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Tyre Selection Guide

Tyre Selection Reference Axle Position Road Conditions

Type of Operation Unpaved road rate

Steer (Front) Drive Trailer

Long Haul Operation RY637, RY407 TY517E RY357 (WB)
(one way transport distance: more than 300 km) RY253 (WB) RY253 (WB)
104ZR, RY023 TY607 RY357 (WB), RY023T
Regional Haul Operation
(one way transport distance: maximum 300 km)
RY253 (WB) TY303 RY253 (WB), Y785R -
Y793R, RY103 RY437, RY103
Bus and Coach -
RY637, 104ZR, RY023
MY507, MY547 LY717 MY507A (WB)
On / Off Road Short Distance Operation less than 20%
Winter Operation 901ZS, TY287 SY397 (MY507A (WB)) -
Scandinavian Trailer MY507T, TY303T, MY507 less than 20%
WB = Wide base.

* Do not mix different tyre size designations or constructions on the same axle. Always use the tyres for their intended service purpose.
* Some vehicles require specialized tyre fitment. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for details.
* The RY637 should, to achieve maximum performance, be used on the steer axle in long distance smooth road operation.
* For maximum performance, the TY607 should be used on regional transport.
* The MY507A WB can also be used on the steer axle in on & off short distance operation.
* Under normal highway conditions, the steer tyres above can also be used on the drive axles.
* The availability of products shown in this table may vary from country to country.
* Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for local availability.

USER INFORMATION: Only specially trained personnel should mount tyres. Failure to comply with these tyre demounting/mounting safety
precautions can cause the bead to break and the assembly to burst with sufficient force to cause serious injury or death.

Always deflate tyre completely before removing lock or side rings. Winter tyres have "Platform Indicators" in the grooves, marked with an arrow on
Never use wheels of different manufacturers or different sizes. the sidewall, which indicates their location.
Never mount tyres on wheels which are damaged or not smooth and clean. Winter tyres can no longer be used as winter tyres after the "Platform
Always clean and inspect wheel. Lubricate beads [and rim flanges for tubeless Indicators" have appeared on the tread surface. This occurs when the original
types], tube and rim side of flap with an approved rubber lubricant. tread depth has approximately 50% wear.
Always be sure that wheel components are properly seated before inflating. Stones, gravel and other foreign objects stuck in the tyre treads may damage
Always use an extension hose with gauge and clip-on chuck. the tyre. Remove foreign objects from the treads.
Never inflate beyond 1.5 bar prior to placing tyre/wheel assembly in Objects in the road such as potholes, glass, metal, rocks, wood debris,
a safety cage. kerbstones and others that could damage a tyre should be a safely avoided.
Always use a safety cage or other restraining device when inflating the tyre to To preserve traffic safety and tyre life, YOKOHAMA recommends driving safely
seat the beads and/or inflating the tyre to normal operating inflation pressure. and avoiding hard acceleration, braking or cornering in unnecessary situations.
Never stand, lean or reach over the assembly during inflation. If you feel the vehicle is unstable or feel any unusual noises or vibrations, stop
After beads are fully seated, adjust to vehicle manufacturer's recommended your vehicle in a safe place and inspect your tyres. Even if no visible defects
inflation pressure. are found, drive slowly and ask your tyre dealer to inspect your tyres as soon
Never mount radials on the same axle with bias tyres. Follow vehicle manufacturer’s as possible.
recommendations. Never use a tyre under the following conditions and replace a tyre
Tyres must be removed when remaining tread depth reaches regulated immediately:
minimum tread pattern in a country. If the tread has worn to the tread wear indicator.
If breaks in the fabric appear.
If cords or wires are exposed.

Moisture in a tyre can damage the casing. Stock tyres in a dry area. Dry interior before mounting. Inflate with dry air.


2010 by YOKOHAMA Europe GmbH. CE092

Printed in Germany
S79 ABC 01
YOKOHAMA is constantly striving to create the best solutions for
each application. YOKOHAMA’s commitment to you and to the environment
ensures the most cost-effective high-performance tyres.

YOKOHAMA’s Concept YOKOHAMA Product Line-up

Long Haul Operation p. 8 - 9
Fleets today need more miles, greater retreadability, longer even-wear and less maintenance
costs per kilometre from their tyres. Given the extreme demands of today’s transport industry,
continuous innovation in tyre technology is essential. YOKOHAMA’s technologies help you
get the most out of your tyre investments. RY637 RY407* TY517E M+S RY357 RY253*
Steer Axle Drive Axle Trailer Axle

Regional Haul Operation p. 10 - 12

Tyre Construction
Compounds used in the tread depend on
Belts and Casing
the tyre’s specific application needs.
Thin, highly adhesive assembly 104ZR RY023 RY253* TY607 M+S TY303 M+S Y793R RY: Rib (All-Positions / Steer / Trailer)
YOKOHAMA has chosen various
compounds are used in YOKOHAMA’s
compounding strategies to minimize
tyre casing and belts to prevent Steer Axle Drive Axle TY: Traction Block (Drive)
treadwear rate, and maximize traction, MY: Rib / Lug (Mixed Service)
fuel efficiency, and resistance to fatigue, separation of the steel cords.
chipping and scaling. (All Positions / Steer / Trailer)
LY: Lug (Drive)
Belt Edge Cushion Undertread SY: Snow / Winter
YOKOHAMA tyres feature a belt edge
YOKOHAMA’s undertread compounds
cushion to help prevent separation of the
have low heat-generating characteristics,
belt edges, and therefore the tread,
caused by the scissoring effect of the
which prevent tread separation. RY357 RY253* RY023T Y785R RY437 RY103
Trailer Axle All Positions TREAD PATTERN CODES
Inner Liner
YOKOHAMA’s inner liner is specially
designed to minimize air seepage into YOKOHAMA’s special sidewall
compounds are selected for high
adjacent areas of the tyre. The quality of
the inner liner is critical to prevent air flexibility, excellent durability and high Bus and Coach p. 13
from penetrating into the casing. resistance to fatigue and weather


YOKOHAMA’s special inner liner cracking.
compound ensures a significantly longer
casing life.

Bead Filler Rim Cushion

YOKOHAMA’s rim cushion compound is
1 2 3 4

Two or more different compounds are
used in YOKOHAMA’s bead filler (apex highly resistant to the heat transmitted RY537 RY637* 104ZR* RY023*
rubber) to stiffen the bead for steering by the rim. 1 Pattern
response and to control the flexibility of
All Positions Steer Axle / All Positions
1: Rib
other parts of the tyre.
3: Lug
5: Rib Lug
On / Off Road Short Distance Operation p. 14 - 15 7: Block (Traction)
9: Snow, Studless, Winter
Individual Technologies
2 Development Number
01 to 99
Groove Rib Sipe ISC Rib MY507 M+S* MY547 M+S* LY717 M+S MY507A M+S Y773 3 “Z”environment Series
Steer Axle Drive Axle Trailer Axle All Positions
4 Category
L: Long Haul
A: On & Off (All Terrain)
Winter Operation (& Scandinavian Trailer) p. 16 - 17 U: Urban
R: Regional
W: Winter (Ice Performance)
E: Environment Special
SC* Groove SC* Rib SC* Sipe ISC** Rib S: Steer Special
To improve the shoulder To improve uneven To improve “river wear”. To deliver lateral traction D: Drive Special
"Step-Down Wear". wear particularly “river wear”. on icy roads. 901ZS M+S TY287 M+S SY397 M+S MY507 M+S/MY507T M+S TY303T M+S T: Trailer Special
*SC : Stress-wear (uneven wear) **ISC : Ice Skid Control Steer Axle Drive Axle Scandinavian Trailer

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not mix different tyre size designations or constructions on the same axle. Always use the tyres for their intended service purpose.
Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for details as some vehicle operations require specialized tyre fitment.
*Some sizes of this tyre can be used on different axles. Please contact your local YOKOHAMA distributor for details.
22 33
A new era in the development of truck and bus tyres.

Lower Temperature / Higher Torque Mixing Method The all-new Zenvironment line of tyres for trucks and buses
improves fuel economy and provides long-life service.
A new compound mixing method has increased the durability of tyres.
Technological advancements in tyres can reduce the environmental impact in several ways.
YOKOHAMA has led advances in tyre technologies for improving fuel economy, which reduce
Rubber / Traditional Mixing Method
Reinforcing emissions and curtail the output of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Agent and other
Our all-new Zenvironment line of truck and bus tyres incorporates further progress in the
improvement of fuel economy.
Multi-Step Mixing
The traditional multi-step mixing process The Zenvironment Concept
mixes and kneads the rubber simultaneously.
Mixer Mixer Mixer Mixer The long periods of mixing result in high
temperatures, which tend to cause
deterioration in the quality of the rubber.
Compound Compound Compound Compound

Rubber /
Reinforcing NEW Lower Temperature / Higher Torque Mixing Method
Agent and other Longer Tyre Life Better Fuel Economy

One Step Mixing & Roll Mixing
Longer Original Lower Rolling
The new method performs the kneading of Longer Casing Life
Tread Life Resistance
the rubber on rollers after the rubber has
been mixed. This process results in lower
temperatures. It thus minimizes the splitting Newly-developed New Inner Liner Newly-developed Newly-developed
New Tread Design* New Tyre Profile
of the rubber’s long polymer chains and Tread Compounds** Construction Casing Compounds** Tread Compounds**
promotes a more even distribution of the
carbon black particles, which are used as a
* Varies depending on product
reinforcing agent.
Compound Roll ** Uses newly-developed mixing method

Microscopic imagery reveals the improvement in

rubber composition that results from the new
Lower Temperature & Higher Torque Mixing Method Rubber Structure Model
Newly-developed Carcass Profile Newly-developed Tread Compounds
New Lower Temperature
Traditional Mixing Method
New Lower Temperature Traditional Mixing Method Higher Torque Mixing Method Carcasses designed using YOKOHAMA’s Double Inflation The newly-developed tread compounds extend
Higher Torque Mixing Method
Dioxide Pressure Simulation Method produce a tyre profile with the mileage and improve the rolling resistance
Carbon high-durability and more uniform tread growth. without sacrificing important factors such as wet
performance, cutting/chipping resistance.
Rubber (polymer) *Varies depending on product
Rubber (polymer)

Soft and less flexible rubber Tough and flexible rubber

The distribution of carbon particles is more even in rubber produced with the new Lower The new Lower Temperature & Higher Torque Mixing Method significantly
Temperature / Higher Torque Mixing Method process than in traditionally processed rubber. reduces dioxide obstacles and disperses carbon in rubber evenly.

Tyre Mileage Compound Performance
Low Temp. High
Torque Mixing Low Temp. High
Torque Mixing


Traditional New Inner Liner Construction

The new inner liner construction improves
anti-aging performance through the Newly-developed Casing Compounds
prevention of oxidation caused by hot air in The newly-developed casing compounds
the air inflation pressure chambers of the tyre. increase the casing life for multi-retreads.

44 55
Recommendations to ensure the top performance of your YOKOHAMA tyres.

Inflation Pressure Tyre Wear Factors

Truck tyres for commercial vehicles must be inflated to a pressure relevant to the load, speed and condition INFLATION PRESSURE
of use to produce maximum performance in all aspects such as even wear (long mileage), traction and FUEL ECONOMY Tyre Mileage Index in %
50% 100% 150%
handling stability (riding comfort) in addition to safety issues*.
* Check YOKOHAMA's recommendations for inflation pressures at the back of this booklet.
& THE ENVIRONMENT Recommended 100%

These tables indicate factors of tyre wear. If

-20% lower 80%
all factors are taken into account and
applied correctly according to your vehicle 60%
-30% lower
and situation, this will result in optimum fuel
The proper inflation pressure is essential for the correct
economy and aid in the protection of our performance of all kinds of tyre. YOKOHAMA recommends
proper maintenance and utilization of a calibrated
maintains even road contact causes abnormal tyre deflection, increases the risk of environment. gauge / inflation pressure sticker or TPMS.
for maximised performance. which builds up excessive heat, impact breaks and other road
and risk of failure. It also causes hazard damage.
excessive wear on the shoulder. It also causes excessive wear in the centre.

8.50bar 125psi
Tyre pressures should be checked on cold CARRYING LOAD STOP/GO OPERATION (Braking Abrasion)
tyres at least every two weeks, using a Tyre Mileage Index in % Tyre Mileage Index in %
50% 100% 150% 50% 100% 150%
calibrated pressure gauge. Tyres with lower
Truck & Bus Tyres Truck & Bus Tyres 20% 150% Long Haul 100%
profiles must be checked strictly due to underloaded
their less visible sidewall deflection.
YOKOHAMA provides "inflation pressure stickers" with several different values to help customers maintain Normal 100% Regional 80%
proper pressures. Please contact your YOKOHAMA distributor for details.
30% 70% Urban 60%

Tyre wear depends upon the load carried. Rapid or frequent "stop and go" traffic results in additional
Retreading YOKOHAMA recommends maintaining the correct axle- and stress and abrasion to tyres.
pay loads. YOKOHAMA recommends mild steering & braking especially
Every new YOKOHAMA truck tyre product is designed and constructed for better retreadability. while turning or curving in urban and local use.

In addition, YOKOHAMA casings are backed up by the special "CASING WARRANTY" available.
Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for details.
Tyre Mileage Index in % Tyre Mileage Index in %
50% 100% 150% 50% 100% 150%

Spring 60%
Regrooving 100% 1st Axle

Regrooving must be undertaken when only between 2 to 3 mm of the original tread pattern remains,
Summer 80% 2nd Axle 100%
in accordance with YOKOHAMA's recommendations in this booklet.

Autumn 100% 3rd Axle 30%

Winter Tyre Application Winter 120%

Trailer tyre wear is dependent on the sideforce of the axles
of trailers.
Winter tyres are normally designed with a fine, deep and wide tread to ensure traction on snowy/icy YOKOHAMA recommends proper tyre rotation when utilizing
Tyre wear is temperature dependent. retreaded tyres.
roads. These products are not suited to hot and rough road surfaces. YOKOHAMA strongly recommends
YOKOHAMA recommends carrying out a tyre service before
fitment of brand-new winter tyres (especially in the case of SY397 M+S) for each winter season. the winter season.

66 77
Long Haul Operation

Steer Axle Drive Axle Trailer Axle Steer Axle Steer Axle All Positions

RY637 Groove

Steer axle tyre engineered with advanced YOKOHAMA

Rib Sipe TY517E M+S
Drive axle tyre designed with YOKOHAMA's
Wide base long haul/regional use tyre engineered
All-purpose, all-position tyre for normal highway service.
technologies for long-haul operation. advanced technologies for long-haul operation. primarily for the trailer axles. The RY253 can also
be used on the steer axle to attain a better handling Advanced 6-rib tread design enhances even wear, wet traction
The SC-RIB & SC-SIPE reduce the contact pressure concentration Deep & wide tread design produces long tread life. performance & higher shoulder wear resistance. & fuel economy.
on rib edges to increase resistance to river-wear. Alternated tread block design with 4-straight wide grooves Casing construction provides durability & is suitable for
The SC-GROOVE delivers increased shoulder stepdown wear increases even wear without sacrificing wet traction. 6-rib tread design enhances even wear & wet traction. retreading.
resistance and enhances handling stability with reduced contact Shallow lug grooves at shoulder minimize shoulder Specially constructed casing makes this tyre well-suited
pressure on the tread shoulder. heel & toe wear. to retreading.
The new contoured bead sole improves bead seating for handling
stability & even wear.

3 1 2
1 Deep & wide tread
1 SC-GROOVE 2 Alternated tread block with
2 SC-RIB 4-straight wide grooves
3 SC-SIPE 3 Shallow lug grooves

Pattern when new W Pattern when new W Pattern when new W Pattern when new W



Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
315/70R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 295/60R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 385/65R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 295/60R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
295/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 315/60R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 425/65R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 315/60R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
315/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 315/70R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 445/65R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. 295/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm Regrooved pattern is shown in black. Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
Recut depth listed is maximum value. Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. 315/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
Pattern after regrooved Pattern after regrooved Regrooved pattern is shown in black. Pattern after regrooved Pattern after regrooved
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.

Trailer Axle
Long Haul Operation

Wide base long haul/regional use tyre engineered primarily for the trailer axles.
Overall Overall Loaded Rolling (mm) Measuring Opt.
The RY357 delivers long mileage & shoulder wear resistance on trailer axle use. SIZE PTN LI/SS Width (mm) Diameter (mm) Radius (mm) Circ.+ -2% Rim (inch) Rim (inch)
Steer Axle
5-rib tread design enhances even wear and wet traction.
315/70R22.5 154/150L, (152/148M) 315 1020 473 3088 9.00 9.75
Specially constructed casing makes this tyre well-suited for retreading. 295/80R22.5 RY637 152/148M 303 1054 489 3192 9.00 8.25
315/80R22.5 154/150M, (156/150L) 315 1078 501 3267 9.00 9.75
295/60R22.5 150/147L 291 921 429 2794 9.00 9.75
315/60R22.5 152/148L 312 951 441 2879 9.75 9.00
Pattern when new W 385/65R22.5 RY253 158L, (160J) 375 1075 489 3253 11.75 12.25
Drive Axle
D 295/60R22.5 150/147L 291 933 435 2832 9.00 9.75
315/60R22.5 152/148L 312 968 451 2937 9.75 9.00
315/70R22.5 TY517E 154/150L, (152/148M) 315 1028 477 3113 9.00 9.75
Pattern when 70% worn
385/55R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 295/80R22.5 152/148M 303 1063 495 3225 9.00 8.25
385/65R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 315/80R22.5 154/150M, (156/150L) 312 1089 506 3300 9.00 9.75
Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Recut depth listed is maximum value. Trailer Axle
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
385/55R22.5 160J, (158L) 380 998 460 3013 12.25 11.75
Pattern after regrooved 385/65R22.5 160J, (158L) 378 1074 497 3248 11.75 12.25
385/65R22.5 158L, (160J) 375 1075 498 3253 11.75 12.25
425/65R22.5 RY253 165K 418 1126 520 3402 13.00 14.00
445/65R22.5 168K 448 1154 532 3484 14.00 -
Note: The availability of products shown in this document may vary from country to country. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for local
availability. Some tyres carry a second load/speed index marking which indicates additional operational possibilities.

88 99
Regional Haul Operation

Steer Axle Drive Axle Trailer Axle Trailer Axle Steer Axle

104ZR TY303M+S RY357 RY253

Steer axle tyre engineered with innovative “Zenvironment”
technologies for national and regional transport service.
The 5-rib tread design with straight grooves enhances even
wear & wet traction. Drive axle tyre for regional/ Wide base long haul/regional use tyre Wide base long-haul/regional use tyre
SC-SIPE (Stress-Wear Control Sipe) design improves highway service. engineered primarily for the trailer axles. engineered primarily for the trailer axles.

abnormal wear on rib edges. The RY357 delivers long mileage & shoulder The RY253 can also be used on the steer
Aggressive tread design provides wet
Newly-developed tread radii improves shoulder step-down wear resistance on trailer axle use. axle to attain a better handling performance
wear. traction throughout all stages of wear for
regional/city service. 5-rib tread design enhances even wear & higher shoulder wear resistance.
Newly-designed stone ejectors and wavy grooves minimize
stone holding & penetration in ordinal regional operation. The tread compound is highly resistant to and wet traction. The 6-rib tread design enhances even wear
Newly-developed tread compound using “Zenvironment” cutting and chipping and extends mileage. Specially constructed casing makes & wet traction.
technology with an even deeper tread design provides Please refer to p. 18 for regrooving procedures. this tyre well-suited for retreading. Specially constructed casing makes this tyre
longer mileage and better fuel economy. well-suited to retreading.
Please refer to p. 8 for regrooving procedures.
New casing compounds using “Zenvironment” technology Please refer to p. 9 for regrooving procedures.
extend the casing life for multi-retreads.
Pattern when new W

Pattern when 70% worn
245/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
265/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 3 4 5 6
285/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
11R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
1 5-rib tread design with straight grooves
Pattern after regrooved
2.5 mm
2.5 mm
7.0 mm
7.0 mm 2 Newly-developed tread radii at shoulder
Regional Haul Operation
295/80R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 3 Wavy Grooves Overall Overall Loaded Rolling (mm) Measuring Opt.
315/80R22.5 7.0 mm
SIZE PTN LI/SS Width (mm) Diameter (mm) Radius (mm) Circ.+ -2% Rim (inch) Rim (inch)
2.5 mm 4 Stone Ejectors
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. 5 SC-Sipe Steer Axle
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. 6 Newly-developed Tread Compound/Deep Tread 11R22.5 148/145M 277 1056 493 3207 8.25 7.50
12R22.5 152/148L 299 1084 504 3286 9.00 8.25
245/70R19.5 104ZR 136/134M 249 848 395 2573 7.50 6.75
Steer Axle Trailer Axle Drive Axle 265/70R19.5 140/138M 256 871 404 2637 7.50 6.75, 8.25
285/70R19.5 146/144M 284 893 413 2700 8.25 7.50, 9.00

RY023 TY607M+S
315/70R22.5 154/150L, (152/148M) 315 1019 474 3090 9.00 9.75
295/80R22.5 152/148M 302 1057 491 3203 9.00 8.25
315/80R22.5 154/150M, (156/150L) 314 1080 499 3264 9.00 9.75
(RY023T) 205/75R17.5 124/122M 207 760 354 2306 6.00 5.25, 6.75
Steer axle tyre for regional/highway service. Drive axle tyre engineered with the help of 215/75R17.5 126/124M 215 776 360 2350 6.00 7.50
(RY023T with higher load index only for trailer use.) YOKOHAMA's advanced technologies for regional and 235/75R17.5 132/130M 238 805 372 2433 6.75 7.50
long distance operation. 245/70R19.5 136/134M 247 845 394 2565 7.50 6.75
Wide 5-rib design delivers long mileage & shoulder wear 265/70R19.5 140/138M 262 870 402 2629 7.50 6.75, 8.25
resistance on steer axle use. Extra deep design with wide tread provides long tread life 285/70R19.5 146/144M 283 892 413 2699 8.25 7.50, 9.00
Deep sub-grooves on ribs enhance wet traction. for regional service. RY023
1 11R22.5 148/145M 275 1052 491 3195 8.25 7.50
Aggressive block tread with lateral lug 12R22.5 152/148M 291 1084 504 3286 9.00 8.25
grooves delivers maximized wet traction. 305/70R22.5 152/148L, (150/148M) 310 1000 466 3035 9.00 8.25
Alternated block placement with 295/80R22.5 152/148M 303 1050 489 3185 9.00 8.25
short blocks enhances even wear. 315/80R22.5 154/150M, (156/150L) 313 1079 501 3269 9.00 9.75
255/70R22.5 140/137L 255 931 436 2832 7.50 6.75, 8.25
385/65R22.5 RY253 158L, (160J) 375 1075 498 3253 11.75 12.25
Drive Axle
3 215/75R17.5 126/124M 205 771 357 2333 6.00 6.75
1 Extra deep design with 265/70R19.5 140/138M 262 875 407 2653 7.50 6.75, 8.25
wide tread 285/70R19.5 146/144M 283 900 417 2724 8.25 7.50, 9.00
2 Agressive block tread 305/70R22.5 152/148L, (150/148M) 310 1012 472 3072 9.00 8.25
with lateral lug grooves 235/75R17.5 132/130M 238 809 376 2452 6.75 7.50
3 Alternated block placement 11R22.5 148/145M 277 1064 499 3239 8.25 7.50
with short blocks 12R22.5 152/148L 296 1100 514 3343 9.00 8.25
315/70R22.5 154/150L, (152/148M) 315 1031 478 3121 9.00 9.75
Pattern when new Pattern when new 152/148M
295/80R22.5 303 1068 497 3239 9.00 8.25

315/80R22.5 154/150M, (156/150L) 312 1097 510 3325 9.00 9.75

Trailer Axle
DIMENSION OF RECUT 215/75R17.5 135/133J 215 776 360 2350 6.00 6.75
DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) DIMENSION OF RECUT 235/75R17.5 143/141J 238 805 372 2433 6.75 7.50
Pattern when 70% worn Pattern when 70% worn TYRE SIZE
245/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) 245/70R19.5 RY023T 141/140J 247 845 394 2565 7.50 6.75
265/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 315/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 265/70R19.5 143/141J 262 870 402 2629 7.50 6.75, 8.25
285/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 295/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
215/75R 17.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 285/70R19.5 150/148J 283 892 413 2699 8.25 7.50, 9.00
315/70R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
235/75R 17.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 235/75R17.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 385/55R22.5 160J, (158L) 380 998 460 3013 12.25 11.75
11R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 11R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 385/65R22.5 160J, (158L) 378 1074 497 3248 11.75 12.25
Pattern after regrooved 12R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm Pattern after regrooved 12R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 385/65R22.5 158L, (160J) 375 1075 498 3253 11.75 12.25
295/80R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm Regrooved pattern is shown in black. 425/65R22.5 RY253 165K 418 1126 520 3402 13.00 14.00
315/80R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm Recut depth listed is maximum value.
305/70R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. 445/65R22.5 168K 448 1154 532 3484 14.00 -
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. Recut depth listed
is maximum value. Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
Note: The availability of products shown in this document may vary from country to country. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for local
availability. Some tyres carry a second load/speed index marking which indicates additional operational possibilities.
10 11
Regional Haul Operation Bus and Coach

Trailer Axle Trailer Axle For City Bus

Y785R RY437
All Positions

All purpose low platform trailer tyre.

The 5-rib tread design with straight grooves enhances even
wear & wet traction.
All-purpose trailer tyre for normal regional/highway service.
(only available in 11R22.5).
The 5-rib tread design with straight grooves enhances even
RY537 All position tyre for city bus operation.
Extra deep tread with 4-rib design for long mileage & low
cost per kilometre on severely abrasive roads.
Special sidewall protection minimizes tyre damage & abrasion
Casing construction provides durability & retreadability for wear & wet traction. from the curb.
heavy trailer service. Designed for use on the trailer axle, the carcass construction
Please refer to p. 18 for regrooving procedures. provides durability and is suitable for retreading.

Pattern when new W

Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
295/80R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
275/70R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
11R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Pattern after regrooved Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.

All Positions All Positions City Bus

Y793R RY103
Overall Overall Loaded Rolling(mm) Measuring Opt.
SIZE PTN LI/SS Width (mm) Diameter (mm) Radius (mm) Circ.+ -2% Rim (inch) Rim (inch)
City bus - All Positions
295/80R22.5 152/148J, (154/150E) 296 1063 495 3225 9.00 8.25
All-purpose, all-position tyre for normal regional/city service. All-purpose, all-position tyre for normal regional/city service. 275/70R22.5 RY537 148/145J, (152/148E) 277 972 451 2944 8.25 7.50
The pattern design with wide tread guarantees long mileage. The 5-rib tread design with straight grooves enhances even 11R22.5 148/145J, (151/148E) 281 1064 495 3226 8.25 7.50
The tread compound is highly resistant against cutting and wear & wet traction.
chipping. The tread compound is highly resistant against cutting and
Please refer to p. 18 for regrooving procedures.
chipping. For Long-Haul and Regional-Haul Operation
Please refer to p. 18 for regrooving procedures. Steer Axle All Positions Steer Axle All Positions Steer Axle All Positions

RY637 104ZR RY023

Groove Sipe



This long distance steer operation This national and regional transport tyre from This national and regional transport tyre is
tyre can also be used for long distance the Zenvironment Series can also be applied also well-suited for national and regional
coach operation. for national and regional coach operation. coach operation.
The SC-RIB & SC-SIPE reduce the contact The 5-rib tread design enhances even wear The wide 5-rib tread design delivers long
pressure concentration on rib edges to and wet traction. mileage and shoulder wear resistance.
increase resistance to river-wear. The SC-SIPE design improves abnormal Deep sub/grooves on the ribs enhance wet
The SC-GROOVE delivers increased wear on rib edges. traction.
shoulder stepdown wear resistance and Deep tread design and compound using
Regional Haul Operation enhances handling stability with reduced Zenvironment technology provides long
Please refer to p. 10 for size line-up and
regrooving procedures.
Overall Overall Loaded Rolling (mm) Measuring Opt.
SIZE PTN LI/SS Width (mm) Diameter (mm) Radius (mm) Circ.+ -2% Rim (inch) Rim (inch)
contact pressure on the tread shoulder. mileage and fuel economy.
The new contoured bead sole improves bead Zenvironment casing compounds make this
Trailer Axle
750R15 135/133J 211 766 351 2306 6.00 5.5, 6.5 seating for handling stability & even wear. tyre well-suited to multi-retreads.
825R15 142/141G 232 837 393 2549 6.50 6.0, 7.0 Please refer to p. 8 for size line-up and Please refer to p. 10 for size line-up and
365/80R20 160J, (158K) 354 1090 503 3292 10.00 10.50, 11.75 regrooving procedures. regrooving procedures.

10R17.5 143/141J 248 861 401 2612 7.50 6.75
11R22.5 RY437 148/145M 283 1039 481 3143 8.25 7.50
315/80R22.5 RY103 154/150M 312 1074 498 3251 9.00 9.75
All Positions 491 3195 8.25
275/70R22.5 148/145L 275 958 448 2912 8.25 7.50
275/80R22.5 149/146M 276 1023 476 3102 8.25 7.50
8R17.5 117/116L 206 784 363 2372 6.00 5.25, 6.75
8.5R17.5 121/120L 211 803 373 2433 6.00 5.25, 6.75
9R22.5 136/134L 227 973 457 2964 6.75 6.00, 7.50 Long-Haul and Regional-Haul Coach
10R22.5 144/142L 252 1015 476 3090 7.50 6.75, 8.25
Note: The availability of products shown in this document may vary from country to country. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for
local availability. Some tyres carry a second load/speed index marking which indicates additional operational possibilities. For RY637 size line-up, please see page 9. For 104ZR and RY023 size line-up, please see page 11.
*The availability of products shown in this document may vary from country to country. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for local
*Some tyres carry a second load/speed index marking which indicates additional operational possibilities.
*The use of the tyre depends on customer operations. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for more details.
12 13
On / Off Road
Short Distance Operation

Steer Axle All Positions Trailer Axle All Positions

All-purpose, all-position tyre
Wide base ON & OFF trailer tyre engineered with the
M+S Y773
All-purpose, all-position tyre for on & off construction-site
for on & off construction-site operation, help of YOKOHAMA's advanced technologies for on & off operation such as dumping or logging.
engineered with YOKOHAMA's advanced construction-site operation. The wide tread design with shoulder lugs delivers long
technologies (only available in tubeless sizes). 2 3 (MY507A WB can be used on steer axle to deliver handling mileage & traction.
Deeper & wider tread increases mileage while the solid 1 Deeper & wider tread performance & load capacity.) The tread compound is highly resistant against cutting and
shoulder ribs are highly resistant against shoulder wear. 2 3 waved centre grooves The deep and wide tread design for a long tread life. chipping and therefore provides extended mileage & retreadability.
3 or 4* waved centre grooves produce traction and drainage. 3 Stone ejectors & The aggressive traction tread with transverse sub grooves enhances
Stone ejectors & V-shaped grooves decrease stone V-shaped grooves traction on rough surfaces.
retention and enhance the tyre's retreadability. Stone ejectors and funnel-shaped grooves minimize stone retention
and enhance retreadability.
Pattern when new W Pattern when new W

315/80R22.5 D D


Pattern when 70% worn TYRE SIZE TYRE SIZE
DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
295/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 11R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
315/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 12R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. 13R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Pattern after regrooved Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
Pattern after regrooved

Pattern when new W Pattern when new W

* 4 waved centre grooves are only applied to 295/80R22.5 & 315/80R22.5


Steer Axle All Positions Drive Axle Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
385/65R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 10R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm

MY547M+S LY717M+S
425/65R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
445/65R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
Pattern after regrooved Pattern after regrooved
All-purpose, all-position tyre for on & off Drive axle tyre for on & off construction-site
construction-site operation, engineered with operation engineered with advanced
YOKOHAMA's advanced technologies YOKOHAMA technologies.
(only available in tube-type sizes).
The aggressive 4-block tread design with shoulder
The deeper tread produces longer mileage while lugs produces dependable traction on rough surfaces.
the shoulder ribs are highly resistant against shoulder wear. The deeper & wider tread increases the mileage.
The 3 zig’zag centre grooves with shoulder lugs The tapered tread grooves reduce stone retention
increase traction and enhance smooth wear in local operation. while the newly-developed tread compound On / Off Road Short Distance Transport
is highly resistant against cutting and chipping. Overall Overall Loaded Rolling (mm) Measuring Opt.
SIZE PTN LI/SS Width (mm) Diameter (mm) Radius (mm) Circ.+ -2% Rim (inch) Rim (inch)
Steer Axle / All Positions
295/80R22.5 152/148K 299 1061 493 3215 9.00 8.25
315/80R22.5 156/150K 312 1087 503 3288 9.00 9.75
11R22.5 MY507 148/145K 275 1070 500 3251 8.25 7.50
12R22.5 152/148K 296 1092 508 3311 9.00 8.25
2 13R22.5 154/150K, (156/150G) 314 1133 528 3438 9.75 9.00
1 Deeper tread 1 Deeper & wider tread 12.00R20 154/150K 312 1129 525 3423 8.50 8.00, 8.50V, 9.00V
2 3 zig’zag centre grooves 2 Aggressive 12.00R24 156/153K 312 1222 568 3704 8.50 8.00, 9.00, 8.50VM
with shoulder lugs 4-block tread design Drive Axle
295/80R22.5 152/148K 301 1064 496 3229 9.00 8.25
315/80R22.5 156/150K, (154/150M) 314 1095 507 3313 9.00 9.75
Pattern when new Pattern when new
12R22.5 152/148K 296 1094 511 3324 8.25
LY717 9.00
13R22.5 154/150K, (156/150G) 314 1135 529 3445 9.75 9.00
12.00R20 154/150K 312 1136 527 3440 8.50 8.00, 8.50V, 9.00V
Pattern when 70% worn
12.00R20 7.0 mm
Pattern when 70% worn
12.00R20 7.0 mm
385/65R22.5 158L, (160J) 378 1082 501 3273 11.75 12.25
3.0 mm 3.0 mm
12.00R24 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 12R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 425/65R22.5 MY507A 165K 420 1134 520 3415 13.00 14.00
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. 13R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm 445/65R22.5 169K 450 1161 534 3501 14.00 -
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. 295/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm All Positions
315/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
Pattern after regrooved Pattern after regrooved Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
10R22.5 Y773 144/142K 257 1017 476 3093 7.50 6.75, 8.25
Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. Note: The availability of products shown in this document may vary from country to country. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for
local availability. Some tyres carry a second load/speed index marking which indicates additional operational possibilities.

14 15
Winter Operation

Winter Steer Axle Winter Drive Axle Winter Steer Axle

901ZS M+S
Winter steer axle tyre (“Winter Front”) engineered with innovative “Zenvironment”
Winter drive axle tyre developed using advanced
Multi-purpose, all-season tyre
technologies for ordinal paved road operation. technologies from YOKOHAMA. engineered with advanced
The tread pattern changes when approx. 50% worn and can be used all year-round with reduced The winter tread which changes when approx. 50% YOKOHAMA technologies.
vehicle down-time and tyre stock-holding. worn can be used all-year round with reduced vehicle At approximately 60% of tread wear,
Traction block tread pattern with multi-sipes enhances traction on snowy/icy roads. down-time and tyre stock holding. the tread design becomes a rib pattern
Rigid shoulder ribs with shallow open lugs deliver even wear on the steer axle.
The extra deep & wide tread design with semi-round suitable for normal highway use.
SC-Sipes (Stress-Wear Control Sipes) on block edges increase even wear.
shoulders enhances competitive mileage without The ideal combination in heavy winter
New casing compounds using Zenvironment technologies extend casing life for multi-retreads.
YOKOHAMA’s winter tyre tread compound provides fuel economy as well as mileage & winter sacrificing handling stability. conditions is TY287 on the steer axle
traction. The aggressive traction tread pattern with multi with the winter SY397 on the drive axles.
Specially-engineered sub-grooves between major blocks minimize stone penetration & retention. sipes & ISC-RIB delivers efficient traction grip The tread compound delivers traction
under icy, snow and wet conditions. on wet and snowy surfaces and extends
1 Pattern when new W mileage.
315/80R22.5 385/55R22.5
385/65R22.5 D 3 D


Pattern when new Pattern when new TYRE SIZE TYRE SIZE
DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) Pattern when 70% worn DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
315/80R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 315/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
385/55R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 2 295/80R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
385/65R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 4 315/70R22.5 3.0 mm 7.0 mm
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. 1 Extra deep & wide Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Recut depth listed is maximum value. Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Pattern when 70% worn Pattern when 70% worn Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. tread design Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
Pattern after regrooved
2 Semi-round shoulders
3 Aggressive traction
pattern with multi sipes
Pattern after regrooved Pattern after regrooved

Winter Transport
Overall Overall Loaded Rolling (mm) Measuring Opt.
SIZE PTN LI/SS Width (mm) Diameter (mm) Radius (mm) Circ.+ -2% Rim (inch) Rim (inch)
1 Steer Axle
All Year-Round Application Performance 2 315/80R22.5 156/150K 314 1083 503 3281 9.00 9.75
Brand-new Stage TREAD PATTERN WORN-OUT Stage 385/55R22.5 901ZS 158L, (160J) 380 999 462 3021 12.25 11.75
385/65R22.5 158L, (160J) 378 1076 500 3261 11.75 12.25
Brand-new Stage


11R22.5 148/145L 275 1055 493 3206 8.25 7.50
3 4 5 6
12R22.5 152/148L 296 1085 506 3294 9.00 8.25
275/70R22.5 148/145L 277 969 451 2939 8.25 7.50
25% 295/80R22.5 152/148L 300 1056 491 3201 9.00 8.25
1 The tread pattern changes when approx. 50% worn
25% 315/80R22.5 156/150K 312 1083 502 3278 9.00 9.75

2 YOKOHAMA’s winter tread compound

Winter Performance 3 Specially-engineered Sub-groove Design
Drive Axle
50% Grip on snowy/icy road 4 Traction Blocks with Multi-sipes 275/70R22.5 148/145L 283 974 455 2959 8.25 7.50
5 SC-Sipes on block edges 315/70R22.5 154/150L, (152/148M) 315 1029 477 3115 9.00 9.75
All Season Performance 6 Rigid Shoulder Ribs with Shallow Open Lugs 295/80R22.5 152/148L 300 1064 494 3223 9.00 8.25

315/80R22.5 SY397 154/150M, (156/150L) 314 1092 504 3299 9.00 9.75
75% Wet Traction Lower Noise
Smooth Ride 12R22.5 152/148L 296 1093 510 3319 9.00 8.25
75% Note: The availability of products shown in this document may vary from country to country. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for local
Tyre size: 385/65R22.5 availability. Some tyres carry a second load/speed index marking which indicates additional operational possibilities.

Scandinavian Trailer

MY507M+S TY303T M+S

MY507T M+S
Scandinavian Trailer
SIZE PTN LI/SS Overall Overall Loaded Rolling (mm) Measuring Opt.
Width (mm) Diameter (mm) Radius (mm) Circ.+ -2% Rim (inch) Rim (inch)
Scandinavian Trailer
275/70R22.5 MY507 148/145K 277 968 450 2934 8.25 7.50
265/70R19.5 MY507T 143/141J 260 873 405 2644 7.50 6.75, 8.25
265/70R19.5 TY303T 143/141J 262 875 407 2653 7.50 6.75, 8.25
Note: The availability of products shown in this document may vary from country to country. Please consult your YOKOHAMA distributor for local
availability. Some tyres carry a second load/speed index marking which indicates additional operational possibilities.
16 17
Additional Regrooving Procedures NOTES

Regional Haul Operation

73 80 87 91 94 98 102
S 3520 3735
7.50R15 133/130
D 6650 7055
S 4275 4540
8.25R15 142/141
Pattern when new Drive Axle Trailer Axle D 8310 8820
S 2220 2395 2570
8R17.5 117/116

TY303M+S Y785R
D 4320 4665 5000
Pattern when new
S 2425 2620 2805 2900
8.5R17.5 121/120
D 4685 5055 5420 5600
Pattern when 70% worn S 4395 4665
W 10R17.5 143/141
D 8310 8820
D Pattern when 70% worn S 2315 2495 2675 2855 3030
W 205/75R17.5 124/122
D 4340 4680 5020 5350 5680
S 3520 3735
DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) 135/133
265/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm DIMENSION OF RECUT
D 6650 7055
Pattern after regrooved TYRE SIZE
285/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm Pattern after regrooved DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) 2600 2805 3005 3205 3400
305/70R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 750R15 2.5 mm 7.0 mm D 4890 5275 5655 6030 6400
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. Regrooved pattern is shown in black. S 4295 4560
Recut depth listed is maximum value. Recut depth listed is maximum value. 143/141
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. D 8120 8615
S 3475 3685
D 6600 7005
S 4155 4410
D 8070 8560
Pattern when new 245/70R19.5
All Positions All Positions S 3700 3930
Pattern when new 136/134
D 7010 7435
Y793R RY103 265/70R19.5
S 4075 4345 4610
Pattern when 70% worn 140/138
W D 7690 8200 8700
Pattern when 70% worn W S 5165 5480
D 9710 10305
S 4625 4905
TYRE SIZE D 8635 9160
DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W) Pattern after regrooved 275/70R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm S 6050 6420
Pattern after regrooved 12.00R20 154/150
9R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 275/80R22.5 2.0 mm 7.0 mm D 10810 11470
10R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 315/80R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 160 S 7360
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. Regrooved pattern is shown in black. 365/80R20
Recut depth listed is maximum value. Recut depth listed is maximum value. 158 S 6860 7275
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
S 3700 3930
9R22.5 136/134
D 7010 7435
S 4240 4520 4795
10R22.5 144/142
D 8020 8555 9075
S 5220 5565 5905
D 9535 10165 10785
S 4770 5085 5395
11R22.5 148/145
D 8780 9360 9930
S 4275 4540
D 8550 9080
S 5730 6080
12R22.5 152/148
D 10165 10785
S 6305 6690
D 10810 11470
S 5675 6050 6420
D 10140 10810 11470
S 5155
285/60R22.5 148/145
D 9485
S 5165 5480
295/60R22.5 150/147
D 9480 10060
S 5475 5805
315/60R22.5 152/148
D 9710 10305
S 4235 4495
255/70R22.5 140/137
D 7790 8270
S 5475 5805
D 9710 10305
S 4855 5155
D 8940 9485
S 5475 5805
D 9710 10305
S 5405 5735
D 10165 10785
S 5780 6135
D 10330 10960
S 5730 6080
D 10165 10785
S 5245 5565
275/80R22.5 149/146
D 9680 10275
S 6050 6420
D 10810 11470
S 5730 6080
D 10165 10785
S 6455 6850
D 11075 11750
S 6200 6575
D 11075 11750
160 S 6935 7360
158 S 6860 7275
160 S 6935 7360
158 S 6860 7275
425/65R22.5 165 S 8510 9030
169 S 9485
168 S 9035 9590
S 6950 7375
12.00R24 156/153
18 D 12685 13460
This table shows the load capacity (kg) per axle at tyre pressure (kPa / bar / psi) for normal operation.
Some vehicle operations require specialized inflation pressure. Please contact your YOKOHAMA distributor for details.

Additional Regrooving Procedures
kPa / bar / psi
725 750
Regional Haul Operation
105 109 112 116 120 123 127 131
3945 4155 4360
7455 7850 8240
4795 5050 5300
Pattern when new
9320 9810
Drive Axle 10300
Trailer Axle

TY303M+S Pattern when new

Pattern when 70% worn 5190 5450
9320 9810 10300
3200 D Pattern when 70% worn
3945 TYRE
4155SIZE 4360 D
7455 7850
265/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 8240 DIMENSION OF RECUT
Pattern after regrooved TYRE SIZE
285/70R19.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm Pattern after regrooved DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
305/70R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 750R15 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
4820 5075pattern is shown in black.
Regrooved 5325 5450 Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
Recut depth listed is maximum value. Recut depth listed is maximum value.
9105 9585
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. 10065 10300 Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
3895 4000
7405 7600
4660 4905 5150
9045 9525 10000
4150 All
4370 Positions
4480 Pattern when new All Positions
Pattern when new
7855 8275 8480
9320 Y793R
10300 RY103
4870 5000
9195 9440 Pattern when 70% worn W
Pattern when 70% worn
5790 6100 W 6400 6700 D
10890 11465 12035
D 12600
5185 5460 5730 6000 DIMENSION OF RECUT
9680 10195 DIMENSION OF RECUT 10700 11200 DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)
6785 7145 DEPTH (D) WIDTH (W)7500 Pattern after regrooved 275/70R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
Pattern after regrooved
12125 127659R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm13400 275/80R22.5 2.0 mm 7.0 mm
7780 10R22.5
8190 2.5 mm 7.0 mm 9000 315/80R22.5 2.5 mm 7.0 mm
Regrooved pattern is shown in black. Regrooved pattern is shown in black.
7690 8100
Recut depth listed is maximum value. 8500 Recut depth listed is maximum value.
Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance. Recut width listed has +-1 mm tolerance.
4150 4370 4480
7855 8275 8480
5065 5335 5600
9590 10100 10600
6245 6575 6900
11400 12005 12600
5700 6000 6300
10495 11050 11600
4795 5050 5300
9590 10100 10600
6425 6765 7100
11400 12005 12600
7070 7445 7815 8000
12125 12765 13400
6785 7145 7500
12125 12765 13400
5445 5735 6020 6300
10025 10555 11080 11600
5790 6100 6400 6700
10630 11195 11750 12300
6135 6460 6785 7100
10890 11465 12035 12600
4750 5000
8735 9200
6135 6460 6785 7100
10890 11465 12035 12600
5445 5735 6020 6300
10025 10555 11080 11600
6135 6460 6785 7100
10890 11465 12035 12600
6060 6385 6700
11400 12005 12600
6480 6825 7165 7500
11580 12195 12800 13400
6425 6765 7100
11400 12005 12600
5880 6190 6500
10855 11430 12000
6785 7145 7500
12125 12765 13400
6425 6765 7100
11400 12005 12600
7240 7620 8000
12415 13075 13400
6950 7320 7500
12415 13075 13400
7780 8190 8600 9000
7690 8100 8500
7780 8190 8600 9000
7690 8100 8500
9545 10050 10300
10025 10555 11080 11600
10135 10670 11200
7795 8000
18 14220 14600

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