Sons of Ether Revised
Sons of Ether Revised
Sons of Ether Revised
Overture: Waves Within 4
Introduction: Strangeness and Utopia 8
Chapter One: The Eight-Track Method 12
Chapter Two: The Essence of Science 34
Chapter Three: The Dynamic Faculty 66
Epilogue: Every Step of the Way 99
Contents 3
4 Sons of Ether
Waves Within
Southern California, 1978: ass paint job. Blue flames licking out of the grill
“What a heap of junk!” against a deep red background, with “La Fuente del
“That thing s’posed to roll, or tunnel Ritmo — Baja ’78” written in a florid script above the
inta the ground, or what?” fenders. When his cousin had said that the color
“Looks like fuckin’ Buck Rogers or scheme seemed backward (“Everyone knows flames
something!” are red, man!”), he had tried to explain about light-
speed, relativity and the Doppler effect.
Ace whipped out a rag and dusted off
his ride with well-practiced swipes. Not “Where’s the dingleballs? Thought you beaners
because of razzing from gringo hot-rodders — leaving always hung them dingleballs on yer rods!”
them in his dust was just going to be the icing on the Carefully wiping out the air intakes, Ace couldn’t
cake. It was the dust itself that worried him. He help but chuckle. The scoops were absurdly huge,
didn’t know what would happen if extraneous matter mounted in the trunk, facing backward like rocket
got caught in the field when he kicked it into high nozzles. Yeah, I guess she does look like some kind of
gear. Residual ionization had already coated the hull goofy Flash Gordon contraption, he thought.
with magnetized dust, covering up his cousin’s fine- “So, we doin’ this already, or what?”
6 Sons of Ether
wearing a bulky metal space suit adorned with tubes Ace. Purplish light from the gun’s barrel pulsated in
and valves. Inside the bubble-helmet was a pale, time to La Fuente’s lurching engine.
gaunt and clean-shaven face, around 10 years older Ace shot through the large stone crescent, ready
than Ace, with an expression that combined grim to plow into the earth with meteoric force, but when
determination with peevish annoyance. The figure his bumper was about two feet from the ground,
held a wide-mouthed ray gun pointed directly at something very strange happened.
The Sons of Ether often seem themselves up for a fall when they fail to realize the
directionless, eccentric and delusional. importance of the observer’s will, which is why so many
The Technocracy would tell you that of their proud innovations are revealed to be fraudulent
Ether Science merely trades mystical su- or filled with dangerous side effects. Reproducible ex-
perstition for crank theories or ideals that periments might regulate reality, but Fortean
inevitably fall to stark pragmatism. Some- phenomena, psychic Resonance and enigmatic cosmo-
times, they’re even correct. logical principles will always interfere.
Directionless? They are at times, but In fact, Ether Science is more than a set of discarded
that’s because the Tradition has never theories, pulp shticks and wild speculation. It’s a gaunt-
bowed to a timetable, a commercial vision or a political let thrown down to the Technocracy, the scientific
power. Eccentric? Definitely. Life is an experiment, and establishment and reality itself. It rejects reducing na-
if it’s as liberated as Science should be, then it’s bound ture to a set of predictable mechanisms than can be
to produce some unusual personalities. Delusional? Mad endlessly recombined, because it knows that such un-
Scientists aside (and the Tradition can deal with that derpinnings are false and always on the verge of being
problem on its own, thank you very much), the Sons of overturned. The truth recognized in the Kitab al-Alacir
Ether will tell you that they look at all the variables in is a simple, exhilarating and terrifying one: Everything is
their work — including the individual. Technocrats set true. Anything is possible.
This book provides revised and expanded Chapter Two: The Essence of Science introduces
information on playing the Sons of Ether: us to the Tradition and its Science. The Sons of Ether
the other Enlightened Scientists of Mage: are about more than just pulp style and anachronistic
The Ascension. The following chapters theories. Their factions, organization and approach to
detail how Ether Scientists organize, study Science (or magic) are all presented. And even though
and even use “magic.” pulp isn’t the end-all of Ether culture, it certainly has its
Chapter One: The Eight-Track place. Adventure never goes out of style.
Method takes us on a literal ride through Chapter Three: The Dynamic Faculty concen-
the Tradition’s history, ethos and relation- trates on tips for playing a Son of Ether, including
ship with other occult societies, Scientists and the notable Scientists, ideas for all-Etherite games and a
mysteries of the World of Darkness. Ernesto C. sample cabal that’s ready to be used in your own Mage
Amanguale takes a trip to the end of the world and games. Ready-to-play templates round out the chapter,
learns that his Science might be all that stands between allowing you to run a Son of Ether right from the book.
disaster and Ascension.
10 Sons of Ether
Aretus: “The Virtuous,” legendary sage and re- the Ether, human knowledge and the nature of
puted author of the Kitab al-Alacir. Thought to be an reality. The book contains the central theories of
allegorical or mythic character by some. Ether Science, but there are many divergent inter-
Chair: An Etherite Master, so called because of a pretations. This Primer Grimoire is loaned to
semi-official position that she would normally oc- virtually all budding Scientists and is known to
cupy. Some specific Chairs have their own titles, spark Awakenings.
responsibilities and requirements for eligibility. Parmenidean: Theories in the Kitab al-Alacir
Doctor: All Sons of Ether can claim the title of similar to those of Parmenides, a pre-Socratic Greek
“Doctor,” either from pre-existing credentials or thanks philosopher. Parmenidean physics holds that the cos-
to completing an Etherite apprenticeship (which is, mos is a continuous entity, without any void. This
of course, equivalent, if not superior, to any mundane cosmos holds every phenomena, both “real” and “un-
education). Etherites who earn the title only from the real.” Therefore, some common medium must exist to
Tradition are sometimes frowned upon by those who support reality without emptiness (the Ether), and
earned ordinary credentials first. laws that assert that something is impossible must be
Electrodyne Engineers: Name of the Sons of categorically false.
Ether during the 19th century when they re-estab- The Parmenideans (or Pupils of Parmenides)
lished their identity as a distinct organization. formed both a Greek cult and Renaissance society,
Emeritus: An Archmage. both of which might have ties to the modern Sons
Ether: The “Fifth Essence” of reality upon which of Ether.
the rest of the cosmos is founded. Ultimately, Ether is Professor: An Adept-ranked Scientist capable
fundamental and imperceptible, but offshoots (“lesser of supervising a lab and directing Researchers in
Ethers”) such as Quintessence can be measured. the field.
Etherite: Informal, popular term for a member of Reductionism: Scientific and philosophical te-
the Sons of Ether. Favored by Scientists who would net that holds that all possible phenomena can be
like to divest themselves of the sexist connotations of reduced to a set of consistent, explainable mecha-
the Tradition’s proper name. nisms. Rejected by the Sons of Ether on the basis that
Fortean: Unusual phenomena for which there is phenomena are infinite, dynamic and possessed of
evidence but no known cause, such as rains of frogs or simultaneous rational explanations.
psychic phenomena. Used by the Sons of Ether to Researcher: An Ether Scientist capable of inde-
uncover hidden natural laws and to prove the pendent field research but not the supervision of
Parmenidean doctrine. other Scientists. In Tradition terms, roughly equal to
Heraclitan: Theories in the Kitab al-Alacir simi- a Disciple.
lar to those proposed by the Greek philosopher Science: When capitalized, Science refers to
Heraclitus. Heraclitan doctrine holds that reality is in Etherite Awakened inventions, research and theo-
constant flux as opposing metaphysical forces destroy ries, as opposed to Sleeper or Technocratic science.
each other and recombine into new phenomena. Also called Awakened Science, Ether Science or
House Golo: Medieval branch of the Hermetic Dynamic Science.
House Ex Miscellanea devoted to studying the Kitab Scientist: A general term of an Etherite of any
al-Alacir. Precursors to the modern Sons of Ether. rank. Usually capitalized.
Kitab al-Alacir: “Book of the Ether.” Arabic Specialist: A Scientist who uses a narrow range of
name of a Greek text that espouses theories about linear Effects; what mystics call a sorcerer or psychic.
14 Sons of Ether
“What’s to calculate, man? I’m goin’ really fuckin’ fast, and “Listen. I have bartered an extended moment, which you may
I’m about two feet from some hard-ass rock! I can’t brake! I’m just use to recalculate, to restate your hypothesis. Use it well.
gonna fuckin’ die, and that’s it, bro!” Although he still hadn’t What happens depends upon what you believe will happen.
changed position, the kid’s body started to shake angrily. At least in part. The beliefs of others also carry weight. So to
Good, thought Yves, you need to loosen up. He clasped his speak. What others will be affected by your actions today?”
own hands behind his back and began sauntering slowly, “Oh, shit. Shit! I wanna go home! I wanna see my family
lecture hall style, around the levitating car. “So. Force equals again!” With a sob, the kid slumped into his seat, hands still
mass multiplied by acceleration. Force, matter, space and on the wheel, feet still on the brake.
time. Are those the only factors in this equation?” “A step in the right direction. Good. So, space, time,
“What else is there?” matter, force and… let us call it love, for lack of a more
Yves leaned into the driver’s window; the kid turned to precisely quantifiable term. That’s five. What other factors
meet his eyes. “Let me tell you something, ‘bro.’ I cannot give are at work here?”
you answers. To do so would doom me to a fate I do not wish “God damn it, will you just fuckin’ help me! I don’t need
to comprehend. I have a home to return to. Work left some jive-ass future-man dumping hard science on me when I
unfinished.” Yves continued his way around the car. “I am should be watching my life flash in front of me! Fuck this shit!”
confident that I can survive this encounter and dismiss it as I’m not doing too well at this, am I? Yves shot a hard look
a bad dream. You, on the other hand, have severely limited south at the square tower. “‘Fucking shit.’ Very well, let us start
your own options. I cannot affect the outcome of your with that,” he said, talking faster to hide his uncertainty. “Hard
predicament. Only you can do that.” science, from the Latin for ‘knowledge.’ Infinitive form, scire, to
“But that’s impossible! What can I do?” know. ‘To fuck shit.’ To penetrate a soft yielding substance,
Passing under the rear bumper, Yves grabbed an eyeful of disgusting, it is true, but presumably toward a pleasurable result.
the car’s underside. “Impossible? Is it possible to build a car Unfortunately, at the speed you’ve attained, nothing is soft and
that can fly faster than any other has been known to move? yielding. Hitting water this fast, it would be as hard as steel.
Leaping 2,000 miles in under five minutes is impossible. We Harder. Even air friction would burn you to ash. Here’s a hint:
are the ones who make the impossible real.” As he came Why do you suppose that has not happened already?”
around the passenger side, he met the kid’s eyes again.
16 Sons of Ether
“Yeah, the wave-particle thing… I heard of that. And you shifting his gaze from a nearby object to a distant one. Here was
said that I’d converted La Fuente into a scalar wave, right? So, Ed, arranging the chairs; there, suspending a massive coral block
instead of impacting the ground here like a particle, I could, uh, on a crude wooden tripod; and there, shifting one of the great
interact with the waveform of the ground, somehow.” stones into its place along the wall with a gentle nudge. The kid
“Ha! See? You are not just a mechanic, you are a theore- looked from scene to scene, his head beginning to spin.
tician as well! Once the theoretician and the mechanic within “Consider, if you will, the dedication that went into this
you can work together, then perhaps you may live to become place. When he first came to Florida, Ed searched extensively
a Scientist. If you wish to experience the waveform of this for an affordable plot of land. The man who eventually sold
place, keep turning your steering wheel to the left.” Ed the original Coral Castle site said that Ed seemed to be
“My steering wheel? Wait. So I can steer through time?” searching for something specific. He would run his fingers
“In this instance, not so much through time as across it.” through the sand and soil, smell it, press his ear to the ground,
“Gotcha.” Slowly pulling the wheel to the left, the kid prod it with a pole he carried for that purpose. It might be
kept his eye on Leedskalnin, who was going through a tedious guessed that he was simply searching for a source of coral to
process of adjusting the position of each chair according to use as raw material, but clearly the precise location was a
the sky and to a carefully measured network of twine stretched matter of great importance. Ed measured extensively, not
between key points of the surrounding structure. only the local geography, but also the celestial alignments. In
1936, he dismantled the entire structure and moved it from
“Ed Leedskalnin came to North America shortly before
the Florida City site to its current location here, near Home-
World War One, from a small Latvian farming community near
stead. Most believed he did it to avoid the encroaching urban
Riga. In 1920, he purchased a cheap plot of land on the outskirts
sprawl, but Leedskalnin himself said that his original calcula-
of Florida City. There he set to work on the edifice that surrounds
tions were incorrect, that this new locale was more properly
us.” Yves settled into his academic speaking mode. “He lived and
aligned with the Etheric energy vectors of the planet. Do you
worked alone for the next two decades, using only primitive
know what is significant about this region?”
homemade tools to measure, cut, lift and transport every single
block of coral you see here. Oh, he had visitors, of course. Friends, “Are you talking about ley lines? Isn’t this supposed to be
sightseers, curiosity seekers. He welcomed all warmly, fed and a major juncture of ley lines? Southern Florida… We’re at one
entertained them to the extent that his meager resources al- corner of the Bermuda Triangle, aren’t we?” The kid noted
lowed, then sped them on their way. He made no secret of his how Ed always stopped work just before guests arrived, and
project, but he would only ever work by himself.” always waited until they were well out of sight before he
returned to work.
“Hang on, bro. I know about this place! Coral Castle,
right? I saw it on In Search Of… a few months ago.” Watching “Most people would call it that. ‘Ley lines’ are simply
Leedskalnin at work, the kid struggled to get the hang of seeing localized manifestations of the energetic infrastructure of the
events unfold in reverse motion. He had seen film and televi- earth, the flow of Ether across our most fragile, delicate world.
sion images run in reverse before; this was not so different. Quintessence — that is to say, Ether not bound up in a
creative act — flows freely along these lines and collects in
“Ah, yes. In Search Of…. The American television
those places where the lines intersect, places we call Nodes.
program, hosted by your country’s most popular alien. Never
Many ancient cultures recognized these Nodes and treated
had the opportunity to see it myself, but many of my older
them as sacred sites. A quick survey of such places will show
colleagues speak of it with nostalgia.” Yves sighed. “When-
that many of them are on or near the sites of ancient
ever he was asked why he had built this place, Ed would say
megalithic structures, engineering marvels that modern build-
he was creating a palace for his ‘Sweet Sixteen’ — a young
ers, even with their huge machines, would be hard pressed to
lady, Agnes Scuffs by name — to whom he had apparently
duplicate. In some cases, unchecked flow of Quintessence can
been betrothed back in Latvia. Legend tells us that, on the eve
warp the fabric of space-time, resulting in phenomena such as
of their wedding, Ed showed her something, perhaps a dem-
your infamous Bermuda Triangle. Try plotting these Nodes
onstration of his uncanny ability to move enormous weights,
on a globe sometime, then connect the dots and compare the
which frightened her to such a degree that she ended their
shapes that emerge with the geodesics of Buckminster Fuller.
courtship and never spoke with him again. Nor would she
It can be a fascinating exercise.”
ever speak of the matter to outsiders. Remember what I told
you about relationships among our kind?” “Tried reading that Fuller guy. Too dense. I think he makes
up his own words for stuff.” The kid was watching Ed balance an
Watching the skinny figure, the kid discovered what it
eight-foot block of coral on an automobile gear embedded in the
meant to gaze diagonally across the axis of a time wave. Staring
floor, where it could swivel freely and act as the entrance gate. Ed
down the corridor of the recent past, he saw Leedskalnin
stopped, turned and stared pointedly in one direction.
everywhere he looked. Not all at once, no masses of identical
immigrants crowding his peripheral vision, but in discrete seg- “Try again. Read carefully, and do not be afraid to ask for help.
ments of time that he could look through simply by turning his ‘Bucky’ can be most rewarding, especially for those of us with
steering wheel ever so slightly and refocusing his eyes, as though mechanical inclinations.” Yves and the kid turned to where Ed was
18 Sons of Ether
Band Two:
Eternal Caravan of Reincarnation
“We are but fleeting glimpses of human conscious- “In here.” Yves tapped the kid’s forehead. “The flesh may
ness… Science if properly used will serve the be bound by space and time, but the spirit is not. And it is our
people. If not properly used it will destroy the spirit that determines the course we take into the future.”
people… Machinery that gives us abundance has “Kinda like making a hologram, right? You got the, uh,
left us in want… The power that dictators take reference beam and interference patterns… Sort of like
from the people will return to the people.” laying a positive image on top of a negative to get the full
—Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator picture, or something?”
(from various drafts of the script) “More than that. Not just adding plus one and minus
In a place that is nowhere, during a time that one, but more like multiplying zero by infinity.”
never occurred, two young men hurtled through billows of The kid tilted his head back. “Uh… I see…”
nothingness in a most unlikely vehicle. Energy arced around “Don’t strain yourself. It is quite a vast mystery to grasp
them, striking wisps of smoke from their exposed surfaces. The all at once. Minds far greater than ours have spent lifetimes
older of the two, sitting in the passenger seat, encased in a bulky in contem—”
enclosed suit that seemed to attract most of the energy arcs, spoke. “No, I was just gonna say I see the sun coming through
“These swirling mists you see are the perceptual result of the mists up there.”
changes in your dimensional coordinate system. Up until now Yves looked up to behold an emergent luminescence.
you have only ever used your eyes to orient yourself along three “Ah. Yes. Not exactly the sun you know, though, but perhaps
physical dimensions as you move through a fourth, time. Now its extension into these dimensions. That is what some called
that you have rotated your coordinate system outside of those the Smoky God, for it never emerges fully from the mists. We
dimensions, all forms will appear nebulous and undefined until are passing through the Hollow Earth, which in one sense can
you can re-orient yourself and pick out familiar shapes. This be said to represent many of the alternate histories I men-
extradimensional space is known as the ‘Umbra,’ for many tioned. Rather than leaving the surface of a solid sphere, the
consider it the shadow of the material world.” physical planet Earth, we are entering a spherical space where
Eyes and mouth wide, the driver saw his skin crackle with the past still lives. Think of it this way: Rather than going
random sparks as his hair stood on end. “So I really have left outside of the space-time continuum, we are going inside, into
space entirely? Far out, man!” the soul and the mind of the universe, to travel down corridors
“You have left the sort of space that you’ve always known, of universal memory. Witness primordial jungles where na-
and are now experiencing a different set of dimensions. This ked savages roam. See mammoths and dinosaurs, figments of
energy coursing around us is a side effect of passing through planetary remembrance.” As Yves spoke, the mists parted
what we call the ‘Gauntlet,’ the barrier that separates the below, revealing the very scenes he described.
dimensions. This effect has intensified severely between your “Yeah, I see ’em! Very cool!” The kid craned his neck over
time and mine, and thus I must wear this Ethersuit to protect the side of the car. Then he turned back to Yves. “But I read
myself on such journeys. I have spent a significant portion of my about the Hollow Earth, bro, and it’s real, a real place that you
life exploring these dimensions, yet I have only seen a fraction can get to through the polar openings. The Smoky God was the
of what they have to offer. Because we are now somewhat askew title of a book about how this old sailor took his son there on
from the dimension of time, I hope to give you something of a adventures. And there’s that newsreel, from when Byrd flew
tour through the secret history of the world, showing you not over the North Pole back in the ’20s. He got film of it. It’s an
only the past as it appeared, but as it could have been, and was actual place, not just the planet memory, like you’re saying.”
not. This is ultimately a realm of infinite possibilities, you see, More of the mists dispersed and a rich landscape spread
where all that is exists along with all that is not.” out beneath them, not curving away to a distant horizon, but
“Okay, I know enough about that quantum stuff to get upward and around them on all sides.
the bit about parallel universes and alternate futures, but “Alas, that may have been true once, but remember that
you’re saying there’s alternate pasts, too?” belief determines reality. Most have decided not to believe in
“Precisely. I believe that ‘parallel’ is a misnomer, for it the Hollow Earth.” Yves’s voice took on a melancholy tone.
would seem that all alternate realities intersect to form the “They have paved over the cavern entrances and filled in the
present moment. The possible is defined by the impossible; planet with molten rock. Have you ever found a copy of that
the real by the unreal.” book? Or others, such as Professor Lloyd’s Etidorpha, or any
“How can that be? How come we only see and hear and that treat the topic as anything but a pulp fantasy? Or seen the
feel one possibility? Where’s all the rest of it?” images from Admiral Byrd’s flight? Or records from the Nazi
20 Sons of Ether
“The limited vision of a limited age,” said the monk. vive, and that they resettled in what are considered by the
“Those who live in an imperfect society, who have never seen Consensus to be the birthplaces of civilization.”
a perfect society, cannot believe that such can truly exist. And “By the what?” the kid asked.
so, the wonders of Atlantis are dismissed as fancy and fable.” “The Consensus,” Yves answered. “A term denoting the
The kid turned from the mural to a large antique globe collective beliefs of humanity. The Consensus informs and
mounted nearby. Engraved upon it was the Earth he knew, drives the forces of Paradox, which I explained previously.”
but with a large landmass in the Atlantic Ocean. “Even so,” said the monk. “While Paradox may appear to be
“This is it, isn’t it?” he said. His fingers traced its coast- an implacable and immutable fact of the universe on the material
line. “That’s where the Sargasso Sea is now. And the capital, plane, know that even it, like all else, is but shaped by belief. And
uh—” he squinted at the tiny incised characters “—‘Posy- this is important to understand. For, you see, even though any
doh-nis,’ here, that’s one corner of the Bermuda Triangle.” Scientific operation in materiality contains within it the threat
“Indeed. Though Atlantis is gone, geologically speaking, of Paradoxic reaction, when any Sleeper witnesses something he
its traces can still be found in the Etheric body of the planet, believes to be impossible, that will enlarge the boundaries of
in zones where gravity and electromagnetism are twisted out what he considers possible, and he may communicate this new
of alignment, in the migratory routes of birds, in the myth- understanding to his fellows. Thus, over time, even Paradox
memory of the human ra—” itself may be re-formed by the very actions it opposes.
“So what happened? How’d they blow it?” “But to return to the subject at hand. The culture-bearers
“Do not interrupt!” Yves hissed sharply. from Atlantis sought to rekindle the flames of Science in the
But the monk merely smiled. “Chide him not. He is colonies they founded, and they began to rebuild their heav-
young and eager to learn.” He winked at the kid. “And it is enly focal monuments. The Egyptian pyramids and
through questioning that we begin to learn, is it not?” Stonehenge are but the most famous examples. The ‘moon
He turned to another mural which showed the same view shaft’ in Czechoslovakia, the engraved topographical map in
of the Atlantean capital, Poseidonis. Unlike the previous Russia, or the subterranean cities of Cappadocia are less well
idyllic scene, though, this one showed the cataclysm: stone known, and, I understand, have only relatively recently been
buildings shattering, rains of fire, immense tidal waves tower- discovered. But the culture-bearers’ knowledge was incom-
ing over the scene and a massive bolt of lightning blasting the plete, and much was lost over subsequent millennia. By the
top of the pyramid. beginning of Consensual recorded history only the tech-
niques of construction were remembered, and those who
“Legend would have us believe that the Atlanteans fell
knew them used them for more secular purposes — palaces,
victim to hubris, that their mastery of the world allowed them
temples, fortifications, such as can still be seen at Mycenae
to become lazy, greedy, even malicious. Some seers, like Edgar
and Baalbek. By this time, only one man appears to have
Cayce, describe a gradual decline of the culture coinciding
retained the essence of Atlantean Science, a citizen of Homeric
with slow geological changes, the land sinking as the sea
Troy whom we know by the name Aretus.”
reclaimed it. And so it may have been in its later period,
among the outlying provinces of the continent. But it is clear The monk led them to another mural that showed a large
from many sources that, at some point, a truly horrific walled city overlooking a beach where an army was en-
catastrophe occurred that forever changed history, as shown camped, engaged in constructing a large wooden horse.
here.” The monk gestured at the mural. “Our own readings “Okay,” the kid muttered, “now this I heard of.”
hint that the destruction of Poseidonis was an act of self- “Of course. The Trojan War is remembered in Consensual
sacrifice meant to protect the world from a far greater threat.” history through the works of Homer. Unfortunately the poet
The kid looked at the mural again. Was the pyramid concerned himself entirely with the War, and either neglected or
being struck, or was it opening to unleash a bolt of energy into was unaware of the esoteric Atlantean thread woven into Trojan
the sky? He tilted his head back. The bolt disappeared into a culture by Aretus. Aretus wrote a text in which fundamental
dark stormy sky. Scientific principles were explained in terms that the people of
that time could understand. This text, preserved by a student of
“It might well be assumed that the high priests perished
Aretus named Parmenesthes, was later translated by Aristotle,
in this conflagration, but some maintain that they were
and from it he derived his notion of the ‘Fifth Essence.’”
translated into a dimension only marginally accessible to us,
and that they now abide in a realm that corresponds to the “Quintessence, yeah…”
dark side of our moon. They have revisited the physical Earth “Or ‘Ether,’ the term we now use. Aristotle’s version was
throughout history, this theory maintains, in order to reintro- in turn translated into Arabic centuries later by Muslim
duce humanity to the wonders of their arcane Science, but scholars, who preserved much of the Greek heritage. This
their appearance was interpreted by the ignorant as angelic version of the work was brought to Spain by the Moors, where
and demonic manifestations, or as visitors from exotic fairy- it eventually fell into the hands of Lorenzo Golo, an Italian
lands of legend and folklore. We know for certain, however, merchant prince and aspiring Hermetic mage, in the early
that some who understood the Scientific mysteries did sur- 12th century.”
22 Sons of Ether
Electrodyne Engineers, an organization nominally founded in I would be most satisfied to kill you straightaway!” His
London, but with members from throughout the Western Ethersuit-encased hand balled into a massive metal fist and
world. By then the Order of Reason was evolving into what we drew back to strike. The kid shrank away from him and froze,
now call the Technocracy and was ostensibly planning to turn eyes wide, mouth open. Yves glared, nostrils flaring, for a full
the Earth into a scientific paradise, where technology would minute; his faceplate fogged as he fought to slow his breath-
both serve and govern the people by eliminating the ills of the ing. Finally he broke off eye contact and looked around.
world. Tesla proved his genius to the Electrodyne Engineers They were heading toward a low building. Beyond it
early in his career, and he moved to the United States where loomed a tall metal skeleton, a steel-girder tower shaped like
he could work with his hero, Thomas Edison.” a giant mushroom on a conical stalk. Rows of copper spheres
“I used to think Edison was cool when I was a little kid, lined its cap. Yves relaxed only slightly upon seeing it. “Long
but not no more since I started reading about the shit he Island,” he hissed, still fuming.
pulled on Tesla.” “The, uh, the Wardenclyffe tower…” the kid piped, his
Plunging into the heart of the thunderhead, the car was voice cracking. “Tesla’s big secret project.”
enveloped by darkness. “The Magnifying Transmitter, yes.” Yves settled back in
“Many lies surround their story. Whatever Edison’s true his seat, folded his arms. He resumed his lecture through
nature, he seems to represent much of what went wrong with clenched teeth. “Tesla realized that he had found a way to turn
the Technocracy. He, or his company, tried to claim credit for the entire world into a gigantic capacitor, that energy could be
Tesla’s early work with alternating current, even after conduct- transmitted to every point on the planet from this single Node.
ing a propaganda campaign against it in favor of direct current.” He dreamed of a world of free energy, where anyone could
“Didn’t they do these traveling shows where they elec- power an entire home simply by plugging a conductive rod into
trocuted dogs and cats, to show how dangerous AC was the ground. Just imagine what that could have meant for
supposed to be? Sick fuckers.” humanity! His financial backer at this time was another tool of
“Empathy and conscience have never been the the Technocracy, who had no use for free energy.”
Technocracy’s strong points. They stole from Tesla every- “Can’t hook up a meter to make people pay for it.”
thing that suited them, then they ruined him when his work “Precisely. Tesla’s laboratory was burnt to the ground, and
became too great for their purposes. By this time, the AC/DC he was eventually ruined financially. His greatest dreams were
poles had reversed, so to speak. Edison switched to alternating never implemented, and the Technocrats stole much of his
current, as its efficiency was more suited to his Technocratic work to use for destructive purposes. See if you can maneuver
backers, while Tesla had begun to discover profound new through the tower girders. Through the center of the Transmit-
Etheric properties of direct current.” ter is a place that I think you would very much like to see.”
Bursting out of the dark, the two found themselves in a “Hey, man, I know you want to kill me now, but I kinda
huge workshop occupied by heavy antique generators, coils don’t want to smash into big hard things anymore.”
and machinery of every conceivable shape. From a copper Yves looked him in the eye. His anger had subsided. “I
sphere atop a wide fluted structure, giant sparks arced across apologize for threatening you. I cannot — I will not harm you.
the room to a plain dark column mounted on a four-legged To do so would doom me as well. Just be wary of rash
pedestal. On a chair nearby, a man with a mustache scribbled experimentation like that. Never try something without a
in a small notebook. solid theory in mind to account for all potential conse-
“That’s him!” shouted the kid, excited. “I know this place! quences. Remember what I said about belief. Now try what I
Colorado Springs! 1899! Can we get out and talk to him?” ask. I have made this journey before.”
“I fear not, for these are only images of the past. We La Fuente slipped through the ribs of the steel skeleton and
cannot enter this timeline, for to do so would irrevocably ascended through its middle, borne on a series of rising scales from
prevent us from returning to our own—” Santana’s guitar that added a nice dramatic touch to the action. As
As Yves spoke, the kid reached over to his dashboard she approached the center of the mushroom-cap dome, the entire
radio and fiddled with a knob. “I bet I can interact with that structure bent away and turned itself inside out (Like a toroidal field,
electric field, though,” he muttered. the kid noted), replaced by yet another new landscape.
The electrical arcs in the workshop sputtered. Tesla They were above the Magnifying Transmitter. The rows of
leaped from his chair, looked around the room. As his face copper spheres, now embedded in a surface of gleaming polished
turned toward the car, Yves batted the kid’s hand off of the steel, crackled with energy that made the kid’s hair stand on end.
knob, grabbed the steering wheel and jerked it sharply to the He banked out and around in a widening spiral. The completed
right. Colorado Springs seemed to tilt away and fold itself out tower formed the centerpiece of a magnificent cityscape com-
of sight, replaced by an outdoor scene. posed of the art deco movement’s wildest flights of fancy. The
Yves shouted, “You imbecile! I swear, if you’ve trapped me architecture — strong and graceful curves that fit together with
in an alternate timeline or some godforsaken Paradox Realm, Chinese puzzle-box precision — reminded the kid of some of his
24 Sons of Ether
Without waiting for an answer, Stan yanked the door open, amazing stuff. That’s the Virtual Adepts — they defected
picked the kid up in a surprisingly gentle bear hug and from the Technocracy a while after we did.”
practically dragged him back to the rock gap. “So you actually “So we defected after they fucked with Tesla, huh?”
found someone with a converter to intercept your ass, huh? “Defected or got kicked out, depends on who you ask. See,
That’s great! Who’d ya get?” the advances in Etheric Science shook ’em up too much, so they
Ace had to think for a moment before the question made wrote the Ether out of the Consensus. There was Michelson and
sense to him. “Uh, it was a French guy, in a sort of spacesuit, Morley, who tried to prove its existence but set up their experi-
y’know? Talks like he thinks he’s better than everyone?” ment wrong ’cause they were thinking of the Ether in terms of
“Oh, jeez, that guy! What’s he call himself, ‘Sir Mercury’ any other substance. Tryin’ to measure the ‘aether wind’ of the
or somethin’? I hear he don’t ever touch nothin’ electric if he Earth passin’ through space, but it don’t work that way, y’see.”
can help it. Musta stuck his finger in a light socket when he was Stan tapped more buttons, and some half-familiar textbook
little, is my guess. Makes sense, though, that he’d be the one. diagrams flashed across the screen. “That was before Consensual
He’s one of the last Ethernauts left on this side of the Gauntlet.” space travel, so all the experiments that counted were limited to
Through the rock gap was a small box canyon, still dark, conditions down here in Earth’s gravity well, where, instead of an
with a tent near the entrance. Surrounding the center of the Ether wind from outer space, we got field harmonics and geode-
canyon were three evenly spaced structures, tall narrow sics. Lorentz and Fitzgerald worked out the difference, and
devices of stacked glass lenses and tubes filled with glowing could’ve jibed it with General Relativity once that came along,
gas mounted in makeshift aluminum frames, like giant laser but the Technocracy snagged Einstein as soon as they could.
cannons pointed into the ground. They rested on portable They convinced him not to use the word ‘Ether’ in any of his
scaffolding at oblique angles, so that all three beams would speculations, even though that was exactly what he was describin’.
intersect some distance below the ground. Ever since then, physicists’ve been tripping all over their schlongs
Stan dumped Ace onto a rickety canvas chair and thrust tryin’ to invent fancy mathematics that can account for simple
a cup of thick steaming coffee at him. Ace winced upon Etheric geometry.” As Stan’s callous fingers tapped away, dia-
tasting it, but he thanked his host anyway. “French guy said grams, photos and pages of old text flipped by. “Heisenberg’s
there’s Technocrats nearby?” he asked, worried. uncertainty principle, Bell’s theorem, Everett and Wheeler’s
“Yeah, sittin’ on a big-ass Node out by Alice Springs, ‘many-worlds’ model. It’s all good. I use a lot of that stuff in my
suckin’ up all the juice they can eat. Space program, or at least work. But they all left out the bit that makes it all work together.
that’s the cover, takin’ advantage of the local anti-gravity It’s sad, really. All swingin’ farther and wider from a Unified Field
diamagnetics, just like at the Cape in Florida. Good thing this Theory that could’ve been theirs from the start, if it weren’t for
Node’s so strong. I can catch some of their overflow out here. Technocratic politics. That’s when it really got brutal, ’cause
They don’t know about me yet, and I plan to be gone before Ether meant free energy, and free energy meant free people,
they find out.” Stan gulped his coffee, winced, and said, “So, meaning no industrial dictatorship, which is what the Techno-
Ace, whattaya know? Did ol’ Frenchy get you up to speed?” crats were shootin’ for.”
“Uh, well, I got this heavy history lesson at, uh, the Goro Ace had tuned out Stan’s semi-coherent rant and was
Monastery, then we started going ahead in time but the guy figuring out how to work the scrolling arrows and tracking ball.
had to disappear after we got as far as Tesla and the Magnify- He found some files on the Paris Exhibition of 1900 and got his
ing Transmitter.” first good look at Professor Vargo’s Conversion Engine. He read
the Professor’s speech that lambasted the world’s governments
“Right, just when it gets real interestin’. That was when we
for putting more effort and resources into war than into peace.
really split with the Technocracy. I got some stuff I can show
Following up on this brought him to a grainy black-and-white
you here.” He tossed a heavy flat case onto Ace’s lap, thumbed
newsreel, dated 1914, with little bits of text and schematics
it open. The bottom half looked like typewriter keys, the top
popping up. The Professor, now subtitled “Czar Vargo,” stood
like a flattened TV screen that came to life as Stan punched
at the helm of a great zeppelin-shaped anti-gravity airship
some buttons and slid a mirrored disk into a slit on the side.
powered by his Conversion Engine. With a fleet of similar
“What’s this thing?” vehicles surrounding the airship dock at the Eiffel Tower,
“Personal computer. Boy, you got some catchin’ up to do! Vargo’s amplified voice explained that he held all the world’s
Computers really took over since your time.” major capitals in check (additional footage showed airships
“Oh shit! Like in that Forbin Project movie?” over dozens of signature skylines) and demanded the surrender
Stan rummaged through his memory for a second, then of the secret conference of world leaders in Paris below.
barked with laughter. “Naw, not like that. Although the “I’ve heard of this,” Ace said.
Technocrats would if they could manage it. No, thinkin’, “No kiddin’?” Stan said. “I only just got those files from
talkin’ computers aren’t part of the Consensus yet. These are this Cap’n Video guy I know at MIT. He dug ’em out of some
just damn handy tools, so everybody’s got ’em, is all I mean. archives and circulated ’em within the Tradition. We thought
Some of our allies specialize in ’em, and can do some really
26 Sons of Ether
Council of Nine together for the last 500 years. They got some cine men who call themselves Dreamspeakers. Most of us call
of the best libraries and they keep the best records, too. Kinda ’em primitive, but they’re closer to the living soul of the planet
anal in that way — but don’t tell ’em I said so.” Five fingers. than anyone, and if you ask me, they’ve forgotten more Science
“Now, on the other hand — Hah! Get it? Other hand! than the rest of the friggin’ Council will ever know. Again, you
Anyway, you got your Verbena, who are like, well, if the Chorus didn’t hear none of this from me, and most Etherites’d think
were the priests workin’ their religious miracles and the Hermetics you’re crazy if you said what I just said. What the hell do I know
were like Merlin or Gandalf in the tower with all the books and — I’m just a lowly field researcher, right? But the deeper we dig
sigils, then the Verbena are the witches out in the woods, readin’ into the ‘Wisdom of the Ancients,’ the wiser and the ancienter
the intestines of goats and stuff. Sounds gross, I know, but they got it all gets. You wouldn’t think it, but they actually got the best
as much Science to it as any of us. See, they understand Etheric Etheric and Memetic Dimensional Science out of any of us, I
Biology, what Tesla called the Life Ether, or what Wilhelm Reich guess since they’ve been steppin’ out of the physical plane since
called ‘orgone.’ They understand the living organism like nobody time immemorial.” Nine fingers down.
else, so they tend to take liberties with it that would make the rest “Then there’s those who Awaken, but who don’t get
of us sick. Their methods may be primitive, but, hey, I for one got hooked up with a Tradition and have to work out their
nothin’ against primitive, and their results are still more advanced Science by themselves. Them we call Orphans. Some Or-
than today’s genetics.” Six fingers. phans over the years seem to have got together and sort of
“And if the Verbena don’t wig you out, then there’s the worked out a Tradition of their own, callin’ themselves the
Euthanatos, who are on a serious death trip. They got no Hollow Ones. Which is the right name, I figure, since there
problem with killin’, and they reckon they know when a doesn’t seem to be a whole lot to ’em. With no deeper Science
person’s time has come or not. Which might be fucked up, but to fulfill ’emselves with, they’re just sort of making it up as
they’re supposed to be on our side, and I can’t help but think they go. But my Dreamspeaker friends say that the world
that if these guys had helped Czar Vargo work out some of his speaks to everyone, and everyone has their part to play in the
issues beforehand, we might have turned the world into a world. So I guess you gotta give ’em some credit.” Stan
Gernsback paradise by now. But anyway, the Euthanatos gestured with his sole extended thumb.
have a good grasp of the great cycles of creation and destruc- “But not everyone gets the message. Like the Technocracy.
tion, all the randomness and flux and entropic processes and With them, you got—” five fingers back up “—The New World
chaos mathematics — stuff you prob’ly ain’t heard of yet — Order. The mindfuckers. They’re the political branch, central
the wheels of Fate and Fortune, like, that we shlump together control, and they do all the rewritin’ of history by gettin’ in your
under the name Ether Dynamics. Very dangerous, but still head and playin’ cut-and-paste with your memories. Dress like
important for really complete Science.” Seven fingers. the Blues Brothers, but ain’t got no soul, y’see. Then there’s the
“On a lighter note, you got the Cult of Ecstasy, who are just Syndicate, the bankers and resource people who throw all the
flat out wild. You’d think they were hippies straight out of the weight that money can buy into enforcin’ the NWO’s com-
Summer of Love, and most of ’em don’t mind coming off that way. mands. They helped ruin Tesla, and they’ll do the same to anyone
They’re trance artists, mostly, and their methods — sex, drugs and else whose work might end poverty and ignorance. Our old rivals
rock ’n’ roll — tend to be kinda suspect, at least to some uptight are Iteration X, the machinists. Since us and the Virtual Adepts
types. Usually too stoned to know a tachyon from any other split, it’s been up to them to supply the Technocracy’s hardware
chronotic particle, but when an Ecstatic really gets out of her and computin’ needs. They crank out weapons and robots that
head, she can hop the temporal axis like ol’ Doc Eon himself, and can stomp us into the ground, but they’re limited by the industrial
play time like a violin. Transtemporal perception is sort of my mass-production mentality. Etheric science can always run rings
specialty, and I’ve learnt a good bit from this Tradition, but you around what they do, so they have to rely on outnumberin’ and
gotta listen to ’em real close since half of what they say comes out overpowerin’ us. And there’s the Progenitors, who approach
as gibberish, either ’cause they’re just stoned or else their percep- organic life with that same fucked-up mechanical perspective.
tions of causality are skewed beyond coherence.” Eight fingers. They’re really the scariest at this point, I think, ’cause so much of
“I’m getting to know how that feels,” Ace murmured. what they do has become part of the Consensus in the last decade
“Of course, I saved my favorite Tradition for last, ’cause or two. What with cloning and genetic manipulation, they’re
I’ve got some good friends in this one. Now, we can talk about mucking up the basic building blocks of life, y’know?”
Traditions and culture and how Science gets refined and “Yeah, they’re starting to talk about that back in my
handed down through the generations, but it all had to start time,” Ace said.
somewhere, right? Was that the point that man separated from “They could permanently alter the ability of the bio-
the animals? Or was there even such a point? Maybe the sphere to repair itself. Which brings us to the Void Engineers,
animals got their own Science too. And if they did, how would the Technocrats’ Dimensional scientists. They’re the ones
we know about it? See, my field research takes me to some of the who gotta keep all the outside weirdness at bay, to keep the
wildest regions of the planet, so I tend to come into contact world lookin’ like normal. They make sure Etherspace just
with the oldest Tradition of all, the tribal shamans and medi- looks like an empty vacuum from here, rather than the realm
28 Sons of Ether
“Holy shit!” Ace gasped. The sky on the computer screen your boss you need a vacation, and soon! I think the sun’s
was occupied by what looked like a frozen explosion, smeared getting to you, bro’!”
to one side, with the devil’s own bloodshot eye glaring out of By the time Ace reached the road, La Fuente’s speakers
the center. “What the fuck is that thing?” were cutting on and off in longer intervals. He settled into his
“It’s Doomsday, is what it is.” Stan fell back into his seat and waited for the field to regenerate. In between the
creaking chair and wiped his face. “Doctor Comet — Mueller bursts of Santana, he heard a voice. And static. Realizing that
— he called it ‘Mirzaba.’ Said it followed this spiral trajectory his car radio was still on, he turned the volume up.
in and out of the space-time continuum, that he’d calculated “Big Bad Mama to Captain Caveman. Come in, Cap-
from all its near-Earth passes. The closest pass was when it tain!” The voice seemed to be relayed through a great distance,
ripped Mu out of the ocean and killed all the dinosaurs — I broken up and flattened by distortion. Ace could not tell if it
mean all of ’em, not just the smart ones. Mueller talked like belonged to a man or a woman, young or old. The music cut
it was just some astronomical phenomenon, a comet from a on again; when it cut off, Stan’s voice was replying.
dark-matter system off in some skewed dimension. But I “Yeah, he was just here. I told him as much as I know.
dunno. It seems like it heads straight for this planet every time Which ain’t much, of course!”
we evolve up to a certain stage. Get too big for our britches, “I hope you didn’t tell him anything personal about his future.”
and here it comes, like hubris incarnate! Maybe this next time
“Whataya mean?”
will be our punishment for losing the Ascension War.”
“I mean, you Neanderthal, that too much knowledge about
“Say what? We lost?”
his future could cause a temporal loop. If he listened too closely,
“Yeah. Like a couple years ago. I think that’s why the he could get trapped in a Paradox Realm because of you!”
Gauntlet is supposed to be hell to get through now.”
“Aw, I didn’t say nothin’, I swear!”
“And this thing’s coming back?”
“You’re a bad liar, Stanley.”
“That’s what Doctor Comet was saying, last time anyone
“Ha! Shows how much you know, Dietrich! My name’s
saw him.”
“So, uh, what can we do?”
Then Santana was playing again. The car’s engine burst
Suddenly a burst of Santana’s guitar sounded through the to life, its regenerated toroidal field dispelling the radio signal.
canyon entrance. Ace was on his feet and running like a shot. To the chorus of “Everybody needs a helping hand,” La
Over his shoulder, he yelled, “Hey man, that’s my ride! Tell Fuente started to roll forward along the desert highway.
30 Sons of Ether
“…the breakdown of the current sociopolitical structures poked Ace in the ribs. To the others, he said, “This young
would be most fascinating to examine — under less urgent man — well, not so young, when I first see him — comes to
circumstances, I mean.” “How true. Note how the fears and me at the party with a most perplexing conundrum. He shows
hatreds of the ruling classes utterly spent their energies in less than me photographs from amateur astronomers and data hacked
a week after it became visible to the naked eye, while the so-called out of air-traffic-control logs, covering a period from the late
‘common bulk of humanity’ appears to have shed its old prejudices 1970s through 1999, all showing a low-orbit object following
and make the final days count. In a positive way, no less.” “Aye! a hyperbolic trajectory corresponding to the ley line from
As though they were merely waiting for this impetus to Awaken…” grid-points 17 to 18, Baja to Florida. He says that object was
“…those close-minded dolts called me mad! Mad! Ha! himself, as a boy. And that he is haunted by dreams of dying
See how I am now vindicated!” in crash when his first invention backfired on him.”
Ace found himself staring at a large transparent bubble A tall, muscular, square-jawed hombre in a flat-top and
of luminous gas, within which three-dimensional images of ripped dress shirt said, “That would explain the rumor I heard
the earth and Mirzaba moved back and forth, playing out in an alternate timeline, that Coral Castle had been de-
different scenarios of doom. In most of the simulations, he was stroyed in some kind of implosive wave-function collapse,
struck by how both orbs seemed to roll across each other’s about 10 years ago. Which leaves us with a paradox, because
surface even as gravity was shredding them asunder. Like gears you weren’t dead on New Year’s Eve, 2000, and you’re not
meshing together, he thought, or even… dead now, are you, Ernesto?”
“That looks like a toroidal cross-section!” he blurted, The question was addressed to Ace, who bristled at hearing
excited to find something he recognized amid the chaos. his Christian name. “Only my mother calls me that!” he snarled.
The older white men gathered around the bubble turned “And how is your mother, young man?”
to him. Working the controls was Stan, looking twice as Ace shrugged off the German, balled his fists and gritted
leathery and grizzled as when Ace had left him an hour ago. his teeth. By his own sense of time, it had only been a few
“Ace!” he beamed. “Long time no see, kid!” hours since he had stormed out of his home. His mother had
“Ach, my friend the mechanic! So good of you to join us!” pleaded tearfully for him not to go out racing. What had he
A short pudgy man with liquor on his breath and confetti in said to her then? Suddenly he felt like crying. But damned if
his wiry hair threw a sweaty arm around Ace’s shoulders. “I he was going to let this big Anglo see him break down!
would not recognize you, looking so young and skinny!” He
32 Sons of Ether
over the horizon, they wheeled about and hovered together, Asia, plowing through China’s terraced plains, pouring across
ascertaining their position at the intended Zero Point with an the Gobi desert, breaking against the Himalayas. There was
antique sextant borrowed from Czar Vargo and Doctor Eon’s no way humanity could survive this, and, even if it did, the
own cesium-isotope wristwatch. Then the Discoid Diva took face of the Earth would never look the same.
off westward, riding her stone disk like a surfer, tilting forward But when he looked up at his windshield mirror, the view
until all Ace could see was the disk’s round underside. Ace over his right shoulder was quite different. Rather than physical
threw La Fuente into high gear and followed her along the destruction, it was the Gauntlet, the barrier between the mate-
30th parallel across the heaving globe of the Earth. rial and the ideal, that was being destroyed, spirit and matter
As he approached the required speed, the Doppler effect reunited. Time seemed to slow down, and in the vacuous silence
kicked in, tinting his view ahead in blue, the mounting cata- that descended, the people of Earth looked up in wonder and awe
clysm in his rearview mirrors red. Etheric wind coursed around at the strange new world filling their sky. Where the two worlds
him and through him, a song that he had always heard but never were close enough to reach at arms length, Mirzaba’s own life
noted until now, as it rose to a deafening pitch. The twin curves emerged from caves and grottoes to greet the inhabitants of
of Earth and Mirzaba began to invert, going from convex to earth. Alien though they were, their shapes were strangely
concave and enclosing him in a hollow world of his own that familiar — ancient gods, angels and demons, elves and dwarves,
tightened as the supercomet rolled into the planet’s atmosphere. flying serpents and talking toadstools, creatures of lightning, mist
From this surreal inverted viewpoint, Mirzaba’s surface and quicksilver. One group looked to Ace like the cover of a
looked like a photographic negative, light shining from its Parliament album he once saw, groovy space brothers welcom-
shadowed crevices, its peaks marked by black highlights. The ing humanity back home to a golden age and a universe of
atmospheres of the two bodies mingled in hallucinatory swirls possibilities long believed to be lost.
that played havoc with his retinas, then were squeezed away Suddenly Niki’s disk grew large ahead, as though she had
as the two lands, held intact by La Fuente’s bifurcation of their stopped abruptly and he was plummeting toward her. Ace
respective gravities, meshed. Like some kind of jigsaw puzzle, planted his feet on the brake pedal and arched his body
Ace thought, watching opposed landscapes rolling together, against the back of his seat. In an instant the disk grew to
mountains fitting into valleys, forests brushing treetops, seas impossible size, filling his vision. As he opened his mouth to
reflecting each other like an endless hall of mirrors. scream, he could not help but notice that the texture of the
Glancing at his own side mirror, Ace’s throat con- stone surface looked exactly like the floor of Coral Castle.
stricted. Past his left shoulder he saw the entire Pacific engulf Then there was a blinding white light.
It was a wondrous doomed world, filled with secrets
The Last Edition
For Paradigma, this ending marks a new beginning. In
that we tried our best to uncover. Now the Great Maker’s the 12 years since the destruction of our Paris offices, we’ve
rolled His final cosmic die. When Mirzaba stops tum- seen dozens of mailing lists, websites, ’zines and madly
bling, it spells the end of Earth’s great game — but not our scrawled tracts competing to inherit our journal. Many of
work. our colleagues bear the scars from poorly reviewed experi-
The Wonder-Makers
The dangerous (if occasionally amusing) experi- without some sort of degree, an aspiring Etherite could expect
ments, maverick attitudes and adventurous to have his research stolen while being kept at arm’s length,
lifestyles of the Sons of Ether rest on a solid given just enough encouragement to promote Scientific
foundation of hard work, dedicated study and, at progress but no formal recognition of membership.
times, convoluted politics. It isn’t enough to be a Then the Great Depression struck, and so many brilliant
great scientist or engineer, because membership in minds couldn’t afford schooling that the final barriers to
the Tradition entails real professional and physical recruitment were dropped. Nevertheless, there is still a clear
risk. Once a newly Awakened Scientist enters the divide between Etherites with a university background and
fold, her allegiance means that the Technocracy those who rely on informal training and sheer ingenuity to
will undermine her public standing if it can. Furthermore, she’ll be pursue their research. It’s a mild but persistent stigma that
expected to protect her new associates. This might mean that she often blocks access to Tradition resources.
accompanies an Adventurer on a bizarre expedition or that she
covers for a senior Scientist’s foibles. The Polymath Ideal
She must also accept that professional rivalries within Aside from Awakening and dedication, a potential recruit
the Tradition can run deep. Etherite society is hardly a nest shouldn’t be overspecialized. Many Sons of Ether deplore the
of Machiavellian intrigue, but researchers in the same field modern trend toward overspecialization because it inhibits
are often naturally competitive, and disagreements between holistic research. While Etherites are expected to be compe-
Scientists who’ve dedicated their lives to an idea can quickly tent chemists and physicists (to prepare for training in the
intensify. Academic politics are bad enough without a rival Sphere of Matter), they should also have some sort of ground-
who can scratch-build particle beam cannons. ing in the humanities, a basic knowledge of life sciences and an
intuitive grasp of philosophy. Most prospective mentors are
Recruiting willing to help round out the student’s knowledge.
In the past, Etherites recruited new members from the No Son of Ether is expected to be a total polymath, but
wealthiest regions of the scientific community. This habit was each one should be able to help a colleague who is pursuing
born out of the former Convention’s origins as a sort of a different area of research. There are never enough Awak-
gentleman’s club for the Awakened. After the Technocracy ened Scientists to go around, so specialization should never
washed its hands of the Electrodyne Engineers, it quickly inhibit the Tradition’s pursuit of Scientific truth.
became apparent that the Union planned to dominate the
Introducing the Ether
cream of the scientific crop. The new Sons of Ether were forced
to “go slumming” for promising students, welcoming contro- When a prospect has been discovered, the would-be
versial elements such as women and Americans into the fold. mentor introduces the Tradition’s philosophy. In an aca-
demic setting, doing so can be as simple as giving a lecture
By the 1920s, attitudes had relaxed to the point where
based on the Kitab al-Alacir, but more creative methods are
promising Awakened PhDs and postgraduate students from
called for these days. The mentor might strike up a friendship
any background could find their way into the Tradition. Yet,
with his prodigy, steering conversations toward subjective
36 Sons of Ether
Science and the Ether. Students who prefer to work with their
hands are introduced to the mentor’s inventions. In most Failed Students
cases, this introduction takes place in or around the prospect’s
home, school or work. Most Scientists find their students From Paradigma Volume 92, issue 4 (1999)
where they can, as all-Etherite faculties that can immerse the The motion put forward to the Council for the
prospect in Awakened Science are few and far between. Enforcement of Scientific Ethics asks, in effect, that we
As time passes, the prospective mentor reveals more and be required to brainwash students who are unwilling
more esoteric Science, until she is confident enough of her or unable to join our Society. I must put forth my most
prospect’s chances to introduce her to the full text of the Kitab vigorous objection to this, for a number of reasons.
al-Alacir. Awakening upon reading the book (a common First of all, I feel that compromising our ethics for
occurrence, as the book itself is steeped with the wisdom of the sake of our safety is a dangerous course. While this
the ages) is supposed to forebode great things for the student, may indeed be implicitly required by the Rule of Shade,
but in most cases, enlightenment develops in a more prosaic, we should not allow the policies of the moribund
gradual fashion. If the student wasn’t Awakened already, Council of Nine to override our own moral concerns.
exposure to True Science loosens the student’s preconcep- That’s a slippery slope, especially considering that the
tions to the point where she can begin to follow in her Traditions are capable of their own amoral maneuver-
mentor’s footsteps. ing. When we decided to chart a path away from
Technocratic hegemony, it was not to compromise our
Training and Progress beliefs for the sake of yet another group of bureaucrats.
Once a student enters the fold, she is brought up to speed Secondly, there is no consistent and foolproof
on the current state of conventional and Awakened science method for selectively erasing memories. Aside
as quickly as possible. These exhausting cram sessions are from the possible expense of bringing the subject to
sometimes augmented with Mind and Life Science, allowing a specialist, Paradoxical side effects are more than
the new Son of Ether to study for days on end with amazing capable of creating unanticipated results, compro-
recall. In essence, the goal is to give the student the equiva- mising our Tradition’s moral integrity.
lent of a PhD in his best field and a broad knowledge of Finally, the current practice of providing a sub-
anything else the mentor feels is necessary. This doesn’t stantial parting gift for unsuitable prospects before
always mean that the new Researcher acquires formal scien- relocating helps to strengthen the influence of our
tific training (although he is definitely pressured to learn it), own Science. A satisfied former student can do as
but that he can both back his Awakened Genius with prac- much to promote our efforts as a new Researcher. I
tical skills and get around a lab without ruining experiments. certainly agree that we should monitor them for a
This process takes two to six years, depending on the student’s time. If a former student informs the Technocracy,
previous level of education and rate of progress. we obviously need to be prepared.
After this crushing course of study is completed, the student Whatever the Ethics Council decides, let it be
should create a thesis or invention that will stand up to inspec- known that I will follow my conscience above security
tion by three fully accredited Sons of Ether. Recently, the concerns. If the Council of Nine (or, as it currently
Tradition has allowed less formal initiations, but an Etherite who seems, the Council of None) wants us to interfere with
is certified as a Doctor of Progressive Sciences, Doctor of Etheric students’ minds, then its members can come and ask
Sciences or a Doctor of Paradigmatic Philosophy is held in us themselves. I will not let the Sons of Ether do it for
higher regard than a Scientist’s untested personal prodigy. them. Leave that kind of paranoia to the Mad Scientists.
—Zhang Zhouyen, Director, Neo-Qigong Labs
A newly initiated Etherite (in Tradition terms, an Ini- the breach rather than the observance, as roving Researchers
tiate or Disciple) is commonly known as a Researcher. The take it upon themselves to give prospects a head start.
antiquated title of Natural Philosopher is rarely used, but it
Finally, Researchers are expected to provide at least
tends to denote the student of an older Scientist. Researchers
temporary assistance to a Professor or Chair who needs lab
are encouraged to travel and vigorously pursue their interests,
assistants, funding or anything else within their power. It’s
but they regularly check in with their tutor or another senior
acceptable to decline a request for extended or extremely
Etherite. Importantly, Researchers bear most of the burden of
onerous help, but brushing off a senior Etherite too readily is
passing radical Science on to the Sleepers. While they are
cause for offense. Word of the shirker spreads through the
expected to alert the Tradition to promising students, they
Tradition and the lazy Researcher discovers that other
are encouraged to allow a Professor or Chair to guide a
Etherites are, in turn, too busy to help her.
prospective recruit instead. Still, this rule is often honored in
Chairs of Note
From Paradigma Volume 95, Issue 3 (1999)
The Ad Hoc Restructuring Committee would like The Newton Chair of Rational Alchemy
to remind readers that the following department Chairs The successful applicant is familiar with both
remain unfilled or are of uncertain status. If you are ancient and Scientific secular alchemy, including the
aware of a qualified Professor or know of an active current literature on Newton’s Praxis and Primium
Chairperson who has escaped the committee’s atten- alloys. In addition, the applicant should be able to
tion, please contact the Editors. Submissions will be demonstrate Etherically strengthened (“adamantine”)
vetted to prevent any sabotage of the process. covalent bonds in conventional matter.
The following Chairs still require confirmed staff- The Eon Memorial Chair of Tradition
ing. If they are not filled by January 1st, 2003, the Defense
Committee will suspend or combine these Chairs and The successful applicant is an Ascension War
their attendant departments. veteran with an impressive military record, impec-
The Hastings Chair of the Council of Nine cable ethics and a working knowledge of modern
This is the Chair accorded to the Sons of Ether Primus mechanized military forces, as well as postmodern
of the Council of Nine. If you have evidence that Profes- space, psionic and counter-extraterrestrial operations.
sor Emeritus Alexis Hastings is able to resume her position, The Zimmerman Chair of Multiversal
please contact us immediately. We do not, however, Quantum Phenomena
have the ability to accept new applicants for this Chair, The successful applicant can demonstrate the
due to the standing laws of the Council of Nine. many-worlds manifestation of quantum waveform
The Mesmer-Rhine Chair of Applied collapse, teleportation and extropic phenomena.
Parapsychology Note: Suitable applicants for these Chairs will be
The successful applicant demonstrates a clear and given further instructions upon the committee’s receipt
exceptional knowledge of parapsychology and psionic of a curriculum vitae and prospectus, but we regret that
theory in both theory and practice, including the archaeol- for security reasons, we cannot reply to all inquiries.
ogy and history of psychic powers and the ability to reverse
engineer techniques from pre-Scientific documents.
38 Sons of Ether
Emeriti The Ethics Council
Above the rest of the hierarchy, the Emeriti (formally, The Council for the Enforcement of Scientific Ethics
Professors Emeritus) recognize their own from the ranks of the (often just called the Ethics Council) is a branch of the
Tradition. As Archmasters of the Spheres, they are allowed to Utopians that has been entrusted with resolving academic
do whatever they wish, including promoting Scientists to their disputes and criminal matters.
ranks who have rejected Professorial or Chair duties but have Professors in good standing may direct the Council or join
the necessary might and understanding to experiment upon its Tribunal. Three or six of these Scientists meet whenever
the Tellurian itself. While they are capable of overruling any they are called upon to judge their fellows. The Tribunal
Chair or Professor, they rarely do so, preferring their own cannot judge Scientists in absentia because of concerns that
advanced research to the everyday concerns of the Tradition. the body might obstruct legitimate work. This allows renegade
Reputedly these Sons of Ether move to the reaches of Etherites to cheat justice, but it doesn’t prevent the body from
Etherspace to pursue their research without endangering oth- issuing advisories to other Scientists and Council mages. Since
ers. Creating antimatter stars, living spacecraft and deliberate it’s difficult to imprison the Awakened, Investigators tend to
time paradoxes are all projects that Emeriti supposedly pursue. specialize in Mind and Correspondence techniques that ensure
compliance and prevent escape.
Scientific Ethics Defendants are innocent until proven guilty except in
They say that academic politics are vicious because the cases of treason and infernalism, where a reverse onus applies.
stakes are so low, but even the power of Ether Science seems The Tribunal prosecutes the case. Except in reverse onus
to be unable to dam the stream of disputes, plagiarism and cases, one third of the Tribunal acts as the defendant’s
outright crime with which the Tradition is forced to deal. advocate. The defendant may also call an independent Sci-
Progressive Science is a matter of passion and belief. By entist to assist in her defense. The Tribunal and the defendant
rebelling against the Technocracy, Etherites prove that they’re may both summon witnesses and submit evidence; each side
willing to risk their lives to experiment with reality. It’s no is allowed to independently (but under supervision) examine
wonder, then, that the Sons of Ether are particularly resistant whatever the other brings to trial.
to any attempt to meddle in their work. Nevertheless, there Tribunal decisions require a two-thirds majority to pass. If
are times when the Scientist goes too far and the Tradition’s the vote is 50% plus one, the Tribunal may retry the case and vote
justice system must intervene.
Disputed Claims
From Paradigma Volume 23, issue 4 (1920)
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Council for the Enforcement Fragmentary evidence suggests that Czar Vargo exhib-
of Scientific Ethics Tribunal hereby rules that Professor ited the Conversion Engine on May 24th, 1910.
Emeritus Andreas Vargo (da Vinci Chair of Odyllic Although the decline in evidence for and witness of
Flight, Tunguska Chair of Explosive Chemistry, Czar of the Conversion Engine in use have declined since this
Terra) is the inventor of the Chemical Conversion Tribunal began its investigation in 1915, the nature of these
Engine. The Tribunal has agreed that it is in the Tradition’s losses (including memory failure and the unexpected
interest that aspects of the ruling be published. decomposition of physical evidence) leads us to believe
The Council understands that several Scientists that Paradoxical Phenomena are responsible for both the
have documented claims, but upon interview, none of mistaken claims of other Scientists and the declining body
them could provide a consistent personal description of evidence in support of Czar Vargo. Thus, we have ruled
of inventing the Engine, nor could they describe the in favor of the most historically significant invention of the
principles by which it operates. Despite authentic device, which cannot be matched by any other claimant.
documentation, the Tribunal cannot accept claims by While the evidence becomes sparser with each passing
Scientists who cannot describe the workings of their year, its breadth remains awesome. It is in the overriding
purported inventions. Furthermore, all witnessed test- interest of the Sons of Ether that this memory be preserved
ing of the Engine occurred after May 24th, 1910. for as long as possible.
Learned Societies
Factions in the Sons of Ether are research The ties that do survive the bustle of the Etherite lifestyle
groups, social cliques and fan clubs rolled into tend to run deep, cemented as they are by both tradition and
one. Depending on the faction and the need. The Sons of Ether burst onto the edge of Science as a
Etherite’s interests, one aspect can dominate gentlemen’s club, but although the modern Tradition is
the others, but associations tend to be loosely extremely inclusive, the old-boy network hasn’t so much died
defined in any event. True Scientists are al- as transformed into one where favor-trading and nepotism
ways on the move and pursuing independent can now be enjoyed by men and woman of all persuasions.
experiments and adventures often enough that Unfortunately, this creates a real gulf between estab-
many refuse to be tied to a particular circle. lished Scientists and younger Researchers, who are cut out of
Sons of Ether rarely commit to a faction until they strike out the loop that the inner circle of each faction uses to secure
on their own. The exceptions usually study under mentors resources and protect themselves from rivals.
who are closely associated with a particular group.
40 Sons of Ether
Pulp Culture
To the other Traditions, the most baffling aspect of attitude is fused with contemporary culture. Modern Etherites
the Sons of Ether are their fashions. The average Awak- incorporate rave and progressive punk styles into their
ened mage can at least intellectually grasp the idea of Ether “uniforms” and try to cultivate a more socially relevant, yet
and alternative sciences, but silver jumpsuits? Extraneous heroic image. And, of course, nicknames like “Doctor Cy-
Jacob’s Ladders? It’s been speculated that the Etherites are clotron” and “Kid Fermat” are par for the course.
either antiquated or playing a rather tired joke, but the Victorian fashions have much of the same appeal, since
truth of the matter is that it’s all about fashion. they represent an (admittedly misguided) attempt to civilize the
Many Sons of Ether are rebellious by nature, but not world and are associated with the philanthropic and scientific
in the comfortably defined Sleeper fashions of an Orphan aspirations of the age. Many Sons of Ether value Wonders and
punk or Hollow Goth. The pulp aesthetic appeals to many foci from that period, both for the care that went into making
Etherites instead. Pulp heroes have a strong ethical sense, them and as a constant reminder of the Tradition’s history.
they are rugged individuals, and they come from a time Not every Son of Ether adopts such a persona, but a
when fighting to better humanity’s lot was in the forefront significant minority does. Hotshot Researchers embrace
of the common imagination. It decries cynicism and exalts the pulp style for a few years then abandon it as they grow
individuality, something many Etherites view as the an- into more serious duties. When the time comes to lecture,
tithesis of the homogenized, sarcastic planet that has the Nega-Ray stays in the closet.
withered in the Technocracy’s care. That’s where pulp Exceptions do crop up, though. When an older aficio-
comes from. It isn’t the result of social isolation or the nado of the pulp or Victorian styles presents herself, it’s
whims of old, batty Scientists, but a conscious choice. entirely likely that she is in fact a powerful Scientist who’s
At the same time, pulp affectations have changed from somewhat out touch with modern society. Young Etherites
what they were while E. E. “Doc” Smith was writing or Jet are advised to demonstrate effusive respect.
Boy took to the air against the Nazis. Nowadays, the pulp
The Royal Ethernautical Society, Institute for Cybernetic ers usually curry favor with a well-connected Professor, who then
Research and Utopian League are all recognized factions. That introduces the protégé at all the right symposia, adds her name
is, they have official standing and a formal leadership. The (deserved or not) to important papers and, in the end, suggests
Adventurers, Dissidents (or “Mad Scientists”) and Progressivists to a member of the faction that an interview might be in order.
are loose political groups that are never mentioned as formal Naturally, studying under a Professor who is already a member of
bodies, but are known to any well-connected Researcher. Younger the faction speeds up the process.
Etherites gravitate to the informal factions, hoping to make a If the interview goes well, the faction accepts the Re-
name for themselves without running into a political roadblock. searcher, who gives an oath of service and receives a minor
Many Scientists prefer to just follow their personal research and title, such as “Ether Rocketry Associate.” From there, the
don’t join a faction at all. Even though they have less access to Etherite divides time between her own projects and those
Quintessence and resources than faction-affiliated counterparts related to the faction’s goals, until she acquires Professorial
do, they tend to steer closer to the Tradition’s polymath ideal. In rank and can comfortably manage a lab of her own.
this capacity, they are valued for their ability to compare and For unofficial factions, the process is much simpler:
combine disparate lines of research. Make the right friends or gain a reputation as a troublemaker,
42 Sons of Ether
cal space — and the success of Victoria Station was not Prime Sphere is used to channel Quintessence into en-
to be mocked! hancing the strong electromagnetic force, either through
Once freed from the Order of Reason, the Ethernauts classical Ether theory or by altering the quantum wave-
explored Etherspace aggressively, laying the foundations form of individual particles to maintain coherency. With
for Realms such as the Gernsback Continuum. When the an enhanced fundamental strength, such materials are
Sons of Ether joined the Traditions, they also discovered designed to weather mundane and exotic stresses, up to
that Etherspace represented a distinct strategic advantage, and including the force of the Avatar Storm.
as vessels could use it as a “shortcut” to attack Void Human Sciences prepare Ethernauts for the rigors of
Engineer projects in real space. This blossomed into stag- travel. Scientists alter their subjects’ biochemistry to re-
geringly complex engagements between Void Engines and quire less food and oxygen, enhance reflexes to improve
Etherships around the Jovian moons. Neither side could their grace and coordination in low gravity and provide
allow access to the Tass-rich moons, but the battles served psionic senses able to detect dimensional instability and
to bleed both sides to no advantage. The Society’s Earth- Ether-borne hazards. Most of this work involves the Life
bound work (focusing on propulsion systems and spin-off and Mind Spheres, manipulated through drugs, surgery
technologies for Sleeper use) was constantly delayed or and exotic radiation.
refitted to serve an increasingly futile struggle. Organization: The Society still clings to its old Lon-
Then the Reckoning struck, and the gates of Etherspace don offices, and an unassuming building in Soho houses its
were smashed shut. headquarters, preserved from the Technocracy by the very
Despite the loss of so many Scientists on the front audacity that would later expel the Etherites from its grasp.
and the new irrelevance of its work, the Royal The Ethernauts let the Order of Reason know in no
Ethernautical Society soldiers on. Ethernaut training has uncertain terms that its former relationship with the
proven to be excellent preparation for exploring the lost British government, including its 19th-century space pro-
reaches of the world. Etheric and conventional propul- gram, would be revealed unless they were left alone.
sion Science is now employed on Earth, and Ethernaut Nowadays that threat holds little force, but the Technoc-
designs have become serious contenders for mainstream racy no longer considers the guardians of a broken
use as Ether-exciting technologies are applied to hydro- Etherspace worth sabotaging. Flaked lettering announces
gen and uranium. Ironically, conventional space has the Society’s name to anyone who looks, but most clubgoers
returned to the agenda, and the faction is finally catching assume that it’s an office now, and they rarely consider the
up to its old Void Engineer rivals. Nevertheless, armored eccentrics who regularly climb the stairs. These are usually
Etherships still make occasional treks into other dimen- Researchers, arrived to report the results of a Professor’s
sions, looking for stranded Sons of Ether and exploring work to the society’s permanent Chairs — or these days,
with a new sense of caution. the barely qualified Professors that fill in.
Science: The Royal Ethernautical Society divides its To prevent any interference with its new projects, the
efforts into three fields. Propulsion Science uses the Spheres Society sets up secret labs around the world. Ethernauts
of Forces, Correspondence and Spirit to move brave have quietly taken over abandoned Russian space program
Ethernauts across the globe or into the unknown. Re- facilities in Kazakhstan. Makeshift labs in Canada
cently, personal vehicles and propelled environment suits (Ethernaut training) and Ecuador (conventional launches)
have become especially popular. Time and Dimensional round out their possessions.
travel is still an important aspect of Society research, The three permanent Chairs of the Society are the
especially when the exciting implications of quantum Sussex Chair of Propulsion, the Savage Chair of Human
physics have increased the possibilities that Etherspace Sciences and the Queen’s Chair of Aeroframe Technolo-
travel might become a viable Consensual activity. Unfor- gies. Other Chairs exist to accommodate qualified experts.
tunately, the field is so dangerous that Scientists can only Together, the Chairs form the Society’s Executive Direc-
afford to support a handful of missions. torate. Underneath them, a mixed board of Scientists and
Material Sciences work to create light, strong alloys Sleepers handle practical matters and include a treasurer,
and polymers that can withstand the stress of experimental patent lawyers and other functionaries. These Chairs
propulsion systems without overburdening vessels. Spin- coordinate the three primary labs along with independent
offs from this work provide a great deal of revenue, making Scientists around the world. The Society maintains per-
this a popular area of study. Furthermore, proficiency with manent research and engineering groups, but it also supports
the Matter Sphere is common, allowing the Ethernauts to Scientists in their own labs and the depths of the unknown
commission help from the rest of the Tradition. The most when possible.
exotic work revolves around “powered” atomic bonds. The
44 Sons of Ether
“Blam” is an abstract measurement of a machine’s Organization: The Cybernetic Research Institute is
tolerances, power reserves and secondary systems, in- a private think tank and research group that is partially
cluding weapons. “It works, but not enough Blam” is a funded by subscriptions to its journal, Helmsman. The
common Professorial criticism. It’s not enough that the magazine discusses whatever aspects of the Institute’s
device works, it has to be able to far exceed the stresses research that it chooses to share. While this venture
of normal use, pump twice as much power as it generates enough income to plausibly maintain what it
needs and, if armed, pack a telling punch. reports in Helmsman, the fact of the matter is that to
pursue more intensive Ether Science, the
Cybernauts are forced to scrape and scrounge.
(The unofficial motto is, “Bring the money in and
don’t tell us how.”) Most members donate a
portion of their regular salaries and work
for the Institute pro bono. A few use
their Science to illegally acquire the
money. The Institute cuts them loose as
soon as they discover this, but it’s only a
matter of time before other Etherites tire of bank
robber robots and shady arms deals. Members hope
that with the fall of Paradigma, Helmsman will
become a popular replacement.
The financial situation is just one symptom of
the Cybernaut’s chaotic organization. The only
set meetings are quarterly symposia, where
each research group discusses its
progress, new groups form, and
overall policy is decided by direct
democracy. Chair holders have a
veto, except in the case of a unani-
mous vote. Aside from the
Pythagorean Chair for Systems
Technology, the Institute
holds none of its own. Mas-
ter-ranked Scientists must
achieve recognition elsewhere.
The Institute does recognize
Chairs granted elsewhere.
The Institute is still the pre-
serve of a number of
independent-minded scientific
cliques. Scientists work alone or in
small groups, meeting only to com-
pare machines or assemble a
collective design. Otherwise, re-
search groups meet at least
monthly. Each group must also
contribute an article to Helmsman.
46 Sons of Ether
nologies. Utopian Scientists have what may be the of the Tradition, Sleepers and even Techno-
world’s most diverse arsenal of nonlethal weap- crats will follow. Obviously, breaking the
ons at hand, and they aggressively attempt to Ethos is grounds for expulsion as well as
make them available to Sleepers. The up- discipline by the Council for the
swing in interest by Western governments Enforcement of Scientific Eth-
will, they hope, lead to future wars fought ics. The League is
with bloodless arms. These conscientious particularly adamant
weaponsmiths study Life, Forces and about making an ex-
Matter to develop stun rays, envel- ample of its failures.
oping foams and knockout drugs. After joining, Utopians
Organization: It’s easy to are free to follow their own
join the Utopian League: research specialties, but they
Members take an oath must also take on
to uphold the Scientific projects to develop
Ethos, the rules that are technologies that
supposed to govern all benefit humanity and
Etherite research and share the fruits of Sci-
conduct. Granted, adher- ence with Sleepers. In the
ence is spotty past, quarterly reports on
and some Sci- these activities were submitted
entists are to Paradigma, but with the col-
notoriously lapse of that institution, most see
guarded about fit to either report their work in one
their research, but of the journal’s successors or contact
a true Utopian sets other Professors and Chairs.
an example that
he hopes members
48 Sons of Ether
Dissidents (or Mad Scientists)
Names: Mad Scientists (popular), Frankensteins, Amoralists
History: While there have always been Etherites who are a bit unhinged or impatient with social niceties, the first Dissidents became
an identifiable political faction during World War I. Responding to the rise of sophisticated, cruel weapons, the Utopian League created
its Ethics Council. Etherites who contributed to the arms race were censured and occasionally even imprisoned.
Yet a vocal minority of Scientists wouldn’t stand for it. They’d left the Order of Reason to pursue Science with a free hand, and they weren’t
about to kowtow to some replacement authority, no matter how
necessary the bone-shaking primitives of the Council of
Nine thought it was! In 1919, a rambling letter to Paradigma
by Professor Herbert von Gegabelterblitz alternated be-
tween cogent of objections (based on the idea that ethical
concerns would stymie Scientific advancement) and
various threats to destroy the Ethics Council with his
Pseudolunar Electro-Etheric Ray, an orbiting particle
beam cannon of his own devising. His position was
not exactly greeted with accolades; rubberized
umbrellas were common Utopian accessories that
A few calmer objections followed, but the
Dissidents’ position was forever tarnished by
von Gegabelterblitz’s insanity. The fact that
actual mad Etherites gravitated to the movement
didn’t help either. All of them decided to avoid the Utopi-
ans by isolating themselves, surfacing only to publish their
experiments. To avoid a repeat of the controversy, Paradigma
refused to censor the work, even though it ranged from the trivial
(Doctor Friedrich Vogelsang’s experiments with “Platonic Foods” in
the Umbra) to the disturbing (Doctor Alice Newman’s study of the psychological effects of
involuntary total cyborgization).
Since the Reckoning, the Mad Scientists have grown bolder, even forgoing their self-
imposed exile to band into small groups with similar ideologies or interests. The Utopians fear that
they will make a play for real political power soon.
Science: The Dissidents research whatever they like. Many have a singular obsession
to which they devote their entire lives, such as creating a robot that can perfectly imitate
any human. Scientists who revel in creating weapons sell their inventions to dictators and
amoral corporations.
No matter how innocuous their work is, all believe that they should be able to create
any invention and perform any experiment, regardless of the consequences or suffering
Human test subjects are often needed. Mad Scientists either employ henchmen to
kidnap them or, of it’s appropriate, perform an experiment in a populated area. Berserk
robots, radiation and mutant diseases plague communities that a Dissident claims for his
lab. Even without endangering humans, amoral experiments featuring vivisection and
ecological destruction leave an unsettling Resonance about their lairs.
Organization: Mad Scientists used to almost exclusively work alone to avoid Utopian
agents or other meddlers. After the Avatar Storm struck, a few decided to gather in small
groups, even appearing at Etherite functions. When the Scientists are unbalanced, these
meetings tend to meld and intensify their particular neuroses.
Dissidents keep hidden labs and may have a few safe houses as well. Without the
support of the Tradition, they are forced to find novel ways to gather resources. Despite
keeping a low profile among the Sons of Ether, many of them are well connected to
Sleeper businesses, governments and crime syndicates.
50 Sons of Ether
Ether Labs
In addition to ties with independent Scien- Based in Tokyo (but with members worldwide), the
tists, each faction has its own permanent cabals. Robotics Group is perennially popular. Ever since the faction’s
Most focus on a particular specialty or project. foundation, the group has had to turn away Scientists to
Independents often consult them when they prevent it from growing too large. At the same time, it rarely
need help with an obscure theoretical point, a begrudges fellow Etherites the chance to visit its labs, where
special device or a common cause. all sorts of automata can be seen. The most sophisticated
examples of their craft are their “biots,” electronically con-
Ethernauts trolled synthetic life. Biots are not necessarily copies of
Applied Propulsion Technologies re- natural life, as muscle tissue, bone and nerves are all treated
searches new and better engines, along with like parts to be modified as convenient.
teleporters, dimensional travel devices and, regrettably, weap- Clockwork and steam-powered robots preoccupy the
ons. When the Ascension War gained momentum, this group’s group as well, along with more conventional electronic
work was modified to create heavy weapons; propellant excit- designs and those perpetually powered by Ether. With the
ers became deadly heat rays and Etheric engines were adjusted help of the Difference Engine Group’s computers or skilled
to disintegrate enemies. The main lab at Baikonur, Kazakhstan operators, they are capable of a prodigious range of reactions
still produces a few of these, but for the most part, novel ways and responses. Sadly, they almost always fall short of true
to move humans and machines dominate the agenda. Scien- intelligence. The expertise required is just too rare.
tists can often be seen flitting about the facility in eccentric The group constantly studies a handful of intelligent au-
craft of their own design, and they quickly learn to modify their tomata. Creations of former Chairs, these automata have little
designs for other Etherites around the globe. time for an existence beyond experiments designed to wrest the
The Jack Parsons Memorial Shipyard is named after the secret of Scientific Mastery. If intelligent machines have a
alchemist and rocket Scientist whose contributions to Sleeper reputation for going insane, one need look no further for the
science through NASA were more than matched by the passion cause than the squads of Scientists constantly prodding them.
that claimed his life. In his search for an “alchemically perfect” The Difference Engine Group works with computers,
fuel, Parsons blew himself up. Renamed in his memory, the but these machines are totally unlike any others. When the
shipyard produces the few Etherships that are still in service, Sons of Ether split from the Technocracy, they developed
which are then launched directly from the site in Ecuador. The their Difference Engines in a radically different direction
facility experiments with new materials as well, work which has from the digital (and later, Trinary) computers used by the
overshadowed the construction of Etherships. A constant stream Virtual Adepts. In their search for the means to model
of visiting Scientists lends a hand in improving the strength of Odyllic flows, the Cybernauts independently discovered quan-
metals, ceramics and plastics, with an unspoken goal of creating tum computing. Instead of silicon processors, these Etherites
a ship strong enough to conquer any barrier. developed high-density optical switches to record multiple
In Quebec, the Ethernaut Academy trains some of the bits of information from single superpositioned photons.
toughest Scientists alive. Originally formed to prepare Unfortunately, this parallel development limited the ability
Ethernauts for the hardship of travel, the Academy now of the Optical Engines to network with conventional com-
focuses on increasing human performance in any hostile puters. Journeys into the Digital Web required the onerous
environment. Graduates explore the poles, fly to the edge of task of translating digital and Trinary information into the
the atmosphere and even go on brief jaunts in the sea depths optical medium, nullifying the Engines’ advantages.
and the vacuum of space. Mundane piloting and survival Now that the Cybernauts have de-emphasized the Web,
training gives a cadet a foundation on which to develop they can return to the unique properties of their machines. As
techniques that enhance his performance. If a graduate can’t control systems for robots, the new Difference Engines have
surgically apply gills while piloting a one-man nuclear sub- a knack for simulating intuitive and abstract thought. Fur-
mersible, he isn’t ready to leave. In addition to exploration, thermore, by applying quantum principles, the computers
the Academy’s graduates help protect the Tradition. When can directly interact with the universal Etheric medium;
danger calls, members of the faculty serve as commanders of certain programs can directly affect space-time.
the Sky Cavalry and rush into the thick of danger.
A few Utopians work for the League full time as investiga-
Cybernaut research groups thrive and fail based on tors for the Ethics Council or Shadow Ministry agents. To join
Scientist interest, but for all intents and purposes, the follow- these bodies, a Scientist must demonstrate his sincerity and
ing two are permanent. prowess in the tests that each group provides for that purpose.
52 Sons of Ether
The Hastings Fellowship is the best known and most bers also combat bias in mundane affairs if it affects Etherites
formal Progressive group. Founded by the Primus herself, the and Sleeper associates. The Chair of the Fellowship supervises
Fellowship provides financial and Quintessence grants for a board of Professors, who in turn send Researchers to investi-
Scientists it feels are at a disadvantage compared to their peers. gate. The “Lab Harpies” recommend groups and individuals
The Fellowship also lobbies for meetings, academic papers and worthy of support and correct misattributed Scientific work.
changes to Etherite policy that confront discrimination. Mem-
54 Sons of Ether
Chaos Science
The Kitab al-Alacir lays out the general phi- Aside from the fundamental Ether (what Scientists often
losophy of Ether Science. Everything exists; call the “Ideal Ether”), other “Ethers” encompass partial states
everything originates in the Ether. Humanity of material and metaphysical reality. Quintessence is held to be
filters out most of the cosmos so that it makes the “purest” of these. It is wholly metaphysical, only existing
sense, but limitless potential is always batter- when perceived and acting when acted upon. Contiguous
ing at the gates of the Consensus. Science Ether is more base, since it encompasses the physical properties
draws from the well of the infinite to fashion a of distance and the relationship between objects. Etherspace is
more complete model. Eventually, Sleepers a series of dimensions that lie outside of the Consensus’s “Wall
will be able to understand the entire majesty of of Troy.” It has physical features, but they lie outside normal
Creation; the Wall of Troy will encompass it all. human experience. Quantum Ether theory holds that they are
alternate universes that have developed due to humanity’s
Smashing the Method rejection of certain cosmological principles.
Naturally, this approach contradicts Sleeper and Tech-
nocratic scientific methods. The Sons of Ether deviate in two The Scientific Continuum:
ways. First of all, they do not believe in reductionism. The Style and Foci
simplest model is not always the most valid. Even a single
Beyond these basics, the Sons of Ether work on so many
piece of data is the work of unseen forces, from Etheric flux to
different experiments and inventions that it is nigh impos-
the simplest chemical reaction. Secondly, Ether Science
sible to say that they hold some further consensus about the
holds that two contradictory models can both be true. This
nature of things. Some Sons of Ether are borderline mystics.
means that neither model is complete, but this is a given.
Technomancers in the truest sense, they exploit magical
Everything exists, but only the Ascended could possibly un-
principles according to the principles of Ether Science. Even
derstand enough to complete any theory. The necessary
alchemy might find a hold in the Scientist’s mind.
limitations of Science allow these contradictions to occur.
Others are almost totally devoted to conventional Sci-
For example, acupuncture does appear to have a medical
ence. The Sons of Ether have some renegade Technocrats in
effect, even when used by Sleepers on Sleepers. A conven-
the fold who pay lip service to Tradition metaphysics, but
tional scientist would ignore the principles of traditional
more often, younger Scientists want to unite conventional
Chinese medicine and look for the explanation that best suits
science and the Sons’ chaotic cosmos. Advocates of the many
her understanding of human anatomy, the nervous system and
worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, cryptozoologists
the placebo effect. She would verify the theory with further
and others draw parallels between the abstract Ether and the
experiments and expand her knowledge — in one direction.
gritty reality of the Consensus.
An Etherite would not only perform the latter experi-
In the middle, parapsychologists, unorthodox archaeolo-
ment, but explore the efficacy of acupuncture according to its
gists and investigators of Fortean phenomena examine strange
own model. He would apply conventional medicine to it as
regions of knowledge. Guided by Etherite principles, they sift
well as the other way around. Not only does his normal
through mysteries in search of new cosmological principles.
medical knowledge increase, but he expands traditional Chi-
nese medicine, developing new meridians and chi theory for
structures such as the endocrine system. The Luminiferous Ether
Otherwise, scientific errors multiply. The road not trav- Paradigma successor Z-Ray Quarterly,
eled never reveals its secrets. Conventional science builds Issue 1, 2010
one incomplete premise atop another, like a house of cards And finally, a shout-out to all the Black Hats and
that gets shakier as it gets higher. Mirrorshades who’ve pried this ’zine out of some
The Eternal Ether dead EtherBoy’s hands: Thanks for getting rid of the
Luminiferous Ether, assholes! Maybe the original
The only common root is the Ether, the basic medium of model didn’t work, but it could have if you’d given
the universe. Ether takes an infinite number of forms and us the time. We could have used it to generate
occupies all space and time, but it is defined by what it is not. unlimited power. We could have taken humanity
It isn’t a mental construction, a substance or a force. It is the halfway across the universe.
place from which everything — even Quintessence — rises Now that there’s a comet ready to smoke all of
into existence, and where everything goes when it departs. us, I have to ask: Feel any regrets?
All matter and energy is conserved.
56 Sons of Ether
iferous Ether and the solar model of the atom all inspire the efforts worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. According to this
for which the Tradition is best known. Such inventions are more idea, every possible state of matter and energy exists simulta-
than rediscovery. They expand physical laws to include them, as neously, and less likely phenomena are shunted into alternate
the inventor’s will pushes back the membrane of skepticism. universes when they are observed. Mathematical formulae,
To rediscover ancient (or “outdated”) Science, an Etherite magnetic fields, strong gravity wells (requiring space travel to
needs a good set of tools. Many labs are actually machine reach) and particle accelerators all assist physics research.
shops where a Scientist can make the right parts. Drills, saws, Derived from alchemy, chemistry has always been one of
lathes and small nuclear reactors can all reconstruct old the Tradition’s specialties. Turning lead into gold is simple
technologies. Devices from the past can work, as long as they enough — a dozen exotic agents and finely tuned particle
get an Awakened “kick” from time to time. Carved gem- beams will do it. What is really challenging is producing alloys
stones, statues, corroded clockwork and ruins are a few of the and elements that have gone undiscovered by Sleeper chem-
fragments of old power that cryptotech Etherites use. ists. The business of chemistry is chemical change, so the
most common foci include a selection of chemical agents,
Biology and Medicine centrifuges, Bunsen burners and electricity, but improvisers
The Sons of Ether have had a long fascination with living can make do with cleaning supplies and a lighter. Chemistry
bodies. Early experiments with reanimation earned the Tradi- can also produce or enhance explosives. Bullets and dynamite
tion some infamy, but today the whole Buenos of stitched pack a bigger punch when an Ether Chemist uses them.
together bodies with bolted in abnormal brains is left to a few Using precise blueprints or improvisation, virtually all
Mad Scientists. Etherite work examines biological energy Sons of Ether build their own contraptions. Robots and
fields as well as the flesh’s secrets. Morphogenetic fields, vehicles are common, and biological engineering is growing
Chinese medicine and orgone theories supplement inspired more popular. Alive or not, Etherite machines usually con-
surgery. Grafted flesh and bone improve human performance. tain an array of potent powers for Scientists who know how
Surgical tools, radiation, mutagenic drugs, acupuncture to activate them. Ray guns, jet packs, rockets, submarines,
needles and massage all have a time and place in Ether buildings, exoskeletons, remote vehicles and thousands of
Medicine. Electricity is used in copious amounts to “super- others serve as both foci and Effects in their own right.
charge” bodies, improving strength and health. Life Science
isn’t limited to fauna, either. The Sons of Ether’s unique The Enlightened Humanities
hybrids and mutants have exceptional mobility and medici- Virtually all Etherites study philosophy, but a few use
nal value, and, in some cases, they even serve as weapons. their Awakened talents to hone their psychological, political
and extrasensory powers. Wilhelm Reich’s theories have
Psychic Powers been popular for decades, because orgone (Reichian life
Many Etherites dabble in psychic research, following in energy) is so similar to the Ether. Jungian archetypes provide
the footsteps of pioneers such as J. B. Rhine and Anton the basis for telepathy and behavior modification.
Mesmer. Ether Science allows for the mind to force new Politically, the Sons of Ether are all over the map, but
phenomena through the barriers of the Consensus. Other Utopian values and Scientific tastes tend to make them favor
Scientists practice Victorian spiritualism, theosophy and strange formulaic, idealistic theories over pragmatism. Marxism, an-
yogic disciplines to expand their awareness. Pure philosophy
transports a student to new planes of awareness. Through
meditation and study, the Sons of Ether build “Platonic ma- A Word About Foci
chines” in the Astral Umbra. Constructed of pure Quintessence, Etherite foci are so diverse and specialized that the
they work with inhuman perfection. While a Platonic car isn’t normal restrictions don’t always fit. When a Son of Ether
very useful, computers can still transmit data across the Ether, makes a rocket car in a machine shop, which tool is the
and idealized automatons explore other dimensions. focus? To get around these questions, Storytellers might
Meditation, trepanation, drugs, electrical stimulation of wish to allow players to choose a general category of
the brain, flash cards, mnemonic drills and magnetic fields preferred foci for each Sphere. Use “surgical tools” instead
have all been known to boost psychic strength. of just “scalpels,” and “cars” instead of “red Toyotas.”
Don’t generalize too much, though. A penknife is not a
Physics, Chemistry and Engineering “surgical tool” even if people use them for tracheotomies.
Taken together, these Sciences represent both the oldest For Laws of Ascension, Narrators and players will have
legacy and the cutting edge of the Tradition. Quantum physics to pair foci with Abilities on a case-by-case basis. Usually,
might be the Sons’ greatest triumph. Scientists now admit that some form of Science or Technology covers most Etherite foci.
they have a small effect on what they observe. Etherites hope to Meditation and Enigmas may apply to more philosophically or
take that farther, until humanity understands that they are the mystically inclined Scientists. Once you’ve paired a physical
real architects of reality. Most Sons of Ether favor the many- focus with an Ability, list it on the focus’s item card.
Strange Genius
The Sons of Ether are known for their eccen- Having touched the infinite, inhuman reaches of Truth,
tric insights and radical approach to science, madness takes its toll, but it also brings inspiration.
so it’s no surprise that those who feel the call Characters with this Merit receive a one-point break on
of Science have their own distinctive quirks magical difficulties as well as uses of the Awareness, Cosmol-
and gifts. ogy, Enigmas, Occult, Science and Technology Abilities
while in the throes of Quiet or an active derangement.
Scientific Mystic
MET: When your derangement is triggered, you gain a
(3-point Mental Merit) one-Trait bonus when resolving tests using magic or the
Some Etherites have a special aptitude for aforementioned Abilities. Always remember to let your de-
interpreting other magical styles through the lens of their rangement color your actions and motivations.
own theories. As a result, they can use mystical methods, even
if their own paradigms are devoted to scientific truth. Polymath Discredited (1-point Social Flaw)
Adventurers are known for their “secret studies in the East” When you turn to unorthodox methods, you stand an
or esoteric technologies pulled from ancient legends. excellent chance of burning your bridges. This occurs quite
This Merit allows a character to use one other Tradition frequently in the Sons of Ether. A Discredited character has
or Craft’s foci for one Sphere that the character knows as long had his name dragged through the mud in academic circles
as the player can justify how this knowledge fits into the and is considered a crackpot or a dangerous fraud.
character’s paradigm. For example, a rune-carving Son of Accordingly, characters with this Flaw suffer a straight
Ether isn’t using “Norse magic,” but the geometric, psycho- +2 penalty on all Social and Background rolls involving the
logical and psionic insights of a culture whose discoveries scientific community as well as informed laypersons, imper-
were, no doubt, downplayed by the enemies of Science! The tinent undergraduates and inveterate skeptics. The person on
character may select a specialty focus, but this choice replaces the street still doesn’t know who you are, and you might have
the normal specialty focus for the Sphere. fringe sympathizers, but reputable academics consider you to
MET: As above. be near anathema.
MET: You incur a two-Trait penalty in all Social Chal-
Mad Science lenges involving University Influence and Narrator characters
(2-point Mental/Supernatural Merit) with two or more Traits in the Science ability, as well as
By experimenting with other dimensions, mind-wrack- untrained readers of scientific journals and publications such
ing mathematics and Paradoxical technologies, the Sons of as the Skeptic. The Narrator may inform other characters with
Ether risk their mental stability at the price of unique insights. such academic ties of your notoriety.
58 Sons of Ether
Modern Scientists often use string theory to explain this, claim- interest is morphogenetic field theory, which states that all life
ing that space is composed of gravitons (gravity particles), bosons has a common energy state that describes its biological, mental
(force transmitting particles) and fermions (particles with the and evolutionary state and potential. Morphogenetic fields can
properties of matter). More esoteric Scientists describe space as be transmitted between life forms and modified to accelerate
a low-intensity orgone field or a psychic property that comes into evolution and pass on traits from one organism to another.
existence when minds differentiate between objects. Aside from energetic Life Science, many Etherites are
Quantum Ether Scientists use oscillating electromagnetic skilled doctors who concentrate on the material aspects of
fields to manipulate boson/fermion pairs, altering the structure living beings. Scientists have transplanted virtually every
of space to add or remove distance. Other Scientists use special part of the human body, kept decapitated heads alive and
metals to manipulate the Orgone or employ psychic powers. performed other feats that straddle the border between revo-
Artificial wormholes and psionic teleportation are just two of lutionary and frightening. Drugs are popular foci as well, but
the results. Remote perception can use a completely different not genetic engineering. Few of the Sons have managed to
set of technologies, such as radios or trance states. take this work as far as the Progenitors have.
60 Sons of Ether
strike. The Time ••• version gives the death ray the character-
istics of a fully automatic weapon (see Mage: The Ascension, A Note on Matter Effects
page 241) for four additional successes, plus additional successes Generally, using the Matter Sphere to change the
spent on the duration. Most death rays inflict aggravated damage shape or state (such as converting a solid into a liquid) of
through extreme heat or Entropy disruptions. a Pattern does not require the player to spend successes on
MET: Adept Entropy or Disciple Forces, Initiate duration. Transmutations and wholly vulgar properties do
Prime. Optional Disciple Time. After a turn of preparing require additional successes, however, or else they will
your weapon (or mind) you can shoot a ray that inflicts one revert to their previous composition. It is somewhat
level of aggravated damage at a target in your line of sight. simpler to make these alterations permanent, however.
Using Time, you can also use the Fully Automatic and Spray The player must expend additional successes equal to half
weapon characteristics listed in Laws of Ascension, pp. 195- of those used in the original Effect (rounded up). In many
196. Grades of Success: Each grade of success allows you to cases, this means that it is easier to make a simple Matter
inflict one more level of aggravated damage. Effect permanent than it is to spend successes on duration.
Nonetheless, the caster must choose whether to commit
Etheric Shielding to a permanent change or spend the extra effort ensuring
(•• Matter, •• Spirit. Optional •• Prime) that an object will revert to its original state.
Ordinary materials can be converted to resist energies from
alien dimensions, to provide both physical and mental protec-
tion against the horrors of the unknown. Imbuing standard or enclosure that is resistant to alien meddling. Sophisticated
clothing with extradimensional material (such as materialized versions of this rote actually align extradimensional energies to
ephemera) or using matter with proven anti-Etheric properties protect against physical alien attack.
(such as lead or polyester) in precise amounts creates a garment System: After successes are spent on duration as well as
the clothing or enclosure (based on how many people it could
reasonably contain), each success increases the Gauntlet
But That’s Impossible! around the wearer or dweller by one. This barrier must first be
One will note that many of the rotes in this chapter breached by any spirit wishing to possess the character. Using
require conjunctional magic, which is not normally permit- Prime, the Scientist can also provide two additional soak dice
ted in Mind’s Eye Theatre unless the eponymous optional against attacks in or from the Umbra.
rule relating to such magic is in effect. Faced with such a MET: Initiate Matter and Spirit. Optional Initiate
restriction, what’s a faithful Scientist to do? Fortunately, Prime. After spending a full turn treating a garment, it protects
there are several easy solutions to this dilemma. First of all, you from Umbral intruders for 10 minutes, increasing the
Laws of Ascension already employs something of a “short Gauntlet by two. It must be bypassed if any spirit attempts to
cut” with regards to rotes and the Pattern Spheres — Prime possess you, and you receive a free retest on all tests to resist
is not generally required to create new Patterns out of spiritual possession. With Prime, you also gain an additional
nothing, thus eliminating a basic problem with many health level against attacks from the Umbra, even if you’re in
conjunctional rotes. Second, the Storyteller may rule that the Umbra at the time. Grades of Success: Grades of success can
several successive smaller rotes may be used to create the improve duration, cover an enclosure large enough to protect
same effect as one conjunctional rote normally would. For one additional person (such as a tent) or add one to the
instance, to create Etheric Shielding, rotes for Initiate Matter Gauntlet. Grades of success spent on the Prime variant add an
and Initiate Spirit would be cast in succession, first to create additional health level against Umbral attacks.
or modify the existing materials to be protected and then to
infuse them with additional protection against spiritual Exotic Matter
harm. While doing so takes longer than performing one (••••• Matter, other Spheres as noted)
conjunctional rote, it still allows for such complex effects A few Sons of Ether have reached the pinnacle of their
while the added requirements and casting times keep it Craft, and no longer feel constrained by such paltry limita-
from being unduly powerful at the same time. Lastly, the tions as the periodic table. Mastery of Matter has limitless
Storyteller may always rule that a particular rote can simply possibilities, exemplified by such materials as antimatter and
fall under the province of one Sphere even if other require- Primium. The guidelines for creating them and their in-game
ments normally exist, effectively creating a similar “short effects are detailed as follows:
cut” as is normally employed with the Pattern magics. Antimatter (requires ••••• Matter): Using garage-built
While this last should not be employed too often for fear of particle accelerators, stolen research time at CERN and postmodern
allowing conjunctional rotes through the back door, so to alchemy are all known ways to create antimatter. Previously, this
speak, it can go a long way toward permitting more outland- material required an esoteric command of Forces as well, but the
ish rotes than Laws of Ascension normally allows. general acceptance of antimatter among Sleeper scientists has
62 Sons of Ether
grades of success to increase the duration past the normal 10
minutes or to acquire an additional two Resonance Traits. If Linear Science
you have Master level Prime, you can also spend each grade of Specialists (what the superstitious would call “sor-
success to acquire one Trait of Quintessence. cerers”) are common sights in Etherite labs. These
Scientists don’t have the same breadth or sheer power,
Quantum Temporal Travel but they are often very skilled in one or two particular
(••• or •••• Correspondence, fields. Most are attached to specific factions where their
•••• Entropy, ••• or ••••• Time) talents are needed, though a few compose an informal
The introduction of quantum mechanics has solved many pool that Etherites contact when they need special help.
of the lethal problems of time travel. By tunneling through to Specialist research is not, however, held in very high
alternate universes, Sons of Ether can travel into the past regard. The Tradition values flexibility, the ability to
without suffering an instant visit from an annoying Paradox improvise and, when it comes right down to it, truly
pest. It’s still vulgar and less potentially useful than traveling to impressive Inventions. Specialists rarely provide these.
the “true” past, present and future. Going to an alternate past When using Sorcery Paths, Etherite Specialists roll
cannot change the true present, and fantastic technology Science or Technology instead of Occult. Their Paths
retrieved from alternate futures tends to fail to Unbelief. Still, include (but are not limited to) Alchemy, Conveyance,
visiting an alternate universe has its uses. Utopians visit the Enchantment and Hellfire, as well as all psychic phenomena.
grand futures and idyllic pasts that might have been, or sneak
into dystopias to learn harsh lessons about the price of failure. System: Correspondence 3 transports one person, while
Ethernauts explore these universes out of sheer curiosity, Correspondence 4 creates a tunnel into an alternate universe
dividing their time between strange alternate universes and that can accommodate one traveler per success spent. Further
those barely different from the “baseline” World of Darkness. successes can move the characters through space as well as
Controlled wormholes in the space-time continuum are time, as a normal Correspondence Effect. Time 4 allows a short
created with high-energy particle beams, special electromag- hop (one turn/success) forward or backward compared to the
netic fields, locating twists in the Odyllic flow and, in some baseline time, before being pulled back to the point of depar-
cases, psychedelic drugs. ture. Time 5 allows for extended journeys into the alternate
past or future (using the standard chart for Time Effects). Time
The Sons of Ether are probably the Traditions’ needles are charged with the negative orgone Resonance of
greatest Wonder-makers, but they use technology sleep-inducing meridians and chakras. When fired, they fly to
so strange that neither the mystical Traditions nor these pressure points like a magnet to a chunk of iron.
the Technocracy is able to easily use or comprehend The third setting, used in extreme circumstances, guides
them. Scientific principles combined with the subtle needles to points that disrupt the target’s Etheric physiology,
Ether make them hard to reverse engineer. Person- killing him and preventing easy Scientific healing.
alized control systems are often counterintuitive for System: Roll the user’s Dexterity + Firearms, adding
anyone but the creator. The Sons’ allies appreciate three dice to his pool as the attack is considered to be a burst.
simpler Inventions, however, so Scientists learn to The soak value of armor is doubled. The first setting inflicts
bury their eccentric approach for the sake of the group. The damage as if it were a normal Forces Effect. The second inflicts
following Wonders are examples of relatively straightforward In- unsoakable bashing damage using Life 3. The third setting is
ventions; one common, the other exceedingly rare. a Life 3 direct Pattern attack that inflicts aggravated wounds.
Qi Needler (Arete 4) The Bioroid Eva
10-point Invention Unique Wonder
The signature weapon of the Shadow Ministry’s agents, the The masterwork of the Cybernaut Emile Rotwang, the
Qi Needler disables enemies by disrupting the body’s Etheric bioroid named Eva is the culmination of the roboticists’ art.
flow. The Needler is a silver teardrop with a grip, trigger and black Rotwang created a handful of them before accumulated
projecting spike. The spike is the weapon’s barrel, capable of Paradox killed him; Eva is the only one still possessed by the
shooting bursts of thin, steel needles at almost the speed of sound. Cybernetic Research Institute. She has a warm personality, is
The weapon uses electromagnetic fields to fire its needles; its a brilliant chess player and can tear a human being in half
battery recharges itself by converting kinetic energy into electric- with her bare hands. Fortunately, she has never demonstrated
ity. A dial on the side has three settings. The first one simply fires her last talent except when defending herself from an Itera-
the needles in a short burst, perforating anything it’s aimed at. tion X team bent on capturing her for study.
Even though the lack of a muzzle flash, cordite residue or Eva is a synthesis of organic and inorganic components.
a sonic boom makes this an ideal assassin’s weapon, in most Her body was created from the surgically sculpted tissues of over
cases it is used to disable enemies by shooting at specific 300 corpses, but she has neither stitches nor bolts holding her
pressure point groups. At the weapon’s second setting the together. Over that, a steel exoskeleton with an art deco brass
64 Sons of Ether
filigree supports her limbs and spine, fanning out into an of Ether (and similar technomancers) gain an advantage because
elegant yellow collar. This exoskeleton is removable and exists they may apply the bonus for using a preferred or unique focus if these
to allow her to exercise her incredible strength without dislo- foci are being adapted into Wonders. Furthermore, they can stack
cating or breaking her joints. Her hair is straight and black, and this bonus with the bonus for using a rote, applying the total modifier
her eyes are odd colors: one gray, the other blue. to the rolls the player makes to create the Wonder.
Currently, the bioroid is a near captive of the team of
Scientists who have made it their life’s work to study and maintain Wonder Spheres (Optional System)
her. Over the last three years, something has happened to her At the Storyteller’s discretion, Sons of Ether who prefer
brain. The Etherites aren’t sure what, though, because, according careful work in the lab to slapdash Science in the field might merit
to x-rays, her skull is hollow except for a lining of golden circuitry. a special advantage. Using this optional system, Sons of Ether may
None of the research staff knows how she is able to think or why purchase Spheres at half normal cost (or for five freebie points each
she began to babble in strange languages and suffer seizures. at character creation), rounded up. These may be used for the sole
System: Eve was created with an Entropy 5, Life 5, Mind purpose of creating Charms, Talismans and Artifacts. The charac-
3, Prime 5, Spirit 4 Effect. She is physically and (until recently) ter cannot use these Sphere ranks to cast Effects for any other
intellectually perfect and inhumanly strong (Strength 7, all purpose and can only teach them to others in this incomplete form.
other Attributes at 5, thanks to a Scientific variant of Midwife’s These Wonder Spheres may stack on top of normally pur-
Blessing), but unbeknownst to her or her caretakers, her brain chased Sphere ranks (at half of the full, multiplied cost of that
is a Platonic copy of her maker’s, constructed of pure Quintes- rank), or they can be gained in a Sphere in which the character
sence. The circuitry in her skull draws signals from the Astral does not have any conventional proficiency. The character can be
Umbra, where the Platonic brain resides in a micro-dimension neither a Sphere Natural nor Sphere Inept in the Wonder Sphere.
of its own. Thus did Professor Rotwang give his creation The player can purchase multiple ranks in a Wonder Sphere. The
intelligence despite his poor understanding of Mind Science. normal Arete-based ceiling on maximum Sphere ranks applies.
Unfortunately, something has happened to her brain. As the character gains experience, the player may invest
Storytellers are encouraged to come up with a scenario that experience points into the Wonder Sphere to bring it up to its
suits their own chronicles. Thought transmissions could be normal, dynamic capabilities. Doing so costs slightly more than half
disrupted by the residual effects of the Avatar Storm, or the of the normal cost: six points to fill out one rank in a Sphere, and five
brain could have been captured by an astral spirit. If the latter points multiplied by the current/new rank to upgrade other Wonder
is the case, the spirit might attempt to displace Eva’s mind, Sphere ranks to full Sphere capacity. A Wonder Sphere’s ranks must
gaining an empty vessel with which to enter reality. be upgraded in order, from the lowest rank to the highest.
This system should only be used for strong technomantic
Effects Versus Wonders or Technocratic magical styles. In many cases, this style of
Ether Science recognizes the importance of the Scientist’s Science might interfere with a mage’s progress, since it’s
will, but it never trivializes the need for the proper tools. The somewhat formulaic and static. Dynamic or Questing Avatar
difference between a rote using a scientific focus and a Essences might mandate that the character “round out” her
Wonder becomes understandably hazy. In many cases, an knowledge before accomplishing her Seeking.
Effect might be incorporated into an Artifact that is very
similar to the focus used in its one-shot incarnation.
The Kitab Al-Alacir as a Wonder
The difference usually is that a simple Effect uses a jury-rigged
In addition to its place at the heart of the Etherite
or hastily constructed device that isn’t quite precisely calibrated for
canon, the Kitab al-Alacir is also a Grimoire: a magical text
the task at hand. A pair of Ether Goggles or a ray gun may be a focus
that can spark Awakening and teach the Spheres. Differ-
used for an array of Effects, but it might not have been specifically
ent translations have different benefits. The common
constructed to do one thing well. Thanks to an enlightened
Gregorian translation (named for Gregory of the House of
understanding of Science, the Son of Ether can detect subtle
Lamps, a medieval House Golo magus) is just a Primer. It
changes in the Parmenidean chain of Creation, take advantage of
will spark Awakening in any reader who is prepared to
fleeting atmospheric conditions or find a Fortean loophole that the
question the Consensus and makes a serious attempt to
proper adjustments to her equipment allow her to manipulate.
understand it. Other translations (including added com-
A Wonder needs to be built more sturdily. It must assume mentaries, marginalia and in one case, attached sticky
the functions normally handled by the Scientist’s judgment notes) can provide Sphere tutelage in addition to Awak-
and will. The final Artifact can use exactly the same basic ening. An exact copy retains the qualities of the original,
design as the original focus, retooled to a dedicated function. but it cannot be improved upon without making an effort
It can even continue to function as a focus for other Effects. equal to the task of creating an entirely new Grimoire.
In game terms, this means that most of the rotes listed in this For more information on creating and using
chapter can be incorporated into Wonders using the rules in the Grimoires, see Forged by Dragon’s Fire.
Mage Storyteller’s Companion and Forged by Dragon’s Fire. Sons
Chevalier Yves Mercure His avid devouring of adventure books instilled a
Background: Born in southern France longing to see distant lands and places. When he found
to a family of noble pedigree and good a copy of the fabled Kitab al-Alacir in his uncle’s library,
means, young Yves was a recluse, prefer- his fate — and his Awakening — was sealed. He was
ring the fascinating wonders hidden within soon initiated into the Sons of Ether and began journey-
his uncle’s library on the family estate to ing to the fabled places of wonder of which he had once
the numbing cultural events to which his dreamed, such as the Hollow Earth, traveling there in
family constantly tried to drag him. For his machines of his own make.
birthday each year, his uncle would gift Yves represents an adventuresome “old school”
him with antique automata, usually a mechanical clock Etherite, one who cares almost nothing for the present
or a wind-up toy. These gifts cemented Yves’s lifelong affairs of the world, with its depraved politics and social
fascination with mechanisms designed to evoke joy and climbing. He has an utter contempt for modern elec-
wonder. He cared little for the practical uses of engi- tronics and computers — these boring, lifeless things
neering, and his later study of that field served only to cannot evoke the semblance of life as can a mechanism.
provide him the necessary background to build me- His life is devoted to building better and more intricate
chanical beings. mechanical wonders, including an artificially intelli-
68 Sons of Ether
vehicles) to alternative energy systems, mostly in low-
income Latin-American neighborhoods known from
his childhood, making them independent of the inter-
national fossil-fuel power complex. As the number of
independent households grows, however, a kind of free
energy movement has begun to speak out publicly, and
Ernesto fears that the Technocracy might soon learn of
his activities and the location of his workshop.
Image: Ernesto is in his early 40s and stands five-
foot seven, with dark brown eyes, a closely trimmed
mustache, black hair with a touch of gray on the sides,
and olive skin (usually smudged with grease). His waist-
line is beginning to spread, but he is strong, with
especially well-muscled hands. He usually wears grimy
garage mechanic’s overalls, but when his wife cleans
him up and dresses him for special occasions, he looks
almost distinguished.
Roleplaying Hints: Like Yves, you prefer to work
alone and tend to be quite single-minded where your
concerns. Amanguale’s designs were destroyed, and work is concerned. Having seen for yourself what a
news of his breakthrough work was suppressed. Seeking smart-ass punk you used to be, you have tried to culti-
new markets for his designs, Ernesto contacted the Sons vate the habit of keeping your opinions to yourself when
of Ether (apparently having been somehow aware of around others. You can be downright passionate, though,
their existence for some time) and began to trade his when it comes to the welfare of your family, the Latin
expertise at wringing energy from the cosmos for tute- American community or underprivileged people around
lage in the finer subtleties of Etheric technologies. His the world.
talent and dedication, not to mention the enormous Faction: Progressivist (Hastings Fellowship)
quantities of clean safe power he was able to supply, Essence: Static
earned him a reputation as the Tradition’s “whiz kid,” a Nature: Survivor
rep that follows him to this day. Demeanor: Architect
While his work takes him all over the world, he Attributes: Strength 4 (Iron Grip), Dexterity 3, Stamina 3,
prefers to spend most of his time at his secret workshop Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3, Perception 3,
somewhere in the desert of the American southwest. Intelligence 4 (Creative), Wits 5 (Ever-Ready)
There he and his apprentices explore various avenues of Abilities: Athletics 2, Brawl 4 (Dirty Fighting), Com-
alternative power sources: wind, solar, sonic resonator puter 1, Crafts 5 (Vehicle Customization), Dodge 3,
sinks, fission-fusion reconverters, superconducted plasma Drive 4 (Off-Road), Enigmas 2, Firearms 2, Intimida-
whirls, scalar wave drivers, teleforce transmissions, tion 2, Law 1, Linguistics 1 (Spanish, English), Melee 2,
electrogravitic vortices and the like. His workshop Science 4 (Engineering), Streetwise 3, Survival 1, Tech-
library contains the most extensive collection of tech- nology 5 (Engines)
nical material by or about Nikola Tesla, Ed Leedskalnin,
Backgrounds: Destiny 4, Wonder 3 (La Fuente del
T. Townsend Brown, John Searle, T. Henry Moray and
Ritmo, extradimensional cruiser)
the enigmatic Rho Sigma to be found in one location.
Arete: 4
Amanguale’s personal obsession is refining and
controlling the phenomenon of “Zero-Point Energy Spheres: Correspondence 2, Forces 4, Matter 3, Prime 3,
Conversion,” wherein the Ether itself is transformed Time 2
directly into energy, seemingly appearing from empty Willpower: 8
space. Ernesto is passionately devoted to the downfall of Quintessence: 9
what he calls the “petroleum tyranny,” and he envisions Paradox: 5
a golden age of free energy for all. Over the years, he has Resonance: (Dynamic) Violent 1, (Static) Controlled 2
secretly converted a number of households (and their
70 Sons of Ether
Spheres: Correspondence 3, Life 1, Matter 1, Prime 1, Image: Harris is a somewhat handsome black man
Spirit 1 who looks slightly younger than his chronological age of
Willpower: 4 43 years. While not particularly strong or athletic, he
Quintessence: 3 keeps in excellent shape through an alternative health
Paradox: 8 care regimen that includes advanced yogic techniques,
martial arts and meditating in an orgone box. While not
Resonance: (Dynamic) Volatile 3
exactly vain, he is constantly experimenting with his
Ronald N. Harris, MD physical appearance, adopting hair and clothing styles
(“Doctor Orgone”) that range from the flamboyantly garish to the classi-
Background: Doctor Harris claims to have been cally understated.
born in 1920, and as a young naval corpsman stationed Roleplaying Hints: You consciously try to main-
in Philadelphia, he was assigned to the USS Eldridge tain a cheerful and easy-going demeanor, as your studies
(DE 173) on August 12, 1943. The expanses of copper have consistently demonstrated that a positive attitude
coils covering the ship’s hull didn’t bother him much; is integral to good health. You become dead serious,
he had been in the navy long enough to know about however, in the presence of major threats to life and
degaussing and anti-radar measures. But when the fa- health. You also have a fascination with the period of
miliar thrum of the ship increased to a sickening buzz, American history that you missed by accidentally tra-
green mists arose from the sea’s surface and shimmering versing time. You consider the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s to be
crackling lights filled the air, Harris decided it was time the most important phases of social evolution, and you
to de-enlist without notice. Leaping overboard, he have cultivated many of the looks and mannerisms of
experienced a bone-jarring jolt as if he had passed those eras.
through a wall of electricity, momentarily stunning Faction: Progressivist/Utopian League (Noetic Engi-
him. Looking back, he had a glimpse of the Eldridge neers)
surrounded by a flattened globe of crackling green mist, Essence: Pattern
just as it flickered and vanished into thin air. Nature: Celebrant
Once Harris made his way to shore and got his Demeanor: Bon Vivant
bearings, he found he had two problems. One, he was no Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4 (Swift), Stamina 4
longer in Philadelphia Harbor in 1943, but just off shore (Pain Resistant), Charisma 4 (Social Flexibility), Ma-
from what he later learned to be Norfolk, Virginia, circa nipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 2,
1983. Two, he periodically found his limbs and some- Wits 2
times his whole body fading from transparency to Abilities: Athletics 1, Awareness 4 (Auras), Brawl 3,
invisibility. Sometimes he would even become com- Crafts 2 (Clothing), Dodge 3, Drive 3, Etiquette 2,
pletely immaterial and massless, floating off through
walls or into the ground. Harris found it easier to adapt
to the world of the future than to his paraphysical
affliction, and he delved into the lore of the body
seeking a cure.
In the course of working toward a medical degree,
he toured the world studying yogis, acupuncturists, faith
healers and psychic surgeons, becoming extremely well
versed in occult physiology and the researches of
Wilhelm Reich. His studies brought him to the atten-
tion of the Sons of Ether in 1990, and by 1995 he had
become sufficiently Awakened to exert some control
over his chronic immateriality. He has since used his
abilities to advocate alternative medicine and to fight
fraud and corruption within the pharmaceutical-indus-
trial complex. He also holds a special grudge against the
military and maintains active contact with veterans and
retirees who believe they were subjected to experimen-
tal assignments without their knowledge or consent.
72 Sons of Ether
assumption when presenting their views to the public have much of a “softer side.” You want to save the world,
— politicians, religious leaders, health experts and and you love humanity in an abstract way, but most
privately sponsored scientists. Purveyors of the ordinary individuals just piss you off somehow.
are attacked with arguments both cogent and spurious Faction: Utopian League (Shadow Ministry)
that dissect the notion of normality to show that it has Essence: Primordial
no application to reality. If the target responds belliger- Nature: Director
ently, ad hominem arguments and embarrassing personal
Demeanor: (any)
revelations are also deployed. Arlene’s private project
involves using COINTELPRO tactics to start an assas- Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Cha-
sins’ war between her old commanders from psych-ops, risma 3, Manipulation 5 (Deceiver), Appearance 1,
who she believes to be responsible for the murder of her Perception 4 (Experienced), Intelligence 5 (Good
foster father, “Detruccini.” Memory), Wits 5 (Sharp)
Image: Devoid of makeup or disguise, Arlene is a Abilities: Alertness 4 (Espionage), Athletics 2, Brawl 3,
nondescript white woman in her mid to late 50s, with Crafts 3 (Locksmith), Dodge 2, Drive 4 (Losing Tails),
dirty blond hair, pale gray eyes and an unusually wiry Etiquette 3, Expression 4 (Bullshitting), Firearms 3,
build for a woman her age, standing around 5’ 7”. She Investigation 3, Law 3, Leadership 3, Linguistics 4 (En-
never appears without makeup or disguise, however, glish, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish,
and when dealing with other mages she affects a primly Turkish), Melee 2, Performance 4 (Acting), Stealth 5 (Shad-
businesslike appearance (unless circumstances dictate owing), Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 5 (Politics)
otherwise.) Backgrounds: Allies 3, Arcane 5, Contacts 5, Re-
Roleplaying Hints: Brutally pragmatic, you have sources 3
little patience with the eccentricity and foibles of Arete: 4
Etherites and other mages. You are perfectly aware that Spheres: Correspondence 2, Entropy 2, Life 1, Mind 4,
this does not win over friends or allies, though, and you Time 1
are quite capable of acting charming, flamboyant or Willpower: 9
sympathetic, as the occasion demands. You know what Quintessence: 4
genuine human closeness is, but life experiences have Paradox: 1
hardened you against it. Those few who penetrate your Resonance: (Entropic) Withering 3, (Static) Cold 4
character armor are shocked to find that you don’t really
74 Sons of Ether
of course; paradigm is a filter for knowledge, not a the Sons of Ether had little to no presence here, he could
substitute for it. Fortunately, the Etherite paradigm have his pick of Sleeper assistants and research.
upholds the idea that most of the Tellurian is unknown. So instead of returning to the rainforest, he decided
Everything is real in some sense, but humanity blocks to become a Scientific explorer. When he approached
out most of it. Understanding consists of going into the the Nazca plains, his Ether-meters spiked off the scale,
unknown and, slowly but surely, expanding one’s mind but the regular throng of alien astronaut aficionados,
to accept what you discover and incorporate it into a site interpreters and visiting occultists made a lone,
consistent whole. discreet study of the site impossible. He needed money
Ether Scientists study natural anomalies, history, and a fronting organization, and — most importantly —
mythology, archaeology, psychology and other disci- he needed other Scientists to help him look around and
plines to uncover what most of humanity cannot. pose as perfectly normal archaeologists.
Sometimes Sleepers forget what they accomplished in Kararoshi wasn’t a well-connected Scientist, but he
the past, so the Tradition searches for places like Atlantis knew how to work an angle. His unusual personal
and Mu and rebuilds the machines described in ancient history helped him hook up with the Progressivists, who
books and stories. Enigmatic events intrude from alter- were eager to see what a former hunter-gatherer had to
nate realities: worlds that were or might have been. The say about the state of Ether Science and culture. For the
Sons of Ether look for common phenomena from differ- price of a few papers in Paradigma on “encountering
ent sources because such things imply that cosmological civilization for the first time,” he curried enough admi-
constants exist that mages have yet to identify. This ration to set up an academic think tank called the New
search is especially important, as it might eventually Archaeology Group (or NAG), staff it with Sleepers
uncover the laws that Ether itself obeys. and pay the Peruvian government for private access to
Storytellers can use this potential as a license to pull the Nazca Lines. Ether Scientists trickled in for a piece
out all the stories that they have shelved for not being of the action, but Kararoshi selected only the few with
consistent with Mage metaphysics (whatever that whom he could get along.
means). Fortean events, ancient astronauts, alien pyra- Unfortunately, the NAG attracted the attention of
mid builders, Lemuria, telluric current conspiracies the Technocracy, which began to discreetly spy on the
involving the crowned heads of Europe — each are Scientists’ fieldwork. Kararoshi and his fellow Scientist
fringe theories that can be mined for an Ether Science Doctor Fang concentrated their observations on the
story. Libraries, bookstores and the Internet are gold great “Orion Spider” lines, looking for the source of its
mines of conspiracies and questionable reasoning that odd Etheric activity. Noting their progress, the Union
you can use to enhance a Scientific chronicle. sent an amalgam to investigate. Arriving with Peruvian
government credentials and digging equipment, it was
The Nazca Saints: greeted by an irate Kararoshi, touching off a week-long
An Etherite Cabal hide-and-seek battle across the plains.
Any fringe theorist can tell you about the “ancient Cornered by agents, NAG Etherites co-operated on
spaceport” of Peru’s Nazca Lines, but only a handful of a complex teleportation procedure. At the last moment,
people know about the secret hangars that lie beneath. Kararoshi intervened, entering coordinates derived from
These “Nazca Saints” can tell you that the hovering the geometric proportions of the lines themselves. The
craft that lie within are human-built — and that this is Effect went off and the Scientists went underground to
only one of several caches around the world that attest a remote hidden cavern.
to a more wondrous history than most people are brought Liquid-filled yellow rods illuminated the cavern’s
up to believe. carved walls, and three spacecraft hung in the air at its
center. A perfectly smooth tube led to the surface,
History several miles from the lines themselves. The Scientists
The Nazca Saints’ founder, Kararoshi, returned to put their skills to work warding the place from intrusion
his birthplace in 1998. After completing an arduous then hiked back to the surface, finding the sun behind
post as a Research Assistant in England, the Amazonian a concealed door in the rock. The NAG left Peru, but
Etherite returned to Peru to make sense of who he was. not before publicly demonstrating Etheric flight tech-
Although he intended to return to the Amazon, brief nology to distract the Technocracy.
jaunts through its cities awakened a real interest in the The three spacecraft still sit in their hangar, but the
nation that he’d spent much of his life ignoring. Since “Insidious” Doctor Fang recognized some of their mark-
76 Sons of Ether
secret of the Viasilicos, his research eventually led him ened talent, taught him to master English and gave
to the Kitab al-Alacir and, in the end, the Sons of Ether. him a copy of the Kitab al-Alacir.
After a hasty apprenticeship, his Professors agreed Kararoshi was elated by the book — and troubled.
to send him as far away as possible. He joined the Saints If the laws of the universe were mutable and subjective,
in the Peruvian wilderness, where his talent for stealth then his own accomplishments could never really rep-
and duplicity helped them avoid problems with the resent progress. They were just a choice. He returned to
local government. Even though they had to flee, he still Peru so that he could put his Science beside his family’s
fulfils the same role, using his investigative Science and old lifestyle and decide for himself which path he
talents for forgery and bureaucracy to help the cabal wanted to follow.
enter protected ruins and study secret documents. In the end, he chose Science; its lure was too great
to refuse, especially since he was the only Ether Scien-
Professor Kararoshi tist in Peru. When he visited the Nazca Lines and sensed
Professor Kararoshi grew up in the Amazon rainforest their power, he found a solution to his dilemma. If
with the rest of his family. As dedicated hunter-gather- Science was a recurring feature of all cultures, then he
ers, they took pains to distance themselves from could assert that it lay with his own people, just waiting
missionaries, government officials and other blunder- to express itself. As a result, he formed the NAG and,
ing outsiders. Other Amazonians never seemed to benefit after being chased out of Peru, the Nazca Saints. Finding
from dealing with settled people, so aside from occa- ancient Science still obsesses him, but he eventually
sional trade, Kararoshi’s people politely refused aid, wants to find his family and take stock of his long,
salvation through the Church and interested anthro- strange journey. Meanwhile, he and the Saints roam the
pologists. Communication was complicated by the fact world, celebrating the discoveries as they come.
that none of Kararoshi’s family used personal names; Image: Kararoshi is a small, broad-shouldered, 32-
they identified each other by physical features, kinship year-old man. His native Amazonian ancestry gives him
or shared stories. long black hair and dark skin, accentuated by the
Unfortunately, the rainforest shrank to the point spotless whites and khakis he wears in the field. His
that the clan could barely avoid outside interference. stern face is offset by a boyish voice.
They reluctantly agreed to trade medicines and crafts Roleplaying Hints: Don’t call anybody by name
with a related tribe that had settled by the forest’s edge. unless you have to; it’s a social convention you never
Here, the teenager who would become Kararoshi dem- really mastered. You’re direct to the point of rudeness,
onstrated a remarkable aptitude with engines and but that sincerity cuts both ways because you don’t hold
electronics. Thanks to his talents, his family soon ac- back your praise, either. You know that your unusual
quired more than it knew what to do with. Weighed background endears you to naïve Progessivists and pro-
down by possessions, Kararoshi’s family merged with vokes curiosity. You try to resist temptation, but
the other clan. In deference to local customs he was
baptized under the name “Jorge,” but the ugly, unpro-
nounceable sound of it was eventually softened. Happy
to exercise his talents, Kararoshi took to the settled life
with enthusiasm. His parents were less elated. They
hated farming and hated their son for trapping them in
daily drudgery. Soon, Kararoshi was living in his own
house on the opposite side of town, hanging his head
whenever his family passed by.
When Kararoshi was 21, Peruvian officials vis-
ited the settlement. To their amazement, the little
village now had its own power grid, water purifica-
tion system and farming machinery, all thanks to
Kararoshi. Solar-powered and self-sufficient, his de-
signs earned him a scholarship at the state university
of his choice. So, to spite his parents as much as to
develop his talents, Kararoshi went to Oxford. An
Etherite engineering professor noticed his Awak-
78 Sons of Ether
Archaeology Group fend off pursuing Technocrats. When actual Scientific work needs to be done, you
Fang discovered that, as long as he played the Asiatic sequester yourself in the lab or on the field until you
villain to the hilt, Technocrats would fall in step, from have something worth sharing. Suppositions and half
wasting their time with his hired men to falling for measures never cut it with you, which is why your
improbable traps. It was as if the stereotype was too exchanges with fellow roboticists are so well received
ingrained to resist. despite the unusual pedigrees of your inventions.
Now Doctor Fang divides his time between serious Science: Your Science revolves around robots,
Science, maintaining the Nazca Saints’ Macao safe clockworks, Ether-collection and -manipulation de-
house and supervising the cabal’s finances and consors. vices, all based on a combination of reconstructed
Of course, this gives him a chance to build a secret ancient techniques and cutting-edge materials science.
headquarters defended by strange machines and a le- You use Feng Shui combined with specific light fre-
gion of followers, but he insists that this is just a beneficial quencies for Mind Effects.
side effect of his duties. Faction: Cybernauts
Image: Doctor Fang wears long, painstakingly em- Essence: Pattern
broidered robes, long, lustrous black hair and a jeweled Nature: Architect
ring on each finger. Only his tennis shoes and pager Demeanor: Deviant
(which tends to go off in the middle of a speech) are
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Cha-
markedly out of place. When he’s in the lab, he usually
risma 4 (Intimidating), Manipulation 3, Appearance 2,
has the sleeves hiked back with a lab coat over top and
Perception 2, Intelligence 4 (Strategic Genius), Wits 4
a pair of Ether goggles in place. When he’s fighting the
(Quick Plans)
Saints’ enemies, he usually smiles slightly as if he’s
quietly appreciating a joke. Fang is a young-looking 29 Abilities: Academics (Archaeology) 5 (China), Aware-
year old. ness 3, Computer 3, Dodge 2, Firearms 1, Investigation 3,
Linguistics 1 (Chinese, English), Meditation 2, Occult 4
Roleplaying Hints: Around friends you’re mild
(Chinese), Science (Physics) 4, Technology 5 (Robotics)
mannered and curt, sticking to the facts with a mini-
mum of elaboration. Otherwise, let your vintage bombast Backgrounds: Avatar 3, Library 4, Resources 4, Retain-
loose! ers 4
Stand in the highest spot in the room, yell, “Seize Arete: 4
them!” to your consors and subject your enemies to Spheres: Correspondence 2, Forces 3, Matter 4, Prime 3,
gruesome, overly elaborate, slow-acting fates. In fact, Spirit 2, Time 2
these “death traps” are your way of neutralizing enemies Willpower: 8
without killing them. While they struggle against their Quintessence: 9
bonds and robots, the Nazca Saints can escape — and Resonance: (Primordial) Insidious, (Primordial) Sinis-
you get another amusing anecdote for the next party. ter, (Pattern) Crystalline, (Dynamic) Warm
80 Sons of Ether
tational anomalies, or a weakening of the Gauntlet that other graph that quantifies the emergence of new ideas
separates the Umbra (“hyperdimensional space”) from into the world (and can therefore be related to the
the material world. In creating their own artificial “jumping Jesus” graph), derived from mathematical
Nodes, mages are actually tapping lesser geodesic inter- permutations of the I Ching. Again, even the McKennas
sections that, with sufficient geometric expertise, can were not entirely certain how to interpret it. They did,
be found at any given point on the surface of the planet. however, name it the “End of History.”
Major intersections include the poles (the former main The Sons of Ether have yet another source that
entrances to the Hollow Earth), the southeastern coast indicates the apocalyptic nature of this date, one
of Florida (one vertex of the infamous Bermuda Tri- from within their own ranks. Dr. Bernhardt Mueller,
angle), the Wyoming gravity vortex, the Nile Delta, the visionary astronomer, asserted the existence of a
Alice Springs in Australia, Lop Nor in China, innumer- gigantic comet-like body that he named “Mirzaba”
able ancient megalithic sites, zones of intense seismic or after a term found in the Kitab al-Alacir. (Al-mirzaba
volcanic activity and various oceanic locales associated in Arabic means “iron hammer” and seems to refer to
with sacred cities of Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria (like the an ultimate test that makes or breaks any working
cyclopean underwater structures recently discovered model or theory, determining its applicability to the
and photographed by Japanese divers). Many Sons of real world.) According to Mueller, Mirzaba follows a
Ether devote their lives to preserving such sites from complex hyperdimensional trajectory that sometimes
Technocratic exploitation. intersects the four dimensions of known space-time,
and has passed close to Earth several times through-
Eschatonomy and out our planet’s existence. Dr. Mueller calculated
Utoponomy that Mirzaba’s next pass would result in a direct hit on
December 22, 2012. While not everyone is con-
Oddly, the end of the world and the perfection of
vinced of this “supercomet’s” existence, those who
the world have come to be seen as parallel studies by
follow Mueller’s theories have been amassing evi-
those Sons of Ether who examine both. A crisis point
dence that Mirzaba already entered the solar system,
now looms on the horizon, well within our lifetimes,
citing the recent eclipse of Pluto by an unidentified
and the Ascension War that some feel has already been
dark body and various slight disturbances in the
lost could be the deciding factor between global destruc-
orbits of the outer planets.
tion and a new golden age for humanity. This crisis
point has even been mathematically determined. It will Confirmation of Mirzaba’s presence would seem to
occur on or about the winter solstice of AD 2012. spell unavoidable doom for all life on Earth, but some
Etherites, considering it in conjunction with the other
This date was contrived independently by a number
theories cited thus far, have proclaimed its arrival as the
of different sources. First, it was the final day of the
turning point for the human species. Such an over-
Mayan calendar. Second, it is the asymptotic limit of
whelming global threat would dissolve sociopolitical
the so-called “jumping Jesus” curve, a graph that plots
antagonisms and unite the race, they argue, spurring
the technological development of mankind. (This theory
humanity on to fulfill its true potential by turning all its
describes how the level of human technology around
resources, knowledge and will toward averting disaster.
the time of Christ — as determined by a ratio of how
A few feel that the crisis could push the general popu-
much work was required to achieve a specific material
lace into a mass Awakening. Among them are some
goal — had doubled by the time of the Renaissance,
who believe that this Awakening might not be re-
doubled again during the Age of Enlightenment, and
stricted to the human race, but that every organism on
doubled again by the dawn of the 20th century. Cur-
Earth — perhaps even the living planet itself — might
rently, the level of technology is increasing at an almost
experience an analogous transformation of conscious-
yearly pace, and within a decade it will approach infin-
ness. Most dismiss such thoughts as grandiose escapism
ity, i.e., the graph line points straight up. Nobody is
but concede that, given the relatively small amount of
quite sure what this means, though. It seems to suggest,
time left, a global Awakening of six-billion-plus mages
especially to Utopians, that every possible invention or
might be the only thing that could save the world. This
scientific breakthrough will be realized at that time.)
theory has thus become the integral philosophy of some
Third — and even more arcane — it is the endpoint of
hardcore Utopians who foresee true heaven on Earth —
the Timewave of Terrence and Dennis McKenna, an-
if the world avoids destruction.
82 Sons of Ether
Mueller and Wojciehowicz resolved to investigate receive impressions from every possible dimension as
the matter in greater detail, to seek out the best course well as extending its will into every possible dimension.
of action regarding Mirzaba’s impending return. Mueller’s Like any other faculty, though, this must be cultivated
subsequent disappearance and Wojciehowicz’s through self-knowledge and developed through prac-
uncommunicativeness regarding the rest of the Tradi- tice. The various energies must be identified, their
tion, however, have left the Sons of Ether to work things behavior recognized and the dimensions in which they
out on their own. manifest explored. Just like the physical body, the mind
and spirit must be exercised in order to operate at full
Bionomy and Psychonomy efficiency, and the total organism must be tested against
Living matter is the most intricate form of material its environment. This process can be as gross as lifting a
organization, a nexus of widely divergent energies whose weight or as subtle as applying a complex mathematical
confluence is able to cohere with a discrete identity, to formula to observable phenomena in the world at large.
maintain itself and dynamically adapt to its environ- The Sons of Ether acknowledge the partial valid-
ment, to manipulate its environment, to process ity of other Traditional paradigms — even the
sensation and information to the degree that is gener- Technocratic — when defining the total organism,
ally defined as awareness — even to a degree of but they accept nothing on faith. The Scientific method
self-awareness in sufficiently complex organisms. Of all of investigation and probation always applies, espe-
the varieties of living matter, only the human race is cially when studying living organisms. Special care is
known to consistently exhibit a high potential of self- taken to separate genuine Technocratic findings from
awareness. Other physical organisms might possess this lies used to influence Consensual reality. The mind-
capability, but the exact degree of which they are body duality is one example, used to keep the general
capable has yet to be determined conclusively. (Higher populace from becoming fully integrated individuals
forms of consciousness — gods, spirits, etc. — have been independent of political control. Like other Tradi-
identified, but none are yet known to exist as physical tions, the Sons know that body and mind are one, and
organisms that truly inhabit the material world.) they seek to reconcile the physical and non-physical in
The Sons of Ether understand that not all of the popular consciousness through investigation of the
energies converging in an organism are purely physi- bioelectric field, the Kirlian aura, the orgone energy of
cal; the Ether moves not only in the temporal and Wilhelm Reich and psychosomatic illness or healing.
spatial dimensions, but in an unknown number of Only by uniting the substantial and insubstantial can
other directions as well. These non-physical dimen- an organism achieve its full potential. Ultimately
sions, dismissed as irrelevant by the Consensus and there is only one substance — the Ether.
relegated to mere informational constructs by the
Technocracy, manifest externally as what other Tra-
ditions call the Umbra and are experienced internally Understanding the complexity of oneself leads to
as thoughts, emotions, etc. Perhaps the unique feature a realization of the complexity of one’s surroundings.
of organic life lies in its potential for converting Mundane science refuses to accept what it cannot
physical energies into non-physical energies, and vice observe, and the Technocracy limits the scope of the
versa. Focused through the lens of will, thought and world to what it can control, but mages know that
feeling can act to alter the world, just as, at the simplest there are more creatures living on, in and around the
level, arrangements of matter (like shapes and lines, earth than those found in the textbooks. As a result,
i.e., images and writing, or modulated atmospheric the Sons of Ether have compiled a fairly extensive
compression waves, speech) can alter the internal zoonomic roster. In an age when general belief holds
energies, or affect the thoughts and feelings, of those that most of the great secrets of the planet have been
who make the effort to understand. discovered, the Sons traveled farther and deeper than
This process, refined over eons of evolution, is so most others, finding new mysteries concealed in the
ubiquitous, and so integral to consciousness, that the folds of the earth. Their Science has documented the
bulk of humanity seldom sees past the simple linguistic existence of, and begun to classify, numerous un-
level. Carried to its extreme, however, it is what the known creatures, or cryptids.
Sons of Ether call Science, and what other Traditions Some cryptids have been known to the world for
call magic. All dimensions intersect within the indi- some time, though their existence has never been
vidual organism, and so it is possible for the organism to documented to the satisfaction of mundane science.
84 Sons of Ether
as the Umbrood, appears to be dependent upon the relaying some positive, even Utopian, message to be-
thoughts and beliefs of humanity for its continued nighted Earthlings.
existence, and thus directs much of its energies to Over the next few decades, however, Technocratic
raising the Etheric vibrations of the human psyche to interference of government investigations into the deli-
frequencies that resonate with its non-physical plane. cately termed “Unidentified Flying Objects” cast a
Another still more elusive type seems to exist within the darker tone upon the subject. Contactees were no
same physical dimensions as the human race while longer the recipients of profound wisdom, but hapless
maintaining a simultaneous existence in those dimen- victims who had been violated from without and subse-
sions that intersect with the human mind during REM quently alienated by their own kind. Some Etherites
or dream sleep. While bound to the physical world in blame this on the ongoing Technocratic oppression of
the same way that humans are, they are able to trans- the human spirit, noting that, while much of the evi-
form the energies of their other shared dimensions into dence in favor of extraterrestrial visitation can be
a dazzling array of paranormal and extradimensional attributed to terrestrial paranormals (such as Tradi-
effects. They are known historically as the longaevi, fae tional mages themselves, their allies and enemies),
or fairy changelings. what remains tends to reflect current Consensual atti-
tudes. In an age marked by covert conquest and
Ufonomy exploitation perpetrated by Earthlings upon each other,
Strange lights in the sky have fascinated mankind people project these intentions upon the universe at
since the dawn of civilization, and accounts of visita- large. Noting the memetic nature of those parts of the
tions from outlandish beings go back even further. Umbra known to Science, the Sons of Ether turn their
Some Etherites cite early interest in such phenomena as eye toward the immaterial dimensions for answers.
the first impetus toward true Science. Even among Given the material limitations that physical travel
modern Sleepers this interest has not waned but taken between star systems poses, they conclude that any
on new forms that have evolved along with the Consen- possible visit by extrasolar entities would, of necessity,
sual worldview, leaving some hope that the sense of have to come through Umbral avenues. They therefore
wonder is not yet completely excised from the collective substitute the term ETI with “extradimensional intelli-
human psyche. The nature spirits of primitive man and gence,” or EDI, and concentrate upon the problem of
the religious apparitions of the Medieval Era have been distinguishing between spiritual projections of human
dismissed as hallucinations by the Technocracy since hopes and fears, and actual aliens who have entered
the Age of Reason, but the ever-expanding view of the Earth’s Umbra from outside. This outlook is relatively
universe in the 20th century leaves room for even the new, and investigation is severely hampered by the
most unimaginative to compose wild speculations. barrier of the Avatar Storm. The apparently
Visits by extraterrestrial life forms from distant star humanocentric focus of much EDI activity, not to
systems are well-known images in the modern era, and mention the humanoid appearance of most “aliens,”
even some moderate skeptics admit the possibility of leaves little room for non-human origins. Some have
such events while doubting many of the facts presented even begun to speculate that EDIs are actually highly
in this theory’s favor. The Sons of Ether have investi- evolved humans from an alternate future who have
gated this phenomenon ever since Tesla first noted the traveled back in time to try to prevent the extinction of
seemingly intelligent patterns found in electrical fluc- the race, which would thus negate their own existence.
tuations during experiments conducted in his Colorado At first they attempted to lead humanity into a greater
Springs laboratory. Frightened at first, he compared Awakening through positive messages, but, with the
these “signals” to the “ghost messages” noted by Samuel increased probability of ecological collapse and the
Morse and early telegrapher operators, as recorded by approach of Mirzaba, more urgent methods are required,
the Electrodyne Engineers, and later pondered the like the harvesting of human genetic material for use in
possibility that they comprised the “greeting of one repopulating the damaged biosphere. Etherites who
planet to another.” Speculations about extraterrestrial subscribe to this theory actively seek contact with the
intelligence, or ETI, entered popular consciousness race known as the “Grays,” whom they believe to be
shortly after WWII, as pilots reported seeing “flying future humans fighting a reptilian race that claims to be
saucers” and moving lights they called “foo fighters.” By from Zeta Reticuli — themselves believed to be agents
the 1950s, the first “saucer cults” had formed among the from a non-human evolutionary line (possibly even
Sleeper populace, usually centered around people who survivals of the Muvian dinonychi seeking to re-estab-
had supposedly been contacted by higher intelligences lish their own extinct species).
86 Sons of Ether
Sky Cavalry
Quote: I love the Resonance of phlogiston in the morning.
Prelude: Your family was too poor to leave town, and
you were too decent to abandon them, even when your
scientific talents could have taken you to college. Instead,
you brought home a paycheck and released your frustra-
tion designing rockets and custom cars: machines that
could blast you out of your tiny, worn-out hometown.
Finally, you screwed up the courage and joined the
army. It didn’t work out, though. You were fit and disci-
plined enough, but you realized that all you’d be doing is
playing the hick mechanic again. Even tanks bored you.
You wanted to invent, not repair. So you got a discharge and
cringed at the thought of returning home.
You were walking toward the base’s gate when you got
the call. The man on the line said that he was a friend of
your CO’s and you’d been singled out as a perfect candidate
for a “special job.” He wanted military experience, me-
chanical skills and a clean bill of health. All you had to do
was go to Canada and try out.
You took the first flight out. They picked you up at the
airport and took you straight to heaven.
At least, that’s how it seemed when you entered the
Ethernaut compound. Rocket ships and jet-packs lay in
neat heaps; men and women divided their time between too much time denying
grueling physical training and a university’s worth of your talents and don’t
scientific education. Best of all, your strange ideas about want to see it happen to
fuel chemistry were taken in stride. By your third year anyone else.
there, they were using your designs. Your mind grew to Science: Your
encompass the psychic dimensions of space and you learned natural mechanical
to fly and fight in worlds that used to be nothing more than savvy and a toolkit
backyard dreams. full of chemical
The Ascension War was hard on the Ethernauts, and agents lets you use
many of your instructors died in terrible battles. You carry the Sphere of Mat-
their legacy as much out of personal loyalty as the feeling ter to keep machines
that humanity needs new worlds. If it stays trapped, it can in running order. You
only wither. use modified or
Concept: You’re one of the elite Sky Cavalry: a band scratch-built rockets,
of Ethernauts who train for exploration and defense against planes and drones to travel
the unknown. A decade ago you might have been a marine via Forces and Correspon-
on an Ethership, but nowadays you lead bands of explorers dence. Crystals focus your
and protect the Sons of Ether. Your Scientific skills con- psychic talents so that
centrate on travel, but as a warrior-polymath you’ve picked you can detect
up the psychic talents and survival skills you need to extradimensional
protect your Tradition anywhere in the universe. energies.
Roleplaying Tips: Always ready for action, you prefer to Equipment:
invent on the fly. Look after the bookish members of your jumpsuit, helmet, Ether
cabal — you’re there to guide and protect them. Among goggles with inset crystals,
Sleepers, talk about the potential of space travel or the secrets a homemade gyrojet pistol
that might lie at the corners of the earth. Inspire people to and a toolkit
break out of their shells and follow their dreams. You wasted
90 Sons of Ether
Chapter Three: The Dynamic Faculty 91
Mad Bomber
Quote: BOOM.
Prelude: A PhD in Chemical Physics bored you. As a 20-year-old
prodigy, you were still restless. The old folks at the lab were smart
enough, but they just weren’t interested in the outside world. That’s
why you joined the army. They’d take you around the globe and pay
you for your expertise.
You were amazed that people managed to find a way to blow each
other up even when they couldn’t feed themselves. You studied jury-
rigged explosives, mines and booby traps across the globe and eventually
made a name for yourself as something of an expert. Allied govern-
ments relied on your forensics advice; you helped them bag a few
terrorists and went on to the next assignment.
The only thing that bothered you were the anomalies: impossible
bombs. Crazy devices that never should have gone off. Strange debris
patterns. In Mogadishu, you found an unidentifiable metal among the
wreckage of a blasted government office. Then you saw the same thing
in Sarajevo and again at the remains of an Afghan warlord’s com-
It had to be one bomber. The mystery consumed you and
interfered with your other work. Finally, your commanding officers
pointed to the pile of unfinished work on your desk and gave you a
choice: Leave the army now or face a dishonorable discharge for
slacking. You left, but that was all right; it just gave you more time to
look for the bomber. After some creative filing, you took your work and
samples with you.
You burned through your savings, traveling to blast sites and
buying land in the desert where you could blow things up on your own
time. Delving deep into theoretical physics, you realized that with
charged C4 on yet another bank vault. Blast effects on
access to a fission pile you could rearrange atoms. That was the
populated areas are interesting, but not your main
source of your mystery metal. Riding the epiphany, you success-
focus. At times, you endanger yourself because
fully replicated one of the bombs. As the brilliant blast lit the
you want to get close to the center of
desert sky, you realized where the bomber was. It was hard
destruction. So far you’ve managed to
to sneak into North Korea and harder still to get into
pull back, but the beauty, finality and
their breeder reactors. You saw fresh coils of the newly
decisiveness of a bomb going off is
forged alloy leave the facility as you crept into the
a source of unparalleled fascina-
research director’s office.
tion. Get as close as you can.
The first thing you saw was the bomber. The
Science: You use explo-
second thing you saw was a dossier about you that
sives of all kinds, along with
he’d acquired from North Korean intelligence.
acids, electricity and even
He knew you’d been following his work — and
lasers to excite volatile
he wanted you to continue it.
matter. You use whatever
You accepted. Now, your life revolves you need to produce or
around the glory of the blast. People are irrel- enhance the effects of
evant unless they’re fueling the fire. You’ll help almost any incendiary or
other Etherites destroy, but their causes are sec- explosive. In addition,
ondary to the joy of detonation. you use custom elec-
Concept: You’re a demolitions expert tronic triggers and
who unraveled in the face of Ether Science. timers. Among other
You dropped your normal life to solve the things, you make sure
mystery and Awakened yourself, but you that all of the wires on
fell under the sway of an Etherite Dissi- your devices are the same color.
dent. He took advantage of your already After all, why make your bombs
unhinged state to teach you his own twisted any easier to disarm?
methods. Now your destructive talents nomi- Equipment: Jeep, pro-
nally serve the Sons of Ether, but your real tective clothing, and a
passion is for the bombs themselves. desert compound stocked
Roleplaying Tips: Blow it up if you can with explosives
manage it, but don’t repeat yourself. You pursue
knowledge as passionately as any Scientist, so
there’s no point in using the same old super-
92 Sons of Ether
Shadow Ministry Agent
Quote: I’m saving the world from boredom.
Prelude: Your narcissism sparked your expertise in foreign
affairs. You wanted to be well informed enough to win political
arguments. Being right wasn’t good enough; you wanted to look
like an expert. That’s why the Agency recruited you straight out
of college, giving you top-secret clearance for your new job as an
intelligence analyst.
But being a spy wasn’t as exciting as you thought it would be.
The Agency wasn’t going to risk your brilliant brain out in the field,
so you were reduced to editing and commenting on other people’s
data. You did a good enough job, but you figured that being smart
was easy. Being impressive, daring — that’s what you wanted out
of the secret agent business. You hit upon a plan. If you managed
to find a bit of hitherto unknown intelligence in the archives, you’d
be able to grab your choice of assignments. Your superiors would be
embarrassed that they’d missed something that should
have been under their noses and would be happy to
have you away from the office.
So you sifted through old files looking for clues
that your predecessor missed or ignored. You exam-
ined ancient diskettes and dusty vertical files,
learning to rely on intuition as well as analysis. You
found warehouses of data
that didn’t officially exist
even at your security clear-
ance. In one of them, you found
more than you bargained for. ment; they were spies for Utopia. Latin for “nowhere.” The word for
There were photos of men who paradise on Earth. If you wanted to join up, they would tell you
hadn’t aged in 50 years, reports of black- everything you needed to know about the Black Suit conspiracy.
suited, nameless agents interfering in You accepted. Now, not only are you a spy, but you get to
Agency business. The only possible con- save the world. Who can beat an ego trip like that?
clusion was that the Agency — the whole Concept: You’re a spy for the Shadow Ministry, infiltrating
damn government, in fact — had been infil- governments to foil the agents of Control and drag the world
trated by a highly organized conspiracy. You toward Utopia. Your goals: world peace and justice, the fall of
realized that you couldn’t use this to get away tyrants and the growth of just enough chaos to keep the Sleepers
from the desk unless you wanted to be trans- guessing about reality. If they ask the hard questions, victory is sure
ferred to a coffin, and you tried to erase all to follow. Aside from that, you want to make a name for yourself in
signs that you’d been snooping around. the Sons of Ether as a top-notch agent — and ultimately as the lever
You weren’t surprised when the Black that knocks over Technocratic control of the Consensus.
Suits came for you. You couldn’t see them, Roleplaying Tips: You’re brash, arrogant and self-involved. It
but your intuitive command of information probably infuriates your compatriots that you’re willing to take
and intelligence trends meant you could incredible risks just for the bragging rights. Still, your unfettered
somehow feel that they were waiting for you vanity and selfishness jar others out of their complacency because
in the Director’s office. The same senses they have to work that much harder to do their part in your ego-
revealed that you could escape only if you driven, grandiose schemes. Your self-involved nature manifests in
went straight to the secret warehouse where your speech and style. You dress like a bit of a fop, and your words
you found your evidence. A locus of uncer- drip with arrogance and sarcasm. That doesn’t stop you from being
tainty was gathering, but if you went amusing, even inspiring. You’re good at being a bastard.
there you could harness it. You didn’t Science: You use gadgets designed by other Utopians to
know if it was going to save you, but manipulate Matter, but your real talent lies in gathering informa-
it was preferable to certain death. tion and tweaking the odds. By looking at statistical trends, news
They slipped the bag over your items and dossiers you employ a kind of psychological, political
head the second you walked in. You and media-driven Feng Shui.
woke up three days later to find out Equipment: retro sunglasses, a paisley frock coat, cravat, com-
that the kidnappers weren’t Black bat boots, secret pockets, tranquilizer dart pistol and a case of cigars
Suits. They didn’t work for a govern-
96 Sons of Ether
Chapter Three: The Dynamic Faculty 97
Urban Planner
Quote: Ascension starts on the street.
Prelude: Even when you ran with the gang, you could
sense the invisible forces that made up the city’s heart and soul.
The hive of machines and administration that allowed it to
function were an open book to you. You originally applied this
knowledge to avoid the cops, go urban spelunking and mess
with the local power grid. Under your direction, there was
nothing your crew couldn’t steal. Your feel for the city and
mechanical skills were the cornerstone of their success.
After one job stealing power for a meth lab, things didn’t
feel right. The gang stayed behind to talk business and sample
the lab’s wares. After the cops came and the guns came out, the
botched shootout that blew up the lab didn’t get you, because
you’d left five minutes too early to get caught.
Your criminal career was over, but you still had enemies:
cops who wanted your number and other gangs who resented
your former success. It was a stroke of luck when your mom
showed you the scholarship. You hardly ever showed up for
school, but you somehow got full support at an Ivy League
college. You could make your family proud and get out of town
in one move.
Sociology and anthropology were easy: You knew all about
kinship, subcultures and the rest. You knew how the tribe and
the city worked, and you just wrote what you learned in the
’hood in the language your professors needed to hear. They
seemed to like it, and one of them even kept you around after have their say. Keep your fellow
class, where you’d talk about all kinds of weird things. You Scientists and magi from forget-
always seemed to end up in his classes. By graduation, you and ting what normal life — real
the professor were good friends. He gave you a present: the Kitab life — is actually like so that
al-Alacir. “You’ll like it,” he said. “It uses the city as a metaphor they can adjust their goals.
for knowledge.” Science: You’ve
You liked it. kept up your informal
Now you’ve got your PhD, and you work for your home- mechanical and electri-
town as an urban planner. You also watch the city for the Sons cal engineering skills
of Ether, but their idea of “social order” is a far cry from what you and supplemented them
want. Fuck that Things to Come homogeneity and hierarchy. with the social Sciences.
You want communities to have power on the street and then You can use your
take it on up. knowledge of urban
systems and social
Concept: Some people have street smarts; you have street
conventions to
genius. Combined with mechanical skills and a feel for the
great effect to sway
structure of systems and groups, you have all the talents you
others and to pre-
need to renew a decaying city. You may not have the political
dict what’s going
influence to do it, but you prefer neighborhood approval to city
to happen and
hall. You recognize ethnic and class divides that most Etherites
don’t bother with and are at loggerheads with them over what
constitutes Utopia. When it comes right down to it, your Equipment:
upbringing lets you get into the seedy side of things and survive office at city hall,
the odd dust up. off-the-rack suits,
a multi-tool
Roleplaying Tips: You’re an activist and a social Scientist.
and a cell
Take your ideas to the people to get support before bringing it
up with the authorities. This applies to mage society as well.
The Sons of Ether and other Traditions might have some grand
plans for humanity, but you think the so-called Sleepers should
98 Sons of Ether
Every Step
of the Way
Florida, 2003: Yves took a deep breath, clawed at the catches on his
Yves Mercure switched off the converter, breastplate and freed himself from the bulky suit. “Yes… No!
staggering back as red sparks arced off his I am not certain. It is… difficult to describe what I experi-
Ethersuit. enced. Not simply a future timeline… I have never been to a
A man burst out of the doorway that dimension of such magnitude. It passed beyond my compre-
opened into the square tower of Coral Castle, hension. It was…”
running to where Yves had collapsed against “An Epiphamy?”
one of the coral chairs. He was 40ish, mus- Yves nodded. “Oui. That is what our fellow Traditions
tached, prematurely graying at the temples, would call it.” Composure regained, he stood and returned to
with a spare tire that caused his greasy overalls to bulge the converter. “If our world survives at all, it will be as
slightly at the waist. He checked the suit’s gauges, popped the something very different from that which we now know.” He
seals on the helmet and gloves, and gently removed them. retracted the converter’s tripod.
The Frenchman was trembling uncontrollably, his eyes The man pulled a battered notebook from his back
wild as he tore his gaze from the depths of the night sky. A pocket, checked some pages and scribbled a few equations. “I
fluid pump mounted on his suit’s thigh seemed to be compen- think I see what happened. I was following a toroidal flight
sating for some lower bodily function. His fingers found the path. A cross-section of a torus looks like two circles touching
man’s overalls and pulled him to his knees. Yves shrieked in at a single point, like a figure eight, or the symbol for infinity.
the man’s face, “You did not tell me that I would have to See?” He held a sloppy diagram up to show Yves, who spared
witness the end of the world!” it only the briefest glance. “Two loops, one into the past, the
The man sputtered. “How — how could I have known? other into the future, intersecting at the present. I didn’t
Back then, it all happened in the blink of an eye! It took me know what that meant — I never studied time travel in depth.
25 years just to figure out as much as I did.” He held Yves as But when I met Stan at the party, he told me he was gonna be
the trembling subsided. “I’m sorry, man! I didn’t realize what doing some retroscopy in Australia around this time. That
I was getting you into. So Doctor Comet was right after all? Node there’s almost directly opposite Florida along a geodesic
We’re all doomed.” arc. It seemed to make sense. I had to take the chance,
Books Also…
Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, edited by David Hatcher
Theory of Knowledge. Philosopher Paul Childress
Feyerabend outlines objections to the scien- Forbidden Archeology, by Michael A. Cremo and Richard
tific method and proposes a replacement. The L. Thompson (abridged as The Hidden History of the Human
book serves as an excellent source to justify Race)
Etherite problems with conventional science. Etidorpha by John Uri Lloyd
Also: For and Against Method, a record of the
“‘Bob’ and the Oxygen Wars” by Waves Forest, from
arguments between Feyerabend and Scientific
Three-Fisted Tales of Bob, edited by Rev. Ivan Stang
Method proponent Imre Lakatos.
Supernature, by Lyall Watson
The Cyberiad. Stanislaw Lem blithely ignores the laws of
Colony: Earth, by Richard Mooney
physics to tell the story of two inventive robots who loose
their creations on the universe. Aside from the fact that the The Eighth Tower, by John Keel
inventions suit a bizarre, Umbra-centered game, the book The, edited by Patrick Huyghe
pokes fun at how we perceive technology and, in the end,
what it ultimately means to us. Also, The Futurological Con- Games
gress is an excellent model for Utopian Science gone wrong. Adventure! White Wolf’s Origins Award winning pulp
Wasn’t the Future Wonderful? A marvelous look at popular RPG. Aside from deftly simulating pulp conventions and
science magazines in the 1930s, this book is evenly split between providing a ready made all-Etherite game setting (where “Z-
genuine speculation, crankery that never should have got past Rays” can stand in for Ether with virtually no tweaking), it
the editors and tremendous, impractical proposals such as creat- captures the Utopian spirit. Since it uses a version of the
ing mile-high vertical airports. The book includes interviews Storyteller rules, many of its systems can be directly plugged
with Robert Goddard and Nikola Tesla alongside gems like: in to your Mage games — besides being a great game itself.
“Will Monster Insects Rule the World?” Virtually every flight of Also, its sister game Trinity is filled with plenty of inspira-
fancy (such as the one-wheeled tank) is illustrated. And the best tions for futuristic weird technology and psionics.
part? One of the source magazines is The Technocrat!
Physical Social Mental
OOOOO Charisma______________
Strength______________ OOOOO Perception_____________
OOOOO Manipulation___________
Dexterity_____________ OOOOO Intelligence____________
OOOOO Appearance____________
Stamina______________ OOOOO Wits__________________
Talents Skills Knowledges
OOOOO Crafts_________________
OOOOO Academics______________
OOOOO Drive_________________
OOOOO Computer______________
OOOOO Etiquette______________
OOOOO Cosmology_____________
OOOOO Firearms_______________
OOOOO Enigmas______________
OOOOO Meditation_____________
OOOOO Investigation___________
OOOOO Melee_________________
OOOOO Law__________________
OOOOO Performance____________
OOOOO Linguistics_____________
OOOOO Stealth________________
OOOOO Medicine______________
OOOOO Survival________________
OOOOO Occult________________
OOOOO Technology_____________
OOOOO Science________________
OOOOO Life__________________
OOOOO Prime_________________
OOOOO Matter________________
OOOOO Spirit_________________
OOOOO Mind_________________
OOOOO Time_________________
Backgrounds Arete Health
OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O Bruised -0
OOOOO Hurt -1
OOOOO Willpower Injured -1
OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O Wounded -2
OOOOO Mauled -2
OOOOO Crippled -5
OOOOO Quintessence Incapacitated
Other Traits Dynamic______________
OOOOO Static________________
OOOOO Paradox
Preferred Effects Rotes
Maneuver/Do Technique Roll Difficulty Damage/Effect
Do Style:___________
Expanded Background
Allies Library
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Contacts Mentor
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Destiny Node
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Influence Resources
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Gear (Carried) Equipment (Owned) Foci
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Wonders Familiar
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Past Incarnations
Apparent Age:________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth:__________________________________________________________________________
Age of Awakening:_____________________________________________________________________
Race:________________________Appearance/Nature of Avatar:_______________________________
Cabal Chart Character Sketch
Note s
Note s