E3 Chap 04 6up
E3 Chap 04 6up
E3 Chap 04 6up
chapter 4 – how can an interactive system be developed
to ensure its usability?
– how can the usability of an interactive
system be demonstrated or measured?
Example Paradigm Shifts Example Paradigm Shifts
• Batch processing @#$% ! • Batch processingC…P… filename Move this file here,
• Timesharing • Timesharing dot star… or was
it R…M?
and copy this to there.
• Networking • Networking
• Graphical displays % foo.bar
??? dumby!!!
Global information
Personal computing
Video Display Units Programming toolkits
• one person's contribution could drastically • the right programming toolkit provides
change the history of computing building blocks to producing complex
interactive systems
• Future of computing in small, powerful • 1981 – Xerox Star first commercial windowing
machines dedicated to the individual system
• Kay at Xerox PARC – the Dynabook as the • windows, icons, menus and pointers now
ultimate personal computer familiar interaction mechanisms
Language versus Action Hypertext
• actions do not always speak louder than • 1945 – Vannevar Bush and the memex
• key to success in managing explosion of
• DM – interface replaces underlying information
• language paradigm • mid 1960s – Nelson describes hypertext as
• interface as mediator non-linear browsing structure
Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW)
Sensor-based and Context-
Ubiquitous Computing
aware Interaction
“The most profound technologies are those that • Humans are good at recognizing the
disappear.” “context” of a situation and reacting
Mark Weiser, 1991 appropriately
• Automatically sensing physical
Late 1980’s: computer was very apparent
phenomena (e.g., light, temp, location,
identity) becoming easier
How to make it disappear?
– Shrink and embed/distribute it in the physical world
• How can we go from sensed physical
– Design interactions that don’t demand our intention measures to interactions that behave as
if made “aware” of the surroundings?