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Bad WX, Pooping

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Bad weather
1.           Bad weather maneuvers    View ans


 Following options are available to the master, in case of bad weather:

 Head to sea

Head to sea, or wind and sea on fine bow, at reduced speed:

Most suitable for deep draft vessels.
Leeward drift is minimized (vessel is liable to sustain considerable pounding).
Weather is allowed to pass over the vessel.
The speed is considerably reduced.
It affects the period of encounter of the oncoming wave formation and subsequently reduces pounding.
Course and speed to be altered to remove possibility of hogging, sagging and synchronism.
Situation becomes uncomfortable when violent pitching results in ‘racing propellers’, puts excessive
stress on engines.
Absolute control of rudder power is essential.
Power should be reduced to minimum necessary to maintain steerage way and avoid undue stress on
Two steering motors to be operational.
Critical rpm to be avoided.

Stern to sea

Stern to sea, at reduced speed, running before the wind:

When bad weather overtakes vessel, she will find herself running before the wind.
Preferable to take a course with wind on the quarter rather than stern, which may cause ‘pooping’.
Vessel will not move as violently as a vessel head to sea.
Speed adjustment together with long period of encounter will probably reduce wave impact without
any great delay.
A distinct danger with stern to sea is when the vessel required to turn across the wave front is ‘broach


Breaking of rising wave over the stern in poop deck area.

Develops when bad weather is directly from stern.
Vessels with less freeboard may suffer from popping.
Occurs when a vessel falls into the trough of a wave and does not rise with it.
It may occur if the vessel falls as the wave is rising.
Causes following wave to break over the stern or poop deck areas.

May cause considerable damage to stern area.
Damage to propeller and rudder due to severe buffeting.
Engine room can be flooded if the openings which face aft are not properly secured.

Corrective actions:
Occurs when velocity of sea is equal to or greater than ship's speed.
Alter course and head sea.

Surf riding

Occurs when a ship situated on a stiff forefront of high wave in a following or

quartering sea.
Vessel and waves have equal velocities.
Vessel may be accelerated.
Vessel rides on advancing wave slope.
This phenomenon is called surf riding.

Vessel slewed violently (broach-to).
Vessel heeled over and swamped.

Critical speed for surf riding is considered 1.8L knots.
Reduce ship speed to less than 1.8L knots to prevent surf riding. (L= ship's

Broach to

May occur when a ship is surf ridden in a following or quartering sea.

The vessel is slewed violently.
Ship heels suddenly and unexpectedly to a large angle.

Positive stability disappears to the existing angle of heel.
This may cause a vessel to capsize due to sudden change of heel and heading.

Reduce speed below L knots.
A marginal zone (L to 1.8L) below critical speed may cause a large surging
motion (broach to). Speed to be reduced below L in the case

Heave to

Heaving to, preferably on the lee of an island:

Necessary when due to the stress of the weather the voyage is required to be temporarily discontinued.
The vessel is maneuvered so as to ride the sea in the most favorable position.
Problems may be encountered associated with crew fatigue or damage to cargo for a lengthy period of
Most effective when taken advantage of a lee of an island or land mass.
Action will depend on the type and form of the vessel.
A reduction of speed will probably be the earliest action to reduce motion of the vessel and avoid cargo
Power not to be reduced to an extent of stalling the main engine or revolutions are critical.
If it is decided to stop the vessel, sufficient sea room should be available.
Heavy rolling can be expected.
There is risk of synchronism and cargo shift.
Vessel needs to have a good water tight integrity and adequate GM.

Occurs when rolling or pitching period is equal or nearly equal to the apparent
period of wave.
Synchronism may be synchronized rolling or synchronized pitching.

Tendency of the bow plating and to a lesser extent the stern plating to work in and
out when the ship is pitching.
Fore and aft regions of the vessel are extra strengthen by thicker plating, panting
beams and stringers, reduced frame spacing in designed to withstand panting

Change of true wind direction to an anti-clockwise direction.

Change of true wind to a clockwise direction.

Following and quartering seas

Following seas

Occurs when vessel running before the sea.

Sea comes from the stern.
The ship encounters various dangerous phenomena.

 Quartering seas

Occurs when vessel running before the sea.

Sea comes from the quarter.
The ship encounters various dangerous phenomena.

In a following or quartering sea, following dangerous phenomenon may occur:


Surf riding

Broach to

Synchronous rolling

Parametric rolling

Combination of various dangerous phenomenon

Successive wave attack


Synchronous rolling

Large rolling motions may be excited when natural rolling period of a ship coincides
with the encounter wave period.
It may happen in following and quartering sea.
It happens when natural roll period is longer due to marginal transverse stability.

Parametric rolling

Occurs in a following or quartering sea.

Occurs when encounter wave period is approximately half of the natural rolling
period of the ship.
Occurs particularly if initial metacentric height is small and natural roll period is
very long.
Unstable and large amplitude roll motion takes place.
May occur in head and bow seas.

Unstable and large rolling motion takes place.

Reduction of speed.

 Combination of various dangerous phenomenon

May occur in a following or quartering sea.

  Various detrimental factors may affect ship's dynamic behavior.
These factors are:
Additional heeling moment due to deck water.
Water shipping and trapped on deck.
Cargo shift.
The factors may be occur with other dangerous phenomenon.
They may create extremely dangerous combination to capsize the ship.

 Successive wave attack

Occurs when ship's speed component in the wave direction is nearly equal to the
wave group velocity.
It is equal to the half of phase velocity of the dominant wave component.
The ship is attacked successively by high waves.
Expectable maximum wave height can reach almost twice of observed wave height.
May be evident when average wave length is larger than 0.8L, significant wave
height is larger than 0.04L.

Reduction of intact stability.
Synchronous rolling.
Parametric rolling.
Combination of various dangerous phenomena.
Vessel may capsize.

Reduce ship speed to go out of dangerous zone.
Combination of appropriate speed reduction with slight course change.


Anchoring in shallow waters:

Used when the vessel in shallow water.
Employed to prevent blown down to a lee shore.
Two anchors may be used.
Engines can be used to reduce stress on the cable.
Anchor will reduce the rate of drift.
If grounding is not prevented, refloating may be assisted by heaving on the cables.

Altering course

Altering course to avoid bad weather:

To be used before encountering bad weather.
Take an alternative route to destination.
Take evasive actions to be away from bad weather.
Likely to result in more distance.
If alteration is not well planned or substantial, bad weather may suddenly change direction and vessel
may be caught into it.

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