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Medical Gas Design Guide Chapter 6 - Medical Vacuum (Suction)

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Medical Gas Design Guide

Chapter 6 - Medical Vacuum



Continuing Education Publication

Notes on Using this Pamphlet:

This pamphlet is presented as a service to systems designers working with medical gas and vacuum in medical
facilities. The design process used in this booklet is detailed in Chapter 1 - Design Process.

This Guide is not in any way intended to be a substitute for a properly qualified engineer, and any pretence to being
alone sufficient for the proper design of any medical gas system is explicitly disclaimed.

It is BeaconMedæs’ intent that this book should only be used as one tool among many by properly qualified engineers
who are in a position by training and experience to know it’s applications and limitations.

You will find in using the Guide that there are innumerable decisions, judgement calls, and subtleties in the design
of medical gases which cannot be incorporated in any book, but serve to dramatically emphasize the value of the
engineer’s expertise.

First Edition August 2005

Replaces Section 6 of the Hill Rom Design Guide

Comments on this booklet or on any aspect of medical gases are welcome and encouraged.
Please send to mallen@beaconmedaes.com

This Pamphlet in both print and electronic versions is Copyright 2005 BeaconMedæs. All Rights are Reserved, and
no reproduction may be made of the whole or any part without permission in writing. Distribution of the Electronic
version is permitted only where the whole is transmitted without alteration, including this notice.
Chapter 6
Medical Vacuum (Suction) Source Systems


Medical vacuum is, compared to other medical gas The HTM method is published in the HTM 2022 standard,
source systems, quite straightforward. The most and is the method used in the U.K. We have included it
difficult part of the process comes in the selection of here as an additional method for comparison.
the technology to be used because there are so many
competing technologies, each with their own appeal Step One: Discovery
and it must be said, their own warts. NFPA and CSA
standards have relatively few requirements and those are ? 1. If existing equipment is to be retained in
readily met, so the decision becomes a balancing of the service, determine (by actual observation
clients’s concerns for risk, initial cost vs. life cycle cost, if possible) the type, size, capacity and
and maintenance requirements. current loading. Ensure the existing equipment is compliant
with the current standard.
Engineers use the term “vacuum”, but clinicians use
the term “suction”, and if you have occasion to speak 2. Determine the number type and inlet count of all
with the clinicians, you’ll find the terminology subtlely occupancies in the facility which will receive medical
different. In addition, although the average clinician vacuum inlets.
cannot articulate it, their major concern is flow. It is quite
common to have a maintenance man, having been called 3. Determine if there are unusual circumstances which
because of “poor suction”, plug in a vacuum guage and may increase vacuum use. A classic example is the long
quite accurately tell the complaining nurse “you got all I term care facility where wheelchair bound ventilator
got”. He’s right in terms of vacuum level, but the nurse is patients are taught to suction their own airway. Suction
really complaining that she has no flow. demand is enormous, because they leave the suction lines
open constantly. A system sized using traditional criteria
If we are to complete a successful design, we must grapple would burn itself out in a matter of months under such a
this problem all the way through the system. Providing load.
flow is primarily a piping problem which we will deal
with in Chapter 11, but this distinction is important to 4. Examine the location intended for the exhaust. NFPA
understand because it affects pump selection as well. mandates the exhaust be outdoors, 3m (10 feet) from any
Giving a higher ultimate vacuum may be helpful, but it other opening, at a different level (usually lower) than any
rarely solves a problem of flow. Only fat pipes can do air intake, and in a location unlikely to blow contaminated
that. Seeking a high vacuum level may actually waste air where people are likely to be or where it cannot
our client’s money and provide no solution to their real disperse. (Ref. NFPA 99
Ensure the exhaust (or the intended location for the
The methods for sizing vacuum sources are always a exhaust) is located away from all other vents, windows,
surprise to new engineers, because there are so many and especially away from any intakes (e.g. compressed air
(we present three here) and because the most commonly intakes, HVAC intakes).
used are so poorly documented. The CGA P-2.1 has
been withdrawn by it’s publisher, the Compressed Gas 5. Determine a routing for the exhaust piping and note it
Association. It was essentially unchanged since the on the building drawings.
1970’s, but there is almost nothing but the patina of
age to substantiate the numbers it contains. The NFPA 6. Ensure the intended location for the vacuum plant is
method was removed from the NFPA 99 because it too adequately ventilated or is air conditioned. The plant will
was considered out of date. Fortunately, it at least has a discharge considerable heat into the enclosure, which must
research history. We continue to use these two in the US be factored in when selecting a pump site, determining
because we have used them for so long we understand the adequacy of ventilation, or BTU requirements for air
their limitations, and we know from experience that they conditioning. (BTU data is furnished on the equipment
do work. data sheets.)

Page  Rev B 11/2005

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide
7. Determine the availability of electrical service. additional flow for any unusual conditions, and use this sum
to select the pump.
8. If the vacuum system is not already piped to the intended
location, determine the routing for the piping and note it on 4. Go to note below.
the building drawings.
NFPA Method
Step Two: Design
1. Enter the number of inlets based on the occupancies
Follow directions for laying out piped list in Detail 6.6. Sum all the inlets in “A” occupancies and
medical gases as found in Chapter 4 of this all the inlets in “B” occupancies separately. Also sum all
Guide. This will provide the count of inlets operating rooms, trauma rooms and any other known high-
and occupancies which are necessary for demand occupancies.
the next steps.
2. When all occupancies have been accounted for, sum the

Engineering total number of “A” inlets. Referencing the graph in Detail

6.5, determine the diversity factor by reading the number of

Step Three: Plant Sizing inlets on the bottom against the diversity on the left. Plug
the result into the following formula:
There are several available methods for
sizing Vacuum. Three are included in this Number of “A” inlets x 0.25 x Diversity from Detail 6.5.
Guide: the P-2.1 Method, the NFPA method and the HTM
2022 method used in the U.K. 3. Sum the total number of “B” inlets. Referencing the
graph in Detail 6.5, determine the diversity by reading the
P-2.1 Method number of inlets on the bottom against the diversity on the
left. Plug the result into the following formula:
1. Using the list of occupancies in Detail 6.6, place all of
the occupancies in the project into these categories based Number of “B” inlets x 0.25 x Diversity from Detail 6.5.
on best match.
4. Sum the total number of O.R. and high demand locations
2. Note the counting units assigned to each of the categories. (by rooms). Apply the following formula:
Where the unit is “room”, you can ignore the inlet count
and simply use the flow listed for each room. Where the Number of high demand rooms X 1.5.
unit is “Bed”, you can ignore the inlet count and simply
count the maximum number of patients in that occupancy. 5. Sum the results of steps 2, 3 and 4 to obtain a total system
Where the unit is “station”, you should count the number of demand in scfm. This can be used to select a system.
individual work spaces or treatment spaces and use the flow
listed for each of those. 6. Go to note below.

3. When all occupancies have been accounted for, multiply HTM 2022 Method
by the flow for each and sum all the required flows. Add
1. Take counts by occupancy in the counting units found
1.0 in Detail 6.7.1.
.8 2. Insert the count into the formulæ shown for each
Diversity Factor

.7 occupancy category.
.6 Type “A”
.5 3. Sum the requirements column for total usage.
.4 Type “B”
.2 4. Go to note below.
Note on Sizing Methods: All sizing methods are only
0 25 50 75 100 150 200 300 500 1000 approximations and should be used judiciously. If an existing
Number of Inlets pump is being replaced, the operating characteristics of that
system can be an important guage of likely future use. As an
example, if an existing 5 Hp. pump was seen to be adequate,
Detail 6.5
but the sizing tables yielded a much larger requirement, it
NFPA Diversity Curves
might be appropriate to use a smaller compromise unit as
(after Fig. C-4.3.4 in NFPA 99 1999 version)
Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Detail 6.6 Reset CGA Reset NFPA

Medical Vacuum (suction) Source Sizing
CGA Method NFPA Method
Occupancy # Units of Usage High
Total Inlets Class
Count SCFM (lpm) Demand
Anesthesia Workroom 0 Station .15 (4.25) B No
Animal Research 0 Room .38 (10.8) B No
Blood Donors 0 Station .1 (2.8) B No
Cardiac Catherization 0 Room .1 (2.8) A No
Cast room 0 Room .1 (2.8) B No
Critical Care 0 Bed 1.5 (43) A No
Decontamination 0 Station .5 (14) B No
Demonstration (Inservice) 0 Station .1 (2.8) B No
EENT, EEG, ECG, EMG 0 Bed .1 (2.8) B No
Emergency Room / Triage 0 Room 3 (85) A Yes
Pre-Op / Induction / Holding 3 Bed .1 (2.8) 0.3 .3 B No
Intensive care Bed 1.5 (43) 0.0 A No
Isolation (Infectious Disease) Bed .1 (2.8) 0.0 B No
Laboratory 0 Station .38 (10.8) B No
Minor Procedures 0 Room .1 (2.8) A No
Delivery Room 0 Room 1 (28) A Yes
Labor Room 0 Bed 1 (28) A No
Labor/Delivery/Recovery (LDR) 0 Bed 1 (28) A Yes
Labor/Delivery/Recovery/Postpartum (LDRP) 0 Bed 1 (28) A Yes
Postpartum Room 0 Bed 1 (28) A No
Postpartum recovery 0 Bed .75 (21) A No
Infant Resuscitation 0 Station .5 (14) A No
Operating Rooms
Endo/Cysto 3 Room 6 (170) 6.0 6 A No
Major OR 0 Room 3.5 (100) A Yes
Minor OR 0 Room 2 (57) A Yes
Ortho/Neuro OR Room 3.5 (100) 0.0 A Yes
Veterinary Surgery 0 Room 2 (57) A Yes
Observation 0 Bed .1 (2.8) B No
Ped. ICU 0 Bed 1.2 (34) A No
Neonatal ICU (Level 3/4) 0 Bed .5 (14) A No
Neonatal ICU (Level 1/2) 0 Bed .5 (14) A No
Nursery 0 Bed .1 (2.8) A No
Pediatric and Adolescent 0 Bed .1 (2.8) B No
Psychiatric and Secure 0 Bed .1 (2.8) B No
Recovery / PACU 6 Bed .75 (21) 4.5 4.5 A No
Patient Room 0 Room .1 (2.8) B No
Respiratory Therapy 0 Room .5 (14) B No
Sterilization/Central Supply 0 Station .5 (14) B No
Trauma 0 Room 3 (85) A Yes
WAGD (if Dual use systems are employed) 0 Room 2 (57) A Yes
Peak Calculated Demand Class A Class B H.D. Rooms
10.8 11 0 0
Enter Diversity for A --
Enter Diversity for B --
Page  Print This Page Chapter 6 NFPA
= 0.0 Demand
in scfm
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide
vs. the ACFM at the altitude. If the facility
Detail 6.7.1
is willing to accept a lower vacuum level
Vacuum Source Sizing Reset
(see the Introduction), this number (and
HTM 2022 Method thus pump size) can be reduced.
Occupancy Count Formula
Flow lpm Step Five: Compensating for “Future
In-Patient Acute Care expansion”
Beds (nB)
Single and Multiple The idea of adding capacity now for any
nB/28 {round up} * 40
bed rooms and Wards future requirements is wise, but only if
carefully thought out. It is not uncommon
Beds (nB) to see oversized vacuum plants which
Treatment Rooms 40 +(nb-1)*10 were originally sized to accommodate
an expansion that never occurred or that
Beds (nB) was scaled back and never required.
All other areas 80 + (nB-1)
The best method for preparing for
Out-Patient Acute Care anticipated expansion is to select a plant
Major Treatment Rooms (T) which is adequate for the present need
Rooms, Endoscopy 40 + ((T-1)x10) in a duplex or triplex system and can be
Rooms upsized for the future need by adding
Operating Rooms additional pumps. When specifying the
unit, require it be purchased prepared for
Rooms (T)
Operating Room 80 * T the addional pump(s) but not populated
with those pumps. A typical specification
Rooms (T) would read:
Anesthetic Room 40 * T
“provide duplex vacuum plant with
O.R.s (S) triplex controls ready for a future third
Operating Suite (120*2) + (S-2)*60 pump”

Beds (nB) Such a system provides an effective

Recovery 40 + ((nB-1)*10) method of expanding system capacity, is
more capital-efficient, and ensures better
Critical Care operating characteristics.
ITU and CCU Beds (nB)
(and other high 40 + ((nB-1)*10) However, it is vitally important that the
dependancy units) intake, electrical service, and system
piping be correctly sized for the entire
Take the sum of the above * 0.75 = Peak Calculated Demand 0 anticipated capacity, so these larger
values should be used in all calculations.

opposed to simply relying on the results Step Six: Plant Selection

Detail 6.7.2
from the sizings.
Altitude Correction
1. Select a preferred technology (see Detail
Step Four: Altitude compensation Sea level 1 6.8 for basic comparisons). More specific
1,000 ft (330 m) 1.07 assistance in selecting a technology may
If a pump is to be operated at higher 2,000 ft (655 m) 1.15 be obtained by contacting your local
elevations, the peak calculated demand BeaconMedæs representative.
3,000 ft (985 m) 1.26
from Step 3 should be multiplied by the
appropriate correction factor shown in 4,000 ft (1,310 m) 1.37 2. Choose a horsepower from the preferred
Detail 6.7.2. 5,000 ft (1,640 m) 1.56 technology with the capacity nearest to (but
6,000 ft (1,970 m) 1.78 typically greater than) the peak calculated
This method of correction assumes upsizing 7,000 ft (2,300 m) 2.15 demand (Ref. Detail 6.10).
the pump to hold as close to the standard
8,000 ft (2,620 m) 2.7
vacuum level (19inHgV) as possible and 3. Note that for some technologies there
represents the ratio of ACFM at sea level 9,000 ft (2,950 m) 3.89 is more than one plant architecture (see
Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 
Print This Page
Detail 6.8

Chapter 6
Comparison of Vacuum Technologies
Characteristic Liquid Ring - Lubricated Rotary Vane Oil-free Rotary Vane Dynamic Claw
Water seal
Reliability when maintained Excellent Good Moderate Moderate Good
Longevity of Pump Excellent Good Moderate Good Good
High without
Operating Cost (utilities) Low Moderate Moderate Low
Altitude Good P No limit Poor (1) Poor Poor (1)
Tolerance for Carryover P Excellent Poor Poor Poor Poor
Maintenance Low, can be complex High, can be complex Moderate, easy Low, easy P Low, easy
Pump life, ambient
Best Feature High vacuum Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance
temperature indifferent
Worst Characteristic Use of Water High Maintenance Vane life varies Low cfm/Hp. Initial cost
Error Tolerance P Excellent Poor(2) Good Good Good
Suitability for WAGD P Excellent DO NOT USE Poor (3) Good Excellent (4)
Ambient Temperature P No limit if water is cool Limit of 100°F Limit of 100°F Limit of 100°F Limit of 100°F
dBa at 10 hp. 76 83 78 84 87
Top Vacuum 26 inHgV 29 inHgV 23 inHgV 22 inHgV 22 inHgV
• Use only with • Avoid use where main- • Good choice for smaller • Good choice for larger • Costly up front but
recirculation and tenance staffing is limited. facilities with limited facilites wanting to limit best efficiency of any dry
preferably in a Camel • Don’t undersize. maintenance staff. maintenance. pump. Evaluate on cost
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

configuration • Prefers continuous run. • Vane life can vary • Limited sizes and more per ft3 - can be very cost
• LOUD in larger sizes. and requires careful effective in larger sizes. effective.
application to optimize. • Not suitable for altitude • Not suitable for altitude
If you use it... • Vane life is reduced at above 4,500 ft. above 6,000 ft.
altitudes above 4,500 ft. • Prefers continuous run. • LOUD
P Indicates the Pump is highly recommended where this characteristic is desired.
(1) Pumps can be operated at higher elevations if a lower ultimate vacuum is accepted or life of vanes is reduced.
(2) Lubricated rotary vane machines may not easily tolerate being undersized.
(3) Oil free rotary vanes use graphite vanes which are not generally suitable with elevated oxidizer concentrations. Some manufacturers claim they can be rendered
acceptable with special preparation, however, BeaconMedæs does not recommend them for this service.
(4) In the O2Assured version.

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide
Detail 6.9
A Quick Guide to Configurations

Vertical configurations have two Pumps stacked on a single base. This configuration is only suitable for
smaller Pumps or Pumps with very little inherent vibration. It is the most space-efficient of all medical
vacuum configurations, and oil less vertical systems are spectacularly space-efficient.

Single Point Connection (SPC)

In SPC systems, the Pumps are mounted on a base which is large enough to
accomodate all the Pumps and accessories. The system is factory piped and
wired to a single inlet, outlet and electrical connection. They can be partially
disassembled in the field for easier handling. Systems configured this way are
particularly popular with contractors because of the low labor requirement.

Each Pump, and the controls and receiver are mounted on individual
bases for easy handling and placement where space is at a premium.
These systems are especially well suited for retrofit or replacement
situations. Each module will fit through a standard 3-0 doorframe and
can be handled with a standard pallet jack.

Tank Mount
These systems are mounted atop their receivers and use the receivers for support. In
small sizes they are space efficient and cost effective.

Frame Mount or “with Mounted Tank”

These are a variant of the tankmount systems employed with larger systems which cannot
be mounted on the tank itself. The Pumps and accessories are mounted on a frame with
the tank slung underneath.

Detail 6.9 for an explanation of the different architectures). clearance on the other sides. It is somtimes possible to
Where more than one architecture is available, choose the reduce this clearance with exact knowledge of maintenance
one best suited to the site conditions. If in doubt as to the access requirements. Consult with your BeaconMedæs
best system architecture for a particular situation, contact representative if circumstances allow less space.
your BeaconMedæs representative for assistance.
2. Place the equipment in elevation views as appropriate.
4. Reference the system information (SSB sheet) for the
particular system selected (Ref. Details 6.13-6.17 for 3. On the plans, finalize the routing for the exhaust.
System Selection Tables) This sheet contains all the vital
information about the system and should be pulled out for 4. Size the exhaust piping. A quick reference for exhaust
quick reference in all the following steps. sizing is contained in Detail 6.11. The sizing process is
Step Seven: Layout
a. Start with the total actual length of piping, and based
1. Place the plant in scale on the plan drawings in the on Detail 6.11 make an estimate for the line size.
location selected. Ensure that the plant has sufficient space
on all sides for maintenance access and proper ventilation. b. Using your estimated size, add equivalent lengths for
In front, the control cabinet must have 36” clearance, and the fittings employed.
BeaconMedæs recommends 92 cm (3 feet) minimum
c. Check the size is still acceptable at the new equivalent
length. If not, re-estimate the next larger size and repeat
Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 
Calculated Demand:
NFPA Method CGA Method HTM Method
Altitude Correction:
Detail 6.10

Chapter 6
Vacuum System Sizes by Technology
Vacuum Required





Oilless Vane Technology 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp Quadruplex

5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp Triplex
1.5 2 3 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp Duplex
Lubricated Vane Technology Quadruplex 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp 20 Hp 25
Triplex 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp 20 Hp 25 Hp
1.5 2 3 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp 20 Hp 25 Hp Duplex

Larger Systems
Liquid Ring (Camel) Technology Quadruplex 10 Hp 15 Hp 20 Hp 25 Hp
Triplex 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp 20 Hp 25 Hp
3 Hp 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp 20 Hp 25 Hp Duplex
Dynamic Technology Quadruplex 10 Hp 15 Hp 25 Hp
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

10 Hp 15 Hp 25 Hp Triplex
10 Hp 15 Hp 25 Hp Duplex
Claw Technology Quadruplex 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp
5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp Triplex
3 Hp 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp Duplex

Page 10
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Detail 6.11
Exhaust Pipe Sizing
Unit Basis Allowable Equivalent Run (feet)
Nominal Pipe Size 1.5” 2” 2.5” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8”
Duplex 1.5 Hp. 12 450
Duplex 2 Hp. 20 170 700
Duplex 3 Hp. 36 65 250 800
Duplex 5 Hp. 74 16 65 200 475
Duplex 7.5 Hp. 138 20 60 150 600 1900
Duplex 10 Hp. 178 45 100 425 1200
Duplex 15 Hp. 240 55 225 675 1600
Duplex 20 Hp. 272 45 180 525 1300
Duplex 25 Hp. 336 25 110 325 800
Triplex 5 Hp 113 30 50 225 900
Triplex 7.5 Hp. 207 75 300 900
Triplex 10 Hp. 267 45 180 550 1400
Triplex 15 Hp. 375 100 300 700
Triplex 20 Hp. 409 80 250 600
Triplex 25 Hp. 504 60 175 425 1800
Quad 7.5 Hp. 275 45 190 550 1400
Quad 10 Hp. 355 110 325 800
Quad 15 Hp. 478 65 190 450 2000
Quad 20 Hp. 542 50 150 350 1500
Quad 25 Hp. 670 35 170 425 1800

Fittings Equivalent Lengths

Nominal Pipe Size 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8”
Elbows 4’ 5.5’ 7’ 9’ 12.5’ 16’ 19’ 12’
Tee (Branch/Run) 7’/.5’ 9’/.5’ 12’/.5’ 15’/1’ 21’/1’ 27’/1.5’ 34’/2’ 19’/5’
Note (1) The total system flow for the highest flow system of that Hp. is used for these calculations (ALL
pumps running).

the steps above. Step Eight: Specification

The line may also be more accurately sized by actual 1. In section 2.3 D of the Guide specification, select
calculation. Intake piping must be sized to induce no the sections appropriate to the technology and system
more than 100mm (4 inches) water column backpressure architecture desired.
at the pump outlet when all pumps are running. (use
total capacity for this calculation not NFPA capacity). 2. Write into the specification any
exceptional requirements (soft starters, etc.).
For unusual lengths or other circumstances, contact your
BeaconMedæs representative for assistance. 3. Schedule on the drawings the vacuum
plant selected. Schedule at least:
5. Finalize the connection to the distribution piping and size
the system piping (see Chapter 4 of this Guide) a. The capacity per pump (per NFPA) and total system.
Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 11
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide
b. Horsepower or kW per compressor. Contact your BeaconMedæs representative if you need to
c. Voltage, Hz, and phase desired. fit the systems in smaller spaces.

Notes on the System Selection Tables (Detail 6.13-6.17) All systems listed have the standard receivers. Larger
receivers usually change the envelope dimensions.
These tables represent standard systems and configurations
and do not represent all configurations. The Modular system’s envelope dimensions shown
represent a typical arrangement for minimum floor
In particular: space. However, modular systems are easily located
wherever appropriate, which will change the dimensional
Envelope dimensions do not include maintenance space. requirements. Envelope dimensions for modular systems
BeaconMedæs recommends 92 cm. (36 in.) on all sides, should be used only as rough guides.
but less space may be possible with an understanding of
the system maintenance requirements. In all cases the More details on all dimensions will be found on the SSB
National Electrical Code requires a minimum clearlnce of sheets for the system selected, and the SSB sheet should
914 mm (36 in.) in fron of the control cabinet. be consulted when doing final layout.

Page 12 Chapter 6
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Detail 6.15
System Selection Table, Liquid Ring Camel, 311 – 9,500 lpm (11-334 scfm)
NFPA Complete System
Capacity Envelope Dimension (inches)
Pump Information
SCFM LPM Format HP Technology Width Height Depth Sheet
11 311 Camel Duplex (I) 3 Waterseal L.R. 35 77 90 SSB-510-05
30 849 Camel Duplex (I) 5 Waterseal L.R. 35 77 90 SSB-510-05
34 962 Camel Duplex (I) 7.5 Waterseal L.R. 35 79 92 SSB-510-05
49 1,386 Camel Duplex (I) 10 Waterseal L.R. 42 90 92 SSB-510-05

60 1,698 Camel Triplex (I) 5 Waterseal L.R. 35 77 90 SSB-510-06

68 1,924 Camel Triplex (I) 7.5 Waterseal L.R. 35 79 92 SSB-510-06
98 2,773 Camel Triplex (I) 10 Waterseal L.R. 42 90 92 SSB-510-06

Medical Vacuum (Suction)

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Oilless RV Vertical 1.5-2 Hp.

General Specification …………………18

Elevations ……………………………… 19

P&ID …………………………………… 20

Electrical ………………………………… 21

Installation ……………………………… 22

Page 18 Chapter 6

QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum
Vertical Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (1½ - 2 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
of two "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
and a receiver all mounted on a common base frame. Each fittings.
system must have a maximum base size of 26" x 32". The Vacuum Receiver
receiver shall be ASME coded and have a three-valve bypass The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
system to allow for draining of the receiver without for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain shall be
provided on the receiver. Each pump and the receiver shall be Control System
connected to a common intake manifold. A single point of The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
connection to the intake of the system shall be provided. A labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
single point of connection to the electrical panel of the system sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
shall also be provided. The package shall be completely tested pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
prior to shipment. overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
Vacuum Pump isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
Bearings shall be permanently lubricated and sealed. No oil of both vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
shall be permitted in any pump. Each pump shall be operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter and timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connector, Installation
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
location. maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
Vacuum Pump Drive please contact the factory.
The pump shall be direct driven.
Vacuum Pump Motor
The motor shall be a continuous duty, TEFC, 1800 RPM,
suitable for 208V, 230, or 460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver Noise4 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
208V 230V 460V
LVV-1D-MN30 1½ 5 5 3,054 30 66 105° F 13 11 6 549
LVV-2D-MN30 2 8 8 4,072 30 69 105° F 16 14 7 584

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 21

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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Oilless RV Vertical 3-7.5 Hp.

General Specification …………………24

Elevations ……………………………… 25

P&ID …………………………………… 26

Electrical ………………………………… 27

Installation ……………………………… 28

Page 24 Chapter 6

QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum
Vertical Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (3 - 7½ HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
of two "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
and a receiver all mounted on a common base frame. Each fittings.
system must have a maximum base size of 34" x 44". The Vacuum Receiver
receiver shall be ASME coded and have a three-valve bypass The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
system to allow for draining of the receiver without for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain shall be
provided on the receiver. Each pump and the receiver shall be Control System
connected to a common intake manifold. A single point of The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
connection to the intake of the system shall be provided. A labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
single point of connection to the electrical panel of the system sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
shall also be provided. The package shall be completely tested pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
prior to shipment. overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
Vacuum Pump isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
Bearings shall be permanently lubricated and sealed. No oil of both vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
shall be permitted in any pump. Each pump shall be operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter and timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connector, Installation
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
location. maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
Vacuum Pump Drive please contact the factory.
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling.
Vacuum Pump Motor
The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208V
or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver Noise4 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LVV-3D-N80 3 12 scfm 12 scfm 6,108 80 72 105° F 23 20 10 1250
LVV-5D-N80 5 21 scfm 21 scfm 10,180 80 77 105° F 35 31 16 1326
LVV-7D-N80 7.5 28 scfm 28 scfm 15,270 80 78 105° F 51 45 23 1388

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 27

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

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Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 29

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Oilless RV Tankmount 1.5-5 Hp.

General Specification …………………29

Elevations ……………………………… 30

P&ID …………………………………… 31

Electrical ………………………………… 32

Installation ……………………………… 33

Page 30 Chapter 6
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 01/18/2008
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum Tank Mount Duplex System (1.5 - 5 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package shall consist integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
of two "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps and a control Interconnecting piping shall consist of galvanized pipe and
panel, mounted on a receiver sized for appropriate demand. fittings.
Each pump shall be connected to a common intake manifold. Vacuum Receiver
Each tank mount system must be designed to have a The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
maximum width of 34" (86 cm). The receiver shall be ASME for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
coded and have a three valve bypass system to allow for
draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum Control System
service. A manual drain shall be provided on the receiver. The The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
package shall be completely tested prior to shipment. labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
Vacuum Pump pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
equipped with self lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. All transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
bearings shall be permanently lubricated and sealed. No oil isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
shall be permitted in the pump. Each pump shall be selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5 micron inlet filter and of both vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connector, if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
Vacuum Pump Drive The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
Vacuum Pump Motor please contact the factory.
The 1½ and 2 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA
rated, C-face, TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor
suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase electrical
The 3 and 5 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA
rated, C-face, open drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service
factor suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase
electrical service.

Tank Mount Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System3 System Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA
Model No. HP
Pump System BTU/HR Weight (Gal.) Level 208V 230V 460V
LTV-1D-N80 710 lbs. 80*
1.5 5 scfm 5 scfm 3,054 63 13 12 6
LTV-1D-N120 823 lbs. 120
LTV-2D-N80 772 lbs. 80*
2 8 scfm 8 scfm 4,072 70 17 15 7
LTV-2D-N120 885 lbs. 120
LTV-3D-N120 3 12 scfm 12 scfm 6,108 1103 lbs. 120 74 24 21 11
LTV-5D-N120 5 21 scfm 21 scfm 10,180 1269 lbs. 120 77 35 31 16

Notes: 1
Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver.
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 01/18/2008
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Medical Rotary Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 33

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 35

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Oilless RV Modular Duplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………36

Elevations ……………………………… 37

P&ID …………………………………… 38

5 Hp. ………………………………… 39
7.5 & 10 Hp …………………………… 40

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 41
10 Hp. …………………………………… 42

Page 36 Chapter 6
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum Modular Duplex System (5 - 10 HP)

Vacuum System Intake Piping

The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with an
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
of two "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each pump shall fittings.
be connected to a common intake manifold. The vacuum Vacuum Receiver
module must be designed to accommodate a standard pallet The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
jack and have a maximum base width of 34" (86 cm). The for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
receiver shall be ASME coded and have a three valve bypass
system to allow for draining of the receiver without Control System
interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain shall be The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
provided on the receiver. The package shall be completely labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
tested prior to shipment. sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Vacuum Pump overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
Bearings for the 5 and 7.5 hp shall be permanently lubricated selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
and sealed. No oil shall be permitted in any pump. Each pump logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
shall be completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water of both vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter and operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connectors, timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting
location. Installation
The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
Vacuum Pump Drive maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. please contact the factory.
Vacuum Pump Motor
The 5 and 7.5 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA
rated, C-face, open drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service
factor suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase
electrical service.
The 10 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-
face, open drip proof, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor
suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA @ 60 hz System Weight (lbs.)
Complete System System3 Receiver4 Noise5
HP Vacuum Receiver
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V
Module Module
LVS-5D-N120 120* 397
LVS-5D-N200 5 21 scfm 21 scfm 10,180 200 77 35 31 16 1015 644
LVS-5D-N240 240 664
LVS-7D-N120 120* 407
LVS-7D-N200 7.5 29 scfm 29 scfm 15,270 200 79 51 45 23 1166 654
LVS-7D-N240 240 674
LVS-10D-N120 120* 407
LVS-10D-N200 10 55 scfm 55 scfm 20,360 200 81 67 58 29 2299 654
LVS-10D-N240 240 674
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Suggested System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 43

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Oilless RV Modular Triplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………44

Elevations ……………………………… 45

P&ID …………………………………… 46

Electrical ……………………………… 47

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 48
10 Hp. …………………………………… 49

Page 44 Chapter 6
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum Modular Triplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System
The triplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant The 10 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist face, open drip proof, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor
of three "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each module service.
shall have a common intake manifold. Each vacuum module Intake Piping
must be designed to accommodate a standard pallet jack and Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
have a maximum base width of 34" (86 cm). The receiver integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
shall be ASME coded and have a three valve bypass system to Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
allow for draining of the receiver without interrupting the fittings.
vacuum service. A manual drain shall be provided on the
receiver. The package shall be completely tested prior to Vacuum Receiver
shipment. The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
Vacuum Pump
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be Control System
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. The triplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Bearings for the 5 and 7.5 hp shall be permanently lubricated labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
and sealed. No oil shall be permitted in any pump. Each pump sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
shall be completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter and overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connector, isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
location. logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
of the vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
Vacuum Pump Drive operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
Vacuum Pump Motor Installation
The 5 and 7.5 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
rated, C-face, open drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
factor suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
electrical service. please contact the factory.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System Weight (lbs.)
System3 Receiver4 Noise5
System HP Vacuum Receiver
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V
Model No. Modules6 Module
LVS-5T-N120 120* 397
LVS-5T-N200 5 21 scfm 42 scfm 20,360 200 80 52 45 23 1553 644
LVS-5T-N240 240 664
LVS-7T-N200 200* 644
7.5 29 scfm 59 scfm 30,540 82 76 66 33 1779
LVS-7T-N240 240 664
LVS-10T-N200 200* 684
10 55 scfm 111 scfm 40,720 84 101 88 43 3494
LVS-10T-N240 240 704

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.
Total weight for a 5 duplex module w/control panel (1051#) and a 5 simplex module (502#).
Total weight for a 7.5 duplex module w/control panel (1201#) and a 7.5 simplex module (578#).
Total weight for a 10 duplex module w/control panel (2335#) and a 10 simplex module (1159#).

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Suggested System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Page 50 Chapter 6
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Oilless RV Modular Quadruplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………51

Elevations ……………………………… 52

P&ID …………………………………… 53

Electrical ………………………………… 54

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 55
10 Hp. …………………………………… 56

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 51


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum Modular Quad System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The quadruplex medical vacuum system must be fully Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
compliant with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
will consist of four "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
control panel, and a receiver sized for appropriate demand. fittings.
Each module shall have a common intake manifold. Each Vacuum Receiver
vacuum module must be designed to accommodate a The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and
standard pallet jack and have a maximum base width of 34" rated for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
(86 cm). The receiver shall be ASME coded and have a three
valve bypass system to allow for draining of the receiver Control System
without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain The quadruplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
shall be provided on the receiver. The package shall be labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
completely tested prior to shipment. sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Vacuum Pump overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
Bearings for the 5 and 7.5 hp shall be permanently lubricated selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
and sealed. No oil shall be permitted in any pump. Each logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
pump shall be completely air-cooled and have absolutely no of the vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
water requirements. Each pump shall have a 5 micron inlet operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
filter and shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
valve to prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control
connector, isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each panel.
mounting location.
Vacuum Pump Drive The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level.
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. For installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
Vacuum Pump Motor please contact the factory.
The 5 and 7.5 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA
rated, C-face, open drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service
factor suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase
electrical service.
The 10 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-
face, open drip proof, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor
suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System Weight (lbs.)
System3 Receiver4 Noise5
System HP Vacuum Receiver
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V
Model No. Modules6 Module
LVS-5Q-N200 200* 654
5 21 scfm 63 scfm 30,540 82 69 60 30 1988
LVS-5Q-N240 240 674
LVS-7Q-N200 200* 684
7.5 29 scfm 88 scfm 45,810 84 101 88 44 2289
LVS-7Q-N240 240 704
LVS-10Q-N200 200* 684
10 55 scfm 166 scfm 61,080 240 86 133 116 57 4560
LVS-10Q-N240 704

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect three vacuum pumps in operation.
Total weight for a 5 duplex module w/control panel (1091#) and a 5 duplex module (897#).
Total weight for a 7.5 duplex module w/control panel (1241#) and a 7.5 duplex module (1048#).
Total weight for a 10 duplex module w/control panel (2375#) and a 10 duplex module (2185#).

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Suggested System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

P&ID Drawing Not Available

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Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 57

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Oilless RV SPC Duplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………58

Elevations ……………………………… 59

P&ID …………………………………… 60

Electrical ………………………………… 61

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 62
10 Hp. …………………………………… 63

Page 58 Chapter 6
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant The 10 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist face, open drip proof, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor
of two "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a service.
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and Intake Piping
have a three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
drain shall be provided on the receiver. Each pump and the Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A fittings.
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel Vacuum Receiver
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
completely tested prior to shipment. for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
Vacuum Pump Control System
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
Bearings for the 5 and 7.5 hp shall be permanently lubricated sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
and sealed. No oil shall be permitted in any pump. Each pump pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
shall be completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5 micron inlet filter and transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connector, selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
location. of both vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
Vacuum Pump Drive if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling.
Vacuum Pump Motor The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
The 5 and 7.5 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
rated, C-face, open drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
factor suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase please contact the factory.
electrical service.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-5D-N120 120* 1733
LPV-5D-N200 5 21 scfm 21 scfm 10,180 200 77 105° F 35 31 16 1980
LPV-5D-N240 240 2075
LPV-7D-N120 120* 1894
LPV-7D-N200 7.5 29 scfm 29 scfm 15,270 200 79 105° F 51 45 23 2141
LPV-7D-N240 240 2236
LPV-10D-N120 120* 3075
LPV-10D-N200 10 55 scfm 55 scfm 20,360 200 81 105° F 67 58 29 3322
LPV-10D-N240 240 3417

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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Oilless RV SPC Triplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………65

Elevations ……………………………… 66

P&ID …………………………………… 67

Electrical ………………………………… 68

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 69
10 Hp. …………………………………… 70

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 65

This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Triplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System
The triplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant The 10 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist face, open drip proof, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor
of three "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a service.
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and Intake Piping
have a three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
drain shall be provided on the receiver. Each pump and the Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A fittings.
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel Vacuum Receiver
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
completely tested prior to shipment. for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
Control System
Vacuum Pump The triplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
Bearings for the 5 and 7.5 hp shall be permanently lubricated pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
and sealed. No oil shall be permitted in any pump. Each pump overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
shall be completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5 micron inlet filter and isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connector, logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting of the vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
location. operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
Vacuum Pump Drive if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. Installation
Vacuum Pump Motor The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
The 5 and 7.5 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
rated, C-face, open drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
factor suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase please contact the factory.
electrical service.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-5T-N120 120* 2419
LPV-5T-N200 5 21 scfm 42 scfm 20,360 200 80 105° F 52 45 23 2666
LPV-5T-N240 240 2761
LPV-7T-N200 200* 2893
7.5 29 scfm 59 scfm 30,540 82 105° F 76 66 33
LPV-7T-N240 240 2988
LPV-10T-N200 200* 4680
10 55 scfm 111 scfm 40,720 84 105° F 101 88 43
LPV-10T-N240 240 4775

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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Oilless RV SPC Quadruplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………72

Elevations ……………………………… 73

P&ID …………………………………… 74

Electrical ………………………………… 75

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 76
10 Hp. …………………………………… 77

Page 72 Chapter 6

QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® “Oil-Less” Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Quad System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System
The quadruplex medical vacuum system must be fully The 10 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-
compliant with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package face, open drip proof, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor
will consist of four "oil-less" rotary vane vacuum pumps, a suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical
control panel, and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all service.
mounted on a common base frame. The receiver shall be Intake Piping
ASME coded and have a three-valve bypass system to allow Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
for draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
service. A manual drain shall be provided on the receiver. Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
Each pump and the receiver shall be connected to a common fittings.
intake manifold. A single point of connection to the intake of
the system shall be provided. A single point of connection to Vacuum Receiver
the electrical panel of the system shall also be provided. The The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
package shall be completely tested prior to shipment. for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
Control System
Vacuum Pump The quadruplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall operate completely dry, and shall be labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
equipped with self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes. sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
Bearings for the 5 and 7.5 hp shall be permanently lubricated pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
and sealed. No oil shall be permitted in any pump. Each pump overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
shall be completely air-cooled and have absolutely no water transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
requirements. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter and isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
shall be equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve to selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible connector, logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
isolation valve, and vibration isolators at each mounting of the vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
location. operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
Vacuum Pump Drive if required. The control system shall include a minimum run
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from timer. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control panel.
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. Installation
Vacuum Pump Motor The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
The 5 and 7.5 hp motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
rated, C-face, open drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
factor suitable for 208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase please contact the factory.
electrical service.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-5Q-N200 200* 3101
5 21 scfm 63 scfm 30,540 82 105° F 69 60 30
LPV-5Q-N240 240 3196
LPV-7Q-N200 200* 3433
7.5 29 scfm 88 scfm 45,810 84 105° F 101 88 44
LPV-7Q-N240 240 3528
LPV-10Q-N200 200* 5747
10 55 scfm 166 scfm 61,080 86 105° F 133 116 57
LPV-10Q-N240 240 5842

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect three vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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Oil Lubricated RV Tankmount Duplex 1.5-5 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … … 7 9

Elevations ……………………………… 80

P&ID …………………………………… 81

Electrical ………………………………… 82

Installation ……………………………… 83

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 79


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Tank Mount Duplex System (1.5 - 5 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
of two oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, and a control Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
panel, mounted on a receiver sized for appropriate demand. fittings.
Each pump shall be connected to a common intake manifold. Vacuum Receiver
Each tank mount system must be designed to have a The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
maximum width of 34" (86 cm). The receiver shall be ASME for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
coded and have a three valve bypass system to allow for
draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum Control System
service. A manual drain shall be provided on the receiver. The The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
package shall be completely tested prior to shipment. labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
Vacuum Pump pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Each pump shall be of an oil lubricated, dynamically balanced overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The oil discharge temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for
lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design with remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and
full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation rated runtime hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC)
at 99.998% efficiency. Water vapor condensation in the shall control the automatic alternation of both vacuum pumps
cylinder shall be prevented by means of an automatic gas with provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
ballast valve. Additionally, a non-return valve to prevent oil automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
migration upon shutdown, a back pressure gauge to indicate system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
exhaust oil separator element change, a high discharge shall be provided in the control panel.
temperature switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and
flexible connector for each pump shall be included. Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
Vacuum Pump Drive Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
Vacuum Pump Motor months from date of start-up.
The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208V
or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.

Tank Mount Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System3 System FLA

H System Receiver4 Noise5
Model No. BTU/H
P Pump System Weight (Gal.) Level 208V 230V 460V
LTV-1D-L80 1 780 lbs. 80*
6 scfm 6 scfm 3054 63 13 12 6
LTV-1D-L120 ½ 893 lbs. 120
LTV-2D-L80 820 lbs. 80*
2 12 scfm 12 scfm 4072 67 17 15 7
LTV-2D-L120 933 lbs. 120
LTV-3D-L120 3 17 scfm 17 scfm 6108 1027 lbs. 120 68 24 21 11
LTV-5D-L120 5 37 scfm 37 scfm 10,180 1261 lbs. 120 71 35 31 16

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver.
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV Modular Duplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………85

Elevations ……………………………… 86

P&ID …………………………………… 87

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 88
10 Hp. …………………………………… 89

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 90
10 Hp. …………………………………… 91

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 85


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Modular Duplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
of two oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each pump shall fittings.
be connected to a common intake manifold. Each vacuum Vacuum Receiver
module must be designed to accommodate a standard pallet The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
jack and have a maximum base width of 34" (86 cm). The for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
receiver shall be ASME coded and have a three-valve bypass
system to allow for draining of the receiver without Control System
interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain shall be The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
provided on the receiver. The package shall be completely labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
tested prior to shipment. sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Vacuum Pump overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
Each pump shall be of oil lubricated, dynamically balanced transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The discharge temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The oil remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and
lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design with runtime hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC)
full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation rated shall control the automatic alternation of both vacuum pumps
at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a single pass, with provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
cross flow type with a dedicated cooling fan. Water vapor automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
condensation in the cylinder shall be prevented by means of system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
an automatic gas ballast valve. Additionally, a non-return shall be provided in the control panel.
valve to prevent oil migration upon shutdown, a back pressure
gauge to indicate exhaust oil separator element change, a high Statement of Warranty
discharge temperature switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
and flexible connector for each pump shall be included. Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
Vacuum Pump Drive thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from months from date of start-up.
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling.
Vacuum Pump Motor
The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208V
or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA @ 60 hz System Weight
System3 Receiver4 Noise5
System HP
BTU/HR (Gallons) Level Vacuum Receiver
Model No. Pump System 208V 230V 460V
Module Module
LVS-5D-L120 120* 397
LVS-5D-L200 5 37 scfm 37 scfm 10,180 200 71 35 31 16 1127 644
LVS-5D-L240 240 664
LVS-7D-L120 120* 407
LVS-7D-L200 7.5 49 scfm 49 scfm 15,270 200 73 51 45 23 1472 654
LVS-7D-L240 240 674
LVS-10D-L120 120* 407
LVS-10D-L200 10 73 scfm 73 scfm 20,360 200 76 64 56 28 1989 654
LVS-10D-L240 240 674

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Suggested System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV Modular Triplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification …………………93

Elevations ……………………………… 94

P&ID …………………………………… 95

Electrical ………………………………… 96

5 & 7.5 Hp. …………………………… 97
10 Hp. …………………………………… 98

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 93


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Modular Triplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The triplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
of three oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each module fittings.
shall have a common intake manifold. Each vacuum module Vacuum Receiver
must be designed to accommodate a standard pallet jack and The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
have a maximum base width of 34" (86 cm). The receiver for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure
shall be ASME coded and have a three-valve bypass system to
allow for draining of the receiver without interrupting the Control System
vacuum service. A manual drain shall be provided on the The triplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
receiver. The package shall be completely tested prior to labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
shipment. sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Vacuum Pump overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
Each pump shall be of an oil lubricated, dynamically balanced transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The oil hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design with hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation rated control the automatic alternation of the vacuum pumps with
at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a single pass, provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
cross flow type with a dedicated cooling fan. Water vapor automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
condensation in the cylinder shall be prevented by means of system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
an automatic gas ballast valve. Additionally, a non-return shall be provided in the control panel.
valve to prevent oil migration upon shutdown, a back pressure
gauge to indicate exhaust oil separator element change, a high Statement of Warranty
discharge temperature switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
and flexible connector for each pump shall be included. Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
Vacuum Pump Drive thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from months from date of start-up.
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling.
Vacuum Pump Motor
The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or
230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System Weight
System3 Receiver4 Noise5
System HP Vacuum Receiver
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V
Model No. Modules6 Module
LVS-5T-L120 120* 397
LVS-5T-L200 5 37 scfm 75 scfm 20,360 200 74 52 45 23 1721 644
LVS-5T-L240 240 664
LVS-7T-L200 200* 644
7.5 49 scfm 98 scfm 30,540 76 76 66 33 2238
LVS-7T-L240 240 664
LVS-10T-L200 200* 684
10 73 scfm 146 scfm 40,720 79 95 83 41 3029
LVS-10T-L240 240 704
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.
Total weight for a 5 duplex module w/control panel (1163#) and a 5 simplex module (558#).
Total weight for a 7.5 duplex module w/control panel (1507#) and a 7.5 simplex module (731#).
Total weight for a 10 duplex module w/control panel (2025#) and a 10 simplex module (1004#).

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Suggested System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Page 96 Chapter 6
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Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 99

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV Modular Quadruplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … 1 0 0

Elevations ……………………………… 101

P&ID …………………………………… 102

Electrical ……………………………… 103

Installation …………………………… 104

Page 100 Chapter 6


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Modular Quad System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The quadruplex medical vacuum system must be fully Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
compliant with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
will consist of four oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
control panel, and a receiver sized for appropriate demand. fittings.
Each module shall have a common intake manifold. Each Vacuum Receiver
vacuum module must be designed to accommodate a standard The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
pallet jack and have a maximum base width of 34" (86 cm). for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
The receiver shall be ASME coded and have a three-valve
bypass system to allow for draining of the receiver without Control System
interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain shall be The quadruplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
provided on the receiver. The package shall be completely labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
tested prior to shipment. sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Vacuum Pump overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
Each pump shall be of oil lubricated, dynamically balanced transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The oil hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design with hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation rated control the automatic alternation of the vacuum pumps with
at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a single pass, provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
cross flow type with a dedicated cooling fan. Water vapor automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
condensation in the cylinder shall be prevented by means of system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
an automatic gas ballast valve. Additionally, a non-return shall be provided in the control panel.
valve to prevent oil migration upon shutdown, a back pressure
gauge to indicate exhaust oil separator element change, a high Statement of Warranty
discharge temperature switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
and flexible connector for each pump shall be included. Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
Vacuum Pump Drive thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from months from date of start-up.
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling.
Vacuum Pump Motor
The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable
for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System3 System FLA System Weight
Receiver4 Noise5
System HP BTU/H Vacuum Receiver
Pump System (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V
Model No. R Modules6 Module
LVS-5Q-L200 200* 654
5 37 scfm 112 scfm 30,540 76 69 60 30 2212
LVS-5Q-L240 240 674
LVS-7Q-L200 200* 684
7.5 49 scfm 147 scfm 45,810 78 101 88 44 2901
LVS-7Q-L240 240 704
LVS-10Q-L200 200* 684
10 73 scfm 219 scfm 61,080 81 127 111 55 3940
LVS-10Q-L240 240 704

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect three vacuum pumps in operation.
Total weight for a 5 duplex module w/control panel (1203#) and a 5 duplex module (1009#).
Total weight for a 7.5 duplex module w/control panel (1547#) and a 7.5 duplex module (1354#).
Total weight for a 10 duplex module w/control panel (2065#) and a 10 duplex module (1875#).

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Suggested System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 103

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Page 104 Chapter 6

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 105

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV SPC Duplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … 1 0 6

Elevations ……………………………… 107

P&ID …………………………………… 108

5 & 7.5 Hp. ……………………………… 109
10 Hp. ………………………………… 110

5 & 7.5 Hp. ……………………………… 111
10 Hp. ………………………………… 112

Page 106 Chapter 6


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Pump Motor
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant The motors shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or
of two oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, 230/460V, 60 hz, 3 phase electrical service.
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a Intake Piping
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
have a three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
drain shall be provided on the receiver. Each pump and the fittings.
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be Vacuum Receiver
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
completely tested prior to shipment. Control System
Vacuum Pump The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall be of oil lubricated, dynamically balanced Labeled. This control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The oil overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design with transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation rated isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a single pass, temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
cross flow type with a dedicated cooling fan. Water vapor hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
condensation in the cylinder shall be prevented by means of hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
an automatic gas ballast valve. Additionally, a non-return control the automatic alternation of both vacuum pumps with
valve to prevent oil migration upon shutdown, a back pressure provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
gauge to indicate exhaust oil separator element change, a high automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
discharge temperature switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
and flexible connector for each pump shall be included. shall be provided in the control panel.
Vacuum Pump Drive Statement of Warranty
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System H System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
Model No. P Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
208V 230V 460V
LPV-5D-L120 120* 1845
LPV-5D-L200 5 37 scfm 37 scfm 10,180 200 71 105° F 35 31 16 2092
LPV-5D-L240 240 2187
LPV-7D-L120 120* 2200
LPV-7D-L200 7.5 49 scfm 49 scfm 15,270 200 73 105° F 51 45 23 2447
LPV-7D-L240 240 2542
LPV-10D-L120 120* 2765
LPV-10D-L200 10 73 scfm 73 scfm 20,360 200 76 105° F 64 56 28 3012
LPV-10D-L240 240 3107
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 109

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Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 111

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Page 112 Chapter 6

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 113

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV SPC Duplex 15-25 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … 1 1 4

Elevations ……………………………… 115

P&ID …………………………………… 116

Electrical . ……………………………… 117

15 Hp. ………………………………… 118
20 & 25 Hp. …………………………… 119

Page 114 Chapter 6


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (15 - 25 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Pump Motor
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist TEFC, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or
of two oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a Intake Piping
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
have a three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
drain shall be provided on the receiver. Each pump and the fittings.
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be Vacuum Receiver
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
completely tested prior to shipment. Control System
Vacuum Pump The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall be of oil lubricated, dynamically balanced labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The vane overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
housing shall be a double walled cylinder construction. The transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
oil lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
with full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
rated at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a two hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
pass, cross flow air to oil type. Water vapor condensation in hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
the cylinder shall be prevented by means of an automatic gas control the automatic alternation of both vacuum pumps with
ballast valve. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter. provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
Additionally, a non-return valve to prevent oil migration upon automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
shutdown, a back pressure gauge to indicate exhaust oil system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
separator element change, a high discharge temperature shall be provided in the control panel.
switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and flexible connector Statement of Warranty
for each pump shall be included. BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
Vacuum Pump Drive Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up.

Vacuum System Specifications1

System Capacity2 @19” Hg System3 Receiver4 Noise5 Max. Ambient System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
Model No. BTU/HR (Gallons) Level Temp. (lbs.)
Pump System 208V 230V 460V
LPV-15D-L200 200* 4571
15 100 scfm 100 scfm 30,540 75 105° F 98 85 42
LPV-15D-L240 240 4646
LPV-20D-L200 200* 5480
20 136 scfm 136 scfm 40,720 77 105° F 115 109 55
LPV-20D-L240 240 5555
LPV-25D-L200 200* 5756
25 168 scfm 168 scfm 50,900 80 105° F 145 139 70
LPV-25D-L240 240 5831

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 117

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 119

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Page 120 Chapter 6

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV SPC Triplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … 1 2 1

Elevations ……………………………… 122

P&ID …………………………………… 123

Electrical ……………………………… 124

5 & 7.5 Hp. ……………………………… 125
10 Hp. ………………………………… 126

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 121


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Triplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Pump Motor
The triplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or
of three oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a Intake Piping
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
have a three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
drain shall be provided on the receiver. Each pump and the fittings.
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be Vacuum Receiver
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
completely tested prior to shipment. Control System
Vacuum Pump The triplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall be of oil lubricated, dynamically balanced labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The oil overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design with transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation rated isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a single pass, temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
cross flow type with a dedicated cooling fan. Water vapor hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
condensation in the cylinder shall be prevented by means of hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
an automatic gas ballast valve. Additionally, a non-return control the automatic alternation of the vacuum pumps with
valve to prevent oil migration upon shutdown, a back pressure provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
gauge to indicate exhaust oil separator element change, a high automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
discharge temperature switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
and flexible connector for each pump shall be included. shall be provided in the control panel.
Vacuum Pump Drive Statement of Warranty
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System H System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
Model No. P Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-5T-L120 120* 2587
LPV-5T-L200 5 37 scfm 75 scfm 20,360 200 74 105° F 52 45 23 2834
LPV-5T-L240 240 2929
LPV-7T-L200 200* 3352
7.5 49 scfm 98 scfm 30,540 76 105° F 76 66 33
LPV-7T-L240 240 3447
LPV-10T-L200 200* 4215
10 73 scfm 146 scfm 40,720 79 105° F 95 83 41
LPV-10T-L240 240 4310

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Page 124 Chapter 6

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 125

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Page 126 Chapter 6

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 127

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV SPC Triplex 15-25 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … 1 2 8

Elevations ……………………………… 129

P&ID …………………………………… 130

Electrical ……………………………… 131

15 Hp. ………………………………… 132
20 & 25 Hp. …………………………… 133

Page 128 Chapter 6


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Triplex System (15 – 25 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Pump Motor
The triplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist TEFC, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or
of three oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a control panel, 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a Intake Piping
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
have a three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
drain shall be provided on the receiver. Each pump and the fittings.
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be Vacuum Receiver
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
completely tested prior to shipment. Control System
Vacuum Pump The triplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall be of an oil lubricated, dynamically balanced labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The vane overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
housing shall be a double walled cylinder construction. The transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
oil lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
with full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
rated at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a two hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
pass, cross flow air to oil type. Water vapor condensation in hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
the cylinder shall be prevented by means of an automatic gas control the automatic alternation of the vacuum pumps with
ballast valve. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter. provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
Additionally, a non-return valve to prevent oil Additionally, a automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
non-return valve to prevent oil migration upon shutdown, a system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
back pressure gauge to indicate exhaust oil separator element shall be provided in the control panel.
change, a high discharge temperature switch, oil drain valve, Statement of Warranty
oil sight glass, and flexible connector for each pump shall be BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
included. Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
Vacuum Pump Drive workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. months from date of start-up.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-15T-L200 200* 6358
15 100 scfm 200 scfm 61,080 78 105° F 147 128 63
LPV-15T-L240 240 6433
LPV-20T-L200 200* 7669
20 136 scfm 272 scfm 81,440 80 105° F 173 169 82
LPV-20T-L240 240 7744
LPV-25T-L200 200* 8083
25 168 scfm 336 scfm 101,800 83 105° F 218 209 105
LPV-25T-L240 240 8158
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV SPC Quadruplex 5-10 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … 1 3 5

Elevations ……………………………… 136

P&ID …………………………………… 137

Electrical ……………………………… 138

5 & 7.5 Hp. ……………………………… 139
10 Hp. ………………………………… 140

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 135


QUAD 5-10
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Quad System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Pump Motor
The quadruplex medical vacuum system must be fully The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
compliant with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package TEFC, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or
will consist of four oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.
control panel, and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all Intake Piping
mounted on a common base frame. The receiver shall be Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
ASME coded and have a three-valve bypass system to allow integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
for draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
service. A manual drain shall be provided on the receiver. fittings.
Each pump and the receiver shall be connected to a common
intake manifold. A single point of connection to the intake of Vacuum Receiver
the system shall be provided. A single point of connection to The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
the electrical panel of the system shall also be provided. The for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
package shall be completely tested prior to shipment. Control System
Vacuum Pump The quadruplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall be of oil lubricated, dynamically balanced labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The pump with external operators full voltage motor starters with
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The oil overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design with transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation rated isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a single pass, temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
cross flow type with a dedicated cooling fan. Water vapor hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
condensation in the cylinder shall be prevented by means of hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
an automatic gas ballast valve. Additionally, a non-return control the automatic alternation of the vacuum pumps with
valve to prevent oil migration upon shutdown, a back pressure provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
gauge to indicate exhaust oil separator element change, a high automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
discharge temperature switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
and flexible connector for each pump shall be included. shall be provided in the control panel.
Vacuum Pump Drive Statement of Warranty
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-5Q-L200 200* 3325
5 37 scfm 112 scfm 30,540 76 105° F 69 60 30
LPV-5Q-L240 240 3420
LPV-7Q-L200 200* 4015
7.5 49 scfm 147 scfm 45,810 78 105° F 101 88 44
LPV-7Q-L240 240 4110
LPV-10Q-L200 200* 5127
10 73 scfm 219 scfm 61,080 81 105° F 127 111 55
LPV-10Q-L240 240 5222

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect three vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 141

BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Lubricated RV SPC Quadruplex 15-25 Hp.

General Specification … … … … … … 1 4 2

Elevations ……………………………… 143

P&ID …………………………………… 144

Electrical ……………………………… 145

15 Hp. ………………………………… 146
20 & 25 Hp. …………………………… 147

Page 142 Chapter 6


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007

(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Lubricated Medical Rotary Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Quad System (15 - 25 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Pump Motor
The quadruplex medical vacuum system must be fully The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face,
compliant with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package TEFC, 1200 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or
will consist of four oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps, a 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.
control panel, and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all Intake Piping
mounted on a common base frame. The receiver shall be Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake with
ASME coded and have a three-valve bypass system to allow integral flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
for draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum Interconnecting piping shall consist of black iron pipe and
service. A manual drain shall be provided on the receiver. fittings.
Each pump and the receiver shall be connected to a common
intake manifold. A single point of connection to the intake of Vacuum Receiver
the system shall be provided. A single point of connection to The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and rated
the electrical panel of the system shall also be provided. The for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
package shall be completely tested prior to shipment. Control System
Vacuum Pump The quadruplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
Each pump shall be of an oil lubricated, dynamically balanced labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
multi-vane design with heavy duty, aluminum alloy vanes for sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
maximum heat dissipation and extended vane life. The pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
minimum vane warranty shall be 50,000 hours. The vane overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
housing shall be a double walled cylinder construction. The transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
oil lubrication system shall be a pressure differential design isolated contacts for remote alarm, visual alarms for high
with full re-circulation and multi-stage exhaust oil separation temperature shutdown with isolated contacts for remote alarm,
rated at 99.998% efficiency. The oil cooler shall be a two hand-off-auto lighted selector switches and runtime
pass, cross flow air to oil type. Water vapor condensation in hourmeters. A programmable logic controller (PLC) shall
the cylinder shall be prevented by means of an automatic gas control the automatic alternation of the vacuum pumps with
ballast valve. Each pump shall have a 5-micron inlet filter. provisions for simultaneous operation if required, and
Additionally, a non-return valve to prevent oil migration upon automatic activation of reserve unit if required. The control
shutdown, a back pressure gauge to indicate exhaust oil system shall include a minimum run timer. A vacuum gauge
separator element change, a high discharge temperature shall be provided in the control panel.
switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and flexible connector Statement of Warranty
for each pump shall be included. BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Lubricated Medical
Vacuum Pump Drive Vacuum Systems are to be free of defects in material and
The pump shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @19” Hg Max.
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA @ 60 hz Weight
HP Ambient
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-15Q-L200 200* 8114
15 100 scfm 300 scfm 91,620 80 105° F 194 170 84
LPV-15Q-L240 240 8189
LPV-20Q-L200 200* 9983
20 136 scfm 408 scfm 122,160 82 105° F 230 218 109
LPV-20Q-L240 240 10058
LPV-25Q-L200 200* 10535
25 168 scfm 504 scfm 152,700 85 105° F 290 278 139
LPV-25Q-L240 240 10610
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect three vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
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BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Liquid Ring Camel SPC Duplex 3-10 Hp.

General Specification …………..……216

Elevations ……………………………… 217

P&ID …………………………………… 218

Electrical ……………………………… 219

Installation …………………………… 220

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 215


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.

Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Liquid Ring “Delta Camel” Medical Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (3 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Re-circulation and Seal Water
The duplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Under normal operation, the system shall not use more than
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist 3/4 gpm seal water. The system shall include a reservoir
of two oil-free liquid ring vacuum pumps, a control panel, sufficient for up to 48 hours of operation without a fresh
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a water supply. The system is self contained and air-cooled. No
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and cooling water is required for the operation of the re-
have a three valve bypass system to allow for draining of the circulation system.
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual Intake Piping
drain shall be provided on the receiver. The pumps and Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake.
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A Interconnecting piping shall consist of a combination of
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be brazed ASTM B-819 copper tubing, brass pipe and fittings.
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be Vacuum Receiver
completely tested prior to shipment. The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped, and
rated for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure. The receiver
Vacuum Pump vessel shall include a sight glass with manual drain and
The pumps shall be a NASH Delta oil-free, single-stage, factory pre-piped three-valve receiver bypass.
positive displacement, and non-pulsating liquid ring type.
The pump will be fitted with mechanical seals. Each pump Control System
The duplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
shall be equipped with a check valve to prevent backflow labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
through off-cycle units, a vacuum relief valve and an sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
isolation valve. pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Vacuum Pump Drive overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
The pumps shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
Vacuum Pump Motor logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, open of both vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service. if required. The control system shall include an automatic
minimum run time adjustment to control run time based on
demand. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control

Vacuum System Specifications1

System H Capacity @19” Hg Receiver3 Max. System FLA Weight
Model No. Pump System (Gallons) Ambient @ 60 hz (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-3D-RC120D 3 11 scfm 11 scfm 120 105° F 24 21 11 961
LPV-5D-RC120D 5 30 scfm 30 scfm 120 105° F 35 31 16 1157
LPV-7D-RC120D 7.5 34 scfm 34 scfm 120 105° F 51 45 23 1189
LPV-10D-RC120D 10 49 scfm 49 scfm 120 105° F 64 56 28 1648

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
Standard receiver

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Liquid Ring Camel SPC Triplex 3-7.5 Hp.

General Specification …………..……222

Elevations ……………………………… 223

P&ID …………………………………… 224

Electrical ……………………………… 225

Installation …………………………… 226

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 221


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Liquid Ring “Delta Camel” Medical Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Triplex System (5 - 10 HP)
Vacuum System Re-circulation and Seal Water
The triplex medical vacuum system must be fully compliant Under normal operation, the system shall not use more than
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package will consist 3/4 gpm of seal water per operating pump. The system shall
of three oil-free liquid ring vacuum pumps, a control panel, include a reservoir sufficient for up to 48 hours of operation
and a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a without a fresh water supply. The system is self contained
common base frame. The receiver shall be ASME coded and and air-cooled. No cooling water is required for the operation
have a three valve bypass system to allow for draining of the of the re-circulation system.
receiver without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual Intake Piping
drain shall be provided on the receiver. The pumps and Each vacuum pump shall have a factory piped intake.
receiver shall be connected to a common intake manifold. A Interconnecting piping shall consist of a combination of
single point of connection to the intake of the system shall be brazed ASTM B-819 copper tubing, brass pipe and fittings.
provided. A single point of connection to the electrical panel
of the system shall also be provided. The package shall be Vacuum Receiver
completely tested prior to shipment. The vacuum receiver shall be ASME Code stamped and rated
for a minimum 150 PSIG design pressure. The receiver
Vacuum Pump vessel shall include a sight glass with manual drain and
The pumps shall be a NASH Delta oil-free, single-stage, factory pre-piped three-valve receiver bypass.
positive displacement, and non-pulsating liquid ring type.
The pump will be fitted with mechanical seals. Each pump Control System
The triplex control system shall be NEMA 12 and U.L.
shall be equipped with a check valve to prevent backflow
labeled. The control system shall provide automatic lead/lag
through off-cycle units, a vacuum relief valve and an
sequencing with circuit breaker disconnects for each vacuum
isolation valve.
pump with external operators, full voltage motor starters with
Vacuum Pump Drive overload protection, redundant 120V control circuit
The pumps shall be direct driven. Torque is transmitted from transformers, visual and audible reserve unit alarm with
the motor to the pump through a shaft coupling.
isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
Vacuum Pump Motor selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
The motor shall be a continuous duty, NEMA rated, open logic controller (PLC) shall control the automatic alternation
drip proof, 1800 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for of the vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous
208V or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3 phase electrical service.
operation if required, and automatic activation of reserve unit
if required. The control system shall include an automatic
minimum run time adjustment to control run time based on
demand. A vacuum gauge shall be provided in the control

Vacuum System Specifications1

System H Capacity @19” Hg Receiver3 Max. System FLA Weight
Model No. Pump System (Gallons) Ambient @ 60 hz (lbs.)
Temp. 208V 230V 460V
LPV-5T-RC120D 5 30 scfm 60 scfm 120 105° F 54 47 24 1350
LPV-7T-RC120D 7.5 34 scfm 68 scfm 120 105° F 78 68 34 1559
LPV-10T-RC120D 10 49 scfm 98 scfm 120 105° F 96 84 42 2031

Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
Standard receiver

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw Tankmount Duplex 3-5 Hp.

General Specification …………..……249

Elevations ……………………………… 250

P&ID …………………………………… 251

Electrical ……………………………… 252

Installation …………………………… 253

Page 248 Chapter 6


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 01/16/2008
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum

Tank Mount Duplex System (3-5 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral
the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of two flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
"oil-less" rotary claw vacuum pumps, and a control panel, Interconnecting piping consists of galvanized pipe and
mounted on a receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each fittings.
pump is connected to a common intake manifold. The Vacuum Receiver
receiver is ASME coded and has a three-valve bypass system The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
to allow for draining of the receiver without interrupting the minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
vacuum service. A manual drain is provided on the receiver.
The package is completely tested prior to shipment. Control System
The duplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled.
Vacuum Pump The control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing,
The pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type
circuit breaker disconnects with external operators for each
capable of operating at 25.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty
vacuum pump, full voltage motor starters with overload
for a 3 hp and 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for a 5 hp.
protection, and redundant 120V control circuit transformers.
The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is completely
The control system provides visual and audible reserve unit
air-cooled with no water requirements. The pump has an
alarm for high discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum
inlet air filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief valve,
shutdowns with isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-
check valve to prevent backflow through off-cycle units,
auto lighted selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A
flexible connector, isolation valve, high discharge
programmable logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic
temperature switch, high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain
alternation of the vacuum pumps with provisions for
valve, oil sight glass, and exhaust muffler at each pump
simultaneous operation along with the automatic activation
of reserve unit if required. A vacuum gauge is provided in the
Vacuum Pump Drive control panel.
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are Oxygen Compatibility
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears. Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
Vacuum Pump Motor contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
3450 RPM, with 1.15 service factor suitable for 208 or pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase electrical service. tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
The lubricant in the gear casing is a special oxygen
compatible formula. Safe for all WAGD applications.
The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
please contact the factory.

Tank Mount Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System
System3 Receiver Noise4 Weight
Model No. HP
Pump System BTU/HR (Gal.) Level 208V 230V 460V (lbs.)

LTV-3D-HA120 3 23 scfm 23 scfm 6108 120 82 21 18 9 1249

LTV-5D-HA120 5 34 scfm 34 scfm 10,180 120 82 32 28 14 1383
LTV-5D-HA200 5 34 scfm 34 scfm 10,180 200 82 32 28 14 1543

Notes: 1
Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 01/16/2008
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw Modular Duplex 5-15 Hp.

General Specification …………..……255

Elevations ……………………………… 256

P&ID …………………………………… 257

Electrical ……………………………… 258

5-7.5 Hp. …………………………… 259
10-15 Hp. …………………………… 260

Page 254 Chapter 6


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.

Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum

Modular Duplex System (5 - 15 HP)

Vacuum System Intake Piping

The duplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral
the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of two, flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
oil-less, rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and a Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings.
receiver sized for appropriate demand. The vacuum module
Vacuum Receiver
has a common intake manifold. The vacuum module is
The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
designed to accommodate a standard pallet jack. The receiver
minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
is ASME coded and has a three-valve bypass system to allow
for draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum Control System
service. A manual drain is provided on the receiver. The The duplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled. The
package is completely tested prior to shipment. control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing, circuit
breaker disconnects with external operators for each vacuum
Vacuum Pump
pump, full voltage motor starters with overload protection,
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type,
and redundant 120V control circuit transformers. The control
capable of operating at 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for
system provides visual and audible reserve unit alarm for high
a 5 hp, and 22.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for the 7.5,
discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum shutdowns with
10 & 15 hp. The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is
isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
completely air-cooled with no water requirements. The pump
selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
has an inlet air filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief
logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic alternation of the
valve, check valve to prevent backflow through off-cycle
vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation
units, flexible connector, isolation valve, high discharge
along with the automatic activation of reserve unit if required.
temperature switch, high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve,
A vacuum gauge is provided in the control panel.
oil sight glass, and exhaust muffler at each pump location.
Oxygen Compatibility
Vacuum Pump Drive
Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the
60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are
contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears.
surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
Vacuum Pump Motor pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
electrical service. The lubricant in the gear casing as well as the grease used to
lubricate the bearings (10 & 15 hp models only) is a special
oxygen compatible formula. Safe for all WAGD applications.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System3 Receiver4 Noise5 System FLA System Weight (lbs.)
System HP
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V Vacuum Receiver
Model No. Module Module
LVS-5D-HA120 120* 407
LVS-5D-HA200 5 34 scfm 34 scfm 10,180 200 82 32 28 14 1408 654
LVS-5D-HA240 240 674
LVS-7D-HA120 120* 407
LVS-7D-HA200 7.5 69 scfm 69 scfm 15,270 200 83 46 40 20 1900 654
LVS-7D-HA240 240 674
LVS-10D-HA200 200* 684
10 89 scfm 89 scfm 20,360 84 60 52 26 2038
LVS-10D-HA240 240 704
LVS-15D-HA200 200* 684
15 120 scfm 120 scfm 30,540 84 85 74 37 2186
LVS-15D-HA240 240 704

Notes: 1
Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For installation of this
equipment above 4,000 feet elevation, please contact the factory.

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24) months from date of start-

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw Modular Triplex 5 Hp.

General Specification …………..……262

Elevations ……………………………… 263

P&ID …………………………………… 264

Electrical ……………………………… 265

Installation …………………………… 266

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 261


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2

the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum

Modular Triplex System (5 HP)

Vacuum System Intake Piping

The triplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with the Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral
latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of three, oil- flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
less, rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and a Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings.
receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each module has a
Vacuum Receiver
common intake manifold. Each vacuum module is designed to
The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
accommodate a standard pallet jack. The receiver is ASME
minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
coded and has a three-valve bypass system to allow for
draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum Control System
service. A manual drain is provided on the receiver. The The triplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled. The
package is completely tested prior to shipment. control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing, circuit
breaker disconnects with external operators for each vacuum
Vacuum Pump
pump, full voltage motor starters with overload protection,
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type,
and redundant 120V control circuit transformers. The control
capable of operating at 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty.
system provides visual and audible reserve unit alarm for high
The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is completely air-
discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum shutdowns with
cooled with no water requirements. The pump has an inlet air
isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve
selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
to prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible
logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic alternation of the
connector, isolation valve, high discharge temperature switch,
vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation
high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and
along with the automatic activation of reserve unit if required.
exhaust muffler at each pump location.
A vacuum gauge is provided in the control panel.
Vacuum Pump Drive
Oxygen Compatibility
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the
Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are
60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears.
contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
Vacuum Pump Motor surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
electrical service. insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
The lubricant in the gear casing as well is a special oxygen
compatible formula. Safe for all WAGD applications.
The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
please contact the factory.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System Weight (lbs.)
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5
HP Vacuum Receiver
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V Module Module
LVS-5TS-HA120 120* 407
LVS-5TS-HA200 5 34 scfm 68 scfm 20,360 200 85 48 42 21 1942 654
LVS-5TS-HA240 240 674

Notes: 1
Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24) months from date of start-

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw Modular Triplex 7.5-15 Hp.

General Specification …………..……268

Elevations ……………………………… 269

P&ID …………………………………… 270

Electrical ……………………………… 271

7.5 Hp. ……………………………… 272
10-15 Hp. …………………………… 273

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 267


TRIPLEX 7.5-15
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum

Modular Triplex System (7.5 - 15 HP)

Vacuum System Vacuum Receiver

The triplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with the The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of three, oil- minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
less, rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and a
Control System
receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each module has a
The triplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled. The
common intake manifold. Each vacuum module is designed to
control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing, circuit
accommodate a standard pallet jack. The receiver is ASME
breaker disconnects with external operators for each vacuum
coded and has a three-valve bypass system to allow for
pump, full voltage motor starters with overload protection,
draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum
and redundant 120V control circuit transformers. The control
service. A manual drain is provided on the receiver. The
system provides visual and audible reserve unit alarm for high
package is completely tested prior to shipment.
discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum shutdowns with
Vacuum Pump isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type, selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
capable of operating at 22.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty. logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic alternation of the
The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is completely air- vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation
cooled with no water requirements. The pump has an inlet air along with the automatic activation of reserve unit if required.
filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve A vacuum gauge is provided in the control panel.
to prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible
Oxygen Compatibility
connector, isolation valve, high discharge temperature switch,
Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and
60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
exhaust muffler at each pump location.
contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
Vacuum Pump Drive surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears. insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
The lubricant in the gear casing as well as the grease used to
Vacuum Pump Motor
lubricate the bearings (10 & 15 hp models only) is a special
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC,
oxygen compatible formula. Safe for all WAGD applications.
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase
electrical service. Installation
Intake Piping The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve. installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings. please contact the factory.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System Weight (lbs.)
System3 Receiver4 Noise5
System HP Vacuum Receiver
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V
Model No. Modules6 Module
LVS-7T-HA200 200* 684
7.5 69 scfm 138 scfm 30,540 86 69 60 30 2859
LVS-7T-HA240 240 704
LVS-10T-HA200 200* 684
10 89 scfm 178 scfm 40,720 87 90 78 39 3106
LVS-10T-HA240 240 704
LVS-15T-HA200 200* 734
15 120 scfm 240 scfm 61,080 87 128 111 56 3328
LVS-15T-HA240 240 754

Notes: 1
Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.
Total weight for a 7.5 duplex module w/triplex control panel (1950#) and a 7.5 simplex module (909#)
Total weight for a 10 duplex module w/triplex control panel (2088#) and a 10 simplex module (1018#)
Total weight for a 15 duplex module w/triplex control panel (2236#) and a 15 simplex module (1092#)

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24) months from date of start-

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw Modular Quadruplex 5-15 Hp.

General Specification …………..……275

Elevations ……………………………… 276

P&ID …………………………………… 277

Electrical ……………………………… 278

5-7.5 Hp. …………………………… 279
10-15 Hp. …………………………… 280

Page 274 Chapter 6


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2

QUAD 5-15
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum

Modular Quad System (5 - 15 HP)

Vacuum System Control System

The quadruplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant The quadruplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled.
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of The control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing,
four, oil-less, rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and circuit breaker disconnects with external operators for each
a receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each module has a vacuum pump, full voltage motor starters with overload
common intake manifold. Each vacuum module is designed to protection, and redundant 120V control circuit transformers.
accommodate a standard pallet jack. The receiver is ASME The control system provides visual and audible reserve unit
coded and has a three-valve bypass system to allow for alarm for high discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum
draining of the receiver without interrupting the vacuum shutdowns with isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-
service. A manual drain is provided on the receiver. The auto lighted selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A
package is completely tested prior to shipment. programmable logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic
alternation of the vacuum pumps with provisions for
Vacuum Pump
simultaneous operation along with the automatic activation of
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type,
reserve unit if required. A vacuum gauge is provided in the
capable of operating at 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for
control panel.
a 5 hp, and 22.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for the 7.5,
10 & 15 hp. The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is Oxygen Compatibility
completely air-cooled with no water requirements. The pump Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
has an inlet air filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief 60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
valve, check valve to prevent backflow through off-cycle contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
units, flexible connector, isolation valve, high discharge surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
temperature switch, high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve, pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
oil sight glass, and exhaust muffler at each pump location. tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
Vacuum Pump Drive
The lubricant in the gear casing as well as the grease used to
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the
lubricate the bearings (10 & 15 hp models only) is a special
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are
oxygen compatible formula. Safe for all WAGD applications.
synchronized by heavy duty precision timing gears.
Vacuum Pump Motor The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
electrical service. please contact the factory.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System Weight (lbs.)
System System3 Receiver4 Noise5
HP Vacuum Receiver
Model No. Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V Modules6 Module
LVS-5Q-HA200 200* 684
5 34 scfm 102 scfm 30,540 87 64 56 28 2766
LVS-5Q-HA240 240 704
LVS-7Q-HA200 200* 684
7.5 69 scfm 207 scfm 45,810 88 92 80 40 3744
LVS-7Q-HA240 240 704
LVS-10Q-HA200 200* 684
10 89 scfm 267 scfm 61,080 89 119 104 52 4026
LVS-10Q-HA240 240 704
LVS-15Q-HA200 200* 734
15 120 scfm 360 scfm 91,620 89 170 148 74 4322
LVS-15Q-HA240 240 754
Notes: 1
Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect three vacuum pumps in operation.
Total weight for a 5 duplex module w/quad control panel (1508#) and a 5 duplex module (1258#)
Total weight for a 7.5 duplex module w/quad control panel (1967#) and a 7.5 duplex module (1777#)
Total weight for a 10 duplex module w/quad control panel (2138#) and a 10 duplex module (1888#)
Total weight for a 15 duplex module w/quad control panel (2286#) and a 15 duplex module (2036#)

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24) months from date of start-

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw SPC Duplex 5-15 Hp.

General Specification …………..……282

Elevations ……………………………… 283

P&ID …………………………………… 284

Electrical ……………………………… 285

5-7.5 Hp. …………………………… 286
10-15 Hp. …………………………… 287

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 281

This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.

Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (5 - 15 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral
the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of two flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
"oil-less" rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and a Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings.
receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a Vacuum Receiver
common base frame. The receiver is ASME coded and has a The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the receiver minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain is
provided on the receiver. Each pump and the receiver is Control System
connected to a common intake manifold. A single point of The duplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled. The
connection to the intake of the system is provided. A single control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing, circuit
point of connection to the electrical panel of the system is also breaker disconnects with external operators for each vacuum
provided. The package is completely tested prior to shipment. pump, full voltage motor starters with overload protection,
and redundant 120V control circuit transformers. The control
Vacuum Pump system provides visual and audible reserve unit alarm for high
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type, discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum shutdowns with
capable of operating at 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
a 5 hp, and 22.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for the 7.5, selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
10 & 15 hp. The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic alternation of the
completely air-cooled with no water requirements. The pump vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation
has an inlet air filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief along with the automatic activation of reserve unit if required.
valve, check valve to prevent backflow through off-cycle A vacuum gauge is provided in the control panel.
units, flexible connector, isolation valve, high discharge
temperature switch, high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve, Oxygen Compatibility
oil sight glass, and exhaust muffler at each pump location. Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
Vacuum Pump Drive contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the
surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are
pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears.
tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
Vacuum Pump Motor insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, The lubricant in the gear casing as well as the grease used to
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase lubricate the bearings (10 & 15 hp models only) is a special
electrical service. oxygen compatible formula. Safe for WAGD applications.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System
System3 Receiver4 Noise5 Weight
System HP
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V (lbs.)
Model No.
LPV-5D-HA120 120* 2115
LPV-5D-HA200 5 34 scfm 34 scfm 10,180 200 82 32 28 14 2362
LPV-5D-HA240 240 2382
LPV-7D-HA120 120* 2595
LPV-7D-HA200 7.5 69 scfm 69 scfm 15,270 200 83 46 40 20 2842
LPV-7D-HA240 240 2862
LPV-10D-HA200 200* 3030
10 89 scfm 89 scfm 20,360 84 60 52 26
LPV-10D-HA240 240 3050
LPV-15D-HA200 200* 3178
15 120 scfm 120 scfm 30,540 84 85 74 37
LPV-15D-HA240 240 3198
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For installation of this
equipment above 4,000 feet elevation, please contact the factory

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24) months from date of start-

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw SPC Triplex 5 Hp.

General Specification …………..……289

Elevations ……………………………… 290

P&ID …………………………………… 291

Electrical ……………………………… 292

Installation …………………………… 292

Page 288 Chapter 6

This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.

Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2

the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Triplex System (5 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The triplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with the Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral
latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of three "oil- flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
less" rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and a Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings.
receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a Vacuum Receiver
common base frame. The receiver is ASME coded and has a The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the receiver minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain is
provided on the receiver. Each pump and the receiver is Control System
connected to a common intake manifold. A single point of The triplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled. The
connection to the intake of the system is provided. A single control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing, circuit
point of connection to the electrical panel of the system is also breaker disconnects with external operators for each vacuum
provided. The package is completely tested prior to shipment. pump, full voltage motor starters with overload protection,
and redundant 120V control circuit transformers. The control
Vacuum Pump system provides visual and audible reserve unit alarm for high
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type, discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum shutdowns with
capable of operating at 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty. isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is completely air- selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
cooled with no water requirements. The pump has an inlet air logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic alternation of the
filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation
to prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible along with the automatic activation of reserve unit if required.
connector, isolation valve, high discharge temperature switch, A vacuum gauge is provided in the control panel.
high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and
exhaust muffler at each pump location. Oxygen Compatibility
Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
Vacuum Pump Drive 60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the
contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are
surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears.
pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
Vacuum Pump Motor tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase The lubricant in the gear casing as well as the grease used to
electrical service. lubricate the bearings (10 & 15 hp models only) is a special
oxygen compatible formula. Safe for WAGD applications.
The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
please contact the factory

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System
System3 Receiver4 Noise5 Weight
System HP
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V (lbs.)
Model No.
LPV-5TS-HA120 120* 2215
LPV-5TS-HA200 5 34 scfm 68 scfm 20,360 200 85 48 42 21 2462
LPV-5TS-HA240 240 2482
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw SPC Triplex 7.5-15 Hp.

General Specification …………..……295

Elevations ……………………………… 296

P&ID …………………………………… 297

Electrical ……………………………… 298

5-7.5 Hp. …………………………… 299
10-15 Hp. …………………………… 300

Page 294 Chapter 6


TRIPLEX 7.5-15
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.

Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Triplex System (7.5 - 15 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Receiver
The triplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with the The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of three "oil- minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
less" rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and a
receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a Control System
common base frame. The receiver is ASME coded and has a The triplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled. The
three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the receiver control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing, circuit
without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain is breaker disconnects with external operators for each vacuum
provided on the receiver. Each pump and the receiver is pump, full voltage motor starters with overload protection,
connected to a common intake manifold. A single point of and redundant 120V control circuit transformers. The control
connection to the intake of the system is provided. A single system provides visual and audible reserve unit alarm for high
point of connection to the electrical panel of the system is also discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum shutdowns with
provided. The package is completely tested prior to shipment. isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
Vacuum Pump logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic alternation of the
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type, vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation
capable of operating at 22.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty. along with the automatic activation of reserve unit if required.
The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is completely air- A vacuum gauge is provided in the control panel.
cooled with no water requirements. The pump has an inlet air
filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve Oxygen Compatibility
to prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
connector, isolation valve, high discharge temperature switch, 60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
exhaust muffler at each pump location. surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
Vacuum Pump Drive
tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the
insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are
The lubricant in the gear casing as well as the grease used to
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears.
lubricate the bearings (10 & 15 hp models only) is a special
Vacuum Pump Motor oxygen compatible formula. Safe for WAGD applications.
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC,
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase
The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
electrical service.
maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
Intake Piping installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral please contact the factory.
flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System
System3 Receiver4 Noise5 Weight
System HP
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V (lbs.)
Model No.
LPV-7T-HA200 200* 3785
7.5 69 scfm 138 scfm 30,540 86 69 60 30
LPV-7T-HA240 240 3805
LPV-10T-HA200 200* 4057
10 89 scfm 178 scfm 40,720 87 90 78 39
LPV-10T-HA240 240 4077
LPV-15T-HA200 200* 4279
15 120 scfm 240 scfm 61,080 87 128 111 56
LPV-15T-HA240 240 4299
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect two vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24) months from date of start-

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw SPC Quadruplex 5-15 Hp.

General Specification …………..……255

Elevations ……………………………… 256

P&ID …………………………………… 257

Electrical ……………………………… 258

5-7.5 Hp. …………………………… 259
10-15 Hp. …………………………… 260

Medical Vacuum (Suction) Page 301

This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.

Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2

QUAD 5-15
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Quad System (5 - 15 HP)
Vacuum System Vacuum Receiver
The quadruplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
with the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
four "oil-less" rotary claw vacuum pumps, a control panel, and Control System
a receiver sized for appropriate demand all mounted on a The quadruplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled.
common base frame. The receiver is ASME coded and has a The control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing,
three-valve bypass system to allow for draining of the receiver circuit breaker disconnects with external operators for each
without interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain is vacuum pump, full voltage motor starters with overload
provided on the receiver. Each pump and the receiver is protection, and redundant 120V control circuit transformers.
connected to a common intake manifold. A single point of The control system provides visual and audible reserve unit
connection to the intake of the system is provided. A single alarm for high discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum
point of connection to the electrical panel of the system is also shutdowns with isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-
provided. The package is completely tested prior to shipment. auto lighted selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A
Vacuum Pump programmable logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic
Each pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type, alternation of the vacuum pumps with provisions for
capable of operating at 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for simultaneous operation along with the automatic activation of
a 5 hp, and 22.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for the 7.5, reserve unit if required. A vacuum gauge is provided in the
10 & 15 hp. The pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is control panel.
completely air-cooled with no water requirements. The pump
Oxygen Compatibility
has an inlet air filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief
Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
valve, check valve to prevent backflow through off-cycle
60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
units, flexible connector, isolation valve, high discharge
contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
temperature switch, high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve,
surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
oil sight glass, and exhaust muffler at each pump location.
pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
Vacuum Pump Drive tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are The lubricant in the gear casing as well as the grease used to
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears. lubricate the bearings (10 & 15 hp models only) is a special
Vacuum Pump Motor oxygen compatible formula. Safe for WAGD applications.
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, Installation
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
electrical service. maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
Intake Piping installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral please contact the factory
flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Complete Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System
System3 Receiver4 Noise5 Weight
System HP
Pump System BTU/HR (Gallons) Level 208V 230V 460V (lbs.)
Model No.
LPV-5Q-HA200 200* 3796
5 34 scfm 102 scfm 30,540 87 64 56 28
LPV-5Q-HA240 240 3816
LPV-7Q-HA200 200* 4751
7.5 69 scfm 207 scfm 45,810 88 92 80 40
LPV-7Q-HA240 240 4771
LPV-10Q-HA200 200* 5027
10 89 scfm 267 scfm 61,080 89 119 104 52
LPV-10Q-HA240 240 5047
LPV-15Q-HA200 200* 5323
15 120 scfm 360 scfm 91,620 89 170 148 74
LPV-15Q-HA240 240 5343
Notes: Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
* Indicates standard receiver
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect three vacuum pumps in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs Medical Gas Design Guide

Claw Vertical SPC Duplex 3-5 Hp.

General Specification …………..……309

Elevations ……………………………… 310

P&ID …………………………………… 311

Electrical ……………………………… 312

Installation …………………………… 313

Page 308 Chapter 6


This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 1 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

LifeLine® Oil-Less O2 Assured Claw Medical Vacuum

Vertical Base Mount Single Point Connection (SPC)
Duplex System (3-5 HP)
Vacuum System Intake Piping
The duplex medical vacuum system is fully compliant with Each vacuum pump has a factory piped intake with integral
the latest edition of NFPA 99. The package consists of two flex connector, isolation valve, and check valve.
"oil-less" rotary claw vacuum pumps, and a control panel, Interconnecting piping consists of black iron pipe and fittings.
mounted on a receiver sized for appropriate demand. Each Vacuum Receiver
pump is connected to a common intake manifold. The tank The vacuum receiver is ASME Code stamped, and rated for a
mount system is designed to have a maximum width of 34" minimum 150 PSIG design pressure.
(86 cm). The receiver is ASME coded and has a three-valve
bypass system to allow for draining of the receiver without Control System
interrupting the vacuum service. A manual drain is provided The duplex control system is NEMA 12 and U.L. labeled. The
on the receiver. The package is completely tested prior to control system provides automatic lead/lag sequencing, circuit
shipment. breaker disconnects with external operators for each vacuum
pump, full voltage motor starters with overload protection,
Vacuum Pump and redundant 120V control circuit transformers. The control
The pump is a direct driven, non-contacting claw type capable
system provides visual and audible reserve unit alarm for high
of operating at 25.5” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for a 3 hp
discharge temperature and high inlet vacuum shutdowns with
and 27” Hg (sea level) continuous duty for a 5 hp. The
isolated contacts for remote alarm, hand-off-auto lighted
pumping chamber is oil free. The pump is completely air-
selector switches and runtime hourmeters. A programmable
cooled with no water requirements. The pump has an inlet air
logic controller (PLC) controls the automatic alternation of the
filter and is equipped with a vacuum relief valve, check valve
vacuum pumps with provisions for simultaneous operation
to prevent backflow through off-cycle units, flexible
along with the automatic activation of reserve unit if required.
connector, isolation valve, high discharge temperature switch,
A vacuum gauge is provided in the control panel.
high inlet vacuum switch, oil drain valve, oil sight glass, and
exhaust muffler at each pump location. Oxygen Compatibility
Each vacuum pump is capable of operating safely with up to
Vacuum Pump Drive
The pump is direct driven. Torque is transmitted from the 60% oxygen content in the compression chamber. All parts in
motor to the pump through a shaft coupling. The claws are contact with the flow stream, gear casing, and bearing
synchronized by heavy-duty precision timing gears. surfaces are cleaned with oxygen compatible cleaner. The
pump is assembled and tested in a clean room with dedicated
Vacuum Pump Motor tools. The inlet filter is constructed of a fiberglass media to
The motor is a continuous duty, NEMA rated, C-face, TEFC, insure there is no fuel to ignite in the compression chamber.
3450 RPM, suitable for 208 or 230/460V, 60 hertz, 3-phase The lubricant in the gear casing is a special oxygen
electrical service. compatible formula. Safe for WAGD applications.
The installation of this vacuum technology is limited to a
maximum of 4,000 feet elevation above sea level. For
installation of this equipment above 4,000 feet elevation,
please contact the factory.

Vacuum System Specifications1

Capacity2 @ 19” Hg System FLA System
System3 Receiver Noise4 Weight
Model No. HP
Pump System BTU/HR (Gal.) Level 208V 230V 460V (lbs.)

LVV-3D-HA80 3 23 scfm 23 scfm 6108 80 82 21 18 9 1376

LVV-5D-HA80 5 34 scfm 34 scfm 10,180 80 82 32 28 14 1510

Notes: 1
Normal operating conditions at a maximum ambient of 105° F. Consult factory for higher ambient conditions.
All capacities are shown as NFPA system capacities (reserve vacuum pump on standby).
All system BTU/HR are shown with reserve vacuum pump on standby.
All noise levels are shown in dB(A) and reflect one vacuum pump in operation.

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750
This product has been designed to meet U.S. NFPA 99, latest edition.
Modifications made to meet current CSA Standards may result in changes to Page 2 of 2
the product's weight and physical dimensions. Please contact BeaconMedæs at 12/31/2007
(803) 817-5600 or (803) 817-5750 (fax) for further information.

Standard System Configuration

Statement of Warranty
BeaconMedæs warrants all LifeLine® Oil-Less Claw Medical Vacuum Systems to be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period not to exceed thirty (30) months from date of shipment, or twenty four (24)
months from date of start-up

BeaconMedæs Š 1800 Overview Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Š Phone: (803) 817-5600 Fax: (803) 817-5750

13325 Carowinds Blvd • Charlotte, NC 28273 • Phone 1 888 4 MED GAS • Fax 704 588 4949

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