Nawaz Sharif PDF
Nawaz Sharif PDF
Nawaz Sharif PDF
Nawaz Sharif wanted to reduce un employment in Pakistan, so in order to
do so he started promoting Industries.
He promoted many industries such as Shipping,Airlines and Electrical
He imported taxis and he started a scheme which was known as Yellow cab
People were provided Taxis on loans.
Nawaz Sharif introduced privitization in Pakistan.He privitized the largest
bank MCB.
He focused on Infrastructure (Road,Railway)
He started th construction of M2 Motorway which connects Lahore to
Nawaz Sharif wanted to increase the literacy rate in Pakistan.
Private money exchange was legalised.
50 companies were privatized including the largest Bank MCB.
Q:Explain the achivements of Nawaz Sharif in his first
Downfall of Nawaz Sharif(First Term)
Nawaz Sharif faced a problem of invesment.People refused to pay back the
money which they took to buy Taxi.
The worlds 7th largest bank got collapsed which was known as (BCCI)
Nawaz Sharif was the greatest supporter of Islam.He introduced a shariat
bill in 1991.The shariat Bill was not popular and people started opposing
Nawaz Sharif Major focus was on Pujab and Kashmir.Other provinces were
not happy with him.
Culture of Gun was very common.
Kidnapping,Bombing and murder were very common.
4 million people were addicted to drugs
Nawaz Sharif support was crumbling.
Nawaz Sharif had the conflict with president.
Army Chief died
Nawaz Sharif wanted to appoint his own candidate.
The president appointed Abdul Waheed as the new army chief.
Ghulam Ishak Khan dissmissed Nawaz Sharif with the help of 8 th
Nawaz Sharif started a society which was known as consumer coperative
He requested people to deposit their money.
Purpose was to benefit the society.
There was mismanagment in the society and it got colapsed.
Millions of people lost their money .
Nawaz Sharif image was greatly damaged.
The above were the reasons for the downfall of Nawaz Sharif.
Achivements(second Term)
He introduced the 13th amindment in ehich president can not dissmiss the
Prime Minister.
14th amindment was introduced in which political party leaders can not
change their party.
In 1998 a series of nuclear test were held in Balochistan.
He contuined the policy of Privitization.
He abolished Friday holiday to bring Pakistan on International forums.
Lahore to Islamabad motorway was opened for public traffic.
He made Pakistan the 7th atomic power of the world.