LWCF: Fund For Federal Land Purchases Is Unraveling
LWCF: Fund For Federal Land Purchases Is Unraveling
LWCF: Fund For Federal Land Purchases Is Unraveling
Winter 2004
Update Western Land Exchange Project
Seattle, Washington
Research, Advocacy, & Outreach for Land Exchange Policy Reform Vol. 8, No. 3
The company would in turn give up an as-
he Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
yet undetermined amount of land to the
(SUWA), Grand Canyon Trust (GCT),
government. The FWS, which manages
and other groups have negotiated a
Yukon Flats, has essentially no process for
land exchange that would allow the State
notifying the public of, or involving them
of Utah to trade some of its inholdings in
in, land trades in refuges. Opponents of
potential wilderness areas for lands else-
the deal point out that Doyon Ltd.’s drill-
where that it can develop. Utah’s School
ing in its newly-acquired lands will damage
and Institutional Trust Lands Administra-
wetlands that comprise some of the most
tion (SITLA) wants to give the Bureau of
important waterfowl habitat in the entire
Land Management (BLM) land it has along
refuge. Doyon Ltd would also have the
the Colorado River and near Dinosaur
right to explore for oil under an additional
National Monument in return for feder-
96,000 acres of refuge lands, something the
ally-owned oil-and-gas lands in the Uinta
corporation has been trying to get for 20
Basin in eastern Utah. SITLA tried to do
years. Defenders of Wildlife and Alaska Wil-
a much larger land swap with the BLM in
derness League are fighting the proposal.
2002—the San Rafael Swell exchange—that
e first told you in 2001 about then-Utah melted down after whistleblowers exposed
Rep. Jim Hansen’s attempt to pass leg- it as a multi-million dollar rip-off. Interior
islation that would force the Bureau Department officials and SITLA had essen-
of Land Management to sell 1,600 acres of tially colluded to create a special appraisal
federal land to the Mormon Church. The process that inflated the value of their trade
land is question is at Martin’s Cove in cen- lands and devalued the federal land. The
tral Wyoming, a place of great significance San Rafael trade and other scandals ulti-
to church members because of the death mately forced the Interior Department to
of several Mormon immigrants there in an
1856 blizzard. But the site
investigate and revamp its appraisal meth-
is also on the National Reg-
ister of Historic Places and
part of the Oregon, Cali-
fornia, and Pony Express
trails. For more than two
years, the bill drew passion-
ate opposition from WLXP,
Americans United for
Separation of Church and
State, and outraged Wyo-
The LDS Church has
mingites. The bill faltered
secured a long-term
and finally died, as did all
lease for federal land
enthusiasm for selling the
at Martin’s Cove.
land to the Church—at
Photo: WLXP
Land Exchange Update 3 Winter 2004
ods. SUWA, GCT, and other proponents
say the current trade of about 35,000 acres Foundation Supporters
on either side is environmentally sound. We gratefully acknowledge the support
But the legislation that would enact the of the following foundations:
trade was written by a SITLA lobbyist, and The Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
Norcross Wildlife Foundation
You can read both WLXP has found serious problems with the
bill language—including special embel- Deer Creek Foundation
recent & archived lishments on the appraisal process that New-Land Foundation
are strongly reminiscent of the San Rafael Maki Foundation
Public Lands
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