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고교 반배치 2011년 광주 영어 1차

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2011학년도 고등학교 신입생 반배치고사 1차 문제지

영 어 제3교시

수험번호 ( ) 성 명 ( )
3.다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
※ 문제지와 답안지에 필요한 인적 사항(수험번호, 이름)을 정확히 When I was a college student, I traveled abroad a lot by
기입(표기)한 후 답안을 작성하시오. myself. My friends asked me, "Weren't you afraid? You might
※ 배 점 : 2점 문항에만 배점이 표시되어 있습니다. 점수표시 have faced serious trouble or boredom if nobody was there for
가 없는 문항은 모두 3점입니다. you." They might be right. However, they probably didn't know
how great it is to travel alone. Actually, there are many
1. 다음 밑줄 친 him 이 가리키는 바가 다른 하나는? benefits. Firstly, you can decide your own schedule: when you
Princess Elizabeth was going to marry Prince Ronald. travel with somebody else, their interests can be different from
yours and it might cause you to give up your preference and
However, a dragon arrives and destroys her kingdom, carries follow their schedule. Also, if you are with other people, you'll
① him away, and burns all her clothes. She has no choice choose to stay with them and miss great opportunities to make
but to wear a paper bag. Elizabeth follows the dragon to friends with new people. You are young and strong so don't be
rescue ② him. She challenges the dragon to burn forests with afraid to give it a try.
fire and to fly around the world. The dragon did what she ① to give tips on setting up a schedule
asked ③ him to do, but after flying around the world a ② to advise not to give up your preference
second time he becomes tired and falls asleep. Elizabeth ③ to invite travelers to make friends with locals
rescues Ronald, but he is ungrateful and tells her to return to ④ to show the advantages of traveling alone
④ him when she looks more like a princess. Elizabeth realizes ⑤ to warn about the danger of getting lost abroad
that he is a stupid person and leaves ⑤ him to live her own
4.(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 알맞
게 짝지어진 것은?
Hangeul, the Korean alphabet, consists of 10 vowels and 14
consonants (A) [what / that] are arranged in characters
rather than in words. Making Hangeul words (B) [is / are]
different from how the English letters are used to form
2. 밑줄 친 They 가 가리키는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? words. Look at this word: '한국'(Hanguk) which consists of
There was a painter whose paintings were not two characters. The first character of the word is (C)
well-appreciated during his lifetime. As a result, he was very [formed / forming] with an 'ㅎ’(h) in the top of the left

disappointed, and he spent the rest of his life alone in a studio corner, and 'ㅏ'(a) in the top right corner and an 'ㄴ‘(n) at
in the countryside. They could be done easily in a studio with the bottom. It forms the first character. Then, the second
simple things such as apples, oranges, or vases. This is why character can be made similarly. These two characters may
he painted so many of them. He especially liked to paint form an word: 한국.
apples, oranges, and vases. He thought that the lines and (A) (B) (C)
shapes found in them are basic and common in nature. So, he ① what are forming
believed that he could express the very essence of nature by ② what is formed
drawing simple things like apples or oranges. ③ that are forming
① Landscapes ② Graffiti ③ Sculptures ④ that is formed
⑤ that is forming
④ Portraits ⑤ Still lifes
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5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [8-13] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
At last, a fire in a Colorado coal mine in the US ① has put
out. The fire, which ② started in 1916, burnt continuously for One day I was looking for a book of English proverbs at
85 years. It *defied all ordinary methods of firefighting until a
the library. When I found the book, a young man came up to
local engineering company finally came up with a brilliant idea.me and said, "I need to make a list of interesting proverbs
They mixed a heat-resistant chemical foam with cement and and explain what they mean. Would you help me?" "Well, I
pumped it through 49 steel-lined bore holes deep into the guess we could make the list together. As they say, Two
mine. The foam, which ③ doubled in volume, sealed off the heads are better than one." "And _______________________,"
900℃ fire, ④ starving it of oxygen until it went out. The local whispered an angry voice from the other side of the library.
community is now hopeful that the mine ⑤ will reopen. ① one bee is better than two flies
*defy 무력화하다 ② killing two birds with one stone
③ two mouths are noisier than one
④ two eyes, two ears, only one mouth
⑤ one hour's sleep before midnight is worth two after
6. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
When I first began to learn English, I thought it was too 9. When doctors want to check the inside organs of a
difficult, but I worked very hard. My English teacher told me human body, they usually do an ultrasound checkup.
to read a short story book in English. ①The first time I tried Ultrasound, a high frequency sound, is too high for human
to read a short story, I did not know all the words in the beings to hear. But, this sound is helpful for checking
book, but I could understand the story in the end. ②It was a diseases inside the body. Ultrasound is also used to check the
nice experience! ③After that, I've tried to learn many English baby of a pregnant woman. Doctors are able to see the baby
words so I can enjoy English books more. ④Reading books in on the screen and even hear the heartbeat of the baby
English is one thing and speaking in English is another. ⑤I through an ultrasound checkup. In this way, sound is used for
think reading is fun and helpful. I will keep reading books in purposes.
① medical ② economical ③ scientific
④ technical ⑤ educational

7. 다음 중 글쓴이의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Beware of people who try and convince you to compromise
on your character or integrity*. Nobody, they say, is perfect. 10.Children, at 10 and 13, are old enough to understand the
They say you're just an idealist. However, the fact that concept that not all families are alike. The fact that a friend
nobody is perfect doesn't mean you should break what you of theirs enjoys a privilege or has something they don't have
believe is right. It's good to learn from your mistakes, but we does not mean that your children must. If your children are
don't always need to make mistakes in order to learn. asking for "things", then let me remind you that parents who
Remember that trying to be perfect and being perfect are two grant a child's every wish fail to teach that child one of life's
different ideas; one is the pursuit of integrity, and the latter is most important lessons: how to cope with .
an exercise in uselessness. *integrity 완전 So, please don't feel guilty about drawing the line, or asking
① 언제나 완벽을 고집할 필요는 없다. your children how they plan to earn whatever it is they are
② 완벽하려고 노력하는 자세가 필요하다. asking for.
③ 어떤 경우에도 신념을 저버려서는 안 된다. ① criticism ② loneliness ③ prejudice
④ 실수를 통해 가치 있는 교훈을 얻을 수 있다. ④ nervousness ⑤ disappointment
⑤ 여러 차례 실패를 극복해보아야 성공할 수 있다.
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11. Have you ever seen or heard of the documentary movie 13. There are few experiences as satisfactory as coming up
Super Size Me? In it, director Morgan Spurlock eats only with a good idea. You've had a problem, you've thought about
McDonald's fast food for 30 days and stops exercising. The it until you were tired, forgotten it and perhaps slept on it,
results are startling. Spurlock gains more than 8 kilograms in and then flash! When you weren't thinking about it, suddenly
twelve days. He becomes exhausted and depressed, and his the answer has come to you. You're pleased with it, and feel
cholesterol rises to dangerous levels. He even suffers liver good. It may not be right, but at least you can try it out. Of
damage. After 30 days, Spurlock was 11 kilograms heavier course not all ideas come this way. But it is interesting that
and medically "overweight." Spurlock's experiment reflects a so many do, particularly the most important ones. They glow
growing worry about __________________________________. with the heat of creation and burst into the mind! All of your
Recently one researcher found that U.S. states with more fast exhaustion disappears at that moment and you get full of
food restaurants had higher obesity rates. Medical experts also happiness. So sometimes, it's better _______________________.
blame fast food for a rise in heart disease and childhood ① to take your time and wait
*diabetes in the U.S. *diabetes 당뇨병 ② to try to be in a good mood
① children's addiction to burgers ③ to work with the heat of creation
② why fast food sells like hot cakes ④ to keep thinking about an answer
③ what we need to eat to lose weight ⑤ to make sure your idea is the best
④ how quickly food can be prepared
⑤ connections between fast food and health problems

12 . Everyone loves the taste of a good pizza. This delicious 14.다음 글에 나타난 주인공의 심리상태 변화를 가장 적절하
food goes back to the 18th century in Italy. Italians had been 게 표현한 것은?
baking flat bread for several hundred years. But the first real The children were all students at the Chairman School in
pizza didn't exist until people in Naples started to put tomato Auckland, New Zealand. Two days earlier, when they came
sauce in their flat bread. In a very short time, the 'pizza' was together on a ship for a school trip, the rope was cut by
a huge hit. In fact, it was so popular that tourists came to accident, and the ship washed away to sea. Unfortunately, the
Naples just to try the dish. Creative pizza cooks started adding captain and his men had left the ship to have a drink. So the
cheese and spices like oregano, basil, and olive oil on their ship was in the hands of the fifteen boys! In the early
pizzas. Although there are now hundreds of different styles of morning, Moco suddenly cried, "Land! Land!" The boys ran
pizza, Napolitans still prefer their pizza exactly the same as it up to the deck to see where Moco was pointing. A few
was when it was first invented. They believe it should be as minutes later, the ship managed to land on shore. At last,
as red, green, and white: tomatoes, basil, and they were on land!
mozzarella cheese. ① sad → panicked
① simple ② tasty ② excited → frustrated
③ diverse ④ organic ③ worried → relieved
⑤ creative ④ ashamed → relieved
⑤ panicked → disappointed

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15. 다음 중, 밑줄 친 낱말의 쓰임이 문맥상 적절하지 않은 것은? 17. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 연결어로 가장 알맞은 것은?
In recent years, I've learned that a failure to take ① regular I would like to become a businessman in the future. If I
breaks is an enormous mistake that not only wears you down become rich, I will spend my fortune for others.  (A) ,
over time, but actually makes you ② more productive. I I will give a large amount of money to scientists. It will help
assumed that by skipping my breaks, I'd be able to save a them conduct research to find cures for diseases. I want to
great deal of time and get more work done. Now I have an live in a world without disease. In addition, I will donate a lot
idea that more isn't always better. While you may not even of money to environmental groups so that they can work to
feel it at the time, slowly but surely your ③ exhaustion will save the earth. This money will help them work for clean air
sneak up on you. You'll become less patient and attentive, and and water. (B) , I will create a world-famous prize
your concentration and listening skills will suffer. You'll burn like the Nobel Prize. I'm sure that this prize will encourage
out much more quickly, and your creativity and insights will those who are working to help others. I hope my dream
slowly ④ fade away. You'd better push the ⑤ "pause button" comes true in the future.
once in a while, and push the "play button" returning to work (A) (B)
feeling refreshed. ① However Therefore
② However Finally
③ For example Nevertheless
④ For example Therefore
⑤ For example Finally

16. (A), (B), (C)의 각 [ ] 안에서, 문맥에 맞는 낱말끼리 짝지

어 진 것은?
Deserts are not places without any changes in climate, [18-19] 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
where it rarely rains and the sun keeps shining. Due to
(A) [abnormal/normal] weather conditions, however, 18. Mechanical clocks were invented in the northern part of
rainfall comes to some deserts. One day, a scientist the earth. The person who invented them used the way the
(B ) [ex p lod ed /ex p lo red ] the desert where the rainfall sun moves in the sky. If you watch the sun from the northern
resulted in a little stream. It so happened that the part of the earth, you face south. The sun will rise on your
scientist could see something moving in the stream. left, pass over your head and set on your right. So do the
Surprisingly, he found that the water was full of very hands of the clock. They move from left to right over the top
small shrimps. They moved around! The scientist was of the clock.
surprised to discover the secret of the desert. That is, ① Why is a day 24 hours?
the desert shrimp (C) [survives/revives] the dry periods ② Who invented a clock first?
in the desert. When the water is gone, the desert shrimp ③ Why do clocks run clockwise?
eggs wait underground for the rain to come again. ④ How does the sun move in the sky?
(A) (B) (C) ⑤ What do clocks have in common with the sun?
① normal exploded revives
② normal exploded survives
③ abnormal explored revives
④ abnormal exploded survives
⑤ abnormal explored survives

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19. Our future homes will recognize us and will respond 21. 다음 글을 읽고 뼈를 통해 우리가 알 수 있는 것이 아닌
automatically to our needs. Doors will open automatically 것을 고르시오.
when the right person comes up to them. They will scan and By "reading" and analyzing a skeleton, scientists can
recognize a person by their voices or face or will even discover the person's sex, race, and height. We can see
identify us by our DNA make-up. Once inside the homes, approximately how old a person was at death, and
they will just do what they are programmed to do. The approximately how many children a woman had. By looking
intelligent building of 2030 will also be able to learn. They at the way people's bones are formed, we can also detect
will remember, for example, the user's likings for lighting whether they had certain diseases, or whether they had been
level and room heat. Once a person has been identified by a starved or sick as children. If we grind up a small piece of
microchip in his/her watch, the computer will make the lights bone and put it in a chemical solution, we can analyze the
and other household appliances work to suit the person who solution in a laboratory and find out what minerals have
is in the room. been absorbed by the bone, which can tell us what kind of
① Technologies in the future food the person ate.
② Joys of living in the future ① 인종 ② 병력 ③ 사망연령
③ Smart locks and smart homes ④ 섭취한 음식 ⑤ 평소 즐기던 운동
④ How intelligent buildings work
⑤ What our future homes will be like

22. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Work Force Statistics for China and US

20. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 Arica에 대한 설명으로 적절한 것은?

I live in Arica. It's one of the driest places on earth, at Source : Encyclopaedia Britannica
least in terms of rainfall. On average, it rains only about once
every six years. However, that doesn't mean it's extremely
hot and arid. In fact, the climate is quite mild, with
temperatures from 20˚C to 25˚C most of the year. Although Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2001 Book of the Year
Arica is in the desert, there is enough moisture in the air to
keep the desert plants green and beautiful. No one could say The two charts above show work force for China and US
that Arica is lush, but we do have a lot of beautiful green in 2001. ① More than 70 percent of Chinese worked for the
parks. Much of the moisture comes from the coastal fog that agricultural sector. ② In contrast, almost equal percentage of
rolls in most mornings but burns off shortly afterwards. One people worked for the industry sector in the US. ③ The
of the best parts of Arica is that you never have to worry percentage of Chinese who worked for the industry sector
about your plans being ruined by rain. Another one is that was smaller than that of people in the same field in the US.
there are beautiful beaches that you can enjoy any day of the ④ The combined percentage of the industry, service and other
year. in China was smaller than that of agriculture. ⑤ In the US,
① 6년에 한번 비가 오고 굉장히 덥고 건조하다. the combined percentage of agriculture, industry and other
② 최저 기온은 20˚C 에서 25˚C 이다. was far less than that of service. From the two charts, you
③ 사막에 위치하여 식물이 자라지를 못한다. can see that the US is developed and industrial whereas
④ 아침에 안개가 끼는 일이 많다. China is developing.
⑤ 해변과 멀리 떨어져 있다.

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[23-24] 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [25-26] 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
23. Our self-image is the blueprint which determines how 25. While human beings like to think of themselves as the
we see the world. When we hate ourselves, we hate only animals who possess total control over all their actions,
everybody else. When we love ourselves, the world is this belief is not based on fact. A strong emotion such as
wonderful. The important idea is that our self-image is fear can cause reactions that are totally beyond human
formed by our beliefs, not simply by our past experiences. control. For example, it is well known that human beings
It helps determine our successes and failures. For instance, often tremble when they are frightened. The trembling is
we may even look at a failure in a bright light if we are involuntary and ceases only when danger is past. Similarly,
confident of ourselves. In this way, we continue to live children and adults have been known to urinate when they
within the limits of our self-image. are placed in fear-producing situations.
① 긍정적인 자아상을 갖자. ① What Causes Fear?
② 실패는 성공의 어머니이다. ② Involuntary Reactions to Danger
③ 과거의 실패에 연연하지 말자. ③ Can We Really Control Our Actions?
④ 끊임없는 자아 성찰이 필요하다. ④ Even Wild Animals Can Change as Trained
⑤ 과거의 실패를 긍정적인 시각으로 바라보자. ⑤ Different Reactions of Children and Adults to Danger

24. Some argue that our children do not need our time in 26. When you see something, your eyes and your brain are
terms of quantity. It's true in some sense. There's no need to working together. Light carries a picture, or image of an
give our children even fifteen minutes of our time, if all they object into each of your eyes. As light enters your eyes, the
experience through us is negativity or a spirit of impatience. image of the object is turned upside down. You receive two
But most good teaching takes time. Our loving and caring upside down images of the object, one in each eye. Messages
spirit, our understanding and calmness, and our devotion to about these upside-down images travel to your brain. Sight
this world need to seep into a child's mind and soul. Such centers in your brain turn the images right-side up. These
sharing rarely comes through a quick torrent of kisses or centers also join the two images into one. Your brain then
fleeting kind words. It takes time and patience. Indeed the figures out what you are looking at, and you see the object.
very spending of time with our children is a way of our Then your brain must try to understand what you see. To do
communicating to them that they are valued. this, your brain compare what you are seeing with what you
* torrent : 연발, 분출, * fleeting : 쏜살같은, 빨리지나가는 have seen in the past.
① 아이들은 다양한 경험을 해야 한다. ① How Do We See?
② 훈육과 질책 보다 칭찬과 격려가 중요하다. ② Seeing Is Believing
③ 아이들과 많은 시간을 함께 하는 것이 중요하다. ③ Types of Optical Illusions
④ 자녀 교육을 위해 청소년 문화에 관심을 가져라. ④ How Do Optical Illusions Happen?
⑤ 부모와 자식 간에는 애정 표현을 자주 해야 한다. ⑤ Why Are We Fooled by Our Brain?

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27. 다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 29.
The hamburger originated from a Mongolian tribe, the This misunderstanding was caused by a shortage
Tartars in Central Asia. of knowledge.
(A) At first, the Tartar steak was for the poor in Germany, How can we keep Korean food as ours as well as a food of
but those who came to the United States from Germany the world? (①) Most of all we have to love our traditional
made it famous in the US. In 1904, at the St. Louis Expo, food and try to learn more about it. These days Korean food
people started selling the steak with vegetables between is considered very healthy and strongly recommended. (②)
two pieces of bread. From then on, people have called this Because it is mainly vegetables rather than meat, it is low in
convenient steak with bread a hamburger. fat. Until a few years ago, however, it had been thought of as
(B) They ground up meat and mixed it with other vegetables. food with poor nutritional value. (③) Kimchi has been
One day, a businessman from Hamburg, Germany saw scientifically proven to be highly nutritious and is
this and introduced it to his hometown. That was how the recommended by many nutritionists at home and abroad. (④)
steak got its present name, hamburger. It is a healthy food, not just a simple food. (⑤) Knowing our
(C) However, many people didn't know the fact that the word food well enough, we can love it and take pride in it, and
hamburger actually originated from the city of Hamburg. make it known to the whole world.
Many people even thought that there must be ham in the
hamburger. From that idea, some smart people came up
with the cheeseburger, chickenburger, and even riceburger.
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (A) - (B) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (B) - (A) - (C)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
30. 다음 글을 아래와 같은 한 문장으로 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A)
와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
Oldest children are typically successful and are natural
적절한 곳을 고르시오. leaders. CEOs and world leaders are often the oldest child in
their families. Maybe they are good leaders because of their
experience taking care of younger brothers and sisters. Middle
In the countries of the Third World, however, the health children are usually more relaxed than oldest children. They
problems that have priority are very different. often help their older and younger siblings to get along, so
"How can we provide the best health care for our people?" they are good at jobs that require cooperation, negotiation,
This is a question that every responsible society is attempting and teamwork. Youngest children often become artists, actors,
to answer. (①) Advances in drugs and medical technology comedians, and salespeople. These are ideal occupations for
have made possible new treatments for diseases that medical them because they are typically creative, friendly, and funny.
science could not hope to cure before. (②) In the wealthy 

countries, doctors and patients expect the latest drugs and (A) may have an impact on the (B) he or she
technology. (③) Here over 9 million children die annually from chooses.
curable respiratory infections and from measles that has almost (A) (B)
disappeared in the developed countries. (④) In those countries, ① Birth order value of life
it is believed that about 80 percent of all cases of illness are ② Birth order career
the result of contaminated water and inadequate sanitation. (⑤) ③ Leadership value of life
④ Leadership career
⑤ Family size occupation

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[31-32] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오. [33-35] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
Hasad visited the Cadi to get his money back. The (A) A daughter complained to her father about her life and
Cadi was very angry. He said, “I’ve never seen you why things were so hard for her. Her father, a chef, took her
before. Get out of my house!” His servants threw him to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed
into the street. Hasad was very angry and sad. The Cadi each on a stove. In one he put carrots, in the second he put
was the most trusted man in town, but he was a thief! eggs, and in the other coffee beans. He let them sit and boil,
Hasad could not return home and needed to start saving without saying a word.
money again. (B) She humbly asked. "What does that mean, Father?" He
One day, Hasad was collecting the trash from a rich explained that each of them had been in the same fate,
man’s home. The lady of the house saw him. Hasad had boiling water, but each reacted differently. The carrot was

never looked so sad! After hearing Hasad’s story, the strong and hard, but after being in the boiling water, it
lady said, "I have an idea. Listen carefully and do exactly softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile, but
as I say.” after sitting through boiling water, its inside became
That afternoon, the lady visited the Cadi and said, “I
have to travel to Egypt to see my husband. I don’t know (C) The daughter impatiently waited, wondering what he
how to keep my jewels safe until I return.” She spilled was doing. In about twenty minutes, he turned off the
out a pile of jewels before the Cadi. “Can you take care burners. He took the carrots and the eggs out and put them
of them while I’m away?” Just then, Hasad came in and in a bowl respectively. And he poured the coffee out in a
said, “Sir, I’'m here to get back my 500 silver coins.” mug. Then he asked his daughter to feel the carrots, which
turned out soft. He asked her to take and break an egg.
While he kept his eyes on the jewels, the Cadi said, “Of Finally he asked her to drink coffee. She smiled as she tasted
course, your money has been safe with me.” He had his its rich aroma.
servant return Hasad’s bag of silver coins to him. "You
see?”" said the Cadi to the lady. "Everyone trusts me. So (D) However, the coffee beans were unique. After they were
you can leave all your jewels here. They’ll be safe in my in the boiling water, they had changed the water. "Which are
care.” you?" he asked his daughter. "When adversity knocks on
your door, how do you react? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a
At that moment, the lady's servant burst through the coffee bean?"
door and said excitedly, "My lady, your husband has just 33. 위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것은?
returned from Egypt.” Then the lady scooped her jewels ① (B) - (C) - (D) ② (C) - (B) - (D)
back into her bag, said goodbye to the Cadi, and left the ③ (C) - (D) - (B) ④ (D) - (B) - (C)
house with her servant. The Cadi quickly learned the ⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
rich lady had tricked him.
31. Hasad의 심경의 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
34.위 글에서 아버지가 딸에게 주고자 하는 충고로 적절한 것은?
① delightful → upset ② excited → furious ① Make your hardships valuable experiences.
③ hopeful → excited ④ hopeless → hopeful ② Forget about things you cannot deal with.
⑤ furious → embarrassed ③ Be patient until you achieve your goal.
④ Be brave when faced with difficulties.
32.위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ⑤ Hasty decisions lead to failure.
① Hasad는 Cadi에게 은돈 500냥을 맡겨두었다.
② 부자여인은 Hasad를 돕기 위해 묘안을 생각하였다. 위 글에서 밑줄 친 boiling water가 뜻하는 것으로 가장
③ 부자여인은 Cadi에게 보석을 맡기러 갔다. 적절한 것은?
④ Cadi는 부자여인의 보석을 맡고 싶어 하였다. ① 불같은 열정 ② 커다란 고난 ③ 뜻밖의 횡재
⑤ Cadi는 Hasad에게 빌린 은돈 500냥을 보석으로 갚았다. ④ 성급한 성격 ⑤ 지나친 오만

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