Significance of Hajj:........................................................................................................................2
In Quran......................................................................................................................................2
In Hadith.....................................................................................................................................2
Forsaking the Hajj.......................................................................................................................2
Those on whom Hajj is obligatory:..................................................................................................2
Difference between Hajj and Umra:...............................................................................................3
Rituals of Hajj..................................................................................................................................3
Faraiz of Hajj...............................................................................................................................3
Wajibat of Hajj............................................................................................................................3
Sunnats of Hajj............................................................................................................................3
1st Day of Hajj: Tarwiyah Day (8th Dhul Hijjah)..............................................................................3
2nd Day of Hajj: Day of Arafah (9th Dhul Hijjah):...........................................................................4
3rd Day of Hajj: First day of Eid (10th Dhul Hijjah):........................................................................4
4th Day of Hajj: Second day of Eid (11th Dhul Hijjah):....................................................................5
5th Day of Hajj: Third day of Eid (12th Dhul Hijjah):.......................................................................5
Kinds of Hajj....................................................................................................................................6
Social Effects of hajj........................................................................................................................6
Benefits of Hajj...............................................................................................................................6
• 5th Pillar of Islam.
• Literal meaning of the word Hajj is “to resolve”, “to intend” or “the will and desire to
• Hajj is different from Salat, Zakat and Fasting in that others only involve monetary
worship or physical worship, while Hajj is a blend of both.
Significance of Hajj:
In Quran
ؕ وهّٰلِل
ؕ َو َم ۡن َكفَ َر استَطَا َع اِلَ ۡي ِه َسبِ ۡياًل ِ اس ِحجُّ ۡالبَ ۡي
ۡ ت َم ِن ِ َّ ن ال ىَ ل ع
َ ِ َ
﴾۹۷﴿ فَاِ َّن هّٰللا َ َغنِ ٌّى َع ِن ۡال ٰعلَ ِم ۡي َن
And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a
In it are clear signs and the standing-place of Abraham. Whoever enters it should be safe.
Pilgrimage to this House is an obligation by Allah upon whoever is able among the people. And
whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is not in need of ˹any of His˺ creation. (3:97)
“Perform the pilgrimage and the visit (to Makkah) for Allah” – (2:196)
In Hadith
In reply to Ayesha’s request to join Jihad: “The Jihad of you women is the pilgrimage”.
Muhammad (PBUH) also said that if someone performs a Hajj without immodest talk or
wicked acts, he will return (free from sins) as on the day his mother bore him”.
In it are clear signs [such as] the standing place of Abraham. And whoever enters it shall be
safe. And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find
thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds. (3:97)
Rituals of Hajj
Faraiz of Hajj
1- Entering Ihraam with the intention to start the rituals of Hajj.
2- Standing / Staying in Arafat (also called Wuquf at Arafat).
3- Tawaf Al-Ifadah, also called Tawaf Al-Ziyaarah.
Wajibat of Hajj
1- Staying at Muzdalifah.
2- Sa’yee between Safa and Marwah (This can be performed with Tawaf Al-Ifadah).
3- Stoning / Pelting of Jamarah (Rami).
4- Sacrifice of an Animal (only for pilgrims performing Hajj-e-Tamattu & Hajj-e-Qiran).
5- Shaving the head or cutting the hair.
6- Tawaf-ul-Wada of Kaaba (Farewell Tawaf).
Sunnats of Hajj
• Tawaf-e-Qudum
• Stay in Mina on night of 8th
• Leaving Mina after sunrise on 9th for Arafat
• Leaving Arafat after departure of Imam
• Staying in Muzdalifah on return from Arafat
• Taking a bath at Arafat
Steps of Hajj
1st Day of Hajj: Tarwiyah Day (8th Dhul Hijjah)
1. Proceed to Mina after offering Fajr Prayer in Makkah and reach Mina before Dhuhr
Prayer. During travel, recite Talbiyah frequently. [Sahih Muslim: 1218 (a)]
Translation: “Ever at Your service, O Allah, every at Your service. Ever at Your
Service, You have no partner, ever at Your service. Verily all praise, blessings and
dominions are Yours. You have no partner.”
2. After reaching Mina, offer Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers of the 8th day of
Dhul Hijjah and Fajr prayer of the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah. Dhuhr, Asr and Isha Prayer
are each shortened to two Rakaat only (Qasr). All these Prayer to be offered in their
respective times.
3. Stay overnight in Mina.
Translation: "There is none worthy of worship besides Allah, He is all by Himself, He has no
partner, His is the Kingdom, for Him is all praise, He has power over all things."
Kinds of Hajj
Hajj-ul-Ifrad: It is the simplest form of Hajj. The pilgrim does not combine Hajj with Umrah
and makes sure not to perform umrah in the months of Hajj. The person performing Hajj-ul-Ifrad is
called Mufrid.
Hajj-ul-Qiran: During this kind of Hajj, a pilgrim who performs Hajj-ul-Qiran combines Hajj
and Umrah.
Hajj-ul-Tamattu: In this type of Hajj, a pilgrim assumes Ihram for only Umrah during the
months of Hajj.
Benefits of Hajj
• Love of God • Brotherhood
• Centralism • Equality
• Simple life • Economics of Hajj
• Love of humanity • Arabic
• Kaasb e Hilal