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CET201 - Module 3 - Handout

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr.

Bennet Kuriakose

Module Syllabus
Mechanics of Solids
Module 3

Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Department of Civil Engineering
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai

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Beams Beam
• A structural element which is subjected to loads transverse
to its axis and having one dimension larger than the other
two dimensions
• Axial force is normally neglected.
• Usually beams are considered horizontal.
– Exceptional cases:

Vehicle Chassis 3 4
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Types of Supports Types of Supports (Cont’d)

1. Roller support 2. Simple Support
• reaction is normal to the support since rollers can be treated as
frictionless •the reaction at the support is at right angles to the support
• At roller support, beam is free to move along the support. • the beam is free to move in the direction of its axis
• It can rotate about the support also. •it is free to rotate about the support

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Types of Supports (Cont’d) Types of Support (Cont’d)

3. Hinged or Pinned support 4. Fixed support
•At a hinged end, a beam cannot move in any direction. • the beam end is not free to translate or rotate
• it can rotate about the support. Hence the support will not
develop any resisting moment
•can develop reaction in any direction to keep the end stationary.

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Types of beams Types of Beams (Cont’d)

1. Classification based on supports (c) Fixed Beam
(a) Simply supported beam

(d) Propped Cantilever

(b) Cantilever Beam

(e) Continuous Beam

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Types of Beams (Cont’d) Types of Beams (Cont’d)

(f) Overhang beam 3. Classification based on Determinacy
(a) Statically Determinate Beams
Ex: Cantilever Beams and Simply Supported beams
(b) Statically Indeterminate Beams
(i) Externally Indeterminate Beams
Ex:Propped Cantilever Beams, Fixed Beams, Continuous
2. Classification based on Number of Spans Beams
(ii) Internally Indeterminate Beams
(a) Single Span Beam
Ex:Composite Beams or Flitched Beams

(b) Double Span Beam

(c) Multiple Span Beam

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Types of Loads Types of Loads (Cont’d)

• Point Load • Uniformly Varying Load (Triangular or Trapezoidal)
– If a load is acting on a beam over a very small length, it is – Load varying along the length
approximated as acting at the mid point of that length and – For finding reaction and moments, this load may be
is represented by an arrow assumed as total load acting at the centre of gravity of the
• Uniformly Distributed Load
– Over considerably long distance such load has got
uniform intensity.
– For finding reaction and moments, this load may be Case 1 Case 2
assumed as total load acting at the centre of gravity of the
loading (middle of the loaded length) • Concentrated Moment

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Beam Reactions (Revision) Beam Reactions (Revision)

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Shear Force and Bending Moment Shear Force and Bending Moment
Vx (L) Vx (L) Algebraic sum of loads on
left of x-x
Mx (L) Algebraic sum of
Vx (L) Mx (L) moments of loads on left of x-x ,
w.r.t. x-x.
Mx (L) • Shear force at a section of a structural member
is the internal resistive force developed at that
section to resist shearing off of the section.
Vx (R) Mx (R) • It is mathematically calculated by taking the
Vx (R) algebraic sum of the transverse loads either to the
Vx (R) Algebraic sum of
loads on right of x-x right or left of the section.
Mx (R) Algebraic
sum of moments of
loads on right of x-x , Mx (R)
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w.r.t. x-x.

Shear Force and Bending Moment Shear Force and Bending Moment

• Bending Moment at a section of a structural

member is the internal resistive force developed 100 kNm
20 kN
at that section to resist bending of the section.
100 kNm

• It is mathematically calculated by taking the 20 kN 100 kNm

algebraic sum of the moments of the transverse 20 kN
loads with respect to the section either to the right
or left of the section.
100 kNm 20 kN
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Shear Force and Bending Moment Load – SF – BM Relationships

+ ve BM - ve BM w/ unit length
(Sagging) (Hogging) ∑V = 0
−V + V + dV − w dx = 0 =w
+ ve SF - ve SF dx V M+dM
∑M = 0
Sign Convention M − (M + dM ) + V × dx − w dx =0
−dM + V dx = 0 dM M
dx dx V+dV
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SF Diagram and BM Diagram SF Diagram and BM Diagram

• The graphical representation of shear force in which ordinate • Standard Method
(y-axis) represents shear force and the abscissa (x-axis) – Find the equation for SF and BM of different ‘parts’ (in
represents the position of the section is called Shear Force between salient points) as function of x
Diagram (SFD).
– Find the values of SF and BM at salient points (by
• The diagram in which the ordinate represent bending substituting relevant values of x)
moment the abscissa represent the position of the section is
called Bending Moment Diagram (BMD). • Engineering Method
• Bending moment will be maximum/minimum where shear – Find the values of SF and BM at salient points
force (dM/dx) is zero. – Fill the diagram by understanding the variation of SF and
• At any section, if bending moment changes its sign, the point BM between the salient points.
representing that section is called the point of contraflexure
(Point of inflection). Obviously, the bending moment at that Standard Method Parts to Salient points
section is zero. Engineering Method Salient points to Parts

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

SFD and BMD (Standard Method) SFD and BMD (Engineering Method)
1. Find the equation of SF and BM of different parts Load between Shear Force Bending
of the beam, expressing as a function. salient points Variation Moment =F
Variation dx
2. Find the values of SF and BM at salient points (by
Zero Constant Linear dF
substituting relevant values of x in the function.) =w
Constant (UDL) Linear Parabolic dx
3. Mark the values of SF and BM at the salient points.
Linear (UVL) Parabolic Cubic
4. Joint them using the variation of function.
• At the section of application of concentrated force, shear force is
not defined – we can find the shear force ‘just left’ or ‘just right’ of
the section
• At the section of application of concentrated moment, bending
moment is not defined – we can find the bending moment ‘just
left’ or ‘just right’ of the section
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SFD and BMD for Standard Cases SFD and BMD for Standard Cases
1. Cantilever with Point Load at Free End 2. Cantilever with UDL

Vx = −W (constant) Vx = −wx (linear)

@ x = 0, Vx = −W @ x = 0, Vx = 0
@ x = L, Vx = −W @ x = L , Vx = wL Shear Force Diagram (SFD)
Shear Force Diagram (SFD) 2
x x
M x = − wx = −w
M x = −Wx (linear variation) 2 2
@ x = 0, M x = 0
@ x = 0, M x = 0
WL2 Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)
@ x = L, M x = −WL @ x = L, M x = −
Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) 2
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

SFD and BMD for Standard Cases SFD and BMD for Standard Cases
3. Simply Supported Beam with Point Load 4. Simply Supported Beam with Central Point Load
Wb W
Wb @ x = 0,Vx = W @ x = 0, Vx =
Vx = L Vx = 2
L Wb 2 L W
@ x = a, Vx = @x= , Vx =
2 2
Wb @ x = 0, M x = 0 W @ x = 0, M x = 0
Mx = x Mx = x
L Wb 2 L WL
@ x = a, M x = a @x = , Mx =
L 2 4 Shear Force Diagram (SFD)
Wa L W
Wb Wa @ x = a , Vx = − Shear Force Diagram (SFD) W W @x = , Vx = −
Vx = −W = − L Vx = −W = − 2 2
L L Wa 2 2 W
@ x = L, Vx = − @ x = L, Vx = −
L 2
Wb Wab W L L WL Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)
Mx = x − W ( x − a) @ x = a, M x = Mx = x −W (x − ) @x = ,Mx =
L L Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) 2 2 2 4
St. Joseph’s College @ = L, M x = 0 and Technology Palai
of xEngineering 29 = L, M x = 0 and Technology Palai
of xEngineering
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SFD and BMD for Standard Cases SFD and BMD for Standard Cases
5. Simply Supported Beam with UDL 6. Cantilever with Triangular Load
wL wL Vx = area of the load to left of section
Vx = − wx @ x = 0, Vx =
2 2 1 wx wx 2
wL = − x⋅ =−
@ x = L, Vx = − 2 L 2L
@ x = 0, Vx = 0
Where is SF = 0?
wL wL
0= − wx x= L/2 @ x = L , Vx = −
2 2
M x = moment of area of the load
wL wx 2 Shear Force Diagram (SFD) to left of section, w.r.t. section
Mx = x− @ x = 0, M x = 0 Shear Force Diagram (SFD)
2 2 @ x = L, M x = 0 = area × liver arm
 1 wx  1  wx 3
Max. value of BM is where SF = 0 = − x⋅ ×  x  = −
2 2 L  3  6L
 L
w  @ x = 0, M x = 0
−   =
L wL L 2
∴@ x = , M x = Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)
2 2 2 2 8 wL3 Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 31 @ x = L, M = −
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

SFD and BMD for Standard Cases SFD and BMD for Standard Cases
7. Simply Supported Beam with Triangular Load -Case 1 8. Simply Supported Beam with Triangular Load - Case 2
1 2 wL
∑M A =0⇒ − RB L + wL × L = 0 ⇒ RB =
2 3 3
1 11  wL L
1 wL wL RA = RB = total load =  Lw  =
RA = total load-RB = wL − = 2 22  4
2 3 6
Vx = R A - area of the load to left of section
Vx = RA - area of the load to left of section
wL  1 2wx  wL wx 2
wL  1 wx  wL wx 2 = − x = −
= − x = − 4  2 L  4 L
6  2 L  6 2L @ x = 0,Vx =
wL 4
@ x = 0, Vx = L
6 @ x = , Vx = 0
wL wL2 wL 2
@ x = L, Vx = − =−
6 2L 3 M x = RA x - moment of area of the load
wL wx 2 L to left of section, w.r.t. section
Position of Vx = 0 : 0 = 6 − 2 L ⇒ Shear Force Diagram (SFD) Shear Force Diagram (SFD)
wLx  1 2wx   1  wLx  wx3 
= − x⋅ ×  x  = −
M x = RA x - moment of area of the load 4  2 L  3 

4  3L 
to left of section, w.r.t. section wL2
wLx  1 wx  1  wLx  wx3  9 3 @ x = 0, M x = 0
= − x⋅ ×  x  = − 
6 2 L  3  6  6L  L wL2
@x = , Mx =
wL ( L 3 ) w ( L 3 )
wL2 Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) 2 12 Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)
M max =St. c =
MJoseph’s − = 33 34
6 College6of L Engineering
9 3 and Technology Palai St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai

SFD and BMD for Standard Cases SFD and BMD for Standard Cases
9. Cantilever Beam with End Moment 10. Simply Supported Beam with Moment
∑M A =0 ⇒ − RB L − M = 0 ⇒ RB = −
RA =
Vx = (Constant)
Vx = 0 M
M x = RA x = x Shear Force Diagram (SFD)
M x = −M Shear Force Diagram (SFD)
L @ x = 0, M x = 0
@ x = a, M x = a
M x = RA x − M = x−M
Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) L Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)
@ x = a, M x =a−M = − b
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@ x of , Mx = 0 and Technology Palai 36

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Example 1 Example 2

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Example 3 Example 4

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Example 5

End of Module 3

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