laugh white son ugly old awake long happy thin rich With the help of the given word bank complete the table given below: Word Bank: gain stupid boring full vanished cheerful decrease smart unfilled appeared WORDS SYNONYMS ANTONYMS clever ‘smart stupid disappeared increase empty amusing Identify the following elements of the story ‘Clever Mirchu': Setting: Setting includes the time and location. b. Character: Different persons playing different role in the story. ¢. Plot: Plot means different events in the story. d. Theme: Themeis the central idea of the story. @Rewrite the following lines in simple sentences. 1 2RONn That folks got taking me for him For one ofus was bom atwin We got completely mixed This fatal likeness ever dogged And Iwas always getting flogged Work in pair and write a dialogue between two friends talking about arecently held cricket match.Cam 09 Prayer neues After completing this lesson, the students will be able to: + analyze poem for mainidea ‘+ write summary of the poem ‘+ _use appropriate expressions, vocabulary and style to express personal needs ‘+ make predictions about the poem + understand rhyming words Use of preposition of position, time, movement and direction For the Teacher: eo + Recite the poem using proper stress and intonation. + Tell students the importance of stress and intonationin poetry. \_+ Give students good practice in recitation, JThereis, Iknow, noneed For this; noneed To sayin the monsoon night "Show me the straight way Theway Ofthose ‘Towhom Youhave Given Your grace Notofthose Who earn Your anger Notofthose What does the poet want 2) Who go astray.’ from Allah in the first stanza’ Butwhen the wind Makes noise in the mango tree And the frangipani? Holds outits yellow Richness, | say this Who is ‘I’ and who is "You" in ‘Notto remind You the poem? Ofme, butmyself Ofthis andall of You.’ (M.Athar Tahir) About the poet: M. Athar Tahiris a Pakistani Civil servantwho has made his name as poet, author, translator and calligrapher. He studied at Lawrence College, Ghora Galli Murree, Oxford University, England and the University of Pennsylvania, USA ‘Awards for his works include Tamgha-e-Imtiaz for literature in 1998, Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai award in 1990 and The National Book Council Prize in 1991 eT to ‘The poem becomes more enjoyable and meaningful when itis recited with proper stress and intonation. 2. While-reading given in the boxes may be exploited for better understanding of the \__textin the class. Further questions may alsobe generated forthe said purpose. —_/Theme of the Poem: This poem is a prayer addressed to Almighty Allah seeking His guidance through life and asking for hope and the strength to stay on the path of God, the path of righteousness and to stay away from the path of Satan, the path of evil Glossary: frangipani: any of the tropical American trees, of the genus Plumeria, having showy, funnel-shaped flower monsoon: season of heavy rain that comes with the summar monsoon grace: God's mercy and favour towards the human race astray away from the right path ACTIVITIES A. Answer the following questions. 1. Whatis the poem about? 2, Pick outthe repeated words from the poem. 3. Writea summary ofthe poem in your own words. B. From the brackets choose the best suitable answer and finish these lines with a word which rhymes: i. Sugarand spice, and everything (nice, double, dice) ii, Once! dive into these pages, Imay not come out for (ages, stages, cages) il, Ike to eat and crunch The food Ihave for (munch, brunch, lunch) For the Teacher: ‘Ask students to read the theme of the poem and pick out important points ofthe poem ‘and help them develop a mind map to summarize the poem. + Revise the concept of rhyming words and help the students to do the activity “B” and XS ‘. /©. Paraphrase the given lines in your own words. ‘Show me the straight way Theway Ofthose ‘ToWhom Youhave Given Your grace Notofthose Who earn Your anger Notofthose Who goastray’ D. _Preposition: ‘Aword that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words ina sentence Forexample: Allis playing tennis on Sunday. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 4. My birthday is May. 2. What are youdoing___the afternoon 3. She is sitting a chair 4, My bestfriend lives____Lahore. 5. lamnotinterested____ buying a new car now. E, Oral Communication Skills: Mother: Ali! Whyare younot going for prayer today? Ali: Mama! | amnot feeling well. Mother: — Butyouare grown up now, you should not miss your prayers. Ali: Mama! Why do we pray? $ RU + Help the students understand preposition of place and direction and guide them to fill inthe blanks. 7 @Mother: Because we have to thank Allah Almighty for His blessing. Ali: Can'twe skip prayers even fora single day. Mother: No, we cannot Ali: ‘Okay mama, | will not miss my prayers anymore. Mother: Good! F. Suppose you are praying to Allah, write a few sentences what you would like to pray for. G. Here is a mixed group of words. Take out the rhyming words and write them down separately. grace, yellow, way, need, night, trace, fellow, day, feed, brace, hanger, right, read, anger, lay, breed, mellow, may, bleed, sight, hello, pay, need, fight For the Teacher: eo + Help students perform oral communication activities emphasizing on stress and intonation in dialogue delivery. @Ca alt) Hazrat Umar (i) neues ) completing this lesson, the students willbe ableto: «recognize personally traits e.g. habits attitudes, values oe «identify and use synonyms and antonyms + recognize countable and uncountable nouns + usea,anandthe rite and revise shor formalialogues (+ expressatssatisfactonpoitely ) > 1. Whowas the second Caliph of stam? 2. Whatdo you know about Hazrat Umar saily?.)? KR 3. Whatis the importance of justice in a society? A For the Teacher: eo + Help students understand the topic by conducting pre-reading activity + Tell more about Hazrat Umar(-«ii.) and his period of caliphate. X gg1 Hazrat Umar (+«il*,) was the second Caliph of Islam. He (rail born at Makkah in a noble tribe called the Quraish. He (*ily*.) received the title of ‘Farug’ after he embraced Islam. He (-4i\*.) was one of the very few persons in Makkah who could read and write. He (rath?) was a tall, strong and brave man. He (:*aiis*)) was also a very good wrestler, horse-rider and swordsman, Business was his conversion to Islam was of great value to. U2ceive alter embracing Islam? the Rasool (sf) in his mission of Islam. Afterwards, he (2aik*.) remained very close to the Rasool (*i,.bait*), 2 Hazrat Umar (-+«il*)) remained Caliph for 11 years. He (rath) conquered a vast empire during the 11 years of his Khilafat. He (2aik*.) introduced a great system of administration, which served as a model for the Islamic world. He (2raths*,) introduced many (“What wore the contributions of administrative courts to investigate the complaints against the offices of the state. He (:+at\*.) also reformed army, police force and tax system 3 Hazrat Umar (+ai\s*,) gave great importance to justice and well-being of the people. He (raiks*.) was very strict in the case of judgement. He (rats) would not spare any one, not even his own son, if wrong was committed by him. For him high and low, rich and poor, were all equal before law. He (2-aih*.) followed the saying of the Rasool(*“s.:_bai). “Treat your servant as you would treat yourself. Master and servant are both equal before Allah.” The worship places and property of the non-Muslims were given protection. 4 Hazrat Umar (*i\s*.) was kind and sympathetic to the poor. He (24th) spent many sleepless nights roaming in the streets to see the conditions of his people. One night he (+«ils*.) passed by a house and heard children crying, There was a pot of water on the fire. The mother was telling the children to go to sleep and when the food was ready she would wake them up. But the children @would not listen, Hazrat Umar (2riks*.) asked the woman, ‘What is the matter?” She told him (“How did Hazrat Umar Gai?) money and no grain in the house. Her husband had died. The children were crying for food. He (-+«ii.*.) helped the widow with food, money and clothing 5 One day, while Hazrat Umar (2+ati*.) was saying his namaz in the masjid, a non-Muslim named Feroze killed the Caliph with a knife, Hazrat Umar (eri) lies buried near Hazrat Muhammad (Ji eai*) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Coraih.) in Madina. Glossary: embrace: _ toacceptorbelieve an idea willingly treat: todeal with condition: — astate ata particulartime matt an affair, some situation or event thatis thought about judgment: the act of assessing a person or situation oran event commit: _performanact reign: ruling period of the caliph swordsman: aman whois skilled in the use of swords ACTIVITIES A. Answer the following questions. 1. Whatis the title of Hazrat Umar (2r4it?.)? What were the major reforms introduced by Hazrat Umar (ril.)? How long did Caliph Umar (rails) rule? How did Hazrat Umar (+
) Help the students buld their vocabulary through the activity word from word. Help the students identiy the elements ofthe story. J @[ chepter 2 Water is a lovely thing. (SEE After completing this lesson, the students will be able to: ‘+ analyze apoem for mainidea and summary + differentiate between, and demonstrate the use of concrete and abstract nouns ‘+ understand metaphor ‘+ make and respond torequests Areeclurn “1. Whywater'is important for our life? 2, Whatare the sources of water? 3s For the Teacher: + Enhance the students’ interest and understanding with the help of pr + Tellthem the importance of water in our lives.Water is alovely thing. Dark and ripplyina spring, Black and quietin a pool Ina puddle brown and cool, Inariver blue and gay, Ina raindrop silver-grey, Ina fountain flashing whit Ina dewdrop crystal bright; = What is a dewdrop? Ina pitcher frosty-cold; Ina bubble pink and gold; Ina happy summer sea; Justas green as green canbe, Inarainbow far unfurled, Every colourin the world. Wi Alllthe year, from spring to spring, Wateris the loveliest thing! (Anonymous) Glossary: quiet: with very little orno voice puddle: asmalll body of standing water flashing: _ brief bright light unfurled: — tospread open, unfold happy: feeling pleasure For the Teacher: Recite the poem using proper stress and intonation + Tell students about the importance of stress andintonation, {+ Askwhile-reading questions to enhance the understanding ofthe poem: ) @ACTIVITIES SS /e the rhyming words for the followi Example: thing spring gay —— cold unfurled pool bright sea B. Find the words in each of the following sentences that sound the same butdo not mean the same thing. 1. The girl looked pale when she handed her mother the pail of water. 2. The policeman could see only four fish in the sea water. 3. Yesterday | reada story abouta boy onared bicycle 4. Where would you see a horse made of wood? 5. Theangry husband threw everything out through the window. 6. Thehareis running here and there. Concrete Noun The names of the things you can see, touch or feel are called concrete nouns. Examples: table, stone, book and football, etc. Abstract Noun The names of the things that you cannot touch are called abstract noun. 6) en ») Help the students understanding the words having the same sound and different meaningi.e, homophones. XX s JS @
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