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2020 Mart Sosyal-135650

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1. Although Søren Kierkegaard is widely 4. Almost all we know of Siddhartha Gautama's

regarded as the father of existentialism, his -- life comes from biographies written by his
- as an important thinker was long delayed. followers centuries after his death, and which
differ ---- in many details.
A) reluctance
A) sustainably
B) redundancy
B) coincidentally
C) recognition
C) widely
D) rebellion
D) gradually
E) rejection
E) efficiently

5. Originating from the 17th-century pleasure

gardens of France, amusement parks are
2. Toronto is known worldwide for its
controlled environments that ---- Visitors
multicultural ----, which provides one of the
through the simulation of space, place and
most important reasons to visit the city.
A) composition
A) entertain
B) endurance
B) threaten
C) obstacle
C) protect
D) implementation
D) respect
E) destruction
E) interrupt

3. Song and dance are the ---- elements of

6. Hunter-gatherer societies usually ---- bands
ballet, which distinguishes it from theatre, in
of approximately 50 individuals who are
which song and dance may be present, but
related to each other through marriage or
are not necessary elements.
some other ceremonies.
A) sufficient
A) fall behind
B) fragile
B) put on
C) temporary
C) bring down
D) essential
D) consist of
E) vague
E) come through


7. Most sociologists ---- that over the past 11. Most theories of development attempt to
decades, the concept of family ---- significant define the social, economic, or political
and rapid changes. conditions ---- which humans are able to live -
A) should agree / would undergo --- dignity and fulfilment.

B) agree/has undergone A) for/onto

C) need to agree / had undergone B) through / from

D) might agree / used to undergo C) around / across
E) had agreed / will have undergone D) under / with

E) above / along
8. Though it is now part of Greater London,
Hampstead in England ---- once a separate
village, and it --- a village character to this
A) would be / will retain
B) has been/is retaining 12. Many supermarkets place high-demand items
C) had been / retained such as milk in the back of the store M-
D) is / has retained consumers will need to walk through the
entire store and perhaps purchase extra
E) was/ retains items.

A) before
9. Archaeological sites can develop ---- great or
small amounts of time and space, and ---- B) so that
large or small actions of humans and nature. C) as if
A) in / above D) until
B) over / through
E) as soon as
C) for/ on
D) from / at
E) along / beyond

10. The Enlightenment was a period 13. ---- access to technology resources was
characterised by a decline ---- religious previously cited as the most challenging
authority and the replacement of the medieval obstacle for teachers, the lack of time to learn
focus on the next world by a greater new programmes and to infuse them in their
emphasis ---- mankind's place in this world. teaching is currently seen as a major
A) off/to
B) for/ at A) Since

C) from / with B) Whereas

D) about / by C) In case
E) in / upon D) As if

E) Whenever


14. There are about 30 species of coffee, ---- only 18. ---print media which enables adults to have
two species provide most of the world market some control over the kinds of information
with coffee. children could access, visual media signals
the end to such control.
A) as
A) Due to
B) or
B) Similar to
C) otherwise
C) Along with
D) so
D) As a consequence of
E) but
E) In contrast to

15. When first introduced, gasoline-powered

vehicles remarkably impacted the delivery of
newspapers ---- they could be distributed
throughout cities and rural areas to more
readers more quickly.

A) unless
19. In ancient Rome, pearls were ---- rare and
B) because expensive ---- they were reserved almost
C) before exclusively for the noble and affluent.

D) just as A) whether or

E) although B) as/as

C) so/that

16. ---- the ancient Greeks did not invent the style D) either / or
of sandals, they created many types of them
E) such / that
such as leather ones.

A) As

B) Even though

C) If

D) Once

E) Given that 20. The Orkney Islands are situated in the path of
the warm Gulf Stream, ---- Continuously
washes nutrients ashore and keeps the
17. In 2000, the total value of goods and services winters relatively mild.
exchanged between countries - international
trade was roughly $6.9 trillion. A) which

A) contrary to B) where

B) instead of C) when

C) on behalf of D) how

D) rather than E) what

E) as a result of


Water is essential for life, not only in terms of its 23.

biological utility, but also for its social, economic,
health, technical, financial, and political dimensions. A) might have been treated
(21) ---, historically, the availability of a domestic B) would have been treated
water supply has been a significant factor in the
development of civilisations. If naturally occurring C) must be treated
freshwater is polluted as a result of human activities,
various processes are (22) ---- to convert the raw D) is able to be treated
water to a quality fit for a particular use, such as E) could have been treated
drinking in most cases, because of high levels of
pollution by humans, water (23) --- before and after
its use. The behaviour of humans (24) ---- their
consumption of water also has historical,
geographical, and cultural dimensions. Water has
various uses, including agricultural, recreational,
industrial, and domestic. (25) --- a limited amount of
usable water, there is competition, sometimes
tension, among various water users. Both market-
oriented and hierarchy-based rules are used to
distribute water among its various consumers.
A) prior to

B) regarding

C) despite
D) for the sake of
A) However

B) Even so E) except for

C) Instead

D) For instance

E) In contrast

22. A) Towards
A) required
B) Into
B) reversed
C) From
C) received
D) Above
D) disrupted
E) With
E) eliminated


Public-private partnerships may not always seem to 28.

be a desirable solution at first. Most organisations A) bring back
prefer to stay on paths they know well, (26) ---- goals
and work practices with other groups that think and B) call off
act like them - governments working with C) engage in
governments, businesses with businesses, and non-
profit groups with non-profit groups. Governments D) take away
and private firms have long worked together under E) find out
simple arrangements, (27) --- government purchase
of products produced by the private sector. However,
both parties often hesitate to (28) ---- more complex
relationships. Governments are frequently concerned
that private businesses will take advantage of them,
(29) ---- businesses often consider government
approaches to be burdensome and a waste of time.
Therefore, it is useful to allow some time for trust to
be established (30) --- the key partners.

A) while

26. B) so
A) having been shared C) for
B) sharing D) given that
C) to be shared E) only if
D) being shared

E) to have shared

A) except for 30.
A) along
B) despite
B) behind
C) rather than
C) against
D) such as
D) at
E) as opposed to
E) among


31. Although American community colleges have 33. ----, while public universities receive a
existed since the late 19th century, ---- mixture of state appropriations and student
A) little sociological attention has been paid to
these institutions until recently A) Universities are very labour intensive, with
the major portion of expenditures being
B) many scholars view them as a great invention
devoted to salaries and benefits
of US higher education
B) Public and private enterprises have some
C) they have made post-secondary education
specialised accounts for the unique functions
accessible to many Americans
of those institutions
D) they have been accepting students from all
C) Most private universities depend heavily on
around the world for master's degree
student tuition as the major source of revenue
E) they have had several important functions
D) The objectives of public colleges and
throughout its history
universities differ from those of commercial

E) The primary sources of revenue vary

depending on whether an institution is public
or private

32. Even though online shopping has become

extremely popular all over the globe, ----
34. Even though the 17th-century French
A) some online platforms ensure that their philosopher René Descartes has been
consumers personal information remain remembered primarily for his contributions to
confidential philosophy, ----
B) not only teenagers but also young adults are A) he was one of the leading philosophers of his
doing online shopping more frequently time
C) many industries are voluntarily following strict B) he also showed curiosity about many aspects
self-regulation processes to avoid its abuse of the natural world
D) policy guidelines for regulating and C) many people encounter Descartes only
authenticating the e-trade have been through his writings
D) his rationalistic ideas have been praised by
E) most buyers are a bit worried about placing many researchers and philosophers
their faith in faceless, online companies for
E) almost all philosophers after him were deeply
some products
influenced by his works


35. Whereas fantasy deals with the impossible, -- 37. The long tradition of Greek bronze sculpture
- started during the third millennium BC, ----

A) social and political arguments in science A) but bronze was easier to cast and stronger
fiction have been emphasised even more than pure copper
since the 1900s
B) when the advantages of using bronze in
B) the beginnings of science fiction go back to sculpture became evident
prehistoric myths and tales of fantastic
C) since bronze was an alloy made of 90
voyages and adventures
percent copper and 10 percent tin
C) science fiction stories may be set in the future
D) supposing that early Greek bronze statues
as well as in the past or even in the present
were rather simple designs
E) as sculptors employed various techniques
D) science fiction describes events that could
depending on the type of the material
actually occur according to accepted theories

E) science fiction is thought to have reached its

most characteristic modern form by the late

38. ----, Limbu, one of the ethnic languages

spoken in Nepal, is likely to be completely
extinct by the end of this century.
36. An electronic book is the result of combining
a digital text with an electronic reading device A) Although at present it is highly unlikely that
---- the next generation of speakers will be raised
in this language
A) although computers and other electronic
devices have always supported the reading of B) When today's generation of young adults
text files eventually start to show interest in their native
B) because the text coding in e-books provides
many of the features that people value in C) Whereas there are reportedly very few
printed works isolated households where this language is
still spoken today
C) while this technology offers advantages such
as keyword-searching and note-taking D) Unless necessary measures are taken to
revitalise this language through the primary
D) once the integration of printed text with school system
electronic devices has potential in education
E) Because many linguists think that the
E) so that the text can be read in the same language needs urgent grammatical
manner as a paper-based book documentation


39. Many studies report an increased tendency to 41. The first Americans were mainly hunters ----
bully in today's society ----
A) though their prey were mostly large
A) so that the Internet makes it easier for bullies herbivores such as bison and mammoths
to Project their own feelings of inadequacy
B) if the wooded environment had not provided
onto complete strangers
them with a diverse range of foods
B) because in our competitive world, people will
C) although occasional finds of plant material
do anything to inflate their fragile status,
show that they had a varied diet
including pulling others down
D) as they obtained food by cultivating a number
C) although more and more people commit
of local plants
online hate crime against other users based
on their race, religion or gender E) because this way of life survived until the
appearance of European settlers
D) given that school administrators around the
globe have developed a growing awareness
of the impact of bullying

E) since psychotherapists describe bullying as a

transfer of shame, a coping mechanism 42. Although Siberia feels far away to many
simply to suppressing our own shame by Americans, it actually sits only 90 kilometres
disgracing others from Alaska, which is separated from Asia by
the glacial waters of the Bering Strait.

A) Sibirya birçok Amerikalıya çok uzak gelse de

aslında Asya'dan Bering Boğazı'nin buzlu
suları ile ayrılan Alaska'ya yalnızca 90
kilometre uzaklıktadır.

B) Sibirya birçok Amerikalıya çok uzak

gelmektedir, ancak Asya'dan Bering
Boğazı'nin buzlu suları ile ayrılmış olan
Alaska'ya aslında sadece 90 kilometre

40. Although Freud was flexible in his own C) Bering Boğazı'nin buzlu suları ile Asya'dan
thinking, and he reformulated his own ayrılmış olan Sibirya, aslında Alaska'ya
theories multiple times, ---- sadece 90 kilometre uzaklıkta olduğu halde
pek çok Amerikalı tarafından uzak bir yer
A) he was not the first clinician to practice
olarak görülür.
D) Aslında Alaska'ya yalnızca 90 kilometre kadar
B) many of his ideas were greatly supported by
yakın olmasına rağmen birçok Amerikalı,
his contemporaries
Asya'dan Bering Boğazı'nin buzlu suları ile
C) he aspired to make psychoanalysis an ayrılmış olan Sibirya'yı çok uzak bir yer olarak
applied Science düşünmektedir.
D) he linked childhood experiences to adult E) Aslında Asya'dan Bering Boğazı'nın buzlu
emotional adjustment suları ile ayrılmış olan Alaska'ya sadece 90
kilometre uzaklıkta olsa da birçok Amerikalı
E) he was less tolerant of the divergent views of
Sibirya'yı çok uzak bir yer olarak
his followers


43. Of the many different relationships we form 45. Archaeology, which combines the
over the course of the life span, the accumulated knowledge of centuries of
relationship between parent and child is investigation, gives us the story of the human
among the most important. past on our planet.
A) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok A) Insanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin
farklı ilişkiye kıyasla ebeveynlerin çocukları ile hikâyesini sunan arkeoloji, yüzyıllar boyunca
kurdukları ilişki hepsinden çok daha süren araştırmaların sonucunda biriken bilgiyi
önemlidir. bir araya getirmektedir.
B) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok B) Arkeoloji, yüz yıllardır devam eden
farklı ilişkiden en önemli olanlarından biri de araştırmalar sonucunda biriken bilgiyi bir
ebeveyn ve çocuk arasındaki ilişkidir. araya getirmekte ve insanlığın
C) Ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki ilişki, tüm gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesini
hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok farklı sunmaktadır.
ilişki içinde en önemli olanıdır.
C) Arkeoloji, bizlere insanlığın gezegenimizdeki
D) Tüm hayatımız boyunca birçok farklı ilişki geçmişinin hikâyesini sunarken, yüzyıllardır
kurarız, ancak bunların arasında en önemlisi devam eden araştırmalar sonucu birikmiş
ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki ilişkidir. olan bilgiyi bir araya getirmektedir.
E) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok D) Yüz yıllardır devam eden araştırmalar
farklı ilişki içinde ebeveyn ile çocuk sonucunda birikmiş olan bilgiyi bir araya
arasındaki ilişki en önemlileri arasındadır. getiren arkeoloji, bizlere insanlığın
gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesini
44. The term 'urbanisation' is used to define the sunmaktadır.
economic and social changes that E) Yüzyıllar boyunca yapılan araştırmalar
accompany population concentration in sonucu biriken bilgi, arkeoloji tarafından bir
urban areas and the growth of cities. araya getirilerek bizlere insanlığın
A) Kentleşme' terimi, ekonomik ve sosyal gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesi
değişimlere bağlı olarak kentlerin sunulmaktadır.
büyümesiyle meydana gelen nüfus
yoğunluğunu tanımlamak için kullanılır.
B) Kentsel alanlardaki ekonomik ve sosyal
değişimlerini yanı sıra nüfus yoğunluğu ve
kentlerin büyümesini tanımlamak için de
'kentleşme' terimi kullanılır.
C) 'Kentleşme' terimi, kentsel alanlardaki nüfus
yoğunluğu ile kentlerin büyümesinin yol açtığı
ekonomik ve sosyal değişimleri tanımlamak
için kullanılır.
D) Kentsel alanlardaki nüfus yoğunluğu ile
kentlerin büyümesiyle birlikte oluşan
ekonomik ve sosyal değişimler, 'kentleşme'
terimi kullanılarak tanımlanır.
E) 'Kentleşme' terimi, kentsel alanlardaki nüfus
yoğunluğuna ve kentlerin büyümesine eşlik
eden ekonomik ve sosyal değişimleri
tanımlamak için kullanılır.


46. International organisations count countries 47. Although European explorers had ventured
and states as their members, and these into Asia in the 1st century AD, the first
organisations have some official role in the significant European contact with the
international system, most notably as continent began in 1498, when the
providers of collective security. Portuguese fleet of Vasco da Gama arrived in
the west coast of India.
A) Uluslararası kuruluşların, ülkeleri ve devletleri
üyeleri olarak kabul etmesinin sebebi, bu A) Avrupalı kaşifler Asya'ya MS 1. yüzyılda
kuruluşların özellikle müşterek güvenlik gitme cesaretini göstermiş olsalar da, kita ile
sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası sistemde resmi kayda değer ilk Avrupalı teması Vasco da
bir rol yüklenmiş olmalarıdır. Gama'nın Portekizli filosunun Hindistan'ın
batı kıyılarına vardığı 1498'de başlamıştır.
B) Ozellikle ülkeleri ve devletleri üye olarak
kabul eden uluslararası kuruluşlar müşterek B) Avrupalı kaşifler Asya'ya MS 1. yüzyılda
güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası sistem gitme cesaretini göstermiş olsalar da, Vasco
de resmi bir rol oynamaktadır. da Gama'nın Portekizli filosunun Hindistan'a
vardığı yıl olan 1498, kita ile kayda değer ilk
C) Uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve devletleri
Avrupalı temasinin başlangıcıdır.
üyeleri olarak görmektedir ve bu kuruluşların
özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak C) MS 1. yüzyılda Asya'ya gitme cesareti
uluslararası sistemde resmi bir rolu vardır. gösteren Avrupalı kaşiflere rağmen, kita ile
kayda değer ilk Avrupalı teması Vasco da
D) Ülkeleri ve devletleri üyeleri olarak kabul
Gama'nın Portekizli filosuyla Hindistan'ın batı
eden uluslararası kuruluşlar, özellikle
kıyılarına vardığı 1498'de gerçekleşmiştir.
müşterek güvenlik sağlayicisi olarak
uluslararası sistemde resmi bir rol D) MS 1. yüzyılda Asya'ya gitme cesareti
yüklenmiştir. gösteren Avrupalı kâşiflerden sonra, kita ile
kayda değer ilk Avrupalı teması Vasco da
E) Özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak
Gama'nın Portekizli filosunun Hindistan'ın
uluslararası sistem de resmi bir role sahip
batı kıyılarına vardığı 1498 yılında olmuştur.
olan uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve
devletleri üyeleri olarak saymaktadır. E) Avrupalı kaşifler Asya'ya MS 1. yüzyılda
gitme cesaretini göstermiş olmalarına
rağmen, kita ile kayda değer ilk Avrupali
temasının başlaması Vasco da Gama'nın
Portekizli filosunun Hindistan'ın bati kıyılarına
vardığı 1498 yılına dayanır.


48. 'Feodalizm' terimi, Avrupa'da 9. yüzyıl 50. Soru No: 50 Haçlı Seferleri sırasında Orta
civarında ortaya çıktığı iddia edilen, askeri Doğu'ya ulaşan savaşçıların arasında, yeni bir
insan gücü oluşturmayı amaçlayan siyasi ülkede yeni bir hayata başlamaya hevesli
sistemi tanımlamak için kullanılmaktadır. Avrupalı göçmenler de bulunuyordu.
A) Alongside the warriors who arrived in the
A) 'Feudalism' is a term allegedly used to
Middle East during the Crusades, European
describe the political system that emerged in immigrants were also willing to begin a new
Europe around the 9th century with the life in a new land.
purpose of raising military manpower.
B) Among the warriors who arrived in the Middle
B) It is claimed that the term 'feudalism' has East during the Crusades, there were also
been used to refer to the political system that European immigrants eager to begin a new
arose in Europe around the 9th century to life in a new land.
raise military manpower. C) The Warriors who arrived in the Middle East
during the Crusades were accompanied by
C) 'Feudalism' as a term describes the political European immigrants who were eager to
system which allegedly arose in Europe begin a new life in a new land.
around the 9th century for raising military
D) When the warriors arrived in the Middle East
during the Crusades, there were also Europe
D) The political system that is claimed to have an immigrants among them, who wanted to
arisen in Europe around the 9th century to have a new life in a new land
raise military manpower has been called as E) European immigrants were among the
'feudalism'. warriors who arrived in the Middle East during
the Crusades with the aim of beginning a new
E) The term 'feudalism' has been used to life in a new land.
describe the political system aiming to raise
military manpower that allegedly arose in
Europe around the 9th century. 51. On bin yıldan daha uzun bir süre önceki
tesadüfi keşfinden bu yana çay, dünya
üzerinde su dışında en çok tüketilen siv
49. Renkler, ne yediğimizden ne giydiğimize hâline gelmiştir.
kadar günlük kararlarımızın çogunu bilinçli A) Tea was accidentally discovered more than
veya bilinçsiz olarak etkiler. ten thousand years ago, and except water, it
has become the most consumed liquid on
A) Colours influence many of our daily decisions Earth.
such as what we eat and what we wear
B) Since its accidental discovery over ten
consciously or unconsciously.
thousand years ago, tea has become the
B) Consciously or unconsciously, colours have most consumed liquid on Earth, apart from
an influence on our daily decisions as to what water.
we eat or what we wear. C) Ever since it was discovered accidentally
over ten thousand years ago, tea has been
C) Colours influence many of our daily decisions
the most frequently consumed liquid together
consciously or unconsciously from what we with water.
eat to what we wear.
D) From the time it was accidentally discovered,
D) Many of our daily decisions like what we eat which was over ten thousand years ago, tea
and wear are influenced consciously or has become the second most consumed
unconsciously by colours. liquid on Earth after water.
E) The reason why tea has become the most
E) Like many of our daily decisions, colours
frequently consumed liquid on Earth after
influence what we eat and what we wear
water is that it has been more than ten
consciously or unconsciously. thousand years since its discovery.


52. Tarih boyunca deniz kabuğundan sigaraya 53. Gazetelerin televizyon yayıncılığına göreceli
kadar çeşitli nesneler ödeme araçları olarak olarak başarılı bir biçimde uyum sağlamasına
kullanılmıştır, ancak MÖ 8. yüzyılda altın ve rağmen, televizyon öncesi dönem
gümüş baskın hâle gelmiştir. muhtemelen gazetelerin en parlak dönemi
olarak kabul edilmektedir.
A) Various items ranging from seashells to
cigarettes were used as means of payment A) Even after the relatively successful
throughout history, but gold and silver adaptation of newspapers to television
became predominant in the 8th century BC. broadcasting, the pretelevision era is
accepted to be the heyday of newspapers.
B) Gold and silver pre dominated as means of
payment in the 8th century BC, but a number B) Even though the pretelevision era is likely to
of items from seashells to cigarettes were be seen as the heyday of newspapers, the
used throughout history. adaptation of newspapers to television
broadcasting was relatively successful.
C) Not only silver and gold, which predominated
in the 8th century BC, but also various items C) The pretelevision era is most probably
such as seashells and cigarettes were considered the heyday of newspapers, but
employed throughout history as means of their adaptation to television broadcasting
payment. was regarded as relatively successful

D) Throughout history, a wide range of items D) Though newspapers were adapted to

including seashells and cigarettes were in television broadcasting with relative success,
use as means of payment, but nothing it is likely that the pretelevision era is
compares to gold and silver, which became considered to be the heyday of newspapers
predominant in the 8th century BC.
E) Despite the relatively successful adaptation of
E) Although gold and silver became newspapers to television broadcasting, the
predominant as means of payment in the 8th pretelevision era is likely to be regarded as
century BC, a variety of items such as the heyday of newspapers.
seashells and cigarettes were used
throughout history.


54. Migration is the movement of people from one 56. The principal source of revenue in
geographic location to another. Migration may Afghanistan traditionally came from the
result from many different causes. In some agricultural sector. For a long time, the
cases, economic opportunities may motivate country was capable of producing not only
individuals to move. Algerian guest workers in enough food to feed its entire population but
France are an example of this situation. ---- For surplus food to export abroad. ----. Given that
instance, violence emerging from internal the country could grow crops only to live on,
conflicts in Rwanda and Sudan has created not to sell, the decline in income levels
mass migrations during recent years. increased poverty, dramatically causing
A) Migration affects not only the recipient region various economic difficulties at the same
or country but also the region or country of time.
origin. A) Moreover, the private sector played a major
B) War and political unrest also frequently lead to role in the country's traditional economic
large-scale movements of people. activities in 2000
C) Migration may boost economic productivity by B) Besides, the country had many economic
using labour in a more efficient manner. relations with the former Soviet Union in the
D) Contrary to the common view, migration may
also produce opportunities as well as C) However, it was in 2001 that the country was
challenges. no longer able to produce enough food.
E) Migration is categorised in many ways to D) Similarly, the agricultural sector has never
better describe the characteristics of these produced at full capacity for decades in
movements. Pakistan.
E) In addition, the telecommunications
infrastructure has improved vastly since
55. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is
perhaps the world's most well-known painting.
It is difficult to think of another piece of
artwork that has been analysed, talked about 57. Ancient Rome had no police force, at least
and written about to quite the same degree as not in the way that we tend to think of it
this one. ---- Some believe that the model was today. This was not unusual or unique, since
da Vinci's own mother, Caterina, or Princess the police force in its modern sense did not
Isabella of Naples, or a Spanish noblewoman develop until the 18th and 19th centuries. ----
named Costanza d'Avalos. Some even Up until recently, none of these was
suggested that da Vinci based the portrait on perceived to be the particular responsibility
his own likeliness due to the subject's slightly or duty of the state. Rome did possess a legal
masculine facial features. system, but this system was only applied to
A) The painting was eventually acquired by King cases that were, on the whole, brought to the
Francis of France and is now the property of court by private citizens.
the French Republic A) The job of the modern police is to prevent
B) Perhaps the most plausible answer came from crime, investigate crimes that have been
art historian Vasari, who suggested that the committed, and catch criminals.
model was Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo. B) During the republic, it was strictly forbidden to
C) But however famous the portrait is, the true have military forces within the pomerium, the
inspiration behind that half-smile has never sacred boundary of the city
been truly discovered. C) The city streets were considered to be
D) It has remained on permanent display at the particularly dangerous at night due to
Louvre Museum in Paris since 1797 where it robberies.
continues to attract huge crowds D) Interpersonal violence seems to have been
E) A 500-year-old note by one of da Vinci's permitted or at least ignored and was seen as
friends, which stated that the artist was a way of settling disputes
working on the portrait, was recently E) The state intervened in cases in which a
discovered. crime was perceived to have been committed
against the state.


58. Students' fundamental motor skills are 59. Ecotourism organisations play a major role in
already developing when they begin researching the viability of ecotourism as a
kindergarten, but are not yet perfectly sustainable development tool. Universities
coordinated. Five-year-olds can generally provide funding and facilities for this
walk satisfactorily for most school-related research, and also function as a forum for
purposes. For some at this age, running still related debate. ---- A good recent example is
looks a bit like a hurried walk, but usually it the Canadian public agency Canadian
becomes more coordinated within a year or Tourism Commission's efforts to document
two. Similarly with jumping, throwing, and Canadian ecotourism practices in the
catching. ---- Whoever is responsible, it is publication Catalogue of Exemplary Practices
important to notice if a child does not keep in Adventure Travel and Ecotourism. This
more-or-less to the usual developmental document will serve as a learning tool for
timetable. other ecotourism entrepreneurs.

A) From kindergarten to the end of high school, A) However, they have not established the basic
students improve basic motor skills, double standards for the sector.
their height and triple their weight.
B) Some government agencies also play a major
B) Students who are clumsy are aware of how it role in this effort.
could negatively affect their status among
C) Ecotourism provides important benefits
their peers.
especially for the areas affected by climate
C) Even if physical skills are not a special focus change.
of a classroom teacher, they can be quite
D) Public universities should take more active
important to students themselves.
roles in the development of ecotourism.
D) Failure in developing necessary motor skills
E) There is a need for guiding certification
generally results in poor self-esteem and
programmes in ecotourism.
traumatic experiences.

E) Assisting such developments is usually the

job either of physical education teachers, or
of classroom teachers.


60. (I) The Byzantine Empire, which developed 63. (I) Many people who struggle with insomnia
organically out of the Roman Empire and its already know the basics of 'sleep hygiene':
ancient Mediterranean civilisation, has no make sure your bedroom is dark, keep a
clear starting point. (II) The term Byzantine is regular bedtime, only use the bed for sleep,
modern, coined by historians to underline the etc. (II) However, they have probably also
distinctive qualities of the civilisation found those tips to be insufficient. (III) somnia
centered in Constantinople. (Ill) Many date its is a disaster that will ruin the following day as
origins to the year 330 AD, when Emperor well. (IV) That is because sleep gets
Constantine I established his new imperial sabotaged by what psychologists call an
capital, Constantinople. (IV) Others favour the
'ironic effect': the harder you try to fall asleep,
mid-6th century during the reign of Justinian I
the more difficult it gets. (V) To avoid this,
the Great, the last emperor to speak Latin as
you need to reduce your emphasis on sleep.
his native tongue. (V) Still others argue that it
only emerged as a distinctive civilisation after A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
the Arab conquests of the 7th century.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
64. (I) Mycenaean society was greatly influenced
by the Minoans who had developed on the
61. (I) Egyptology as a discipline did not fully island of Crete. (II) Although the Minoan
develop until Jean-François Champollion's culture had faded at the time the Mycenaeans
decipherment of ancient Egyptian in 1822. (II) came to Crete, the Mycenaeans adopted
Since then, it has dealt with all aspects of much of the Minoan culture. (III) For example,
ancient Egypt, including language and in the early years their hairstyles were similar
literature, architecture, archaeology, art, and to the Minoans but much more carefully
overall historical developments. (III) Major styled in long curls held in place by richly
finds, such as the tomb of Tutankhamun, the decorated crowns. (IV) Later, Mycenaean men
workmen's village at Giza, and, more recently, cut their hair short or bound it closely to their
the origins of the alphabet have fuelled public
head and grew beards. (V) After the fall of the
interest in Egyptology and the field as a
Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations in about
whole. (IV) Ancient Egyptian civilisation
1200 BC, Greek society developed.
lasted from approximately 3000 BC until the
date of the last known hieroglyphic A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
inscription in 395 AD. (V) With archaeologists
and historians making great discoveries
every year, the perceptions of key issues in 65. (I) Just over a year ago, an eager team of
ancient Egyptian civilisation continue to archaeologists dug under the mud of a slum
change. in Cairo erected on the ruins of the pharaonic
city of Heliopolis. (II) They recovered a
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
gigantic statue, which was believed by them
to represent the pharaoh Ramses the Great.
62. (I) The term 'graphics' is often taken for (III) His policies allowed the Helleries to
granted and used in a generic sense. (II) establish colonies on Egyptian soil for the
Graphic designers are professionals who first time. (IV) However, there was slight
may even coordinate the production of a disappointment when it was discovered that
printed material. Iill) In fact, graphics are a the statue was not of Ramses but a lesser-
powerful way to communicate in today's known 7th-century BC ruler of Egypt, Psamtik
visually oriented society. (IV) Most
I. (V) Despite the disappointment, though, this
publications need strong, dominant visual
discovery was instantly celebrated by
elements to make them more interesting to
archaeologists not only in Egypt but also
the reader. (V) They are extremely useful to
around the globe.
help attract attention, unify a look, convey
special meaning, and add impact. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


As difficult as they may be in some cases, culture 67. What was especially interesting about the
shock experiences serve as the very force that drives research on Canadian technical advisors in
strangers to learn and adapt. It is through the Kenya?
presence of stress that strangers are compelled to
strive to achieve the level of learning and self- A) Psychological adjustment at the end of the
adjustment, which is necessary in order to meet the first year was directly related to culture shock.
demands of the environment and to work out new B) Some participants who experienced higher
ways of handling their daily activities. In a study of levels of culture shock were found to be more
Canadian technical advisors who were on two-year effective in their jobs.
assignments in Kenya, researchers found that the
intensity and directionality of culture shock was C) The level of professional effectiveness was
unrelated to patterns of psychological adjustment at unrelated to the magnitude of culture shock
the end of the first year in the alien land. Of particular within the first year.
interest is the finding that, in some instances, the
D) All of the subjects in the study showed
magnitude of culture shock was positively related to
greater effectiveness in their jobs when they
the individuals' social and professional effectiveness
were subjected to further culture shock
within the new environment (i.e., the greater the
culture shock, the greater the effectiveness). Based E) In some cases, patterns of culture shock and
on this finding, it was thought that culture shock psychological adjustment were found to be
experiences might, in fact, be responsible for related to the environment.
successful adaptation. This point is further echoed in
research that shows culture shock is a traditional
learning experience that facilitates a psychological
change from a state of low self-awareness and
cultural awareness to a state of high self-awareness
and cultural awareness.

68. It can be inferred from the passage that prior

to the study on Canadian technical advisors
66. According to the passage stress ----
in Kenya, most researchers had assumed that
A) weakens a person's ability to achieve learning culture shock
and self-adjustment
A) helped individuals to fully integrate into a
B) hinders the handling of daily activities in foreign culture
unfamiliar environments
B) caused the formation of experiences that
C) is what causes people to become less social facilitated change
in a new culture
C) allowed individuals to change states of
D) helps those experiencing culture shock to awareness
better adapt to a foreign environment
D) occurred when foreigners experienced high
E) makes it impossible for strangers to meet the self-awareness
demands of a new environment
E) was an obstacle to adaptation to a foreign


The explosion of mobile phone use has 70. According to the passage can reduce screen
revolutionised our lives. We can download movies, time and its possible harm by ----
communicate with our family members, and
A) installing readily available health applications
broadcast to the world, all at the push of a button.
that monitor and limit our screen use
However, there are some questions about these
valuable devices we have been unable to answer, B) paying more attention to the relation between
such as the possibility of health conditions resulting obesity and screen time
from excessive 'screen time'. Yet, many initial
C) comparing our screen time with that of our
reactions have been more spontaneous than
family members
evidence-based. In the past decade, we have heard
that they will rewire our brains, strip us of cognitive D) becoming more conscious of our usage of
abilities and damage our mental health. In truth, screens and how related they are to our lives
there is no good evidence that such alarming
E) incorporating more healthy activities into our
conditions are caused by our tech habits. The World
Health Organization, for example, recommends
limiting screen time as a way of tackling obesity,
voicing no health concerns related to screens in
particular. It says that children under 3 should have
no screen time and those aged 3 to 4 should be
limited to an hour a day, but its focus is on curbing
childhood obesity. As the fears grow and the debate
becomes more heated, it is time to separate the
proven health advice from exaggerated facts. Rather
than impose unreasonable limits, we should take a
look at our use of screens and ask how they fit with
the activities and lifestyles we want as individuals
and families.

69. It is pointed out in the passage that excessive 71. The attitude of the author towards common
screen time --- reactions concerning our tech habits is ---

A) is proven to delay developmental processes A) sceptical

in children under 3 B) sarcastic
B) shows no convincing evidence of damaging C) admiring
our cognitive abilities and mental health
D) supportive
C) prevents small children from interacting with
their families and other children E) optimistic

D) is seen as the main reason for inducing

childhood obesity in those aged 3 to 4

E) may change the way our brains work, leading

to alarming health conditions


The most celebrated African novelist is Chinua 73. It is pointed out in the passage that –-
Achebe, whose Things Fall Apart permanently
A) Achebe both studied and taught in University
transformed the landscape of African fiction, both in
College, Ibadan
his own continent and in the Western imagination.
His novels effectively challenged many of the West's B) Achebe started his career at Nigerian
false impressions of African life and culture, Broadcasting Corporation
replacing simplistic stereotypes with portrayals of a
C) Okigbo provided Achebe financial support to
complex society still suffering from a legacy of
set up his own publishing company
Western colonial oppression. Achebe was born in
Ogidi, an Igbo-speaking town in eastern Nigeria, and D) Okigbo wrote poems about the civil war in
educated in English at church schools and University Nigeria
College, Ibadan, where he subsequently taught
E) In Things Fall Apart, Achebe mentioned the
before joining the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation
problems his own family had in the West
in Lagos. Then he launched a publishing company
with Christopher Okigbo, a poet soon to die in the
Nigerian civil war. His Things Fall Apart, written with
an insider's understanding of the African world and
its history, depicts the destruction of an individual, a
family, and a culture during colonialism. Helping to
deny Western prejudices about Africa, this rich
portrait of a culture also advances Achebe's ambition
to help his society regain belief in itself and get rid of
the complexes produced by colonialism.

72. It is clearly stated in the passage that --- 74. It can be inferred from the passage that –--
A) Achebe has changed the way Western A) Achebe aimed at helping Africans rebuild
people think of African culture self-respect and self-confidence
B) Things Fall Apart is Achebe's first and most B) With Things Fall Apart, Achebe made the
famous novel Igbo language more popular in the West
C) Achebe's novels are mainly about Africans' C) Things Fall Apart was mainly written from the
false assumptions about Westerners perspective of a Westerner
D) Africa has always been a culturally rich D) Achebe suggested Africans distrust Western
continent in Western imagination societies in Things Fall Apart
E) Achebe is still the best novelist for many E) Achebe faced fierce criticism in the Western
readers in Western societies world


Justice in ancient Egypt encompassed a range of 76. Members of privileged classes in ancient
physical punishments including corporal punishment Egypt who faced execution ----
such as beatings, and capital punishment, which is
A) were thrown into the Nile when they
the legal killing of a person. Punishments were
committed the most unforgivable crimes
typically administered in public. Corporal
punishments were imposed on citizens for lesser B) were not able to get away with public
crimes such as non-payment of taxes. But in the execution
most severe cases, the Egyptian state would execute
C) had to remove their names from history so
offenders. Robbing royal tombs, injuring the pharaoh,
that they could avoid death
and disloyalty were all regarded as the worst crimes
Egyptian citizens could commit. If criminals were D) had the option to commit suicide by drinking
caught, they would be punished by death. poison in order to avoid a painful public death
Executions were carried out in a number of ways,
E) did not want their families to get their bodies
most often in public. Members of privileged classes
for funerals
could sometimes choose to take their own lives by
swallowing poison rather than undergoing a painful
death in public. The harshest punishment was not
only death in this world but death in the afterlife.
Burning a person's body, throwing their remains into
the Nile, and erasing their names from history were
the most serious punishments, as the person would
not exist either here or in the hereafter. In these
cases, families would not receive the body for burial
or for the purposes of funerals.

75. The main difference between corporal 77. Which of the following could be the best title
punishment and capital punishment was that of the passage?
A) Capital Punishment Methods in Ancient Egypt
A) the former was administered in public in most
B) The Court System in Ancient Egypt
C) Burial Rituals in Ancient Egypt
B) the latter was used more frequently in ancient
Egypt D) Crime and Punishment in Ancient Egypt

C) the former was for criminals who stole from E) How the Aristocracy was Punished in Ancient
the pharaoh Egypt

D) the offender died as a result of the latter

E) the criminals were charged with higher taxes

for the former


Freud felt that our memories and how they are 79. According to the passage, what makes us
arranged in our minds are vital parts of our unique?
personalities. He proposed that there are three basic
A) How desires and conflicts appear in
divisions of memory that are differentiated by how
aware or conscious each of us is of the material in
those divisions: the conscious, the preconscious and B) Both nice and disturbing ideas we have
the unconscious. The unconscious is the most
C) Our deep and dark secrets
famous of the three. It contains the memories and
experiences that we are not aware of. They are deep D) Types and awareness of memories
inside our minds and difficult to access. Actually,
E) Unfiltered and true feelings about ourselves
Freud thought that our unconscious is filled with all
our memories, thoughts, and ideas that are troubling,
disturbing, and horrible to keep in our conscious
awareness. This is where we keep our truest
feelings, unfiltered and unedited by the niceties of
everyday life. Our unconscious is where our deepest
and most basic desires and conflicts reside, it is the
realm of secrets so dark that we are not even aware
of them ourselves. Depending on what kind of
memories we have and how aware we are of them,
we may have a completely different personality than
we do now. Our conscious, preconscious and
unconscious memories help make us unique, giving
us that special little personality that everyone loves.

78. Freud suggested a division for our memories 80. According to the passage which could be an
to – example of an unconscious memory?
A) help people hide their horrible secrets A) Jealous feelings directed towards a close
B) focus more on the niceties of everyday life friend

C) simply explain our level of consciousness B) Hearing how your colleagues appreciate you

D) further study people's deepest and most C) Remembering simple tasks like riding a bike
basic desires D) Purposefully ignoring the man sitting next to
E) better understand how memories are you
unreliable E) Reliving the happiest day of your life



1 C 21 D 41 C 61 D

2 A 22 A 42 A 62 B

3 D 23 C 43 E 63 C

4 C 24 B 44 E 64 E

5 A 25 E 45 D 65 C

6 D 26 B 46 C 66 D

7 B 27 D 47 A 67 B

8 E 28 C 48 E 68 E

9 B 29 A 49 C 69 B

10 E 30 E 50 B 70 D

11 D 31 A 51 B 71 A

12 B 32 E 52 A 72 A

13 B 33 C 53 E 73 A

14 E 34 B 54 B 74 A

15 B 35 D 55 C 75 D

16 B 36 E 56 C 76 D

17 E 37 B 57 A 77 D

18 E 38 D 58 E 78 C

19 C 39 B 59 B 79 D

20 A 40 E 60 B 80 A


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