Contract Terms: © NWTF 2012
Contract Terms: © NWTF 2012
Contract Terms: © NWTF 2012
Express Terms
Implied Terms
ii) written agreements - the terms in the agreement are the terms of the
contract. The contract may also include terms by reference, that is a
statement that a particular set of standard conditions apply and
incorporates those conditions into the contract.
© NWTF 2012
An implied term is a term which is not expressly in the contract but is inserted by
statute, custom or by the courts.
1. Statute
a) The Sale of Goods Act 1979(as amended by the Sale & Supply of Goods Act
1994) implies terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and ownership
of the goods into contracts for the sale of goods.
b) The Marine Insurance Act 1906 implies a seaworthiness term into contracts
for marine insurance.
2. Custom
These terms are normally those within particular trades and are implied as it is
assumed that those within the trade intend the customary term to be included
unless they exclude it.
British Crane Hire Corp. Ltd. v Ipswich Plant Hire Ltd. [1975] QB 303
3. Courts
The courts will be very slow to imply terms into a contract that has not been
inserted by the parties as they are taken to have known their own minds rather
than the court.
© NWTF 2012
The Moorcock [1889] 14 PD 64
The defendants were the owners of a wharf, and agreed that it should be used
by the Plaintiffs ship for loading cargo. The ship grounded and was damaged
because of the condition of the river bed, which was not under the defendant’s
Held - The court said the defendants were liable for this damage; it was an
implied term that they had taken reasonable steps to ensure the river bed
adjacent to their wharf was safe.
Davey & family booked a holiday in the Algarve. The brochure described in
glowing terms all the mod-cons in the hotel. However, there was no proper
sewage system, the sewage pipe fed directly into the bay in which the hotel was
situated. Davey & family went swimming and were then seriously ill and sued
Cosmos and won.
Held – There was an implied term that there would be no hazardous
But a term will not be implied just because the contract would make better sense
if it was there, only if it was obviously intended to be a part of the agreement.
© NWTF 2012