Suggested Program Enhancement/development: 2. The Practicum Program From Your Perspective
Suggested Program Enhancement/development: 2. The Practicum Program From Your Perspective
Suggested Program Enhancement/development: 2. The Practicum Program From Your Perspective
These are some suggestions that I think it would help and develop practicum 1
program and for the incoming practicumers.
In the orientation, discuss and tell the students to bring their own kitchen
materials like knife or peeler.
Create a place where the students can secure their kitchen materials so that they
do not need to bring it home and bring it to the school the next day.
Improve the employer’s meal especially for the night shift
Give schedule for the practicumers who will go to the green cuisine and who will
take care of the employer’s meal.
Make lower the price for the event like mother’s day, father’s day and send off (it
is okay if less food) because it is a need to pay.