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Yueshen Full Catalog-Simon

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Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. (China Mainland)

Yueshen Medical Equipment Limited (Hong Kong)
Add: Room 101, C Building, Wanlima Industrial Park, No.188 Xinye Road,
Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China
Tel: 0086-20-89305997
Contact:Simon Zhang Mob: 0086-18124923071
E-mai I :wm001@yuetech.cn

Wesite: www.yuetech.cn / www.vacuum-cushions.com

Edition 2020
Company Profile
Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.(Ysenmed), compounded with
R&D and sale of medical equipment, is a leading supplier of medical equipment

Headquartered in Guangzhou, Ysenmed covers the business in medical x-ray

machine & accessories, ultrasound scanners, lab instrument, operation room
equipment, hospital sterilization equipment, infant care device, hospital furniture,
mortuary equipment, hospital waste incinerator, veterinary equipment and other
medical supplies. Based on mutual trust & good service, our mission is to provide
the most cost-effective equipment for hospitals and clinics a 「ound the world

Ysenmed insists on the idea of "Reputation First, Customers Foremost", which 1s

the aim of our after-sale service. We have established a good after-sale service
team, providing powerful backup force to our customers. In recent years, we have
been granted the "Nationwide Medical Device After-sale Service Advanced Unit"
Go to our website for better customer experience
Ysenmed is committed to be the your trustworthy supplier and exporter in the field

of medical equipment.

Ysenmed equipment, your best choice in China



L- ---«
lmpo,ted LED cold light sou,ce
Help the ope,ating docto, to have a clea, view, avoid fatigue In eyes that have loog wo,ked
Pu「e DC powe『 Supply, lllummate m 360 °
Se,vlce Ille of lamp Is 35,000h, no me,cu,y pollution o, ,adlation pollution
lllumlnation L,c 80000注畛50000
Colo, tempe,atu,ec 6700 ;, Tc ;, 3000
Diameter of Ilght head" 610mm
Ma, Central lllumlnance at 4,500 K 160,000 Lu,
lllumlnance Measured Adjustable, 6,0000-160,000 Lu,
Color temperature (standard) [K], 4500
Color temperature Adjustable [K] 3500, 4000, 4500
CRI (Color rendering lnde,) [Ra], ;,95 Red color ;ndex (R9)c w;tho,t (R9)
D,ameterof spot: d10 110士20mm Light Field, d10, 160士15mm Light F;eld, d50c 80士15mm
Depth of llght beam琴00mm Light field dlameler adjustable, 200-280mm Light Held d;ameter adj,stmentc Electr;cally
Bdghtness adjustment, CPU tight-dlmme『
The value of the total lnadlance, <6mW/m21, Depth of Illumination (L1 + L2), 130cm Heat-lo-f;ghl「at;o, 3.3mW/m2-lx
TotaI,rradlance (temperature nse) <100WIm2 Temperalure Increase In head area appro",S2'C Lighl soorcesc 72pcs h;gh performance LED
Color rendering index 100>Ra>85 Life time light source" 50000h Max. power cons,mpt;onc 72W
Powe, supply (AC), 220V土20% 50H,, Input powe, (VA),;,oovA Powersupply, 24 V AC/DC, 100 V - 240 VAC ce;1;ng he;ghl for ;nstallat;onc 270-320cm

忏可罚nI1 - -«
lmpo,ted LED cold light sou,ce
Diameter of Ilght heads: 780mm
Help the opmtlog doctm to ha,e a clea, slew, a,old fatigue lo eyes that have long wo,ked Ma, Central lllumlnance at 4,500 K: 180,000 Lu,
Puce DC powec supply, Illuminate In 360" lllumlnance Measured Adjustable: 6,0000-180,000 Lu,
Semce hfe of lamp lS 35,OOOh, no mercu『y pollutlon or radlahon poIluhon Color temperature (standard) [K]: 4500
IIIumination Lx Ec祖0000
Colm Tempecatuce, 4500K土SOOK
L- Color temperature Adjustable [K]: 3500, 4000, 4500
CRI (Color rendering lnde,) [Ra]: ;,95 Red colo, inde, (R9)裂3
Olamete『 of spot d10 110士20mm

Depth of llght beam还00mm Light Field. d10 180士15mm Light Field, dSO, 100土15mm
Light field diameter adjustable: 220-300mm Light field diamete, adjustment Electlically
助ghtness adjustment CPU tight心mme『 Depth of lllumlnatlon (L1 + L2): 110cm Heat-to-light ,atio 33mW/m2-1,
The ,slue of the total frrndlance <6mW/m21,
TotaI irradiance (temperature rise)勺OOW/m2 Tempe「ature Increase In head a「ea app『o,:,;2 ·c Light sou,ce" 111pcs high pe,to,mance LED
CoIor rendenng mdex 100>Ra>90 Life time light sources: 50000h Ma,. powe, consumptio"'111W
0 : Power supply: 24 VAC/DC, 100 V• 240 VAC Ceiling height to, iostallation, 270-320cm

Powe, supply (Aq 220V士20% SOH,, loput powe, (VA)怨OVA

---CE ---CE
□;ameter of Ilght head" 610mm Diameter of llghl head" 780mm1610mm
Ma, Central lllumlnance at 4,500 K 160,000 Lu, Ma, Central lllumlnance al 4,500 K, 180,000 Lu, / 160,000 Lu,
lllumlnance Measured Adjustable, 6,0000-160,000 Lu, lllumlnance Measured Adjustable, 6,0000-180,000 Lu, /6,0000-160,000 Lu,
Color temperature (standard) [K], 4500 Color temperature (standard] [K], 450014500
Color temperature Adjustable [K], 3500, 4000, 4500 Color temperature Adjustable [K], 3500, 4000, 4500 I 3500, 4000, 4500
CRI (Color rendering lnde,) [Ra], 395 Red color inde, (R9), Wilho,t (R9) CRI (Color rendedng lnde,) [Ra]滔5 Red color lnde, (R9)拯31without R9
Light Field, d10, 160土15mm Light Field, d50, 80士15mm Light Field, d10, 180士15mml160士15mm Light Field, d50, 100士15mm / 80士15mm
Light field diameter ad丿ustable, 200-280mm Light field diameter adj,stment Electrically Light field diameter adjustable, 220-300mm / 200-280mm
Depth of lllumlnatlon (L1 + L2), 130cm Heat-to-light ratio, 3.3mW/m2-I, Depth of lllumlnallon (L1 + L2), 110cm1130mm Heat-to-light ratio, 3.3mW/m2-I,
Temperature increase in head area appro",a;2 •c Light so"'ce5'72pcs high performance LED Temperature Increase In head area appro,边•c Llght source" 111pcsl72pcs LED
Life time Ilght source" 50000h Ma,. power con5"mplion, 72W Life time light source" 50000h Ma,. power consumption, 111W172W
Power supply, 24 V AC/DC, 100 V- 240 VAC Ceiling height for installation, 270-320cm Power supply, 24 VAC/OC, 100 V- 240 VAC Celllng height for Installation, 270-320cm

---« ---CE
Diamete, of light heads: 610mm Diamete, of light heads: 610mm
Ma, Cent「al IIluminance at 4,500 K: 160,000 Lu, Max Cent,al 111,minance at 4,500 K: 160,000 Lox
tlluminance Measu,ed Adjustable: 6,0000-160,000 Lu, llluminance Measmed Adjustable: 6,0000-160,000 Lux
Colo, temperature (standard) [K]: 4500 Colo, tempe,atme (standa「d) [KJ: 4500

Colo, tempe,atu,e Adjustable [K]: 3500, 4000, 4500 Colo, tempe,atme Adjustable [KJ: 3500, 4000, 4500
CRI (Colo, ,ende,ing inde,) [Ra]: e,95 Red color iode, (RQ), Witho,t (R9) CRI (Colo,,ende,ing index) [Ra]: 395 Red colo, inde, (R9), Without (R9)
Light Field, d10: 160土15mm Light Field. d50 80士15mm Light Field, d10: 160士15mm Light Field, dSO, 80土15mm
Light field diamete, adjustable: 200-280mm Light field diameter adJostmeot Electrically Light field diamete, adjustable: 200-280mm Light field diamete, adjustment Etect,ically
Depth of illumination (L1 + L2): 130cm Heat-to-light ratio, 3.3mW/m2-1, Depth of illumination (L1 + L2): 130cm Heat-to-light ,atio, 3.3mWlm2-I,
Tempe,atu,e inc,ease in head a,ea app,o,:,,;2 •c Light soorce5'72pcs high performaoce LED Tempe,atu,e inc,ease in head a,ea app「ox:.;2 ·c Light sou,ce" 72pcs high pe『fo,mance LED
Life time light sou「ces: 50000h Ma,. power coos,mption, 72W Life lime light sou,ces: 50000h Ma,. powe, consomplion, 72W
Powe, supply: 24 VAC/DC, 100 V• 240 VAC Powe『 supply: 24 VACIDC, 100 V - 240 VAC Ceiling height to, installation, 270-320cm

Diamete, of light headsc 610mm Dlameternf llghl head" 610mm
Max Centrnl llluminance at 4,500 K: 160,000 Lux Max Cent<al lllumlnance at 4,500 K: 160,000 Lux

llluminance Measu,ed Adjustable:6,0000-160,000 Lux 川umlnance Measu,ed Adjustable: 6,0000-160,000 Lux
Colo, tempe,atu,e (standa,d) [K]: 4500
Colo, temperntu,e Adjustable [KJ: 3500, 4000. 4500
·一少 Colo, tempe『atu<e (standa,d) [K]: 4500
Colo<lempe『atu,eAd丿ustable [K]: 3500, 4000. 4500

CRI (Colo,,ende,ing index) [Ra]: e,95 Red colo, index (R9), Without (R9) CRI (Colo,,endedng Index) [Ra]: ;,95 Red cola, index (R9i'Without (R9)
Light Field, d10 160士15mm Light FieId, d50 80士15mm Light Field, d10: 160士15mm Light Field, d50, 80土15mm
Light field diamete「adjustable:200-280mm Light field diamete, adjustment Elect,ically Light field dlamete『 adjustable: 200-280mm Light field diamete, adjustment Elect,ically
Depth of Illumination (L1 + L2): 130cm Heat-to-light ,atio, 3.3mW/m2-lx Depth of lllumlnallon (L1 + L2): 130cm Heat-to-light ,alio, 3.3mW/m2-lx
Tempe,atuce inc,ease in head a,ea app,ox: <;2 •c Light sou,ce" 72pcs high pedo,mance LED Tempe,atu,e lnc,ease In head a,ea app,ox:.;2 •c light sou,ce" 72pcs high pe,ro,mance LED

•-."."""""<i Life lime light soucces: 50000h Max. powe, consumption, 72W Life time light sou,ces: 50000h Max. powe『 consumption, 72W
Powe, supply: 24 VAC/DC, 100 V- 240 VAC Powe, supply: 24 VACIDC, 100 V- 240 VAC Ceiling height to, installation, 270-320cm

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