Cinefantastique v13n05 (1982)
Cinefantastique v13n05 (1982)
Cinefantastique v13n05 (1982)
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ee what you’ve been missing!
When it comes to horror, fantasy and science fiction
film magazines, we’re the oldest and still the best.
Do you want to know
how the Martians de-
stroyed Los Angeles in
UFO‘: buzzed Muncie In
Close Encounters of the
Third Kind’! How Luke
Skvwlkefs X-Wino lighter
y°|_ 1 no g
Kmrimfnff. ..
F""‘ """"'°"‘
V“ ' ‘D 3
riiiii"R IJIVQyl
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rioiim Illml iiieiiniiiq iimvviom viiiri
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riiiiiiiiq ms EXONCISY, llltllh
u iim niii: Didi Smiiri
youiio 1
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yo‘ 2 no 1
.'§'T'.'T'.'Y'.".'T. ?.'.'7.2.T’7f'.'.'.“.'f'3"io v°L,,.°, VOLOIO8/IIOO
“how-to" articles on spe- Fiiiiiiiiq ii eov mu i-iis D°GIV\¢|ll- Y"? """""F °” mi lino“ |"'1‘°‘-5
cial effects. you'll find runs? or TNEAPES Spncill llil iiiq ll1IlIVlOWl wiiri GIIECIOY L O "‘” "“"‘9 """"""" "" '“°" ‘"20
yeimspecis or ciassic iiiuwiewi of uni aria cmi .... 810 Jones D""'Y'c'°""'“‘“'"‘“"9"""“z
genre films like Forbld- VQL I I0 3 TWO Mlill 0| |.DGkN'S RUN IMJ|\|G- M‘ h 6 J h
den Planet. career profiles iiiq iiiiniimws wnri suiii Dim. Mi=ri|iii C’; °° "‘:“""" "'" D:;"°§Y‘;,;‘
olsuch legendsasny Dcniilw Aimmiiiiia amps PII .....IIO "-
l-hrryhluan; and com- vol. 3 to 4 VOL 5 IIO 3 VQL 10 N0 2
blockbusters like Altered VAULT or uoiinoa .........:1o
of me
VOL 10 IQ 3
5"!" VOL s no 1
"'Y ""'Y"'"""~ °""‘"" 5""‘“'
5"" ‘.=‘“° is ""°“ "’“"
rare behind-the-scenes
phmosand in_depmar_
ffmllttl Ind HI! iiiiie-iiiiowii HOD-
gsiimrclen SI
yvgtwinugrtne wonws
“L Q no ,
VOL 1o no 4
ticles you just won't find VOL 3 IO 2 DIIQCIOI siiiii osiviiiiii iiia 5IS!Y ff.f)k"“_|‘f':f:":"“'zm°"y':"";';:f":'°:
“"Y'"‘°'°to°'=°-"'5 '"° P°" Si s"°"‘°"°““"E 0| SCANNERS, mew ems mom
fect way stiirt—or ex-
ll long llldtilllnfl WI"!
my Piny- ygggog WlTNlN.................. .... .30
my miiyiiiiiiwi OII riii mlqlbll
pend—yourfilmiibrary. '“""" wllal -ii-eiiiiia SINBADAND THE VOL 11 IIO 1
ricEn....._.....81o Diciisiiiiiri,i=iii-uimi VQL1g||Qg/I93
i no =
mi w'cKE" M‘“""° "°'Y "°"""‘
QYQ -~ ,... ig:~.;g.;:.: g iiiieiviims minM'-
IO! Jami
uiiiiiii niiii assi ° HQ! ‘Q’:
AHIIIOHY siiiii-ri OCCU“ iiiiimiiiiocu. VOL 11 IIO 2 QM
Vtllfl 11-i
cniisiiipiiai Lee ll\G'O|fOClOI nsiiiii llllllllq illlvls iiiivi aiiiieioi KEN yo; 13 "Q 4
ya‘ IQ‘/“L 1 "Q
iii. flllllllt
of Georgi Ll-kl!‘ BIIIMC
Russell ma opiiui ellecls iiiiuiia
5"" F'"'"
VOL 11 no s
""1 "¢'*" °°"=" ~- " TM ,,,u,,,a M PM 5,,"-,2,-S C"
PEOPLE. ifulflg
""'"""¢ '"""°=°"""'= --~-~"
TONI iaiiiiwis
sun wms, fOl|l|Il|'lQ more in-ii 20 Aii Glcluslv upon O comm ms yg|_ 1; "9 5/"Q Q
l|II’VlIV|l BARBARIAN, 18 l-GOO"! iocniion 1,", com mu," on ‘M Mk,” d
v°L7"°z aLADEUNNEa.'s‘[‘R‘fREK||
cniuiiiiiniviswwiincmiipaniniini VOLHIDJ
J Slller, the iiinii who hlduqlll iuyrimyriaiiuiii Tmiuiyvsm Pm yQ|_13||Q|
7llIR\0!\y|0"!!H0\IOfFl‘lfllOf\!\Q|n °fIOfl|’9IGl|l|llfiVB!lDl'YO1Yllsllflld CREEPSHOW ,m,,,,,,,,|.,,-,,,,
|f\';¢.|;g||"\Qf|i"HQ||y*9gd s].-
VOL 1 no s/I004 VOL 1: no 1 °"'" """- °°°'"' "°'""° '"“ ’°"'
Muiiiq CLOSE ENCOUNTERS or Fiiminqvawsimiinsnosrsronvi s"‘"'
‘me THIRD KIND iiimiiiiiws wiiii ll\\lf\QIHIDf’VIW!Wl"l¢lIQCfl‘-|O7I!I yo], 13 "Q 3/“Q 3
"F5'ii*[\r]l}'J""3/3\]DUDi‘l90\7DD\JOQDOIODQ Sllvnn Sptlfbelq lltd 100611! affect! Irvin Ind mllllltllslklbowhrllocl fDu'_|"_°"!l immq gob Bum"-5
siipmisiiioiiiiguiriiiiiuiiiii .11: ,,,,,,u, ,,,,m,_,, mi 1,<,NG_
spacial qllccis oi POLTERGHST.
,...i ll'l:l 1l1li\
V) iii.;i»,i,-:v,._._i_— _l Ly BACK ISSUES
iiiiiiiiiq E 1 ,lftQ Wcfl t1fKRU|-L I1:
9.156 U122
s;2 sio U124 ss
SUBSCRIPTIONS: $10 2):?“ E1 32 $12 E133 $12
Cf Four lniiec $16 E] Eight luuel $30 D Twelve lsluel $42
[Foreign SIBI llrlllqrl 515! lfoiuigri S-‘El
3*“ 513$? 3133:,
2 ” B10356
[no.4 $6
D111 sl
1. We 12
Addltll W77 _ 7. . ___ _ Sm 74 "2 i:lii.2$6
\'( )I. III NU "i
Our story last issue on why the title ol Piiiiliiwtl 2‘! pt-ins .|§{(L (ll;i)li>ii'\ ZIIILIIIIZIIIUII ,
REVENGE OF THE JEDI suddenly and 0| Ik-iii)" _];ii|it'\' 'I'irrri III [Irv Sr yr-zr is rmv HI
mysteriously switched to RETURN OF IIlt'IIlI)\ltIIIIIIl1_t; ghost \IUlIl'\ t-\'c|' Iilmutl.
THE JEDI (131415) would only have been
seen by the relatively limited following of
this magazine. II it weren't for Sid. He
blew his cool when he read the story (we
sent him a copy, ol course) and the press
PROI)l‘(.'fl()N ARTICLE 8: RETROsi>£(.'r
E ________._ 7 E4
got wind of his bluster. Sid, the phone 5
here hasn't stopped ringing. Thanks. ]’$*4 '
Heel kind of sorry Ior Sid, though. You I »,_ Dim IHI _|IIIIlI lt.nlli.iin (III! I|l‘lI lIIt' ]||t‘.|t IIlIIl'\\lII \\lI|t l).iii
can just imagine the pressure he was i 'l ()'B;iiiii-iii |IllIIIIt.lI \lI\'lIIl'II(|lI||I li|tiilItt'|lII.I|r'uII lII1‘|IIllII\.
l'I|n|iii iulllh llIIvIIvI~ nnnt ~ii\ii ||||\i. \\t| kt II lllls \\ \\ (II\I| s ,.n-I IIII III \I I7kl \| I II|(1|\ |‘l,\l \\ III II|\Ilv\ I-||>\IlIllli|ll\ I'|...i... |..--it llll |\\m I\ i \ ...n,ii.\
KirrIllV\ ~in._ I'II1|l l~ Ilillll IIII I\IlI\ |YllIIIY\\ \l4II \\|ll~I<rI| IIIIWIIN Ilvllll III \h/n\1 |i\ |lI11Itl|,I\ u '\\l“\l ill-r\I1.\|s;~ti~.n \I~lIlIII1I \|.i<.- R‘iIt|l|I ii mrl I'in1..
|\.IlIIIIl|¢Il IHIII IIIAIIIIIII \|ii. .~-\ IIIIHII 1--in; IIll.|tHI|I|I~l \ I l~I\|llll ||II\\ |I4I'»lr11| \Ir\I |<..i,ii-, IIIIIII \ Rllxs-I IIIII l\I \<I|IIV
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(Il\n\\|\\|lQ| I \I\(.\n\| Il\\\ UIIitvlli_ t_ |...i.i._i~ii |.t t1I<Il|II|It I'll II<-\ ;.-- llik iwii it MIMI \..~it-l.l.__ |..~ii,;. rv,|I1I II iris i'-ii II I>ll,II I'lI\|\I\\lII( \vlllI ..|.||...
~Il|Ilg‘V»|vv( I\Il \\| \si|r5i
-. I. Il| iIIiIll~I4I|l-I11! |i||I|II~Il<| ‘II it . Iaillhstri‘iii -i»- 1ll‘IllIIII I \ |.\I |~lIlII \4t\~I||~ll|Iil|lnt* |1| I!'l|II \\vlII|v \.t. \IIII \\
l‘I\II1IiIIIiIl\ I'M lI~\ _'ilI I -t|iIii1tI IKI I'I1<i7|i HI 'I\IIiiI'ii I'iiii|iil Ill I \\ (4i1l|1!II\ I-qiiilglir‘ |'|\t In IlIiIiIIiI \ lillr ll\lI>\\I\\IIQl I " i- IKIQIUIIIIII \ lliilviiiiii
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mu: lhr llung mumh-1 Hlllsulr BlueThundenlneluper-uleek.
[IA —' 7 ' I |]l('ll \\ |l|<|<|\\ .|lu|llu":|1.|~r|~uI|1|| ¢71l'99¢'“l79h°PP9|'Y°l"|"'°l¢"°"»
DU you /\-n0“- “'/K),-(1 .\ ‘Lurk. ~|h ||| \|1.|]|(' In nrla lug:I mu ul l|u' \:.||'~ an-M 1-xx mm;
- "PF""9'°'°”'7"|-°'A"Bl|E"kY""9<
' |||<|\r |lu- ~(|r|'l~ -1| lm \|u;r'|r~ .l1lln|1 \||~[u nw ||l|n~. l§l.l‘l-
your Ll1!I‘£I-HI()d£’I'l1. .1 \\1| mm m |1\.-...|{1m.L-Ln m(- llll‘,\'l)l< R. H-1.-.|~.v.1 .\|..\ |:s 1...,“ |1“»\“»..,..,|1|_1s|u.-||m|--1.-I.
._ '- ' . lu-lnu|m-| nm||im| |||4'||n'&'||IIg.1|>| Rm \1l\n\lv| <>|.\\\'\.\ I ll.l.()l~ .|h|n|||~lu. ln_uh~|uh |1r||\u|||x')
Sui)?’ ‘s_‘0l)l“‘s”( a[e(l' .| guuupul 1u|1~p||.|1u|~|||~1<|r||u- llll- .\‘l(-lll>|>l.|\~ulliu-1I-|.|nL <.|p.|l:h-nl n.|\vl|||_|4.||2llUu|pl|.|||d
p()[en[1aII_\' dunger()u5' |-.-(|.1..1 |s.|||n||;_u.' l_I|r||||ng;|.||1lm .\|||!|:|\\. .- |;I||g|l' I»-1|{|..“.~| 1|;-]|\:-1111;; |.|nx»..,..m|~1;,.<. ..m|..1|.<
- - _ - _-) :.|||n~|.|\ n-um I u'|| |m>\x~1m|1(~. lilll .|\~lg|1|1 ml 1:-|| ~||u \q||.n.
, 1| ‘_'lIm|||.|||||||||||||hu| |n|||.|||u| —
Muhh-|1l\. |lu- -m|~|n|.||n|~ ah» ~n.m-4| umlu-| .ulu.|l um u»|uh- n.|nu-|.|~ .|I|~-\\ lhr |nln| In "~11"
hu L .|ll |hi~ lmll~hil Jluml m|u~|l~ .||ul |)l||\\\ .| hi:-ll l his ken u-\|;m-
l.|ln<'.|mls]1\i|\g.||lI1';|lll|l;||'»IlHr mnl ull |ln- |n.|p:llum-u-1,nuum~is
-llIll|I.|\ ~um\-(hilly;ln»;|\,h\|ll|1:|l\ kill:-ll.
um \\‘|I.ll mu n\u\i("~ .|huul. B.nll\.|m In-l\ ll\.|| [hr slglll ul
(k>l\|n\l21.| Pu umw \\'.|~||'l.|lmm In |n'n|)|l' gl'l|||u; hm! vn ulzusr pun
\|)|'lhl S21! uullnm nu |||.|l-linlg ;| m<ul.ukdmnlpll-\n>|mx|llnwmry.
~l.m-|m'n|." “l|\ um l|\||1_L; m \\'||lv |hi~ ml
llu- n1ig|l|.|l \lll|)l pu um-ll |l.|]|('| .||n| lu l.|u_l;h .||nl nu-;nn
l"|.u1k .\lu||>h\ .|~_||4ullp|l'll']lM>|l- .||mul ll .|~ ()'B.unu>n dill, hm il'~
41. |§.ull\.u|| .||nl Rvmm llmu_uhl ;|nnl|\r| llung In \\'.|ul| viglu mil-
lh.|| \\'.|~ .| uml.|Ll~.|ml hlmlghl llI(' lmn |)('(l]J|l' _L;(‘lllIIg \\’i|w\|1|||l."
L|l.||.ll In <|u\\|l lu .4 lIll)Il' |.|liu||.|l I-'\n|h<-1 l\||§ ul mnw \|u|rnl
]l'\l'|. \ll'lIl‘\ \\('ll' |n.|\|r .|lll*| l'.nl\ pm»
|.\u\.|ngum|, M\|||:l|\\ llN||\l(' s(|rl'lI|lIl.;\. Unv \((‘lI(' m whnll
p.||lm~|. lnnl .||u>ul (mu linr» ul lll')7ll\|.|||\lllIllllldllH|l|)('l§)|)(‘lll'\-
\lmlu_l;ln- m llw |mli.|l ~ui|n and lnzlm ||<'|l>\\‘ l|ll‘ \L\vu.||n-1, rho
\\'.|~ mvu-l\ .| xvmznl 4 l|.n;u u~|.nm- .'\nu l’l.u.|_ h.|~ .|Ilh\||lx1-u (‘limi-
nl \l‘\(‘|§|l l|l.|l .\lul'ph\ llmv \\'lllL |\.|u-ll. ll.nll|.||n ll-ll lhls s|('lIl' \\'.|\
liznllmnl lnull un l.ym.|||_l;:>ml.unl "Inn lmnilxlng" ||1l (hr hp!‘ uf
\l\('(| his ~.u1ws ll» l<'|l l|\(';|ll(|l('lIl(' 1llll‘X|)t'lll'llu' hl'\\'.mll'l|.
rho mm |ilm~. ul lht‘ I...-\.P.l). ln'|i- .\|1Ulhl'T ~u-m- |h.|l h;|~. lull:-1| un
l <n|>u~| "\':m 34¢-l In n-ully llw ullling umuu llmu haul (Iumly
l|k<-him." mill B.u|h:m|. "\\'hvnln~ (Il.||L. M|uplIy'\ _l.(ll| hi:-ml. lrying
gm-|\ lIl\ll]\l“l| \\'ll|l .\l\n|>lu. .|ml |0('s1;|[)(' .| ~:||<>x|ulpnliwuns.
Dlnclor-lohn Bndhlm (anon ovcrlmlcrlpl wllhlioy Scholcrn Murphy (I) mg
DanlulSlemn Lym|ngood.B|dhn|nadded good-nllund comodlclouchnlolhc l|I(‘Il i~ Lilla-ll, l|ll‘ .|mli<-luv gvls l'lu~\' four In-1 inm.m all:-§ wlu-rc
¢'\l'l¢|¢f 9| |-Y"\l"9°°d W710" -157° hi‘ "l"dl'°"'J\l$|N\°|h" Flll 0"-" 1-mnlinnulh in\nl\c\l. The lllingx ~hr limb muxr \x|\|;nl L1ll\ |u~l\ing
l|I;ll \\'ll\l|(l Ir Ulllllllllilll) impm- lU\\';lll|\ In-r. .\ ham 1- ulwvtillg
xhrmngln w.|ll-." whnlc llilmlinlml \\-In-n \n~ lilnn-ll l|\.|l ll\‘lHlIIl\|l'.l~ I-llll In .\|lll])|l§ \\'u\|l\l lx- impm- \\'i|h;| |Il|lk|I\|l|\|\('| uu si(l('\\':|)'s.
lim-ning minmpl|<ml~n.||1pilkup liun ~11-nc nl Blur l'huml<-|. null l;|n| ll! ynu um. hnwlu-1| .\lurpl|g .|llu\\'ing_; hm lu pa“ I1c|\\'<1'|| lht‘
.1 \\'h|~]x*| .| nulr .|\\~.|§ ;|ml l\'Ull\| \\';|\ (In-1r Iul ~vu'|.|l \l.|y~\\'l\ilr\\~o ill‘! i£|(‘\ In -n-.|l ll|.u lu~liunp|1'|, llI|l\ and llw \\".|||. l'n~\ir\\' .|u1li-
.||l un .|m|iu \ isunl l;l]Il'\. Hlr \lm| i|, liux um ll.||1;.;v~\\'1'u~n\.|<l<-
4 (In-n"~ .| _L:l)l|ll.Il|IlI gmnl n-n~nn lur mu'~.|rl\|u~ll | lln~wqur|m-.
|)l|0l's hvl|n<-| i~l|||kl-xllulllvgllm. I); lHI'lIl In l)<-.||| Rviun-|." il. llv dun-~|\'| knuw \\'|\.|l hok l|;|\'in;.;n\'l'nlmn|nn~iunl:n \l\lll|\
whull .m- u>||unll<~ll In |ln- |nuu~- gluing I0 lln \\'llh il lnu hr\ ~u|<-as in l'llF. l)l'Rl'I$ ()F ll.-\7].;\RD.
lm-nl nl |ln' pilu|\ lmnl lnl pin- ;n|h.|||| lilwd l|I\' l|<'ll um gmng In In lllmrllukl-ls an il was lllmmul. "Him! ynl."
p<»inl.nuu.n\. nn_l4u|.|l uuucpl nl l|;|u- il. znml jn~l m;|\Ix- lw n.m B.nlh;nnnull-~,“mmnr.|m|;|\u\|l.
Dun ()'B;|n|mu. \\'hn~.r \¢|n~||
l<'l|ll\ im lmlr .-\I.ll'lN, l)L.-\l)
AND l5l'RlF.l).|m| |).\RK 5 lI\R.
\\'um~ l|ll‘ ~urvn|:l.|§ lm ('nlum|n:|
Pilluu-~' S20 millinn plmlullinn
—( llu~ \(ll|)l_ hul h~l|
1| lll‘(‘4l(‘l|
m hv l.l"l'l| in R(‘l\II('l. wlm [hid
l.u ill ing
l~x|mw \\'h.|| |hl'§'|(‘ duing Ix-lmr
l|Irl |;|Lr il ;|\\'.|§ [mm lnnL"
Sim 1' l¥.nlh;nn 4~n\isi<n|~ Bl.l‘l-'.
.|~ umrH:|i|||m~|u. lllr
l'l Il'.\'l)l-IR
n;||n.|g4l-ll|.|l\\'m|l\h|~n.|ll§ .num|-
lIIl|l|-llI!('l| .l|)U||l 2.l)l)(lll1ink1-m
Lllling on lln-]x>li1r \\'|ll'Il .-\||m~'
B.|||wq|n~ bIn\\'~ up. Nu nnu unn-
|1l.|i|n-ll nlmnl llml silly su'|\l'. hul
lhvy ¢li\ln‘l likv 1111- uu going
along \\‘ll|\ u1»\\‘|l||'| Dun _|;|Lnl)§. \\'lIlkl'l| on \(‘\l‘lZl| (Zlinl l-'.;|~l\\'nml h.|n\ .| |).|ll|r mm .uul lhumglu llll‘ ~id:-\\-.|y\."
_|uhn ll;|\ll|.n||, whn h.|~ h(‘|lII\'l|\_mln-lpvnuxlillllu-()'|<l.|||» \|ll'l'|s ul l.n~ .\IIg.{l‘]('\ hm In-rn \\'hill~llu-Blm~ l'l|umll-r.|i|u:|ll
nu h xliu-Iw |ilm~;|~ §.\ l'l 'Rll.\\' |mn-_].|Lul1y u m-|||>l;|3. lmml \|u\\'n in l|IL' poinl \\'l\un- l|l<' i» .| ul-;||iun nl Dun ()'li;|nm>n'»
.\'l(&ll'l' Fl'l\‘l'IR. l~'|.|nk l-mgl~l- “l'lu~n- \\-;|~. .| _l:l0||]| 0| |x'u|||:~ lilm l;|]u'~n||1'|('|m'|1l~.n| l.|nu|»§. ll~||il<- im;|giu;||i:>n. ;|ll nl lh
l;|'\ DR.-\(Zl'l..\.|mllln-unpuuning whu \\1-xr lll\l)]\\'Ll \\'i|h |l|i\ pin Fm <-\;||n|:lvi||n||r\u‘Il\'-ll'| “.‘4|"' "\\'i|\l" ll|ll-I-I""‘|l‘l" I-l<i|llil‘\
\\'.-\R(L.\.\ll'lS. \\'.|~ \\'ml\ing.; un\ nn \\'l\nlhu\|gl|l llmulu-y l'|~ In In ||.n k lluwn .\l||I|)|\\,\\'|\n .14 l|l.ll|\ uxi~|. B;nll|.|m pulllh mu
\\'H()§[-1 |_[l-‘ii I5 1|‘ _\,\'\'\\‘,\\'_? “-l-H-;_;ni||; H, |||_|Ll- |]|¢- K“-‘|| §|;||g-- \||nu‘ss|||||§ <ln<l;;l-\lI|n| n.|~|\ nu» ll|.|| .| shun umv .|g.;u .| hilll. who
win-u I10 \\'.|\ h-||ll|L1| |ln~ ~n|u-n- Illl‘lll nlmuu Big lhnlhc-I in llllll." ~i|l'\- 3|\||l>|\¥ -'"‘| hi‘
\\'|"|l' \\'-I‘ 1"“ i" "'1' \\'<""|\- \\'-l\ |"1-Ill
pl;|\. In .\ IUNI hr lu'_L;.|n vxpluinrll l£;nlh.||n."lhu,|h.|l\\'.|~ llmppn-I hulr Ix-him! .| lwlclling In u~i||_|; l|ll‘lIIIHl.{l.l|l|IlL\. "'l'lu-y
wnlking \\‘ll|l lhru|l|>|.4\lum|i|lg II(‘\(‘l Illrlr m hr m.nlr in .|\ huh .| \|n<>Lr~l.u L.|mi~~il1-—||||~~ingi|\ |1lllll(|.||l)lll|1I>lul('s.|lllll.||l|)lls‘N
In B;ulh.||n. “()'B.|nunn h.|~in.|ll\ lnnn .|\ il ~lnml:l lw umnlv. ll \\'.|~ ||'—|>l\||||||u-l~.llu\\'nlhmhinnu-\ B.|dh.un .ul<l:-1|. “Bul lh(‘\ .|l\<>
u|||n~d in lhr ~l|i|n uml llu-n hull .||\\';|\\ nnmu In ho luu .nnl \\’ln-n
lilllr In llu wilh ix |ln~|r.|lu-|. ll<- \lIlIIl'.ll|lhrql||)l\\‘lI.|l§1Hll;||lll'(l F||m|nqmq¢rg|holapunullpolicehullcopllrlntheslonndrllnlolLosAnqQ|u.
\\'.|~ .|\.u|.|l»lr lm u>n-\|ll.||iun. llv .|\\'.|\ \\'.|~ um lh.|l llmr \\'.|» l|\i\ Mll>PllIl|¢l|l"ICl!$UpQfV|$O1CIl||d( Gnplrmounlodallghtwalqhldummycoptar
\\'.|»n‘l |);|Hl‘£| hum ||u' ~41 m .|||\- ll:-1-|>. nu*.|ni||g||l| lh.||n.l. hul lhc B" "W |‘l||l°'I|8""F"' P'l"°"'\- '|7"¢°9|"Wll P\1||9¢ ll N971 lP€.dVl|"1IOI|.IlQ
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Fllmlng dobrh ralnlng down lrom
oworhoad crunn. the suppond ollacl
ol I Sldewlnder mlnllo Ml on the lop
lace nl lhe Arno Tower In Lon Angola
(lull). Spaclal gllacu auparvllor Chuck
Gaspar (near lull) used mow plaslcr,
balsa wood prop: Ind small plaen of
braakaway qlau lur debris. Although
lha l"lC| (above) required aboul a
doxon ellech morn and look olghl hours
Ia lllm. ll proved loo gruesome and has
boon largely adlled oul cl mo lllm.
Zlllllilllll“-l)l;lllillll(il§(lIIll|Zl\l('ll flmmlci. lIIl§\('\ and vxplnllvs Ix-lnrcllu*;u|n;||slmul.;\li\r~m;m nu l\\'i~|uy \l'l|llllI\ nnd pnl haul.
ll) |h<' nlmp|x~r\ l:.|~i: hluv m;|m- upon hilliug lhr .-\|u> l'u\wr. l~'u| 1H‘\\‘\\';|\lI('l'(ll‘(lllI\l'|llllIlll‘<'X|IllI- llI}.{(‘ll|l'l with linlr pil-u-~ ul |lill('
lim>l|) \\'iI\2llllll'llllIIl\l' llll1ll'Ihllll'. lhi~ ~14-Ina (i.|\p;l| ~u|x~|\'isr1l lhv simh in \l‘(|lll'lll 1*. ()m~ lIl'\\'lIlZlll wuml. \\'<-‘ll llmi (‘\]lllKll'llll'pillL‘
using lmnrylmnhul niznluizll huililing_;(;u lhvnld(Iulu|nl)i;|l’i1- mnk hix uw hum lhr mini.|um~ \\‘<>(Kl;llI(llI;|\‘l'lllI1'I\l)l'lIlII(llll('llI
l)(IIllll‘ll In lhr n':|ll's mrlul and l\|n's lznnh) ul ;| nlmk |m\'1*|_ lu-liuipu-1. :\\ lhr |\l'll(lI|)ll'I gvls whixh \\‘<>||ld |)|l\ll |ln-\l\r|-||m~n|l
lillrd\\'i|hinsulallinnl|m|n.\;|ml1-ll \vl1i1l|mw7:'1ln*| l|Illll'illHlllll\\‘;|s inln pmiliuu, lhr (‘lll‘( l\ mun [in-d mwiilng .n\';n hmn lhr .u. \\'hi1h ¢
down in gi\'\' lhv n|i|x~;n:uu 1- ul l-l l('l'l widr. Simr dalmzlgrs [mm his <-xplmiuu zmd lhr Illlll'lh liu-d |n.|L<*~ il llmk likr Ill] lll ll) pn-u-s
unnur planing. llw vxplminns wnv In ;||)pr;|r un llu-in riglu lx~hi||d him. llying |l||<»ugli llw ‘III. l'lii\ mzulv
"\\’1-luzndlugrllwii hL~li¢u|m-n," Iwn sidm nl lhv building. only l\\'O Fulln\\'i|1_|.; llIl' hlmla that rip lhr lm 1| linlr llllll‘Il'lll l'lll'll llum llll‘
Visual ejfectsfor BLUE THUNDER could put
this Culver City effects company on the map.
Wild cat-and-mouse chases between BLADE RUNNER. matte photography
the super-charged chopper Blue in FIRST FAMILY and CADDYSHACK.
Thunder and sleek F-16 |ets will knock and motion-control spaceship photog-
audiences out ol their seals this spring . raphy tor CLOSE ENCOUNTERS TH E .
Responsible lor many oi these exciting SPECIAL EDITION and the TV series
etlects. Dream O ues t In C .a 3 ' :-year -
old Culver City special ellects house, is GALACTICA. spent live months on
helmed by a SIX-mi partnership all . BLUE THUNDER and prov id ed 30
close lriends who worked together shots Director John Badharn and the
under Douglas Trumbull on STAR Columbia brass lilied the test shots ol
TFlEK—TMP For BLUE THUNDER. F-l6 lighters ying over Los Angeles
Dream Quest provided the sequences that Dream Quest made up tor them.
"W°|\""9 "18 F-'5 "Qhtets. including but negotiations between Columbia
the background plates shot lrom both and Dream Quest suddenl Y sto DD ed .
the ground and helicopters. as well as and the studio went to another special
the phot og ra p h y 0 t t h e model minia- ellects house. When that didn ' t work.
lures The company also provided however. they returned to Dream
shots ol a Sidewinder missile which is Quest
lired lrom aiet. misses the Blue “But by thistime siii months had
Th u nd er t'lBl icopter. and hits one ol the passed. " recalled Scott Squires, presi-
Arco Towers Dream Quest also sup- dent ol Dream Quest. "The proiect had
plied a sun reection oil the Arco been underway lot about a year.
Tower when Mother Nature didn't during which they had shot a tremen-
come through ctous number ol aerial plates in all
The company. which has credits dI"EfE|'\l'Ol'l'V\EIlS*VlS|3VlSlD|'1.4'DEF1.
including the simulated computer squeezed—none ol which was usable
graphics used on datascreens in in the model photogra P h Y "
ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK and "The shots iumped all over the
screen," Hoyt Veatman. vice pres-
ident/cameraman. agreed “The prob-
lem was that the shots had been done
lrom a helicopter Since it was impossi-
ble to get FAA permission to lly a
tixed-wing aircrait over downtown Los
- ‘-. Angeles to match the 300-500 mph
airspeed described in the script. the
lilm was shot overcranked. at about 8
lrames per second That exaggerated
every burrlp and ioggle the |'lB|lCOPlBr bilized helicopter mount similar to the the camera."
made in llight. What the director one developed tor THE EMPIRE With steady background plates ol
wanted wasa smooth. llowin Q motion." STWKES BACK K’ u "J eing daunted by the aerial scenes coming in trorn
Alter considering renting a gyyg-5|a_ its cost. Dream Quest decided to use a helicopter pilot Rick Holl y and heli-
Tyler boat mount in a helicopter The
. copter camera man B ob Eberlein, mini-
um c mi“ ‘mu’. d mum gyro system-with its hydraulic lluld aturo photography ot the F-16 I ets
. pump-and the camera took up most proceeded The models are 18" long
gun" “J.
oi the room inside the chopper. but the and come straight lrom commercial
hr m:"|m,. ‘u ‘mu tirst test footage it returned was very Japanese kits‘ They were shot using
Ema Bohuumhr (I) promising. the lront-light/back light matte s Y stem
"But at eight irames per second we and a technique. developed at Dream
tl\\l.lI Inniil iii lIt)iIl II\iiig iiII iii .i
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\\iiiil<Iii't In.ii .iiniilii-i \\ttItI iiiiiil \lIlll\ l\ lI|i ttt|>\t.|I \\i tilt li.nI
\\t' \|.Itll'tI ~Iiiiiiiiin_- iIi.ii |i.iiin iil.ii t'l|IIll_QIltIi.ii I‘IRl- I-UX li<.i| ||\ I4!
l|t‘lll Hr \t'.lII\ l.iiitI III lllIllt'tI lllt lItt' |iiiinli. IIlt‘ll l\ Illl tI4I|lIII ili.ii
Ilbtl\t‘.“ t'\t'l\t|||t‘ \\lII ttllll|i.||t' Itlll lllti\It'
(-.i~;i.ii .|tIl\lIlIl'lI ili.ii. "()iii- vi iiiii.
iln-iIiiiii4~In-.i|l\ |lI\t‘tI—IM't.t|l\t‘lI (.ii|iiiiiIii.i tIt'\l'l It ]Ill'\ |(‘\\l'tI
LDEALOF-|-HECEN-|-URy_" . ‘W "'4" '""\' \\.|\|||\ Ill\ltI\tllltt
' IIIIIIIII _ \\.|\|lI - iii l'l- |i|l'\iiii< iii .. iii I\Ilt‘Il|
. i i t‘
F-t6s. is more attracted to the sun's Bar-B-Oue restaurant." Squires noted.
reilection on one oi the glass walls ol “But Columbia wasn't very interested , .
the Arco Tower.
Sincethe rea|Arco Towers are made
oi relatively unreilectivedull black
in whet we were saying. So we added
the Sidewinder passing the helicopter
and apparently impacting on the tower.
:1 . ¢
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reilection by tracking the windowon <. '~_ _' ; ’-»
:1. -r J
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which the missile would impact. using
a motion-control camera and a cross-
iiair. An operator joy-sticked the cam-
the air when two cowboys duel. But
directors want to see the missile in
llight." Kay Anderson
“‘ -
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Three people are dead, but Warner Bros plans to open the film despite the controversy.
l'()(L.\Rl‘.I~ |In- li>uII|.i|| ])l.l\l'I n'IIii
By Donglil II/[note IIIIIII'|_qiw» ;| \l'\ <II.III_i.gI~ npi-|.IIIuII.
\\'.iIni-I Him [ll-lll\ll|ll‘Il‘il\l' l'Ill' |»I.II~ -III £lll|II.|II(‘ p.I~~I'|I_I4I'| \\'l\ii
l'\\‘lItl(ill I‘ [UNI-'. ]IInI' 2| III IIII'~ \|lll|\ I ll‘-ll\IIl' II.IIII;Ii.;ing IIn-
.lIl‘l\ ll£ll|(YIl\\'l(lI', In-;I|I\ DIN‘ Ic.|I Snip iniiiiiin ;nIinI.IlnI
;IlIi-I .i lIl‘llllI|)I!‘l iI.i~II Ilinnig lllllI- l).nnl .\lli-n lllllllllIll|l'\ .i mi iil .i
IIII4 Ii>nLIlIi~l|u-sol .II IIII \'i¢ .\lmm\\- n'in_i;i-iliii-.iInIi- lIIin_i;.n\-.i\.
;IniI Iwn (lIlI(l |ll'lllllIlll‘l\, Rl‘II!‘I' Spii-Ilwig\ i-pimili-. llil\l‘ll llll IIn-
Slnnn (IIIIII, Ii .|niI Mun llinli l.i~. 7. I'\’ ~Im\\- "Kn L IlIi~(;.nI.“ |\.l _\;i-inli-
.\'<-iIlIi'I IIn- iI;i~lI nin llll‘ iIIiIiIn~n lIi~.III-Iiiggri Ill ll\l'\('lllHl IL l ..ll)UI||
will I)\‘\l’I'Il In lIn- nIn\iI: _ ulil iiiilgi-I~ III .I ll‘\l lI()lIIl' wlni lnnl
l~“‘IlAl(;II |'l()NIi.|\vni.I|I'pIn- . Ilml lIl(' §(‘lIl‘| Ill Iii-ing \iinn_I; i\ .IiI-
$ Ing ynIIn_I;. Bill Qninn |Il;|\\ Ii §ll\lI<
Ilnii-I (;mi_i;i~ l~'nI~I~§. jI. Ii-Iiiml In
l'lIlI(‘l Hlllllllll in Ilrny inn l‘;l1lll'I pim wlm Il‘lll\l'\ I0 gii ulnng. \\'In~n
ll‘])1Ill (If$:2 l3:II:9i nl -I pIn\m:IIi\'\- - Q_niIIn limls <IIilIIn-II In pI.n n-In-n'
iiiiiini Illzll ilim llll JUIIII l..iiiili~ nun v"="0now
lIl\<IIllllll‘lIll§ll\l‘llI1III‘. IIi~ l»i~g\ In
ll-l\l' I)l'l‘II IIniIi'I ]IIl'\\llH' Iimn -_7 '» jiiiii in. I)lll iI'~ IOU l;|l('.
\\'.nni~I B705 In lllll\ll filming nu -J , I-Inily ll'])lIIl\ i~iII;III:IIin_i; Imni III!‘
\(l\l'llllll‘ wln-n Iln- .niiiIi-III miik THE caAsH prmliiilimiliinlsmggi-\lI1IlII.iI§pII-l-
|)lllll'. |Iii- iiiiiiiii ~ii_i;gi~~I~ Ilnii IIn~ ~~_‘ Hmyh I‘ u Y ling \\‘1Illlll \\‘IIll' Ill\ll\\'ll \lHl\‘, Inhi-
\lll(ll(IlllYll‘(ll.;lIIlIl§llD§IlHlIll|lllllll‘I- Z‘ nlmlvwn-Ilywok
thcllvuollclorlllt “'"’ ll ‘ ll|\ RnlI.I|iI\I.IIIIi-w|\II'III
., _I-|iI\mII-».
-- '
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4* l‘lllNlI\\ ;.I.iI -
IHIIIIII .,| -,.i>..|i..i.ii
In l)I'ii-mln-I,iniiiiiniig(l.IIIlinIIi.i C(IS|’ll'd,dlIQ¢l91JgI|y| .|
l,.llIII (1lIlIIl\I\\llIlI|‘l III-|IIIIIII4|~~IIi-II |_;m||| m.|1”|m9|m Iii~ i |in~nu4 III Ilii-ii i.ii \\'IIi-II i.ilL
.i ~Iiiigin_i;. iiinliili-iiIi.Il IniIiiIini~nI IlIIlI.l€QIIbIllld|I'lQ lllllh iii I \' llll'\ Iii-i;in II) \lI\l{ IIIl'll
ii! lIIl'Il.l\l\,\|IlII|\I'|I1I.||I\I|l‘|NI|li'Il , coplatwlllodlnll |.|\iiiiIi “Iln-ini ~iiiIi;~_" lllllll l'l‘ll\
In l'iIiii-I\ \.IIIl III-nning, “In III(' ioi°i.w-miiiam. .\l-I\lIII i.. i|..- ii..i|i-iii..iLi-.| ~.I..--1.».
i.i~i- III lIII' l\\‘lI.I(ilII Y.()Xl". I vllmlnvelnlvfi llll-llll llII\III I\\'II.Ii.I|I /nxl-.
Ii.ii4i-iI\ \\l' \.l\\ l|lIl\|ll('Il'.lIlllillhlllll I TWII-I<=H1l0~E lIn- \I\II \l'_I{I|l'\ ...i., .. lull mi...
lll'l;Il‘lllIItlIlIIllI‘ll.l)1Yllll'lIIlgllIIl)lI- -lvM14- ¢"P|I'”'° |l'||l'|I||4I||llll|||'||lll|\“\lI|l\\-\l|||1'|\-
\ll‘IIlI\ ' \iiiiIiIiIii_; Ill .i Il‘I('l|l I~~ni~ 9'I"'¢°"I'°""Y""| mg, IIHIIIYIFII \\llll |iiu-In ll.IlIi|lIlIIl
iil IIii- Iliillvii-iiiiil Ifi-]iiiIIi'i, Iliv IIlnI- '""°""°'"iI"‘° '""‘- I“i|..- |..i.- kin ~- IIIIIQ \\’..iiii<i Bu»
III,II\i-i~ II.i\i- .il|i-.Iil\ In-i-ii llll \\llII |lI'IlIl‘llllIilI>|l.l|M'lIl\l'IlI|I\(\\lI\IlllIl‘
5.'¢‘_'.lI1NIiIIiI\Il Ill\l‘\J\\l‘\\\'lllI\ lll‘ll- ll‘lI Iiinn .|I|\r|I).InI. inn» \\‘.|I('|. .l\ |)ll‘ll‘l\ \\‘l\|ll'\ nnl llll‘ |)lllllll‘ llll .II miil Iin .I i.nnI'ii .l|l|)('.lIilllI\' .i\ \\l'
nini;'~ii|Iiii .iniIIIIi-( ..Il|Il)lllI.l()lI |l- l'\|YlU\lUI\\ (ll'll)Il.Ill' .niil \\Illll llIU\\\ l('.|\l uni lnll \l‘l1Illll\_ lmi-\iig.iIiii~ l('|IIIIll'\I l'Il|lI('I iI.'I:l:llIi_
|lilIll)|\.II \.|li~I\ .nIil I ll‘-lllll .\ilnnnI~- IIlII4Ill\l\ .IIinInil lnin. I I Ill‘ \ll'Ill‘ |~ .iIi- .Il~i» i~\.IInInI|Ig lviii|.Igi~ |.ILi~II |.ilIIllI\ .|l\ll \\|ini- ,iIIII Ilni-i Ii-il lllr
I|.IIiinI lin "i-\pi-~I|II; iII||il|i-n Ill \-ll‘lll.llIL \\l\l‘Il‘ IJII‘ l|.|\ lil\| .\lin- lll)lIlll\l‘lIl‘lllIl|lll'l IIIIIII-,iIIIInIiIilli~ lIlIn'~ lIlII\ HIIQIILII l'|II\l)1I|'_ i.iIIi-il
Ii.ii.iiiliiii~ niiikiiig iiiinIiIiii|i~.iiiil.i IiiI\'\ ili.n.iiIi-I .i» .i "i;iiiik," \iiIiin- ||llll|lI. .i|m\i-I \\'l\I(Il ]i1k~ \Il\llIl’l|l\ "lhllj IIlIlIlIIl'|I liiini Ill(' ||lI‘\I1’\\
\.|Ill'l\1lllIllIl‘IlIl'.|IIlI.lII\I\.lll'I\UNI!‘ lll‘(lII\.\lIll‘l|1.|'\ \llIll Iii-il-i-.nIII \\.Il nlii-II lIl'lllI\ Imni Hlll‘ III Ilii- i-\|ilii~ ll'\|NlII\I III IN‘ llll \\l‘I|LI\l1lI lll1'\('\1-
\iiil.IIiiin~," .iII i-I nliiih .iii- living |MIIl(ll'\.l .\\ IlIl' |i>iiI.igi< HIIIIIIIIIIN, ~Iiin~m.i\ llil\l‘(.I\l\l'Illl\l'I.|l.ll(l.|\ll. l||I'Ill\ lhi- l.iIlIlII\ \llII\ I\ ~.iiil llllll‘
.I|l]K'.IlI'Il. .\llllIII\\' lll|l\. .l]l|l.|II‘I\ll\ In .|n .\~ lin lIIr llllll ll\I'll. |Ill‘\Il‘\\\ In |i|i=IilI\ illlll |II1'II'lIIlll\l\ Ill II» II.III~
\lll])l\,lIllll'\illllllIlI|l’I(llMIllIll'Ill\ IIIIIII-|\\.Iu-I lIi-Ii-. .\Iin|n\\ ll\\’\ \||I, _I;.nIi4i- .IIl\III'lllI' H'\]NllI\l‘ l|.i\i IKI'I\ illnii; III \'n .\liiIiim .I\ |lIi- Ingiii ii! Ilir |lll\ 2.1. l!I.\I‘1IIi-liiii|iIi-| inn Ill llll‘ n.IIi~i.~IIlI l|iil<Iiii_i;Ilii-Iuii Iii-Iil Ill .\lIIlIII-I .inil Ni-Ii _]i i~i-\ .\~.i Ilii- IiIIi- \\l\lI gi-i~ .i \lI|Il‘lll>llIlI.II ll'\'
llil\l\ II.I\i- lIl‘l'll llllII('(l ll\l‘| I|\ ll\IlllIl‘Il Imp plniiii, .Ilm\I-|. §IIiI~ II-~I|II \\'.uni-I lhm ~lIIII|Ii~ilIIII-iiiili-I mu In llI\l'IllI lII\I|‘IllI\\ III.III. II \\.i~
\\'.nni-I BIii~ In iiiii-mi,-.iI|iii4.|gi~nI~ ll('lll§.llIl'Il('lIlll|Jll‘l .il~i>I|Iinini;IIii- III IIII‘ I']|l\lKll'\ llll .i l\I4IIl' i-Ili-iIi\i- ilniing Ilir I.|\l iI.n Ill Iilnnng lllls
III Ill!‘ N.IImn.Il ll-Ill\])lI|l.IllIIll ~hnI I.|lI~ inInII.IIni-. Iigln Ill Illlllllll ini\. l)ni~iIi>| (.i-iiigi- \lilli~i'~ ~i»i;- ~I'I4InrIn lIl.|l .\llYIlU\\' .iiIiI l\\II i In|~
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mi; iiInniI.II lIl1IlllIIIl'l|lv Ill lIIl'I.l\l‘ lI|i~ llllll l\ hi-ing ~iinIini/i-il In I>i- IlIi- Iiliiik \I.llllIHIll. .iiIil l\ Iii-ini; \lll'llll' JlllllllIIii- ii.i~li .IniI iI~ .i|Ii-i-
lX‘Il('iI(iillIl4lIIll<l(nl.IINl |ni\. IIIIi~»Iig.iIii|~iiiili-Ii-Iiinni-Il|i~in.Ii4|n~ ~lnIIi-IIwl.i\i|il.iii~.Iniiii|niii4.iIII-pI- |n.iII\ III Ilii- I.1I\ .lni,-i~Ii-\ I'iiiii-I an
l’.I|I nl IIII-r\IiIi-||ii~ Imn IaI \llU'll I|\ Innlr HI IIII‘ ~ K'\l.|l l'lIl'1l\('\ lllI\IHll\ Mill!‘ ilnri Il‘ll In .§Ir\i~|I § I IIl'llM‘I .\~-. .\ nil. ",\'iiInn\ii>i~\\iiIIlIil\ III 'liiI.' .
llI\l'\lIL{.|Il)l\ l\ li>nI.n4i- lIl‘lll(' ll.l\Il in Ilii-\\.iIrI III.II In.n .\lIlli-i'~ ~i-gnii-III ll'.|ll|ll‘\ .i I\lllll~ ~.iiil .\|ni~lI>i-i_I; "ll ~iiii|i-Ilinig mix
I.iLi~n iin Ilii- iimiiml In iI|iriIi>i ii! IlI‘IlllI|l|l'I In |l.l\l\. lIn- l'\|lIlI\lllIl\ \ll'l lll‘\I!§I\i'lI In\i-ii|i.i|I|\I (;i.iIi.; ~.IIr. II'~ III(' IIQIII .n|iI Ii~~|inII(|IiiliIi
|>lIiiIiigi.ipln §Ir\i- I..nni-I. llIl‘llIUI- in Iln-InnI;Igi~giiii|l \\'lllI\\llll|Ill('lI- Ri~.uiIiiII. _]nIIn I.iIl|gim-. \4ll'lll'll|\(‘ iil l'\l‘l§ .iiIiu .inII lIl‘\\ iiii-iiilm l1)
ngc~lIinv~Slnimn-i.iIi\Ingiln-iliilil» my III;I| llIl‘lIllglIlIlI’\\4IllIl(‘IIIl(IllI- Ill l'Il|~' \\'()Rl.ll .'\(Z(Z()RI)l.\’(L yrll. '(JIn!"' CI
Il'\' u-.11|i|1ly nu! yum ~.|;mzI.1nI lx~zm1 |wn-»Iiu- mu>n-1. ’I'In- :|p- Dism-y Studio». 'I'Iu- lilm i> lII(' In anddiliuu. llwrc iswrim1>um\i1I-
um uI Ilcrcxsz :1 HO0\‘l‘I \-nnnnnu pIi:|mmI1;1\‘rIi\-ul Iu||;|1ilymg11I1¢-1 braaimhild nI_|oI111 l.;n>iu1. an 26~ vrznliml [ring gin-1| |<111\ukinglI11-
(I1-11m~r. 1111 uII-wI1in- .-\.\I clock in an uld s.umnu~| u1|11|gc,w;|i|i11g ycanr-old (Sal.-\rls g|';1du:m- who‘; lm |Iu' Iirsl Ill“-l(‘lIl{I|\ znnhnam-\I
mdiu. :1 ("I101-1 IuI ya-llmv \'|(‘(lYI( pulirlllly I01 lhcil on-|1rr 11111-111111. \mrkuI :11 l)i»m-y Im lI\l' I;|>| Inur |l'=lll1'I" bl‘ P"vdllH'1| ill 3-Dl‘\'l'h
blzlllkvl. :1 lemm l.nnp;|111I11Sun- Bul :|I1or l\\'n §(';lI\. lh\~;|ppIi;|nu>s 11-nu. "I wannlul In do llw MOT)‘ "Fl" dl'|iI-i|Il<‘\|." Diuh um»
a1n‘1|I1:|i1l |I1:11 |h1-y'wl1u~11;|I>;|11- |)('l:l\l§l' I llmuglu I1 Imd gmn II\l‘"ll‘(| "P1"! |('=""i"I-I "'5" hi»
Charlchrnkntchudwhlllvmrm .l.m.1L R1111...111;...1.-11.11....-.-;m1..1 |mIl'11|i:|| I1». :1 vuml.-m I)is|\uy “my mm in lm--pm<lmlim1. “Tin-
Iikr lhv old air unulilimm. lhr smry." said I.-mil.-r."I1'\g111z1Iu1 Ii1~l mn\'1u- lhal I .I1;1\'1' any lug
I ‘ plmky lmlsl ¢Iu'i1k-s 1I\.|| II lln-y nlIn-1|1|;|11¢I1I1u|1\1luil." ""'"""'§ "7 5* 5-\'()\\'\\'"l‘l'|5~'\ND
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"a _ Iznilhlul 1||1pliz1m'.-\: ' uw III .1 m-w .u1n|mn-1 .|nim.1|inu
pnu 1-xx \l\|h|u1| .§\mIu-\'1>1n||, hm
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1~xpIu1<~<I hy Iliam-y in mznking
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1\..1......1~.....1 1...1......1.1............. ..... ...-... ...;1.. 1.. ... -
SPIELBI-lRG'S L.\1'lsr
George Romero cries “foul” over RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. yd ,,,,,,,,(., ,,n§,,_,,_,,,, pm}
"cl hm“ "’“""“"" pmdual
By Paul (lagne
Rl'1l'l'R.\'()l~ lllli lAl">
'51‘ ll_ ahnlv I-'i||||~. in Fnqlznml Fn\
l\| -| m 0' 'n;..... 1-} <.l-
|_||;:\_ ml?‘-1,-_ |>|"~_\‘-"FR,
5"""‘" 5l’i“"?“'§;“Rl?Ml-lN5
has slarml l|l|n|_ng all Wamer
l.\I(i l)l~l.-\l)_ :1 S-l.,'> Illllllllll ‘ m u'\\'|in~ l(||\v|>'\ \<|vrn- 5"“ "M" ll“ d"““°"‘°l-l°c
mm lulx'p|m|||n1l In ‘|'-ml pl.n. Pmdmmm i\ &'x|n-|- I?§'""' ‘M product’ Mmhatl
Fun .nul dilnlnl l)\ l'n|x-
in ml m Ix-gin in Mnv in IAN
hnnflll "M mm‘ ‘hm br°“g.h‘
4"; ;;<>2~§Ll~@;&;_-w~
“ “‘""""
]Aws 5-1)
A rmu director finds nmu d1'nm1si0n.s in the
carnivorous return of the toothy behemoth.
Bv '
1\IiIIs .~7_ '7'? ‘" .1| I11nL. I 11.11111-1I 111I1.111-11-11-1.11
1I1~I11111I1111I11l1111111I1|111.I-1111-\.1111- _ 11
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Vl/aT!l8r BT03 lak€S ll
dlv€ Z12 t le pllf led
- -
of Z6 BOnds- l
"l"'*ll""'l‘“ “""
|uul>lr|tts." \\'.|r|tt-| llms lt.ts qtttt-|l\
st |.|ttlu-d tltr sttttttttct u|>ct|ttt_t; of
Xl‘\'l-l( !s.\\' Nl-.\'l-IR .-\(;.-\l.\'. lhc
lt'lt'.|st‘ Ul the ltlt|t—s.ttt| tn he \\'.|\
nous electronic dablalings and
THE SCORE/ He’s a low-lrudget one-man Band
t)\t'l htttlget .tntltttt|t-|ttl\ tttttlt-t the BUR\"l‘lfE Ll\'|N(})a|tddiscu\~. on hestta. Band llllllll fewer than
stttttutt ul atttltttns-lt.ts ll('t'll tlt*- an-(1his 5"“-“,5; in mnsir whit,- »l0 mttsitians itt his recuttling ses-
l.|\t‘tl.|l hast lllllll tln-t-.ul\ l.tll. attending a l-‘latnertcu shmv in sinns. net essitating tarcfttl nrt hes-
/P ~ l |"‘ l'"'1\‘~"""'l'-"'
"l l'l"‘—“l"' l‘ “‘|l
Spain when he was ten years old.
Band spettt the next seven years
tratiutt tn atltieve the lullness nl
suuntl that he wanted.
"I~IIi~ *1‘-III (3"I""'H'~ bemmiag a sell-taught musician. Cotttpouorliltthlrdl-l.BItdt:otttltit:h In athlitiott In the tlratnatit
"‘""" J‘ *"'"‘l -'!4*'"l untilretumingtothellnitedStates lllil-ondonSY|'\PlW"Y°'l$|99"I~ store, Band also provided various
(_ _l-I""‘\ W""l -Ill" ‘I |l'- where he received futtnal tnttsital amtmnts til prat tical source music
v. \tztt.|l|st1|tt-—\\.tstt1Ii: training. \\ hen hisl)l't)ll\t't,(.lIt|Ilt.'s by a sltnv, sustained three-nute suth as that lteatd mt portable
? "I-Ill‘ ~* |""l"l"'l I"i Battd stattetl to produce filttts itt
mutif. “t\Iy idmt was to get as far Httlins during the tmtrse uf the
"IW" -I |l'“ “""l~~ -"ll" I977. lte hmught Richard in toprti-
away fmm ellett tmtsit as l cnttld." filtrt. Due tu tlwlilm'.s lntv-hudgel.
“ii-\l l'-\'~"\\ II |l"l"| vide the lllusit. Band said. Band re-used sunrte tnttsit that he
sun conmry I"_' '\'"’~()(: I 0"‘ 3‘ Band's first effort was a synthe- Band mtnpnsed at musit box and Joel (iultlstrtith ltadttimpusrd
“< "1""! "l' -I "'11- §llL'f score fur L/\SERBl.:\S'l‘. ntntil. playing at variation on the fut LASERBL.-\S'l‘. tn which he
|1‘""-"I"" Ill-ll ll-"l |>"'l' "1"" l’~"‘ which lte urscnted itt tmly live maintltemtuwltithligttres pmmi- mvnsthe rights.
I" ll"‘ Will“ tllltl l'"i~\‘\"\tL
ll"\.\£ dayswithanotherttt-wtotrtet.tutn- nt-ntlyinthelilmusutriggerfurthe just prim to mtnpusing 'I'IlE
l'" I“"""'" ‘* "ll "\l"l"|'"*- post-r jetty (;uldstnith's sun, Joel. actitms uf the killer. The tinkling IIOUSE ON SORORl'l'\’ RO\\'.
»\|llI'I\l!4|\ ~llI\lI" lllllllit M» \\'t‘H' Band's next store was a tztrv.-fully stmntlnltlte musit hm: attrattsthe Band was totnttlissiuttetl to write
*1-l"'""!1-I‘ l-"P-'"'~"|\ ~\|~'\ ll‘-" ill" structttred and richly ntthestral stalking psytlto. and at the same lhCs(!)I('l|IITlt\lE\\'!\LKl':R.Pill-
illlll \\'"I|t| lit" II‘|l‘-“Hi "II ~ll"‘tllll1‘ mte Int 'I'llE D/\\' TIME ENDED, titne suggtsts what is going on tllliutl delays kept him fmtn see-
.l"|\ “iv ""l"\"\ l"*l‘|"" L'"‘\\ ll‘ whith was lolluwed by elletti\‘t- within that sinister. prowling lig- ing a littal cut unlil about twu
Illltl--\l~II1lI ll\-ll ll"'|I|I" \\'iI~ "I<ll||I~ cmn|xtsitiotts for DR. HE(IKl.E tire. The music bmt tnntif. and weeks helure he had to start on
"ll" -"Ill \\""|Kl |ll~"|¥ |"“|"|~'\"'|- ANDMR.llYl"l-Iattdthefuturistit another variation lot child-lilte SORORITY ROW. "TIME-
-\|l|l""!4|\ """|Y1" Will‘ |l"' ill|"'* l'.~\R:\SlTE. Band's latest work voices. all emphasize the tnuther- \\'Al.KER was a last and dirty
l‘l|"l|~ 1* ll"‘ ""1"! Ml“ 1-l\I\*' "1 '|"‘ can he heard in a pait of l0w- child relationship lietweett tlte one," Band said. "| ended up hav-
1l"l‘l\~ -l *l*"i~"""-I" l"! .|"l'" mi“ budgetthrillersmaltittgtlu-mttntls: Huttse Motlter and hera|)pat't'ntly ittgttiwritt-themajutputtiutttrlit
‘ll-V‘-\l"*!4"'—|l"'"H"l‘l""'“'l'-"" Film \’t-ntttre's .s'talk-and-hash stilllmrn child. a relationship hatketl upagainst the wall."
‘l|"'.\£ 'l"' 5"“ "l ""'"~"""'-'"'|"l'"‘ THE HOUSE ON SORORITY tvhitlt is nut rlt-atlv realized ttntil Band‘s appmatlt to the film was
*~Il \\‘"i~~"‘l""'"| ll"'" “"'l~ “'-I‘ ROW. and New World's muntmi- the lilm'stlim;tx. fairly straight lnrtvartl. The ttntsit
till-llt|\t'. .ttttl \\ttt|ltl ll.|\t' ltt1'|l tt'.ttl\ lied "Close Entutmters," TIME "l played with the attdience." was it-tortled with an unlit-stta ol
int the tnttl;]ttl\ rapt-tttttg. l|ttlt't-tl. \\',\[_KER Band explained. “ln the sense ul hettvt-t~|t twenty attd thitty-utte
"\"‘ "1"" l"'"|"“" .l~" \'|'\\~""' l~ Band describes his persnttal what is called a flash lurtvattl itt tmtsicians. llnlike the symbolic
'"-'"- "'-"l'"l 1" l»"'"|'*" 'l"""!4l‘ -' appmath tn lm suiting as an visual terms, l used a ‘flash fut» thetnatit trtatt-rial ul SORORITY
"‘l""*‘"'-"""- '""""l 'l‘~" -\I"'!l*"' attempt to supplv the thirdtlimt-tt— ward‘ itt mttsital terms, letting the R()\\'. Baudthoset0sim|rlvemhel-
\\'-I~"'" "I l>l-"""|'" ll"‘l'lll1'~l""|H"l sintt itt a basit ally t\vn-dimen- attdientein.uttanemntiuttalhasis. lish the visuals with a mixture nl
-Illtl ~< |It't|\I|II"~' \\'"‘~v \* l"\\""'"-"1 siottal tntdittnt. "l view music as on what the real stury was behind trrthestra. syntltt-siu-r and tlmit.
"'|"‘"l l""’"""""' l""l"" the t-tnutinttal tlimettsiutt." Band the gttings on." "'l'here's no real deep tneatting in
lHt!"\|><'*"|-""'""'\'l"'"'"'l'|*"l said. "ltrvtugt-ttowltatltunsitlt-r This isn't tn say that liantl's tl_tisrmt-."Baudt-ltttrkletl.
l"'“l'" """ "'"""""‘ |"' '""‘|‘-
lllI\\('\l‘| Ht-mu-s.|t .\l(-.\l l'.\—tlts-
tn be the meat uf a story." \\‘hile tnttsit didn't t'|1lpl\;|\ill' tlte film's The store is fairly atunal.upen-
",;,m- 0| "W ;-[ti-“,.|;"|t-|| §(i|‘||('|' numerous killings. but lte did lllll ing with an l-lgyptiatt-style \\'mxl-
|||l)||lti|s Itn ||\.|l ()(Il ()l'l‘s\\'— littitinliltnslteltaswnrktdonmay apptoath the \(IIfL' lmm a ptnelt wintl passage and an tnninuns.
it'll l|\l' \\‘-III"'I~ ll" NH" \\-1* ll-"I'll he tmtsitlered "ltatd\vatt' rttm-ies," illttstratitestatttlpuittt. "'l'ltet'eare llerrmannest|ttt~ tw|>~nutt- tntitil
"" l"-" "| l"'-"l*'"'l"'-"l """l"'""' "1 Band avuitls the tlithetl tnusital tnanv mtttpnsers wltn really vietv later developing a variety Ul siting
\\iI|Il|It'R"I4l'I -\l""H'll1IIIv"\\'1'|"'~II gitntnitksolstitlt lilms. stirringmnviesasalmnmlillustta- rttstlittgs. bell-tree tinldings. lntv
ll"'\'"' ill-\"\:"I!l "1"" 1"-“l~"""!l Baud wastetmtttnettdedtusmrt- tiun." said Band. "I tltm't rt-gattl it svntltt-si1er wathles. and ellettite
~lI-\"'u\-""1"\"III*"'"|'l'I~-"l l"'\'1t' 'I‘llE HOUSE ON S()R()Rl'l‘\' as stitlt in the least. l view lilm sttslwttse motifs luv lllllt). slt'i|\):s
|~><Il~IIIu~Il U(~l()l'l'*\\ -\~-\ItIH1H~ R()\\' in ltwin \'ahlnns. the ptn~ stnting asan art l<>rtn.nnt furamla and pettttssiutt. l‘he \(lDll‘ teallv
mtllwll tlvll-It -Hl\vIII~t'H\~'III I-'I tluct-rnrtlistrihumrultttattynltlw system." Band tttililed luw lnass upens up at the tlitnztx, as the
l-tines ll~It\l- ll -ml ltlm Is suwtlr t¢t|IIp0wr's ptt'\it)\|s lilttts. Wltilv and \\'l)t|tl\\'llIll. and a sparse .stn- .\lum|nv is it-t-t-alt-tl In he at tita-
t'\t'|\ttttt' utll tttlt llll tttntt-. ll ll must nl Band's ptevintts genre Iltesizt-t. int the sttspt-ttsc and I()1)lI(‘d1llll‘Il\\’ll|II1|])SlliIIl\(‘lfilllll
snub. ='\cI\|~'=|\ “Ill \\-IIII In ~-1 eflurts dealt with st'it'ntt' litlitm. ttIttItlt'| stt'\\'ell;ts;|ttttttIlIt'l the lilra's pmtagmtist away to ltis
ll\t' t1‘r|I_I.|||\t's ll--ntl [( .-|ntn'|\] " here he had tu suite st \erym|ne|t- nl retttatkahly llttid siting pas- ltmne|bl1tllt't—slt;ttlt's ui l£.'l'. and
ll"' ~lI-\l*'!<\- ll "I"'» tulltllvs tilt‘ tional cuttntrvsitle setting with .1 sages. The smtr halatues a tith. (2l.()SE l-1N(1()l‘.\‘ l'l-.RS. Futtltis
l.|t| tlt.|t ll\t'linlltllllllls.t|t'll.ttllllIIll' smallgltntptiltttt(lsl)t'ilIgrtIt'llllKl- lush main tltcttte lot the .'s'otorit\ tlimattit .sequetttt~. Band pttllml
.|ll\ rt-It-.|st-d at llll‘\llll\l|ll‘l. tI\r|v<'.tl~ itallv eratlitatetl hv a psvtluitit. llnttse aml its rt-tie \';t|t;|titm fut nut all the stops and ptn\itlt~tl a
st‘-will 1'" 11'1""-II I"""»I!:l‘ |I"~""\\< t:tttt~-tvit-ltling Sntoritv lltrtne tht-killer.tvithavarictvoln<in-tnel- slitting, iltspiI;|litiIl;tl passage lm
ll" lt'\ tlvtlwtzl-I|*l\" !4|""l> ll" Ill" .\lutltet'.Bandwist-lvtlmsetuatuitl<malstalkingtnutifs. sustaitml svtttltesi/rt and angelit
~t‘I1t'~' atwill--Itl\~'III\II1' |l""\lI|-I- ill an t-lt1tt|mit-like sum-(lil;t~_|ulttt l‘ht' sttne is tvrittett in what is tlmit.
-"|*|""'"-'~"l\ ll-'"‘|"~'I'l""‘ l"'!~'!s'"l (Iarpcttter's uttte-original lI.~\L- tallctl a I2-time tt'tltnit|tte. at "'l'hat's what I tall my lI(lt' tn
Xl'\'l'»R \\\' \'l\‘|'R v\(*-UN It|1' L()l\'EE.\')andinstead prtivitletla tIIt'lltt>tl til amttal tmnpnsiiinti in jnlm \\'illiatns." Banal said smil-
|t-t it-tl ht lt\|tt lst-|slnu~|| tn petl-uttl richly nrtltestntl scure duminatul whit h tnelutly. harmony atultnnal- ing, E]
III‘!/7'7 tlt.mU(.l()l'| NSY. .tl lt .tst tn
the l ‘mu-tl \l.tlt's. El
A mounlalndlmbcr mull III lnlnl Iimo lphcn Ind In lhovm bolng observed on I monllov by lhe Chronoulnnl (rlghl).
Polish animator Piotr Kamlefs poetic stop-motion feature explores the nature of time.
Wémr May 7 |\|InII(‘\ |un\|_IImI I1\v|In- III\lI>|\ll
. .|un||.|I nlr I .-\mIm\|~urI uI I'.|||\
|uu.nIl. SIIIIIl‘\|lI-lIl.|lI1|!I\,‘IH|\\'|‘\('I
||I.|u~|I1lr|Iu-\ m.|\ Ix-. .m-mIuuI1>u~
nu: .|n "1-.|\\" I|I|n. .uuI ||~ u>nI1|n'|-
u.|I j|llI\I>HI\.I]1|K'.|I ~l|m Ilu I|I:I\
Dinum Pimr Rum]:-r \pen| Iiu- .|mI |In~ u.|u--umunllul (.4-||||v \\'I||-ll mul.“ \\.|~.||mIIn1.|l~=-Imluuwf|Iu~(2.||\m-\
yr;|I§u|luIIIIulIlIIl<‘Il'\ll1IlIIl'\\'0lIlI. .\‘.ui|m.|I nlu (Iim-m;|. "I1 \\'.|~.|u.|/3 I'I\v Iilm ¢.m Ibrwrll.|\.|In\1'-~Iu|\ hlm I'l'\Il\.II. ~.Inmu mu ul uIIl\|n'|I~
vrryulu-nwmkingululu-I11I|i~;m~Iir| rum-|p||~r." mill K.nulr|. "I|I\.ulu>In- I><~nu1-|| II|(' .\I|nnm .|mI lIn' \pIu‘|r. mm. K.unl|-I |\ I\.|\1||gl|uuIzI1'I|||<I-
un u I-I hour-.1-:I;|y #1 ImInI1- lnlning .1 u.u\ um‘. lml I Iv-uml m|m- mu‘ III-Il|g».| Imh-mmllrl .||nI|.|L:-~4>m ll\I;.|\Il\IIlI)ll|ul. hmIn-|><-~|Iu-n-.|ln\
(lIIR().\'()I’()I.I.§' In IiIa'. 'I'In* 70- |n.nlmrn \\'I1u \\'uuI|l In-I]: .||nl mm III('lII'\I(I‘Il\ \\'I|nI\lIn'(II||um|~~|.|||~ u! I|1\ l.|||l.|~lu \\‘u|IlI |\ \'Illl|lIl'|||
IIIIll||I(‘IL'.|l||l('l\.|l1IIll;ll('\I. m|ng.m nu-." K.m\I1~| mm" m||I1-~.~.\~~ IIl;|| III!‘ IIIIIIIUI Iln Ilum .| 1II\l.||Iu'. I|u' mmugln ln.|lI|.|nl.|n.|||\Iu'|\u'. Illum-
.uu.um_n; \.nu-n ul In Iunqmw. s<I|[|| I\|~mI||||i1mIluuz-|IumI~I|.uI (II'\ |u- |~ .||\|| .| Lnul nl |m--u-<uul|||;; \\Im I\.|\r'xx-u~n|I|rI|I||1 kn-|\\ III.|lIll'
"I \v.|~ Iim IlI|Illl'\I .|\ .4 p.|i|m~|." umllung In\In wuh (hr I|Iu\ In-m.nIv. uI II/\ ;|r~||n\. \\'nImu| u |Iu~ Inn-ls |~ nul lIl\I|IlIlIl'\I Ill Im In-pr.
\.|i4I K.|mh-|. “Rh hm IiI|n~ .|Iu-I "IIu|\Iun'| |ni\umI<-x~|;||uImv."luv \'|I|n\ Im-dmn, |\.|ppim-\~ .|mI v|\~|~ I§.unlI-1 |~ ||n\\ pu-|».n||\g .m-uln-I
\I\l\I§lllgIlllr.|II\\\‘('Il'\lllIlIgI§ |nIIu- hquuk l.|lI\I. “I Iu-u- \\'.|\xm1\|n- mu. 4\“‘II IIu~(Ihmn-m1.|||~. 1| |~Ir|| _IlllII\-||l'lI I:-.un|r. Ill II\r ~|n|u “I
('|\lI‘lI In [hr|1l|>¢r\sr~n|]).|IllliHp;—I I mu nu rm p.||l. I IvII I I|.uI ln.|I).|u~ AlII||“ulI"‘l‘ \\‘IIl'|II('I |Iu-\ um-I nu I\.| (II lRU.\'()I'()I.I\ hm .IlIl'\\lI)Il' lu
hm I||mn.|u1Iu|Iuu1I|>n\nIr|~-I|u| (Inn |u\ “up!\\'I|iIv||\.|L|||g|Iu-Illm. pl:-.|\.n1l I.m-—lIn-\ m.|\ I|.|\r|:l.|\nI Inngn .|\|<In~|m-~. K.||IlI:'| \\uuI|I l|k\~
I I|.|u- IIl‘\I'I :Iu|u- .m .u\im;|n-nl <.u- I'Iu- “up: I411! Ilvu-Iupung ull III!‘ “uh lum-.| hulr In! I-mmmlu lm \\v||L.
m 1||I('g|.|lu' |\'.|I .u|-n~ III
(mm. \n|m-|imr~ lIl(‘ \|)I\l‘I(‘\ um “-1- I.l\I mmuu-. In (hr In-gi|||\|ng I \'1r\\r'!~. lm\u-\rx_ .m- In-r In I||I1I mllu;<I|.|lugm-|u;;|\rgn-.|u-1:-m||I1.I-
In(LIIRUNIII'()I.I\.m-¢Ii|m1\~iu||.||, \\-.mml m |n.|Lr .1 ~m~m|IIn Iilm [In-u -mu |l|I('I]ll('l,llll)lII III--upm» ~|~m~m|\ .nul¢I\.||.u|~'||/.|u1>n [I
\<||m'l||\|r\ |In~\ .||r <I|;n\||. Inn |In'\ .|Iuml I'i|mx I snnn (Il\|l1\|‘|l‘\I \\uI| mg n.n|‘n|u|\. nunu-n In
.m- m~u-| |('|I|In'|l'xI 4|“ .| <Iy;|\\ ing u~\|- ANII |||nIr|I.|L|n_\; \\ .|s Ix-\un<I |nr." I~|I-m || |m1'lr\~, (..|In|rII|-
.||I\ |~. ‘\ \im;l1- |m.|gr |n.|\ u»|n|>|m- Il \\'.|~ \\'IIl'lI K.||nIn \l.u|nI |n|1I|I~ .\IIII\ u. |~.|~|nm In-mIl|.
|n|||p|'Is_ .||||I|\.||nI \--|unu'~. .||\<I mg ~Iup<-~ .||uI <Inm~ |I\.u Im hlm \||\g.l~ n 1~<-||I|;;Im-mn_|,-.
rI|.|\\1|u;\ uslllu up In mu in-c.||nc-|.| I>\'g.||ll1II.|Iu-Iulul.\Il.|]n-~g1.|1I\|.|II\ 5||.|.,.I»1|_.,,N|_.1.-,|;.,|.I|',
||.|~~<-~ IIIl'Il' \\.|~ |Il|l||1IIa.II \\u1L ImI|uu-Il|.n.n|r|~\\I\i1I\u||u|||gr||~ rI||'|II\ in .\Il)()\'R.\I\-
\\l\.m-wx. IIu-unI\ |n1Il|\l<|\|c'lIl.|l I I‘I.IIl\I.I\lllI\. ()ul\ .|Iu-1 |ln~I|l|n\\.|~ I-.R: |~1Iu'1|u|\u.|II1.n-
In'Iu'\r uuulzl |I\.u.u u-|il\-(IIIR()4\V lHll\)>I|'lrI\ ~I|m \\.|~lIII'\1!I|II.nI||- I.|lr||.
()I'()I.I\ I» ~I||||-IIIHIIIIII. .\I\1.nm'|.| .|II\ \\||llr||. K.|mI¢-I \]><'||l ~|\ |nu||II\\ LI IR( )X( )I'UI.I\ |~
4.|n|\nl l.1I.1'|n1||:'II|.u\um-I|.|||n'.||.| \\mk|ng nu |Iu- n|>rIlIl|g n.u|.n|nn
mm-.' “huh p|1|\|¢Il'\ .1 km In .|I| II\.|I ¢m°m,p°||,(¢
(.IIR()X()I'()I.I\ |~ lhr ~I||I\ ul IuIIu\\~. gcm-°||°u|m(|n"|)_
II|r (IInn|n|~~|.|||~. \\I|u \]n'II\I xln-u K.uuI:-1.nInm~—|IumgI|\\'illwum-
mm- Hm/:n||_' unm-, km-.uli||;; in u-|\ wlm mum-—|I|.n IIu'u' .|u- gI.llllI-
m.uu-1 mm ~pI\|~|('s (In-\ lIl§]I.IIl I\ .|lI mm. II uul nu'.mi||;4I:~~~in\.|;;e-~i|uIn-
H\\‘IlII('llII1\l'I\l'iIIIIlII4IlIIl'lII\lII-|I)Il' III|||. “I-.\--n Ilumgh .n| |~ g|.||niIml\,
||i||rl|m-~. .\n r||.|||l ~||Iu-Ir ¢Ium~r~ I ninl In 1l‘|)i‘l IIIr pun-I\ ,|l|~n;nl,"
In u.|\:-I nu! lnsulr lml 1!!!IIIl'||lpI'- Iu- ~.mI. "\\'Iu-n I ~m-(lIIR()\'()l’()-
Imr, .nuI hu|np~ mm .| ||\n\||ll.|1||- l.I\ mm. I n-.|Im- I I;||l¢-:1 mr||ll|('I\
l I||||Ix"|_ .m I'\('Ill l',|QI'|I\ .|\\.||I|1I I)\ .u Im-u I]Il~.|‘ll’)|llKF|‘4v'()Il lln-uulm
lIu~(IIm-||n~~|.m» Iuml. lIu-n- .||r .| lm III |~I=-nu-uh m
K.|u|Iv| In»! ~|n-||| ~|\ mumI|~ (IIIRII,\'()I’()l4I§ K.||nl1-1 uvulnl
Imlllllng Im .|u-Im. Ihrn Iu- Ix'g.n\ II.I\l'l‘\|II.Ill|"I, Iml |lIl'I\‘IIl'lIIlIIl'.l\l'
r\|n~|u||v|m||g .|||\I “u|.|L|ng |n|~-
I.|Lr\. I I|.uI Iuhnl |u\Iu-\ Inn mu .|II
Inn." lu- ~.|uI. "(II-|u-1.|II\, Ilu-|r'~
I\.||<Il\ .m\ ~||||1||~|~1|| III:-||\.|L|ngu|
\|mI|.||. I'll] |n~|.uur,.|| -nu-|m|ul. .1
Imm In III 1Il\l\ 1-“ IIII II\r l'||-ll"
~pIu'|:-. I-\||l.||||r:I I\.uuIr|. “In 1|\\
-n|_|4|||.|I umu-|:l. <I|~|~ \\z-u- mp-
pu\rII lu ||'|||r\r||l =l1lIr|~-Ill LunI~ ul
, M
.lIl.IlIIIII.Ill'lIl.lll4)(|l|.lIlll('|I\('\llIl\- 1||~l.|||l\. |n~|.||\l~ I|\uI. um.u||~ m
lx|_u|l |~ ~11. Iml I /lmlnn \m1\|n.mI. In:-. ||\~|.m|\ <I|'.||I, u .. .unI .| \||I|('I('
\\'l'\'R>Hl I933.rv\'r'nm~lmrrrllunm. lillcs arc irrdirawd us horror (h). lam year). 7.8% of the lmul. bur 2| 75‘lTl|N-(‘J31-....--..-l3.I00.$ll
lurrrzm anduivrnvlirliurrlilnrslrrrs [;|rrr;|>y (I) and scicncr licrinrr (sl), dismal 3.5%nln-reiprs. ‘l‘NE£NfITV(u1.1)............$1I.ll0.lI1
(I1-1 mmd Hi"; rm-r hm yr-:u. \\'hil0 lolluwcd by rhr: number of works \\’hilr- |hr- lural nurubr1' ul lms Kl" 'l59°0BIVE(I.l) 4
"ll" H'"Ml'* 5" Kl""'l'ill l\il\'1‘ ill‘ mrclr lilll: rrmdc ir inm the To ) 50 in n-lease unl 'dr-crezrsed 0.7% znrn- *"'L”‘E"‘
¢fl'1I>l\l 7»9"-'=- lislings sincr_|;rnu;|ry l.'l'hr ulrruls pared lu laslyyeur. rlw number ol
l‘|ri~ is rhv wumd urariglrr year du nol iruludr bnxulfize figures genre lilms durlim-d slgllllllzlllb ,nm’““,._nu 7)
rhzrr gm-nrr films lll'('H'L|hl'(l in lmmlh1'|:rr-virrrrsyr-arr lorlilruslim ly—.~2lighlly rm-r l0".'.—a> dislribn- ym|°g|"
n'\'rru|v> lur rho linr quurler. while relarsul in l982.'I'lu~d0llararnounr5 lurs hold back produu for rrmrv l\|- mggung 9; '
ll" Rl""'"|| 5"‘ "l“"' |"1Tg\*uru*d. lislcd rm-proscnr urrly a small. sri(-r|- cralivr: anrnmn-r playull. Although "'5 "7"" CFOVINSUJ) ~ -~~$|»l53-5"
Lasl your. gcrrrr urruls lo! rho linl rir sum ale ul zr lm's rural c;rrn- the numlx-r ul l;||u;|=y and sci;-nu~ "ouou
*l"""" \\‘\'"' 0“ 3'3-T51 l"l"\ 1931'!» illga (zrhrlur one lourlh nl :1 lil|n'§ lirlion lilrru rnsc snbsr;|nlially—a :%':%'n:z:g:::,”
rcmrd-brr-zrkirrg lmal, wlrilu llw aruuzrlwnrklwidr: rrmlals). whoppingl-10'6;rrul50‘T=rm|x1li\'L-- ' '
owrarll box nlliw innl';Ls(~(l 13.9%. Ol the I53 lilles than cunrprisul ly-hormr lilms dropped u big PAN. THE SWORD IN THE
In umrpurirrg Illla )'1':|r's lirsl qunr- rln-wu-kly lining»,36or23.5%wr-re 55.6%. STONE and l-'.»\l\'Tr\Sl1\. Univer-
lcr wilh l98l‘>, gr-rrru rvcciprs Inn-r gerrru lillos. There were rwn-lvv (krlunrbiu and Orion rclvasvd no >;rl. with El.'l‘.. Tlll-I I)r\RK(1RYS-
rlruppml :1 almr Ling 25.8“; wlrilr-rhr >4 icrrce liuion lms (mrnpnn-d r0 B genre lms in llrr year's rs! qu;|r- 'l‘.»\l. zmd \'IDl-IODROMIC urulr-r
nu-rull lmx ullirr has j\|IIl|)l'll last year an ll\i> riruv). aruuuming lcr, and Buemr-\'iar:| |)l’l’s('l1l('d rm ll: lx-ll. wzrlkud away wirh [hr lnr -
In-zrrly 23".}. lor 7.8'Jml rho rmzrl. bur only |i.7“Lnl m'\\' prurlucr, but rorelmsul Pl-Tl’!-IR r-sl aludiu genre gross. E
Fantastic dream srquences involve makeup and stop motion e]'fe(L§.
' "-
BY M'd“"‘|
71'?’.7 III}; uripl i\ .| ¢u|l.|l>rl|.|llnlI nl
l.m|_r;lu'r\. klllll .-"<1 R“...-11.
urll lw In ll:-rrn|~ l|||.||lu. rlrr-l‘rrg~
lulurrrr~rrr.rrng|.|||hr-r ..»|.....-..-..,L.,r.
m<r..\.\rs<;.\r-|~ r\.r|nrr||llrr-|n-m-- .\l\u~|.r|ri|r;;rrrlln-Slirrrillmnpm» Ql'.\l7R()l'lll x1.\ .|rul r rrr
r-.rr.-.1. .-| r|\.|r|'~ l.|\I p\\|llrllII;.;l|.|l rlmuurr -~ ll:-ruu~Q\|.||rl.|\.| \n||u_|.; r.mum>r n|.s(:||'rr.\‘r.r....r~r..|--
lruruirr; lllr ].rml~<.r|n~-rl lrrulrr-.rrrr~. llllllvll'lI|l~rll1lUl\llll'])Ill](‘|l||\ \'nn li~l|nl lrrru .|~.| \r'|s.|l|l|' |r|r|lr'~s|Im.|l
.\l.r\ \'u|r \\rlu\\ l\.|\ ||l\r*llll'<l .| \ulu\\-.Qu.rirl\\1llIx-~u~||~lmrrlr .|\ r.l]r.l|)ll' nl l\.r||rllr||g rlrllrrnll lrglrl»
l1\.lll\|I|('l|\.|l\\ll|.|ll||\\ p~uhi<~ In .|»|m|\.|u| (.rmlu|r (.rb<||rr'l m llll‘. mg .|~~|;;rrrru-n|~. lrrl.rrm \\|ll In-
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Le. Spy Christopher Plummer and president Eddie Albert.
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David Cronenberg shuns the auteur route to adapt Stephen K 1'ng’s ESP novel to thesrreen
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“I can't conceive of any picture having more umcrossre. /Iirm /III‘ I..»I 1" ./on \.m \
IIn()IIIIIx-r IPI. LP“ lII;IIIlI\'IIwI-I-ks III;ILing.; .I illilIllIl'll IIII pn Iilli' III.II ~II.III II. IIl\(‘\]M‘l I(‘IIi('.l\.l IIIIIl_I;I-I- \Il\|l(‘ll\li)ll III III~Ix-IiI~l."
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II-"IIl'I"| II1\I"'i ~I!4II'I' \\lII| I-\I-I\- JKIIIIIIIIIIIIII III -I4\(‘K .\\'I) I III-' \II.III\~. “I..IIIIIIIII I\\l‘|\ I'll(‘lI{I'|l(, IIIIII. II'~ I)('l'Il I|i'il‘\\.lI\_ IIIII II'~ .I
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I III-I\.\'.\ I .\I.I\' IUI iIlI)I(' |i'Ii‘\I\llIiI. III_1llHiI|II('\i'IIi(‘4lII IIII-~I-I.I'\I-III-I-II \I-I\ Il.IIII;I~IIIII~\\.I\ IIIIII.IkI-IIIIIIII-~
\II4IIlIiI III- -,-<IIII_I;III \\Ii.lI ll \IIHl|IlI " I Il\'\ \\.lIlIl'iI Ill!‘ III;III .II\.I\. .lIlII' Ill ~I1- IIII‘ i'|It‘Ig\ lI~\I~l .lll\I \\-l‘\\I'I(‘\IIiiIiIIlIl{ \\IIII I..IIIIIIIIIIIII
llllll\(‘\ \\.|\Ill ~I.IkI-. II IlIi(I_I;iI|Il‘lIIlI IIIIIII;." ~.IIII '|1lI\lI\I)lI. \\I\l)\l'lIi'lI- ]IIIIII~IIII |l|lil|ll'lI III \\iIII IIIIIII \IIlli<I\\II.lI I'IIlI.I\I-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-I III
IX‘ .I IIIIII Ii l.IIg4I-I lIlnI III.III \\l'I\.iII |I\ ||IlIIl1Il' I III‘ I XI~.(.I' I ION I\'l'| .mII III-I.;.III IiI\ \IIl!llI \\|lII .I IIIIIII4 IIi\ lI|IlI.|lIi‘I III IlI(‘.“
\I.l|IilI_ .nIII \\.|~ _I_'I-IIIIII; l.|II;I-I In ()I- I'RI\'.\ I I‘ \I.()\'IK. I III" IIIIIIIIII-I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.|lIII;III'~<I-I|I'~I. \ II('\III I)l‘IIl‘\.|I|Ii' .I|I|I|II.IIII III
IIIl'\I.I\. IIII-IIIIIIIIIII-I~.I~.I;4IIIII|I (.R()I'.\'I)\I.\R (I()X\I'IR.\(.\ Il‘i'III|I{II|IilII|i IlI(IlIlIlIilIllli‘|\.|I\<I IIiI' lIlIII'~ pIIIIIIIIIIII|I III-~|gII II.I~
I-IIIIIIIIIIHI IIII‘ I-III III-II Iw \\I'II'I|'I .IIIII llll-§ I I(.i\. "I II\I\I‘lI IIII IlII- II\('lI |liII‘III'IIil|I>I|\IlI|)\ III-I-III-II |Iil'iI'\|)llll\|I|lIll\ III JIM L I)i'_){il\l.I.
!4*‘"1li.kiI“‘|lIIII\\I \\-IIIIHI-" ~III|II .IIIII II.III-II II. IGIII IIIIiI\i'i .I iIIIIIil'IIl.lli'.ilI|i|\|ll|l'l|I. "\\'II'\I- \\I\il\\.l\IIIIIIIIQIIIKIIIIIIII\l'|lIiJ|I'll
~II-II In ~IIIII \\IIlI-IIII III.I~II'I~." lI|IIII' iii .i\ \lIlII| .|\ I IIIIIIII IIIHI ~III|II," IlI‘\.|llI “I'I-II-I \I)I|l|\\I\Ii \\'I.\'I)\()I- \\’.\k. I)I-qII\I.I'~I-.IIl\
I I.IlIIII.III-II ‘IIII L I)I~I_-In I.|. "\\'I- lIIIII.I-II .II III!’ \l'I\ .IIIII III~IIII|II- I;II-.II IIIII.IlIIII.III>I. III-'~ III~I|II-II illl' l'\|Ii'|ll'lli I’ IIII IIliIl's IlI\\~IlIIIII~'I'I.
|l'IlII I\.I~III.ILIII-_-.I\I-I\ I)iI.ilIi‘IIIl~ \\II('II lIIi'\ \\.|!lIi'iII |'lII' IIIIILIII III!‘ (.I1IIIII\ IIIII|IIIIII \\II|l-\\.lI\IIliIIl'II I||I]l|i’< lI|Ii‘\ IIIi' illIli\il.|I. .lIIII \\.|~
|IIII-—lIkI- (.IIIII-.III'~ l)RI’III~l'\ IIIIII \\II\ il\I‘llIllI|(' .InII I\i\\\. [III- \\lIII Ihr ~I-IIIII- .IIIII Ill IIi'II \\IIII .|IIl.|IIl'iI I|\ III!’ ~III|II III K().\I)
All III-.\I' I \ .\.\'Ii I III- III-.\\ I. III.IlIII;III- \\I|\ -I llll\liIlI'IlI III~.IIIIiL lI'\]|III|\IIllIII\. III-'~.I~IIII III I)\‘.Ii II- (. \,\'(.\. "I \\II\ IIIIILIIII; Ill] .I|I
\I.I~ lllllll‘ \.i\II£i’ .lIiiI IIIII-I IIIIIII IlIl\|\i'|I IIIIIH‘ 4II\ lI.IIIIIII-II ~\III.I\ Iii III- liilI_I\'ill'-III-lI\l'l'I\ IIIII II'lI IIIMI ]IlI- .IIIII Iiiii IiI\ II\\II ~lIII]I." I)I-I_III-
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Slmdu mm Tlm Cowln I mndtdn of production duigmv Jack Dcqovia I concnpi M tin lnmr sanctum of Ovwdoq Mullah. Tlud-up I\
lonund on lhl wrlok M IdcNlh‘l pulsllhq Qnolqy oonldov b Nlld (Molly Rlnqwlld). Dlqovlfl dnlgnl Inn the pulphh IOQI 0| science llcllon
Jack Dogovia maglzlno covon nl "I
'40; Dcgovll bull! n Imqy oonldor out of oonunivlc mon rings. which pnwldo stunning pulsating ulhcl In 3-D. I
\\'lu~n R().-\l) (;,-\.\lI/.5 Im;nm~ alnry in SP.-\(II'llII‘N'l'I{R. RIIIKI 1| llmughnmnldn\\'||.n-|||;|i||Ii:-m'I§ |||§wII may lIlIll' I gmh mllu ii,"
(ZRl'1I€I' ZONE. I)|~gn\i;| had nu Iul nl sun; in llnmlm-si_|;||." I|uh1'd. in||m~»i\'r.'I'In-1I\:|~~i~uI4;||~;n||I l'rlm SIHIII“ nu-Iully mid‘ "I'\1-
dillin ully l|;|u~|;|ling his r;n|I|- Nun only did I)('gu\'i;| In-¢<n|u~ an light Inn ks |uu\idrd III!‘ I);l\I\ Im I|.nI mum dmnhlnw uunr up lu nu‘
Imuml nun opus inln sn im~||u*-|i1- impnnzuuumuilmlm mllu-v II|)l. mum uI lIl\'IIl. \\'nlII'~“§u;||||hl|-I" .md ml. iI |I|v|r'~ .m§ \\';|§ “'1-¢;|||
linnul um-s. AI‘ I-luglish n|nju| in ImlI|1~\|||nlu\\'rn||Iu~ni;|I>nIIx-i||g is 3| 11134341-1|, ;|ll-u~n;|iu mu-1 lIl;|l juslih nly<I\;||;uu*| \\1~.||i||_|;g_glnu~.
mllcg.;v. Iw I|.|~ In-rn ;| lilvlnng Illlll‘lIll|;|(I;l]|IIIHIlll'\\’\IIIl'1|l)lI;lI mppmulI\ (lIII\\'Il\ mhlv »il;l|l\ .~\nd \\'l|rm'\m I gm inln |Iu~
u-;|dr|<»I~|. "I Inn‘\|1;|u'(|]x'l;|."Ill’ \ui¢ 1‘. "I.;nmm| |_]nl\|l\u||| was ;| i|||n1*||r|g\, 'I‘Iu~ \'ilI;|innu~ 'I‘ril\- Suanlullxlu I luw n bull. \Li|| nu
‘Hill " |'|"‘ !£\|\lH HI ||u||1 IIl1l!:ll- I'lllIlI('§\l'lIIlul'." I)<-gu\i:|\;|id."IIr \-ls dniw |)l.nk. IH\\'-\I|||lg. |I\u-\-- Lm1-.;|m| knmk nu Iu~;nl."
lilIl'\ l"l".lU'"|l""I RIIIII <I~*-
|iI~I' I1'Il lIl;|l cu-|ylI|i||g llw dvsigm-|\ \\'Iu1'|ml|;||\|I|;|| I):-gn\i;||m\n*|1-1| l)1'gu\'IillllI1I('l\IUlKIIIIPCIIIIIIIII-
'"l""l"|.k' 1l|“'"“ "I’|"'"|"‘| '" ""1" I\;|ddum'\\'.|\ §.;|'<-all. Illll lI\;\|\\'('IImI \\‘IIIl Ihmmy (Zmu-|u~ 4-||gim~s. |ir\. lull ~:|izL "I had unw IIHII |I\<'
I‘I<'l1lll\¢' I34‘!-:lI\ iil'~ l'ilI|\ 1" il'"lll' m muku ;| mm=ivm|| uI il. I.:|mnnl Al:||1rr¢y': In m~n- ummni/\'d \\'ilI\ s(\|||)l\||(' am \i¢-\\' \\';|\ 0|n-lg:-lie. I
|i"" “"4" “|*'|"U- II“ |l1'I\ ilk" "I13 _IlIIIlI\lIlI i\ mm II |n<m- ilm-n*s|uI \\‘I;||);||nuI|\I mll Imus |Il1ll!LI\'l'lIl1' Il|||x' ;|mIi1~nu~~ \vu||'| lw nlalv In
im|m||.|n| In ~|;u| wilh \\-u|d~ zmll in Il\IlIIilIIlIl;l|2|l ll'l\;lII(I\lUI’) lI\:||\ i|II|m*\\in|l nI Im--wlu-1-linggym» ;lI1\()I I1 all lhr dz-\ig4n~ 1|! um 1-.
WHIL IHIIII III1'"'\\'|I<'II l|l‘\i!-Zllill!-til IA‘II(‘llI' was. I.a|munl \\‘III(('Il;lIlII\ ~mp<~s. \\’r'\'<- lliul In nlmkr lhrm IIKII and
pirlllllt I illl
\l1'|\l' W"! RIINI RI u'a~;m- :| mm I1 l!l4IN‘;l((rssIIIIl'IiIlll, l)('gu\i;|'s|lI<|s| I|ll|lIl‘\\I\'\‘\'l'Ili- I;|y¢'|¢-ll. .\I\ IlIIlI;lI _|;u;|l \\-an in
!4*‘"l‘|il"'-Illillll 1* I“ \\'"kiIl!~£ I14" |i- \\'ilI\ inlvlllilizllllv hznm l('|\ and
4 11¢-isllu-'I'1-nlnum l'|;|in. am ingrn- |II;lLl';lpitl\|l('\||\I1‘l;|II('(I |l|;|| pm)-
\\'-IHI» |‘HI 5|’-\(§l'-|II'\' |‘|'1R- I Ilnid mlinn. .-\ Inl nI |hi||g~ \\'l'H‘ ium um|I)i||;niun nl Imuurluliw. |)I\'\\'IlllIlI\\'1lIIl I<l\4'l‘ilIi\('lIl|u'\.|
lnnkvd All llnmulgm u|l~ll|;n d1~\l'|- lI\;|||gl'lI u~|§ quin L13 .|l|r| hv|;um~ \\'i|idj;nmm-1. ||\ilil;u\ ummlmld likp |||§ W“ |u |m~~¢-nu lhr dim ml
n|n1IinlhrI’;niIi: \\'mId\\'.n
;|Iu~| nu. ()u~| lIllll'. my unllnlmmlinll u-|m~|.;|||dI:um. I';|lu~|uIs.|il~|;||| \\~i|l| ;| ql|;||I('||gv. ldnn'| \\‘.lIll mv
II—Il.lli\'l'~ \\'IIH Illllll \lI;I\\‘ iIil- \\'ilI\ Lallmml |x~1:|n|r (lawn. I)\|| lw huislvd In: wind |m\\'v|. whilv \\~.,|L |<, hp |iL¢- ;| ]|m|,i|;||
~11 n|| ;|
plum-s in ||u||(‘s nl .|n|;u|i||;; lI\l' \\~;|~|u-W1 idvul. 1\lInl ll\mIl:|I|g.;r~ uvin |'0\\'\ ul \nuLu-ls ~l;n|di||g .|| |'\'\|;|;_;¢~\\-In-||-;|||§l;m|; 1;||||(>|||('
gn-.|l gud wlm Innuglu (Z-|;||iun~. ||;|]|])l'll('\I an x|ui4kl§ —\'u-|\|l|i||,l.; Inmd |mmp~ pm\i<l<- znldiliumll in, light il in I|.|lI Zlll lmm, ~|nml
SI’4\(ZF.lIl‘.\' l'I".R drnls with .| umkplan-i|1;|u'wI~." llnml. |'lu~ unin l\;llllN1I\\‘IlIIil and |hr|| lam-. l'I|<- wls \II1I|lIlI
\imil.u sullul \n|Il'l\.lIlll‘IIl-ll hm I~I;nI§ ulsllllllv uh-sigm |)li\IIl'\I km-| lnnnnu. I)l|l also uuliu ;| I|;|u~||m|<-Imslrly.IIIIIII-l)||<-gznnw
\|i|»|n-d h.n L lmm u-1 Inmlngg. \\~i|h \])ILl'\ ;||uI |llIl('l Imllmvin uuunpln-||n~nl ulgu;||~:|mI4l\i4kn-1|» umuh nI |ln- dvmil. \'m|'u- gm Ill
l'Iu-\'u~uv.|mlIln-i| lmiIdi||_u;md dx-mil. Sum||m'u \\'ru- u-lm|;|n| In Inn-;|li|y.lhrn.|in i\|m\\'vn'1I \\'ilII .|umnnmd;|u~ lIll' ||I\)~i¢;|I |nuu~-
mm himw Imm lhr u-|n;|in~ul |I|.|| lizlr [hr \])II\§. mun-~I|;||p mnm|- .1mmlldirwl¢~||gi|n~I\i\Idnlnltho IIIt'lIll1IlIll'4.|||l('l;I iw-ll. l'I\<- II-I)
nulluuz 'I'In-|n-nplvl|:|u~nIr\igm~nI q4lv~. "4\I|('l l.;||nun| |_|nhn~nn] mu‘ l'In~migi||;|l snipluulh-1lI<n 1:||||r|;| is :1 IIIIIIII lmlkirl immu-
lllillgs lm \m\ \|u~¢iIi| |||ll|lU\(’\. umk nvn, \n- nu! III!‘ un~|u|||o\ lhv nzniu In Ix-lung mu \|Il;|inuu~ nu-m lI\.lIl in .| Ila! Iilm. \'m| 4.l~d|
Inn lm.m~r Iln-il m2|lvIi2||\ -IH‘ \IU\\‘ll. m;|<h- lllrm I1I;uL and \i|n- \I;l\('l. Inn I..|||\n|\| _|nI\n\nll n';||- m-n|.| lm ||l0ll‘Iip;Ill4" l'mum|wu-
|il"il\'l| "" l\\" ||'i"!<* -I"'|1IHi\"|\ plv,” |)r_qu\ in said. ”\\'r u-Imill lIl\‘ i/<1l|l|.|| nu II nuin\p|v\~i\<-u'I|i: Ir \.|u-_ m;||l\ nlI)c~gn\n|'~\lr~ig1|~;||:-
.|liLr." ' Iiu~ biL<'\ in six d;|\~. .\n;uuIiu1 > nuglnl In Irluulg lo lIIl'§.(l>1KI gun. n|w|| .||ul lnll ul nrllra li\r ~\||l;|uw
.\I;m\ uI I)r;_;u\i;|'\4lusi_»;|\~ s||g- Iu| l\;|~ In br .nI;4|»|;|I|Iv. .\I§ pr|- .\|;nn nl du- u:|in'srlrlm-nl~—IiLr |h;|1\\'|lli||u~|.u|\\'rlI\\'i|h|I|<*JI-I).
Kl.“ ||"4q“i,L§- ],(.W,m||i“ U] |,,]L wnzul hvm Is ()d§~wu~—|I|r mun giulrn and uznm-\—.||r aIvu'|l\- l)\-gu\|;|'~ mu-| im ~41» \\‘r|ru||I-
zm. “I mld um alrsign |x~4>pIv|nuw \\'lmi~|n~u~| nun In». \'m|ju~ll|:|u' di~;.;||i~rs| \\'nmI_ hm vuluuglu ||u~|;|l sum In-cl .|ud liluml i|| .u| ;|l>;|||-
thvil inlalginulinmznmll;|L¢-lisks,“ IlIlllll‘|)l l|;mg<~;|mIgnmnnmldn
1 n-m;|im-dmn Il ;|mln|In~| u-hi: In-~|u dmml lnldgvlau Inn in \'.||nm|u~|.
hr mid. "I ninl mgiu~;|ll nl IIl('|Il ii." lilllw .|
In-\\' |nuI>lv|n~. IIlIIisIl (Znlu|n|1i.:. .|~ Lugr .|mI
n|||;|l Im-dmn. I'll:-Ir is Inl uI an I)('gn\i;|'\ u-hi: uI;n ulIll('])I\. “_|;uk'~ ||.|i|| ix u-nilix hul Il\|l i||l]m\iI|g.|\;lll\ IIn|I\ \\'u01I\u||l|lI
“I told my people to use their imaginations and take risks. 77 Pm:/m‘Iiuu l/(',\l;1,'Ill'I‘ ./.-l('K I )I-.'(i( )1 'l.-I
\l;|gn'. lnsillc |lu~ |n;|\~i\'<- \lH|l NIH‘ m\ly;|snminuus ~hnp\-slx~ynnd|ln* pauh [mm .~\ri/mm. D1-gn\i;| and hlinlking lighls.
\\'ln~|<- pivuw nl Sun F|;uui\u>'\ illuminzuinn ul WI lighls \i| m\\' |lis4ll‘\igll(|('\\'\1‘lil|)1I\|l|)|li|l“Il!.{;l Inn-\'il:|hly, pvuplc ;m- going lu
(Lnldrn (Lmc |1ridg1' \\'('H'lI|lll'|)l'|‘- upon mwul u||nsul;||n|;|_gi|\g hm my in (hr Hivs and llssm nl |l\<- Ix-rvlnimlulul RO.-\l) \\‘.-\RRI()R.
l.|bm;||<-ml. I)<-gmin has dmignmnl and lmlh-y um nmv mm-d in llll‘ w.m-lmuw i|\S<'|m-nllx-I nl I982. zmulhrr lm whiz h \|\Iw\'1;|>rl| ;|
.|m|um~ln|uc1llln-S\\';||npnl|lu- lmilding In BC Hydra. Blilixll "l.m;|I rzalnmaln and \\-vlulm-r~
1 |ll;||\l'\|I“l,qllihi-l('l llnulugia ;|l
Bunzu udn \\'u|nrn and Ilw .\l.\/<-ul (‘nlmnhi;|'~ |TiIll\i| znllhnrily. “'1-|<~ln|ningn||| vllalrwlnm pin 1-~ socivn. l)cgu\'i;|1lis|ni~~1~\|mnp;n-
()\'r|¢lu;.; .\I1.\J;|h_ an ;un;|Ig;||n ul 'l'|n- \';|mnu\\-r louniun \\';|~ 1| nl lnlk ;u'l." l)q.;u\'i;| said. "I mld imns: "ldun'|ll\i||kSP.-\(Ilil|l'N~
l\\'i\ll‘(| nw|;|l. old n\.ul\inr|\" and l:|~l-n\i|\u|<- um! lulky mlisum-I3: |!n-m ll! pruloml |l\;|l UN‘) \\-no THR i\ _L;ning In lx- unznkm-dl\ “L1-
spznr p;|||~ lllzn .nl\|;|lly imn|pn- “\\'<- \\'l'Il' in lclriblu nmnhlu. \\'r lmuul li\i|\g in :| \\‘;|ll<-:1 Lily. and R().-\l) \\‘.-\RRI()R. or any mlm
rule lhv lmll-giuh-lul ;|ml l;miu~< hm! In \lZll'l slmming lml haul nu jml In llll'III go. Imouldm-\1-|h;|\'r Iilln.|nil ln|x‘ing\'u|ynh~1|i:.l
\\'lI|k \\||x1\llm nnv nl l||l' build» pl.|u~ In v|lm|I." I):-g.;u\ in mid. gmwn ;|»lIl||1hpi(luIi;||\;||l|r0\|l likvlmnix uylrs. Hm ill\\';|\_|;ning
ing inc-ll. I mlln-\ nu Inn Ls I\|lI "'l'||<~nls1|\\‘l|\l'Bl'il|gt'1lI|l|~;|idl4| iI[.l\llll“U(l|)('l;|li|Ill.H1I“lII\ WM In lmunw, I'd lmlluw hum lhvulal
\0mL'\\'||;|| lIIU>ll_i;I\lll|l§|) ulung lhr |)IlX|\lH‘I\ um! \lin1|n|. ‘ll:-y. ;m- |ln*\||m'l|m- lhnl ;|lm|d\ ¢-xi~l~ lll1l\ll'l\. 'l';|ki|Ig hum umu-|npur‘
lhcllm>|~;|n<|ll||<mgh|h<-wu,;|ml l|li\ ix ii!‘ " \\'ill| ;| half l|lIIl‘lI I0 In-xv." 1ll\.llli\l\i\ll'll|l§‘(|l|il(‘ll('[I.‘1llill§.{.l
off in xhr inln nlmnluu-. |x-nriu-d Ion! u|\ul;|i||1l;|m~~.urpln> |)¢'gn\‘i;|\ uncunl .\I;|/1-<m\|pir~ don‘! \\';|||| m Ir mughl up in Ill!’
ll:-;||'lyllu~l1;u k lhiul ul (hr B|i:lg<-. <l.\i-§ nhuin nl nnmnlv. im||.|u-.
* V \\'i|l| annking |o||i¢lm~ nl l\\'i§ll'l| in|i|;m- lh;ll \n~|n\ In lullmv nun!»
;|i||:l;||n- plllls >¢;|\\-ulgx-1|
|m~l;|l <~|ni|lu~||;||n|~."
7%-%'_'_~ ’ lmman.-\1i/unu\!|||||pi||gg;|n||vnl. l'|n|» |||:|~|z-| Rulru :]n§u~ ‘uni
P|'0]M'||('| and 141 ||I|:|kv1;|s|||_:;~n|1- |I|\ll(‘\\'|1l;||)u|l| l(‘Il ;||||\l~|n;u|r;|
.“"Z~ |IIlI\IIIll'l| un ;| nn~l;|l [mun-\\'u|L \]»11 ml pmm In .|\ninl .|||in;4 n|lu-1
‘Q wall. |'h\' j-Iggc-1| rdgrs nl .|n Iillm. In lzul, RU.-\l) \\'.'\RRl()R
uxplml:-4| Iu\1-l.|_|;:- ;|p|w.|| In Mm L \\';|\ \(|1'(*|n'(| |n ||l>||\\\m>1l lm lhr
Z5 .5 Ill!‘ uuliulm. |n;|Li||g4 il ;|ll Iml plllp|X‘ll|)|l‘\1II|l.lll|\l'\l1|\|ll|\l('(‘l
,-. i|n|:.|~.\.|hl¢~ lm um In-mm \\‘lu'n in \i\n.|l .|ppm;nl1. In
4h-.u ul
lm||\ |nn~ur:|. .-\ ¢.m'lnl lnmll uuln m liml <n||||u>|:r|||~ l1>|
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\|ln\|\|\ n|.|lm| lmun mhlx-| |)|1I|)\. l|;u<l\\';m- ~|n||-~ .|n\l junL\.ml~.
l|;mnl<*~~ I01 lilnnng lhr lnmix-'\ .\¢|.||»\u| .\|m\ uu||n;|||u~.|mlnix-
hn-m'|i1 n|\.m~;nlim|. null j||||l\ |mnh.|~=-1| l|n|||
Mml innpnmiu-i~l)¢-gn\'i:|\nu|- lwml “'1-|r uwnl In n-;||<‘.| ])III\M;l-
lhr h;||.n
< rm .|~ "()\r|l1|u|gr| .||Il'l .| ~|'||\|' ul l||\nn\. llul |ln~\
.\h Xlnh." _]nhn~m| l|m|>~ dig,-luly )\.m-mnwlmm~1mu-wlu-|r.||ul.m-
nn hi~ nghl leg»,-, \\-|-.n~.| |)<'||'l .|| .1 \u||1l'\\|u-n-. l'u- .|]\|| unnu-
|.|um\ .|n;.;lr..||ni\\i|l1;||u-;u.g4|.|\ |m|.m~1l |n.|| In .|ln\ 1-I <luw~."
l|||nnu1l ||um.n)\r. lnuh l|l\\- 4 \\'1-|~~' uh-~n4|1~ .|u- l.nn|lul Inn
Blimlumlnm-1.()\1-|<l::g'~.I||:--mp» lII.||\c'\r||~1' nu lhr n|Hll'\l 4-1 uln-
pull ~\~n-|n.|»:h-»xg.;|m|h\ l)rgu\1.| ~||n\ .||ul llu- r||\||u|1|nrI|l m
.|ml l"|l|~ |h||m.|n h.|\ .| ||l.nL. \\hu|\ ll |~ ]I|,l\l'll nlll. H|.u L.
_u|v.|~\, nu-a||.||||¢.|l hm}. 1h.|| 1~ .1 lmm|\..n||lnlnruh.|||pm-|lm|||||.|u-.
\\un<l<-nlul nl\l|.|~l I4! n~ lm;l|—n-< In
4 "I \\n|1||l||'| h.|\r |><r1| |n||-u-~l<-:1
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H1-H-\ll\ ~11-k -=1-|~|--~nh Iv» ~l -~~-
l|||||1m4." .||ld~-11 \\'|-|~~. " I l|.|l will
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uh: lll'\l'l\III.lI.|| lrl I\lIH‘\\(‘lI\ll|I- "l\\'.|\||'| illI\Il'lI\\’IIIllI|l'1Illi;ll\.|I ||'.||\:|||lr lmrI._ \\.|ll ll\.|| 1-\|-|\lm1l\ I)lllI|Ill'\ lull»
ll-llI\. In \I’.\(lI~IIl'X I I-R. |Ill' \lIl]lI. Irlll .|l ll-.|~l|lw.|~||'l.|m-llu-| (iuiunnlmung |||.|Iu'|lp .|li|~l nll nlvlll |.||lm hr llu ulw \\Il||
llnrr ll|.ll(llVI|l‘lI _gnl~ \\'r.u u-|\ gmr lllm." I$u||||.m \;ml. ".\|u-1 \n-u- I..lI'um-ll:-~|nln-mlllu-all-~|g|| lumnnmliu-l|.|Il~."
~lu-k l1l|lIll\. lml illrlr x~.u:u|nn-|~ llu- I.|l~r ~l.n| Ill ()1 min-|, _|.u L .|\.| "llI|||I)IIIJIIlIIIIIIII-Il{I'-lIIIII.I\' I|llI|\|\Il .IlIlIl'lI. " I In l|u~n.l-
pullll In-¢.|||~r ||n ||l|r 1-lw III |in- I)¢-gu\|.|.>I\||u-\\'r|\~,.m<lIc.|||\rm u.|l|\ ll|.lI\l‘ll]l " ,\Il .\Z|In~|.||1I1||~-ll u<|n~ --I l>¢|||_u ll11ll|ul:IlI'.||I \=|\
Illm <l|r~~|-~ Ilul \\.|\ I |||l'II In .| ||u|~ .|_l;l(‘l‘lllt'|ll \\l||-||-In \\|' |n.| nu1l1.m||.|| "|>ml" \\lml| \\.|~ |r.|l. Il'~ In:-1| .| gill lnl nu-. .|~ .|n
r\|m~~|I|runi!I.|u-In-r.|lnunh-~. \\~-|Lul |--gr-ill‘-1 in gr‘! .| umlml ll:-~|;;|:ul.||nil|u|l|I>\ I-lI|~Iin|m.m .llIn|,IllllIllIl.i\ll4|IIu»L\v')\I.ll|1|
III:-ll"~ll|rlllllllllgnlllgnllIlllllrll hulk,“ ii-n|\'~ IIlulIll'|> .|ml Ill-I1 \\'|l' l|ml.u1ur|.u |-.|l~-||~\.|||lu |ln|||n—
emu n\.|||r|—I |Iu||L lln || <-rlmlul |iu1|||.||un-.m1l.n.|||rl\--Ipn u~ I|.nu~. .\llI|4-ugh llu’ IIIIII |~ nun Inlm -»| ->|lm |n||]1II'. I h.|\: in-
.unI |1|||\rn.IlI\|' u-~\|||||r~ \||_l;l4(‘~I I|.|| ||||.|_1,-v~.llr||1;4liu-u\lln- .|l|\ ||lH[|:|IlI|'\\ “ulnn lllr |»-"I, hr lIIlIIli' m rm |||u\| nu |1|~—|Iu|'~
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"(.-ll-nlul" .|l~u :l:~u|lu~ lln \\IIll\l'1II'|I(‘|)II In-¢l\ i~ l\|'|Il .|lm- .uu|~\\||h|u~|\¢l.|\\~. IIl.||llll\II.lll||lIl|ul4‘.lIl llll|ll.|l.n—
\|N'l min u|.|k~-u||\ ll|.|| l|.|u- Il<‘l'll \\1|l\m.ul||m-|\ 4l"‘llIl‘|g\, lu~m4— .\Iu I1."-I IIIl|I\I\Il' \\.|~ l.l~| In lrl Ilu nu.“ l||ln |~ \Il |1~l||1l|\|
lIl.llllI l|\ ll-m I§i|IIlL||\_\|-l1-|.||1||l -4:-~| .| ¢\I~uy,- i|||.|l||\. Iiu|m.u\ In’ I1-.u| I..|l|: ill. Inn ulul mu null. |h.|| .|ln-| Illlllll |z|l|v|I |l1rm.|k: l|||
(,.\l I'l-.()I'I.I-. I.\\' \\IU.\ ()l- |ul\Iul|.|rl ||un~nlr\\|Il|.nlu|nm- u IIII lnm "I \\l|~ ml lmlrl ill I |||.|l\\,|\~u |\ l||gl|.lIu1|ln\\.lh|l
IIII‘ ll()i)\ \.\' \l(.|ll-R\ Jllll \I\IIII|IIl'lI' .||||l lIlI|Il'II lllr .n 1-uk Runu-1\|iI< llunn-4 llN']|l||IIl<'|u~, I I1-u-u "
IIII‘ Iil~ \\l \\'IIIIIX, lluun.m l.|u'\\|lIIll\|'l~ Nnrulu-\l~l~|n\\|li I|||||~||l: rn|||n|~u|<\| ()|ur lull \\'lu n \l'\( lll'\' ll’ R \\.|~
\ll\l-\ll RI-\ l\'
|\I,ll4lIllllIIll\l'.I\\.|\IIIiIIlI|IIIIIII\ um ill! 1-Hui ul .| l.|u- llli |h.n u.ui\. lln .|:l|I| |n|->\|-I ()\||-In-4 \IllI |.|li-ll
141|n\<-inn llnnnlI|llll~..|l||l.uu|1l1"\l lll1IIII r|\||||- \\-uL. lIm|u.u| .lI\xv l|ug~l\_~.|\|||\_'.' Il:'~.|||||||| um: lIIl- (.I{I-I I’ /(l\l . \I¢X.|h
\I’\(.I-III'.\'II-RIn-:.|u~l-|||1|n|u— l.|~l||v||u|l:|1||1|||| lu|l|.||»],l|.||uc~ l\IIilQlIl.lI.llIli |l|.|ullu l|.ul.I~:| |I|.||.|4n| \\.|~ ¢.|ll<|l lulu-4(1--|||.
|\l(I l|u'||.|ll\ .|l|un|l|l VII In-ml-nu lh.u\\|llum \I:\.|l-.|]|.|\ I)\ll4Ill‘_'.l\IIll |lII'|l.III \\|=ill|~|l|| Iln I\III'_:Il.III|I|IlIVl|'IIII|IlII\IIIIl4I
(»||.i]il\i'I\ qi-|~ iii-i lltkl'l |>ii|iilii-ii \\t']] hi-.iil—|ii~l\i-.iil \\|ll\ lhi- il|i- >|lbh|I\IllI |~ \i‘l\ ~.nii|ii;. ili- ]|.l\ .i
|.iil|i1 i'.lll\ lil llir \|4II\. .||ul ll \\.i~ thuil ili\l.l“iilt'lil iii llit' \ I .\l( g.iim- |l|ilil. iii-R iliii-in-ii ll|i- lilm
lrll lllnllllllillll1I|lLl‘\l'|ll'Y "iii-.i|li" \\I\R\ ~.ig.;.i. RI ll'R.\' ()i< I lil- liki-.i Iii Iii ui-Iii-i.i|."
inii-iiwimg. .\ liill\—.||||iul.i|i-ii _|l~l)l \l’.\(I|-Hl'.\'ll-R\\.i~ii||g- I|li'iill(‘tllIi]iiiil\l'||iil.liili.lli|\il
l\i~.|\l \( nlpli ll lunn .| uiiilllul \l.||- 1n.|ll\]i|.|i||1i'il.|~.|"ll.|t"l|lm,||\|t H‘il|l\lll .|ll|luili \\hi-n ilm i|~~1ng
ll)\|(( |'~ i.iii- \\.i~ Inn-ii unli <-ii-i- lhr lug li<i\ i»lliii- \\ll(i'\\ iil I-|(]~ |lu- lilm. "i i.iu'i iimii-iw ill -llI\
ll(blli'\ .ini| ll‘\i\|ll!\ iim ])(‘[II\\ |lii- l).\ \' I ill-. Iii I ll—l’.\l( I Ill |lll|l|H‘ li.i\i|ii,- iiiiiii-iiimliii-." Iii-
\lili.lli‘ iii |lii- \Lu|. l'\|)l)\t't|, ||ii- \pi|||i-iltlii-iii-imini|iii;ii\\illifi—i). ~.nil " l lir \\i.iilii-I iii-l.i\~. in I’-"'
|n.iili|ni-i\ \lll1l\'l'\l\ii l|lIi'l| i.i~i-i l..||IIlllI| _|iili|i~iii| liiiik _i_-ii-.|i [L||I|\ lIiiil.n. |)l|l ii~ ill l|it' ].l\\\ ill I'll‘
lnl, \\'l\i'n \\'iilll il|~ii»\i~|\ ll|i- Il)\l'(‘||I.ll ||il'|IlIiti'\\\\i|\lililll\l‘l1 ll\'\l1 .\I"'|1"'i "'4' l""|']""' “'-"
iI||l|Ill|\l‘\|)1bll\‘|I('||llIHI|)\J|Il||' _i4i.iu|uiiu~l\. .\liill\ i(ii|_>;\\.ilil'~ hiiiin. hlii-R
liiii .i||il iliuiiii-_gi.ili~ liu- l'lllIIl' Ihrl|liii'~SH)|>ii>ii-~~ili-\i~i-ill|\ ii|il\ ll. ~ii \\l' h.iil iii iii- \l'|\
uni-i||.ni|~m; piiiilf. (.|l.i]llI(‘I\ l\ l>ii|ii>.\li.\'.ililiiililm-~n\||i l'.ui.i- i.i|i-liil."
guru-. ili|ini.i|i .iiiii|||;il|~lii-ii ||ii' iiuiiiii.imi-i.i~.iini-iii \\h|ililiii>k~ >I|lhII\IlII .ii;ii-i-~ |h.ii l||~ |i-li-\|-
uiih ('Hl'll ])\ iii\i-|mi_- ll\i- In-.i<l llniiiiull .| iiiiniii | l\ .|lil;](‘ll .i| ~iii|i i-\pi1imii- hi [pi-il him llI|<|ki'
.lIit|.|llllii||ii\ l>iiil\ \\ilh.i\|li~. I‘: iii-i;ii-i-~. liir iilliii |i'li\ i~ .il .i iiiuuiiniiil iiu \]ilbH |IillItl'. “iiiil I
hi-1\ \u||\l.u|ii-. H-|lll|II.l|||i'tllI|I|l- pi-1|w|1i||i|| .|||i_;h- I4! ||ii- l||\|, l|.i\i~ nii l\ll‘.i |lll\\ \l’.\(.l-Hl'.\'—
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.i|iiu|iil liiiiqviiiiiiqli liill llIlI\ [ll
‘1 it}
The Burmln's Studio is rigged by a
l'|t'illllliIt ~piiL \i|l|l|l llii ~k||i
llll|lIlI|.|lli| III -I ll-l\|l_ li‘.|\|l|g uii
m|||ii| \ii Ill i-lliil liiilh ]1'|I\t\
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\\l|l||illi l|4I_l Qllillllll 1i...ii >2
tr uch“|':|'"l“me|"d“’m'|s"'mp'
I-11“ I §I__,,il
lim|‘~ ili'~|g_-n Iii: Iilr (.|i'.i||nr. .| \im'~i'\i~ milluul -"Ill \_'|ii\»i'il $L_’i| iiiilliim.
l|i'.lll|\ \i‘|||l‘||| |li.ii iiii-i1.iii~ |lii-
ll.|n.ii||il.i\\vniii1| llu-(.|i-.||iui-R
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p|iiiii| liiiih l\‘l ' |lI|[Q..||lll.l|\lI 4.lI| |ii- \||||lL \i’i\ <.i~il\." ~.i|il .l|l|i'|ll|I1‘.l| i||illii ]i'ih1"\'iiii|ii- is I
liih .i |i.ui iil ‘I’ \l'ilItI||\ iIi.i| .i|ili .\li .\.||l|! (.iiii-iii.i1iiq|.i]iliiI I-|.inL QlI||ll{|lItII|Ill|\1 ii\\\il|IRl' I l'R.\ .
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A] l|il\ .mi| \I4Xilhli|lIl>L.|\|\i|ll|.|Ql' ()l- llIl' _|l~lll III \l'l’l>R\|.\\'
l|i.iil .inii til\\] ,lIi' |li]|\'.l|||l llr iii ilii illl4‘t|, u.iui|.il Ii-.;ii| nil |.ih Ill. \illi1\li'\\.||| lI.iiiliiig \\i- ii- ' ’/-I I - .'
l.|li-il Ililll lh|1m.m |.lk(’\]I.l|l|l||- i||](| t.|]!|l||ill tl4‘.ll, i||~|| llll.|Qt'\ giiiliuliilu |lVllI]!i’|I|ll4|IlI llii mil!!!’ ’ 4 , Q
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\i\ltl.lIl\[4.|\\ ||||llll’t‘\l\
|ii~| Illii’ ll|Il\ll .i|l \l||||IIli'l \\'i»
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.l lug wllini; puuii. lug l'lillli)L|| Ill iii-~|i4m-I lIi'i‘l[\ .i ~.nii|ii; ii>>ii|.i» lmuii il iinli-~~ \\l iii.iL< .i li.ii I 1"-Y
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DISI1€i steps bazk into darkness H ilh a robust S M 0rd & Sorc en tale
yI)””(I;Ipl H)”, >- ' B:-|m.|||.|||aIR|iLR|ih;.|m|\\i||—
1-|~ l).|\r |n|i.|~_ Rm Nl4ni|.i .u|<|
l|lll'l lllr p<'.|ll'|l|] I.i|nl
il.i||1 [hr
ul l'\i-
\\uLi-nl \\1l.n\l, iu:\\—
|).ll| ll|.lIl. [hill .ini|||.||. \\|||
lln-|i"~ .in 1'\]nc's\|n|| .|| li|1' .\| \\'il~im \|| imiliili-|i|l\ ihiil mm, mum |n-ii-||in.| hu|||.||i ~.n- ||n;\," hnl |r.||\ "~11i.ul.||n_'~ .|m|
l)i\|n~\ »||nln|\-'\\\r.|| |l1|\ \i~~~ |u'||\.||1\ .| inl IIl'I\l|\|\|\i in iln- ulnv ||1‘|lIll'| lull HIIHIII ill \\li.nkun;~ nu |||\ |NIlIl ll'l\\|l'|
~nm"—ih.n II|l_g'lI|.|ll'|i l|l'|.l\ll‘\ ~||i-rn||n_- in-viii-\\.|i|nn; llll lllllll n. ni.||n|.un liar lI|I nl lm ||(‘.|l|.
Jgu “In-n \\'.|l| l)i~m-\ \.||lll1Il| lln-|| l|(‘.l||ll|| in |g|nn- nu |ln- .llHl\ .unl1in-|.|ul¢ln-n .\l|nl|li'l ~1|.un;i- (Il'.l|\lIl' ls
|ln~ imln-~ nl |Iu- |.|h'\l (.Illl)1lI| \lll'l'l|. Ill!‘ lllH||l'll Ling i.|p|im-~ |l\‘Il \\l'l\. .ll| -u.nul.|| pig “hi!
Jill‘ H|ii'l\'ll |i|~uml|||i'|1l\. inn I'll‘ |l|ll| |~ in~-».i nn l.|4|\i| |).||||||'ll_l|\\|~<".illIl\4""‘|‘"‘l‘~'|' l~11~I--1‘-HIII--IIII-*~--Hlili-M-~w
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uunlilu-u|m;..||uli|u-~ln-i1\||i;_; \(‘|||'\, I'/n' I‘\nImu f./inmnh-i, iiu-1-iniuiiiri'».i“|~|.iii|_~v|~-mi l.n.|n \l.l|i||l~ ln| .nnl l’\i'lllll
|||lIll|1|\|llLl\ |)\'(.|II|l'.| ~.|u||.|; .| ulm ii l|lI|\l\I -ii l'In- IhniI.- in in ll'\llll lnni l.u.n| 1~ ||li‘Ii .i]i\ |1|\\i\|h| li.|-;~_ nli->||.ni| iii-
\\\r.|l im\ l| \Illl \\ill. 'I'/iin. I'll: [Hm /; (JHIIIIIIIYI. I'M \i'llt‘l| in ||n- I \il i\|i|u.i|iil l.||\l'll I.|||lil|ll|| I->1 I ,n.|n ~ ~\\im|. h1~
i |n1|.|\. lh(‘lIb<lllll.|l|);l‘|]ll\|J\ (.u\!Iw III I In. I'umn llnriilmri ||.nL In h|~ i.i~||~ i’|nm lin 1| llllhl [inn ii |m~~v~~|~||| I In
Ii ii|— iln ll)|H|\ll\ ll \|r\\'||i;_-.|
- - I . II A: mg \i I \.ml|
uni I/n ' II: i,i ll‘ _ . ||i1\i| ]|lI\\l \il'. iln lllrllllll
. . - ll- nin \||\||--|i.||||~Iv||||1mill]
| ._ .
urn .|||i|n.||n-il\\':nL||||i|-igii-~~.|i |»nv4in.|l|\ \\n>n~ |]|1"\i' ||u\| I» l--| knn; ill\iil\|‘I\ |i\.ii l|Ii'|.ll||1!|lII| iln.n\ [II \\ li-i.||nm. .|l||iI.|L1llq
l)l\l|l‘\1.||l\|l|]ll‘-lHl‘\|)|iI\l\l', .|llll|l‘\l('lI|\, Inn »|-nu-~ .||r lilli-il h.|~ \.uu~h| 1|, i.n.u| n.|lm'~ ih.i| ||n- l.I|ll|\l lhlihi ll .|||ill'; ll .nl~
lru-inlii-\|><-in-mi-, nilli m\\|n mu .i|ui .ninm 1)||l ii in I>||I|IIlIlJlIl1l1l'\|l|I\ ilu I.lll|' h1~ i;]||Il||l\|| .|l|||\ llllil .|||.n L
llii- l.||l'§l lilm I1IlIl'.l|(‘I|lh llIlll.llll |I||ll hln-nl»ln'|l I)“. l|l'Ill, hr l.||l ~.|\i- l'\| .|g.||||~I |.||.|l|-lliii||l~|>.|ll\|
lll1lHIIII\|H|' |H,.\(.k (..\l l.- I||\ iilin \\HIl li.i\i-iiiiinli-_-uiv
~ I limni-_;|i iln .||<i ul I-|l~-un\_ 4‘ \|||i.||n||i~ ||.u| in In |||.n[| III
I)R()\', .| iuminq $‘_'ll lmlliuu. l‘H||l|, hill ilu \l||lhll |lIl[}l'\ ni \-inn:|i|||n|~~.inii-1|ih.|||u~\~ .ul.||»l1|iu |ln- |.|lQI ~i.|]| ||||| Ill
" ~-€ -lllllllllfll \\\HlIi.||||[~u|1i'l\ |.l]l' -.;||iu-i .i l.|l"!'l
» .unl |||n|i' .n||||| Ill in: --nu i|qiu_ l.u.|n \l.l])l\ i iin- ( 'II|i/|11/|\ lil ||n ~i |||‘ll
.-_.- "- 1; \l||i|ii=iI)1~|n\ ~l5l \( k( \l I
.|||\| In;-|u\I||~ \i.||ili I-n iin ]ll\|
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'l'|!t-‘N-A Producer Joe Halellell) and direclorsml Slevens.Ted Herman and Richard
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In lhls preproduclion gkelch. lhe Horned Klng watches his army—lhe Cauldron Bom Warrlors—rIse lrom the Black Cauldron.
III! lln-.|n1 lI|vu- l\I:)l||I|'\||1'1- \\|nI. 1nnn..| mInm|n: ||\l|I I-n In-I." |Il.n;v||l—I|Iu' \n|nn<-~ \\I|n .uI .|~
lnn'l||.|I\\n|I.In'l|lg:InlH‘u||lIl|~ |In ]m><IlHl|ulluI.|lllll|.||uII|I|||~ I--III-mnnq [In ~-mmnq. |Iu- lI|< :\:\.|1|\I:-.||\nI |In IIIIIIIFII
\\'l-I) |~ ~||nII|v_; nu-| .| l|l'|III\I' IIn Inn \\|I|I~ In I~ “I lIn- I1I|n ~\\4.|| I»--\ ||n |nIn |~ hnu nnh I\|||u IIn \||1|1|\ 4l|I1'III||'| ~nI1-
l<'.|11| In \|‘l \\l|.n lIII\ |.|n\I-||-n \\lII 4n|l\|~l ~->I<-|\ III ~nn\l:-».mI |\lI|1|IIlIl| .|n-I In *4lll\Il~\u~~|l|'.1 --I|In']»nI1I.|~]n\In ‘|~lI|n\\’|n
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Lnnl --I \|n| l‘|\llI.|l 'II1‘l |4 ~|-nn» |II.||n_-1-. \l|1Illl\ |In \\|-|L |-Inn I|I||| I--1 III: n-n .|nnn.||~n~‘ “In, \\r'll4' 1.|IIuI I--| lI|r' ||~<" ~-I .||||'
llnnnnnr-|l|]n I-nIn|.n\ " R1-|n_-In ]n|n|l ~L=nIn~-;n<-\\.|\ -n|1Inn<\~n<lI|-=n l'I.\‘|\IIl|- |||.|IuIIl.||Lg|||l|IllI\_ .| |x4I|1|l1||n-
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III>lIIIH‘III_ (.|.nn “.II(I\Il'\ \I.n, .llIlIl‘lI, Inn n| hI.nL .n|-I nlnn HI .| |In.|ll|4.|I ~I|u|l |h.n |~ |In ~|‘|lI. |In~ |~ lIn Inn Inn: n |~
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\|g:I II.|\\II|u|||1 II'Il\\lIIllI. I>I'I|||I .|~r1||n-|n| |n.|\ I|.|\1-Imn |1I|.|~| I'|n-In: IIII‘ I-(J\ \.\I) IIII' III .\(,I\(.\l'I.III{(),\|~
IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFIII\IllI_{|.vI|lIIlI =||||\I\\u:||lI|I|": ~n-1\~I1n.|nI1I|.|- IIII II()I‘\Il.lln-~nnI|n\|»n~ Tilnnn.|In-»nnIn,\
In|||~4 ~I|nI|l1
II\l|1| |(-nu-_;||, |u||.|lIl.|l|\\lIHll\ u|.nn~. -lII|||I.II1‘lI ln<-|.|g_;<- ul |In- \|~-n\ “In-»--n h.nnn'. |In- nnr Inn 1|“ --I1ln~I.|n;v~|m'1|I-n-
Iknn; I-nIrIIn;r .nnI I’InI I-|m- |n1n II .nl nun .||:]u.n», \~ :.n II nu nu-I\ ||Ir|I|lI.|| I III" RI" \' |n.|| ~|n|| |‘I'|h'~ \I.I< I’ I'I\'(»
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l.||n'~ ‘>1 II.-/-n\ III \n|n|\ Innn [In \\u1L|:||||I |||.|ln|~.I|1lIu|1.|~lIl'\\ u-.n~.l)|~- mg .|I|||u\||In‘|l' -1| Innnn. \\nI1
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||I|I.lIIlIlIl-ll l<-| I'|||n-~~I‘|Inn\\\ -_;n n» |In- I|.l1I\*.:|n|nnI:I<'|1.|ll— I-nnn [In lln-n\nnI~ nl .||>|1In.|- l).\.'\‘(.I~. lIII~ ()I.l) .\IIl.I. .nnI
' r.|un' Ilvml .| 'II-u.n-:>l\I .nnr~~. IIIFIII, .nnI lIn'\ ]|.n|n .nnI H-Im In-n~ H1: l\l‘lI. II\\ IIl.|1| |III|\\|]|' lln I-\1I Unnm IInnn|~»n III ~
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§ _"‘ IIn-l\qIn~-Inn|n|In-~Im-nnn4 ~<-|\-~.|n In|l|~_'|I|-.||1r<I||||..||nI I||IIu|l|1~r Run\I|l|I-|.|In'~||nIn-~r\|-u|—
lnmll. .nnI |In- \1|<'l'll In|uIn:n~ |In-n|In\ gu|n|I|<'I|lL.|lnII'.||||l IIn- ‘nn|n.n-n~ I|.n:- :-\]n-u—
\\nI1|In llIN‘|l||I_Q\II|lI\|||.|Il||l'\|, 4I(‘|l.IIIIlIlIII. nlnn lI|r\ n- 1n-» nnnn|I \\nI| I|I\\ .nnI IIIII n-In III. \(‘I\ (.,\I l.l)l{().\ |~ lIu' » _ 1
IIn l.I|lll'I<I|l-lII\tIlI\\III||.l\IlI-III |I|nnI III 4|-Im I‘|n||l .|II (DI III|\. ll1(||u ~ Iln |In~ l|In1 In vnil‘ ||r\\|->nn1~’ \_\()\\ \\lII I I'—.l ‘ ‘
lIII\|lI III InnI\In|~_-» III .| ||||.|I~<-I» \\l‘_I;l‘l.|lI.llI\1IIIIlI ||l|1|I \\‘: lI|rl| ~r1||n ml" II: n \\1'|| <I.|\In-~:In\\|1 Q||n||nI Im.|L||1v;r'\]||ln|n<-lnl
Inn; \\I|.n |~ Innn; \I|~|\\n |\ .| -nl |l|<-~| |>1nn\ lIlI|| [In \\u|R .| |1.nI\ |nn~nuI In q.'|‘\I/In/r|!»‘ IIIIIII.n|||||.|ln|~.|ll\I.||uI|:'ln:‘. [I
The bel1incl—tl1e-scenes story of
Disney's $23 million adaptation of
Ray Bradbury's fantasy classic.
Article by Stephen Rebello
l.|ll ml IUHI, .| l1'\\' nlnys
n ll\(' »n;|uhi||g n;||||i\.|| \\';|~ ill)(7|ll In
Ix-lmr lilming \\':|~ |U\lL|ll un lx- lnunglu In lilo.
S()l\Il-I'l'lllN(L \\'l(lKl~Il) Nvnrh I8 mn||ll|~ l;||1~|—lul-
HHS \\':\\' (l( )Ml{S. uulllnl lu\\‘i||_\;;| Ilmnhlulnmlnnslly plu-
Rny B|;|<lIn||y \\';llllll'|('(l quit-lly (lll(llllll\(lll'llllll‘Ill;ll\ll\\’llI('lllllI
llnnugh lllv s|ll'l'l\ nl (ill-1-n nll lull llll\l‘l|lIlll uldiu-um _|;n L
'l'n\\'n.;|ni<l<';|lin-ll\rl-in||<1llIi\ (I|;|yum\ llzlmls in pm||un<l|u-
;|\||<>l1iug|;|pl\i1nl. lu|n-ul<lln-- |in||—l$|;ullm|§ \u-pl .|g4.|iu. llli~
u~||lu|yIninl-:\|m'|i4.mln\\'nll|;|| limv .|| llI(‘ |nm|||\iu|| ul (lu-
lull Ix-rn lmill lr||glh\ \(‘\-
nn lll(' llism-y ~|nn~.||\\'l|i|l1
Suulinlm. _].||m\ l ln|m'1\
lhnlllnny \ly||.||nin ~10“-
g|.u|u*<l nu-1 \\';|~|1~¢|m|ml.
llw \llu|) win- ll'~ ||uulill|-
\ln\\' \li~pl.|\~. < llll
IlIH\('(l ]I.l\l ;| lh;|| ll|.|<llnu\'s
~lu\\'|\ Illllllllg n~.u~ \\'ru- nlnr
l);|llI(‘l pull‘. .|~ mm I1 luju§
anllnin-nl lhv .|~ ll‘lll'l. lh<-
\n||.|g.;<- 4.|Is_ ilnrlu-llillg
.1|ul lnukul up llmnllu h.|<l
.n Ill!’ n\-->~im- In-rn nlillia llll
pln-\\'mull|;|x||c lm |lu- 1~min~
lln||\\'\ \\‘In-u- :|<-\\‘. \\'i|l| l|n-
hi~ yuullllul pmjml lll.lll('ll
lll'ln('\, \\‘ill In nli~w||~iu||
ll.|||u\\';|\ .n|l|||l_L(|l|1'lu'\
\. .||||l
I- Jonathan Pryce porlnyl the malevolent
||(';|l1\(' |.|l~
-l 1'“ ' '5 H‘ M1.DlfK,p|'0pIlGl0f0llIIlyl|9Il0l1l
‘l'-"|"- “"’"|‘l nndseducllvucarnlvnllhlllnvndeslhe ""1" -""1 -' l""'
|i\<*. sleepy qulalol Gram Town. llllnoll. \ n-\\' \l |u1||1|;4
ll\l'll' \\1-|r llm-||n-1| m !l|\-
mu» ul ]u\ in lS|.|l||1\||\'\|\\’lI!l\- .|~.nuu~ In ~||uliu nl|irl\ |h.n Ill!‘
ling 1-u-~. .nul .|ll 1'.||-Ii: l\li||_|_- lrln-.m~ul lhr |Il||| \\'.l\lll'l.|\l‘(l l>\
grinnl.|h~uluu-||lv.m||r..\|m-11' \|\ Illllllllh.
2'1 \r'.u~ .|lu1 hr h.u| mi_|;in.|ll\ Hui lh.ullnn\'~ |r.||~~rr1|u1|ln
i|1|r|nl1-ml. |\i~ p.u.|bl1- ul l\\'|| »1gn.|| lll.|l .|ll |~ m-ll in (iln-1|
.|¢lnlz-~11-ul hu\~ .|nnl ;| wnl» l'n\\'u. his )|><'ln mm l\.|\iu'L
Rly Brodhury Ilrlku
IItltoomurr-Ilka porn In lront ol
the 20120‘ rn|n|IturI cl DIrlt'I
Clmlvll, bullt Io! the climactic
rrrornerrt when slorrrr |lterIlly
wipes It oll the lace ol the IIrth.
Mounted upside down It the top
ol I lour\dstIgI tor tho
pyrntochnlc deotructlon
Iequorucen, the mlnllture vrII
Ilsa turned rlqht slde up Ind
ulod tor several ellublllhlnq
shots. photographed In lronl ot
lhe huge twlllghl-cololod
blcklng Ihown here. Bulll on I
one—tweltth lclle. the mlnlature
Ieltured lerrts wheel made ol
lend, which could be twisted Ind
pulled out ol Ihnpe .
wanls a
behind camera) and llral asslslant cameraman Dusly Blauvelt (rlghl) how he
Dlrector Jack Clayton (upper let!) explalna In camera operalor Elllott Davis (obscuredSlave Burum (wearlnq Ihe blue cap, lower lett) ayes the proceedlngs warlly.
ahol llned up on the alaborale S2 mllllon Green Town sel. Clnamaloqrapher
._.. ........ .....;.....l. I.\.. .-...|\ ~....I.'. .........|..... I. ...........q..l .I.......4l. ....
... .I.~...\.-. I... .l..-...~.-I..-~ ..I....I..». .I....I ....>.-I .I..-.. .....I.I. ... .. ~I......<.-I.
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III...lI...I\, Il.. ......-I.\|. I....l l..-.~|.~...- ~.-.I.uI.\.-....III\..|_.. .I.l. .... .l..- .III.I
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I- ...I.l I I I\. |I\ \...|.. ~ u..||Iq I .... L J" \..II~ ' I
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........I... Ii ...Il.. ' .lII..|.......l .I~~|.I..' ( ~ \\II- I-Rl)\I ()I' I R I- - |- ........ ......“ 'lI..- IIl...I. I~....~ .I|I.I
l....\. ll\l'\.I.‘t'lI\\||l.'l
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-lllll -I .I.I|....lI. ~..-...-1|. \\III.lI Iltl‘ .l‘.I'».l. |l|It'It’\IIllQI\. IlI.I.Il...I\ ~III~| ~....I.-IlI....4.|I.I..\I."
IIIII ..|.r lIIl\t‘I\t'l .II.l..'. lI.I\.- ... ....q..I..l ~. ..-.-..|.I..\ \\..\ I... llt'lll|l‘I .. lI....II....\ ~|..-... .l... ...-\| I. \\ ...».-I.
...... I... ..|..-II....; mg I .. R ... II. ... I» I...\~ ...... .I.. \lll.lll\ .... .I..- ~|........I.4
......... ..... ....-.... ......... I.I.... ..... .-\............_- ....- ...... ...... .. 7......-.
l|l|I\ III.‘ ......, I. ..| ..I..-...I. l.......-.I ...I.»..........-..................I............I ~II|l‘Il I..'.I.....-... |..|.-.I Il.\Rl\(..\R'
...I..Il.l.~.I\..I. I... JIIIIII Il..~I...I'~ ...I.Ipl.I|....I ..I
l..~ |.I||lI\|ulI. "|II'~ I».-.....|I..l,' I..-
"I...I.Il\.-~..I.-..\." ' II..' lII...l\ I'.-...~ ' .4.-...-..II . 'lIIllIlt‘ .\I()Il\ I)I(.k.I!l.|'. I. \|\'
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.\lIltlI||I;lI .. l\\llI\l).'l ..I.|.II.~l.....I- I\.-II. ~ II.||l~.‘. “I ~..|.I I. .\..~ I... I...
lIlllIII'1ll.|It'l||lll.t' II... III...Il....\—..
IIll'll‘tllllt‘])ltlllll‘,BI-|Illllll\I\t‘\t'lllIl'— I..-.-. ' lII...Il....\ ....III.-.I "I I..I.l|II.|I
.-\. ......-l~ ..~ .It.l.IllIlI1I .l\ p...l|lI. \\..I.. \\I...~.- .-..|l\ ....I|...I
......- I..-'.I ._;.....-.. II... ........-\ ....l.. lll.
\......~Il...I._- Il'..I.'.-.I I7... II'..\
(.......<. lI.I\.- lI...I ..~ I.....l .l Jason obarda.VIda.l Peleraon and$hawn Caraontrollclnlhoatrnutollowlngthe
HI"\"'- 1"‘ -"HM I'-" ""' 1" “|"' Ill"
~- I =11 I I .1 -.\ "
......-.....k..._.4|I..~......~.......... deatrucllon ot Dartfa cumlval. SIIOTII other ahola lrom lhla—ahc.uInq K.-.;..-....l.I.. I_\\ I I \ I l().\ It)
Illl‘ ». ll‘t'll. (..-II.- K.-Il\. \..... I‘.-. L...- Ihelov.m'a rcaldenla raaloredlo r.orm|l—were dropped during poalproducon.
llII’ l)\_\(.I~ \...~ .I llIl.|lI.l.Il.lIl1l
...... .....I ~..-..-.. \....-I...-... ..II ......- ...II...l .l.~..|.|...........-..., ..I..l I\.~II\
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ml H... ll... t.'......'. \..I~I....II .....I..l ll‘.|ll\41.11.’,..[|IIllII'lIIIlII4 |~....I_' I ..
I... II..- .....\..-~. II.-ll ...|I. ... I'll |..~. ...... I. ...... ..
I-... ..\|.I............. \..- ...-.-.I ... ~L.|. ......-I’ I \|Il‘lII .II.- ...-\I .\\.. \....~
|..I.l. IH .\I..II .....\..-|...Ik.-I~ ...ll II..- .l....Iu|..~. .l....
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..... .. ......“ ... .. w... (....~.»I...~.-.I llh I...\l......| ....-.....I..-~.....I .;...\.I...|.
l.II....~|~.,|.l...I.|.; ~I..||.'~I..~...II.|....4- I. .;..-.~ ... I..~l...... ...|. ..I .......;.II.II.\.-
.......<. ... .\...............~1..- ...... <..,..~. lI.|...I.\ l....I.. l|.I.- ....~4III.II~. \......--
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..|..~..~ \\|ll| .. \Ill\t‘l\l\ I..»I..I.. ..|l..|.-.
.....l.||.m |n||llr1|||_|;~ ul ".\l.|. ln~.l.'~"
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A Buu-\'i\|a 11-I1-1111. 1 11:1. 11-1
nir Sin».
.-I1! dirrrlars. Rinhanl B.
Rkhanl janns law-
rrntr. PrndurI|'un 1'IIu_1!mIuv. jar
Ind Wlll. In ancl lulu delclnd Imm Ilsa Hm-In. Sr! drrnmmr. Rim hard
Illm. Al mlny Ill peoplu won n si111|.~1111. (:111111111r11'1.11 111111411111-
needed lo mlrllpllllll the lnlllcuh 1111, 111-111111 111- W11111. ,1.11.1¢1'11:rpw
cable control: I01 the hand. which was darn. Dan linlslud. Jrlnlilnnal
rlgqcd lo emlt dun and “nnall nllmo" srtvud n.uL1!m1l dimrlun. (lhriv I).
Inntfucnl lfl nllver powder) lmm the .\liIlrI. Sun! llilnu-I011. .-ls.\|'.1In||I
llngllpl. Right Clay PIMIIY. Pl! /ihn rdilnr. Aul 1\nm11 ll uhrrl.
Domenico Ind Jack Simpson won: Ibo Sound .111||rrl-ism. Bub Hllhaway.
cnuntu-blllncod arm Irom lhn lop Sprrial mund r/Irrb. Rirhanl R.
pllllorm. Bob Wllllrd (rlqhl) Ind P1111111111. 11111-111 1111111111. s1.p¢1.
1 1
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conlrolled by a lecnnlclan who can be Seen‘ barely, kneeling in the background. ~--In--1.-\-I Iinmn-~1~:l~w1-< In-! ...|.:... ..............~ ..-.................
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11-.1~ \\'1111111n'~ »11gg1\1i1111 1111.111 11-1111 1|.-|,;111|||1-111. ]1111m11i;||1-|1-‘
:1 gig.1111i1, 11111." .-\1 111.11 111111111-111. 1111- 111111111»
11111 111 1111- 111-11 111111 111
111111111-1111-11111.11-l1i111;1ll<1\\-:1m:1k1-1111 11111111114111 1-11111-1. B111 111111 1111111111111
11111111-1111 ~l1.1111~1.
k 1 l.111'-|1L1~ l1.1111l—11I1~11-11111111 1I1;11 111
1111111111 n'!Im|'I'II1'sIl 11111111111-11111-:11 ~111l11|11i1 11-111-I1111111111-11111114111-1111
“'1'l11- 111111111 11-1~‘1l |1I.111111-1l 11-1-11-
1\l;11D1111;111l 111111 (1l;1111111, 11-1111 11-1-11- |111~l)1111 \\‘i11l1—|I1.11 11-.11 |11~11;1|11~ .11
""1115"11"“ilP1>|ii"""\iI||"\\'VIIII" I111-i1 11-111111111-1.11111l1-.111-.111;1il11l1l1111
1111111-li1-1;1l111-." I l.1Il1.1i1l. ".-\~1l11~111i1-
11111111-1111111-s:1111l lluh. 11111-11111111111111111-111111111-111:1|1|1m;11I1
rrnllv .1111l~11:1il111111.11n11~|111-111111."I111-11111
"1 \\|gg\'s|l‘\I 11111111.; 11'h;1l 1111- l11111k'»1-I11-11~.“S111111-111-111111-111111
11111111-," \\'lllll\'lIlll|1\l| II11-1.11111-1.1I11-111111l|1111-
I\"l'I“'"* W111‘ -ll-Z"-H wl"\l"" l'X- 1111' 11-11' 11111111 \i111111i/1-is; I111-1 kn1111-
1111-1' 11-11111." P111111-1 ('X|JI£lIlIl‘(I.
1.111-.11 1I|:1ll1-11111-;1|11l .1 11111111
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II1-111 111 1111- 11-1111111111111
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1-1I1u|~1-I 1111111-1 -11111 11111|;111-1l I11-.1111
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~I1;1|l1-1111!: 11'1"
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|1.11l 111
1'l11- I1-II11111 \1~ |I11-1 11-I1 1111- ~11~111-
“~I11111l111-1" 111 1111- Ii111;1-11111».
1111111 1111- 111111111-1 111-;11l~. §1I1iII1-1 1111-11-11-1-wl1ig111;111g1-1."
11'1-11- 111-~i11111-1| 111 111111-1- .1111l I1;1\1~1111111-.1111|1111111-. 1511111-111-111111-1
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11-111-11 111- l1111L~ 11.1111. .-\» 111- 11:1111|11111- 1111-111-11. “ll1-
k1-pi .1~11111g 11-11.11 1| ~1.1111-1~_1l.1ll11-.111111111111-~11-111-11.111111
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|1111|11-111 ll-lllsllnrlll
.1l11l 11111111111111. 11-i|h l'lII-I l.\'N()(Il-'..\"IS. (II.1\|1111 111111111|11."11-1.1ll1-1|1'll1-1l~l1-1l|ui1i.111
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111111 ~1 11l|11i11g 1111-
\l.1l11'&I i|111-1111111; |\1~11' 11111111-11~ 11111111- l)1~m-\ R.1u1I\. "\\'1-
;111111111-|1.1i111-1|1-\11|1w~i11|1. l'l\1-I.|1h|I 111111111. 111111111 lI.1ll .m1I I\i\1|1-\\'. 1111- ~11 11111111. l11-
11-1111111111~111l1-111-11111-1 ~.l111111-
|111~.i111-\~ I111 11. 111111-.11l11l|11~1~111111-- 11111111411
1111-1l1;11111~ 11-1-11-11111111~1l1111lI11l;11111- 1-H1-11 11-1111111-1| 1.111_1;il1l1~ ~11l111i1111~_
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il-11 l11'-111 \\'111~11111 lmill
I111 l)I..\l1 DlnctonlaekClaytonvnll1|Pn1nG1hr.Vl11a|Pulono11|ndJnon Robudn':u11d- .1111-\1 11111q 11-.111)111111--
ln.Ncm1 Mon! E|1on.lI|1o11ghlwon0 ulln 010 MlrmIMla.D1nlolnd\n1callnd
1111- ;1|.111- 111
.\Xl) Bl'Rl1.l). 51111111-1 11.1~11-1|11111- "B111
artlllI¢1l|1ln.m111:h olthllaquqnou hadlcbcmtholdurlnq pollpmdocllon.
111111 1~\|1l.11111-1|. 1111.11 1111 11-1-
111111111-.1111111111111111-.1~ 11-1111.
Q 1111111 11|1|11111-1."
Il.1ll'~1111l1 11111111111111.1s11111111|1~
\\'i1l1 1111-111-.11l111-~11-1|. |1;11111111.1111l 111.1111 1-11-11 l1<1<11l1.1.1111-1111111.1111l|1-111
11-.1111 I111 liI111m_1:. >|;11L (lI.11'l1111 ~111-
1I11111111|1.1 ~1~11-111111 111111111-1111-111l11~
|11|\1'1| S1hiI|1~| I11 I1-111111.;1111-1|1.1L1-11|1 .1111l "ll11111;" 1111-111.1111~111~. "\\'1-1l11l
.111i~1 11111111 11111111-111-I11-111. 81111111-1
1-11-1111111111 111-1111111111111141111-111-1L
11-:1» 111 111111. 11-111111111 .1111 111 1111- k1-1 111.1111.1111-.111-1.111w1111-11-1 11-11
11111 111
1 11-11-1111-111111~|~11l1111-I|1~11111il.i|11l111I~ 1111- 111-111111111111 11-1111111 111- 1l1.1111.11i1
illg §l1'1'1- B11111111. l'11.1111-;1~..11111;1ll1.1 1-1111111111." ll.11l 1.1111. "\\'1- 111.11I1- :1
Irv: \\|llr .unl ~|\ |1'l‘| lll'I'|l \\||h hI.u L llu|\.|l|| .|||lI In (.l.|\|un \||lllll.|l|'l\|.|\nm_ \\|ml|.|~ unu-ll In-u'| m \\l'||ll'|\~|||l|lP|I, l§n| I \\.|~ Ill\n|\I'\[lIl
llulh .|l4»u|nl lhr c-llqrs .|||ll .| |l|||| \lIl‘I(|ll'l| In lmllnlr ||\ l‘\l‘l\ ll|.|L<-nlmllnvrllnI~||hn “L|~k:-lllm ~I|m|l|||u .||u| ~h<h|‘| h.|\l mm ludn
|l1|lu~mn l.m'| .11 1lu- lm||~m|—-lu;4l| l'||l‘l|\\1l‘l\l‘llll|\l‘|Il4|llll‘ .\l||ml|m; llu~ lw~| \l|'\\ |l1.|| |l|-~\ lull lu~n-.|ll.l .|||\l|\m_g'.||u|||| u
upmrlu-1.|l|rl~,hlmkmq-mlp.ul-ll m ‘l4‘li| lm rlll-ll» \\|'|~’ --nlu-1 In \\.|~ |4|\l'u |ln- lhml lnwl lll'\\ lhv ll l»-..un<- lluu |h.u 11., mrr \\.|\
llu-.|||'.| ll.|ll.|||¢| huu-.nn:1:-ulmll-1| ||-|mI\, ll:-ngln-ll \\|ll|nl|l l-|mm;h ll\.|]l|ll|\ -ll lllr \;m><l |m|||l~- \\l'|| Ml|I\|ll'i1 \\|I|| lhrluulupll-lull-Ill-¢1~
Ill!‘\lullllllllillllfllgqlllg. "ll |n'|.u||I' "pun: ll," n| \||!|)|l\ |u1||-‘ll, u||I||||u- muknn; nu I RUN. |lu- \l'4llIlll |n\| lhu .u l|\1’ll||u’_ |||--u -lul||'l~l-11m--In
.||)l\;|l\;|ll\\]||'l||r|Il|r||g;|||~l|Il|ll' |l|l\l‘l|.llll1lI\.Illl'lllIlll'l'\|K'Il\I\l'|l\ M-».||[mu-<.m|....,.-.|,.....|“.- ....\l1m.u|...|....|,....l.|,--\..»|,|,~.m
|‘"l‘l|\ \u'||' mmr |m||u||.u|l," H.111 m-1-nllc-~\nu-lldluuq \\l-u~|ln-|><u=| ]ll||l'nl]|||.|l|\ .m.|u ||~.|l|\| “H1441 ,\ml~l|l‘\l-|\|-ul
~||;|\r<i."\\'|'l-M " \\'l|ul| |~ n-|| m ~.n |h.|| (.|.|\nm. "ll|~- Xllrlul \l.|/l- \~l||n-mr \\.|~ lhll. |'l|n|l|l|'l |'|'1|'l l)|"|ul4.\ llI|||
|‘\|'|| ~r'|'||l|lll;|\ \|m|:ll- .|\~|gu- _\I.|1|lr|I|.||1|.l'l .l|. \\l'll' |]lll]|('I|\\l||| \\:-lull l||l'Il|| .|\;.|1||."|u'
,l|||a.|ll||\L;; 1-Lnm-1| |l|.|| |lu- rill-|~ lm<h;r| |\.l||
lllll||\\\l'l('.ll.|ll\l||||;Ill'ln----~-ml mu l||t'\\\rIl'll'l.\\|rl||u|]|.|||1|lu' ...m---1.H||ll‘l.lIlIl\.l| l|l~lll|l'!4|.|ll||ll n.-.--. .....-|..|....|- |..m \\'||l|||-
~1...|.m..1\.-.l..........l.|..~|m...;l...|1\ |...;...|.l.\ l'II1l\'l| lll n......|,.-1, |~|.~<|. \\.......W..|,..||..-..\\‘l.l-1. l|||ll|'llI\ pl...--.|~......-.»nu |l|.IIl|l |....|_.."||..
51-mnln; I--uh ll-nu |l|<- lnlql-|||p\ nl |||u|b]=~ \\=-|r l-|n,||l.n|||u lulu] .mll [.| lnuhlmuu mll ~.ll<~|||.|u. pl_n|-1| ||\ l-mu ]||~.|||:l|-\|,,-‘ |.||m||\.ll(.|,|\|.-n
[h|'|)\|\|\\||Il|\\h||l ~|u \\.|~|uh||| I-mu |l|.u llu !"I'll\ \\l'|l‘ \||||]:]\ R:-\.|l l).|||u] |~ ~1l.I|||n'|| mu» lhr .|ml 4\I||“)‘|"4||‘! \|||l him .l||||||1
\]l'\\ nl llu-l.nn<1.| \l|r| <l l|'\\ \\r~-k~ llll.ll\l‘|Il.||l|| '\\h--u I .lQll'I\[ Ill rlullh |||.u| .|ull ||uI||n|nq In-l|~.ur \l.|n lI.|ll- Ill ‘ll Lu--\\llll1;ul—.|~|u
-ll Imlwl-m4. Ih- Hui" v-I--“ml \\.-~ Ill.lkI' |h-- mm, 1 mm |1N..-\ ll|.|~l ~|.-mm-4 .-11 Jlvlllllll llllll, | l'\|N'4|1ll |l.lll 1|||v||||,'ll 11,.‘ |..."1||-1|-m_|l|..l
llmmllul|l1v"lln~|'.||uL|\\.|\1-nlq |n-u-1 m.ul|- .| ~|n-l |.|l |'ll\'|l\ hlm,“ mu‘ llnng .uu| mu .m--llu-| llu lm |||I'1lh||~\\||lln1|.|[1|||l\||||l|Il|\.|\l
lln l‘“I'l| \\.l\]Nl|I'1|Il[|l|lIll|I]ll\|ll
""""‘~' "'“""‘ " ‘! " ' ~‘" ‘~"'k‘ '"' ‘MM The Dull Wilch ls lmpaled by one ul Tom Fury‘; lighlnlng rods—utllng oll an electrical charge lhal ultimately Whisks her away
“‘ (""1 ‘ |"l"‘ |"" ‘|‘""~1‘ “‘ “' oul 0| lIam%one cl nearly 200 opllcalellecls uddedlo lhe lllm under lhe dlrecllun olellecls supervisor Lee Dyer,
\\1u||q\\|u'u|l:.||m-||1m I--||L1 rh-
RI"||II|l'||I\, ulun ll.|ll .u|<| h|~
:|r\\ llul llu 1| "ll 1| n-~|~. llu llml \\4|~
\|\l'\|l ‘ill I-l .|\\.|\ lhul \\l||I”l|l11|rl
ll|~_ ~.u-lllll-l|~|||.u|lll||1\\|ll.|||l
<|||ul|n|| .|| .||l \n|| ~.|\. '\n\l. || ~
.1. \|gI|||/Millll |1'_'|l|lllg'|l.|\|||\;I|||l|\
\\.|\ l‘\-|||||.|l|\. hr l||.|\ lllllll
,u~m||<l_ Inn 1| llmlll |.|Lv luu-u-1
\IieIi-iiig ilic liliii was
pnirliuil. Imlrzid. ilic pmjexl
mrive 1| imiiplcie m~i-rIi;iiil:
I‘m min-ihi-iiiiiiiilsliixkiiliniiuilliil
the Cllilllgfa was grvzil.“
One nl ihr lihl lllllgfa iiii'iiIi'i-d
Yltllllll \lllJlb Iui ilir iiiujuiiii-w 1'lIi'i I»
/ \
\(l'Ill‘\J iIi<- l'1'fll' iiiiiii-ri;ili1;iiiniinliliu
iuiijm ii--i-iliiiiig. ii iirwmiri-. hi~i-Ii-d-
up l'"l'(l\ wziiii-iiu-s. IIl'\\’ \l('lIl‘\
iii\'0I\'iiig iIii~ priiiiipail illlI)f\‘ and
Br;iiIIiiiri'-i-aqiw iizirrziiinii I0 Iii-lp
I.ll\p1lll‘lIlI]!.{ ii aruinil-iiiiii i H'\\'—
iiiidi-i Dyi-r's ilimiiiiii-iii\'i-riiiuiii
during llk‘ pvaik iil llll‘ Iiill liiliagr
\(‘;|hlI|\ iu (‘il|1l\I' II h\\A‘(|l iiiiilii-iiiii
iiini- iiiiil plllll‘. (ilI\llIlI\L'(.l R‘\lll('lll>
iiiriiiviil in iiii viiipiy iiieziilnw. 3| |\\‘U-
be l'UIIlplt'l(‘l)‘ miiipiiiei illlllllllll
(§l'\' ~iiIi~b:ii. pzigv $5); iliu ziiiiiik uii
\\’ilI iiiiil jiin Iiy u hnnle ul giiini
‘‘ ’
uxil S7 million IiyiIii'iiini- ii Wllh iill wi-re Iilinril in >pi~iiIii ldlllllllllh >pi¢li-n; llk‘ higlili--iliiiigi-ii cinn-
ovri. l'Iii-n-iiliillIii(I|;iyi<i|i Iizinl. ivliiiliwinililiniirrywi|li\iiidi0~sIiin llnlllll lireziklliiinigli Ix-iivi-i-ii Will
"I liai\'<'\l:iik~nI IIl('lllUa Imiii \\'il-
hiic .llI1l i\IilIi~i \il§'lI1g Iiiiw iminIi~i-
Iimlzigv. "\\'i' niziile ;i lung wrim ul
blllilsl iliviwiiImisiiiiiiiiiig. ll\ well
ziiiil his laiiliw iii iIici\lirm| i\l;uL-;ziinl
iliiniiiiiiliilaiiiiiiinl D;lfk'h(.|IIIl\'1ll by
‘"111: '
mew m&
Iiil ilivi iliuiiglii ilii-_ Iilni \~‘fl‘1.. \Ill(|
(.I;ii'iiin hiiirrli. Ili<- ;iiiili<-iiii- 1|"
$|)()l1\l' tlllh ii-nrjiisi inn-nigc. hiii
um only my lllill ilii-y i]iiIii'i gi-i iIii~
iiglii ;IllL“('lIll' or ilii~;in~r. I iIuii'i
iviiiiiiiii hlllIl\," Dyi-r ('YX])l1lllll.
“l';llM\fl‘.\lI()l lllL';|IH\'ZllllIl1IlU\\‘lI
ul llll‘ ligliiniiig md §;l]l'\Ill;l|l. llnii
I-'iiiy. 'l'hi- iili-.i mi» IO giw Ll M118!‘ nl
gmgniplii" IU ('l('lI1l'Il|h (ll Ill!‘ liliii
;in iiihi-r-i_\'<_iiI¢Ily MIIIIIIL
In Allldllllill, Dyvi iiiiil ii ii~;ini ul
;lIll\|§ ziiiil ziiiiiiiuiiiis spriiiklcil Ll
\‘;l|l('|)‘ nlvllu I\ iliniiigliniii ilivlilni,
Iiiiiii ilic upciiiiig iiiiiilr |bLlllIlllI1: of W”
How, ,
II” magic
M the
ilizii miini iii iIii- \lilI§—lll(' gi;iii-- Thin
lX'lll'\'l' in iii.iiki~i rvwiin Ii Ix-i:iii~i~
lhl'Ylblll)'gHl1IYIl miniiiiiii llI‘|lUII1l-
nuior. 'I'Iii~uiiil\iInii‘i gin-iiii iiliainl
ynnl, iIii~ Iain‘ Iiiiiiw~. llllll ilic i;iiiii-
i-;il iii n-|.iiinii in lll(' lU\\‘lI—;Illll I0
Tiiin Fury imlkiiigilmi-ii lll('IlI;ll||lD
(iIl‘l'II I'iiii'ii. HI iliriiiiiilrliiigi llD\l(l\
llI;|| \ii.(lIlly lllr llll(l' iil |.{l)1)(lIll‘\§‘ Ill
that 9
wlizil llIi‘;liltli\'lli('1l'Iill\'llIiI\l;v." \lIU\\‘ ]J1'1I])ll' ;lllll;lll§ living lllI(l lln'gln\\'i|lggn1'ill‘llIl|1l;lsIIlIlI;|lli||- W91‘ 011
(2|.iiiiiii Inn grin-i.ill\ Iiiiiglil iii
Illlll iliv Illlillllll iil lll\llllIl\. |lWll>
wmkiiig in (iIl‘(‘lI Tmvii. In .ill iIii~ lll\\'\ \\'ill .iii<I jiiil llllvlli-ill I'll‘ ‘list didn't
\l\Ul§, wv (llll \li!.{ll| llI)llll‘\ ii-iili iIii~ \\'lIUll\. \\'Iii~ii- ].ii k (ilaiiiiiii ll;l(l
ili~:ii. ll(Y\\'(‘\l‘l. lllill iliiwiiiiliiiii-;i~ii'i
iilmiii Ill iiiiliilgv Iiiiii llll\ iiiiii-. IIi-
iilllltfll. \\'i- \\‘;lllll'll ll) l‘Ill\;lIll&' ilic
iiimiil In giiiiig ii .i \l‘|l\l‘Ul ilriliiiiiil
|Ilillllll'\l in l|\(' :i~ l(‘\\' "fl.i»|iy iii¢l.~" work on film. ”
.l\ Iii-uiiililgi-i;iiv.ii \\'llll, Din R-(Iii.
V\'ll|llll'l| ll(‘l|lll‘\\l\ ;l\ \lllllllI ilminn lIiii\~." \llllIll;ll('l)' -Illlll iivnili '_'lMli|iIIi-ii-iii }|L4|)opp|1()|)u¢|-|QN
ll‘g-III ;i \i~.ii»li>iig II|)('l.l|lUI\ nn l\l\ .'\llIlllll'I ul l)u'|'~ l‘IIllI‘l|l\l\|IlL‘|Il\ U])|l¢.ll ('ll('(l\ iii |)1I§I|)IUll\|4llHlI. \ TOM w|u.|n-E /
Iiliii:p.iii lIlll_L{,Il'|).llIlll§:;|IIllll'\\‘(IIli- \\‘.l\ IU ll£lllI(' iIii- liliii .is .i ll'lllllIl\- .\Iiiili iil iIii- l'"I'l i» wiiik iiiiiilu-il
iiig. "l i;ni'i iuiiiiin-iii .ii uni lriigili iciiii-, \i:i iill-»ni~i'ii ii;iiY.iiiiiii. "li'\ \lIII|ll\ \|)Il|l iiigiip|iii~-i'xi~ii|ii.;limi-
.iliiiiii ii." (ilaiiinii Iinllul. "bin Ii-i‘\ ;i~iliuiigliilii-iIi;ii.iiii-iiiI\\’iIlIl;illn- ;igi- \\‘l|ll iiiimiiiiiv .iiiiiii.iii<in. \\ll Ii
pin ii llIl\ \\'l|\—| \\‘lll m-i-rr niaikv inn ;l\1lKIU\\'Il iiiiiii l\ ii-iiii-iiilx-iiiig ;i~. Ill!‘ |mgi~\ iil Ill!‘ ili.iii gluii-iiig ii» i;illin_i; Ini Iii~Ip_ \\'i- Iiiiuiglii Ii.nk
;|lIlIllIl'l Iiliii llll l)i~iii~y!" ilicyi-.ii ll;ilIiii\-i1-iii.iini'i~.iili |lllIl\ .\Ii. I).iik iii» Illl'lll lllll in lIl\ mii- _|i»n.iiIiiin |'l\ll‘ In (lll \Ill(l‘~ll\l‘l\
'l'lii-siirgviyii-.inii\';i~lii*;iili'(liip|>i Imiliiiiiil uni-n," ")‘l‘l i-x|il;iiiii*il. liniilziiiniii\'iili(Ili;n|i'~ll.i||nii';i§ in i.niiiiiiig |li|“|)\\‘il\ .i|xiiii iIii- ini I-
('“l1l§ \])1“ll1|ll\l l.l'\‘ I)ii~i. \\'lIll ii'.i~ Biiili (ilziiinii niiil Bllldlllll) li;|iI n-~- llll' lllIl£lI\. and llll‘ ligliiiiing llllh l|l‘IIl \\'ll('H' Ill’ iiiiiIilii'i
~,i\-iin In \;l\l‘
llhl l0ll\lIlll'll ii ll‘\\' lllllllllh l)(‘l(II(‘ l'l\.l|lIlII\ .iImiii Il\(' ;llIl‘IilllUII. iIi:ii|>in.\Ii. l).lll\lliI\\'llllllI('\\‘lllIl- |Il\ VIII. Fin lll('\llIl| \\|I('Il'll.lllll\\'.|\
ihr \ll\.l\lIl>ll\ ]lll‘\‘ll‘\\‘. (liiii~iili~n~il .iliIi<iii_i;Ii (llniiiiii iiiliiiiiiml raiili iiiguiiiiiiwl. Iii-giii~n-liiiiii;Iii-~iiii'~iii~.ii-<linivii-
In \I7lI\l‘ I0 Iir oin‘ iil iIii~ iiiiuiiig um-iipI.ii lllillh llllll llllllll llll‘ Billl|ll\('l4llilll).{l‘\ll‘l|lllH1l|llill|lll' ing. ii'i~~Imiiii'ii'li~ii.ig.;i~iiiilm.iiiiiii
Iii-rm-s on ilic It'lllllIl.|l iviiiiili-n iil \lTl|(llll;ll ll('\lLl'. |)IlIIll|l;ll ;li|l>l\ Ix- i;iIli~il li.iik Ini .iiiil iii ilii-~iiiiIi~ii.iiik."
TRON. l)yi~i Iii-i.;;iii lII§ lZlll'l'l Eh ;||| Bin In Iin llir inmi lIl\‘.l\l\('lbl llll‘ i-niin-Ii iii-iv \l i-iii-».§iii Ii \\';|\llIl‘l;|\l' l'lii< liliii‘\ i-iidiiii;—iIii- i;iiiii\:i|
l'“l’ll\ ziiiiiiiaiioi wiili IOI I)»\li.\I.~\- iliaiiigi-\ lll\'1Il\l‘ll llli‘ iic;ir-miii|iIi-ii- iviiliilii-.\liiiui M.|/igiiiiriil iln-inmi Ix-iii_i; \\\‘l'|ll ;iii'.ii In -I Iiiigv Iiiiiiii-I
TIUNS .imI \l£I§\‘ll mi iliiiiiigli inunii~|iiii;ili/niiiiiiulilii-liI|ii'»Iiui» lllllllllll\(1[lll‘Ill(‘\lllYl)§'\‘llDll£lIlIlX- (llIllll—\\';l\.ll\llllDlII|7fl\l'llUlZllllllhl
i\l.-\RY P()l'I’l.\'S. l)L'\('Illll|.(Ih('l1Illl mi .iiiil llllllih) ('ll‘Ill(‘lII\, |iii~ii<iii~li (Ulbllllll ll‘\l‘l. Iii (Z|;ii'iiiii\ iiri_i;ni;il ('lIllIl‘l\ ll('\\' |lNlLl_|{('. ()Ill‘ nl |ll(' ki-y
Ioi I0 year» (lll' lll'(‘l;llI(l“(l mi \lIK Ii Ill!‘|)lU\‘lIIll‘Ull'"l'll\IlI;llI;\l-Ill||llll (Ill. Mi. I).nl.iiiiiiii-iiis Rllll.|I(l\\\'llll l|I!.{ll'llll'lIl\ in iIn- \l'l|lll‘lI(l‘ i\ iIii~
pIUj('ll\ Rh lIl'l.'\\'\' i\lIIl'¢\l.). Iir .iiiil iiiziliviip ;irii~i Rnlx-ii Siliilli-i. \‘l§l4Ill\ iil Iii~ .i_i;iiig .iiiiI Ill‘-Illl, ¢l \llbIIIl lI\l'll. ilir pmiliiii nl l)i~ni-\'\
I(‘l\|IlIl‘(lUDlIl‘|]IIlIlll('\lIIl|l' l‘R().\"» l)l'\])lI(‘ ilie lllllll‘ iii l|l(' \\‘1|\l('IlH‘ lllill Ii~:iiii|i~il 20 mil nlil I|l;l\\l\l' lll'\\’ Sl0I),0l)0 ilniiil iiiiik.
k'“(‘\l\_|.;i-\, l)ii~i iii~i~ii~iI l\l\ ~iiggi~~- lIIl‘llllIl'\\i‘(|lllllllikllL(‘RUll;|I\l\.Blll \\‘lllIllU])l‘I;|ll‘\IlIlllll‘\-llII('|)IlI|(l]Ill'
“.-\Iimii um Illlbllllh Ix~Iiiii~'I'R()N iiim» i\'i'ii~iii_i;;iiiii inBi.iiIIiiiii'\iiiig- l))<-i Ivli iIii~ \(l‘Ill‘ \\‘4llll(l ivnik l)1‘ll(‘l ;|\ ilir i.inl.~ iiml lll lll'.||('1ll7l|\l\lllI
eiiilul. 'I'iiiii \\'iIliiii~ Hlltl iiii- lll‘ lllill \(I(’l‘Il|)lil\ ;i|iiI UIIII])l('llll'IlIill} il ii JIM) ii-mliul iIii- ii-mini: in iIii' (Il.().\l".I-'.I\‘(I()I’!\‘ I l.RS.iiiiIR;\II)-
IA';lIll(‘\l IIl(' in wiiil. mi .\'().\ll-'.- In Ill!‘ \Iill(l. qiiii-i Iiii- (ll (ll;iiiuii\ giiili-iiililrii ii~I.iiiniisIiip |X'l\\'l‘\'lI I-1R5 ()I~' l'lII-. I.()§l .-\RK,I>iiiiiii.i
THING \\'l(IKI-II) l'|llh\\'.'\Y lint iiii. “W0 i.inii- iip \\'lllI lniii \\‘il|;iiiillii~l.i|lii~|. IllIlll'IIl.l§\|\('\l.Il('.
(l()Ml-ZS lll‘\l.“ Dii-i l(‘llllll'(l. “I'iI \(‘(|lll‘IIl(‘\ Iui ilii- Iiliii .iiiil »i<iii- "Wu Ii.iil in Iiiiiig Iuiil. j.i\im H\\'l'IIlillll'|lI(‘§kll'\.l\I|(7|I!.{(‘l('|i'~
Iilllll‘l IIIII gi-i IIIIU iIii- §|X'illll\, biii liiuiiilnl 1-.iiIi," Du-i i->.pl:iiiii\l. "In RllllJllll\. I'.ini (iIll'l. I(n\'.|l l).ini> Illl'lll In-i.iiiwiIii~.||ipiii.|iIiiiig ~iniin
lri\jii~i \;l\ ili.ii ivlii-n I \\'.|§|lI(7llglIl (‘\(‘I\ i>iii~uIiIii~iii. ll|('ll'\\‘;l\|ll'\l‘l lIii- iiiiil iIii- l\\'ll Lii|~_" Du-i l‘A])|;|llIl'll. ili.ii \\'l|>(\ niii Ill!‘ \\'il\ .ll\i)
on. I iIinii_i;lii iIii~ |)l1lllI(‘ llll Lril I;iii~ iili-.i nl |n.iiIiiig iiii ('ll('l ls HI\IIIl'llA- "\\'i- Ii.iiI llll‘ lI\£II('HIIll|Il(‘ll‘l\ ll‘HllI- Ill.llll' ~.iiniii;i-i," Ihri i-\||l.iiiii-il.
iiiii .iiiil ni.igii. llIl‘Ii‘ \\'('|l‘ l(‘Il;llII .ill\. \\‘<- iiiul sin|\ pniiii~. \lI\l(ll'l| IIII Ill!‘ Iui. ii~iiii;Il(liiiiiniii~i| “ I ||(' lil\l i.iiiiii;iI lll'\lIll( iimi sllnls
\l\ll.llllIIlil‘||l\1lIl(l\lIlI\ LlI('.l\\\'llllll imi nl i-ii-iiiliiiii; ii-i- iliil. .iiiil lIll‘(l ~iiiI;iii-~.iiiiI~iiinI»i~rIIi-ii\.Inilii-Iii~i <liilii'i \l\H\\' ll('\lIll(IlillI, \ll iiiiii Ii .|\
milli lll‘(‘\|l'll l\ll|ll‘l ili~ii~lu|iiiiviii." iiiiig llll'llNl\l‘ ilm-.iiI» llI_L{l'l|\l‘I." iiii nl iIirIiliii,\\‘iIl \\'.l\l.lll_\:lIl lIlll\l' iuiilimiiii. Sn \\'l' l|l('ll ~Ii.ii|ii-iiiiig
I)\i~i'\ii-iiiiiiiin-iiil.i|iiiiislniiliuilii (Il.iiinn ihlll lI('\l‘l \\iiiLi1l \\‘llll Iii-.ik ll'lIl. Non-_\\'i|I'~I;il|ii'| i~liiii-il iIii~Ii1-liiignl l).iiL'~.;ilwiliiii'I~>ui-nl
.i~iiiiiiIiii-iiliilii-ilii-iiiv.iiiiI~iiiiiiiiir ~ii>iyIiii.iiil~ l)<'l4>ll‘. Iiiii lli‘ ii-nikril lIl|Ullll‘lIl.lIl‘ll\ .i\mii~-mi~ii»l\\'ill I‘\ll ii-iiiing ll|l -|_L(-lIlI\l iIii- ‘(mil
nl iIii- Iiliii .l\ \\lll| Ill!‘ \])1‘llill l‘"l‘l l\
'l"""“'1‘ '*- “'|‘-" l"‘I""I""“l "‘“"|‘ Ll"; Fllmlng the IIIIIIIIII ulllcli on Wlll llld Jlm. Doree Slnerly Ind Canton Walker (1) use bunk ol cold alr lo puuuada lho
Ii"-' \\'--~ Iiiiiliiim Ii» ill‘-~ii= III»-ii spldcnlomcwo.Proplpldenllllieendollllclil(low0rloIl)werallso uIQd.R|qhI:IlQd070 R-paniimiiameniiiiizoui-ii:; Ill!‘ llllll limii Ill!‘ giiiiinil 1p|dGrI,lllOdlOIlJlIlIII|l|||lI Illllllblll real Insect. illponl nlsohulllnliiellle-llzad modiliilizllmodela |0ICl0lO~l|pl.
iiii. "\\'i~ Liivii iii.i]iii iIi.i|igi~\ \\'l'Il' J‘ '
gmni; Ill |\.|\l‘ in li<- ni.i<Ii-."
Il'i.|ll('<l. -g|...i. (4l.|\IIiIl \\,l\ \l'I§
ii|>~i-i. In-ii .l|l('l ilir |IIl‘\ll'\\, lll‘
if i
.i I.IIl|{l‘ nl I(ll'.l\.
liiiiigiiig ilii-in lllllI1ll\lll~\l||l|\ \\ |iIi
(;i.i\i--ii .lIIil IIll\l'I\_ .....i \I'llllIH1iIII
I|l4|\l' _i... L II .|ll\ iii“-ii." |l\i'l .|li\ll'1l.
-‘kn-»\\»i|i,;’|.-. i<.i..\i.m ..\i illlIlII\\‘, .
lighthouse and a dinosaur. it hadn't been Ior IT CAME FROM asked ii I rould tome to France Iorthe "One day. I asked the director Ior a
"Actually. they tried slraling the OUTER SPACE. I ncvrr would havv summer to do the strccnplay. Iwasall ropy nl the stript. Ht- gave mt-one but
story Irorn me. though I don't rhinkit done CUR.’ What a nice dting Ior ready to pack up the Iamily and go. hr tIidtr't say anything liltt-, ‘Call mt‘
was outright plagrarrsm. Harry- him to say. huh? He approached various studios. but and It-t rtrt- know.’ I wtrnt hatk to my
ltaust-n asked the produztr to mil me no crnr: wanted to put up the money. oflice. threw the stpt in the Iilrtrntl
to look at tht-script. I can't remember What a shame, huh? (lost-d the drawer. I trt'\'t-r read it."
what thry wmcalling it at the time. I “Tnrilaut said he was going to try
FAHRENHEIT 45l next hvtuusc it
wt-nt intu a room at the studio and '
Rad it very t|uicItly. When Itamcout. was a bigger project, rt longttr novel. $
they asktd me whether I was inter-
cstt'd.ltoId them ‘Maybt'.'and nrt-n-
tiottcd that thr strip! was very similar
% J "
. so we sigrtt-d a contract on that. It took
him at Iurstaymr togt-rthrstudiota
Irttanrc it. He oIIt'rt'd mt‘ the st1t~t~u-
' I ~ »
to a story oi mine whirh had ;l|)p€‘tlrt‘(1I I I II ' play: and I said. ‘I've dont-a slzrgu play
in The Purl urrdt-r the title ‘The Brast ' on rt. and I've cxharrslrtd lt\yst'II on
Irom 20.000 I-'athonrs.' A look tame thrmatrrial.IthitrltI'ddoabatljob.'l t
into the product-r‘s t-yes: it sudtlttnly It-t him gttahrad with hisnwnsaeen- , I . '
hit him rhar—inadt-ertently or nor- MOBY DICK writ:-r. The r-tsulrs. I thought. were -J
tlv: story had hem Iilted Irom mint-. “wt:-zrllraud \-t-ry good irrtIt't:tI. It hasa tr;-rrilit ertd-
IIYRI III. Ih. ' ‘ sU:lMER~
A Irw days later. I got a tvlegram G""I", ,K,_=’;
h uh h H
that rrrakt~srnr.-t-ryt-vr'rytrrtrt'Ist*t' - .
mt~ tht~y
wantt-d rttuttstt-rs atttl rtrt-trots. .~\ttrr- QIiI‘lIi~\'- I‘I\l>ll1\\'tttlt'ttrt':rttt sait . likt- .\I.trg.rtt‘t Booth or tltt- l:rtt~\'t-rna
ally. thvt didn't krrotv quitt' what ‘l'\'t- rt-ad the hooks. \'ou'rt~ right, , - _ _‘_ '1 Fit-Itls.IttrtrItIttrt II\Itb\\'lIItItlIl hour
tltq watttt-tl. t-xtvpt to st;rrt- pt*o|>lt~. I SIIIIIIIIIIYWIIIIII"‘"'III‘IIIIIII4I"!-II'IIII'I-I '- I". t “' '\-~ - _ -_ spt-rial arrtl tlu-t”d lt;rvt- somt-tlrirtg.
I" K“ ‘; '.
told tItt~rtt l‘d torrrc irr on tr linritttl "Ididn'tset-hirrtztgairttillAugustoi , t : - ' ()ntt~ mu tut thrjtrtrk out, tlrt-rt~'s;r
husi§—tuy. Itutr to sis t\'t~t'l:s—gi\'t' IEl:'r.‘I.Iwashrowsrrtglotrrltllrookstvrtlt " $37 ‘ Ittt trI goodstrriltlrt-rt-. I'rn pl't’\\\tIIllg
Ihmt arr trtrllllll‘. arrd wt~‘d st~t' how it R11?’ II1II'I¥'IIilIl‘~\'II “'II1'" I KI" III" * ~ ' \\':rttrt-rstolrtrut-tlotltat.hruItIorr't
wrtrt Imrrr tht-rt-. phottu tall. I'ht'rt- \\';r\;t rtrtss_;rgt'Irottt - L||t)\\' \\'h;|| tt-i|| |t;|m,t»|tj'
".-\Itt‘r tr Irw \\'t~t~Ls, I rt~.rIi/ttl they Ilttstort. IIt-, rrmtttl rttt' to Ins hott-I. I 1
9:. t .t -; ,
wanttd vttttrtltittg it-rs slrltrtky arrtl ttrltl ltrm Itl just Irtrtslrtslln-\IIRl'.1\
. . . . .
-- » ' - ‘ ~t".‘
silly. I wt-nt to tht~nt attd said. ‘In III-'.I II -l:I>l. llt- said. 'Hrr\v rt-otrltl you - _> _' , _
urdvr to nrakt- t-\'t-rtont~ lrzrppy. l‘ll do likv to torttt~ to Irt-lantl and u'ri|t~ - ; j‘ .
- -
autlim-s. tltry t'alIt-tl rm’ and said. I I lI()(Ill(l’l - Ilo\\~-
'O.K., It-tIs do it your way." So I wort ' ' zrrd l\rt“rtwL. tvrotv tIrt- strt-t-trplat. ttttt-t.u'itrttItt.ttrtttttt.ttt,r..t»rtttttttttatttt,ntttttt
my littIt~ light without lighting. I tlitl That gt-rrtlt-rnttrr was tvrtzrinlt not a I""“""“'I""""""'I""“'II""
a|rt~attnt-ttt lot tltt~rrr whit It \\';ts ritht- tvritt-t‘. ()It\‘itrusI\. it \\':r.str't tr happt "It's olniotrs tlu~ way that lilru is
uluusly long and tlt-tailt-tl-easily 80 t-x x't'it~rrtt-. thou R h tht‘|t' .rrt~ tr lot ol tlimtul that \orrrt-trnt- \\'.ts \>t~r\.
. \t'I’\ .
or II) pzrgts. I rssrtrtially gavv thvrn a rrit't- |rt'|rpIt' tn|tIIt't|t'tI with tItt' hort-d. 'I'lrt~rt"s no st~nst~ oi t'strtt~-
whtrlc st tt*tvn|rlay Ior arouutl $2,000. prtrjctt. rttt'ttt. II I wt-tr going In Irt-torttr tr
Thvtt tht-t got rid oi mt-antl brought "Rod Stt'ii;t~t .rtrtI(Zlairt'Bltrorrr;rrt- tIIl<’t||rI. and drtIrt't it-;rkt~ up think-
on llan y I-Isws as strt-t-nwritct. But t\'ondt'rInl pt~rIorrrwrsantl\\'t-rt-worr- itrg. ‘This ts tlrt- git-artst ]t)IJ tn tho
that's OK. I was tr young person and tIt~rInl in th<- Iilrn. 'I'ht' pttrlrlvrtt it-as \\*orltI.' I would quit!
still Inttl to It-arn tItt' ropts. tht-y ditlrr't lr.r\'t~a §tr('t‘I\|1Iit§'. \\'ht-rt "IllsI)t>It*tIttlIt\ItI|\\'\ItlII\t'IIltlII1|.(
"'I'lrt~ Iirral Iiltrr istt't gtral. htrt it tht' Irlrtt was trtrtlt-r prndrutitrtt. I oi tItt~ stt'|tt'\, thv t-xttrttiatitrg Iag-
has sturttc tritr rnurrrt-rrts that t't'tttairr tt~t~rtt tn tltr studio. Rod said. 'Ila\t' gillg |ratt- arrtl tht~ pttutlt-rtnrsrtt-ss (II
-' III\t'st‘lt’t'Il | )l'|\=' it . It \\' t rs sntlis t rppoirttirrg . I'\'t‘ rtt'\'t-r
intart from nty trt'atrnt-nt. My grt~;rt-
est rrtvard Imtrr tht- Iilttr tarnt- tht~ mm“ by
hll Htll
ittlr rskttl rm tr II -it-trirt.; nrt rirtvlto.|'
t . .‘\Ioorrt-lt~td
. . _.||.t|_
Fur |.-.
rt‘Jt ttrttrtrlt urirnrir ||;|-_
It; r rnrn
rrtorrtirrg aItt~r I tau‘ (II'.3K. I tallvd |,,,, ,,,, |,,,,h,,,;, .m,,,,,_ |,_,,,,,,,.,, .,,,,_ It pttrtt: mu must .ts ttr rut rt p. :t|rtrp\.rrr lttttttls. .tt X t it tut-
and I gavc him a big hug. Hr said. ‘II
r t _
TIIE Il.|.l’S'I‘R:\'IIl-LI) MAN and Irrt-.
In: to hggf Ddcfuc rs
Itittttk it \\':t~..twItnIt~ I t;ttknItrnttltI<-
In .
;t ttttttli
~Iu>t. §itttt-
[\||\t-t lt.ttl In\-| stztttrtl
I\us]n|.|I|It'tI I1|ttIl\. .ttttI Hlnt
» .
. _
It H Itttn I-~I " I)\r| rx I’ I.||m'tI " I'
tt-mittt t1lil\|tt_t:iIit'lIIt>01I,I)ttI;tI\ttt0
t.ttttt><<- titt- i.ttt t| built imtt
it.t<I gtnttn .tI»nttt ~t\ ittt Itt-~ ~ttttt- titt-
Iittt tnttmini \itnntitt_q."
l..ttgt-It itt tttnttt.t_t;r. ;tt ltt|\ l’t'tt-t~
um .tttti ( .ttt- tittnttt Imltlllg.
wtttttit-tt. Ingrttntt.t|ttIttt-tt'tt\t<tItn
tItt- Ittt_t;t'. It;tit\ ~||ttIt't~, ~t-\t'|;tl \\t'tt'
.ttttI I1tttttg,Itt tntItt ttt.
htuttv ttt-\\' tttt'tttIn'|\ vt ll\l'it-iiIIt'
tItt-tt tt'\t|I~I|It\ tI|t‘\ ik~_t;.tttt.ttt\»
. .
' .\_‘t-¢§g.~
~ \
tt-\ttttt-.ttttI tttittt tn \t|tt tltttt t Itttntt mt; iI|t'|t| nu titt-tt tltttttitit-tt 1,-tttttt;
music. I didllyt wilt-trtitt-tt-.tIttttnittt-.tktnli.ttt<ititt-
]t.IIIIIt'tI tnttt I>t't;||\~ \'ntt tlntt't It.t\t-
thtlttt pt-t tt.ttttt~t itttt ttnt I.t.t: Du-t.
"l'tl t4triit'|t ~n I tttttltl tt! .t|ttttt-- The Intel qllmple t7I the true. IIOVIIIIC
I Wilnt to 01' I10 _tttt I. lIlIIIt t-|-
I II ll-tttt I t.ttt- tttttt It-.tttttttt1 ttt.ttttttt,;~ " tt.- t
lace at the Dual Witch wu created by
dlscug "lt .tI~n It.tttl tttntq tn gt"! tItt- ~.tttI "1 Itttt-. .ttt .t~~1tt.tttt put
poatproduction animation alter Jack
%nccPts' ttttttt.tttttt- t.nttt\.tl tn itt IIIlt| tltt~ Clayton reiected Robert Schiller:
Thcmm been |t1.ttt-." xtttt-t .t.tttttt --t t-ttttttt .tt.
|t.tittttttt; ttttt tttntt nt titt- t.ttttt\.ti
titnttgltt I It.ttI tn it.t\t- tt Il'|lit|\t‘tI.
makeup deliqn (above). a one-piece
mask built by Stan Wlnalon. Disney
overbaked |ttttt1.tttttt- Int .ttt~t- tt “.tt Itmlatvtq I Itt-\ It.t\t- lItt-~t- Itttlr t\t, tnn ~t-t> animator: took normal lootage oi Pam
" I p.tttttt-tl .\Intt- nltt-tt tIt.ttt ttnt ttht-tt IItt-\ .tI~n/um ‘
\ttttt'|t'~ttt‘\ttnttttptttttitlt tnt;t-|.t
Grier (top telt) and overlaid artwork
CDHCCPS. tht‘ ~Itnt\ .t tt-.tI tt,tttt. \ntt It .t adding wrinkles (top center) and
|tntt|t\tItt<|t>\tttt~.t\ ‘Illhr\'trlt.t)t|tt |.tt.ttttttI.t It» .uttt.tII\ I.ttttttIt .ttt shadows (lop right). The two were
\\ 4%. m Q COMPOSER
X tt'|tIt tt. tt ttlnttt
tn .tll nttvtx vtttht-IIttittttt-tttt.
ttttttt |.ttt.t~..t tttttt ttt--tt-tlt.ttt lttt
'Itt-tt- |tntt'—.t t;tt-int~tltt--tlttt».tt tt.nt-
.ttt.|tL—t\tt-pt. ]tt'tI|.t|r\_ tm t-littt~
.ttt.t-ttt\t.t~_tltt~ t.t., .t.<tt
tittttt i(.t|tnttt tnttt-.ttt- tnttt-
tttt-t it.tttt-
combined (bottom tell) and tinted
green. with pulses ol light coming lrom
the eye socket: (bottom center). When
the bright green tint was deemed too
..t|»,,t.tttt~tt.t.1....etttttttttttttttttttltt excessive. a pale. ghostly look vvls
~tt|tt.-tt.t- tit-~tt;ttttI tt. tt~|t1.ttt- .\|.ttt ultimately settled on (bottom right).
In-Itt-ttttt; ~|t.ttt'tt \nI|tuI.t lI.tII‘~qt.tttttl.ttt't~t-t-|t.tgt 'II|.\\ItttIt lttn tntttttl ~“ I‘"~ "\\'Itt-tt tItt-\
|ttn\t- ttt \It|t|. \tI\t>t t-\|u‘tl. l|.ttI In-vtt|tt-tI In tlttt-ttnt |.tt L \t.ttttt<tl tttt- tn ttt.|Lt' tttt-tIt.ttttt.tI \|tt'
Itt~ttIt-.ttttnt-ttm'tt|t\\ttIt.ttt\ ttttk (.I.t\tntt tnt In-tttg “tnn" tit-tt. I Ititt t\|tt»ttt\t-t I ttt.tLt- .ttttt tttt;ttltt t.' I{.t]»ttttt .ttItIt-tl. ' I-ttt
tItt .tttttt|. tt I It.ttI tn Itttt I .ttt .tt ni
||ttIi\t'itiI|t't'\t'~41III!’-|tl\Itt‘lttt'\.|\~. “ I ltt-itlttt tut-tit-ti.t tt-ttnt ~t-t|ttt'tut- -ttt\tlttt\_t; IlIl'4 lt.ttttt.tI- I tt-t-ttt ||.tt L .
.ttttttitt-t tt.ttI. .tt tt. "\\'t- titti 4| ~itnt t.tttutt~ .tbnttt tn--tr nl tItt- ttt-tt tttttt~ tttn lt~t;~. itt iIIt'|)1I\it|t||l tut tItt'tt-t-I "I Itltr t l.tttI\|ttt; t'\t'|\IIttI|t; tight
ttttlt titr t.tttt|\.tl .tt .t tIt~t.tttu- ttt tItt' .tgt'—Itt' ttt~t~tt~tI tttt tlttrt t|tt_t; tItt- .ttttI tltt- \|u't'|I mtt t t.tttL tt,\ntttlt-tt t- Itnttt tltt I><_L;nttt||tt;. tltitt-t ]lt'|tpIt'
Itt-Itl.“ Itr ~;tttI. "\\'t< tntt||»n~t|t-tl ;t tt1|ttt-tttr Ittttm-II. \\ntLttt_t;ntt.t|tt-It-- ttttttr Itntt t|tttt L. .tttt| ttlttt It \\.t\.tItt- Itkr tnlktttg Ittg." R.t|tttttt .ttltIt1I. "II
\.ttt-ti. t-tn lmtti wt tt-|nt-tt-ttttttt; tItt- tttli mutt- st|lltt't|Iit' It tgttttttg tn t|u-tttI t-xtt.t
pl.ttt- I It.ttI ~itnt tn \'t-ttttttttt ttttlt .ttt Ivy;
.ttttntt|tl.ttt-nltitvttt|ttt.tttttt-t.tttnt;ti II.t||tttt'.t\ In'tIl4I|||t "IIit'\I|u|\\\t'tt' "I Ii'.tIIlt'tI \\Itn'|| .t ]|t'l~n|| tttnttt-t tttt tttt tttttit. tItt-\'tt»t4tttttt; In
t\ttIt .t tttn\ttt_t_' It-ttt~\tItrt-I .\t lttrtIl\, .tll tInttt- \\ttIt tt-tt Intt-kn, tttnntI\ \t.tIk~_ Itt' tttnu-~ Ittt It~it It-t4 .ttttI ttt;Itt Lttntt t>\.tt tI\ \ titt t 'll It.ttt-. \\'ttlt
tttlttt ttt-tt|tlt-. t\Itt-tt tilt ItItttttt.tLt~|
gtttw ttt tltttttt tltt- t-tlt-tt. tt tlttt-~tt't
Lelt: mliteup supervisor Robert Schiller (standing). ellecla superviaor Alan Hail (r) and two aaaiatants touch-up the prop artn
I-teed in lilm the crushing ot Charles Hallowayi hand. Hall holds the rods that iorce the“bone" through a pre-cut
section oi tttttl. Htt I\IX(- Ki)X(-. ( .l|In.tlItI
"skin." When the shot proved too gmeeome lor the studio‘: taste. the view oi the hone sticking out (right) wan trimmed. Rtt L It.tLt-t t.lii|t'tt|~t|I\t'IIlt'ii|It It.ttt~
tt.tI ptnitlvtttt ntt tltt ttt-tttI.< t. IItt>\
tn.ttIt- |tttttttt~t>~ \\'Itt'tt tltvt tIttI IIlt'II
it'~t~. ttnlltlttt; ttntkt-tl Ittn ttt Itti L
Iii tItt- tttnttttttu. I't'tIt'lttutIt'I .ttttt tt-
tttt t.tIlt-ti tttt ttt lt.t|t ~.t\tttt;. '\tttt
It.t\t- |tt t;t-t ltt'tt- ttt I'll ~t-l|¢I tlttm
Itntttt \\'t tIt>|t't titt tltt~ tttttttt" I
ttttt-t \t.t||tttI tn It.|\t It.tI\. Intt I
ttgtttti tltt tt>tttt.ttt In It |t'\ tn ttt.tI.r,|tt titt-ttttitt tttntt
Int tItt'It.t1t.|I|t ||t|tIu>t tut kttttu ItI1tI
.IIIIIIl'.IIIIIlI.lIItlIIIl<i.|t|\I'lIIt tlttttttttt
tlttlttt \\.tt|t ttt ~tt .|||\ ni titt ntItt<t~
.ttt>tttttI Xtttt tttt\It-»tIt t.tL<~ tttt
t tt tltt .ttttI <Ittt ~|| t t.tIL .tIt-tttt tttt
" I-ttI.t\. ( ..ttIn .ttttI I t;t I .llttttt4 In t~
ttt tIt.ttt ttt- tttttt tltti. R.l|rt1Ili t.tttI
"lit t.tIittI tttt ttt I|tI|t -vtt I- I Itttt .
in-nun _|.n L (ll.|\u>u may nu-|||\. \||i|l|~x ~uumI\ Iiguu-(I |n||m|- I|I_-mulnm." I|||~ ul I IIII NI lI\'IN(., up IIn- u-nr. Iml ||r\\.|~I|.||||]w||'4| In
l\.m- ll'\i'lIIl'lI |lu~ i|m||~|uI| l.m|l\. “\\'a-lnuulx-II |.'H.||.||ll\||.|~u|| .1||||l:~I’|uLulu-\." \¢ In-rlulmgmnllu l~. I |h'sl|||I|ulIlr||
ml I||gI|-|m\\<-|m| ~|1--n.:l l|\l‘ vlngr “uh ugln m ||i||1- xlrlrn (lI.|\|1m |l.||IIInpnI|nI1'l |In-|\.|u|- |.|II4'nI 2N-u-.n-1-Id _|.||m-\ II.-y|n~|
rlln l\ IIIIII I\|~ ~\|l)|l|' Iillu, |||iLr~," I'u|Im.m1-\||I.||m1I"\\'|~l\.ul 1.|I<|u||'Inl||n*~Iu|\<.||n|m|~lul|Iu- (\\‘()I.I-'I' X. N I .\I( I Rlak III I-nu~I|
Inn lu- III!’ .||l||ln\|' nl rhr lulu‘-1>\l'I |Iu-an \\.|lkmg .|mI |mn|iu_|;:m g4I.|~», nu-nu-. l)¢-h-|m- .|_qn-mi. .|m| l|l‘Il\l'Il'\I |||l||lI||'||.|\."I \\.|~<.|||g|\| |||.||.|l||r|
|;|u'n IIN‘ l|ln\\ wnml u.nI. .|| lI\1' nu \l\|n|n.||n. .|nu~~ pi.||mL<-\\. I--n .m u||<Ir|~|.|ln|, \\m|||l ~mu- |l\.|| nhlln uh p<-~||m||." IIn|||c'| 1r\.|I|(1I.
Il.llI\I§lII()\(.Il-\\llIlI('I Ri|I|.mIl'm|~ lIu- Ihm \\'mI|. \n~'n- .||\\'.|\~ ||~|||_14 um-1| lnmn \||.|l|llgI\. I lu- |||.|||| "I lIl'\l'I \.|\\'(lI.|\hm'\\u|.||nllm-u-|
||\.u| lI)I‘.I‘R Hl'.\' H-.R1. Rm-ml\ lIl|m*\mx|||I\ jun ||mI4'| lIn' ~mI.|u'. ||\|~|||r. I--| 4'\.|m||Ir_ \\'.|~ <l ~n|\||Ir. 11'-ulllwlr-~»I~-1|Ill--~-u---||pl.|\. I'll"
Inn-ll nu Iu'.||| |Iu- ~uulm\ vnlml m-.|\n|g lln-nu nu .uuImu." llplilllm;|m'||'\\!il|\'|I|1>I~0Iu|||l|1'. \\'IIIIllI‘I--Id |m- nh.|| hr |n'|u'i\r|l
~Ir;|.ul|n~~|u—.|lu-| ln~r|.nu|||_1; nu In .||I\||||n|\ In In-ln|»np ~-mud I|.n|1.nuI~n|u;4~. Hm “In-n |Iu-hlm nu-|:~ |Iu- |n|~|.|L:-~ nl 1ln- ||||'\ir|||s
hluu In .\Ilm.n|. I'm km||.|h.|||<III.|I rllu |~. |Iu~ I|lm‘~. |lu\(p||uIlIl mm \\.|\ n-ruml I-u |Iu' I)|\||r\ |1|.|~\,u||l-
~¢ mm-. xln-\ <I||l||'| \\.uu 1| 1->m|.||
.\~l|I|\-|In~|m|u-|.|iln| wuml \\'ir.m| l|v;|l|nr|n im lull:-‘I .4 |||.|mI m-\\ u| |Iu- n|.|n| .m~.|~ m u-u-i\mnm mu ¢I|~m.|l n| ~II|\\'. In ||.uI |-- ||.|u-.| Inlnl
.||ln'n\||lr:| In |n.|uI| |h.ulImu\ u~- wan-. |I;|nL m |I|r-lnmug !||n||l|\\ nl \\'.|~ l)rI|'l|n"~ \|ll|('. I-1\|»l.um1| lmn rm-|g\
n.|l ||||.|g|!l¢llln|I \\'il|\ .| \l|;|ngt'. IUNI. KIIIHIHI _];uL (ll.|yl--u I|.nI \\'|ll||u-: "II|r lh-l\~|m- sum‘ \\.|~ .| ‘Z\| |Iu~ ~.|||u' Hlnr. v|.||l (.I.|\|un
illu-mi\(‘\HllIIlIl1.uL. .|p|1|--;uIu1l |7lr|||I|um||u|~c'| (irnlgr nnr mu; hm m |In- \\'|n||g ||iuuu-." \\.|~ mung m _\;|\1- ||\r .| :.|\\('||r III
"\'-In |u'.n| |I||' \1Il||l \I|'\|||In|Ig l)v|v|m'In\\'|m~1ln~l|lm'~mmil. "I \\'h.u lI\l‘§ \\.|IlIl‘l|, in s|1'n|rn|, \\'.|~ llvlmnx-'~um~||."IImm-xmmmm-II.
wu|nI~ lnkv '|Iu- \\.||l nl |IIIllli'llll'lI ||\.|\|r .1 -lumrm mum n.nL Irn 111- ~|n|u~|Iung.| Im |Iln|('II|uII).|\(n. "I |lnIu'| \\.|||l m In-.|| 1| .unI ~InIu‘l
wnI~'.|mI\=m\\n|\|I|~| Imw inlurllm l.|i|| \u~m-." (Il.|\um r\p|.u|n-||. "I jun (-I|I(I\l!|IlII 1.\I.lF,\', (II ' I ~ \\-.|||| In (||\:\|~\ |n||u'||Is. II|r l1In\
gr! |I|.n in |m~." I'mI|n.||| \.mI. "Fm uwnl Imxnl \||.|\|~~' Iirnrhmnl 'I'mn\- |4.\.\'I)| \\'.|» ||||u.|II\ |x-ggnl nu |wxL I|.nl.|I|r.|nI\ |u~:-nu\n||.|I.nI\\uluun~
m\|.||\u-. \\'h<-|| (hr II4 ||~ _|;l>('\ up |n
""\"I~"~ “"' "WI '"'-"I"! *"""'|‘ III" The climactic. other-worldly slormllulhovan over Dark‘: Camluland suclull uplnlo me almacomblnlllon 01 cloud llk
~""|\ |I‘III!: “'|\"I~"I "II """ ‘I’-" 1" Ionl|qe.lnln\|led e|eclrIcaldlu:hlIQu.|mllle pllnllng anda20'u24' mlnllture nllhe camlvalsunpended uplldo down Ind
l),|\|d llmmn |l'n|un.n|'~ .|~~|~l.|||l] dmppudlnlllmed and sequenced pnllum. Inner Dlsnuylechnlniam lllnonihe rlmoflho nudIo‘: muslve new cloud lunk.
win ml \n|m' ||u' \t|\n'.|I~, \\'<- ~l- |\\‘l'\I Al nix lee! wide. tall and deep. ll‘: one lhlrd Inger than the equlvnlenl at-up at Indunrlll Llqhl Magic.
|Iu-m l|U\\II .||u| |.m lln-m vI\|~-ugh *
Inn ul ("I41 mum |:>~»|~ u» |n.|L:- |In-m
"()|\r |l.|\. \u- \\¢-n- In-.||n\g
ulmuug \n||||(I\ lm uln-
\h||u| .\I.m- ~<1-|n-." I'uH|||.n| .ll|(I('lI.
" I I|('\p('.|L|'l~\u'|rl.lll|IIH;s||Il.||l| ||
~|.uu1l |||.|I\|uu III:-\Iu<u --I lIu' nu-n\
. 1-nun |.u|l|-. I).|\uI .uuI I lI|v|m4I|l n
\\.|\ |;-|1||\;u|| an lI\r I)unI||_ ~42 \u~:.u|
n\|1.|l\lIll'HAI1I\'\I|l I In||g~ |l|.u .m-
.un~|n an-\--1 Armin‘ lmm .| |:.mr1||
I§u.|||~‘ |||.m\ ||| lI|1' l'IIl‘(|\ \\l'|r
ln||~l|--I .u III: \un|.|l l.|~| ||||nuh
.||nI!Iu-l||m .|IIu||ull--| :I|--\\--1k\\.|~
rill In uur nu-m1I| <|||r ||| \: I\|.|||I|n'_-
|.|..hl1m~——l'..n|u.||| I|.uI .| |-nu,-h
mm |||\|ln|~||n;.||||||n-|I|||l1n4
x|>]||u|»l|.|l| ~-||unI~ \\~ Ill \:l km \\
\\I||lI|x| \\: lJ|||l Hp “uh \\..u|-I
|||.|I:I| |h- l|||1~I|uI I|||||_ I‘--||n|.m
.\,.|..|||..| \\. H...m.--1......"-=||,.
\\u|| .| I|I||r|||| --I-.;.||||< \'m||:Il1.||L
|||~||.n| --I |||< |I._ul—|1|n1 || \\.|~
\. \.|||. |u~ .;...,..| |1|..|. ...|
I~.v_-|||~, I‘--|u||.||| .||hx|\|||u| |.» Imk
I||~ \\u|L \\ IIII |I|--I||u| .|In vu.|lu I I1
v,‘-we-..-.......,......,_..- .-_.._.~ __ ,. _ -_ _ _ _
I.|l||.l~\-.|\I\rllIllIt' lnnntl It'll |m|\u lu umu- m nu I|l.|l Inn. In-Lglm III ||l.|\ ‘Ill-' Illur ll.uu|ln-
Il‘Il|\. I Ilu.lII\ ml|In-u-1\n||r- 'l|luu'l AlIH\l'\ .|
In-.u .|I><nll \\|l.lI um \\.n|l
\\.t|\l In II|.lI \\.|~n'| lIlll\|'llllItll.lI \\'ln-|l .| \\|lllIl I llu-nqln \\.|~ Il|\'|IltlI‘lll\.lIl4 \\'.ll|/ " llu-|| ||l| uulu~|r.| Inn-|>~
_|u~l unr nu lIl|' llllll mlluuu .||\\ l|lmI\.|~.lI-nut~|n-<l.|l|lln|~,llluuk .|ml »v-.111,->|n-1.||~l\. |Il\ll'.l\l, l l1\||I llllllrl |I|.u \\l|II .| l|.um|m|; ll"-nu
|m-llnlu-nu-ll |\nlnu|~!"' |l\ .l gum! uh-.4 In ('~I.l|l]l\|l mn~u.|l \\m|\|>||'~ \-nu ~ \|1\ ~uum;l\_ \\r.|\- .l|l|l lIu- \\I||l|r|||um| In-1_;|||~u|~lllll
Ilmm-1 uunpll ml Iu~ \\|r|L 1n Illl'||\l'~lll.lI.lIlt1|\\I1|l;|.t\||.|l|tIlllIl lIlt;lIll'lll llhllltlnlll.|]lllv|~I|lL| .|m|~| \\'| .||~mluI l.|u-1~_unl ].l\l l\I||ulIll'I
.|IlHllI .l|m»u|l1.~u»|||u; I|l1'||tlIl|ll‘ \\l‘lltI ~»| \Il\|llg—||\|l. l| \\II\I|ll h.|\l-;; llu--ngll |l\l‘ hum lllllll In t.|llu=|» mm~\u.|\u|q|u.m-I-ml
\uu|.lll\ "\\.|ll-In-\\.|ll' \\'Iu-tr In-m-.|~\ Inl;rl\r|\ ,l\tlIl|'vQll|\1l’_|)l|l] |l\.u l|lu.u\ " \ tum] ~~uun|||.u Ll-mlwll|~|um-u|
|)t‘|l'llll‘ll'\lI|\lI'|I|l'\\Il|.|Illlll-Illlllblll \\.|nu-=Il--_q|u-1| .| llglul-~| |--mll." .\u--lln-| Ln \l'(]Ill'l|ll‘_ mn~l|,|ll\_ |.un~' \\llIl |lu- ~ln|»um4 .|ml ht-ml’
Ill |m|~n.IIuuln'~ mm u.m\u~llu\rl llrnllrl |l.|l||u-‘I nllr nl lhr l|lm'~ 1~ nllrn .\|l.(.u1|l;('l l|§|\||| l'lI\lhl‘II nu;-ll llu lu1<lu.|||.|ll--ulm llu-lll|u‘~
I |l.|lll-mg:-~ \\.|~ |lu- umll-u|l.u1-m ||| l~ \Im\\|| ll.|\t']lIlt; ll.“ L\\.ull~un lhr vll-|_;|.n II]-I-nlnlg..|||lll|.|||)>|l\ -ru-I-.|I—
.||| huln
" l l|v|r'~ .l un lmr ]l|ll' In || lhr l|ln.|l\—_|.g:-In-|.|]l\ unlmll-u-ll |.n|-um-l. |r;;u~~||u_- |I\ln.llI.|ltl,'l‘|||ll\ lr| \\ |.l|>u|| I§|.ull>ur\ u.|un.|lI\
nllrnl (|]|n\ \ltllllp;l'\I \l't|lll‘I\lt'\ I\lu' "\\‘I\.u llll'lII\lll'|\ I/l1Inn!\\.ll|I .|~~l||m ll hr \\--nltl In .l~L¢ 11 In \\|1n
\\lu-|| \u|| llll l|lt'\|" Lm|l~ -ll l1Im~_“ |In- llmmu, “hu l|\l'l| I-l |nmn|.m~. " I |u‘Ir'\ .l |m\u-|lul muuu-nu \\|\l‘Il “,lh|\\4|\'|]||\ .u.|lI|u|wl|.uL\\.nlI\_" llu |-.|~~.u;--~. lull Illv ~1lul|n lnml
.\lr. l).||L lhm\\~.| h|mL.|l I|.t]llI\\'.l\ II:-lm-| ~.|ul. "|n~u-.uI, tIIlll|l\lIl'\l.l .um|lu-1 mm-| l~-| llu |-ll, "|| \\.|~
.unl .| \\--m.m'~ l|\lllI .u lull lI|l "I I
\InI||'l \\.|||| In um II .| ||Il'-HI-\l\'.|lIl ~.|\|m;, '\m|'u lml, nlnl ln.mY"' |\|||ll|t|ll\ll.l\\ll]ll|ll\tlI||.||;t"|l|\.|l- n|lnn|=m~." lumul II|.ullm1\_ \\l|--
llnmrl t'\||].|l||l'\I. 1.llln-pr put-It |||(' t.|ll||||u- ll.uI \\IIlll‘|l In~ nun |l.|ll.||l|||I nu .m
1|u.l||l\ l|I.|- \\'l)l.l-I'.\'. I \\.|I||ll| tn " I In \ h.uI ~|n|l— I--\|~ ~
For n daytime shot cl the camlvel with Green Town vlslhle In the distance. n mlnluture lerrls wheel was polltluned In lront
ol a pulntlnq by Jeslle Silver. The shot was never
deemed succeulul. Ind was lller replaced wlth e vlew at the camlul neltled In the middle at a lleld. ltl lerrl: wheel
lumlnq. Lell: Don Henry position: the mlnielure
would have appeared In the Illm.
occupant: el the lent: wheel and Jeule Sllver touches up the lpolles as Dlck Kendall ad|u:t| the camera. Right: The shot ls It
1~.11 I1 1111-1-11 1I1.1l1. "I I1.111- .1 11'111111_1; B1.11lI111r1 11-11111111l1-111:1111I11l1l1 11111- SfII(l.(KIIl .11 11:3 1I11-.111-11. 1I11111111|1.11i-
11\|1- 1I1.11'1 1111-111 11l1-111ili.1I1l1-. I 11-1111-1l .1I111111 11111111 11I 1I11- 1I1.111_1;1~1. 11111. Il()l'SI.()N S()R()RI'I'\'R()\\'.
11.11111l 1111-111111111; 111111-1|1 I11-11-.1111l I1111I11-11111111111111111111-1111111111-.1l111111 .1 1I11-.1|1i1- 1l.11I11-1 Ili1I1. 1111111-1l
1l11-11-..\Ii11l1-I11111-.111111.1I11-11.1l111I1- 1I11~I111.1l 11w11I11. “()11~1;1II. I'1l1;11 I'111 S7l)1l.01Il) .11 1111 1I11~.111-11 1l111i11g 111
Hill 1Ii1l—II1;11lI11111
I1111 1I11-‘1I11-1~1111-11111.111-1I.‘~111 I1111111 1I11-l1l111'1I111111111-1 112111111111-.11
“I'm honestly
l1111111|I11|1111-ll 111 1I11- 11111111.1111 11I .\l1~.111\\-I11l1-. 111 1l11-11111I111'1 1111111-1 abut it.
1111l1.1I111-1.111~.11 II.1I II11lI111111L .1111l 1-1 I 11- I 11111. L 1-1 111.11 I. 1-111.111-11-111111111
I I ' 11 1 I 111 l)'11111-1 I11
1 1 I11 -11-
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$3” ‘@139
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the screen by
Adapted (or
from HENRY
JNlES' \
masterpiece of The Screw"
“The Turn 01
see us
In your own Interests begun
pmlure lrom the very
slunmng end‘
mng to the mmd
T _,,,,/_,,,,,,,__,_ifi‘TiTYl,__,_,,,,
Jack Clayton’
77113 I961 adaptation ofJames’ “The Turn ofthe Screw”
remains one of the best ghost stories everlmed.
by rS!eplm1V Rz'In'1lo \<'\||.||l\»lm~u.|||-|| u|.ul\\n|n.|||'
\\’h||1 rlu ..|||||--\|-|~\ |;|.|\|-1| 1-u.
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\\'n|In \unnnng Mnlnw Lnllnnng nI|‘.lnI ||| lI\n' IunulInn~linln-..\l|uInInn-nnn—Mn~~(-nnI-
nIl'nn~, nIn-- InnInI|n'II. nIn-- Inunn~n<I.n~n-pn-n.
.\I|~. (-|n|~n'—\\l'|r||IIlml'||I\," .|| SI nnnnllnnnnn. \\'I|Il ~I\n»<IliHI: I" I-IN‘ |!lI|n1'\»n'nI nInn~ nInnn-n nun \\-nnIn |n~
nIn.nn II|n'|n||nHn'|\In'lI I>u\ n~In|n.nlI\ Inn'n'_
I-.nnn;li\In Inu.||inn|Is "gI1|;\[|\ In-|_"
I-nunnn nlnr Illlllp. (2l.n\nunn nnn.nnln~ nn rnnnnnn~I\ nnn
Bnnn \\Inu.nnnnInnIn.nnn.nnnvn-nllnn~|nn~.n|n nu
\In'.|l nln.n| IIII- I.\'.\'()(lI-.\‘I\—lun .nnnnInnnnllnn-\lnr|npn-nnunn§nnnnIin\~unnnnn|- "‘]nI\|| \\.|\ |nn\.n|nn.nlnln~ IH I'III-
slIl]\—(l|||n|nlIII!‘I;ll\l'Illn‘s\Ill'|\1‘II} .\IlI\HllgII. I~'u\ _\;;|\l‘ (lI.n\nunn INN()(lI-N18," ~.||lI (.l.n\nunn “Iln-
IInn' nnunrl \\.|s ]n|l'|l\ lnl(\ \l||II— Inn- .nnInmlnn-nI Inv n-nulnl nnun |||||n!nI\n~ ~n.n_n;n-~.
nnnnvnpnn-ninnn; nInn~nnn.nnr||.nl. nn|\Il|I)n||n1I .n \n'I\ gmnn nIn'.lI nu \\‘In.|l
|)n\|Ihn'nI nlpnnn In .|nI.|||In'|\_ nn|nunn .\|n<I'~ nnln-—\mulnI nn\ In |.nnnnnnnln- nnn
.nnnnI nn.n~
.n~ nu lnnsnu-||nmInnn|nnnnnIn~.n|\\|nIn2lInIn(Zn1n- \u~ m-nr nun~\n-nn|nn.n||\ ||\n| unn \llrn'II.
I|| I!|.'nlI. |nI.n\\\nigInn \\‘|lln.nnnn .\nnInn- nnn.nnnnI.nnnn
lnn\~I*n\ n.nnn\n- \\'llI\ sn'\n'I.|I ~nnnHn:~ l'nnl~»nunnn-m'I\. \\'n- nnnnl\ In-ul Ininn I-nn
h.nlnl'~ ~n.n_n;n- \n1\|unl <'I‘Inr Iuuuu-um lI\n'nIn|InInrnn \\I‘In‘n|nIIlI|II\‘|I1>\\n'\\n‘lI.
un \\'I\l‘|IlI'| nInn- gnn\('I|In'\\ I|)l‘In|l;lI\ .lll.IlIIn1I. .\nn nInn- l<~.n~n uI nInnnn \\.|\ II\|n'n- nwn-L~ I\n' In;nn| unlnn-n
|lIIn\n'\I \n.nI>ln- n-Inunngln. .n|nInunn_n;In .|
I'I.n\~u|-nInn--\\'rn-L nn-In-\n~nunn \vn~In|\ I§n~nn1jnn~n H!In||;|I1n'1l \u In IIIl‘|n.|nI\|» |lI;l\\\’II!;III \\'ilIn.nnnn 4\|n IniIn.nlnI. nunnnnnnnnnnnn-nnn~."
.\I|~\ I-|\I<I4|n\ I|Il(' nn.nnnnr n;|\n'|n nInn- n.nun'uI Ir 'n n‘lIu g.|lnIn'||\n|
n;u\n-|nnn-~~ nnn \nnInnI|.nlnl'~ ]nI.n\) n\ ,1 .\I.nnnun. nInn- gnu nnnn-~~ In.n|n|nn-\n~ unn .n
nI|I\rl| un| In\ .n \\II|I, nln-~nnnnn II\n‘ ||.n~- _<.., ‘,7 |n|]|||Il'nI \Inn||n' II|IlnI Inunnn nn~ ]n.|IIn'nI
~|nnln_ .n||nI \n'I \I|n nnnnnmn-nnn \ II|n'In'
|~. unnn |nnn]>\ .n Lnn InI.nnL lnrn-nlr
ll I-I-" " "‘ '" 'I“' " *I" "I II" k" '"'""'“»
Kerr. Plmcll Funlnllrn Ind Stephen: In scene! llvul Shainld Park IInnn (.I.|\ n|\ n-nnnl<Inn'n nn n~InnI Innn
In Brighton. loulhem Ennqllnd Clayton Iounnni Ilnn pink. wI|h nu
pnquyuqmny qgpylnq Ggqyqggn ylg mgfqglo mg nun. qmumg, In .| lllnnln Innnn-I\ n;n-nnln'n'| null.nInn>
n||l|n'-|n|||n' ()\n .nn unmi-
lhe pages of nnlqlzlnn than locallon scouls Clllll up amply handed. n.nnun nIn.nnn lInn
lnut FIIIIHIH lurprlna Kerr wllh shag an M09: Jcrnlnlnl loolu on. Ill'n' .n||\I .n<Innnnnn-nI ~n.nn
11-1-11-.11111111111-1 11I111i11_1;1|1l11111‘1 11111» 11111 |1.11 .111 1-\11l.111.1111111 .11111 111.11'1 1111111111 1111 1111111111-1 11-1111-1 ;111111111111
11-11.111|1111~11.111111111111-111111..\'111h1111; 111-1411111 111111-I111-1.111-11-1-111.1111-1111111
11-.11 11111. 1‘111- 111111-1 1-11111 1111111111411 .1l111111.\1111il1.111l‘1~1.11;1-11-1111111111111
11111111111111; .\11|1-11.1l1111_1;111-.1111111111- 1111111|11\I11l1~..\1111I1l11-111—M111(-11l- 11.11 111.111. .1111|1111111-." j11l1|1 .\l111111111-1 1Bl'f\'N\ 1..\K1-. IS
.1|111111l1111-141111-1111-11 1111111111|1l111l1-1 111-111.1111-111111111-11. 1111- 11111111-111-1~|11~|. 1111-11111111-4111111111-|.1|1~l1111111111-11-11 .\I|§Sl.\'(;y 11111111- l)()(.K HRH-'1-'
.1151 11111111111. 11-1111 111111111111: 1111-Ill‘ 11111111~111-1| 1111- 11111-11111 111111 111
111.111111-11111111-1111-111111111l111.1ll1I11-1-, .\111. (;11111-—111~11-111111111-1111."
1-111111 1111- 11111111. (1l.1111111 111.11l1- 11 |1l.111- 1-111111-11 111 1-'11!-111*)‘ 1"‘-I|i1"I~ "g111111l1 I1-1-I."
m,||_(l||,||l,|,'1".w,u.m,.“|“-1,,-||} 111-.11 111.11 I111. l\’\'()(.|-.\' I\—|111 .1111l11111111-"1111-|1|11~111111S11111i11~11111111|- ">]111111 11.11 1111.1l11.1I1l1- 111 1111-
ll11- 111111-I 11.11|111-111 1.111 1111|1- 111- .11l1111111~1I 111- 11111111 11111 1111|111111- 11.11411. .-\l1111111_1;l1.111\ 14.111‘ (Zl.1111111 1.\f\'()(jl-,X1\." 1.1111 (ZL1111111. "111-
11111111.\1111iI1.111l'111111~-111111111111111 1.111111111-11111111-11111-1111141111-111.111-11.11. 11111111l111111l.111-11 1411-.11111-.1l111 1111.11
.1111I11g11111 .11 11l11~1111~1 11111111111111111111111111-.1111'1111Z£111l1(L1-11- 11-1-111-|1-1111-11-111111111 1111111111111-1-11.
111 1!1.'11I. |1l.1111-11_1;111 \\'1ll1.1111 .\11111- 111.11111.1111 111
111/1111II\- 1111111-111-11. 11111-1-11\ 1.11111- 111111 11-11-|.1| ~I1i1114\ 1'||111|11111.111-11. 111- 111111 11.111 l1i111l11|
l1.1l1l’~ ~|.1g1-11-11111111'I‘I1/-I11111111-111,11 1111- 111111111-11 111-11-
.1 111 11111-1111-1 1111- 1,-1111-1111-11 1111-11111-111 .111.1111111. N111 1111- I1-.111111 1111-11111-.11 111|1-1- 111-1-11 I11~1.11111- 111- 11.111 111111-1
1111111-11 11.111l1- 1-1111111411. .1l1111111_1;11
1111- 111.11111- 111.1111-111,-I11\\‘i|l1.1111.\11l1i11.1l11_ 111111111111111~1111."
l'l.11-111-1111-~\\'11-1. 11-I1-11111111 11-1111111 K1-11111111 111111q1111-1I111111
11-11 11-.111 1.111-1 11.111111_1; 111111111111-11¢ 11.11i1111~ 111.111 11|1|1.1l;11111-1| |>1\1l11-. "1 11';1\ 1.1111111-11 111111 .\11111l1.1l11 I1 11.11 1111-11 111.11 _|11I111 M111111111-1
.\1111111i111411. 1111- 1111-1111-1-11 .1|1p1-.11- 111~1.11111- 111- 11.111.11111111.111 111111 1-11\ 111-111111.1ll1 111111.1111-1| 1111111.111(..1|11111-.
.11111-1111.1|1|1.1111111111Q111111.11111M111 11.111111; 111- 1111111 111-_1;111~111111-11111 111111 (1111.11|11~1|1111111l11~1l.11~111_|1111111111-
1.11111-1‘ 111111.. 1iL1-11111 111111-.1li11|1'1
.1l11.1\1 11.111-1 111-ll. .\1111.1l1111111_1;l1 _|1-111-1111-11-111111-11111111-111111111|1111-1- .11 11111111_u 1111- \1|1|11." (I|.1111111 111111's 111||1~11 111-|11111-. 111-..\l 1111-
111.11.111111111|1.1ll1l11111-1111R1g11|1'1-11- (.1.11|1111 1l1-11 111 1111- 1.111-1111111111-11~ .\11|11|1.1l11 .1111! I 11111111111; 111141-1111-1.1 111.1111|1. I11 l 111- lN.\'(1(I1-X15.
1111-1111111-1141-11.11 1111- R1_1;111 ,\l111111-111 111111 I11 11111p11|11111l1 111.11111.11111111; 11-.111/111111-11.11111111111-111-11111111111111-. 1111- .1111l1111 111 1,\' (l()1.l) 111.001)
1111.11l1-11114141-11111111,l11~.1l11.111 1111111- 111111111 11111114 I111 11.11111|111- 11111111111-
111 111.1l11- 1111- lil111 l1.1|1|11-11. 1|11~|1|11111- .\l11~ (;11l1l1-111' 11111111 111 111-11 111 1111-
1111111-1 11.11 11111-11111 _1.11L (.l.1111111. 11l111'1 11111111 1111111111. X111 111111 1111- 1111-11;111111111~11.11_.\11111-11111111111-11111-. 111-1..1111111111 1-11» 1111 1|l1'111|1-111-\l1'p
1111-11 11l1111~~11111 111111 1111- 111111.11 .11111 111111111-11 11111 .\111. (.11111-1|11~11111111-- 111111.11111111;1-111111111111i1111111111." .1111l p1111.1111 14.111111“ 1111111111. "1111-
l111.1111 1.11 111111-11111 R1111.“ .\1 11ll- L1-1-|>1-1 11.11111 11111 111 l1.1\1-11-1-11 1111.11 ll11~l11111|~11|11111.111’111L;11>l1~1111-1-11-
101’ 1l11~_1;11\1-1111-111.11111 Il11-.1111l11~1111-111-1-1 111.11 11.11.111-111111111111~. H11-I lNNU- 111111111|.1L.1I1l1- 111111111-1." 11-1.1111-11
1193911. .1 1111111 |11~1-11.11 11111.11»
1|11111- 111-.1111 \\'1111 11 11-111111; 1111- (11-N l\ 11.1111-1111111-11111|111111111111111 "1111 11|11.11111-. 11-111-11
_|1-.111|111- \11111.
"1-..1111 1111-111—.111~.11l1 1.111 1111-.1111 1-1-11111.11111| 151111. .\11I11-111111- 1111- 1111l1~ 14111. 11111.1. 11 11111111;1111111-
1111- 11-111111-111111-111-11111-111 (.1.1111111 1111111? 111
11.11111-11 11111111111 11|11-1111 |.1111|11l1 11." (.1.1111111 1-\|1l.11111-11. "1 1111111-1111 111 .\11111l1.1l11'~141‘1-"‘-“- 'h‘" “'-" 1"“ 11.11111-11 11-1111 1111- _1;1111-111111 .11111 1.111
1111-|.1|1111.111~1l 111111I1111'111.111-I11-1-11111.1111111-11-111-11111 111.111 1I111-1- 11111111111 .111-.11. 111 111-1-|1 ‘(111l1111L—1111~11-'1.111111-I1 1111111-1.11111
1l111111l1111u 1111 111111- .11
1.11.111‘;-1111-1111111111111111.111111-1-1111111.1 111.111111 1111-11.1111, (.|;1111111 .1111! 11111» 11'1 11111111; .1 1111111-1111 ' 1l1.11'1 11-1»
111-.111 1111111111111111l111-11111111|1111p1-1-
111~1.11\.\l1‘Rl).\\ Xlhlll .\Nl) 14111111111111.111|111-11.111111;11,l\1.1111-11 11111111111 .11~111.1111 _]1-.111|1|1- \11111 1.111111 1111111.1|1."
\1'.\l).\\’ .\1()1{.\1X(- .1111! \().\\ 1111111111111 111 111.1L11114 1111- 111.111-11.11 1111111111 1111-|1.111-11 .1 111-11 111-.111111-111 .\11111-11 (I1.1111111: "1111111.111
1-|1|111- 1111111.
.\Nl) l.()\'l-R\. I11~I1-.111, I11-|11111|11-11 11-11 I-11-11111.1|1. 111 .1111.111 1111111; 111 1l1.11l11ll111~1|1~1.|111l1l11-111l11.1|111111111 .1111 11|1111- 1111- 1111-
L1-1111111-.1111111-1111~11ll~l1.1|.11111-.\1111|1l1 _|.11111~\‘ 11-111111111- |1l11| .1|111 11111l111l- 111111' 111- 111-11- 11111.1 1-1111111111 111
11)1111~ \1 1111-. 11.11111 111.1111 |11-1.11111- ~1'1'1lIg 1111- §Il\l‘I|I1'\\ .11 111111-111.11 11 11111. 111.11 .1111111111|11111~1l. (ZL1111111 111111. 1111111.11111.1~11-11111111111.111;;l11
1.1/1111-11.1$111.1111111-1-.111.111-111|.11l111 1111111-111111111111111111-1111111-11111111111
]1111- 111111 .11111-11 111 111.111-11.11 111 l1.111'1 .\11l1111.1l11'1 111.11 .1|11l _|.11111-1' 111111-l.
111111. 1| 111.11 111111111 |111111|111111I1111 l'111 l1.11.111111111111111;|1|11111111111114.1111111
11111.111|111111111111111-11111111-1.111111111.1 |111111111.111-11 111 1|1111 11 |.1|11 111 11.1111.
.\1111 1-111111-111 11111- 11.11111~1;111-11 1111- 1.1I1l1-11111. l..1111. 111 1111- 1111-111111-
11111.11.;1 1111111-1-111-1111 1;.111l1-11111l11111-
141111-1111-11 111 .\11111|1.1|1l'1 |1l.111 11
y ’
Kerr trlen lo lorcl Franklin
\Nl)l..\X.\H-l\|R l'()l(l'.\ll.\llll-R |)1|\\|\‘|\\_|4!lll\ n-~|-1| I-n|| " |,|°.,“.,|°,.|,n,,|,;.,
.||ul I-'R().\I Hl.Rl. |()l- l'l-'RXl 1 \. \ll')||ll'll~.pll'\lm|\|\||.|1|.||1p<-.||t'1| ,,,¢,..mqmm.|u||,,
km. “nu“M“>1.-mt.-...m.»..| m rm lll-l.l.-Hkl (1.114 ..|-.| Jeu0l(Clytle-lcuop)
11..-~1|m|--~1n..n..»~..| rm ...|--.-I M (.()l‘\'l wan"): |u.|-~~|.\'r.~ ,..|.., ltlndlnglntherlhllnong
m.- mm. “..~ 1|\ ]bt'tlt'll ~\|.. “.11. mm 1).~|-..|.m mm .m~l \‘||.|.\(.|» IhemdI-¢lIv\¢>'wb-
(.|..\hm.|~|.»1|~-“|..;.|1.1»|..-1;“-.1.» n|~ llll- |1.\.\|.\‘|Yn. l|| m-- l.|m-1. lwvwumlnnllml
1--..-H-. R:-|.|ll||\g1h:-lllull|1.1lru:-1, §lt']t|Ir|l~ |-1.“--.1 mp l4\, |||.|l||||l|u' tMqhm.hulFm-kiln
tn-V “rm-|\.-.1. --\m|| v|...L (.l.|\mu'~ 1-..||~»-I 1th..-1.1 ‘.1M1;-.-l-1...--.,:~|,....- Mwllnqlndowr
n.1,. |.|-M-|\mun.-.-1|-..4~ 1um||--
" _' '_
.|.||.||.~|\. 1u|- l,\'NU(.l-.\l\\\.|~|-1 "W-K~"'"¢F""'"'"
Ix l:||1l|hll|\lH|l|:Ll~‘lR:| :‘ll|:~| lllm
- 1 uenhowndnrtnqllllntng
4‘ll“(I|‘I‘l‘ll“M-]l\<'\l\|IIll.'lILIlI‘INII‘ |u~| |n. -'. '|:\gr|ll|
~.\....|1\ Ml...-.".-.1 “--mm. ...|-I .. “--u|.| “~|\-- m. mm mun 1....-. .':m”"""""':‘:'c1'"‘f
......,.|.-1.-1\ --.-H-|..| 1.......... I,-1",; |-.|.-~ m ~...|| l|lm~.|~ m|- mu.\u-
“nu :...m.| |lt'I\l|l 1,.“ I-\ r\|l V-“V u1- xn\~_||- \x l‘R()l)l|--(-L|\“’lI-‘ w";',2',':,‘_":':"”':.§1',_”_"',’
.-.~|||m.1.1...L...-.1||,..1|.“...-ml... |)ltkl'l|'1'\t]lll' m"|< um |n- tn ,,,,°,um,,,,,,,,,m,,,,°,
|-..\. .1 -.. nu ....-ml.“-. “huh nmuxr .|m| 1.n.1~xn 0| III-l.l ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y
n~ul|<1| ||| |h~ l|lm'~ ~u4m;;--|\ |h~- ll()l'\l- \\-mld--\|,l--1|[luv ||u.|luu'~. ¢,,"_'-"|¢|(,"_
|m|n|n.;<|u.|l||\ " 1m |.\".\u<.|».\"|\ ~.-..|..1 1.1..»
||.|\l1lu|lrhn|.tl||\r|l.|~I|lr\;u\rl— u-||‘~u-|m|.|l|-In.|~.|||r\l1.uml|||.||1l\ ¢l.nL|\. t-nnu.|ll\ u||m1\nn;, "\\'l|.|| Lu |. llu ulnhln-u um-u| ~.|\\ |h| \ll||l|
llr“ In ‘lull .|uu||l]||| \\.|~ p|-|l|.|l|]\ sl-Ill:-11tlnmlluunhllllulu-ll. l.|L|n_|; ~h.|ll I ~.|\ uhvu nu I n|||4-||||r~.|~t.|ll- ll’ I lll I\'\'t)( .|' \ \ I I 114 \ Huh
nl|I' (.l.|\l<>n\ It-\\ 1»:--1-1-ulm nun
‘>1 l\\n |rl.|||u' ||l'lI]>|\\|l‘\ hkv I-|.mLlm uu;‘- \\'l|.u ~h.||l I ~.|\ “In-u hr Lllm L~ l- .~|||-11 |||- ||- \| ~1.|\ ~ hm » ulu mu-ht
t||¢r\. :1 ||lt'|||ln|
;|lv.|~|||~ \ I--u llu- .||u1\||-plu-||~. lhv xlm-1 nu 1n.|\|-ll .|| u|\ tlmn? \\ ||.|| »l1.|ll I ~.|\ uhvu ln~ ||n ||rl|'r.ll 1| \l.n'~ ~l||><||||m |\\.|\n| |-
I"|"~ H! 1|" |\\" <""4"|" -III In-mu .|ml m--ldt-d I»--uh mm ule-||\rI||lg I111 --nun ~-»l1|\I-l.~'.|\mq lllrlll-lIL~||l \--||~|||.u vlu \ |1l|l;||||u|||: |~;,~\| In»
~m|.|...._ ~.v\....| |..m.|...| ,....|.»» .ll4Il1ll|I]|\'ll\l,l'\l'l|l|l|“||l|{|>l‘IllIl- ]ll\14l.|\|-||tll|l\ um. " lvn;|r.l]]|.l|l||l|||1||n.u|||lul|\1 \||||\
\||u1.|| .|||<! ||u|||nnlr~~1n|1.|l |\Lr\ |ll.llIH'\ Um" HI llll l||1n'\ 1||.|\m.| lllr ~u-||r |1u|l\l~ ln.| ur~u-|u|n.|~ Am! ~11, Imlh |l|ll<|n|| |||.|\u| lhru
\\tIt |,\|...~~.v.| I».-1.-..-<.1..\|.-H|.m||.1 at-,;1|;.-mm “..\ ~l.~,.|"|r. ".“..u.... ~|q.|..|.\|...||~..,~-1-..H-“.1.-\\...m.- ...|.-~ m|....k-v. llllll|1l|\ |\..\.|..,,L.
ll'\r.||--|l\l\ |’.|n|rl.| I-1.||lL|lIl .llIt| H1.l]Nl\'lllll|\\]|ll|l|ll'\l'lIl|\llI\l|IIl— nlullI—.| h.|l|n'I\ ||l.uLm~~ ulun |h.|| |u~l|\.|lul lln-|| |n-|l:||||1.||||-w
.\l.|||m \|<>plu-u~. “I uuh luuml lhr ||um.|||un-||.m|-1|"m.|~u-| ltlunuf-r r\|l \1llll\ m |ln\r| |u~| mml lhr |>< 1.|m< llmn Ih |,~|.|I| .||u| nu \|||
ll||l<l|:-n|\\-|\n-1-L~ |)t'|ul|~\u'\\r|l~tn l|-nu lhv l|t'.l|l .\~ |h< g;u\rl||x'~~ |.|||u'|.|'~|.|1|gr tun.“ || =1 |lu-m |m,n|~. (II In l4l\!lAIl|‘l
\|.lll ~|u-:l|||\;_" r\pl.|||\ul (‘l.|\|uu \\.mlu-\ \\Il|l llnn-.|~|n;; .|l.||u|. \lr- llu-~| |lln|ll|'I1l~_|l||\\|\z |,nuul:l:-1| ylllll |||- \ \\I‘|l‘\I|\l|Hll|||||,|\\1Ill.|
|l\;|ll|1|ll l||r\r'1r\rl1
l'.mu-[.| \|lbIll| plu-|\~ -||.|lr~ \\||h u|m- .nul gc-~|un ~ (.l.|\m|| "I .uu u |\ ]:l|Ill| ll\r 1-I 4",“ \|,|| Il|u|1L |»|.|||~¢ Ill |||. |,|||
.nl||.l||\|r~|r||||I'Iln|t1ll'|r.|l|.()l||n' .|~ .¢|m|ull\ v4m\\|n|p .|~ llu-\ .|n- tlulzln-||_" (.l.|\|.m uhwzu ll ‘In m --I |lu-xlln-alum.-11 \\.m lunutlulr
l|||‘llI'|ll||ll1|\ mmUm--|.|\\....v.--W-ll,
Kerr ls troubled by drums ol Quint‘: gholtly lppeurnnue on the panpel ll
Blye Manor, part ol u montlge sequence assembled mu II -\\-"'1' l ~~ I <’II|| '\ l1HHIIIH:=||||>
by director Jack Clayton. ‘Through my research I lound lhal Henry JIITIOI was obuued wtlh Freud‘: work." sold Cllyton. “He :|||'I| ll |h<- h1|4||r'|| <||-I mu \\--IL |||
even wrote an euay on Freud." Clayton brought out the psychological lmblgully In lltmlng James‘ qhalt story. l||rl|l||1.|h| l|l|||\\.|~ qvnlt "
In hn|||r| t.|~||||: h--at | ~ ( |.n|-=||
(llnylnn cxplnimnl. "I-‘ruhliv \nl\‘l\| 1'\(|||l'II druniung (irnlgillll-§l\I<‘ 5Iu- mnply Innlml mnuml |In- wl
lhv plnhh-m by dr\'i~ing way‘ HI an umnminn .|mI lmh gmumh in |In* mxh \||1|l vmminn. lII.|l with lhr
hrlling ~,n nun]: Iiglu on lIu- ungv ]l.|g('\ nI .| m.|;4.|/im‘ \\-In-n |\|\ In<.|- lI_L§IllI|lI4;lIIlII|I1'|(’l‘|iIIgl]hI| \\-.|»u¢--
"Ii" “"' \\'*‘"' i"|"il||? lm" I" WI]! IIUIIM4IIllslnIll|lI\|;I||\l.IlIIl'II||('lII|)- .|l\\\';|\\4.|I\;l\Il('|Ijl|\I\\';lllI\IIIg
duwn nu |In' Ivns. OI &lI\lI\l'. III-II |\»l|.|n<IuI. "Il\|'IIHl|w\\‘;|\]\I~l\\'|l.lI
um-um llml urn in \n|m' nI |In- wn I'II Iwvn lnnkmg Inn, |:.n|iu|l.nI\ Fm |In' \u'|n'. IIIIl‘|lI.llIlI{l-l|b|Il‘I
s|n.|ll S|n~|1p\'|lu|| |n|z'lim~ mull .|~ |)('¢.|||\r1||lI\(‘|.|l|(I\| .||1iug."(l|.|\|n|\ l'|.||n |~dc\|snI .| ~p<~n i.|l1:||nv|;|Iillr|
llw gnu~x|u~\\'um|n_ wllia I1 \\‘;|~n|l|§ l‘lIl|\\l\l'l|- "l| I\.nIl|\||'1's|‘p.||;|n'|;|L|'\ \\-||I\ .| l|l‘ZlI u-nu-| In n-||I||.m- du-
.|I1mn II’ by II’. |I1rn~I1;uI lnlx-wuur l!lllIl|II'I(‘IlI Il'\|'|\." I m lr nl I|_|4lu m.uI<- by (hr I.|mII1-.
:30 ;'I_IIII(I-\\':|u Imnr I|_\;Iu~ Ix~.umng ()|m~ |In- hlu-Ilu-III l’.nk ~u'm'\ lIu-u um-lgnng nun <I.nIn-| |l|g|m'IIl\
||l|\\‘II ull I|I(' ;n|n|~. Snuv I'lIl‘ \\('Il'(|u|\|||l‘I(\|.I|Il'u>!lI|>;I|l\ ||\n\nI In g|\|' llnr s1|rl'Il\ p.||.||m'Ir|\
l.\'N()(lI-LN IN \\';|\ ;| pvliml piunlv. InSII-~|1|»n|n||hnn|:n~. wln-|<-\\‘|IlmI \|\.l\In\\.'\IlIll*||lI'II|1lI\'l.l\\‘.|\IlI§1|I|\
llml nmzml u)\I|llIIl'\, .||nI Iull |.m \I\ingI\~|n||\ wu nu upml wu-I.|l mnlnh II\mn_\;I|n||| |I|r \H'||('. |Iu-
I"\1l!-%i"l' l\n\\' |||l1lII||Iu|l.|I)I(' lIl;II u||||l&I\I.lgrs.B1~1.|\N‘||n'(.|\lII||'||||l'|\ l|I‘\ll(‘\.l\l'\I-I
gu'.|I l|l'.l1II| ||gI\||n;,-
umlnl II-IH‘ IIWH. lI\ m<I.|\'~ \l-lm|- \\'u|l' .nuIu-mu ||('||n\| ~I\n\-~ nn .nnI~I|nn|n|;4|um-, I.I~<-\\-In-n-||\|I1c
:ml~.m~~I ~v|~llm ~i/-~wul<ll~'l|.~:I\I- \\n1k|l‘|\||Imls,(.|.|\I1|||'~ uullul nnm Iilm, I'|.||n I; ~L|1l~ \\I'lI'I\II1l‘\\IlI
r1||1\ ;| \i||gl\- Innlr. I Ilnlil ;| In! nl i||~|~u1l ml .|||.n Iung Ivll p.nI\I||| I|\l' v\nI<-nu-. .\IInI1In-IIlu-n~\|\~||m~.|n-
~I|n<- \II|r\ In mulllr Ilu~r.||-\||l|||1||g sn I||~|\ III Ilghlmg .|l\1|n|I|l|>l|\i|in|I
Ihr Iil||I'~. uuu-»~ m I‘|nI4IiI-. lI|~ |~ .1
gvniu~.." (||lI|\‘l. (1I.mnn .nuI l|\|'a|r\\‘ lnuml |h.uIIn~|||Iu-n~n|<-\|I.|mhn|u|pun|\
I'I||'I lX\'()(lI-IN I \ \\.|~ In Inn-.|L lIn- wnlnl |n.|n'~<»lm-~~|n|| In| ".\In|I- nl (hr ~|n|\'~ |I|r|m-.n<- wumIr|I||l|\
mmirpm<1Ir|u.un|u|IIm~|u<-|un\u- II-l|Z .\IHIr lrlli" w |||||I|n |I|;u ml Iu~ ~11 imnnnu-upnuul.
PlIlI¢|lFfI\kllnr\|I1ll||r0\|I\ll0in: I>n|IuI.|\ Ilunng ||n- ~l\nnImg. |lu- IIu- I|l|mn|n||l|~ml plum-»g|.I||I|\
In lh¢coId(no|0|:o0I)nIShclIIeId Plrk iu\n.||n|~.I|\ ~I\-mi||ggI|n~l~.|~||.||||.|~
II|I'I)('IIIg\t>Ill‘ll\l1'|l ||\gInwi||_I; ~un~ \I|lr<Inl |m-~|~|m-<I Imn “uh .| m|n- .|| \Iu-p|»<~|m|| \uul|n~m\I.|\,(lI.|\~
npropmln Chuck Fnridno (I) Ind um .nuI I-mu ll)lII]Ml\('l (-('1||g('s
IIlIId'Ql>l¢I5°I¢°I\ 5005(1) IOOII UL Iighl. |.uIu-1 |I|.m 4|‘ wn||\ .m|u\.m-II pIvu- \\-.mI|nI><- nI IInlInn;;—m.uI|- In
(‘I Inpl.|\m Ill ~u|n-|im]m\i|in||~. II \'IIllI('|\ nI Il'|I. 4\u||a IIiI'.\I' I \ .\Nl) I III‘
III-..\Ԥ I.
9|Qu;,||.m|M|"_|.“.|(|n"|)_-1-||.d.|||¢""w."b|||-m_-|-|dc°_ |~.
The cllmu at THE INNOCENTS. The tlquru ct Oulnt appear! to loom over Kerr end Stephen: In the garden ol Blye Manor ls
the qcvemele controntl the boy with accuntloru that he In ponnnd. Stephen: dlee In her emu but It I: unclelr whether he
too lees the spectre. The gure ct Oulnt In thln scene, played by Peter Wyngerde (lett). was pteoe at statuary come ta llle. I
.mII IIIII-IIIIIII l|tI'\ In-|IIIII;." tIlll\l' ..|Il'lIlll\l‘. II'~ IIIII IIIIIII-Z‘
. . IILI (;II(t\I \|IIR\, I III .\.\II-
tllItl‘v IlII- IIII-IIII- III |)<I\\t'\\lU|\ III IIII- I.IllI-II 'II‘g'|:|IIg' Iltl‘ IIII |\.tIIt;|' IIII~I-IIIl- lI- R(II- INI I.IIII.IIII; lIl|tl'l\I— I IlI~
“III-lInI_I4." I~IIIIlII-I. III!‘ IlIl\|II!§lI4IIt\ till.“ IIIIIIII-I;.IIIIIIII-III-.III .\lIlll‘Il’lll\lI]lI'
_|.IIIII-I‘ lIIIh|l'I]I|ItlI. .\III-I .III. .III- \II- |I.I\IIII;.IIIIlIIIIIII-. I III- I.\'.\'()(.I-I\' I \ .II IIII- |.lI\ .\III;I-II-~(IIIIIII\ .\ItI\l'lllll.
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llow makeup expert Stan Winston solved an unusual etteots problem on TIIE ENTITY
The nude. headless bed)‘ 01 Michiko Tagawu. John Goodwin. Jill Poured and inlected into the mold. proper weight and density. Inside the
Barbara Hershey hangs irom the Rockow, and Bob Schitter. Dick The body's undarshell was liber- breast molds were conical inserts
wall oi Stan Wlns1on‘s Northridoe smith observed and gave moral glass. A multi-piece core allowed the that were dotted with linger-like
studio (1). Makeup expert Winston support. body to be hollow where necessary. indentations. The indentations were
created the seamless. articulated When Hershey was lully covered The chest cavity ""5 b'°‘"'|" ¢°""6¢t9¢ Wm‘ Wines '0 9|°V°$
iuise body tor THE ENTITV tor a with alglnate, a protective Ioam pad baga.whi1e movement oi limbs and worn by Winston. When he kneaded
scene where the actress is raped was lowered over her. loliowed by a hips was controlled by arrnatu res the air with his lingers. the lalse
on-camera by an Invisible attacker. tubie—slzed plate which connected to and push—rods. For the shot. the only breasts were kneaded. The eiiect
Sonny Burrnan and Bob Williams the table lrame with heavy pins. What part oi Hershey that was visible was was heightened by a rod which
worked irom Winston's concept to Winston hud created. in eitect. was a her head: her body was on a Winston used to manipulate the iaise
dealgn and build a 150 degree ilip Barbara Hershey sandwich (It. Smith. slantboard that ran beneath the nipples. He kept tabs on the progress
table to lacilitate the casting oi Schitier). The entire unit was then elevated bed. Winston was directly oi the entire sequence by watching a
Hershey's body in an alglnate mold. lllpped 180 degrees (4). Hershey. on beneath Hershey with his arms hidden video monitor.
Hershey lay on her back as an her stomach. was carefully lifted up coming up on either side. $111 Winston's involvement with
impression oi the ventral side oi her and out (5, Taqawa. Rockow. technicians who operated various Sidney J. Furie's THE ENTITV lasted
body—neck to toe—was mide (I). Goodwin. Winston. Schliier. Kagel). push rods and bladders also shared ten weeks. irom March oi 1981.
The mixing and spatulatinq ot the The mold's shape was maintained the cramped space. Barbara Hershey. Winston reports.
with a backing oi plaster bandages. The ialse breasts were iilled with “took the eiiects work very well."
quick-setting alqinate was performed
Smooth-on polyurethane was glycerine bags designed to suggest David J. Hepn
by Winston and his crew: Jim Kagel,
. 7 .
wt, .-
- -
~ 1
it 4 5
‘ ‘I 2
i Monty Python really should do
somethingI somewhat dierem1
l\1()\"|'\' P\'THU,\"S
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leeryolene11pens1veIanlasysenes. Iillh episode lor me network lg 1.111-I1 11-1-1111111111~11\111L »1-111-~.
Flea convinced them that GREV- renew 1t tor production 1n the l,=1||, .\ I111 .1\\L11-.111! .11 l11~|. |l11- ~I1111\ “I11-11 11111l1111u 1~ 1-\1~11 11111-1111111-1!
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HORROR, FANTASY e. scnsucz FICTION .=...|v. MARKETPLACE ,,,,,,.., ,,,\
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SW-ces. 35 Ind-avw Sveel. Rocheslev, Perry A..@.a......._~v.o4s1 ....r.¢>n O1|gma|Ianlisy s¢...........
—— by George Mahnna Ser\dSl oo..=..:......¢m-
"Y "509
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Snence Flchun Harm! Jerry Ohlmgcls
or mm MAGAZINES. scnzncz
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VOW NY ‘W1? 1'?-6"-B4" One" every
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pages mm Over 1,000 publlcallons Manyhlm
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cum.-.q..@ s. m. ¢......... -5..» c....@¢....§ ARTISTS.INC.Wesupnlyspeclnlmalcnalslb
7" '7
PRISES B013-MC.B|F\DSEORO_PAI950B ""\"""/»
' Showcase, s7sa Hollywood 5|»... . Hollywood ........§§..,..... ...a..@-...., nncludmg .,..,.-
SNFFEIIITS CA 90020 .r.....= mne=...=§ moldmg walE5_ cm... Fm- I........I.I.... .... .h.- ..1I..-. I......I. In...
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S p Ot
rrpuvlrtl il. In doing so ll nuu vine» [ movie who never Ii‘! I
itfiw» Mn
mrv In d|.w'n.\.\ Ihr plol rlrfnlli I who Iltblll U10 PW! jll the
/Ilm iurrr .\l) Iinplldznvllly lr)'m_ In heciiaeth!Y"¢"'-h"'u""h°"
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mwrmp mllrtl lillrnlmn I1) lhr wry ‘ I,
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to in
ui/urmnlmii IIlr\' .i|m_sgh! I0 hulr.
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mot! Q
ref i-red
mm‘ the ark ‘me 0' me
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In 0'
bill C .1"‘ W880
r im publisher. third
“ ”“°”' prvdiw |_,u1,,
"“°" '
tt--1-.it1t|t.m..wt-||t-ltt-.-|.|“-mitt--,;~ ,4” mats intpomnloiPl“ ..,',,-- plot other lhan citing a i=h°‘° "'4‘- . “tempt M, m,,,,,
taehucas ow,"-¢¢ close to the production." G¢0r8¢ |-:::5mddy_be" my ma,
lll iiiiml_ Hist. ii lltll |)l‘i‘Il lm mntion ahout "Return
and a vlwl°l!"P" °' ' “Q
Von the l\1¢;‘i,
(:1 .( M. l'..\'(Z()l'!\‘ lilkh or ‘rm. H9 also refused to minnisnt kn. In mu
heln lrevt tot!we
l'lllRl) KIND .iml 5-|-v\R \\'.\RS III crtliule K ‘in Wham“ or not lie had the stripl. :l:l}:\I"%m:n In“? m me capuon B
Susan ’l‘reinbll¥- ‘rimming ‘ha "We've never said that we
1977, lll.lIl\ --I iml.i\\ i;('lllt' |i|Ill\
assistant with Q-A-laznng, ¢°ni¢m- script." Clarke said by Phwe .-euzes suppogilion,“ Clarie said
the ma|1azine's headquarlane: “rhll merchandising oi Charac-
'\""' ""' "““‘“ "I "M" ““’ l"'"“ camp“? B lngctfon against “Cine
plating #81. Md, Wm publish Oak Park. lll. "The
artlcle ms the
"om (h¢‘SLil’ Wars‘films has
om’ . almost
l'in |)l'lill\g. |I;l\ |illl|l;l|l|\ pmtitlt-ti ; what is in
Iaiitastique. _\\ allu do to sq-int. It says , "Numb, genenwi inure inc
( .. - .
inn,>t-|»1,...|--mmtttt unit-nit i||ti- ,,“¢|, i5 iull of hearsay and illegal‘ i>eovI¢ “P:
A:d\hu,em mm is some lean} time In
pmducmn 0' my,
things not to give lh0I:0 ‘he
ill;-lllllsr \\']\t||tl|Il|l|)lllt'sl)lllllt|\~ innuendo. There are many IA many other VI4)'§
.\|l|Il.i\' Rnlriiisnii in it which are not trues" iiiL nlorination. There
w 0 worked on the ‘JQdiIC<2.C°' 4
spokesman at min
wb|¢h itill relcasr the IIIOVIP
in are P¢°P
Hut tgmlllmlr ilm-tn‘: 1-tmul In /II!!! -
mg .\'[IIl‘”I1‘I§ nml I.m/it IlIIHi'l' March 23
Lou Anqelei Herald Eunilnu,
1 ulu |\u|.
iii ‘ ii lw ‘ I i ' ill\t' \\ |Il'll‘ ||it- iiiu-ii ll'\\'l‘l ('9
illsl tlitlifi rI\k ilu- Ilglll t|llt'\lltllI\, “"1" M "W "¢"° °‘ T5‘
4 .
|,|.':2'.;;;¢hwon't h4|::h:|;'l|lIly Q,-m€le':‘“{_|¢ls
la tn ll it '11- 0!
hiii Illi\\'|ll‘lt' Ill I|!l\‘ R.iiiiIi;ihli iiiu-i~ '
That . it one cl‘ the alleged plot detail: revealed “kn °" lhy Zikh '“"“ -l¢di"
\ll'\\'l|l>1‘\’Il'|ll"\ .ii Liiuitlrtlgr ( .ii~
. _
by ‘chm: c- c u on tan magazine Cinclantastlque N
’“' '°'K Dnuy Ne“-Mlrdiao
plltt‘ Rnilir \ iiiiiiit-iiw tniitiiliiiunit
iUl|Il‘ Ix-lit-\;i|iiliti ul L l. u
Lucul-‘ilm diunlnea ' ‘sheer speculation."
|i'~ .i ii-.iI \’I.|llll' ihni \l|l|\ -Ill
-.|n|..n~1\ t.-it-"mi ,4.“ |it.- it.-up
Ii:hlnn=r=¢l<>IPI<>1W°'- "
il;-’|t|i_| t.4.i..t~‘tnlt--:-’~-7..-ntit i|t'|i\
at]?! tgamenmhux A
l ,Makel_SHaveTl-oubleg
...t.-.... ...~. \\ .....::li:‘1v|:-mg_l|‘ ,lr,,m‘;:,:le,L,,“R;:‘,,2; Starwars Mov.‘e.sP\otasec;e¢
I tuuy top-secret chara|:- '_ Kee mg New sly!!! 1*
\\'.i|:-ilmii. (miin-rin Ill
tcrnamod EVl0|ll.lII1\|'t¢
B/swan I ,,,.. 1.. "'it-1"'::t:‘I~“r"""
tact that three ending! to
M, .,,.,s...s....
Coimi;t.'ri0Ns= we -mus wm aim Georgeknovvlhowthingn
-.4: "1
ti-mu» (:mi~n.|n .\'\ln. \\'illi;i|it °\fI¢|I- ltntul oi the Rebel Al-
»-ix;-...| it.--I "imt-t ~1m\t"..t lllvlltp M "“' ,l3°\:";e'" l" 11""? 0'11! Gwrxe
"I ‘"5" 3”" I number ol ::l€..|I£Ln£;,I:'l'°:0:I'I‘lr:!ITl __i
“""”-4"" '"" """"- __; lcenttllnlevernldlerelit until alter the movie ll
ways. Nobody except released in Hay.
1'tieWlll stmt.ioumnl~ '4" '1 63
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