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CFLM Syllabus 2020

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Bachelor of Science in Criminology (B.S. Criminology)



PCCR, as a pioneer organization, aims to be an institute of excellence in the formation and development of highly competent and value-driven
leaders able to meet the challenges of globalization.

To provide accessible and quality education, thus producing professionally-competent and ethically-oriented graduates who can deliver effective
and efficient services.


For all its students to pursue academic I - Integrity
excellence as well as to become responsible and L - Leadership
dependable agents of peace, order and justice. E - Excellence
A - Accountability
D - Discipline

1. Encourage research and inquiry on the nature, causes, treatment, or punishment of criminal behavior and how criminal justice agencies function
and respond to crime, criminals and victims;
2. Prepare the students for careers in crime prevention, law enforcement, scientific crime detection, correctional administration, public safety and
3. Foster the values of leadership, integrity, honesty, accountability, responsibility with the ability to demonstrate human relations and respect for
human rights while serving their fellow men, community and country.

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The General Education Division envisions itself as the leading academic preparatory platform which aims to offer holistic educational package and
relevant basic education curriculum for the 21st century learners in the field of Criminology and Liberal Arts.

Guided by the Core Values of Integrity, Leadership, Excellence, Accountability, and Discipline, the General Education Division aims to offer holistic
educational package to develop the fullest potentials of students and faculty members as a life-long learners, agents of change, effective communicators,
responsible proactive community tension advocates, morally and ethically oriented, research inclined and culturally proud citizens for an excellently strong
background in the delivery of effective and efficient services.


Graduates of B.S. Criminology program should be able to:

1. Demonstrate the expected skills and knowledge gained from theories to practice the required General Education courses.
2. Develop the acquired basic skills to practically and effectively utilize in the practice of criminology professional.
3. Use the present technologies to introduce innovations that would benefit society in particular and the country in general.
4. Assume responsibility to the academic, technological and professional concerns of the students as they prepare for the professional criminological work
and its allied fields.
5. Practice by example in both personal and professional works the PCCR Core Values of INTEGRITY, LEADERSHIP, EXCELLENCE, ACCOUNTABILITY
6. Organize and produce the basic foundation of research through writing critique paper and other simple scholarly paper.

Revision No. ____ Date: May 2019

Course Code: CFLM-1 Course Description:

Course Title: Character Formation-1 Nationalism and

Patriotism Character Formation-1 Nationalism and Patriotism is a three-unit course in the Philippine

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Pre-requisites: None
educational context. This course studies the various philosophical theories of nationalism
Credit limits: 3 and patriotism, ideal characters, contextualization of issues and challenges of the
course, real life situations from the past to the contemporary issues and the relationship
Content hours: 54 hours
between nationalism and patriotism. The ultimate aim of the course is the
Consultation hours: 3 hours (in a week)
transformation of the students as the ideal law enforcers of the future.

Program Outcomes: Performance Indicators:

LEARNING OUTCOMES AND COMPETENCIES: 1. Regular class attendance and character

After the successful completion of this course, the students 2. Prompt Performance of assigned tasks
should be able to: 3. Active participation in class discussion
Cognitive 4. Quizzes and 4 Major Exams
1. Discuss nationalism and patriotism within the context of 21st 5. Academic reporting
century Philippines. 6. Diagnostic Test
2. Recognize the relevance of ethics, values, nationalism and 7. Reports
patriotism in the present conditions of society. 8. Research Paper/Term Paper/Reflection Paper (optional as the course requires)
3. Reflection and immersion of nationalism and patriotism in the COURSE EVALUATION
character of the students. There shall be two (2) major criteria in the grading system
1. Class Standing 60%
Affective Attendance and Character 5%
1. Foster the enhancement of moral character, values, Recitations 15%
personal discipline, citizenship, vocational efficiency, Quizzes 10%
nationalism and patriotism among PCCR students. Performance Tasks 30% (reports, projects and assignments)
2. Recognize the values existing in the Filipino society and be 2. Major Examinations 40%
able to differentiate the desirable from the undesirable ones. Preliminary Exam 5%
3. Identify the significance that one’s characters have a great Midterm Exam 15%
role in the family, in the educational system, in the chosen Semi-Final Exam 5%
profession and the society. Final Exam 15%
1. Describe and compare the values, ethics, morale, character,

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nationalism and patriotism.
2. Internalize Filipino’s initiative in establishing a sense of
nationalism and patriotism.
3. Perform and adapt relevant issues pertaining to character
formation, nationalism and patriotism on actual projects and

TIME FRAME Course Outcomes (ILO) Course Topics Teaching Learning Activities Assessment Tasks

At the end of the lesson, the student 1. Institutional PCCR’s Vision, Mission 1. Establishing rapport
should be able to: Goals Philosophy, Objectives and 2. Expectations check Recalling and listing
1. Practice the concept of the PCCR’s Core Values Policies 3. Lecture/ Discussion using through simple non-
Week 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Vision, Mission Goals Philosophy, 2. PCCR Hymn graded recitation
3 Hours 4. “Getting to Know You” In-
Objectives and Core Values to achieve 3. Policies, Rules and regulations
Depth Academic Presentation
excellence in education.
5. Singing and Reflection of
2. Comply with the policies, rules and PCCR Hymn
regulations explained by the subject

1. Understand the importance of 1. Introduction of the Course:

studying CFLM-1 What is the CFLM-1? 1. Lecture/ Discussion using 1. Graded recitation
Week 2 PowerPoint Presentation 2. Short quiz (Essay or
2. Discuss and contextualize the 1.1 (Discussion of Syllabus)
3 Hours 2. Seat work (Writing exercise)
Difference Between Ethics, Morals and 2. What is Values? Objective)
How Effective is the CFLM-1 in
Values. 2.2 What's the Difference 3. Analytical Rubric
instilling nationalism and
3. Analyze issues and controversies Between Ethics, Morals and Values
patriotism among PCCR
· Values
based on the morale, values and students?)
· What Is Important or Valuable?
character of the Filipinos particularly the 3. Think-Group-Share:
· Morals
law enforcers from past to present. Opening question will be

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· Amoral vs. Immoral posted by the professor.
· A Moral Dilemma “Why police officers have
· Ethics been involved in illegal
· Professional Ethics activities in spite of the massive
· Sound Moral Judgment increase of benefits and

Week 3 1. Analyze the need for right values. 1. Standard Ideas of Values 1. Lecture/ Discussion using 1. Graded recitation
3 Hours 2. Develop their own concepts of values 1.1 Why is there a need for values? PowerPoint Presentation 2. Short quiz (Essay or
based on the readings and their own 1.2 Can values be taught? 2. Discussion of the Lessons in Objective)
1.3 Are values subjective or objective? the handouts.
insights. 3. Analytical Rubric
1.4. Are values permanent or Think-Group-Share:
3. Explain different types of values as a
changeable? Opening question will be
concept and ideology.
1.5. What are Filipino Values? posted by the professor.
4. Identify the characteristics of Filipino · What are the Values have
2. Types of Values
values you acquired from your elders?
5. Analyze the development of · What values have
character through the concepts of treasured most from your
different values. parents?
· What are the values that
should be considered as
permanent for the Filipinos?
Choose five (5) and explain


Week 5 1. Understand the nature and 1. What is nationalism? 1. Documentary Film Viewing: 1. Graded recitation
development of Philippine nationalism. 2. The Nature and Development of Sakay (1993) or 2. Short quiz (Essay or
3 hours Supremo (2012) or
2.Analyze the contributory factors that Philippine nationalism Objective)
Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral
gave • Contributory Factors that gave 3. Analytical Rubric
birth to Philippine nationalism. Birth to Philippine Nationalism
* Writing a reflection paper
3. Determine the contribution of the • The Impact of Customs and
from the film viewing
Philippine heroes in understanding Traditions, and Religion on 2. Creating a timeline of the
nationalism. Nationalism History of Filipino Nationalism
4. Develop critical and analytical •Religious Nationalism 3. Writing short real-life
analysis with exposure to primary sources •Rizal’s Vision situations essays that compare

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of information to understand sense of and contrast modern ways of
Filipino nationalism. expressing nationalism and
nationalism during the time of
our heroes.

Week 6 1. Analyze the development of Filipino 1. Filipino Character Traits and 1. Group Presentation of 1. Graded recitation
character traits and culture that affects Culture that Affects the issue of Filipino character 2. Short quiz (Essay or
3 hours
the development of nationalism. Development of Nationalism traits and culture; answer Objective)
2. Demonstrate the ability to formulate 2. Filipino Nationalism and Its Barriers written document analysis 3. Analytical Rubric
arguments in favor or against a 3. Quest for Nationalism worksheet.
particular issue using primary resources 4. The 10 Modern Ways to Express 2. Lecture-Discussion of
of information Filipino Nationalism barriers in the Filipino
3. Debate or Role Playing of
negative and positive traits
of Filipinos.

Week 7 1. Identify patriotism on social and 1. What Is Patriotism? 1. Lecture-Discussion on 1. Graded recitation
political issues. •The standard analysis of patriotism patriotism. 2. Short quiz (Essay or
3 hours 2. Present a skit showcasing a
2. Effectively compare and contrast •The object of patriotism Objective)
theme that presents social
nationalism and patriotism. •Justification of patriotism 3. Analytical Rubric
change; colonization; church
3. Manifest interest in local history and •The motivating factors of patriotism
ministers; social hierarchy;
show concern in promoting and
patriotism and social reform
preserving the country’s historical and 3. Write an essay with the aim
cultural heritage. of answering the following
a. What is Patriotism?
b. Which is better? nationalism
or patriotism?
c. How patriotism before is
different from today?
d. What motivates you to
become a patriot?

Week 8 1. Identify good citizenship values and youth 1. Good Citizenship 1. Lecture-Discussion on Good 1. Graded recitation
moral recovery program for nation building. Values and Youth Moral Recovery Citizenship Values and Youth 2. Short quiz (Essay or
2. Explain the good citizenship values cluster Moral Recovery Program for

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3 hours in faith in the Almighty. Program for Nation Building Nation Building Objective)
3. Appreciate the role of religion in a 1.1 The Good Citizenship Values 2. Lecture-Discussion on the 3. Analytical Rubric
globalized world. Cluster major themes: Fait Lecture-
4. Differentiate ethics from religion. Discussion h in the Almighty,
1.1.1 Pagkamaka-Diyos/ Love of
Respect for Life, Order, Work,
Concern for the Family and
Faith in the Almighty
future Generations
Respect for Life 3. Class activity: readings of
Order articles about faith in God.
Concern for the Family and future

Week 10 1. Identify good citizenship values and youth 1. Pagkamaka-Tao/Humane 1. Lecture-Discussion on Good 1. Identify good citizenship
moral recovery program for nation building. Love Citizenship Values and Youth values and youth moral
3 hours 2. Explain the good citizenship values cluster Moral Recovery Program for recovery program for nation
of being humane. Nation Building building.
3. Apply the virtue of being humane 2. Lecture-Discussion on the 2. Explain the good
major themes: Love, Freedom, citizenship values cluster of
Peace, Truth and Justice being humane.
3. Class activity: readings of 3. Apply the virtue of being
articles about being humane. humane
4. Film-viewing: Amo
(Submission of reflection paper
about respect, love to your
fellow man, and love of

Week 11 1. Identify good citizenship values and youth 1. Pagkamaka-Bayan/Love of 1. Lecture-Discussion on Good 1. Identify good citizenship
moral recovery program for nation building. Country Citizenship Values and Youth values and youth moral
3 hours 2. Explain the good citizenship values cluster Moral Recovery Program for recovery program for nation
for the love of country. Nation Building building.
3. Apply the virtue of love of country 2. Lecture-Discussion on the 2. Explain the good
Respect for Law and Government
major themes: Love, Freedom, citizenship values cluster for
Peace, Truth and Justice the love of country.
Promotion of the Common Good 3. Class activity: readings of 3. Apply the virtue of love of

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articles about love of country. country
4. Film-viewing: Amo
(Submission of reflection paper
about respect, love to your
fellowmen, and love of

Week 12 1. Identify good citizenship values and youth 1.Pagkamaka-Kalikasan/Love of 1. Lecture-Discussion on Good 1. Identify good citizenship
moral recovery program for nation building. Nature Citizenship Values and Youth values and youth moral
3 hours 2. Explain the good citizenship values cluster Moral Recovery Program for recovery program for nation
Concern for the Environment
for the love of nature. Nation Building building.
3. Apply the virtue of love of nature. 2. Lecture-Discussion on the 2. Explain the good
major themes: concern for the citizenship values cluster for
environment the love of nature.
3. Class activity: readings of 3. Apply the virtue of love of
articles about concern about nature.
the environment.
4. Film-viewing: Kaps Amazing
Stories, Amazing Earth
Earth's Natural Wonders (2015)
(Submission of reflection paper
about love of nature)

Week 13 1. Understand the Republic Act 6713 as a set The Code of Conduct and Ethical 1. Lecture-Discussion on The 1. Understand the Republic
of high ethical standards being a future Standards for Public Officials and Code of Conduct and Ethical Act 6713 as a set of high
3 hours government employee. Standards for Public Officials ethical standards being a
2. Articulate what Republic Act 6713 is. and Employees future government
3. Differentiate a legal from an immoral right. 2. Lecture-Discussion on the employee.
Norms of Conduct of Public Officials
major themes: Norms of 2. Articulate what Republic
and Employees
Conduct of Public Officials and Act 6713 is.
Prohibited Acts and Transactions. Employees, Prohibited Acts 3. Differentiate a legal from
Statements and Disclosure and Transactions and an immoral right.
Penalties Statements and Disclosure
3. Class activity: readings of
articles about concern about
violations of RA 6713
4. Role-playing of government

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officials violated the RA 6713.


Week 15 1. Understand the different perspectives BFP Core Values 1. Lecture-Discussion on The 1. Graded recitation
and interpretations on the RA 6713 R- Reliability BFP Core Values 2. Short quiz (Essay or
3 hours E-Efficiency 2. Lecture-Discussion on the Objective)
based on the core values tri-bureau.
S-Selflessness major themes: R- Reliability 3. Analytical Rubric
2. Understand and articulate the BFP
P-Professionalism E-Efficiency, S-Selflessness
core values.
O-Oneness P-Professionalism, O-Oneness
3. Differentiate the BFP, BJMP and the
N-Nationalism N-Nationalism, S-Service
PNP core values in relation to SA 6713. S-Service I-Integrity
I-Integrity 3. Class activity: readings of
articles about the heroism of
the members of BFP.
Dokyu Film : ALAB
The Firefighters: The Unsung
Heroes (2014)
Only the Brave (2017)
(Submission of reflection

Week 16 1. Understand the different perspectives BJMP CORE VALUES 1. Lecture-Discussion on The 1. Graded recitation
and interpretations on the RA 6713 Commitment. BJMP Core Values 2. Short quiz (Essay or
3 hours Respect for Human Rights. 2. Lecture-Discussion on the
based on the core values tri-bureau. Objective)
Efficiency/Competence. major themes: Commitment,
2. Understand and articulate the BJMP 3. Analytical Rubric
Self-Discipline. Respect for Human Rights,
core values.
Teamwork. Efficiency/Competence,
3. Differentiate the BFP, BJMP and the
Self-Discipline and Teamwork.
PNP core values in relation to SA 6713. 3. Class activity: readings of
articles about issues and
concerns of the members of

Week 17 1. Understand the different perspectives PNP Core Values 1. Lecture-Discussion on The 1. Graded recitation
and interpretations on the RA 6713 Love of God PNP Core Values 2. Short quiz (Essay or
3 hours Respect for Authority, Selfless Love and 2. Lecture-Discussion on the
based on the core values tri-bureau. Objective)

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2. Understand and articulate PNP core Service for People major themes: Love of God 3. Analytical Rubric
values. Sanctity of Marriage and Family Life Respect for Authority, Selfless
3. Differentiate the BFP, BJMP and the Responsible Dominion and Stewardship Love and Service for People
over material things, and Sanctity of Marriage and
PNP core values in relation to SA 6713.
Truthfulness. Family Life, Responsible
Dominion and Stewardship
over material things, and
3. Class activity: readings of
articles about issues and
concerns of the members of
4. Film-viewing: Amo
(Submission of reflection paper
about respect, love to your
fellowmen, and love of



This is a matrix relating all the courses listed in the program curriculum with one or more of the declared program outcomes.


L= Learned P=Practiced O-Opportunity to learn

G.E. Learning Outcomes Character Formation -1 Nationalism and Patriotism


1. Analyze “texts” (written, visual, oral etc.) critically. P

2. Demonstrate proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new technology) P

3. Use basic concepts across the domain of knowledge. O

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4. Demonstrate critical, analytical and creative thinking L

5. Apply different analytical models in problem solving P

G.E. Learning Outcomes Character Formation -1 Nationalism and Patriotism


1. Appreciate the complexity of the human condition. O

2. Interpret the human experience from various perspectives. L

3. Examine the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives. O

4. Take responsibility for knowing and being Filipino. L

5. Reflect critically on shared concerns L

6. Generate innovative practices and solutions guided by ethical standards L

7. Make a decision based on moral norms and imperatives. P

8. Appreciate various art forms O

9. Advocate respect for human rights P

10. Contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development P

G.E. Learning Outcomes Character Formation -1 Nationalism and


C. Practical Skills (Skills)

1. Work effectively in a group. P

2. Apply computing tools to process information effectively O

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3. Use current technology to assist and facilitate learning research. O

4. Negotiate the world of technology responsibly O

5. Create solutions to problems in various fields P

6. Manage one’s knowledge, skills, and values for responsible and productive living. P

7. Organize one’s self for lifelong learning L


Agoncillo, Teodoro. (2012). History of the Filipino People. 8th edition. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.
Corpuz, Onofre. (1989). The Roots of the Filipino Nation. 2 volumes. Quezon City Aklahi Foundation.
Constantino, Renato. And Letizia Constantino. (1978). The Philippines: The Continuing Past. Quezon City: The Foundation for National Studies.
Galang, Zoilo. (1950). Encyclopedia of the Philippines. Vol. 17. Manila: E. Floro.
Kohlberg, Lawrence, Essay on Moral Development, Vol. 1 The Philosophy of Moral Development.
P.D. 1613
PNP Professional Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards
Republic Act 10121(DRRM Act of 2010)
Republic Act 7877
Republic Act 9729
Que, Nemesio S. S.J. “Notes on Moral Deliberation.” Introduction to Course Notes for PH 104: Foundation of Moral Value. Ateneo de Manila University.
Rachels, James “What is Morality”, Chapter 1 and “The Challenge of Cultural Relativism”, Chapter 2 in The Elements of Moral Philosophy. 4 th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill College, 2004, pp 1-31.
Film Viewing
Sakay (1993)
Supremo (2012)
Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral (2018)
Dokyu Film: ALAB
The Firefighters: The Unsung Heroes (2014)
Only the Brave (2017)
Kaps Amazing Stories, Amazing Earth
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Earth's Natural Wonders (2015)
Online Classroom
Group Chat
Text-Based or Messenger

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