Bad WX, Pooping
Bad WX, Pooping
Bad WX, Pooping
Bad weather
1. Bad weather maneuvers View ans
Head to sea
Stern to sea
May cause considerable damage to stern area.
Damage to propeller and rudder due to severe buffeting.
Engine room can be flooded if the openings which face aft are not properly secured.
Corrective actions:
Occurs when velocity of sea is equal to or greater than ship's speed.
Alter course and head sea.
Surf riding
Vessel slewed violently (broach-to).
Vessel heeled over and swamped.
Critical speed for surf riding is considered 1.8L knots.
Reduce ship speed to less than 1.8L knots to prevent surf riding. (L= ship's
Broach to
Positive stability disappears to the existing angle of heel.
This may cause a vessel to capsize due to sudden change of heel and heading.
Reduce speed below L knots.
A marginal zone (L to 1.8L) below critical speed may cause a large surging
motion (broach to). Speed to be reduced below L in the case
Heave to
Occurs when rolling or pitching period is equal or nearly equal to the apparent
period of wave.
Synchronism may be synchronized rolling or synchronized pitching.
Tendency of the bow plating and to a lesser extent the stern plating to work in and
out when the ship is pitching.
Fore and aft regions of the vessel are extra strengthen by thicker plating, panting
beams and stringers, reduced frame spacing in designed to withstand panting
Change of true wind direction to an anti-clockwise direction.
Change of true wind to a clockwise direction.
Quartering seas
Surf riding
Broach to
Synchronous rolling
Parametric rolling
Synchronous rolling
Large rolling motions may be excited when natural rolling period of a ship coincides
with the encounter wave period.
It may happen in following and quartering sea.
It happens when natural roll period is longer due to marginal transverse stability.
Parametric rolling
Unstable and large rolling motion takes place.
Reduction of speed.
Reduction of intact stability.
Synchronous rolling.
Parametric rolling.
Combination of various dangerous phenomena.
Vessel may capsize.
Reduce ship speed to go out of dangerous zone.
Combination of appropriate speed reduction with slight course change.
Altering course