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Aofog Aofog: Executive Board & Council Members President's Message

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Official Letter of Asia & Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Vol. 1 Issue 1 October, 2012

Executive Board & President's Message
Council Members Dear esteemed colleagues,
President It is indeed my great honor and pleasure to
write a message for this inaugural issue of
October, 2012 Rome
Prof. Yu-Shih Yang
(Taiwan) AOFOG Newsletter.
Secretary's Message
AOFOG was founded in April 1957 and now comprises of 26
President Elect member national societies. The Federation has set up an
Dr. Kurian Joseph This special issue of the
Executive Board and a number of Committees to be
(India) AOFOG Newsletter is
responsible for the governance of the affairs of the
federation. Our main objectives are to promote the total simply that – SPECIAL! In
Vice-President what way, you may ask?
Prof. Joo Hyun Nam health care in females throughout life and to promote the
(Korea) science and art of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Well, it is special because AOFOG has decided
Biology particularly in Asia-Oceania region. to share its vision and objectives beyond the
Immediate Past President In the past 55 years, AOFOG has contributed substantially in borders of Asia and Oceania. We have
Prof. Pak-Chung Ho advancing the standard of Obstetrics and Gynecology and encouraged the member nations and its
(Hong Kong) the result has been significant. This was attributed to the members to collaborate with other
outstanding leadership of previous presidents and to the international organizations and attend their
Secretary-General dedicated efforts of all of the Board and Council members. I meetings and collaborative projects. In this
Prof. Walfrido W. Sumpaico deeply believe that our Federation will continue to keep on way, we get the opportunity to belong to the
(Philippines) playing a vital role in promoting women's health in the fraternity of women's health providers.
coming years in the Asia-Oceania region.
Deputy Secretary-General Secondly, it will give the readership some
Dr. Rohana Haththotuwa insights into our special federation. Get to
Professor Yu-Shih Yang
(Sri Lanka) know who are our member nations, our
President, AOFOG
officers, committee works, recent activities
and special projects. Diverse though we may
Dr. Ravi Chandran Editorial
(Malaysia) be in race, culture, religions and governance
Dear Colleagues & Friends, structures, we strive towards a common goal
Editor-in-Chief, JOGR – to provide the best in women's health care.
In the past few years the vibrance of
Prof. Shiro Kozuma Lastly, the federation has 1 special goal at the
AOFOG is palpable and visible. This is all
(Japan) moment – the education of its members. We
credited to our last 3 presidents and our
Chairmen enthusiastic Secretary General. AOFOG is now very active in bring time-honored practices with the
Dr. Fong Yoke Fai almost all its member countries and also this year we have a emerging new knowledge to our academic
Dr. Shyam Desai special session in FIGO & other conferences like COGI & activities.
Prof. Kazunori Ochiai SAFOG.
To all FIGO delegates, special greetings from
Dr. Mario A. Bernardino This is the first issue of the AOFOG bulletin which is going to
your colleagues in the Asia-Oceania
Dr. Jaydeep Tank be released at FIGO-ROME in the AOFOG Session.
Prof. Masayasu Koyama Federation! Join us in our AOFOG Session in
We look forwards to active contributions from all of you to FIGO 2012 Rome, 10th Oct at 1430 - 1700.
Prof. V. Sivanesaratnam
make this news bulletin more colorful & more interactive.
Prof. Suporn Koetsawang Prof Walfrido W Sumpaico, MD
Dr. Leung Kwok Yin Happy reading.
Secretary General
Dr. Narendra Malhotra Dr Narendra Malhotra


Australia Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists College House

Bangladesh Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh

Cambodia Societe Cambodgienne de Gynecologie et d' obstetrique

Nepal Nepal Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
China Chinese Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
New Zealand The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of
Egypt The Egyptian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Hong Kong Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Hongkong Pakistan Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Pakistan

India The Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecological Papua New

Societies of India Guinea PNG Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Indonesia Indonesian Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology Philippines Philippine Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society,
(Foundation) Inc.
Israel The Israel Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Saudi Arabia Saudi Obstetric & Gynaecological Society
Japan Japan Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Singapore Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Singapore
Korea The Korean Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
Macau Macau Association of Obstetric and Gynaecology
Taiwan Taiwan Association of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Malaysia Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Malaysia
Thailand The Royal Thai College of Obstetricians &
Mongolia Mongolian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecologists

Myanmar Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society Vietnam Vietnam Gynaecology-Obstetrics and

Myanmar Medical Association Family Planning Association

AIMS OF AOFOG 2012-2014
The Asia & Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AOFOG) was originally conceived
President's Aims in 1954, as the Asian Division of the International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics
AOFOG comprises 26 (Geneva). Subsequently however, at the Inaugural Meeting in Tokyo in 1957, it was decided that it
National Societies. It has a be established as the Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, an autonomous body which
vast territory yet the would seek affiliation, at a later stage, with the International Federation of Gynaecology &
difference of medical Obstetrics. Membership of the Federation is open to the national societies of Obstetrics &
resources level among the Gynaecology in each country of Asia. When more than one society exists in a given country, each
countries is quite significant. How to assist claiming the right to represent that country itself, the societies must resolve this problem within
developing countries to upgrade their medical the country itself, or else set up a coordination committee recognized by two or more societies of
scale and look after women's health will be our the country. In other words, no country can be represented by more than one national society.
main objectives during my term of presidency. Click here to see the original (1957) Statutes proposed for the Federation. They are reproduced in
1. Education and training is one of the most full to underline the sense of regional cooperation evident among obstetricians and
important issues. In the past, our gynaecologists in this part of Asia in the fifties.
Federation had a fairly good result from The Secretariat was established in Manila, under the auspices of the Philippines Obstetrical &
projects of Safe Motherhood, PPH Gynaecological Society Inc with Dr Jose Villanueva as Secretary General. In 1959, Australia and
Initiative, Prevention of Unsafe Abortion New Zealand joined as Associate Members of the Federation and when in 1979, these two
and its Complications and various countries were accepted as full members, the name was changed to Asia & Oceania Federation
workshops organized by individual of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. The First Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology was held in
committees. We should continue with this Tokyo, Japan, from 4-6 April 1957. Dr Hideo Yagi (Japan) was elected Chairman of the Federation
kind of works. and he held that post till the Second Congress held in Calcutta, India, on 23-26 January 1962.
The Third Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology was held in Manila, Philippines, from 14-
2. Application of Educational Fund to help our 16 January 1965. Thereafter, the congresses were held every three years till 1977, after which
member countries is another important the interval was two years. The Constitution now requires that the congresses be held at least
issue. Every year, any of the developing every three years. From 1987, it became the practice to organise a seminar or workshop together
member countries is entitled to submit a with the congress. At the 13th General Assembly held in Tokyo in October 1979, it was decided
project application along with the project that the Secretariat of the Federation should move to Singapore. A new Constitution, initiated in
plan and budget for an yearly subsidy of a Bangkok, was also accepted . The combined position of the Secretary General-cum-Treasurer
maximum of USD 5,000. The project was split and the new Constitution provided for a Secretary General and a separate Treasurer.
should be approved by the Executive Professor S S Ratnam of Singapore was elected Secretary General and Professor Suporn
Board prior to execution. Koetsawang from Thailand, Treasurer. Not long after the formation of the Federation, it became
In addition, in order to encourage each apparent that it had a positive and extensive role to play in assisting their members in the
Committee chair to propose his/her improvement of facilities in several countries in the region. This is because Fertility Management
training project, the Federation will provide and Maternal & Child Health Care services are woefully inadequate in many countries in the third
USD 5,000 to each committee to initiate at world; and infant, maternal and perinatal mortality is high in these developing countries. In many
least two workshops per year. The project rural areas, where the bulk of the population live, there is only one physician per one hundred
should also be approved by the Executive thousand people, compared with the norm of one per thousand population. The proportion of
Board and a full report should be obstetricians and gynaecologists and related specialist support staff are proportionately fewer in
submitted within 4 weeks of the activity. number. Members of the medical profession, and especially those concerned with Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, although adequately qualified professionally, are so weighed down in some
3. The next issue is how to increase the
countries by the enormity of their task and other constraints, that they are generally unable to
resources of Educational Fund. In the last follow up on international developments in technology and research findings as closely as they
General Assembly held in Taipei on would desire. Most governments in the third world include Fertility Regulation in their Health and
September 26, 2011, it had been Maternal & Child Care programmes, but for a variety of reasons are unable to make available the
proposed and approved to initiate an comprehensive services that are desirable, nor provide the personnel involved with continuous
Educational Fund Raising Committee, education programmes to keep them abreast with current developments. Since the benefits of
chaired by Professor Tsung-Hsien Su to research and technological progress elude many members of the medical fraternity, not only
expand the Educational Fund resources. those employed in the rural areas, but even those engaged in hospitals and medical care centres
4. The Federation should continue to recruit in the cities, one of the roles of the Federation is to develop machinery to provide medical and
new country members to enhance the medical-related personnel information of current developments and research in this field.
leading position of AOFOG in Asia-Oceania AOFOG, in response to requests from its affiliates in the region has become the coordinator for
region. many projects; it hopes that its role in new activities is only an interim arrangement, until a more
5. It is essential to continue publishing permanent solution for continually improving and upgrading these educational programmes in
handbooks or guidebooks to country member countries is evolved. Among other things, the Federation also serves as catalyst and
members as reference materials and coordinator for its affiliates in member countries in identifying appropriate specialists worldwide
resources. It can be taken into in providing the necessary structure and financial support for them to participate at special
consideration to translate the handbooks national courses to meet the needs of its affiliates at their refresher/modernization courses in
or guidebooks into language of the country Fertility Management and Maternal & Child Health Care. AOFOG activities have, by example,
required for easy comprehension. generated greater participation by obstetricians and gynaecologists and medical scientists at
other related international congresses held in the region and elsewhere.
September 2011 till June 2012 (4) Philippines November 2012
The Committee has been active since its formation in September 2011 Workshops planned but not executed due to
at Taiwan The Committee Chairperson Dr Shyam Desai had been given various reasons. It is likely that we will plan
an extension of tenure until September 2013. workshops in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
The Committee comprised of Regional Coordinators : Dr Farouk Indonesia and Japan during the year 2013
Mosamed (Malaysia), Dr Malik Goonewardene (Srilanka), Dr Fujimori
(Japan), Dr Henry Murray (Australia). Their purpose is to coordinate INTERACTION BETWEEN MEMBERS FROM Dr. Shyam Desai
activities in their region ie Far East North Asia South Asia and Oceana COUNTRIES
regions. The other members of the Committee are listed below l This has been facilitated by requests to have speakers on specific
Dr Noroyono Wibowo (Indonesia) Dr Tony Tan (Singapore) topics for conferences etc
Dr Victoria Torres (Phillipines) Dr Leung Takyeung (Hongkong) l Suitable names have been suggested
Dr Hema Divakar (India) Dr Rekha Kurien (India) l A Joint consensus meeting with representatives from SAFOG
Countries is planned in August this year with the coordination from
Dr Jaideep Malhotra (India) Dr Parikshit Tank (India)
Dr G Das Gawhati Assam to be sponsored by a UN agency
Dr Thawanwong Ratanisri (Thailand)
l Dr Tony Tan is inviting Dr Shyam Desai and Dr Farouk
Mosamedalongwith Prof Sumpaico to participate in a Coference
on Maternal Health in Singapore 31st August and 1st September
GDM, Anaemia in Developing countries, Perinatal Infections
l Dr Victoria Torres Phillipines is inviting Dr Shyam Desai and Prof
WORKSHOPS HELD SINCE SEPTEMBER 2011 Fujimori Japan to a meeting in Manila Phillipines in November
(1) MUMBAI October 2011, (2) KATHMANDU March 2012, December 2012
(3) ISLAMABAD April 2012
Forthcoming Workshops /participation in National Conference Dates Committee members have been entrusted with this activity and will be
Finalised bringing out Guidelines on specific topics in the coming year
(1) Trichy India July 2012, (2) Hyderabad India August 2012,

AOFOG Endoscopy Committee Action Plan 2012 (Feb 2012) AOFOG Endoscopy Committee Action Plan 2012
Chairperson: Dr Yoke-Fai Fong (Singapore) (June 2012)
Members: Zaida Gamilla (Philippines), Rajesh Modi (India), Workshops conducted under / supported by
Sunil Pillay (New Zealand), APAGE member (to be confirmed) AOFOG Endoscopy Committee
Considerations 1. Laparoscopy/ Hysteroscopy Workshop co-
organised with Myanmar O&G Society, 19-20
1. AOFOG too wide an area to be effectively covered within a workplan
May, Central Women's Hospital, Yangon.
of 2 years.
2. FNU/RANZCOG educational laparoscopy
2. Proactive Society in the host country is key to any successful Dr. Yoke-Fai Fong
workshop, 25-27 June, Nadi, Fiji
Forth Coming Workshops under / supported by AOFOG Endoscopy
3. Trainees are our future; therefore priority should be given for their
1. The Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India, Coimbatore
Plans: in India July 19 - 22
1. Dr Gamilla/Dr Fong to work out plans for laparoscopy / robotic 2. Get “Real” with hysteroscopy, 28 July, National University Hospital,
surgery workshops and exchange programme between Singapore Singapore.
and Philippines 3. Controversies & Complications in Gyn Endoscopy, 29-30
2. Dr Rajesh Modi (Chairman Elect of Endoscopy Committee of September 2012, Hotel Radisson, Nagpur
FOGSI) has planned a series of laparoscopy workshops throughout Forth Coming Workshops under / supported by AOFOG Endoscopy
the year in India and has agreed to give a special rate for trainees Committee
coming for the workshops. 1. The Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India, Coimbatore
3. Liaison with Dr Sunil Pillay (RANZCOG) and Dr Kurian Joseph for in India July 19 - 22
laparoscopy workshop for upcoming AOFOG meeting in Fiji June
2. Get “Real” with hysteroscopy, 28 July, National University Hospital,
4. Arranging with Olympus with regard to possibility of laparoscopy
3. Controversies & Complications in Gyn Endoscopy, 29-30
workshop in Sri Lanka.
September 2012, Hotel Radisson, Nagpur
5. Endoscopy meeting (ASEAN) in Singapore Marina Bay Sands end
August. Registration fee can be as low as USD 100 for trainees. Not Forth Coming Congress/ Meeting under AOFOG umbrella
for profit meeting - OGSS will be happy to break even for the 1. AOFOG- OGSS Regional Meeting 31 Aug-1 Sep 2012, Marina Bay
meeting. Assistance for publicity and delegates needed from Sands
AOFOG committee.
The report of Education Fund Committee (FiJi, 2012) for this program. In addition to our developing
Chair: Tsung-Hsien Su (May, 31, 2012) members basically, each committee chair can
Continuous education for our member countries is a main thrust for our apply for the subsidy for education project for
federation. The last council meeting in Taipei decided to reactivate and his/her committee, Two projects with total
expand the functions of Education Fund Committee(EDC). Up to now, there budget of USD: 5000 maximum per year. The
has been totaling USD 517,509.85 education fund collected; but has never subsidy from the Federation should be not more
been used. In the Action Plan Meeting in Manila, Jan. 13, 2012, it's decided to than 50% total expense; that is, the committee
have a good use of education fund we have now. Rules on governance chair should raise the rest 50% expense of each
committee including: 1) Role of Education Fund Chairman (EDC), 2) How to education project. Before execution, the Tsung-Hsien Su
spend, and 3) Budget were discussed. education project needs approved by Executive
Board. The details of program and a report after the workshop must be
1) Role of EF Chairman
submitted before the money is released.
The role of EF Chairman was expected to have the functions included as
followings: To streamline the application process and modify the 3) Budget
current application form. To recommend to the Executive Board on how The budget for each society or committee is USD: 5,000/year as
best to utilize the funds. To explore avenues to enhance the educational mentioned above. For total yearly budget of total EF will be controlled by
fund by getting more donations. He added that it is important to define Treasurer and Executive Board. Whether the EF expense needs a
the role of the Educational Fund Manager (EFM) so that it will be clear as limitation for yearly budget will be depended on the outcome after 1
to what is expected from EDC. All of these expectations are to run the year's administration of this policy.
EFC efficiently and coordinate with other officers, particular in financial Continuously expansion of the education fund is important for sustainable
management with treasurer. development of this project. The President, Prof Yang proposed we might
If the purpose reactivating the EFC is to broaden and efficiently run the consider increasing the percentage of budget to 20% of the profit of annual
functions to better serve our member countries, what functions of EFC meeting from the AOCOG as one of the resources of Educational Fund. Before
expected are the key issue and should include a) to coordinate the we reactivate fund raising , we need to evaluate the outcomes of the policy
application of education plan to facilitate the process b) to review the change of education fund in 2012.
education program including the budget, education and scientific value There are two societies which have held the symposia so far, Nepal Society
as a reference for Executive Board's approval c) to campaign for of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (NESOG), and Society of Obstetricians &
fundraising to continuously expand the EF for sustainable management Gynecologists of Pakistan (SOGP). Attachment1-4 to this report are the final
of EF d) to evaluate the outcome and report after execution of the report and details of the programs. As for the NESOG, the Secretary General
education program. All of these duties are under the control of executive Prof. Sumpaico suggested that the reimbursement for this came from the
Board. Any education program should get the approval of Executive budget of Dr. Desai's committee. (see Attachment 1-4)
Board before execution. The finance of activities and budget should be There is an on-going organizing conjoin regional meeting in Singapore which
under the supervision of the treasurer. will be held on August 31st _ September 1st. It will be hosted by Endoscopy
2) How to spend Committee and Maternal & Perinatal Health Committee conjoined with
Two ways to spend the fund were suggested. First, National societies Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Singapore (OGSS). The detail of plan
asking for it and, Second, Committees will be given a budget for a year. is still processing for approval.
Education fund has totaling USD: 517,509.85 and has never been used

Oncology Committee Report 06/23/2012 – Draft will be completed by July, 2013 and published by next
Oncology Committee Chair Kazunori Ochiai AOCOG meeting
– Monogram will be published
Oncology Committee Members Survey 1 : Tumor registration in member countries
• Chair: Prof. Kazunori Ochiai • Study tumor registration system in member countries and develop
• Members: Prof. Duk-Soo Bae (Korea), common tool for easy-registration system provides us morbidity
Prof. Chen (Singapore), and mortality of gynecologic malignancies in Asian region.
Prof. Nao Suzuki (Japan) • Articles will be published in JOGR
Prof. Rey de los Reyes Survey 2 : Gynecologic Oncology Board certification in member
(Phillipines) Kazunori Ochiai countries
Seminar workshops • Study qualification criterion of a gyne-oncology board in member
• AOFOG Oncology Committee meeting and workshop countries and develop common qualification of Gyn Oncologists in
1. Japanese Society of Obstetrical and Gynecological Surgery, Asia.
29-30, Sept. 2012, Kyoto • Articles will be published in JOGR
2. Japanese Society of Gynecological Oncology , 18-21, July Action Plan Time Schedule
2013 , Tokyo Sept. 2012 July 2013 Oct. 2013
Practice guideline
• Fertility Preservation in Cancer Treatment Committee Meeting
– Main object of cancer treatment is to save lives of cancer
patients. Modalities of cancer treatment damage fertile function Survey 1 Presentation
in man and women. Cancer is not only a disease of elderly but Publication
also of people who wants child bearing. Fertility preservation is Survey 2
an important issue for all oncologists. Practice Guideline Draft Publication

REPORT OF UROGYNECOLOGY COMMITTEE We have several upcoming international
conferences as follows:
Chair: Masayasu Koyama. MD Japan
1. The 14th annual meeting of Japan
I succeeded a chairperson of a committee from Professor Tsung- Society of Female Pelvic Floor Medicine
Hsien Su (previous chair) last meeting in Taiwan. I appointed five (Osaka, Japan) July 28-29, 2012.
urogynecologists, Arthur Tseng (Sigapore), Suvit Bunyavejchevin
2. The 37th annual meeting of International
(Thailand), Lisa Teresa P. Jabson (Philippines), Anowara Begum
Urogynecology Association (Brisbane,
(Bangladesh) and BidiImanSantoso (Indonesia) to be committee
Australia)Sep 4-8, 2012. Lisa is involved Masayasu Koyama
in planning for the Asian regional project.
In succession to Prof. Su's planning, objectives of this committee are
3. The XX FIGO World Congress (Rome, Italy) Oct 7-12, 2012. I am
as follows:
working in the Task Force for Urogynecology.
1. To grasp and analyze the current situation in Urogynecology in
4. The 4th Pan Asian Urogynecology Association (PAUGA)
the different Asian and Oceania countries
meeting in Thailand (Nov 7-8, 2012). Suvit is working as
2. To investigate the prevalence of a pelvic floor organ function congress chair.
disorders in each country. Fistula after birth injury is also
5. The 23rd Asian and Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics and
serious problem in developing country. Bangladesh has a good
Gynaecology(Bangkok, Thailand)Oct 20-24, 2013. We are
training program for fistulas and we can help formulate a
planning a one-day precongress seminar-workshop on
training program for urogynecologists.
3. Based on investigation, we draw up educational programs in
We hope that these regional meetings of the Asian Urogynecologists
Urogynecology and devise an urogynecological clinical
can strengthen the relationship and coordination for improving the
guideline along the current status of Asian Oceania area.
care of urogynecology for Asian women in the future.


Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research (JOGR) is the official journal of AOFOG. The journal started to be published as
Asia-Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology about 30 years ago. The journal aimed to become an international scientific
one as well as the AOFOG official journal, and changed its name15 years ago. When the name was changed into the present one,
the annual number of submission to the journal was only 100. At present, JOGR has almost 1000 submissions and 220
published articles yearly in monthly issues, a recent impact factor of 0.869 and nearly 250 daily online accesses from all over the
world. JOGR is becoming one of prestigious journals in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The journal welcomes
submissions from researchers worldwide on clinical and experimental investigation in all area of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
including perinatology, oncology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, urogynecology and women's health care. The article
Prof. Shiro Kozuma categories include original articles, case reports, reviews, and letters to the editor. The acceptance criteria for all papers are the
Editor-in-Chief, JOGR
quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are peer
reviewed by anonymous reviewers and the Editor. Peer reviews provides a kind of quality certification for published papers, which means that published
authors can be proud of their achievement, and
that readers can have confidence that what they
read has been deemed to be acceptable.
Although JOGR has been developed as a
scientific journal in the field of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, the function as the official journal of
AOFOG is unsatisfactory in the present status.
The official journal of societies generally
introduces their activities and exhibits their
products to readers. We are planning to insert
valuable information into JOGR related to AOFOG
activities done by a number of committee such as
Maternal and Perinatal Health Care Committee,
Oncology Committee, Reproductive
Endocrinology Committee, Population Dynamics
Committee, Endoscopy Committee Ultrasound
Committee, Urogynecology Committee,
Fellowship Selection Committee. I appreciate the
support that JOGR continues to garner from
AOFOG members, with an increasing number of
submissions of high scientific quality.
Report to AOFOG by USG Committee in May 2012 8. USG workshop in AOCOG 2013 Thailand
Committee B. Guidelines
Dr. KY Leung (Chairman) (HK) Prof. Angelita R. Teotico (Philippines)
1. Minimal requirements for routine mid
Prof. Toshiyuki Hata (Japan) Prof. Jaideep Malhotra (India)
trimester scan (Prof. Ming Chen, Dr.KY
Prof. Azen Salim (Indonesia) Prof. P. K. Shah (India) Leung, Prof. Azen Salim). Send a survey to
Prof. HS Won (Korea) Prof. Apichart Chittacharoen (Thailand) USG committee members and ask their
Prof. Ming Chen (Taiwan) current practice on minimal requirements (in
progress) Dr. KY Leung (HK)
A. (i) Meetings held 2. Use the local chart. Send a survey to ask members country on the
1. Workshop in Philippines on Jan 12, 2012 (Prof. AR Teotico, normogram of fetal biometry (CRL, BPD, FL, AC, EFW) they are
PSUOG): done, >200 participants, with positive balance, speakers: using (Prof. Toshiyuki Hata). Compile the normograms which are
Prof. Jaideep and Narendra Malhotra used by various countries, and compare them (in progress).
2. Workshop in Palembang, Indonesia with Indonesia Fetal Medicine C. Textbook
Annual Meeting in March in 2012 (Prof. A Salim), AOFOG speaker: 1. FOGSI advanced ultrasound textbook (Prof. Narendra Malhotra and
Dr. KY Leung Prof. PK Shah): our committee has showed support. Dr. KY Leung
3. Workshop at Jeddah Saudi Arabia on 18th Mar 2012 organized by has contributed one chapter.
Dr Hashem Arab, a very interactive meeting. 2. One basic ultrasound textbook with normogram and images (2013,
Prof. AR Teotico, Prof. Jaideep Malhotra, and Prof. Toshiyuki Hata)
4. Workshop in BANGLADESH DHAKKA organized by OGSB ON 27
(in progress).
April 2012, 500 delegates, a very interactive meeting, AOFOG
speakers: Prof. Jaideep and Narendra Malhotra. D. Academic exchange
1. Fetal echo program in Korea in'12 (Prof. HS Won): 2 week, dates (?
A. (ii) Future meetings
1. Workshop in Fiji in June 2012, attendance: Dr. KY Leung
E. Electronic resources on web
2. Workshop in HK on 11-12 Aug, 2012 (Dr. KY Leung), co-organize
- In the future, develop ultrasound resources on web to support low
with AFSUMB, HK Society for Ultrasound in Medicine, HK Society resources countries with technological support from AOFOG.
Paed Cardiologists, AOFOG speaker: Prof. PK Shah - distributed free trainee membership program of ISUOG
3. Workshop in India (Prof. Jaideep Malhotra and Prof. PK Shah): (International Society of Ultrasound in O&G) to members of USG
BCGIP on 15 Nov 2012, AOFOG speaker: Dr. KY Leung committee: two year, online resources including white journal, talks
4. Workshop in Beijing with ISUOG and CMA (Dr.KY Leung) on 17 and (Dr. KY Leung, and other interested committee members).
18 Nov 2012, AOFOG speakers: Prof. T Hata and Prof. HS Won. F. Budget from education fund:
5. Workshop in Taiwan on fetal therapy and prenatal diagnostic 1. 2012 - Dhakka, Bangladesh in Apr: maximum US $1,000.
invasive procedures (Prof. Ming Chen) in 2012/13 - Delhi, India on 15 Nov: maximum US $2,000.
6. Workshop in Agra, India in Mar 2013 along with SAFOG (Prof. - Beijing, China on 17-18 Nov: maximum US$2,000.
Jaideep Malhotra) 2. 2013 (tentatively)- India, March 4 or 8-10 India: maximum US$2,000.
7. USG course at Ahemdabad on 8-10 March 2013 with Prof. Phillip
Jeanty (Prof. Jaideep Malhotra) Prepared by Dr. KY Leung, Chair, USG Committee


The Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB) & Asia & Oceania
Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AOFOG) jointly organized CME program on High
Risk Pregnancy on 12th May 2012 which was held at Milon Hall of BSMMU. The inaugural
session began at 8:30 am. Welcome address was delivered by Prof. Nasima Begum,
Secretary General-OGSB. Prof. T A Chowdhury, Past President-OGSB was present as Chief
Guest. Dr. Narendra Malhotra, Chairman-Newsletter, Publication and YGAA of AOFOG was
present as Special Guest.
The 1st session started at around 09:00 am with the chairmanship of Prof. Kohinoor
Begum, 2nd & 3rd sessions were chaired by Prof. AKM Anowar-ul-Azim & Prof. Shahla
Khatun. Speakers were Dr. Narendra Malhotra & Dr. Jaideep Malhotra from India. Local
speakers were Prof. TA Chowdhury, Prof. Rahima Begum, Prof. Parveen Fatima, Prof. Firoza Begum & Prof. Ferdousi Islam. Two panels discussion
were conducted by Dr. Narendra Malhotra & Dr. Jaideep Malhotra. Panelists were Prof. TA Chowdhury, Prof. Latifa Shamsuddin, Prof. Shamsun
Nahar Hena, Dr. Nazneen Kabir & Prof. Iffat Ara, Prof. Sayeba Akhter, Prof. M.Anwar Hussain,Prof. Laila Arjumand Banu, Prof. Saleha Begum
Chowdhury, Prof. Maliha Rashid & Prof. Farhana dewan. There were lively question & answer remaining amongst all and valuable comments were
given by them. Four hundred and twenty two participants from all over the country attended the program. The session ended with vote of thanks to
the organizers with special thanks to Treasurer-OGSB, Prof. Parveen Fatima for coordinating the program.

General Comments Splendid Scientific Program f o o d ,
The XXII Asian and Oceanic Congress of This 5-day conference performance, and
Obstetrics and Gynecology (AOCOG 2011), took place at Taipei culture as well as
hosted by the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics International Convention enjoying their stay
and Gynecology (TAOG), was held in, Taipei, Center (TICC) with a total in Taiwan.
Taiwan, from September 23 to 27, 2011. of 476 abstracts Fabulous Exhibition
Having “New Frontiers in Women's Health”, as presented at President's During the AOCOG 2011, the exhibition was
the theme of the Congress, AOCOG 2011 Lecture, FIGO President's held in Area A, Taipei World Trade Center
invited up to 202 experts from different Lecture, 2 Memorial (TWTC) concurrently. 29 companies and
domains to share their exper tise and Lectures, 12 Plenary organizations (with a total booth number of 57)
experience on how to solve women's medical Lectures (12 Speakers), displayed
problems. Symposia, lectures and 43 Parallel Symposia their newly
presentations (including oral and poster) were (171 Speakers), 9 Oral developed
held to discuss various aspects of women's Presentations (47 products and
health issues. The Congress had successfully Presenters), 3 Special equipment.
created a platform for expects to exchange Sessions (15 Speakers), The complete
ideas, share newly developed findings, and to and poster presentations l i s t o f
explore endless possibilities in women's (227 Presenters). exhibitors is
health. Fascinating Social Events provided in
Attendance Except the splendid Appendix II.
The XXII Asian and scientific program, the Through this
Oceanic Congress of organizing committee congress, we
Obstetrics and arranged many believe that
Gynecology (AOCOG fascinating social events, not only did it level up the academic standard,
2011) has an including opening promote friendly relationship among member
u n e x p e c t e d ceremony, welcome countries, exchange of advanced knowledge
attendance of 1,359 reception, President's and cutting-edge information, but also give
participants from 42 night and Banquet, in training opportunities for gynecologists from
countries. Detailed hopes of providing all the delegates an the developing countries in the area.
country list of delegates, please see Appendix I. unforgettable memory for experiencing local


Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology opened my eyes on the possibility
Council Meeting 2012, Lautoka, Fiji, 23 June 2012 of endowments / lecturerships
Report of the Secretary General - Professor Walfrido W. Sumpaico (report to follow). Present at this
meeting were Profs Konishi,
This report covers the period September 2011-June 2012: Kimura, Sakurage and Sherwood.
Educational Activities- I. Kuching, Malaysia – I attended the
A. Mumbai, India – I attended the Mumbai O&G Society Meeting last 10th RCOG International Congress
October 15-16, 2011 and I delivered a lecture on MgS04 for Fetal hosted by the OGSM last June 5-8,
Neurirst stepsoprotection and the MYRaval Oration on 2012. Dr Ravi Chandran chaired the
Contemporary Cesarean Section. Scientific Committee for this
B. Delhi, India – I attended a FOGSI subspecialty meeting on meeting. Prof W W Sumpaico
PREVENTING PREGNANCY WASTAGE in Delhi last October 28-29,
AOFOG PROGRAMS for Development.
2011 where I joined the workshop on CTG and delivered a lecture on
the Immunology of Pregnancy. A. Push on with the Gulf and the Arabian connection - (Dr Kurian)
C. Bangkok, Thailand – I attended the COGI/BCGIP/AOFOG meeting last B. YGA Alumni Association – (Dr Rohana Haththotuwa)
November 24-26, 2011 where I lectured on Obesity in Pregnancy, C. Governance Amendments – (Dr Ravi Chandran)
Early Detection of Pre-Eclampsia and Progesterone in Miscarriages. a. Subfederation Alliances (SAFOG, RANZCOG, MASEAN, PAN-
D. Makati City, Philippines - Action Plan Meeting, Peninsula Hotel, (13 ARABIC, NORTH ASIA)
Jan 2012). This meeting is a FIRST where all the Executive Board b. Nominations of Officers
and the Committee Chairs were in attendance. Mainly discussed D. Educational Fund Concerns – Which projects to fund? Steps to take
were 2 items – (a) Governance Issues and (2) Educational Fund in asking for funding? Contents of the proposal? Proper
Concerns. All committee chairs presented their programs and their Disbursement of Receipts? Project Evaluation Report? – (Drs Ravi,
objectives to achieve them. Rupert, Digby, Reddie)
An ultrasound workshop (AOFOG-PSUOG) was held on the eve of E. JOGR Concerns – New Editorial Board (Dr Shiro)
the meeting at the Quezon City Sports Club which drew ~200
F. FIGO Matters: FIGO 2012 / FIGO Executive Board Meetings
delegates. A net income of USD 3470 was given to AOFOG.
G. AOCOG 2013 - Thanks to the RTCOG for the trust in making me the
E. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - AOFOG took its first steps into Arabian soil
International Scientific Committee Chair. Initial proposal is to RETAIN
last March 19-22, 2012 when some members of the Executive
it as a 4-DAY event with a full 3-day congress and a 1-day pre-
Board helped organize this meeting. (Dr. Kurian Joseph, reporting)
congress workshop on AOFOG's subspecialties. – (Prof Somboon)
F. Kobe, Japan – I attended the 64th Annual Congress of the JSOG and
H. Endowments and Lectureships – (Appendix 1)
was awarded HONORARY MEMBERSHIP to the society. There was a
FIGO Forum during the meeting which makes we ask – perhaps Endowments / Lectureships / Scholarships
AOFOG every meeting. We created the Endowment and Lectureship Program to address the
G. Guangzhou, China – I was invited to the initial multi-center research anticipated decline in industry support and the need to further our
meeting on Thyroid Diseases in Pregnancy during a seminar- educational and scientific independence.
workshop last April 6-8, 2012. Follow-up meetings are to be held If a donor is interested in creating an endowment (permanent naming
every quarter. I was fortunate to meet Prof Alex Stagnaro-Green, the rights), the College holds the gift in perpetuity. The gift is invested, and
lead author of the 2011 ATA Guidelines on Thyroid diseases in only a portion of the average annual investment return is used. To guard
Pregnancy and the Puerperium. against the eroding consequences of inflation, the remaining investment
H. San Diego, USA – I attended the 2012 ACOG ASM where I presented return is added to the principal. The goal is to ensure that the principal
a poster on ROMA versus RMI among Asian Women. This ASM maintains its value over time.

AOFOG Session - Theme: "From Cape Town to Rome - what has AOFOG done?"
FIGO 2012 Rome Moderators: Yu Shih Yang, MD (Taiwan) - AOFOG President
Wednesday 10 October 2012 Yuji Murata, MD (Japan) - AOFOG Past President
15h30 - 17h00 Introduction to the Session (5 minutes) Lectures / Speakers (15 minutes each)
Room Iustina (I) 1. Shyam Desai, MD (India) - The 5 P's Protocol in South Asia
Hall 10.
2. Walfrido W Sumpaico, MD (Philippines) - ROMA vs RMI for Ovarian Cancer in Asian Women
3. Pak Chung Ho ( HongKong) - The Clinical Use of Misoprostrol in Gynecology
4. Young-Tak Kim (Korea) - Laparoscogpy (Multiple Port / Single Port / Robotic) in Asia
5. Tadashi Kimura (Japan) - Statins in Pre-Eclampsia
Q & A Session (10 minutes)

The AOFOG was happy to associate with the Saudi Obs & Gyn Society to competition. The presentations were of
hold their 21st Annual Scientific meeting at Jeddah on the 19th - 22nd high caliber and had been well researched.
March at the Intercontinental Hotel, Jeddah on the theme “ Challenges in There was a pre congress Ultrasound
Womens Health” workshop where Dr Narendra and Jaideep
AOFOG was represented by the President Dr Yu Shih, Past President Prof were the faculty.
PC Ho, Sec Gen Prof WW Sumpaico, Pres Elect, Dr Kurian Joseph, Dep This being our first visit to the area it was an
Sec Gen Dr Rohana H. and the Committee Chair Dr Narendra Malhotra. experience to savor the local customs, the Dr A Kurian Joseph
The organization of the meeting was under Prof Hassan Salih Jamal - style of presentations and the great
Chairman and Dr Hisham Arab – Sec Gen, The other leading organizers hospitality. Saudi Arabia was a place of extremes – well-developed large
were Prof Hassan Abdul Jabbar, Dr Ahmed Kurdi, Dr Marouf M, Dr hospitals to small Bedouin campsites with limited healthcare facilities.
Ahmed Al Bader and Dr Lamia Madani. Using the opportunity the AOFOG exec board held a meeting with the
The meeting was to have been inaugurated by His Royal Highness Prince board members of the Saudi Obs & Gyn Society on the 21st March. Saudi
Mishaal bin Majed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Governor of Jeddah. In his Board members who attended our meeting were Prof. Hassan Jamal, Dr
absence the General Director of King Abdulaziz University, His Excellency Hesham Arab, Dr. Maarof Mohiudeen, Dr. Ahmed Kurdi, Dr. Ahmed
Prof. Osama Al Tayeb to inaugurated the ceremony. Our President Dr Yu AlBadr, Dr. Samaa Nazer, and Dr Lamiaa Almadani. The discussions were
Shih addressed the gathering. There were about 450 participants with the centered on how AOFOG could help the Saudi Society develop their skills
men and women sitting apart in the local custom. and on what they could do in the AOFOG. There were several interesting
There was a good scientific program where all the AOFOG attendees points brought up. The AOFOG also explored the possibility of enhancing
delivered lectures. In addition there were lectures by Dr Jaideep Malhotra its presence in the Arab world by attending other local meetings like the
and Dr Rekha Kurian. The lectures were well received. Several Middle East Society meeting to be held next year in Medina.
presentations were from the local Saudis and a few from surrounding I would like to place on record the hard work and untiring efforts of Dr
Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan and Dubai. The AOFOG faculty judged Hisham and his team in making our visit a memorable one.
the presentations of the junior members at the meeting as part of a

Initially I wish to thank the Secretary General Prof Sumpaico & the
other members of the Executive Board for giving me the opportunity
to take on the task of YGAAs.
Young Gynaecologists awards were commenced in 1991 & it was
renamed as S S Ratnam YGA in 2001 in honour of Late Emeritus Prof
Ratnam who was the Secretary General for 21 years. Initially the YGA
were given only to the 16 developing countries but later in 2002 it
Dr. Rohana Haththotuwa was awarded to the developed countries and the expenses were
looked after by the country itself. As this project has now been going on for more than 20 years we
have more than 300 YGAAs in the Asia Oceania region. Most of these YGAAs are holding high
positions and have contributed very much Nationally & Internationally and become leaders, and
AOFOG is proud that they were able to identify these young Gynaecologists early and recognize
them and give them a boost to their carriers.
The Executive Board realized the wealth of knowledge, talent, and potential available in these
YGAAS who are distributed over the Asia Oceania region but unfortunately most of them have lost
contact with the AOFOG. So as an initial step to get the YGAAS together, and obtain their services
for educational & other activities of the AOFOG, we drafted an information sheet to collect data from
the YGAAs. The information requested included , personal details, contact details, positions held,
achievements, contributions to the society and to the country and how they could assist the
AOFOG in academic activities. (A copy is attached). We sent personal letters to each YGA
requesting them to complete the sheet and send. In those whom we did not have the emails we
have requested the respective O&G societies to send us their addresses. We have not received
replies from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and Sri
Lanka regarding the email addresses of their YGAAs
We have 328 YGAAS, we were able to send e mails to 226 YGAAS and up to 31st May we have
received replies from 52 YGAAs. 174 are yet to reply. We have received a very positive feedback
from those who have replied expressing their happiness for the AOFOG taking an interest in the
YGAAs and expressed their willingness to participate in the AOFOG activities. We have sent
reminders to those who have not replied. Once we get the replies we will have a data bank of the
YGAAs and then we will be able to form an Alumni of the YGAAs. Then as suggested by the
Executive Board we could plan out various activities in various countries, arrange a session in the
local congresses, plan out a session in the next AOCOG congress and work out exchange
programmes & so on. Then in association with the publication committee we could have the YGAA
news letter where YGAAS contribute and create a Face book for YGAAs.
Finally I wish to thank Prof Sumpaico for all the advice & encouragement given & Ms Rita of the
AOFOG secretariat for all the hard work done to collect the data from the YGAAs & I wish to request
the assistance of the Executive Board & the council for the success of this YGAA programme.


The AOFOG Council held its 2012 Council meeting in Lautoka Fiji, at the First Landing
Beach Resort from 22-23 June 2012. The Council meeting was hosted by RANZCOG,
who had elected to hold the meeting in the Pacific as an opportunity to strengthen
networks and collaboration between the Asian O&G Societies and the Pacific O&G
Societies, namely the newly formed Fiji Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Papua
New Guinea O&G Society. Whilst in Fiji, AOFOG Councillors also participated in the
RANZCOG/Fiji National University 2012 Educational Forum in Obstetrics and
Gynaecologist, comprising a one-day seminar and an exciting and unique clinical
workshop program at the Lautoka Hospital. The Educational Forum had been specially
timed to coincide with the visit of the AOFOG Council to Fiji, so as to include and benefit
from the expertise of a number of internationally renowned O&G specialists on the Dr Rey de Los Reyes, (President Philippine Society of O&G),
AOFOG Council in the seminar and workshop program, and a number of suggestions Dr Kelera Sakumeli, Dr Alec Ekeroma (Presdient PSRH),
for collaborative support were discussed. The input from the AOFOG Council was well Dr James Fong, Dr Rupert Sherwood (President RANZCOG),
acknowledged by the Dean and staff of the Fiji National University College of Medicine, Dr Swaran Naidu (President FOGS), the Honourable Ratu
Epeli Nailatikau President of Fiji, Dr Vasitia Cati, Dr Amanda
Nursing and Health Sciences, as a boost to the educational event overall. We are
Noovao-Hill, Dr Kenneth Clark, Dr Yu-Shih Yang (President
optimistically looking forward to continuing partnerships and collaborative activities AOFOG), Dr PK Shah (AOFOG Councillor India)
in training and education in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in our Asia Oceania region.

AOFOG COUNCIL MEMBERS (Year 2011-2013 Directory) as of July 2012
Professor Yu-Shih Yang Dr. Kurian Joseph Professor Pak-Chung Ho Professor Joo-Hyun Nam
President President Elect Immediate Past President Vice-President
Taiwan India Hong Kong KOREA
Email: yangys@ntu.edu.tw Email: drkurian@gmail.com Email: pcho@hku.hk Email: jhnam@amc.seoul.kr

Dr. Ravi Chandran Professor W W Sumpaico Dr. Rohana Haththotuwa Professor Shiro Kozuma
Treasurer Secretary-General PHILIPPINES Deputy Secretary-General Chairman, Journal Committee
MALAYSIA Email: wwsumpaico@aofog.org; Sri Lanka JAPAN
Email: ravic2558@gmail.com secretariat@aofog.org Email : Rohana@NineWellsCare.com Email: kozuma-tky@umin.ac.jp

A/Professor Yoke Fai Fong Dr. Shyam Desai Professor Kazunori Ochiai Dr. Mario Bernardino
Chairman, Endoscopy Committee Chairman, Maternal & Chairman, Oncology Committee Chairman, Population
Singapore Perinatal Health Care Committee JAPAN Dynamics Committee
Email: Yoke_fai_fong@nuhs.edu.sg INDIA E-mail :kochiai@jikei.ac.jp; PHILIPPINES
Email : shyamdesai47@yahoo.com nissanfu@jsog.or.jp Email: mabmd1023@yahoo.com.ph

Dr. Jaydeep Tank A/Professor Masayasu Koyama Dr. Leung Kwok Yin Professor Suporn Koetsawang
Chairman, Reproductive Chairman, Urogynecology Chairman, Ultrasound Chairman, Fellowship Selection
Endocrinology Committee INDIA Committee JAPAN Committee Hong Kong Committee THAILAND
Email : drjaydeeptank@gmail.com; E-mail: m-koyama@med.osaka-cu.ac.jp / Email : leungky1@ha.org.hk Email: koetsawang@hotmail.com
drjaydeeptank@me.com masayasukoyama@mac.com

Professor V Sivanesaratnam Dr. Narendra Malhotra Professor Tsung-Hsien Su Dr. Rupert Sherwood
Chairman, Advisory Committee Chairman, Newsletter, Chairman, Council Member (Australia)
MALAYSIA Publication and YGAA AOFOG Educational Fund Australia
E-mail: sivanes@ummc.edu.my / India. Taiwan Email rsherwood@netspace.net.au
kiekie.siva@gmail.com Email: drnarendra@malhotrahospitals.com Email: drthsu@mail.itrip.com.tw

Professor Kohinoor Begum Professor Koum Kanal Professor Zeyi Cao Professor M B Sammour
Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member
Bangladesh Cambodia China EGYPT
Email: k.begum@yahoo.com Email : nmchc@online.com.kh Email : zeyicao@263.net Email : EFCF efcf@link.net

A/Prof Dr. Ernest NG Dr. P. K. Shah Dr. Noroyono Wibowo Professor Eliezer Shalev
Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member
Hong Kong Mumbai INDONESIA Israel
Email : nghye@hku.hk Email : fogsi2007@gmail.com / Email: pogi@indo.net.id; Email: shaleve@tx.technion.ac.il
drpkshah2010@gmail.com wibowonoroyono@yahoo.com

Prof. Tadashi Kimura MD Professor Young-Tak Kim, M.D. Dr. Wong Keong Dr. HJ Mohamad Farouk
Council Member Council Member (Korea) Council Member (Macau) Abdullah
JAPAN Korea Macau (S.A.R.) Council Member (Malaysia)
E-mail : tadashi@gyne.med.osaka-u.ac.jp Email: ytkim@amc.seoul.kr Email: pdcmacau@yahoo.com.hk Email: mfarouk_a@yahoo.com

Dr. Purevsuren Genden Professor Win Win Mya Dr. Ashma Rana Dr Digby Ngan Kee
Council Member Council Member Council Member NEPAL Council Member
Mongolia, Myanmar Email: njog63@gmail.com / New Zealand
email: purewsureng@yahoo.com Email: drwwmcwh@gmail.com ashmarana2011@gmail.com Email: dngan.kee@xtra.co.nz

Professor Lubna Hassan Dr Ligo Augerea Dr. Rey H. de los Reyes, MD Dr Hesham Arab
Council Member (Pakistan) Council Member (Papua New Guinea) Council Member (Philippines) Council Member (Saudi Arabia)
Email : presidentsogp@gmail.com Email : lsaugerea@gmail.com Email: rhdlr2003@yahoo.com Email: arab123@gmail.com

Dr. Ananda Ranatunga A/Professor Ching-Hung Hsieh, Dr. Somboon Kunathikom Professor Nguyen Duc Vy
Council Member (Sri Lanka) Council Member (Taiwan) Council Member (Thailand) Council Member (Vietnam)
Email: randa5130@hotmail.com Email : ug.doc@msa.hinet.net Email: pr_rtcog@rtcog.or.th Email: ipmn@hn.vnn.vn ;

Country President Email Address National Society email address
Australia & Dr. Rupert Sherwood rsherwood@netspace.net.au ranzcog@ranzcog.edu.au
New Zealand president@ranzcog.edu.au kbell@ranzcog.org.nz
Cambodia Professor Koum Kanal nmchc@online.com.kh
China Dr. Jinghe Lang zeyicao@263.net
Bangladesh Professor Kohinoor Begum k.begum@yahoo.com ogsb@agni.com
Egypt Professor Nabil A. Darwish efcf@link.net efcf@link.net;
Hongkong Dr. Kwok-Yin Leung leungky1@ha.org.hk lamsk02@gmail.com
India Dr. P.K. Shah drpkshah2010@gmail.com nsheriar@gmail.com
Indonesia Dr. Noroyono Wibowo pogi@indo.net.id; pogi@indo.net.id
Israel Professor Moshe Ben Ami MBenAmi@poria.health.gov.il maxia@asaf.health.gov.il
Japan Professor Kazunori Ochiai kochiai@jikei.ac.jp ktakeda@jsog.or.jp
Korea Dr. Sun Haneg Kim ksh5335@kumc.or.kr thanx111@naver.com
Macau Dr. Wong Keong pdcmacau@yahoo.com.hk ogmacau@yahoo.com.hk
Malaysia Dr. Suresh Kumarasamy sureshgynae@yahoo.com ogsm@myjaring.net;
Mongolia Dr. Purevsuren Genden purewsureng@yahoo.com purevsureng@yahoo.com;
Myanmar Prof Win Win Mya drwwmcwh@gmail.com dr.yysoe@gmail.com
Nepal Professor Ashama Rana ashmarana2011@gmail.com/ nesog1989@gmail.com
Pakistan Professor Lubna Hassan presidentsogp@gmail.com sogpjpmc@hotmail.com
Papua New Guinea Dr. Ligo Augerea lsaugerea@gmail.com glenmola@dg.com.pg
Philippines Dr. Rey H. de los Reyes rhdlr2003@yahoo.com pogs@pldtdsl.net
Saudi Arabia Dr. Hassan Jamal arab123@gmail.com arab123@gmail.com
Singapore Dr. Fong Yoke Fai Yoke_fai_fong@nuhs.edu.sg ogss@pacific.net.sg
Sri Lanka Dr. Ananda Ranatunga randa5130@hotmail.com
Taiwan A/Prof Ching-Hung Hsieh ug.doc@msa.hinet.net obsgyntw@seed.net.tw
Thailand Prof Somboon Kunathikom pr_rtcog@rtcog.or.th sc_rtcog@rtcog.or.th
Vietnam Prof Dr Nguyen Viet Tien nvtien59@yahoo.com.vn quyetvb2000@yahoo.com;

AOFOG Session – From Cape Town to Rome – what has AOFOG done? were generated and sensitivities were
10 October, 2012; 14h30 – 17h00, Room Iustina (I) Hall 10 calculated at 75% specificity.
Comparison of ROMA to RMI for Ovarian Carcinoma in Asia Results: At 75% specificity, sensitivities of the
Introduction: Several studies have shown the benefit of using HE4 markers/algorithms were 68.4% for CA125,
either alone or in combination with CA125 to determine the risk of 80.7% for HE4, 80.7% for ROMA, and 78.9%
malignancy in women with a pelvic mass. This study validates the use for RMI. Substituting HE4 for CA125 in RMI
of HE4 in an Asian population and compares the ROMA algorithm gave 82.5% sensitivity and substituting ROMA
(CA125 and HE4) to RMI (CA125 and imaging). for CA125 in RMI gave 78.9% sensitivity at 75% Prof W W Sumpaico
Methods: 414 women with an adnexal mass scheduled to have
surgery were enrolled in the study. Blood was drawn before surgery, Conclusions: HE4 and ROMA demonstrated better sensitivity at 75%
frozen and stored, and then sent to a single testing laboratory for specificity than CA125 and RMI for distinguishing between a benign
CA125, HE4 and FSH testing. Histopatholgical slides were sent to a and malignant pelvic mass. Substituting HE4 for CA125 in the RMI
central pathology laboratory for review. Clinical information on the gave better sensitivity at 75% specificity than using CA125. Using
patients and surgical outcomes were collected. Ultrasound data was ROMA in place of CA125 in RMI improved the AUC from 0.84 to 0.88;
available for 328 of the 414 women for the RMI analysis. ROC curves however it did not improve the sensitivity at 75% specificity.


Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is one of the newest and most exciting spreading worldwide. Other disadvantages included absence of tactile
areas of development in procedural medicine. This field shows feedback of robotic arms, requirement of larger ports for robotic surgery
tremendous potential to increase therapeutic benefit while minimizing compared to conventional laparoscopic staging surgery. Nevertheless, it
some of the painful or dangerous side effects of surgical interventions. is safe to assume that in the next few decades most surgeries will be
MIS has strong historic ties to the field of gynecology and has come a long performed with the help of computer-enhanced and robotic technology.
way as technology and techniques have improved. Operative Innovation in technology and techniques continues more minimal
laparoscopy has developed as the appearance of minimally invasive approach to be attained than traditional laparoscopic surgery; LESS
surgery in the field of gynecology. Operative laparoscopy was initiated in surgery is one of those innovative techniques. In 2005, Ghezzi et al.
the 1970s, and now, that has become an essential part of surgical presented a novel technique for the treatment of tubal pregnancy; one
treatment for gynecologic diseases, including gynecologic cancers. trocar salpingectomy. During recent years, this technique is adopted to
Fortunately, advances in equipment and techniques now allow more various operations for adnexal and uterine surgery and initial reports on
complex surgical procedures to be performed through tiny abdominal this novel technique have been published. Several gynecologists also
incisions. Additionally, robot-assisted surgery with the daVinci® Surgical demonstrated the feasibility of LESS surgery. However, this surgery
System may be the most effective, least invasive treatment option. Two results in hand collisions out of the abdomen and clashing of instruments
recent advanced laparoscopic approaches, robotic assisted laparoscopy within the abdomen. Now, various devices designed to overcome the
and laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) surgery are reviewed here. technical challenges for LESS surgery have been developed and
In 2005, the da Vinci robotic assistance device was approved by the Food introduced in gynecology. Despite novel devices, clashing of
and Drug Administration for use in gynecologic procedures. Many laparoscopic instruments and limited vision of in-line view are potential
researchers have demonstrated the feasibility of robotic radical disadvantages of LESS surgery. These weaknesses which cause longer
hysterectomy in cervical cancer and the robot assisted staging surgery in operative times and longer learning curves might be major obstacles for
endometrial cancer. Lowe et al. also reported the experience of multi- the popularity of LESS surgery. Therefore, increased efforts to develop
institution consortium which consists of five gynecologic oncologists in surgical instruments which can overcome these technical problems
distinct geographical regions of the United States for radical should continue. If technical advances are achieved in laparoscopic
hysterectomy using the da Vinci robotic platform. Through the analysis of instruments, including the robotic system, more complicated procedures
42 patients who underwent a type II or III robotic radical hysterectomy, the in gynecologic oncology, such as radical hysterectomy and
authors concluded that robot assisted laparoscopic type II/III radical comprehensive endometrial cancer staging surgery might be conducted
hysterectomy is associated with a shortened hospital stay, few operative with laparoendoscopic single-site surgery in the near future.
complications, acceptable lymph node yields, and acceptable operative In conclusion, robotic surgery is considered a jump over the technical
times. Gehrig et al. conducted a comparative study to examine which is barriers of MIS, and contributes to widespread adoption of MIS. However,
the optimal minimally invasive surgical approach between conventional the economic feasibility of robotic surgery still remains as another
laparoscopy and robot for obese patients with endometrial cancer. obstacle to be solved. On the other hand, despite its demonstrated
Robotic surgery has many advantages, such as 3-dimensional view, the feasibility in gynecology and newly introduced devices, there are several
wrist like motion of the robotic arm and ergonomically comfortable matters that need to be solved, such as demonstrating superiority of the
position for the surgeon. These advantages offer significant technical LESS surgery compared with conventional laparoscopic approach, and
ease in performing complicated surgical procedures, including suturing relieving technical difficulties. It is expected that these two innovative
and tying of knots by the surgeon. Although there are several advantages approaches; robotic surgery and LESS surgery take the lead in the
of robotic surgery, it still has disadvantages. The principal weak point is evolution of MIS in gynecologic oncology.
the high cost of robotic surgery, which prevents robotic surgery from
Country Congress Year
Japan, Tokyo I Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1957, April 4-6
India, Calcutta II Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1962, Jan. 23-26
Philippines, Manila III Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1965, April 14-16
Singapore IV Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1968, Nov. 15-20
Indonesia, Jakarta V Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1971, October
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur VI Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1974, July
Singapore 1st Inter-Congress, Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1976, April 27-30
Thailand, Bangkok VII Asian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1977, Nov. 20-25
Japan, Tokyo 13th General Assembly 1979, October
Australia, Melbourne VIII Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1981, Oct. 25-30
Korea, Seoul IX Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1983, Sept. 4-9
Taiwan, Taipei Post-Congress Seminar on Uterine Cervical Cancer & Infertility 1983, Sept. 11-12
Sri Lanka, Colombo X Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1985, Sept. 5-10
Thailand, Bangkok Pre-Congress Seminar on Practical Aspects of Fertility Management 1987, Dec. 1-4
Hong Kong XI Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1987, Dec. 6-11
Taiwan, Taipei XII Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1989, Dec. 3-8
Singapore Post-Congress Workshop 1989, Dec. 10-12
Thailand, Bangkok XIII Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1991, Feb. 10-15
New Zealand, Queenstown Post-Congress Seminar 1991, Feb. 18-22
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Pre-Congress Workshop on Cervical Neoplasia: Diagnosis & Management 1993, Nov. 11-12
Philippines, Manila XIV Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1993, Nov. 14-19
Singapore Pre-Congress Workshop on Ultrasound 1995, Oct. 12-13
Indonesia, Bali XV Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1995, Oct. 15-20
Thailand, Bangkok Pre-Congress Seminar 1998, June 11-12
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur XVI Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1998, June 14-19
Philippines, Cebu Pre-Congress Seminar 2000, July 6-8
Singapore XVII Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2000, July 9-14
Chennai, india Pre-Congress Seminar 2002, Sept 2-3
India, Bangalore XVIII Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2002, Sept. 5-10
Ulaanbataar, Mongolia Pre-Congress Seminar 2005, Sept 27-28
Seoul, South Korea XIX Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2005, October
Pre/Post-Congress Seminar 2007
Tokyo, Japan XX Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2007, Sept 21-25
Pre/Post-Congress Seminar 2009
Auckland, New Zealand XXI Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2009
Taipei, Taiwan XXII Asia & Oceania Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2011


Event Date Place Website Contact Person Email
Annual Clinical Meeting 2-5 Oct., 2012 Chiang Mai www.rtcog.or.th Asso. Prof. Kamthorn sc_rtcog@rtcog.or.th

The 2nd Global Congress 25-28 Oct., 2012 Shanghai, www.comtecmed.com/ Ms Nitza Cohen nitza@comtecmed.com
of Maternal and Infant China gmih/2012/Default.aspx
Health (GMIH)

World Congress-BCGIP, 15-18 Nov., 2012 NCR Delhi, www.asian-bcgip.com Dr. Narendra Malhotra drnarendra@
Asia India malhotrahospitals.com

RANZCOG 2013 Annual 8-12 Sept, 2013 Sydney, www.ranzcog.edu.au Ms Kylie Grose ranzcog@ranzcog.edu.au
Scientific Meeting Australia

5th BCGIP-COGI 31 Oct-3 Nov.,13 Shanghai, www.bcgip.com/china Prof. Zeev Shoham zeev@cc.huji.ac.il
Welcome to Bangkok

The 23rd Asian & Oceanic Congress

of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World
20-24 October, 2013 Bangkok, Thailand
About Thailand Preliminary Topics
Thailand is unmatched with a plethora of complementary destinations. As Regional Women’s Healthcare Situation and Service
such, a wide selection of tours in Thailand and neighboring countries will l Maternal Mortality l Cervical Cancer
be offered to convention delegates for selection before and after the l Patient Safety l Training
Congress. Detailed itineraries and prices will be submitted at a later stage.
The tours will be designed with delegates in mind providing them with Maternal-Fetal Medicine
interesting attractions, learning experiences, and memorable l Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening
discoveries. l Advances in Perinatal Ultrasound
AOCOG 2013 l Fetal Therapy
The Royal Thai College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists is proud to host Reproductive Medicine
The 23rd Asian and Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology l Infertility l Contraception l Menopause
(23rd AOCOG 2013) in Bangkok, Thailand from the 20th – 24th October Gynaecological Oncology
2013. AOCOG 2013 is being organized under the auspices of The Asia l Cancer Screening l Challenges in Cancer Treatment
and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and aims to
General Gynaecology
promote the continued advances in science and art of obstetrics,
gynaecology and reproductive biology and the total healthcare of the l Fibroids l Endometriosis l PCOS
female population. Themed “Challenges in Women’s Healthcare”, the General Obstetrics
conference shall focus on the most pressing issues in our field, discuss l High Risk Pregnancies l Preterm Labor and Delivery,
the latest research and studies and unveil the most recent breakthroughs l Pregnancy Induced Hypertension l Postpartum Hemorrhage
and innovations.
l Cesarean Section
Conference Venue Endoscopic Surgery
Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld is located l Advances in Hysteroscopic Surgery
within the central business district. The 5-star Centara Grand provides a l New Technologies in Laparoscopic Surgery
fresh perspective on Thai hospitality and service. Access to Centara
l Robotic Surgery
Grand at CentralWorld is easily available by car, coach and Bangkok
Transit System-BTS, Sky Train which links to the MRT Sub Way network. Urogynaecology
Rajdamri Road and Rama 1 Road provide convenient access to other l Genital Prolapse l Urinary Incontinence,
areas in the city centre and the inbound and outbound expressway. l Overactive Bladder
Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World Reproductive Health
999/99 Rama 1 Road, Patumwan, Bangkok 10220, Thailand l Adolescent Problems l AIDS\HIV Infection
T: +66 (2) 1001234, F: +66 (2) 1001235, E: cgcw@chr.co.th l Unsafe Abortion l Domestic Violence

Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact the Organizers if you require any additional information or assistance. Please address all correspondence to:
AOCOG 2013 Secretariat Office c/o Kenes Asia (Thailand) Limited
PICO Building, 10 Soi Lasalle 56, Sukhumwit, Bangna, Bangkok, 10260 THAILAND
Tel: +66 2 748 7881, Fax: +66 2 748 7880, E-mail: aocog2013@kenes.com

This is for private circulation for AOFOG members only. Edited by Dr. Narendra Malhotra, Chairman Publication Committee of AOFOG.
Designed & Printed at Agra by Prabandhan for AOFOG

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