Culled Primarily From The Lectures of Atty. Kenneth Glenn L. Manuel
Culled Primarily From The Lectures of Atty. Kenneth Glenn L. Manuel
Culled Primarily From The Lectures of Atty. Kenneth Glenn L. Manuel
Nature, Form, and Kinds of Agency • Anything beyond the scope of authority
given to him by the principal
Definition: Art. 1868: By the contract of
agency, a person binds himself to render Kinds of agent
some service or to do something in • General agent under general power of
representation or on behalf of another, with attorney
the consent or authority of the latter. • Special agent under special power of
• Essential requisites of contract still apply attorney
because it is statutorily defined as a • Universal general agent* (according to De
contract Leon)
Daverick Pacumio
UST Faculty of Civil Law
because the children had no authority to 1. Knowledge on the part of principal
act on behalf of their father because their of agent’s acts;
father is still alive and did not give his 2. Principal must have opportunity to
consent thereto. repudiate acts of agent; and
• What if Buenconsejo authorized his 3. No suspicious facts for third
children to redeem his property. May his persons.
children redelegate this act?
o Yes, provided there is consent on Scenario: A and B are sisters. B sold the A’s
the part of Buenconsejo. There is jewelries to C, B telling C that she was the sister
what is so-called sub-agency. of A. Status of the sale?
• Would Santos’ petition be granted, in case Answer: C is a buyer in good faith, so the sale is
Buenconsejo validly authorized Santos to valid but unenforceable for being entered into in
redeem via the valid SPA? the name of another by one without authority
o No. The agent cannot act in any (Art. 1403). Moreover, closeness or being
manner adverse to his principal. relatives does not connote or equate to implied
T or F: Acts of principal = acts of agent
• F. It is the other way around. In fact, the Scenario: A sold B’s jewelries to C without the
agent is not bound by the knowledge of B’s knowledge. The sale was in A’s name, she did
the principal. not purport to represent B. Is there a valid
contract of sale? If there is a valid contract, what
Palma v. Cristobal is the defect and how do you characterize the
• May agencies be implied? contract?
o Yes. Answer: IT DEPENDS. It is not important that
• Should the contract of agency be in the seller is not the owner at the time of
writing? perfection, the seller’s ownership in a contract of
o As a general rule, no, subject to the sale is relevant only upon the consummation, i.e.,
exceptions. the delivery of the jewelries. So, since A has
• Exceptions: (see Art. 1878) ample time in this case to acquire ownership over
1. Sale of land or interest therein; the jewelries before delivery, the sale may still be
o What happens if it is not in valid.
writing? Sale is void. Art. 1874. J • Note: This is not a case of agency. Thus,
o Note, only a parcel of land is in answering these questions, look at
covered. Therefore, if what is sold whether there is representation. This case
is a real property, the sale is still had no representation as A did not
valid. represent himself as agent of B so the law
on sales apply.
Express agency: Where principal expressly
confers authority upon agent. Scenario: Bonn and Dhez met at a coffee shop
and Bonn handed Dhez an SPA constituting the
Implied agency: From the silence, inaction of latter as an agent. Dhez did not object to the
the parties. contents thereof. Is there a perfected contract of
• Example: A asked B to sell his car. B was agency?
silent but the next day, he sold A’s car to Answer: Yes. There is no objection and Dhez was
C. present (Art. 1871).
• Requisites of implied agency:
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Scenario: Dhez and Bonn were not able to meet Agency by Estoppel Implied Agency
at a coffee shop. So, Bonn sent via LBC an SPA to There is no contract of There is an actual
Dhez. Dhez, after reading, did not reply. Is there agency and existing
a perfected contract of agency? contract of agency
Answer: It depends. There is agency when Dhez There is no intent to There is an intent
either (a) acknowledges receipt of the SPA or (b) constitute agency. to constitute
if the contents of the SPA relate to the business Agency by estoppel is agency
in which Dhez is habitually engaged in (Art. only invoked by the
1872). courts when the
principal attempts to
Scenario: Dhez operates a sisig house. Bonn deny the existence of
asked Dhez in the aforementioned manner to agency, and such denial
purchase ampalaya. Is Dhez’ silence equivalent causes prejudice or
to a perfected contract of agency? injury to third parties
Answer: NO. Dhez does not normally purchase relying on the
ampalaya, as she is engaged in the business of misrepresentation
operating a sisig house. It is required damage There is no damage
that may occur if the required
Scenario: Dhez in this case purchased ampalaya, principal is allowed by
representing herself as an agent of Bonn. Bonn, the courts to deny the
thereafter, became bankrupt and no longer had existence of agency
funds to pay for the ampalaya. The vendor is now
suing Dhez alleging she is principally liable Sevilla v. CA
therefor. Defense? • When Sevilla agreed to woman the TWS’
Answer: Dhez may still argue that she is an agent office, she did so pursuant to a contract of
of Bonn because agency is still perfected by Dhez’ agency. The essence of an agency is for an
carrying out of the agency. Therefore, the agent to render services “in
recourse of the vendor should still be with Bonn, representation or on behalf of another.”
Dhez’ principal (Art. 1870). When Sevilla solicited airline fares, she
did so for and on behalf of her principal,
Essence of contract of agency TWS. As compensation, she received 4%
• A contract of agency is just an extension commissions. However, unlike simple
of the personality of the principal. The grants of a power of attorney, this agency
agent does not act in his or her own cannot be revoked at will. Sevilla is a bona
personality, but on behalf of the principal. fide travel agent and as such, had acquired
interest in the business entrusted to her.
Jove’s Q: What is the practical reason behind Moreover, she assumed a personal
Art. 1872, second par.? obligation for the operation thereof,
A: Dhez is an agent so sanay na siya or alam niya holding herself solidarily liable for the
na ginagawa niya and it is safe to presume that payment of rentals. Accordingly, the
Dhez may perform as an agent. (My answer lang) revocation should entitle her to damages.
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authority. While the Delivery Receipt Moreover, there was no limit placed by Clara on
showed that Baitan received the credit the authority given to Adi.
card packet for petitioner Rainier, it failed
to indicate Baitan's relationship with him. Scenario: Clara in the aforesaid case revoked the
BPI also failed to substantiate its claim SPA sent to Adi via private messages or letters to
that Rainier authorized Baitan to act on Katya, Manuel, and Dhez. But Adi had already
his behalf and receive his pre-approved sold the car. Is there a valid revocation?
credit card. The only evidence presented Answer: NO. The revocation must be made the
was the check mark in the box beside same way the authority was granted. In this case,
"Authorized Representative" in the the revocation must be published as the grant of
Delivery Receipt. This self-serving SPA was published (Art. 1873).
evidence is obviously insufficient to
sustain BPI’s claim. BPI fell short in Kinds of Agency as to business covered:
establishing an agency relationship General Agency
between Rainier and Baitan, as the • Comprises all the business of the principal
evidence presented did not support its • Agent can do all acts of administration
claim that Rainier authorized Baitan to connected to the business of the principal
act on his behalf. Without proof that (Art. 1877)
Rainier read and agreed to the Terms and • Acts of alienation are not covered
Conditions of his pre-approved credit
card, Sps. Yulo cannot be bound by it. Special Agency
• The Sps. Yulo are bound by their • Pertains to one or more specific
purchases but they are not bound to pay transactions
the penalties, surcharges, etc. reflected in • Only those specified in the SPA may be
the Terms and Conditions because there exercised (Art. 1876)
is no proof that they were able to read the
same as there was no proof presented that Manila Memorial Park v. Linsangan
Baitan was their agent. • Persons dealing with an agent are bound
at their peril, if they would hold the
Doctrine of Apparent Authority: Similar to principal liable, to ascertain not only the
agency by estoppel. When a person has clothed fact of agency but also the nature and
another with apparent authority and made it extent of authority, and in case either is
appear that such is his agent, that person giving controverted, the burden of proof is upon
that apparent authority cannot deny the them to establish it.
existence of a contract of agency if it would cause • The person transacting with an agent
damage or prejudice to another. Agency by must inquire as to the nature and extent
estoppel din yan sus. of authority of the agent.
• The remedy of Atty. Linsangan is to bring
Scenario: Clara published in a newspaper that a separate action for damages against
she granted SPA to Adi to sell her car. Adi Baluyot
accepted by letter, and sold the car to Edz. • There are two separate agreements in this
Unknown to Adi, Edz and Clara were enemies. case: (1) the contract of sale of the
Had Clara known, she would not have let Adi sell memorial lot; and (2) the secret
the car to Edz. Is the sale still valid? agreement between Atty. Linsangan and
Answer: YES. Adi is not presumed to know what Baluyot
Clara, the principal, knows. Knowledge of the
principal is not knowledge of the agent.
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Scenario: Cara as the principal granted Katya, as Katya did lease the land to Cara for six (6) years.
the agent, a GPOA. Katya entered into a contract What is the status of the contract of lease?
of sale over Cara’s land, sold to Jove. What is the A: Valid. The title of the power of attorney is
status of the sale? immaterial, for the intention of Jove is for Katya
A: The contract is valid but unenforceable. When to enter into a long-term lease. The provisions of
we are talking about authority to sell property, the contract, which exemplify the intentions of
the lack thereof only makes the contract the parties, are controlling.
unenforceable. So, if there is an authority to sell
a parcel of land which is not in writing, the sale Scenario: Gab P authorized Gab L to sell his red
is void. It appears that it is better that no express car to Dave. However, Gab L, in his own name,
authority for an agent to sell a parcel of land without representing himself as an agent, sold
because it is merely unenforceable. his own red car to Dave. Is the contract of sale
between Gab L and Dave valid?
Scenario: Cara (principal) executed an SPA for A: Yes. It’s a valid contract. All the elements of a
Katya (agent) to enter into a service contract contract of sale are present.
with Jove. Unfortunately, Jove was busy, so Katya
entered into a service contract with Gab. Is this Scenario: May Gab P annul the contract
valid? between Gab L and Dave?
A: The contract is valid but unenforceable A: No. It is a valid contract entered into by Gab L
because Katya exceeded her authority. The SPA in his own name (Art. 1883, par. 1). Moreover,
limited her authority to enter into a service under the principle of relativity of contracts,
contract with Jove alone (Art. 1876). Again, when contracts take effect only among the parties
we are talking about authority, the lack thereof thereto. However, in real life contracts, there are
merely renders the contract unenforceable. provisions as to exclusivity whereby an agent is
• Void contracts do not produce legal prohibited from selling an object other than that
effect; void contracts may never be contemplated in the contract of agency. This is
ratified called an exclusivity clause. If this is the case,
• Unenforceable contracts produce legal then Gab P has a cause of action against Gab L
effect as it may be ratified for violating the exclusivity clause.
Scenario: Bonn granted to Katya a GPOA to Scenario: Gab P authorized Gab L to sell his red
manage Bonn’s parcel of land. Katya, however, car to Dave. Gab L, in his own name, without
leased the property for six (6) months. What is disclosing Gab P as his principal, sold Gab P’s red
the status of the contract of lease? car, to Dave. Status of the sale?
A: Valid but unenforceable. Art. 1878, par. 8 A: Still valid. Ownership need not belong to the
requires an SPA only for lease of a real property seller at the time of the sale but only upon
to another person for a period of more than one consummation or delivery of the thing. The fact
(1) year. It is unenforceable because lease is an act that Gab L does not own the car as of now is
of alienation, not an act of administration. inconsequential. Gab L must have acquired
ownership over the same at the time of the
Scenario: Jove granted a power of attorney to delivery thereof.1
Katya, entitled General Power of Attorney, to
enter into a long-term lease over a parcel of land. Scenario: Does Gab P have a cause of action
against Gab L?
Note: This is Atty. K’s favorite question which may be
asked in the preliminary examinations.
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A: In the second scenario, yes. He may recover substantial value without requiring a
the purchase price from Gab L because the object written authorization from his alleged
of the contract involves a thing belonging to Gab principal. The records show that neither
P (Art. 1883, par. 2). an express nor an implied agency was
proven to have existed between Deganos
Far Eastern Export v. Lim Teck Suan and Brigida D. Luz.
• The international supplier, Frenkel, sold • Thus, a person dealing with an agent must
in favor of the broker, Far Eastern, who inquire as to whether the agent has (a)
put a price or a premium to the price for authority; and (b) the extent of such
reselling to Suan. So, there’s basically only authority.
two contracts of sale and purchase in this
case. Far Eastern buying from Frenkel and Sps. Yu v. Pan American
later reselling it at a special price in favor • The declarations of the agent alone are
of Lim Teck Suan. generally insufficient to establish the fact
or extent of his authority. The affidavit of
Q: May there be agency by operation of law? Tagunicar relied upon by Sps. Yu is
A: Yes. Under the special proceedings, when a suspicious at best. First, Tagunicar herself
court appoints an administrator, the testified in open court that her affidavit
administrator is an agent of the estate and an was prepared and typewritten by the
officer of the court. In effect, the administrator secretary of Sps. Yu’s lawyer, Atty.
becomes an agent by operation of law. Another Acebedo, who both came with Adrian Yu,
instance is Art. 1929 where agency continues the son of Sps. Yu. Thus, the voluntariness
despite the extinguishment thereof. Another of Tagunicar in executing such affidavit is
instance is Art. 1885 whereby a person who suspect. She was not even informed that
declines an agency is still bound to observe the such affidavit would be used against her.
diligence of a good father with respect to the Second, Tagunicar openly denied in open
goods forwarded to him until such time that the court that she is a duly authorized agent
owner should find an agent or take the goods. of TWSI and declared that she is an
Art. 1885 pertains to a limited agent. independent travel agent. In case of
conflict between testimonial declarations
Bordador v. Luz and affidavits, the latter command greater
• A person dealing with an agent is put weight. Third, the sales commissions
upon inquiry and must discover upon received by Tagunicar and TWSI from Pan
his peril the authority of the agent. Am cannot justify the deduction that
Here, there is no showing that Brigida Tagunicar was paid a commission either
consented to the acts of Deganos or by TWSI or Pan Am. On the contrary,
authorized him to act on her behalf, much Tagunicar testified that when she pays
less with respect to the particular TWSI, she already deducts in advance her
transactions involved. Petitioners' commission and merely gives the net
attempt to foist liability on respondent amount to TWSI. From all sides of the
spouses through the supposed agency legal prism, the transaction is simply a
relation with Deganos is groundless and contract of sale where Tagunicar buys
ill-advised. Besides, it was grossly and airline tickets from TWSI and then sells it
inexcusably negligent of petitioners to at a premium to her clients.
entrust to Deganos, not once or twice but
on at least six occasions as evidenced by Rallos v. Felix Go Chan
six receipts, several pieces of jewelry of
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• As a general rule, agency is extinguished A: No. While agency is presumed to be for a
by the death of the principal or of the consideration, the latter is not an element
agent. The rationale for this rule, thereof.
according to Manresa, was found in the
juridical basis of agency which is Scenario: Shara authorized Manuel to borrow
representation. There being n integration Php 1 million for the acquisition of equipment.
of the personality of the principal into Manuel, realizing that he has money, loaned that
that of the agent, it is not possible for the Php 1 million to Shara for 6% interest. Is the
representation to continue to exist once contract of loan between Manuel as the lender
the death of either is established. The and Shara valid?
exceptions to this rule are found in Art. A: Yes. If the agent has been empowered to
1930 which provides that the agency shall borrow money, he may be the lender himself at
remain in full force even after the death of the current rate of interest (Art. 1890).
the principal if it has been constituted in • The reverse is when the agent is
the common interest of the latter and of authorized to lend the money. In this
the agent; and Art. 1931 which provides case, the agent cannot be the borrower
that anything done by the agent without without the consent of the principal. This
knowledge of the principal’s death is valid is, again, to protect the principal. This
and effective with respect to third persons may jeopardize the principal since the
in good faith. agent may not be able to pay the loan.
• Art. 1930 is inapplicable because the SPA Thus, to avoid this conflict of interest, the
executed in Simeon’s favor was not law generally prohibits the agent from
coupled with an interest. Art. 1931, in borrowing from the principal.
order to apply, must have these
concurring requirements met: (a) agent Scenario: Paula authorized Anna to sell a ship in
acted without knowledge of the Cotabato. Anna, however, is a resident of
principal’s death; and (b) third person Palawan. Anna then appointed Katya as her sub-
who contracted with the agent himself agent/substitute. Is the designation, despite the
acted in good faith. In this case, Simeon lack of authority, valid?
clearly had knowledge of the death of his A: YES. However under Art. 1892, the agent may
principal, Concepcion. Thus, Art. 1931 is appoint a substitute if the principal has not
inapplicable, and the general rule prohibited him from doing so, but the agent is
prevails. liable for the acts of the substitute if:
• Note that the basis of a contract of agency 1. When he was not given the power to
is representation. Thus, if the principal appoint one; and
from which the authority of the agent is 2. When he was given such power, but
derived, dies, then the agent does not without designation, and the person
have anyone to represent. Moreover, the appointed was notoriously incompetent
death of the principal extinguishes the or insolvent (Art. 1892).
agency contract because there is no longer
any principal. Effect of the acts of the substitute: All acts of
the substitute appointed against the prohibition
Obligations of an Agent of the principal shall be void (Id.)
Q: Are we required to pay the agent? Scenario: What if Katya incurred in delay. Who
is liable?
A: Anna shall be liable for delay.
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A: Yes. It is even more beneficial or
Scenario: If Paula specifically granted Anna the advantageous to the principal (Art. 1882).
power to appoint the substitute, who is
ultimately liable? Scenario: Paula authorized Anna to sell the car
A: Katya, because she is the proximate cause of on credit with interest. Orally, however, Paula
the injury or damages caused. told Anna that the interest rate should not be
lower than 8%. Becca convinced Anna to sell the
Scenario: Will there be a case that car on credit at 6% interest rate.
notwithstanding the fact that authority was A: Yes. So far as Becca, a third person, is
given to the agent to appoint a sub-agent and the concerned, an act is deemed to have been
latter incurs in delay, the principal is not liable? performed within the scope of the agent’s
A: When agent was given such power but authority, if such act is within the terms of the
without designating the person, the person power of attorney, as written, even if the agent
appointed by the agent was notoriously has in fact exceeded the limits of his authority
incompetent or insolvent. according to an understanding between the
principal and the agent (Art. 1900).
GR: Agent may appoint substitute Note: It is the burden of third persons who
XPNs: contract with an agent to determine whether the
1. Expressly prohibited agent is authorized and the extent of the
2. The principal took into consideration the authority. The burden is fulfilled when the third
special knowledge, skill, or competence of person asks for an SPA and relies thereon.
the agent.
Eugenio v. CA
Scenario: Paula gave authority to Anna to enter • When the payment was done by Sps.
into contracts to fix Paula’s car. Anna contracted Eugenio to Jovencio Estrada, the payment
Katya’s Repair Shop to fix the car. Paula did not had the effect of payment to the principal.
give money to Anna, so Anna advanced the Art. 1240 provides that payment can only
amount of P400,000.00. Paula does not want to be done to persons to whose favor the
pay Anna. Remedy of Anna? obligation was constituted or persons
A: Hold the car in pledge until she is paid her authorized, including Jovencio Estrada.
advances (Art. 1914).
Q: Is there a difference between authority and
2 situations contemplated by Art. 1914 for the instruction?
agent to retain the thing in pledge: A: Authority – Must be investigated by third
1. Agent advances funds; persons. The transactions or businesses the
2. Agent suffered injury due to execution of agent may enter into; Instructions – Specific
the agency. manner by which the authority is to be exercised.
This need not be investigated by third persons.
Scenario: Paula authorized Anna to enter into a
contract of sale over a parcel of land. Paula Q: How should the agent take care of the
wanted the price to be P 3 Million. Anna was able property delivered which is subject of the
to sell the land for P 3 Million. Is the sale valid? agency?
A: Yes. A: If there is no specific instructions, he must
take care of it with the diligence of a good father.
Scenario: Anna sold the land for P 4 Million.
Valid? PNB v. Manila Surety
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• PNB extended a L/C in favor of ATACO, conferred by the principal on the agent
and was secured by Manila Surety as a and he (third person) has been deceived
surety. An SPA was concluded by the non-disclosure thereof by the
authorizing PNB to collect payments from agent, then the latter is liable for damages
the Public Works Office in satisfaction of to him. Inasmuch as the non-disclosure of
the L/C previously executed. the limits of the agency carries with it the
Unfortunately, due to PNB’s negligence, implication that a deception was
ATACO’s other creditors were able to perpetrated on the unsuspecting client,
claim from the Public Works Office. the provisions of Articles 19, 20 and 21 of
• The SC held that the power of attorney the Civil Code of the Philippines come
was couched in irrevocable terms and into play. While Dans is not entitled to
thus, it was incumbent upon PNB to compensatory damages, he is entitled to
secure payment because it was the only moral damages. Considering that DBP
one authorized to do so. offered to pay P30,000.00 to Candida as ex
• PNB is an agent in this case and must act gratia settlement of its claim and that
according to the instructions or with a DBP’s non-disclosure of the limits of its
diligence of a good father of a family. authority amounted to a deception, an
Since it acted negligently, the surety was award of moral damages in the amount of
extinguished since Manila Surety cannot P50,000.00 would be reasonable.
be subrogated to the rights of PNB due to
its negligence. Q: Is the agent required to advance funds in
behalf of the principal if there is a stipulation?
Scenario: Aizi granted SPA for Dave to purchase A: Yes. Exception: The agent shall be liable for
1,000 barrels of oil on Wednesday for Aizi to use. damages if, there being a conflict between his
Dave accepted but on Wednesday, Dave did not interests and those of the principal, he would
buy 1,000 barrels of oil. Is Dave liable for prefer his own (Art. 1889).
A: Art. 1884 – The agent is bound by his Scenario: Gab authorized Cara to sell his car for
acceptance to carry out the agency and is liable P 1 Million. Cara bought the car. Is this valid?
for damages which, through his non- A: NO. Under Art. 1491, an agent is prohibited
performance, the principal may suffer. from buying the property of his principal. Thus,
the sale is void. But the provision states that
Scenario: On the day Dave was about to “unless the principal consents.” What does this
purchase the prices of oil, the prices of oil mean?
increased. Dave waited for prices to drop before • A void contract is not capable of
he purchased and delivered the barrels a day ratification. Thus, this provision
later. Is Dave liable? presupposes that the principal had given
A: No. An agent shall not carry out the agency if his consent prior to the sale.
its execution would manifestly result in damage • Note: According to other authors, this
or loss to the principal (Art. 1888). sale is merely unenforceable. However,
Atty. K sides with the authors who hold
DBP v. CA that the sale is void.
• The principal will not be liable to the
agent because DBP, the agent, acted in Scenario: Gab P authorized Cara to sell his
excess of his authority. horse. Cara sold the horse to Clara. Unknown to
• If the third person dealing with an agent Cara, Gab P also sold his horse to Alex. Who is
is unaware of the limits of the authority entitled?
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A: Whoever comes first. Primus tempore potior Q: What is their liability for non-fulfillment in
jure (Art. 1916). “First in time, stronger in right.” case solidarity is stipulated?
Any exception to this? If the second vendor was A: Each of the agents is responsible for the non-
able to take possession of the horse first, fulfillment of the agency, and for the fault or
pursuant to Art. 1544, viz: negligence of his fellow agents, except in the
latter case when the fellow agents acted beyond
If the same thing should have been sold to the scope of their authority (Art. 1895).
different vendees, the ownership shall be
transferred to the person who may have first take Albert v. University Publishing, Inc.
possession thereof, in good faith, if it should be • “A person acting or purporting to act on
movable property. behalf of a corporation which has no valid
existence assumes such privileges and
Should it be immovable property, the ownership obligations and becomes personally liable
shall belong to the person acquiring it who in for contracts entered into or for other acts
good faith first recorded it in the registry of performed as such agent.” The evidence is
property. patently clear that Jose M. Aruego, acting
as representative of a non-existent
Should there be no inscription, the ownership principal, was the real party to the
shall pertain to the person who in good faith was contract sued upon; that he was the one
first in possession; and, in the absence thereof, to who reaped the benefits resulting from it,
the person who presents the oldest title, so much so that partial payments of the
provided there is good faith. consideration were made by him; that he
violated its terms, thereby precipitating
Art. 1891. Every agent is bound to render an the suit in question; and that in the
account of his transactions and to deliver to litigation he was the real defendant.
the principal whatever he may have received Perforce, in line with the ends of justice,
by virtue of the agency, even though it may responsibility under the judgment falls on
not be owing to the principal. him.
Every stipulation exempting the agent from Commission agent: One whose business is to
the obligation to render an account shall be receive and sell goods for a commission and who
void. is entrusted by the principal with the possession
• This is pursuant to the rule in Obligations of goods to be sold, and usually selling in his own
and Contracts that waivers of future fraud name.
are void.
Rules on commission agent:
Art. 1896. The agent owes interest on the
sums he has applied to his own use for the ARTICLE 1903. The commission agent shall
day on which he did so, and on those which be responsible for the goods received by him
he still owes after the extinguishment of the in the terms and conditions and as described
agency. in the consignment, unless upon receiving
them he should make a written statement of
Q: What is the liability of simultaneous persons the damage and deterioration suffered by
appointed as agents? the same. (n)
A: Generally, joint (Art. 1894). Exception:
solidarity has been expressly stipulated. ARTICLE 1904. The commission agent who
handles goods of the same kind and mark,
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which belong to different owners, shall 2. To advance to the agent should the latter
distinguish them by countermarks, and so request, the sums necessary for the
designate the merchandise respectively execution of the agency (1912);
belonging to each principal. (n) cd i 3. To reimburse the agent for all advances
made by him, provided the agent is free
ARTICLE 1905. The commission agent from fault (Id.);
cannot, without the express or implied 4. To indemnify the agent for all the
consent of the principal, sell on credit. damages which the execution of the
Should he do so, the principal may demand agency may have caused the latter
from him payment in cash, but the without fault or negligence on his part
commission agent shall be entitled to any (Art. 1913); and
interest or benefit, which may result from 5. To pay the agent the compensation
such sale. (n) agreed upon, or if no compensation is
agreed upon, the reasonable value of the
Guarantee commission: One where, in agent’s services.
consideration of an increased commission, the
commission agent guarantees to the principal Art. 1910 – The Doctrine of Representation:
the payment of debts through his agency. Whatever the agent has contracted with, it is
considered as if the principal has entered into the
ARTICLE 1906. Should the commission same, Provided: the agent acted within the
agent, with authority of the principal, sell on scope of his authority.
credit, he shall so inform the principal, with Scope of authority:
a statement of the names of the buyers. 1. Those expressly specified;
Should he fail to do so, the sale shall be 2. Collateral acts or those merely incidental
deemed to have been made for cash insofar thereto;
as the principal is concerned. (n) 3. Conducive acts – preparatory acts to the
authority expressly specified; and
ARTICLE 1907. Should the commission agent 4. Advantageous acts – If what was done by
receive on a sale, in addition to the ordinary the agent was advantageous to the
commission, another called a guarantee principal, it will bind the latter even if it
commission, he shall bear the risk of was not expressly stipulated.
collection and shall pay the principal the
proceeds of the sale on the same terms Obligation in excess of the agent’s authority:
agreed upon with the purchaser. (n) A personal liability of the agent.
XPN: When the principal ratifies it expressly or
ARTICLE 1908. The commission agent who impliedly.
does not collect the credits of his principal at
the time when they become due and Ratification: If the principal has full knowledge
demandable shall be liable for damages, of all material facts
unless he proves that he exercised due XPN: Implied ratification – When the principal
diligence for that purpose. accepts the benefits of the obligation contracted
in excess of the agent’s authority.
Obligations of the Principal
Scenario: Principal A authorized agent to sell his
Obligations of the principal: blue car to B for P 1 Million. Agent sold A’s red
1. To comply with the obligations the agent car as well for P 1 Million. However, after B
may have contracted (Art. 1910);
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encountered an accident due to the defects in A’s should wish to avail himself of the
red car. Who is/are liable to B? benefits derived from the contract;
A: Art. 1911 – Even when the agent has exceeded 2. When the expenses were due to the fault
his authority, the principal is solidarily liable of the agent;
with the agent if the former allowed the latter to 3. When the agent incurred them with
act as though he had full powers. knowledge that an unfavorable result
would ensue, if the principal was not
Art. 1912 – Obligation of the principal to advance aware thereof;
the sums necessary for the execution of the 4. When it was stipulated that the expenses
agency. would be borne by the agent, or that the
May the agent advance? Yes, but he should be latter would be allowed only a certain sum
reimbursed by the principal. (Art. 1918).
Scenario: Agent also asks for interest when he Death of one of the Parties
demanded 01 January 2022. Is P liable to pay Death of the Principal: Generally, the death of
interest? the principal extinguishes the agency.
A: YES. Interest begins to run on the day A made XPNs:
the advancements. The reimbursement shall 1. If the agency has been constituted in the
include interest on the sums advanced from the common interest of the principal and the
day on which the advance was made (Art. 1912). agent.
Example: Sale of parcel of land.
Exceptions to the obligation to reimburse 2. If the agency has been constituted in the
agent for expenses incurred by the latter: The interest of a third person or a stipulation
principal is not liable for the expenses incurred pour autrui.
by the agent in the following cases: 3. The agent in good faith did not know or
1. If the agent acted in contravention of the has no knowledge that the principal had
principal's instructions, unless the latter died, Provided: the third person
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contracting with the agent is also in good Scenario: A was given a general power of
faith and does not know that the principal attorney to administer the principal’s
had died as well. poultry business in Batangas. Thereafter,
the principal granted a special power of
Death of the Agent: Ipso facto extinguishes the attorney to B to purchase poultry feeds. Is
agency because agency is personal and is not the general power of attorney to A
transmissible. However: revoked?
1. The heirs of the agent must notify the A: Yes, insofar as the inconsistent
principal of the death of the agent; and provisions are concerned. Therefore,
2. Adopt such measures as the A’s general power of attorney subsists, but
circumstances may demand in the B has the sole power to purchase poultry
interest of the principal (Art. 1932). feeds as he has a special power of attorney
for the said purpose (Art. 1926).
Revocation of the Principal: The principal may
revoke the agent at will and compel the agent to 3. Art. 1921 – If the agency has been
return the document evidencing the agency. entrusted for the purpose of contracting
Such revocation may be express or implied with specified persons, its revocation shall
(Art. 1920). not prejudice the latter if they were not
XPNs: If it is coupled with an interest under Art. given thereof.
1927, viz:
1. If a bilateral contract depends upon it. 4. Art. 1922 – If the agent had general
2. If it is the means of fulfilling an obligation powers, revocation of the agency does not
already contracted. prejudice third persons who acted in good
3. If a partner is appointed manager of a faith and without knowledge of the
partnership in the contract of partnership revocation. Notice of the revocation in a
and his removal from the management is newspaper of general circulation is a
unjustifiable. sufficient warning to third persons.
Knowledge: Publication of revocation in
Instances of implied revocation: a newspaper of general circulation is
1. Art. 1923 – The appointment of a new sufficient notice of revocation of a general
agent for the same business or transaction power of attorney.
revokes the previous agency from the day
on which notice thereof was given to the Scenario: 2 principals P1 and P2. They
former agent, without prejudice to the granted to A a power of attorney to enter
provisions of Arts. 1921 and 1922. into contracts to repair their vacation
o Note that this implies house. P1 revoked the SPA. Is the
inconsistency or incompatibility, revocation binding to P2?
i.e., if the authorities of the agents A: Yes. Under Art. 1925, when two or
are so incompatible that they more principals have granted a power of
legally cannot co-exist. For attorney for a common transaction, any
example, the appointment of the one of them may revoke the same without
new agent is exclusive. the consent of the others. No notice is
2. Art. 1924 – The agency is revoked if the needed as the law does not require such.
principal directly manages the business
entrusted to the agent, dealing directly Withdrawal of the Agent: The agent may
with third persons. withdraw from the agency by giving due notice
to the principal. If the latter should suffer any
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damage by reason of the withdrawal, the agent Partnership
must indemnify him therefor (Art. 1928).
XPN: The agent based his withdrawal upon the General Provisions
impossibility of continuing the performance of
the agency without grave detriment to himself Definition: ARTICLE 1767. By the contract of
(Id.). partnership, two or more persons bind
themselves to contribute money, property,
Obligation of withdrawing agent: The agent, or industry to a common fund, with the
even if he should withdraw from the agency for a intention of dividing the profits among
valid reason, must continue to act until the themselves.
principal has had reasonable opportunity to take
the necessary steps to meet the situation (Art. Two or more persons may also form a
1929). partnership for the exercise of a profession.
• A violation of this provision entitles the
principal to recover damages. Elements:
Loss of the Thing Due 1. Parties: Two (2) or more.
• Note: The grounds for extinguishment of o Distinguished from a corporation because
agency under Art. 1919 are not exclusive. a corporation under the Revised
Grounds for extinguishment of contract Corporation Code may be composed of
or obligation also apply. only one (1).
• Example: P authorized A to sell his car and Parties must have legal capacity to enter
thereafter, the car got destroyed due to into contract
fortuitous event. The agency is o Thus, minors, deafmutes, insanes, and
extinguished because the object of the cannot enter into contract of partnership.
agency was lost. o Corporations: Cannot enter into a
contract of partnership.
Civil Interdiction: Deprives the person during o Note: In a joint venture, two (2)
the period of his sentence of the right to manage or more persons enter into a
his property and dispose of such property by any contract for a particular
act or any conveyance inter vivos. undertaking. Corporations may be
Accomplishment of the Object or Purpose of o Partnerships becoming partners to a
the Agency: Self-explanatory. partnership: According to De Leon, it is
allowed because there is no express
Dissolution of Corporation: A dissolved prohibition.
corporation as a principal has no juridical
personality. Same effect as the death of a natural 2. Consent: We follow the Cognition Theory
person as a principal. under Art. 1319, par. 2 of the Civil Code.
Merger: When the identity of principal and 3. Object: The intention to contribute either
agent merges into one person, the agency is money, property, or industry to a common fund.
extinguished. For example, corporation A is the o Actual contribution is not necessary for
principal and corporation B is the agent. the perfection of a contract of
Subsequently, a merger took place between partnerships. The provision simply
corporation A and B. Therefore, there is provides that the parties agree to
confusion or merger in the identity of the contribute to a common fund.
principal and agent.
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o Scenario: 3E is a partnership and Atty. K 2. Commutative: The undertaking of each
wanted to be admitted to the same. He of the partners is deemed equal.
wanted to contribute a parcel of land 3. Bilateral: Two or more persons obligate
amounting to 2 million. Is this a sufficient themselves.
contribution? Note: Partnership is not reciprocal.
A: Yes. Art. 1767 provides that a partner 4. Onerous: There is an obligation to
may contribute either money, property, or contribute money, property, or industry.
industry to a common fund. The law uses 5. Preparatory: Partnership is just a means
the conjunctive “or” denoting to an end and paves the way for other
alternatives. contracts and transactions to occur.
6. Nominate: It has a name designated by
4. Intention: To divide the profits among the Civil Code.
Q: Is a partnership consensual, real, or formal?
5. Lawful purpose: Purpose must not be A: It is consensual, because Art. 1771 provides
contrary to law, morals, public policy, good that partnership may be entered into in any form
customs. provided there is consent. Exceptions:
o Common benefit to the partners: 1. Where there is contribution of real
Always pertains to pecuniary benefit. In property or real rights, the partnership
fact, Art. 1799 provides that stipulation must be in a public instrument and an
which excludes one or more partners from inventory of the real property must be
any participation in the profits (or losses) made and signed by the parties;
is void. Note: Non-compliance with this renders
the partnership void ab initio.
6. Mutual Agency: An important feature of a 2. If the total capital is at least Php 3,000.00,
contract of partnership. in money or property, it must be in a
o Agency: Presupposes representation. In public instrument and must be registered
partnership, the representation is with the SEC.
mutual. So, for example, between partners Note: Non-compliance does not affect the
A, B, and C, A may represent B and C and liability of the partners as to third
so on. persons. Partnership still has juridical
o Articles of Partnership: Agreement personality (see Art. 1768).
between the partners filed with the SEC.
o Stipulation in the Articles of ARTICLE 1768. The partnership has a
Partnership which authorizes only juridical personality separate and distinct
the managing partner to act as an from that of each of the partners, even in
agent of the partnership is an case of failure to comply with the
exception to the element of requirements of article 1772, first paragraph.
mutual agency.
Separate juridical personality of partnership
7. Delectus Personae: Selection of persons o Juridical persons: Persons by fiction of
based on trust and confidence. Partners are law.
chosen based on their qualifications. o Effect: Whatever contracts entered into
by the partnership is the contract of the
Characteristics of a contract of partnership: partnership and not of the individual
1. Principal: Not reliant on another partners.
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o Example: Partnership 3E, composed of partners is not transferred but the
A,B, and C, loaned Php 1 million from 3C. usufruct may be transferred.
This debt is not the debt of A,B, and C. o This is presumed because it
Thus, 3C as creditor may not immediately is the least burdensome.
go after A,B, and C to satisfy the debt o Note: A Conjugal
incurred by Partnership 3E. Partnership Partnership of Gains is not a
3E’s debts must be satisfied by contract of partnership. It is
Partnership 3E’s assets first before the a property regime between
personal assets of partners A,B, and C may the spouses under the
be resorted to. Family Code. In CPG, the
o Scenario: Creditor A wanted to sue share of the husband and
partners A,B, and C of Partnership 3E the wife is always equal. In
because of a transaction entered into partnership, the partners
between Creditor A and Partnership 3E. have specific shares.
will the suit prosper? Moreover, obviously, you
A: No. The real party-in-interest is the cannot admit another
Partnership 3E thus, the suit may be partner in CPG otherwise
dismissed. that would be contrary to
law and public policy.
Kinds of Partnership
As to Term
As to Object 1. For a Fixed Term: Similar to a resolutory
1. Particular partnership: Contributing period.
specified, determinate properties. 2. For a Particular Undertaking: Upon the
o Example: A binds himself to fulfillment of the undertaking, the
contribute a car and B binds partnership ceases.
himself to contribute Php 1 million o Note: The arrival of the fixed term or
pesos. fulfillment of the undertaking does
2. Universal Partnership not ipso facto terminate the
a. Universal Partnership of All partnership because the partnership
Present Property: All of the may become a partnership at will
properties of the partners will be when the partners continue the
contributed to the partnership operations of the partnership (Art.
and, if stipulated, may likewise 1785). The renewal of the partnership
include profits from these may be:
properties. o Express: When parties expressly
o Note: Properties that may renewed
be acquired by gratuitous o Implied: When partners just
title (e.g., Succession) may continued the operations of the
not be included in the partnership without express renewal
universal partnership of all thereof.
present property except the
fruits thereof. 3. At Will: Indefinite existence. Continues
b. Universal Partnership of All until terminated at will by the partners.
Profits: What is contributed is
only the profits. The ownership of As to Legality of Existence
what is presently owned by the
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1. De Jure: Compliant with all the o Professional partnerships are more
requirements of law for its establishment. of a public service and not a profit-
2. De Facto: Non-compliant with all the sharing venture.
requirements of law for its establishment.
Example: Partnership capital is at least Kinds of Partners
Php 3,000.00 but was not recorded in a
public instrument and registered with the As to Liability
SEC. 1. General: One whose liability to third
persons extends to his separate property.
As to Liability 2. Limited: One whose liability to third
1. General Partnership: One consisting of persons is limited to his capital
general partners who are liable pro rata contributions.
and subsidiarily and sometimes solidarily.
o General Partners: Liable for As to Contribution
partnership liabilities to the extent 1. Capitalist Partners: Contribute money
of their personal assets. So, kapag or property.
naubos na partnership assets, 2. Industrial Partners: Contribute
pwede habulin assets ng partner. industry or services.
2. Limited Partnership: One formed by 3. Capitalist-Industrial: Contribute both
two (2) or more persons having as money, property, and industry.
members one (1) or more general partners 4. Managing Partner: One who manages
and one (1) or more limited partners, the the affairs or business of the partnership.
latter not being personally liable for the An exception to the rule on mutual
obligations of the partnership. agency.
o Limited Partners: Not liable with 5. Liquidating Partner: Takes charge of
their personal assets. They are only the winding up of the partnership affairs
liable only up to the extent of their upon dissolution.
contributions to the partnership. 6. Continuing Partner: Continues the
business of a partnership after it has been
Q: In a general partnership, all partners are dissolved by reason of the admission of a
general partners. In a limited partnership, all new partner or death of a partner.
partners are limited partners. Are both 7. Subpartner: Not a member of a
statements true? partnership but contracts with a partner
A: Only the first statement is true. In a limited with reference to the latter’s share in the
partnership, there must always be at least one (1) partnership. Shares in the profits
general partner among the limited partners. Para obtained by a partner.
may mahabol naman yung creditors pag Note: This is different from a sub-agent
insolvent na yung partnership. because a sub-agent is authorized to do
Note: This also distinguishes partnership from a the acts which the agent is authorized to
corporation because in a corporation, all the do. The sub-partner has no say in the
shareholders enjoy limited liability. management or operation of the
As to Purpose
1. Commercial: For a business As to Publicity
2. Professional: For the exercise of a 1. Ostensible Partner: One who is active in
profession (Art. 1767, par. 2) the management of partnership affairs
and known to third persons as a partner.
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2. Secret Partner: One who is also active in sharing of profits made in the use
the affairs of the partnership but is not of such property. There is no
known to third persons as a partner. intention for the co-owners to bind
“Kayo pero hindi alam ng iba.” themselves as partners because
3. Silent Partner: Not active in the affairs of their co-ownership arose by virtue
the partnership but is known to third of law.
persons as a partner. A nominal partner Partnership Co-ownership
may also be called a silent partner. “Alam Created by Generally
ng iba na kayo pero walang effort.” contract created by law
4. Dormant Partner: One who does not Has separate Has no
take active part in the business and is not juridical separate
known to third persons as a partner. But personality juridical
he still shares in the profits because Art. from partners personality
1799 prohibits stipulations excluding a from co-
partner from sharing in the profits. owners
Purpose is for Purpose is for
ARTICLE 1769. In determining whether a profits common
partnership exists, these rules shall apply: enjoyment of a
1. Except as provided by article 1825, thing or a right
persons who are not partners as to Partnership Co-ownership
each other are not partners as to third may not have a must be for a
persons; term maximum of
o Art. 1825 provides for partnership ten (10) years
by estoppel, which is an exception
to this provision. If two (2)
2. Co-ownership or co-possession does persons
not of itself establish a partnership, remain to be
whether such co-owners or co- co-owners
possessors do or do not share any beyond ten
profits made by the use of the (10) years, the
property; law will treat
o Scenario: Rody died leaving the co-owned
properties including a parcel of property as an
land with a condominium with unregistered
tenants. The condominium unit is property.
still income generating. The estate A partner may A co-owner
of Rody is not yet settled. Under not dispose of may freely
the law on succession, the his individual dispose
ownership of Rody’s properties are interest in the
automatically transmitted from partnership
the moment of Rody’s death to his There is No mutual
heirs, R1 and R2. Thus, they mutual agency agency
become co-owners of Rody’s Death of Death of co-
properties. Is there a partnership? partner is a owner is not
A: None. Co-ownership or co- ground for ground for
possession does not itself establish dissolution partition or
a partnership even if there is
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dissolve the Created by mere Created by law or by
co-ownership agreement of the operation of law
3. The sharing of gross returns does not Organized by two (2) May have any number
of itself establish a partnership, or more persons of incorporators not to
whether or not the persons sharing exceed 15 in number
them have a joint or common right or Partnership’s juridical Corporation begins its
interest in any property from which personality corporate existence
the returns are derived; commences from the and juridical
o Hindi porket may co-ownership moment of the personality from the
where the co-owners are sharing in execution of the date of issuance of the
the profits of the co-owned contract certificate of
property, may partnership na. incorporation by the
4. The receipt by a person of a share of SEC
the profits of a business is prima facie Partnership may Corporation may
evidence that he is a partner in the exercise any power exercise only powers
business, authorized by expressly granted by
o Example: A obtains a share in the partners provided it is law or implied from
business of B. A is prima facie not contrary to law, those granted or
presumed to be a partner. etc. incidental to its
but no such inference shall be drawn if existence
such profits were received in payment: Management of Stockholders do not
(a) As a debt by installments or partnership is vested manage corporations
otherwise; upon all partners for management is
(b) As wages of an employee or rent to except when a vested in the BOD or
a landlord; managing partner is BOT
(c) As an annuity to a widow or designated
representative of a deceased partner; Partners have Stockholders have
(d) As interest on a loan, though the unlimited liability, strictly limited
amount of payment vary with the generally, unless they liability
profits of the business; are limited partners
(e) As the consideration for the sale of Partner cannot Stockholders may
a goodwill of a business or other transfer his interest transfer his shares
property by installments or otherwise. without the consent without the prior
of all existing partners consent of other
Similarities between Partnership and stockholders
Corporation: Indefinite term Under the Revised
a. Separate juridical personality Corporation Code,
b. Distribution of profits corporations have
c. Partnerships are similarly taxed as perpetual existence
Obligations of the Partners Among
Distinctions between Partnerships and Themselves
Partnership Corporation Ang Pue v. Secretary of Commerce
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• To organize a corporation or a to dissolve such partnership since it is not
partnership that could claim a juridical one of the grounds for dissolution.
personality of its own and transact • The partnership has a juridical personality
business as such, is not a matter of of its own, distinct and separate from its
absolute right but a privilege which may partners. The limited partnership’s
be enjoyed only under such terms as the separate individuality makes it impossible
State may deem necessary to impose. That to equate its income with that of the
the State, through Congress, and in the component members. True, Sec. 24 of the
manner provided by law, had the right to Tax Code merges registered partnerships
enact Republic Act No. 1180 and to with the personality of the individual
provide therein that only Filipinos and partners for income tax purposes, but this
concerns wholly owned by Filipinos may rule is exceptional in its disregard of a
engage in the retail business cannot be cardinal tenet of our partnership laws,
seriously disputed. That this provision and cannot be extended by mere
was clearly intended to apply to implication to limited partnerships.
partnerships already existing at the time • The CIR is, likewise, mistaken in that it
of the enactment of the law is clearly assumes that the conjugal partnerhip of
shown by its provision giving them the gains is a taxable unit, which it is not.
right to continue engaging in their retail What is taxable is the "income of both
business until the expiration of their term spouses" [Section 45 (d)] in their
of life. individual capacities: Though the amount
• Q: Is there violation of due process in this of income (income of conjugal
case? partnership vis-a-vis the joint income of
A: No. The right to form a partnership is husband and wife) may be the same for a
not a property right within the purview of given taxable year, their consequences
the due process clause of the would be different, as their contributions
Constitution. in the business partnership are not the
CIR v. Suter • The corporations, in the cases cited by the
• CIR rests his argument regarding the CIR, merely served as business conduits
dissolution by virtue of the marriage on or alter egos of the stockholders, a factor
the provision that a husband and a wife that justified a disregard of their
may not enter into a contract of general corporate personalities for tax purposes.
co-partnership. The partnership in this This is not true in the present case. Here,
case was not a universal partnership, but the limited partnership is not a mere
a particular one. A universal partnership business conduit of the partner-spouses;
requires either that the object of the it was organized for legitimate business
association be all the present property of purposes; it conducted its own dealings
the partners, as contributed by them to with its customers prior to appellee's
the common fund, or else " all that the marriage; and had been filing its own
partners may acquire by their industry or income tax returns as such independent
work during the existence of the entity. The change in its membership,
partnership". Here, the contributions of brought about by the marriage of the
the partners were fixed sums of money partners and their subsequent acquisition
and neither one of them was an industrial of all interest therein, is no ground for
partner. Moreover, the subsequent withdrawing the partnership from the
marriage of the partners did not operate coverage of Section 24 of the tax code,
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requiring it to pay income tax. As far as A: No. A characteristic of a contract of
the records show, the partners did not partnership is that there should be mutual
enter into matrimony and thereafter buy agency between and among the partners.
the interests of the remaining partner • Q: Katya made a demand on 20 November
with the premeditated scheme or design 2020. K still failed to pay. What is the
to use the partnership as a business consequence of his non-payment?
conduit to dodge the tax laws. Regularity, A: Well, still the same – he is liable for
not otherwise, is presumed. interest and damages. The defaulting
partner is bound to pay interest and
Art. 1786. Every partner is a debtor of the damages from the time he should have
partnership for whatever he may have complied with his obligation (Art. 1788).
promised to contribute thereto. So, from 11 November 2020, K is already
bound to pay interest and damages.
He shall also be bound for warranty in case • Q: For instance, K, a partner, got Php
of eviction with regard to specific and 500,000.00 from the partnership’s
determinate things which he may have common fund. When does interest begin
contributed to the partnership, in the same to run?
cases and in the same manner as the vendor A: From the time he converted the
is bound with respect to the vendee. amount to his own use.
• Q: K firmly opposed ;) Katya’s demand.
He shall also be liable for the fruits thereof May Katya rescind the contract?
from the time they should have been A: No. The remedy available to Katya is an
delivered, without the need of any demand. action for specific performance with
• Note: As previously discussed, the actual interest and damages. Moreover,
contribution is not necessary for the rescission is a remedy available only in
perfection of a contract of partnership. reciprocal obligations under Art. 1191. A
This is why this provision is put in place. partnership does not entail reciprocal
• Q: When should the partner contribute? obligations, only bilateral and multilateral
A: Generally, and in the absence of a obligations since it involves multiple
contrary stipulation, the partner should parties.
contribute at the beginning of the • Scenario: Atty. K promised to contribute
partnership. a parcel of land in Bulacan. He transferred
• Q: K bound himself to contribute Php 1 the title of the same to the partnership.
million on 11 November 2020 (11.11 yay). A Eventually, the ownership over the land
week had already passed, and K had not was the subject of a court action. The
yet contributed the same. Katya court ruled against the partnership, and
demanded that K pay the Php 1 million to was deprived of the ownership and the
the partnership. Is Katya entitled to the use of the land. What is Atty. K’s
same? obligation as the partner who contributed
A: Yes. Every partner is a debtor to the the land?
partnership for whatever he may have A: He is liable for damages. Atty. K
promised to contribute thereto. warrants that the partnership shall not be
• Q: K argues that he is indebted to the evicted from the land. A partner is bound
partnership, not to Katya. So, the for warranty in case of eviction with
partnership should be the one regard to specific and determinate things
demanding. Is K correct? which he may have contributed to the
partnership (Art. 1786).
Page 21 of 45
• Q: What is the rule on the entitlement of • As a general rule, if there is a stipulation
the partnership to the fruits? to the contract as to the contributions of
A: Atty. K shall also be liable for the fruits the partners, said stipulation should
produced by the land from the time they govern how much partners shall
should have been delivered, without the contribute. However, if the partnership
need of any demand (Id.). If there is a contract is silent, the partners shall
stipulation as regards a specific time for contribute equal shares to the capital of
which Atty. K is bound to deliver a the partnership.
property, then the fruits from that time • Note: This does not apply to industrial
should be delivered by Atty. K. partners because the latter contributes his
services and industry, and not capital. The
Gatchalian v. CIR exception is when the industrial partner
• The plaintiffs formed a partnership. The also contributes capital.
plaintiffs organized a partnership of a civil
nature because each of them put up Art. 1791. If there is no agreement to the
money to buy a sweepstakes ticket for the contrary, in case of an imminent loss of the
sole purpose of dividing equally the prize business of the partnership, any partner who
which they may win, as they did in fact in refuses to contribute an additional share to
the amount of P50,000. The partnership the capital, except an industrial partner, to
was not only formed, but upon the save the venture, shall he obliged to sell his
organization thereof and the winning of interest to the other partners.
the prize, Jose Gatchalian personally • Scenario: Ann is the sole industrial
appeared in the office of the Philippine partner in a siomai business in UST. The
Charity Sweepstakes, in his capacity as co- pandemic happened and the partnership
partner, as such collected the prize, the suffered losses. The other capitalist
office issued the check for P50,000 in partners, Aizi and Clara, agreed to
favor of Jose Gatchalian and company, increase the capital of the partnership to
and the said partner. in the same capacity, transfer the business in UST. Ann and
collected the said check. All these Julian refused. May they do so?
circumstances repel the idea that the • A: Only Ann may do so since she is an
plaintiffs organized and formed a industrial partner. With respect to Julian,
community of property only. as a capitalist partner, because of her
• There was an implied admission on the refusal, she is bound to sell her interest to
part of Jose because he claimed the Aizi and Clara under Art. 1791.
P50,000.00 as co-partner of Jose • Requisites for the application of Art.
Gatchalian & Co. 1791: (IMRA)
• Here, we see that a partnership need not a. Imminent loss to the business;
be organized for a continuing business. b. Majority of the capitalist partners
There is no requirement under Art. 1767 believe that an additional
that a partnership be organized for a contribution to the common fund
business. What is crucial is that it is would save the business;
coupled with an intention to divide the c. Capitalist partner Refuses
profits among the partners. deliberately; and
d. No Agreement that the partners
Art. 1790. Unless there is a stipulation to the are not obliged to contribute in
contrary, the partners shall contribute equal case of an imminent loss.
shares to the capital of the partnership.
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Art. 1792. If a partner authorized to manage c. The partner who collects is
collects a demandable sum which was owed Authorized to manage and actually
to him in his own name, from a person who manages the partnership.
owed the partnership another sum also • Scenario: Atty. K owes Php 750,000.00 to
demandable, the sum thus collected shall be the partnership, and Php 250,000.00 to
applied to the two credits in proportion to Aizi. Atty. K gives Aizi Php 100,000.00 for
their amounts, even though he may have an unspecified amount. Aizi issued a
given a receipt for his own credit only; but receipt under the partnership name. To
should he have given it for the account of the which debt should the Php 100,000.00 be
partnership credit, the amount shall be fully applied?
applied to the latter. A: The partnership, When the collecting
partner, in this case Aizi, issued a receipt
The provisions of this article are understood under the name of the partnership, the
to be without prejudice to the right granted entire proceeds shall be applied in favor of
to the other debtor by Article 1252, but only if the partnership.
the personal credit of the partner should be • Q: What if Atty. K, the debtor, specifically
more onerous to him. stated that the Php 100,000.00 be applied
• Scenario: Aizi, a managing partner, to Aizi’s debt and not the partnership
managed to collect payment from Clara, a debt. What should Aizi do?
debtor of Aizi. Clara is also a debtor of the A: Aizi should apply the Php 100,000.00 to
partnership of Aizi with Jillian. Aizi issued her personal credit, and not to the
a receipt in her name when she managed partnership credit. Debtor is given the
to collect the debt from Clara. Jillian right to prefer payment of the credit of the
demands that the whole amount collected partner if it should be more onerous to
should be applied to the partnership. Is him (Art. 1252).
Jillian correct? • Summary of the Rules in Art. 1792:
A: No. If a partner authorized to manage 1. Collecting partner issues a receipt
collects a demandable sum which was in his name = the amount collected
owed to him in his own name, from a is proportionately divided between
person who owed the partnership another the debt owing to the partnership
sum also demandable, the sum thus and the debt owing to the
collected shall be applied to the two collecting partner.
credits in proportion to their amounts, 2. Collecting partner issues a receipt
even though he may have given a receipt in the partnership name = the
for his own credit only; but should he amount collected is applied to the
have given it for the account of the partnership wholly.
partnership credit, the amount shall be 3. Debtor specifies where the debt is
fully applied to the latter. So, the amount to be applied = the will of the
collected from Aizi should be debtor is to be followed.
proportionately applied to what is due the
partnership and Aizi. Ortega v. CA
• Requisites for application: (2-DA) • The argument of the partners that the
a. There are at least 2 debts, where partnership in this case was for a
the collecting partner is creditor, particular undertaking because it had a
and the other, where the purpose would mean that all partnerships
partnership is the creditor; are for a particular undertaking because
b. Both debts are Demandable; almost all partnerships have a purpose.
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The 'purpose' of the partnership is not the been accomplished, or the fixed
specific undertaking referred to in the period for its completion had not
law. Otherwise, all partnerships, which yet lapsed. If he withdraws, he may
necessarily must have a purpose, would be held liable for damages.
all be considered as partnerships for a c. If the partnership is a partnership
definite undertaking. There would at will, the withdrawing partner
therefore be no need to provide for has the right to withdraw any time.
articles on partnership at will as none
would so exist. Apparently what the law Art. 1794. Every partner is responsible to the
contemplates, is a specific undertaking or partnership for damages suffered by it
'project' which has a definite or through his fault, and he cannot compensate
definable period of completion. them with the profits and benefits which he
• The power to withdraw by virtue of the may have earned for the partnership by his
doctrine of delectus personae is not a industry. However, the courts may equitably
right, but merely a power to withdraw lessen this responsibility if through the
from the partnership at any time. Why? partner's extraordinary efforts in other
Among partners, mutual agency arises activities of the partnership, unusual profits
and the doctrine of delectus personae have been realized.
allows them to have the power, although • Scenario: Bonn promised to contribute a
not necessarily the right, to dissolve the parcel of land to Mike, Becca, and Edz’
partnership. An unjustified dissolution by partnership. Bonn failed to contribute on
the partner can subject him to a possible time which resulted in damages. Is Bonn
action for damages. liable for damages?
• The power to withdraw is not a right in A: Yes.
the sense that the unjustified exercise of • Q: Bonn is also an industrial partner. He
such power, i.e., when the undertaking wanted to offset his liability as against his
had not yet been achieved or the fixed future shares in the profits of the
term had not yet lapsed, would subject partnership. May he do so?
the withdrawing partner to certain A: Generally, no. Offsetting is not
consequences, i.e., damages. However, it allowed. The exception is if Bonn, by his
is to be noted that in this case, the extraordinary efforts, had contributed
partnership is a partnership at will. So, unusual profits to the partnership.
Atty. Misa not only had the power, but • Note: Every partner must account to the
also the right to withdraw. partnership for any benefit, and hold as
• So, I submit that the rules in Ortega v. CA trustee for it any profits derived by him
could be summarized as follows: without the consent of the other partners
a. A partner has the power to from any transaction connected with the
withdraw in all kinds of formation, conduct, or liquidation of the
partnerships, whether it be a partnership or from any use by him of its
partnership for a particular property (Art. 1807).
undertaking or a partnership at
will. Rights of Partnership:
b. If the partnership is for a particular 1. Right to receive contribution
undertaking, the withdrawing a. Right to Warranty against
partner does not necessarily have Eviction
the right to withdraw if the
particular undertaking had not yet
Page 24 of 45
b. If there is Imminent Loss, there Art. 1809. Any partner shall have the right to
is a Right to Additional Capital a formal account as to partnership affairs:
Contribution (1) If he is wrongfully excluded from the
c. Right to interest and damages partnership business or possession of its
from defaulting partner property by his co-partners;
d. Right to fruits from the time the (2) If the right exists under the terms of any
obligation to deliver the capital agreement;
contribution arises (3) As provided by Article 1807;
2. Right to have sums applied (4) Whenever other circumstances render it
proportionately (Art. 1792) just and reasonable.
3. Right to be compensated for damages • Art. 1807: Every partner must account to
4. Right to accounting (Art. 1807). the partnership for any benefit, and hold
as trustee for it any profits derived by him
Rights and Obligations of Partners without the consent of the other partners
from any transaction connected with the
Right to Assign formation, conduct, or liquidation of the
Art. 1804. Every partner may associate partnership or from any use by him of its
another person with him in his share, but the property.
associate shall not be admitted into the
partnership without the consent of all the Obligations of the Partners/Partnership to
other partners, even if the partner having an Third Persons
associate should be a manager.
• Q: May a partner assign his right to ARTICLE 1815. Every partnership shall
interest in the profits to a person who is operate under a firm name, which may or
not a partner? may not include the name of one or more of
A: Yes. Every partner may associate the partners.
another person with him in his share, but
the associate shall not be admitted into Those who, not being members of the
the partnership without the consent of all partnership, include their names in the firm
the other partners, even if the partner name, shall be subject to the liability of a
having an associate should be a manager partner.
(Art. 1804). However, if the assignee of • Person who is not a partner but is
the partner’s interest wants to be included in the partnership name is called
admitted into the partnership, the a nominal partner and is liable as a
consent of all the other partners is needed general partner. A nominal partner is
(Id.). legally not a partner but is subject to the
liability of a general partner.
Right to Inspect Books at Reasonable Time • This provision must be read with the
Art. 1805. The partnership books shall be Intellectual Property Laws, i.e., there must
kept, subject to any agreement between the not be confusing similarity with another
partners, at the principal place of business of registered partnership name, among
the partnership, and every partner shall at others.
any reasonable hour have access to and may • The SEC may deny or compel the
inspect and copy any of them. partnership to change the name if it is
confusingly similar to another
Right to Formal Accounting partnership name or is deceptively similar
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December 2020. Dave’s contribution to
ARTICLE 1816. All partners, including the partnership is Php 2 million and his
industrial ones, shall be liable pro rata with personal assets are Php 3 million. The
all their property and after all the partnership incurred liability in favor of
partnership assets have been exhausted, for Jove on 01 November 2020, prior to Dave’s
the contracts which may be entered into in entry in the partnership. Up to what
the name and for the account of the extent may Dave be held liable for the
partnership, under its signature and by a debts in favor of Jove?
person authorized to act for the partnership. A: Only Php 2 million. Under Art. 1826, a
However, any partner may enter into a person admitted as a partner into an
separate obligation to perform a partnership existing partnership is liable for all the
contract. obligations of the partnership arising
• Pro rata: Equally and individually. before his admission as though he had
• Scenario: The partnership of Katya, Aizi, been a partner when such obligations
and Jillian was the debtor of Sab for the were incurred, except that this liability
amount of Php 2 million. Sab went to shall be satisfied only out of partnership
Katya. Sab wanted to claim the parcel of property, unless there is a stipulation to
land of Katya as a satisfaction of the debt. the contrary.
Is Katya compelled to pay Sab? • For liabilities subsequent to the
A: No. Katya is only subsidiarily liable to admission of the partner, the normal rules
pay. So, it was improper for Sab to apply thus, Dave in the above scenario
immediately go to Katya for payment. may be held liable with his personal assets
Under Art. 1816, the partners shall be in case all the partnership properties have
liable pro rata only after all the been exhausted.
partnership assets have been exhausted.
Note that the partnership has a separate ARTICLE 1818. Every partner is an agent of
juridical personality from the partners. the partnership for the purpose of its
• Solidary liability applies only in cases business, and the act of every partner,
found in Art. 1822 (Wrongful Act of the including the execution in the partnership
Partner) and Art. 1823 (Misapplication of name of any instrument, for apparently
the Proceeds or Funds of the Partnership). carrying on in the usual way the business of
the partnership of which he is a member
ARTICLE 1817. Any stipulation against the binds the partnership, unless the partner so
liability laid down in the preceding article acting has in fact no authority to act for the
shall be void, except as among the partners. partnership in the particular matter, and the
• In case person with whom he is dealing has
knowledge of the fact that he has no such
ARTICLE 1826. A person admitted as a authority.
partner into an existing partnership is liable
for all the obligations of the partnership An act of a partner which is not apparently
arising before his admission as though he for the carrying on of business of the
had been a partner when such obligations partnership in the usual way does not bind
were incurred, except that this liability shall the partnership unless authorized by the
be satisfied only out of partnership property, other partners.
unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
• Scenario: Ann, Manuel, and Alexis are Except when authorized by the other
the original partners. Dave joined on 01 partners or unless they have abandoned the
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business, one or more but less than all the • Scenario: Paula, Cara, and Becca are
partners have no authority to: engaged in a partnership selling chicken.
Cara transacted with another person, and
1) Assign the partnership property in purchased a car. Is the partnership liable
trust for creditors or on the assignee's for Cara’s purchase?
promise to pay the debts of the A: No. For acts which are not apparently
partnership; for the carrying on of business of the
2) Dispose of the good-will of the partnership, the latter is not bound unless
business; authorized by the partners (Art. 1818, par.
3) Do any other act which would make it 2).
impossible to carry on the ordinary • Scenario: Same partners and business.
business of a partnership; Becca is the managing partner and owns
4) Confess a judgment; the controlling interest in the
5) Enter into a compromise concerning a partnership. The partnership lent Alexis
partnership claim or liability; Php 5 million. Becca, being close friends
6) Submit a partnership claim or liability with Alexis, condoned the latter’s debt. Is
to arbitration; this binding to the partnership?
7) Renounce a claim of the partnership. A: No. Under Art. 1818, one or more but
less than all the partners have no
No act of a partner in contravention of a authority to renounce a claim of the
restriction on authority shall bind the partnership. Renunciation of a claim of
partnership to persons having knowledge of the partnership is an act of strict
the restriction. dominion which requires the assent of all
• There is a need to distinguish between of the partners. This, however, may be
three contracts, i.e., (1) For the purpose of ratified if authorized by all of the partners
its business; (2) Not apparently for the or if they have abandoned the business.
carrying of the business; and (3) In
contravention of a restriction on ARTICLE 1819. Where title to real property is
authority to persons having knowledge of in the partnership name, any partner may
the restriction. convey title to such property by a conveyance
• Scenario: Becca, a partner in a executed in the partnership name; but the
partnership engaged in selling chicken, is partnership may recover such property
not authorized to enter into a contract, unless the partner's act binds the
but Becca entered into a contract for partnership under the provisions of the first
purchase of chicken with Jove. Is the paragraph of article 1818, or unless such
partnership liable? property has been conveyed by the grantee
A: Yes. The partnership is still liable or a person claiming through such grantee to
because it is still in the ordinary course of a holder for value without knowledge that
business of the partnership. The the partner, in making the conveyance, has
exception in this case is if (a) the partner exceeded his authority.
has no authority to act; and (b) the person
with whom Becca is dealing with has no Where title to real property is in the name of
knowledge of such lack of authority. This the partnership, a conveyance executed by a
is provided for in the first paragraph of partner, in his own name, passes the
Art. 1818. Here, there was no knowledge equitable interest of the partnership,
on the part of Jove that Becca had no provided the act is one within the authority
Page 27 of 45
of the partner under the provisions of the 1) If the conveyance is in
first paragraph of article 1818. the ordinary course of
business except: (a)
Where title to real property is in the name of partner has no
one or more but not all the partners, and the authority; and (b)
record does not disclose the right of the person with whom he
partnership, the partners in whose name the is dealing has
title stands may convey title to such knowledge of such
property, but the partnership may recover lack of authority (Art.
such property if the partners' act does not 1818, par. 1);
bind the partnership under the provisions of 2) Property is conveyed
the first paragraph of article 1818, unless the to a person in good
purchaser or his assignee, is a holder for faith and for value.
value, without knowledge.
If the partner sold the real
Where the title to real property is in the property under his own
name of one or more or all the partners, or in name, the buyer must be
a third person in trust for the partnership, a cautious enough since the
conveyance executed by a partner in the partnership owns the real
partnership name, or in his own name, property. In this case, only
passes the equitable interest of the the partner’s equitable title
partnership, provided the act is one within passes to the buyer, and not
the authority of the partner under the the legal title itself.
provisions of the first paragraph of article Title is in the The partner in whose name
1818. name of one the property is titled may
or more but convey in his own name. The
Where the title to real property is in the not all of the partnership may recover the
names of all the partners a conveyance partners property except:
executed by all the partners passes all their 1) If the conveyance is in
rights in such property. the ordinary course of
business except: (a)
• Take into account under whose name the partner has no
title of the real property is. authority; and (b)
• Scenario: A, B, and C are partners. Parcel person with whom he
of land titled under the partnership name. is dealing has
A sells to X property in behalf of the knowledge of such
partnership, title is conveyed. If A conveys lack of authority (Art.
in his own name, only equitable title is 1818, par. 1);
passed. 2) The purchaser or his
assignee is a holder for
Title in the Any partner may convey the value, without
partnership real property, provided: it is knowledge.
name in the name of the Title is in the Conveyance by a partner in
partnership. The partnership name of one the partnership name or in
may recover the property or more or all his own name passes
except: of the equitable interest of the
partners or in partnership, provided it is in
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a third person the ordinary course of the entered into a contract with Jove whereby
in trust for partnership business. the partnership is bound to deliver fresh
the veggies to Jove. Dave delivered veggies to
partnership Jove but Jove, upon receipt, saw that the
Title is in the A conveyance executed by all veggies are of inferior quality. Dave
names of all partners passes all rights in incurred delay in replacing the veggies.
of the such property. Jove sues the partnership for damages. Is
partners the partnership liable with Dave? If so,
what is the extent of the partnership
ARTICLE 1820. An admission or liability?
representation made by any partner A: Yes, the partnership is liable. The
concerning partnership affairs within the partnership is solidarily liable with
scope of his authority in accordance with Dave. Under Art. 1822, the partnership is
this Title is evidence against the partnership. solidarily liable to a person injured when:
(a) a wrongful act or omission was
ARTICLE 1821. Notice to any partner of any committed by a partner in the ordinary
matter relating to partnership affairs, and course of the partnership business; or (b)
the knowledge of the partner acting in the even if it is not in the ordinary course of
particular matter, acquired while a partner the business but the partner’s act was with
or then present to his mind, and the the authority of his co-partners.
knowledge of any other partner who
reasonably could and should have ARTICLE 1823. The partnership is bound to
communicated it to the acting partner, make good the loss:
operate as notice to or knowledge of the
partnership, except in the case of a fraud on (1) Where one partner acting within the
the partnership, committed by or with the scope of his apparent authority receives
consent of that partner. money or property of a third person and
misapplies it; and
2 instances contemplated:
1) Knowledge obtained involves particular (2) Where the partnership in the course of its
matter in which partner is acting upon business receives money or property of a
2) Knowledge which reasonably could and third person and the money or property so
should have communicated to the acting received is misapplied by any partner while
partner. it is in the custody of the partnership.
ARTICLE 1822. Where, by any wrongful act or ARTICLE 1824. All partners are liable
omission of any partner acting in the solidarily with the partnership for
ordinary course of the business of the everything chargeable to the partnership
partnership or with the authority of his co- under articles 1822 and 1823.
partners, loss or injury is caused to any • Scenario: Katya, Dave and Becca are
person, not being a partner in the partners engaged in the veggie business.
partnership, or any penalty is incurred, the Dave entered into a contract with Jove to
partnership is liable therefor to the same deliver veggies but they were of inferior
extent as the partner so acting or omitting to quality. Jove thus suffered damages. Jove
act. went to you for advice asking who should
• Q: Katya, Dave and Becca are partners be sued. Who should Jove go after?
and they are selling vegetables. Dave
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A: Dave, Katya, Becca, and the representation as to incur liability,
partnership. Under Art. 1824, all otherwise separately.
partners are solidarily liable with the
partnership in cases contemplated by When a person has been thus represented to
Arts. 1822 and 1823. This article does not be a partner in an existing partnership, or
preclude Katya and Becca’s right to with one or more persons not actual
reimbursement from Dave because of partners, he is an agent of the persons
Dave’s acts. consenting to such representation to bind
• Scenario: Jove contemplated to file a case them to the same extent and in the same
for estafa. Assuming it is proper, who manner as though he were a partner in fact,
should be charged for estafa? with respect to persons who rely upon the
A: Dave alone. Arts. 1822-1824 pertaining representation. When all the members of the
to solidary liability only extends to civil existing partnership consent to the
liability, not to criminal liability. An representation, a partnership act or
exception to this is when the statutory law obligation results; but in all other cases it is
itself holds the juridical person liable (e.g. the joint act or obligation of the person
Intellectual Property cases). Moreover, acting and the persons consenting to the
another exception is when the representation.
partnership in itself is illegal.
Partnership by estoppel, elements:
ARTICLE 1825. When a person, by words 1) Representation by a person/partners
spoken or written or by conduct, represents 2) Reliance on such representations by third
himself, or consents to another representing person; and
him to anyone, as a partner in an existing 3) Damage or injury on the part of a third
partnership or with one or more persons not person.
actual partners, he is liable to any such
persons to whom such representation has Partnership by estoppel, scenarios:
been made, who has, on the faith of such • Scenario 1: A and B are partners. They
representation, given credit to the actual or hold C out as a partner. If C consents to
apparent partnership, and if he has made such representation, C would be liable as
such representation or consented to its if he/she is a partner.
being made in a public manner he is liable to • Scenario 2: A and B are partners. C holds
such person, whether the representation has himself out as a partner. If A, alone,
or has not been made or communicated to consents, only A and C shall be liable. B
such person so giving credit by or with the cannot be liable because he did not
knowledge of the apparent partner making consent to the representation of C.
the representation or consenting to its being • Scenario 3: A and B are partners. C holds
made: himself out as a partner. Both A and B
consented this time. This time, a
(1) When a partnership liability results, he is partnership liability arises. The
liable as though he were an actual member partnership of A and B may be held liable
of the partnership; together with C.
• Scenario 4: A and B are not partners. C
(2) When no partnership liability results, he represented that he is a partner. A and B
is liable pro rata with the other persons, if consented. A, B, and C are jointly liable
any, so consenting to the contract or pro rata but no partnership liability may
Page 30 of 45
arise because no partnership exists in the • Presupposes that one partner has ceased
first place. to be associated with the partnership.
• Scenario 5: A and B are not partners. C • Does not mean that the partnership
represented that he is a partner. A and B business will end. In fact, the partnership
did not consent. Only C is liable because may be dissolved and the partnership
A and B did not consent. business may still continue.
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e) Insolvency of a partner – Must be a Invoked by the assignee of the partner under
judicially declared insolvency (under the Arts. 1813 and 1814:
Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency a) After the termination of a specified term or
Act). Note: The judicial decree in this case undertaking
pertains to the insolvency of a partner, not o Example: Creditor-assignee ni
the dissolution of the partnership. partner A si C. The partnership
f) Civil interdiction where A belongs to is a partnership
for a specified term or undertaking.
4. By decree of court (Art. 1831) – There must be After the expiration of the specified
an application before the court and a judicial term or undertaking, C may ask the
decree dissolving the partnership. court for a judicial decree for the
Invoked by the partners: dissolution of the partnership.
a) Insanity b) Any time if the partnership was a
o A judicial declaration of insanity is partnership at will when the interest was
not enough, there must be a judicial assigned or the charging order was issued.
declaration of dissolution of
partnership by reason of insanity. Effects of Dissolution
Why? Because not all forms of 1. Partnership continues but in a restricted or
insanity dissolves a partnership. The limited sense – The right of representation is
kind of insanity that dissolves a limited to certain transactions, viz:
partnership is that which materially a) To wind up partnership affairs – For
affects a person’s capacity to example, one of the transactions in
perform his obligations under the dissolving a partnership is to sell the
partnership agreement. partnership assets and have them applied
b) Incapacity of partner to perform his duties to satisfy partnership liabilities.
under the partnership contract b) To complete transactions begun but not yet
o Example: A was an industrial finished
partner who is to render his services
as a construction worker in 2. If the ground for dissolution is Act of the
partnership ABC. A loses his entire partner, Insolvency of the partner, or Death of
leg due to an accident. A is deemed a partner (AID), the general rule is that the
to be incapacitated to perform his partner may still bind the partnership.
duties under the partnership • Exception: If the partner has
contract. The partnership may be knowledge of the AID. In this case, the
dissolved in this instance at will. But partnership is no longer bound.
if A insists on his capacity, then a • Example: A, B, and C are partners. On
decree of court may be obtained. 10 December 2020, C died. On 11
c) If a partner is found guilty of such conduct December 2020, A bought
as to affect prejudicially the carrying on of merchandise from D. The partnership
the business had been dissolved as of 10 December
d) If the partnership can only be carried on at 2020. The partnership is still bound by
a loss the contract entered into between A
o Authors suggest that an actual, and D. However, if A knew of C’s death,
historical, and sustained pattern of then the partnership is not bound.
losses need not be proven. It is
merely corroborative.
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3. Art. 1834, par. 1: After dissolution, transactions it is not binding. Note, however,
entered into are no longer binding to the that even if Y had no knowledge, if
partnership, except: the partnership was able to publish
a) For purposes of winding up its dissolution in a newspaper of
o Example: A, B, and C are partners. general circulation, the transaction
The partnership was dissolved. A is still not binding.
entered into a transaction with X to
liquidate assets that will no longer 4. Art. 1834, par. 2: Transactions with third
be used. Is this binding to the persons shall be satisfied only out of
partnership? Yes, since it is for partnership assets if the partner transacting
winding up partnership affairs. prior to dissolution is:
o Example: What if X had knowledge a) Unknown as a partner to the person with
of the dissolution of the partnership. whom the contract is made
Is this binding to the partnership? b) Inactive in partnership affairs that the
Yes, since it is still for winding up business reputation of the partnership is
partnership affairs. If it is for not attributable to his connection to it
winding up partnership affairs, it is o Example: ABC partnership. C is a
immaterial whether the person has dormant partner. After dissolution,
knowledge of the dissolution. B contracted with a third person
b) If a third person had extended credit to the who had extended credit without
partnership prior to the dissolution and knowledge of the dissolution of the
such party has no knowledge or notice that partnership. The partnership is
the partnership has been dissolved liable to the third person. Let’s say
o Example: A entered into a contract after liquidation of partnership
of purchase with Y. Y had extended assets, there are still creditors left
credit to the partnership prior to the unpaid. May the creditors go after
dissolution. Is this binding to the the personal assets of C? No,
partnership? If Y had no knowledge because C is unknown as a partner
of the dissolution, then yes, it is to the creditors.
binding. But if Y had knowledge of
the dissolution, then it is not 5. Art. 1834, par. 3: Partnership is not bound by
binding to the partnership. any act of a partner after dissolution:
c) If a third person has not extended credit to a) If the partnership is dissolved because it is
the partnership but had known the unlawful to carry on the business except if
partnership prior to the dissolution and has the act is for the winding up
no knowledge or notice of the partnership b) If the partner acting is insolvent
because the dissolution of the partnership c) If the partner acting has no authority to
was not published in a newspaper of wind up the affairs except if third persons
general circulation in the place where the have no knowledge that the partner has no
partnership business is regularly conducted authority to wind up the affairs
o Example: What if Y had not
extended credit to the partnership Scenario: A, B, and C entered into a partnership.
before? If Y had no knowledge of the The partnership is indebted in the amount of Php
dissolution of the partnership, then 2 million. C died, dissolving the partnership. A
it is binding to the partnership. rejoiced, believing that the partnership
However, if Y had knowledge of the indebtedness had already been extinguished by
dissolution of the partnership, then reason of the dissolution. Is A correct?
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A: No. Art. 1835 provides that the dissolution of a) Each partner may have the partnership
the partnership does not of itself discharge the properties to discharge its liabilities (Art.
existing liabilities of the partners. Dissolution of 1837)
the partnership is not a mode of extinguishing b) The surplus, if any, shall be paid to the
obligations. Except: An agreement between: respective owners/partners.
1. The partner; 2. Dissolution with violation of partnership
2. The partnership creditor; and agreement – Same rights as if there is no
3. The partners/partnership continuing the violation. However, the injured/innocent
business partners have additional rights, viz:
a) Right to damages
Note: The individual property of a deceased b) Right to continue the same business,
partner shall be liable for all obligations of the provided: (a) there is payment of bond for
partnership incurred while he was a partner, but the use of the property contributed by the
subject to the prior payment of his separate debts partner who acted wrongfully; (b) there is
(Id.). payment of the partner’s contribution less
• Art. 1827 – In liquidating the personal damages; and (c) indemnification of the
assets of a deceased partner, priority partner against all present or future
should be given to his personal creditors. liabilities
Who may wind up partnership affairs (Art. Remedies of the defrauded party if
1836) partnership is rescinded on the ground of
1. Partner who has been designated pursuant to fraud or misrepresentation (Art. 1838)
an agreement • Fraud or misrepresentation: Must be
2. All partners in general except those who have material or substantial. Mere
acted wrongfully exaggeration does not count. The fraud
3. The legal representative of the last surviving must be inducing, i.e., it induced one to
partner enter into a contract of partnership.
1. To have a lien on, or right of retention, of the
Manner of winding up surplus of the partnership property
1. Judicial – An action for liquidation is classified 2. Right to subrogation – If there has been fraud
as a personal action therefore, the rules and the defrauded partner has already
pertaining to personal actions apply, advanced funds as payment of partnership
specifically regarding venue. creditors, then the defrauded partner can step
• That real properties are contributed does into the shoes of the partnership creditors and
not matter, nor change the nature of the collect from the fraudulent partner
action for liquidation into a real one. 3. Right to damages
2. Extrajudicial – Partners may agree among
themselves how to distribute the assets of the Settling of Accounts (Art. 1839)2
partnership. Art. 1839, par. 1 – The assets of a partnership
• Q: What will be distributed upon
Rights of Partners in Dissolution: Depends dissolution?
upon the mode of dissolution A: All assets of the partnership. Assets:
1. Dissolution without violation of partnership consist of the partnership property and
agreement the contributions of the partners
necessary for the payment of all liabilities.
Will surely be asked in the final exam.
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This is because if the partnership
properties have already been exhausted, • Scenario: Same scenario above, only this
the partners may be compelled to make time, the partnership assets = Php 15
additional contributions if all the million. So, X and Y are sufficiently paid
partnership liabilities have not been and there is an excess of Php 3 million
discharge. partnership assets. Where will this Php 3
million go?
Art. 1839, par. 2 – Order of payment A: To Partner A, in satisfaction of the Php
• Q: What happens if we have already 5 million loan he extended to the
identified all the assets of the partnership.
partnership? • Q: How will Partner A satisfy the Php 2
A: Turn all these assets liquid. This means million deficiency?
that the assets must be converted into A: He may go after partners B and C for an
cash. Then, the priority or order of amount less Partner A’s supposed
payment shall be as follows: contribution since A is both a creditor and
a debtor.
1. Creditors
2. Partners in their capacity as creditors • Scenario: Same scenario, partnership
3. Partners with respect to their capital assets = Php 20 million. There is now an
4. Partners with respect to their profits excess of Php 3 million after payment of
liabilities to third persons. Where will this
Anecdotal Illustration Php 3 million go?
• Partnership assets of ABC partnership A: It will be shared by A and B as their
amount to Php 10 million. ABC capital contributions and will be
partnership has to pay the following: proportionately divided based thereon,
(a) Liability to X – Php 6 million; i.e., Php 2 million to A, and Php 1 million
(b) Liability to Y – Php 6 million; to B (2:1 ratio).
(c) Liability to Partner A – Php 5 million;
(d) Contribution of A – Php 4 million; • Scenario: Partnership assets = Php 30
(e) Contribution of B – Php 2 million; million. After paying the partnership
(f) C is an industrial partner. creditors X and Y; partner A in his
capacity as a creditor; and partners A and
Where will the Php 10 million go? B’s capital contribution, there is an excess
A: Proportionately to X and Y. The total of Php 7 million. How would this be
liabilities to X and Y amount to Php 12 distributed?
million. Again, X and Y will A: This would be shared by A, B, and C as
proportionately share in the Php 10 the profits based on their profit-sharing
million. They each have a deficiency of ratio, as provided in the partnership
Php 1 million agreement.
Q: May X and Y go after the personal Art. 1839, par. 3 – Partners cannot be
assets of A, B, and C? compelled to make additional contributions
A: Yes. C may be proceeded against even if there remains partnership assets
if he is in reality only an industrial partner • Should the partners be compelled to make
since, in the eyes of third persons, all additional contributions, the proportion
partners are general partners. C, however, should be based on their profit-sharing
has the right to be reimbursed by A and B.
Page 36 of 45
agreement, as provided for under Art. 2. If a partner/s died or retires and the
1797. business is continued without any
assignment of his right in partnership
Art. 1839, pars. 5 and 6 – The obligation to property, then the creditors prior to the
make additional contributions is dissolution of the partnership will be the
enforceable in case partnership property is same creditors of the person/partnership
insufficient to cover its liabilities continuing the business (Art. 1840, par. 3).
• Q: Who can compel or enforce this 3. If all the partners assign their rights in the
obligation? partnership property to one or more third
A: Assignee or the appointee of the persons who promise to pay the debts and
creditor (Art. 1839, par. 5); and Partner or continue business of the dissolved
legal representative of the partner up to partnership (Art. 1840, par. 4).
the amount of the excess of his share in 4. If a partner wrongfully dissolves the
the liability (Art. 1839, par. 6). For partnership, the remaining partners have
example, partner A paid Php 800,000.00 the right to continue and therefore, if they
to creditor X when in fact, his share in the so continue, the creditors prior to the
liability should only be Php 500,000.00. wrongful dissolution remain to be the
Partner A can compel his co-partners to creditors in the continued partnership
pay him. (Art. 1840, pars. 5 and 6).
Art. 1839, par. 7 – The estate of a deceased ARTICLE 1841. When any partner retires or
partner may be held liable for additional dies, and the business is continued under
contributions. any of the conditions set forth in the
• Q: May the estate of the deceased receive preceding article, or in article 1837, second
his share? paragraph, No. 2, without any settlement of
A: Yes. accounts as between him or his estate and
the person or partnership continuing the
Art. 1839, par. 9 – Order of Payment of business, unless otherwise agreed, he or his
Personal Assets of Insolvent Partner legal representative as against such person
1. Personal creditors (Art. 1827) or partnership may have the value of his
2. Partnership creditors interest at the date of dissolution
3. Those owing to partners, by way of their ascertained, and shall receive as an ordinary
contribution – Kung nag-abono yung creditor an amount equal to the value of his
partners interest in the dissolved partnership with
interest, or, at his option or at the option of
Instances when creditors of dissolved his legal representative, in lieu of interest,
partnership become creditors of the profits attributable to the use of his right
persons/partnerships continuing the in the property of the dissolved partnership;
business: Basta tinuloy yung business ng provided that the creditors of the dissolved
partnership despite the dissolution of the partnership as against the separate
partnership, the creditors remain the same. creditors, or the representative of the retired
1. If the business is continued without or deceased partner, shall have priority on
liquidation, then the creditors prior to the any claim arising under this article, as
dissolution will be the same creditors of provided by article 1840, third paragraph.
the person/partnership continuing the • If partnership continues despite
business (Art. 1840, pars. 1 and 2). retirement or death of a partner, there are
2 remedies available to the heirs or legal
Page 37 of 45
representatives of the retiring or deceased • As a rule, partners are subject to limited
partner: liability, i.e., upon exhaustion of
1. Value of the interest of the partnership assets, the creditors of the
retired/deceased partner ascertained; partnership may not go through the
or personal assets or properties of the
2. Once the value has been ascertained: limited partners.
a) The heirs/legal representatives, as • Liability of limited partners is limited to
creditors, can compel the their capital contributions.
partnership to pay the value of • Limited partners may only contribute
such interest of the money, or property but never industry
retired/deceased partner; or (Art. 1845).
b) The heirs/legal representatives • The names of limited partners may not be
may compel that the profits included in the partnership name (Art.
attributable to the assets 1846). Exceptions:
contributed by the a) It is also the surname of a general
retired/deceased partner be given partner;
to them b) Prior to the time when the limited
partner became such, the business had
ARTICLE 1842. The right to an account of his been carried on under a name in which
interest shall accrue to any partner, or his his surname appeared (Ibid.)
legal representative as against the winding • Effect of failure to comply with the
up partners or the surviving partners or the foregoing: The limited partner whose
person or partnership continuing the surname appears in the partnership name
business, at the date of dissolution, in the is treated as a general partner with respect
absence of any agreement to the contrary. to third persons who have no actual
• The right to account of his interest knowledge that he is not a general partner
accrues as of the date of dissolution. (Ibid.) Nevertheless, among the partners,
• Exception: Agreement to the contrary. the limited partner is still a limited
• Art. 1770 – A partnership dissolved by partner.
reason of unlawfulness = Profits will not
go to the partners, but redounds to the Characteristics of Limited Partnership
State. Example, profits earned by 1. Formal – there must be compliance with
partnership selling shabu goes to the requirements under Art. 1844 of the Civil
State, not the partners. Code which requires the filing of
certificate with the SEC. Certificate must
Limited Partnerships contain, among others:
a) Partnership name which contains
Limited Partnership: the name “Limited”.
• Differs from general partnership because b) Temporary limited partners – the
there is the presence of limited partner/s. time, if agreed upon, when the
There must, however, be at least one (1) contribution of each limited
general partner. This is in order to afford partner is to be returned.
creditors protection in case partnership c) Right of priority given to a limited
assets have been exhausted. partner upon dissolution.
o Note: Art. 1844 does not require
Concept of a Limited Partner strict compliance – substantial
Page 38 of 45
compliance in good faith is limited partners, a general partner or all of
enough. the general partners have no authority to:
o Q: What if there is no substantial
compliance in good faith? (1) Do any act in contravention of the
A: If there is no substantial certificate;
compliance, the partnership
becomes a general partnership as (2) Do any act which would make it
far as third persons are concerned, impossible to carry on the ordinary business
in which all the members are liable of the partnership;
as general partners. So, there’s still
a partnership. Substantial (3) Confess a judgment against the
compliance is only necessary to partnership;
create a limited partnership.
o Q: Effect of false statement in the (4) Possess partnership property, or assign
certificate? their rights in specific partnership property,
A: The partner guilty of knowing for other than a partnership purpose;
the falsity is liable as a general
partner, provided: (a) he knew the (5) Admit a person as a general partner;
statement to be false at the time he
signed the certificate, or (6) Admit a person as a limited partner,
subsequently, but having sufficient unless the right so to do is given in the
time to cancel or amend it or file a certificate;
petition for its cancellation or
amendment, he failed to do so; (b) (7) Continue the business with partnership
the person seeking to enforce property on the death, retirement, insanity,
liability has relied upon the false civil interdiction or insolvency of a general
statement in transacting business partner, unless the right so to do is given in
with the partnership; and (c) the the certificate.
person suffered loss as a result of
reliance upon such false statement Article 1853. A person may be a general
(Art. 1847). partner and a limited partner in the same
partnership at the same time, provided that
Q: Who can be managing partners in a limited this fact shall be stated in the certificate
partnership? provided for in article 1844.
A: General partners only. First, under Art. 1845,
limited partners are never industrial partners. A person who is a general, and also at the
Second, under Art. 1848, if a limited partner same time a limited partner, shall have all
becomes a managing partner, he becomes a the rights and powers and be subject to all
general partner to third persons. the restrictions of a general partner; except
that, in respect to his contribution, he shall
Article 1850. A general partner shall have all have the rights against the other members
the rights and powers and be subject to all which he would have had if he were not also
the restrictions and liabilities of a partner in a general partner.
a partnership without limited partners. • So, pwedeng general partner and limited
However, without the written consent or partner ka. Provided, it is provided for in
ratification of the specific act by all the the certificate in Art. 1844.
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• You are a general partner as to rights and
powers. But with respect to liability, you Q: Is a limited partner liable to third persons?
enjoy limited liability but only with A: Yes, but only to the extent of his contribution.
respect to your co-partners. So, third Note the exceptions.
persons may treat you as a general partner
but you may seek reimbursement from Liability of Limited Partner to his Personal
your co-partners. Creditors
• Same with Art. 1814, i.e., the courts may
Obligations of limited partner charge the interest of the limited partner
1. Contribute money or property but not to pay the claims of the personal creditors.
services (Art. 1845); • Art. 1862: Interest may be redeemed with
2. For the difference between his the separate property of any general
contribution as actually made and that partner but may not be redeemed with the
stated in the certificate as having been property of the partnership.
made (Art. 1858); • Scenario: ABC partnership. C, limited
3. For any unpaid contribution which he partner, personally owes X Php 1 million.
agreed in the certificate to make in the C has no more assets to pay his debt to X.
future at the time and on the conditions X knew C was a limited partner, and knew
stated in the certificate (Ibid.); that C’s capital contribution amounted to
4. Hold as trustee for the partnership: Php 3 million. Can X attach this?
(1) Specific property stated in the A: Yes, but only upon due application
certificate as contributed by him, but with the court. However, the court must
which was not contributed or which has first ascertain that partnership assets may
been wrongfully returned; and still be sufficient to satisfy partnership
(2) Money or other property wrongfully creditors even after satisfying the claim of
paid or conveyed to him on account of X, a personal creditor of limited partner C.
his contribution (Ibid.)
o Note: The liabilities of a limited Rights of Limited Partner (Art. 1851)
partner as set forth above can be
waived or compromised only by (1) Have the partnership books kept at the
the consent of all members; but a principal place of business of the
waiver or compromise shall not partnership, and at a reasonable hour to
affect the right of a creditor of a inspect and copy any of them;
partnership who extended credit (2) Have on demand true and full
or whose claim arose after the information of all things affecting the
filing and before a cancellation or partnership, and a formal account of
amendment of the certificate, to partnership affairs whenever circumstances
enforce such liabilities (Ibid.). render it just and reasonable; and
(3) Have dissolution and winding up by
Q: What if a contributing partner erroneously decree of court.
believed himself to be a limited partner?
A: He may still become a general partner if: (a) A limited partner shall have the right to receive a
he knew of the mistake and did not renounce his share of the profits or other compensation by
interest in the profits of the business and way of income, and to the return of his
continued participating in the business; and (b) contribution as provided in articles 1856 and
if he participates in the management of the 1857.
business (Art. 1852 in relation to Art. 1848)
Page 40 of 45
Article 1854. A limited partner also may loan Article 1857. A limited partner shall not
money to and transact other business with receive from a general partner or out of
the partnership, and, unless he is also a partnership property any part of his
general partner, receive on account of contributions until:
resulting claims against the partnership,
with general creditors, a pro rata share of the (1) All liabilities of the partnership, except
assets. No limited partner shall in respect to liabilities to general partners and to limited
any such claim: partners on account of their contributions,
have been paid or there remains property of
(1) Receive or hold as collateral security any the partnership sufficient to pay them;
partnership property, or
(2) The consent of all members is had, unless
(2) Receive from a general partner or the the return of the contribution may be
partnership any payment, conveyance, or rightfully demanded under the provisions of
release from liability if at the time the assets the second paragraph; and
of the partnership are not sufficient to
discharge partnership liabilities to persons (3) The certificate is cancelled or so amended
not claiming as general or limited partners. as to set forth the withdrawal or reduction.
Page 41 of 45
(2) The other liabilities of the partnership require any information or account of the
have not been paid, or the partnership partnership transactions or to inspect the
property is insufficient for their payment as partnership books; he is only entitled to
required by the first paragraph, No. 1, and receive the share of the profits or other
the limited partner would otherwise be compensation by way of income, or the
entitled to the return of his contribution. return of his contribution, to which his
• Right to return contribution of assignor would otherwise be entitled.
limited partner: (1) Sufficiency of
partnership assets to pay its liabilities; (2) An assignee shall have the right to become a
Consent of all the partners; and (3) substituted limited partner if all the
Cancellation or amendment of the members consent thereto or if the assignor,
certificate with the SEC. being thereunto empowered by the
• Right to demand return of certificate, gives the assignee that right.
contributions even without consent of
all partners: (1) Upon dissolution of the An assignee becomes a substituted limited
partnership; (2) Specified date in the partner when the certificate is appropriately
certificate has arrived; (3) 6 months’ amended in accordance with article 1865.
notice in writing have been given by the
limited partner. The substituted limited partner has all the
• How contributions returned: rights and powers, and is subject to all the
Generally, cash. Exception, stipulation to restrictions and liabilities of his assignor,
the contrary. except those liabilities of which he was
• Q: Can a limited partner demand the ignorant at the time he became a limited
winding up of a partnership? partner and which could not be ascertained
A: Generally, no. Exceptions: from the certificate.
a) Limited partner rightfully but
unsuccessfully demands return of The substitution of the assignee as a limited
contributions; partner does not release the assignor from
b) other liabilities of the partnership liability to the partnership under articles
have not been paid, or the 1847 and 1858.
partnership property is insufficient • Substitute limited partner: If there is
for their payment as required by consent by all of the partners to the
the first paragraph, No. 1, and the assignment. He has all the rights of a
limited partner would otherwise limited partner.
be entitled to the return of his • No consent of all partners: Only
contribution. entitled to receive the share of the profits
or other compensation by way of income,
Article 1859. A limited partner's interest is or the return of his contribution, to which
assignable. his assignor would otherwise be entitled.
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• Scenario: C loaned to D Php 1 million for fund). G manages and administers the
the latter to use to purchase parcel of Php 1 million. G uses the Php 1 million to
land. C wanted to be secure. Pending buy a car, and registers it in his name.
payment of D’s loan, C was named as the Under Art. 1455, G merely holds the car in
buyer of the parcel of land. When D has trust in favor of W, the beneficiary.
enough money to Php 1 million, C
transfers the parcel of land. This is not Article 1456. If property is acquired through
allowed by Art. 1450. C is not a party to the mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is,
purchase transaction. The intention of the by force of law, considered a trustee of an
parties was to have the parcel of land as a implied trust for the benefit of the person
security (real estate mortgage, kumbaga). from whom the property comes.
This is to avoid pactum commissorium • Scenario: A told D that he is the long lost
which provides for automatic son of D, showing a birth certificate. Yun
appropriation of the property given as pala, pineke ni D yung birth certificate. D
security for the loan. Under Art. 1450, donated parcel of land to A, as his son.
there is a trust constituted where C is the Subsequently, D discovered na fake pala
trustee, and D is the beneficiary. In fact, yung birth cert. A holds in trust the parcel
D, as beneficiary, can compel the of land in favor of D.
conveyance of the property any time.
FINALS: Same format; Assuming walang
Article 1454. If an absolute conveyance of deptals, 20% MCQ, 80% Essay. 20% MCQ –
property is made in order to secure the Partnership only, 80% Essay – Partnership,
performance of an obligation of the grantor Agency (pero repeat principles lang sa
toward the grantee, a trust by virtue of law is prelims), and Trust. Good luck!
established. If the fulfillment of the
obligation is offered by the grantor when it
becomes due, he may demand the
reconveyance of the property to him.
• Medyo same sa Art. 1450 except that Art.
1450 is specific to the contract of loan.
• Scenario: C undertook to construct a
house in favor of H. By way of security, C
transferred a parcel of land to H. here,
even though the legal title is with H, he
holds it as trustee in favor of C, the