Promo Church Hlspreaster 2013
Promo Church Hlspreaster 2013
Promo Church Hlspreaster 2013
Hal Leonard welcomes you to explore
a variety of exciting new releases for
Spring and Easter. From traditional
worship to modern praise, Hal Leonard
has something for every church music
ministry. We are pleased to present to
you a wide selection of new anthems,
including a new selection for church
orchestra, a new musical, cantata and Full Color ProCess
white Flood
tracks with any mp3 player, such Do not duplicate. Not for resale.
as an iPod.
i Session
Whenever you see the Closer Look icon at NEW this year, visit our online reading Full choral arrangements, instrumental, just click it to session at accompaniments and mp3 audio for most
preview sample pages, audio excerpts, and/ iSession. This innovative new technology new publications are available for digital
or video clips. will allow you to see the music and hear download at
the recordings of the latest titles from
Hal Leonard catalogs, including alternate
voicings, at your convenience!
order today!
Visit to order
all the titles featured here and more from any music retailer.
For more information on our church publications, please call toll-free
1-800-962-8584 or send an email to
New Music for Traditional Worship
from Brookfield Press
Praise The Lord! Ask Ye What
Sing Hallelujah 1 great Thing I Know 5
arr. John Leavitt John Purifoy
Leavitt’s setting of this Early American This standard hymn text is given a
tune is full of color and contrast and fresh treatment here by John Purifoy.
will make for a memorable worship Flowing lines and beautiful harmonies
or concert moment. will make this a memorable experience
00103645 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.90 for your choir.
00103646 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99 00103678 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.90
00103647 Orchestra
(Print and Digital)����������������� $55.00
Receive a Preview Pak
(SATB choral book and preview CD)
of our new cantata for only $5!
Call 1-800-962-8584
Limit 1 per church or director. Expires 1/31/2013.
new music
from hal leonard sacred
The Golden Harp What God
J.P. Reese/arr. Stan Pethel 14 Has Planned 16
Stan Pethel gives this Sacred Harp Gary Bonner
tune special treatment making it Choral Series
a delight for choirs of any size. Mark Hayes
00102425 SATB�������������������������������$1.90
Choirs will be thrilled to learn this
new Mark Hayes work, which we
proudly present as part of the Gary
Bonner Choral Series.
00111661 SATB div. ����������������������$2.25
00111662 ChoirTrax CD����������� $26.99
00111663 Orchestra (CD-ROM
and Digital)��������������� $55.00
New Music for Blended Worship
from Daybreak Music
Hymn to the Cross Before the Throne
arr. Keith Christopher 29 of God Above 33
Although an obscure hymn, this ageless (with “When I Survey
text finds a beautiful marriage with the Wondrous Cross”)
the Londonderry Air tune. This is a arr. Lloyd Larson
gem that has been mined and put into This modern worship song has become
choral form! a standard for both choirs and congre-
00102563 SATB (opt. a cappella)������$1.90 gations. Lloyd Larson’s arrangement
is classic in itself and creatively incor-
porates the traditional hymn “When I
Survey the Wondrous Cross.”
08749007 SATB�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80
08749018 SAB����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80
08749008 ChoirTrax CD���������������������������������������������������������������������������� $24.95
It Is Finished
Susan Boersma/David Lantz III 30 00102488 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)������������������������������������� $55.00
Abide with Me
arr. Anna Laura Page 31
Anna Laura Page has taken this hymn Hosanna
classic and put it into a lovely setting (Praise Is Rising) 35
for choir, solo handbells and flute. Paul Baloche/Brenton Brown
Instrumental parts included. arr. Vicki Tucker Courtney
08754803 SATB������������������������������������������$1.95 Usable any time of year, this Paul
00102360 BonusTrax CD�������������������� $29.99 Baloche song can be effective as a call
to worship or choral anthem.
00101861 SATB������������������������������������������$1.95
00101862 ChoirTrax CD��������������������� $26.99
00101863 Woodwinds/Percussion/Strings
(CD-ROM and Digital)���� $35.00
The Banner
of the Cross 32 I Need Thee
arr. Mark Edwards Every Hour 36
Mark Edwards’ setting of this hymn Vicki Tucker Courtney
standard is upbeat and appropriate Vicki Tucker Courtney has taken this
for the Easter season or any other beloved text and set it to a moving
celebration time of year. and contemplative tune that will
00110288 SATB������������������������������������������$1.90 speak to choirs and congregations
00110290 ChoirTrax CD��������������������� $26.99 of our generation.
00110291 Orchestra 00101800 SATB������������������������������������������$1.90
(CD-ROM and Digital)���� $55.00 00101801 ChoirTrax CD��������������������� $26.99
00101802 Woodwinds/Strings
(Digital)�������������������������������� $35.00
Like a River Glorious Shout to the North
Frances Havergal/Ralph Manuel 37 Martin Smith/arr. James Koerts 41
Ralph Manuel’s setting of this uplifting An incredible message of mission is
hymn is full or harmonic and colorful proclaimed in this uplifting and engag-
contrasts. You will find this accessible ing song arranged by James Koerts.
to choirs of all sizes. Includes optional flute and violin parts,
00102427 SATB������������������������������������������$1.90 which will add an fresh element of
color and excitement to this outstand-
ing rendition.
00102359 SATB������������������������������������������$1.95
00102360 BonusTrax CD�������������������� $29.99
Show Us Christ
Praise to the King 42
arr. Keith Christopher 38 arr. Daniel Grassi
This sensitive text and tune is beauti-
Full of energy and excitement, this fully arranged by Daniel Grassi. You
contemporary song in neo-classical will find this effective for communion
style will find a place in services for and many other services as well.
the Easter season and beyond.
00102670 SATB������������������������������������������$1.95
00102347 SATB������������������������������������������$1.95
00102348 ChoirTrax CD��������������������� $26.99
00102349 Woodwinds/Percussion/Strings
(CD-ROM and Digital)���� $35.00
Bonustrax CD
BonusTrax are value-packed accompaniment CDs.
Remember Me
Mark Schultz/arr. James Koerts 39 In addition to being an excellent performance accompaniment
option, they’re valuable rehearsal tools in a pianist’s absence,
Appropriate for communion or for sectional rehearsals, or as a performance demonstra-
commitment, this Mark Schultz song tion. Titles include: Abide with Me (arr. Page), An Easter Carol
has become a timeless classic for this (Pethel), It Is Finished (Boersma/Lantz), Shout to the North
worship generation. (arr. Koerts), This Is the Day of Resurrection! (Frombach/Lantz),
00101803 SATB������������������������������������������$1.95 What Wondrous Love Is This (arr. Harlan).
00101804 ChoirTrax CD��������������������� $26.99
00101805 Woodwinds/Strings 00102360 BonusTrax CD (Vol. 11, No. 2)������������������������������������������� $29.99
(CD-ROM and Digital)���� $35.00
My Redeemer Lives
Reuben Morgan/arr. Marty Parks 40
Reuben Morgan’s popular praise song
is put into stellar choral form by Marty
Parks. Appropriate for the Easter sea-
son or any time of year in celebration
of the Redeemer.
00102489 SAB��������������������������������������������$1.95
00102490 ChoirTrax CD��������������������� $26.99
00102491 Brass/Rhythm (Digital)� $35.00
New Music for Contemporary Worship
from praisesong
10,000 Reasons Glorious Day
(Bless the Lord) 43 (Living He Loved Me) 47
Jonas Myrin/Matt Redman Mark Hall/Michael Bleaker
arr. Heather Sorenson arr. Mary McDonald
This strong worship song has already This hugely popular song by Casting
become a staple in congregational rep- Crowns incorporates the words of a
ertoire. This fantasic choral setting by traditional hymn and is set off by their
Heather Sorenson will be embraced by energetic and engaging new tune.
your choir. 00101356 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.90
00102343 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95 00101357 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99
00102344 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99 00101358 Orchestra
00102345 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00
(CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00 He Hideth My Soul
Fanny Crosby/arr. Cliff Duren 48
Burdens Are Lifted Cliff Duren has taken this immortal hymn
at Calvary 44
and fashioned it into a contemporary style
John Moore/arr. Keith Christopher that will be accessible to a variety of choirs
A gospel standard is given new life with and meaningful to any congregation.
a new meter and a contemporary feel. 00101781 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.90
An optional soloist sets the musical stage 00101782 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99
for this uplifting and encouraging anthem 00101783 Orchestra
of praise. (CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00
08754821 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95
08754822 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99 Jesus, Son of God
08754823 Orchestra
Chris Tomlin/Matt Maher/ 49
(CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00
Jason Ingram/arr. Richard Kingsmore
Featuring a soloist, Richard Kingsmore’s
Come, Thou Fount setting of this modern song is an
of Every Blessing 45 affirmation of praise to the Father.
arr. Heather Sorenson 00102163 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95
Heather Sorenson puts a new spin on 00102164 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99
00102165 Orchestra
this ancient hymn, making it appealing (CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00
for choirs of any size. The contemporary
flavor in this arrangement will make it
workable for a variety of congregations. Let All the People
Jennie Lee Riddle/ 50
00101785 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.90
00101786 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99 Don Poythress/arr. Mark Brymer
00101788 Orchestra This celebratory anthem is upbeat and
(CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00 energetic, making for a terrific service
opening. You may find this especially useful
From the Inside Out
Joel Houston/arr. Heather Sorenson 46 for a contemporary Palm Sunday service.
00114435 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95
There is a deep and personal message 00114441 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99
for each listener and singer in this 00114445 Orchestra
inspirational song of worship. (CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00
00102422 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95
The Lord’s Prayer
00102423 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99
Jennie Lee Riddle 51
00102424 Orchestra
(CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00 arr. Mark Brymer
This modern setting of the model prayer
will be a welcome addition to your choral
library and will be useful in a variety of
worship settings.
00110265 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95
00110266 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99
00110267 Woodwinds/Rhythm/Strings
(CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $35.00
My Dear Redeemer, Rushin’ in Like
Lord and King 52 a Mighty Wind! 53
Lowell Alexander/Orrin Hatch Lowell Alexander/arr. Keith Christopher
arr. Robert Sterling With an optional Scripture reading at
Here is a lovely prayer of adoration the beginning, this is a perfect choice for
to our Lord and King. Robert Sterling’s Pentecost Sunday. Also usable at any time
arrangement is both appealing of the year, celebrating the Holy Spirit
and accessible. working in our lives.
00102702 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95 00102699 SATB�����������������������������������������������$1.95
00102703 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99 00102700 ChoirTrax CD�������������������������� $26.99
00102704 Oboe/Strings (Digital)�������� $30.00 00102701 Orchestra
(CD-ROM and Digital)��������� $55.00
Call 1-800-962-8584
Limit 1 per church or director. Expires 1/31/2013.
New Musical
from PraiseSong
Jesus Changed Everything 59-67
Featuring songs by Jennie Lee Riddle
arr. Mark Brymer
Based on songs written and/or co-written by award-winning songwriter Jennie Lee Riddle,
this contemporary Easter work will point your choir and congregation to Jesus – the One
who changed everything. Titles include: It Is Finished; Let All the People; Let Our Worship
Rise; The Lord’s Prayer; O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus; Revelation Song; This Changes
Everything; Water.
• Features new contemporary songs by Jennie Lee Riddle, Matt Papa, Don Poythress,
and more
• Accessible, yet fulfilling contemporary harmonies and rhythms
• Practical application of the Easter story
00103672 SATB������������������������������������������������� $7.95 00103676 Woodwinds/Rhythm/Strings
00103673 Preview CD����������������������������������$16.99 (CD-ROM)������������������������������������$195.00
00103674 ChoirTrax CD�����������������������������$49.99 00103677 Rhythm Parts (CD-ROM)���������$75.00
00103675 Rehearsal Trax (CD)���������������$69.99 00110199 Preview Pak (CD)������������������������$16.00
(Contains one SATB book and one
preview CD. Limit one per church.)
Receive a Preview Pak
(SATB choral book and preview CD)
of our new MUSICAL for only $5!
Call 1-800-962-8584
Limit 1 per church or director. Expires 1/31/2013.
Best-selling Anthems
from Integrity Choral
At the Cross (Hallelujah) O for a Thousand
Glenn Packiam/Matthew Fallentine Charles Wesley/Ralph Hudson/Thomas Miller
arr. Harold Ross arr. Keith Christopher
There’s a place for heavy souls, where grace A familiar hymn is dressed up in contemporary
abounds and healing flows, and the lost are attire here in this appealing and accessible setting.
welcomed home – at the cross. 08753410 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90
08753398 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 08753411 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99
08753399 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99 08753412 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)��������$69.95
08753400 Orchestration (CD-ROM and Digital)���$69.95
When the Stars Burn Down To the Cross
(Blessing and Honor) Paul Baloche/Jason Ingram/arr. Camp Kirkland
Jennie Lee Riddle/Jonathan Lee/arr. Camp Kirkland Where can we go, but to the cross? For there our
When the stars burn down and the earth wears shame is washed away. So we run to the cross
out and we stand before the throne, we’ll be and surrender all so Christ can be our everything.
singing blessing and honor and power forever This warm setting by Camp Kirkland will provide
to our God. a significant opportunity to worship.
08753431 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 08752388 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90
08753432 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99 08752389 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99
08753433 Orchestration (CD-ROM and Digital)���$69.95 08752390 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)������$69.95
Great I Am Not Unto Us
Jared Anderson/arr. Cliff Duren Michael Neale/arr. Michael Neale and Jay Rouse
The desire of our heart is to be close to the All creation joins to sing, “Not unto us, O Lord,
God who is the great I AM. None is worthy, but unto Your name be all honor and glory,
none beside Thee, the great I AM. wisdom and strength, power and blessing – unto
08753407 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 Your name all praise!” This ballad is full of energy
08753408 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99
08753409 Orchestration (CD-ROM and Digital)���$69.95 in this arrangement by Jay Rouse and songwriter
Michael Neale.
08747257 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.80
O the Blood 08747259 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$24.95
Thomas Miller/Mary Elizabeth Miller 08747258 Orchestration��������������������������������������������$69.95
arr. Camp Kirkland
O the blood of Jesus washes me. What a sacrifice Bless the Lord
that saved my life. Yes, the blood, Jared Anderson/Don Poythress/Heather Land/
it is my victory. Anthony Skinner/arr. Richard Kingsmore
08753413 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 We’ll sing an anthem to His beautiful name,
08753414 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99
08753415 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)��������$69.95 join the heavens, let the earth proclaim, bless
the Lord!
In Christ Alone 08753401 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90
(with “The Solid Rock”) 08753402 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99
arr. Travis Cottrell 08753403 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)��������$69.95
This arrangement comes from the Alive Forever
collection. Cottrell has arranged the new modern Your Great Name
hymn by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend with Michael Neale/Krissy Nordhoff/arr. Harold Ross
a more traditional statement of The Solid Rock Harold Ross has arranged and orchestrated this
to make a great declaration that in Christ alone anthem written by Michael Neale and Krissy
we have the assurance and strength that we need Nordhoff, proclaiming the strength that we find
for each day. in the great name of Jesus.
08747411 SATB���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 08750437 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90
08747414 CD Accompaniment Trax������������������������������������������������������������$24.95 08750438 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99
08747413 Orchestration������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$69.95 08750439 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)�������� $69.99
Praise Is the Offering
Sion Alford/Shannon Alford/Glenn Packiam By the Grace of God
arr. Daniel Semsen Johnny Vogt/arr. Richard Kingsmore
Lord, we come to worship You; Lord, we bow By the grace of God we can sing for joy and
our hearts in awe. By Your love we are redeemed; celebrate, dance with those who once were
We are Yours and You’re our God. lame, by the grace of God alone.
08753422 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90 08753404 SATB������������������������������������������������������������������$1.90
08753423 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99 08753405 CD Accompaniment Trax���������������������$26.99
08753424 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)��������$69.95 08753406 Orchestra (CD-ROM and Digital)��������$69.95
New Music
from Fred Bock Music Company
Arise! O Sanctissima
Jim Lucas arr. Doug Andrews
From the creative pen of Jim Lucas comes a won- Also known as a Christmas hymn “Sicilian
derful setting of Isaiah’s prophetic vision of God’s Mariners,” the tune is familiar to most. Doug
redemption for Israel. Complete with a powerful Andrews’ setting is beckoning. The vocal lines are
organ accompaniment and triumphant brass, simple yet interesting, especially with the hint of
this anthem is a strong general worship selection the gentle jazz harmonies he incorporates.
extolling God’s power to redeem and transform.
08754627 SATB���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$2.35 08754609 SATB���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$2.10
08754628 Brass Parts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$25.00
New Music
from Gentry Publications, Pavane Publishing and More!
Bright Mansions There Is No Rose Count On It!
arr. K. Lee Scott of Such Virtue Kevin Memley
Gentry Publications Thomas Hale Pavane Publishing
08754617 SSAA a cappella��������������������������$1.95 National Music Publishers 08301938 SATB a
08753271 2-Part������������������������������������������������$1.95 cappella����$2.35
Daniel, Servant
of the Lord Weep Mine Eyes
arr. Stacey V. Gibbs Vijay Singh
Fred Bock Music Company National Music Publishers
08754059 SATB a cappella����������������������������$2.35 08754624 SSAA��������������������������������������������������$2.10
O Nata Lux,
Effortlessly The First Day Light Born
David Dickau of Spring of Light
Gentry Publications Keith Loftis Kevin Memley
08754618 SSAATTBB a cappella����������������$2.35 ed. Judith Herrington Pavane Publishing
08301952 SATB�����������$2.35
Hold On! Pavane Publishing
08301936 2-Part���������$2.10
arr. Stacey Gibbs
Gentry Publications
08753147 SSAA a cappella���������������������������$2.35 O Vos Omnes
Shout for Joy And Give Richard Burchard
Martin Bass You Peace Pavane Publishing
arr. David Das Allan Robert Petker 08301953 SATB divisi a
Gentry Publications cappella����$2.10
Pavane Publishing
08754600 SATB a 08301944 SATB�����������$2.10
There Is
Shout Glory! A Melody No Rose of
Byron Smith Calling My Such Virtue
Gentry Publications Name Kevin A. Memley
08739172 SATB�����������$2.25 Allan Robert Petker Pavane Publishing
John Rich Music Press 08301958 SATB div. a
08301939 SATB�����������$2.35
Ubi Caritas
Somebody Talkin’
‘bout Jesus Lift Up Richard Burchard
Your Voices Pavane Publishing
arr. Stacey Gibbs 08301937 SATB div. a cap-
Gentry Publications Allan Robert Petker pella��������������$2.35
08754601 SSAATTBB a cappella $2.35 John Rich Music Press
08301941 SATB�����������$2.35
What Can I Give Him
Tim Sharp
Gentry Publications
08754620 SATB��������������������������������������������������$2.35 When Music
Take My Life Sounds
In a Far and Let It Be Nancy Hill Cobb
Judean City Kevin A. Memley Pavane Publishing
Abbie Burt Betinis John Rich Music Press 08301961 SATB a
H.T. FitzSimons Company 08301943 SATB�����������$2.10 cappella�����$2.35
08749952 SATB a
Ave Maria
Amazing Grace — Gratia Plena
Jazz and Blues Variations Giulio Caccini
arr. Dan Bishop arr. Larry Nickel
National Music Publishers Pavane Publishing
08754621 SATB a cappella����������������������������$1.95 08301945 SATB�����������$2.10
08754622 SSAA a cappella���������������������������$1.95
Worship Resources
from Hal Leonard
The Worship Guitar Worship Songs for Ukulele
Anthology – Volume 1 2 5 church favorites arranged for uke, includ-
This collection contains melody, lyrics & ing: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) •
chords for 100 contemporary favorites, such Blessed Be Your Name • Come, Now Is the Time
as: Beautiful One • Forever • Here I Am to to Worship • Everyday • God of Wonders • Here
Worship • Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) • How I Am to Worship • How Great Is Our God • Lord,
He Loves • In Christ Alone • Mighty to Save I Lift Your Name on High • Mighty to Save •
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Joanne May Sandy Hoffman
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New Music from Brookfield Press 37 Like a River Glorious Featuring music from
1 Praise the Lord! Sing Hallelujah 38 Praise to the King
2 Processional of Praise to the King 39 Remember Me these outstanding catalogs:
3 An Easter Carol 40 My Redeemer Lives
4 What Wondrous Love Is This 41 Shout to the North
5 Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know 42 Show Us Christ
6 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
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New Cantata from Brookfield Press 45 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
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