Mapeh 8: Assessment What I Have Learned
Mapeh 8: Assessment What I Have Learned
Mapeh 8: Assessment What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Additional Activities
Activity 3 Hit the Target
Directions: Write HRF if you think that the picture is
Directions: Using the assessment results in Activity 1: Health-Related Fitness and SRF if itis Skill-Related
Conduct of HRF, make a Physical Fitness Plan (PFP) for Fitness. What I Need to Know
your family. Be sure to follow the template provided. Be
1. _______ Define physical fitness;
guided by the rubrics that follow. 2. _______
Identify and describe the components of
3. _______
4. _______
Health-Related Fitness (HRF)
5. _______ express appreciation on the importance of
You can use bond paper for your answer. planning in achieving fitness goals;
make a fitness plan for the whole family
based on assessment results
Grade and Section: ______________________
Date of Submission:______________________
What’s More Independent Assessment 2
What I know Directions:
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only
Activity 1
the letter of the correct answer for each question. I. (1-5) choose the most appropriate answer to each
1. _________ 6. _________ 11. _________ of the questions.
Direction: Conduct of HRF Conduct the Physical II. (6-15) Write T if the statement is true and F if it is
2. _________ 7. _________ 12. _________ Fitness Test below. Record your scores and ratings on false.
3. _________ 8. _________ 13. _________ the score card provided by your teacher.
1. _______ 10. _______
4. _________ 9. _________ 14. _________ 2. _______ 11. _______
Activity 2
5. _________ 10. __________ 15. _________ 3. _______ 12. _______
Direction: Dance with me creates a five-minute 4. _______ 13. _______
dance exercise routine and perform it together with 5. _______ 14. _______
6. _______ 15. _______
your family members. Make sure to follow health
What’s In safety protocols in doing the activity such as wearing 7. _______
Directions: Read the definition on the left side to 8. _______
of face masks and observe social distancing. Take
complete each word on the right side. 9. _______
note also of the components of Health-Related
1. ____________ 6. ______________ 11. ________________
Fitness in doing your routines.
2. ____________ 7. ______________ 12. ________________
Additional Activities
3. ____________ 8. ______________ 13. ________________ Activity 3 Activity 1: Step Up
4. ____________ 9. ______________ 14. ________________
Direction: From the stairs of success illustrated
Direction: Supply Me Complete the Fitness Contract below, write your desired plans of action about
5. ____________10. ______________ 15. ________________ below by supplying it with correct information. physical fitness based on the guide questions
found on the next page.
1. _____________________________
What’s New 2. _____________________________
Activity 2: FITT and Write
Direction: From the FITT Table below, select at
Directions: Using the pool of letters below, look for 10
least one (1) exercise per component that you
words which correspond to the definitions written in
vertical and horizontal manners. can do at home. Perform the exercise following
the required time allotment. Record your
1. ________________ achievement using the matrix provided after the
FITT table.
2. ________________
3. ________________
You can use bond paper for your answer.
4. ________________
5. ________________
6. ________________
7. ________________
8. ________________