PRELIM EXAM-SY 2020-2021 NCM-117: Fides Et Servitium
PRELIM EXAM-SY 2020-2021 NCM-117: Fides Et Servitium
PRELIM EXAM-SY 2020-2021 NCM-117: Fides Et Servitium
__C__32. A 60 year old female client who lives alone tells the nurse at the community health
center “I really don’t need anyone to talk to”. The TV is my best friend.
The nurse recognizes that the client is using the defense mechanism known as?
a. Displacement c. Sublimation
b. Projection d. Denial
__A__33.Joy who has just experienced her second spontaneous abortion expresses anger
towards her physician, the hospital and the “rotten nursing care”. When assessing the situation,
the nurse recognizes that the client may be using the coping mechanism of:
a. Projection c. Denial
b. Displacement d. Reaction formation
__B__34.A client becomes angry and belligerent toward the nurse after speaking on the phone
with his mother. The nurse recognizes this as what defense mechanism?
a. Projection c. Repression
b. Displacement d. Suppression
__D__35.A female client is admitted to the emergency department after being sexually
assaulted. The nurse notes that the client is sitting calmly and quietly in the examination room
and recognizes that this behavior as a protective defense mechanism. What defense
mechanism is the client exhibiting?
a. Suppression c. Denial
b. Regression d. Repression
__C__36. Sublimation is a defense mechanism that helps the individual :
a. Act out in reverse something already done or thought
b. Return to an earlier less mature stage of development
c. Exclude from the conscious things that are psychologically disturbing
d. Channel unacceptable sexual desires into socially approved behavior
__C__37. Which term refers to the primary unconscious defense mechanisms that keeps
intense anxiety out of persons conscious awareness:
a. Suppression c. Denial
b. Repression d. Introjection
__A__38.A man develops blindness after watching his friend get seriously injured in a car
a. Conversion c. Denial
b. Suppression d. resistance
__C__39. A man gets reprimanded by his boss. Later he yells at his wife when dinner is not
a. Conversion c. reaction fromation
b. Fixation d. displacement
__D__40. A young man chooses to become a professional football player like his father:
a. Introjection c. Compensation
b. Identification d. Substitution
__B__ 41. A man who is extremely polite and courteous to his mother –in law , whom he
intensely dislikes:
a. Reaction formation c. Undoing
b. Projection d. intellectualization
__C__42. A mother who has just punished her child unjustly decides to bake the child’s favorite
a. Repression c. Undoing
b. Suppression d. Rationalization
__C__43. A man who has strong aggressive drives channels his energy into building successful
a. Undoing c. compensation
b. Sublimation d. projection
__B__44.A man cheats on his wife and tells himself it is okay because his friends cheat on their
a. Compensation c. Undoing
b. Projection d. denial
__A__45. An unattractive girl emphasizes and cultivates her intellectual abilities, landing on an
honor roll:
a. Conversion c. Compensation
b. Fantasy d. Substitution
__D__46. Jane, a school aged boy is attached to feeding bottle.
a. Compensation c. substitution
b. Regression d. fixation
__A__47. Refusing to admit that something unpleasant is happening such as loss of loved ones
is an example of an ego defense mechanism known as:
a. Denial c. projection
b. Rationalization d. bargaining
__B__48. The defense mechanism primarily utilized by patients with paranoid personality is:
a. Introjection c. Rationalization
b. Displacement d. Projection
__C__49. Attributing one’s own unacknowledged feeling to others is an immature type of
defense mechanism called as:
a. Displacement c. Distortion
b. Projection d. intellectualization
__C__50. These defense mechanisms are common in healthy indiv 3-15yo. They may change
w/ improved interpersonal relationships:
a. Pathological mechanisms c. Immature
b. Neurotic d. ideal
__A__59 Preoperational
__C_65. Bad me
__C_67. Sullivan
__C_72. Peplau
End of exam