Hardship: Keturah H Croft 2868 Fulham Place Memphis TN 38128
Hardship: Keturah H Croft 2868 Fulham Place Memphis TN 38128
Hardship: Keturah H Croft 2868 Fulham Place Memphis TN 38128
Don't let your request expire! Complete, SIGN and return ALL pages of this application and required documents in time to
arrive by 07/29/2019.
Helpful To Know
· Accuracy and completeness matter! If you do not sold for this distribution, visit the website above.
attach valid proof of eligible expenses, your · If the available amount in your account is less than
request will be reduced or denied. the amount you requested, we will distribute only the
available amount.
· If the market value of your account declines before
your request is processed, your distribution could be · Please review the Expense and Documentation
less than is shown in this form. Details section below. You must attach all
· Workplace retirement plan distributions may have tax required documentation and complete all actions.
consequences. You may want to consult a tax or All distributions are subject to the Plan's rules and
financial professional. requirements.
· For more detail about which of your assets will be
Distribution Details
Any federal tax withholding shown below reflects your request. Each state sets its own withholding rates and requirements on taxable
distributions. Any state tax withholding shown below reflects either your request or applicable state law.
Look at "Expenses and Documentation Details" at the end of this form. Choose the hardship reasons that fit your situation,
then check them below and provide any required information:
o Preventing eviction/foreclosure o Out-of-pocket medical expenses
o Purchase of a principal residence o Post-secondary education
o Loss-related repairs to your principal residence o Current Funeral or Burial Expenses
Provide short descriptions of both the event and damage.
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HWPB3 KETURAH H CROFT Request ID 600000084637511 Plan Number 25100 Control 191800834W157 Amount $5,200.00
· Certify that the hardship represents maintained by your employer or a · Certify that all information you have
an immediate and heavy financial related employer. provided, including all attached
need and the amount requested is · Certify that this withdrawal is being documentation, is authentic and
necessary to satisfy that financial taken for you or for a family member correct to the best of your
need. or dependent as defined by the IRS knowledge, that you have not
· Certify that no other funds are (in the Internal Revenue Code previously requested a hardship
reasonably available to address the section 152) or your primary withdrawal for the expense(s)
hardship, including potential beneficiary(ies) as designated under submitted as part of this request,
insurance payments or any other the plan and as allowed by your and that you have satisfied all the
distributions or nontaxable loans (if plan. requirements for a hardship
required by your plan) that may · Authorize Fidelity to act on all withdrawal under the terms of your
currently be available under all plans instructions given on this form. plan.
AVOID PROBLEMS WITH YOUR REQUEST! Ways to Return This Form to Fidelity:
On this form “Fidelity” shall mean Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc., 82 Devonshire St., Boston, MA 02109 644058.5.0
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Expense and Documentation Details Do NOT return this page
You MUST provide acceptable documentation to back up your requested amount. Below are the expenses your plan rules
allow you to claim and the types of documentation to submit. Documentation that is not acceptable will not be
considered. We cannot distribute more than the amount you requested, even if you supply documentation for a
higher amount.
o MUST include your name or address o Underline your name or address on your supporting documentation
o MUST threaten eviction or foreclosure by the landlord or mortgage o Underline the threat which states you will be evicted/foreclosed
o MUST include the $ amount due to prevent eviction/foreclosure o Underline the $ amount due to prevent eviction/foreclosure
o Total amount from all supporting documentation MUST be close to the o Enter the total amount from all supporting documentation:
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section. Your plan's rules
may provide a gross up % to account for tax withholding. $____________________ Ensure this amount is close to the
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section
Note: Landlords and mortgage companies may threaten eviction or foreclosure with various terminologies (e.g. quit premises, vacate, surrender possession,
sale of the property, locks to be changed). Examples of language which do not constitute a threat of eviction or foreclosure include loan default, delinquency,
acceleration, arrears, or a lien.
o MUST include your name as the buyer o Underline your name on your supporting documentation
o MUST include a Purchase and Sales Agreement/contract, signed by o Underline both yours and the seller's name on the Purchase and
both you and the seller Sales Agreement/contract
o MUST include your out of pocket $ amount o Underline your out of pocket $ amount
· A Settlement Statement or Estimate of Closing Costs (from a lender or
contractor) for any related expenses not listed in the signed contract
can also be included with your supporting documentation
o Total amount from all supporting documentation MUST be close to the o Enter the total amount from all supporting documentation:
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section. Your plan's rules
may provide a gross up % to account for tax withholding. $____________________ Ensure this amount is close to the
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section
Eligible Expenses: Examples of eligible expenses include down payment, title fees, closing costs
Ineligible Expenses: Second home, vacation home, investment property, mortgage payment(s)
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HWPB6 KETURAH H CROFT Request ID 600000084637511 Plan Number 25100 Control 191800834W157
o MUST include your name or address o Underline your name or address on your supporting documentation
o MUST include a written description of the event which resulted in o Underline the written description of the event, which resulted in
damages damages, on your supporting documentation
o MUST include a written description of the resulting damages o Underline the written description of the resulting damages on your
supporting documentation
o MUST include copies of receipts, invoices, or contractor estimates o Underline the $ amount due for repairs on your supporting
reflecting the $ amount due for repairs documentation
o Total amount from all supporting documentation MUST be close to the o Enter the total amount from all supporting documentation:
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section. Your plan's rules
may provide a gross up % to account for tax withholding. $____________________ Ensure this amount is close to the
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section
Eligible Expenses: Expenses to repair uninsured and unreimbursed casualty loss damage to your principal residence.See IRS Publication 547 and/or
consult with your tax advisor.
o MUST include the patient's name o Underline the patient's name on your supporting documentation
Eligible Individuals: Participant, spouse, children, dependents (as defined by the IRS), primary beneficiary (if allowed by Plan)
Eligible Expenses: Hospital visits, ambulance services, surgery EXCEPT elective cosmetic procedures, licensed physician, dentist, or orthodontist visits,
laboratory tests ordered by a physician, prescription medicine, eye care, medically required home improvements (Note - See Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
section 213(d) for a full list of eligible expenses)
Post-Secondary Education
o MUST include the student's name o Underline the student's name on your supporting documentation
o MUST include copies of the following which show the actual (not o Underline the actual $ amount due on each/all of your supporting
estimated) amount(s) due: documentation (tuition/room & board/books)
· Tuition: Itemized invoice or receipt for tuition/fees (must be on
school stationary or printout of an online account statement)
· *Room & Board: Copy of lease that includes landlord's name,
address, the monthly payment $ amount, and term of lease
· *Books: Dated receipt
*Additional information required for Room & Board and Books: Proof of
registration, which can include a copy of tuition invoice/receipt or a class
schedule that includes the institution's name
o Total amount from all supporting documentation MUST be close to the o Enter the total amount from all supporting documentation:
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section. Your plan's rules
may provide a gross up % to account for tax withholding. $____________________ Ensure this amount is close to the
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section
Note: Financial Aid award letters or a generic list of expenses from the school's website will not be considered for reimbursement
Eligible Individuals: Participant, spouse, children, dependents (as defined by the IRS), primary beneficiary (if allowed by Plan)
Eligible Expenses: Tuition, fees, books, room & board (Note - See Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 213(d) for a full list of eligible expenses)
o MUST include the name of the deceased o Underline the decedent's name on your supporting documentation
o MUST include copies of a bill, invoice, or estimate from the cemetery, o Underline the $ amount due on all of your supporting documentation
funeral home, or vendor which reflect a specific $ amount due
o Total amount from all supporting documentation MUST be close to the o Enter the total amount from all supporting documentation:
Requested Amount in the "Distribution Details" section. Your plan's rules
may provide a gross up % to account for tax withholding. $____________________ Ensure this amount is close to the Requested
Amount in the "Distribution Details" section
Eligible Individual: Participant, spouse, children, dependents (as defined by the IRS), primary beneficiary (if allowed by Plan)
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