structure Array
Bahareh Yaghootkar
A Thesis
In the Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering
August 2014
The large surface area and high aspect ratio of nano-structures make them promising
candidates as a fundamental building block for manufacturing various devices. The
potential applications of silicon nano-structure array include, but are not limited to,
electron emitters, sensors, solar cells, rechargeable batteries, and hydrogen storage
devices. With advances in nanotechnology, various techniques have been reported for
synthesis and fabrication of nano-structures. However, these techniques like chemical
vapor deposition and vapor liquid solid suffer from the need of very sophisticated and
high cost equipment. Furthermore, the need of high operating temperature, high vacuum,
and catalyst material such as gold are major challenges of these techniques. On the other
hand some fabrication techniques such as top-down approaches involve complicated
fabrication steps that ultimately increase the cost of the device.
Therefore, a rising impetus has been devoted to development of less complicated and
low-cost fabrication techniques of silicon nano-structure.
The goal of this thesis was to introduce novel and cost-effective fabrication methods
which also maintain the benefits of CMOS compatibility. Two non-lithography top-down
approaches were introduced for fabrication of silicon nano-structures array with
capability of controlling the structure characteristics.
The first fabrication approach consists of three steps: 1) patterning of silicon surface in
TMAH using anisotropic etching technique, 2) formation of porous layer on patterned
silicon surface using electrochemical anodic etching, and 3) treatment of porous silicon
layer using an alkaline etching to reveal the silicon nano-structure array.
The second fabrication approach consisted of two steps, namely: Anisotropic etching
followed by electrochemical etching. The main idea behind this approach was that unlike
the first approach the electrochemical etching is performed in transition regime not
porous silicon formation regime.
These techniques allowed for the controlling the characteristics and morphology of
silicon nano-structures.
Completely different morphologies of nanostructures were achieved as a result of
transforming the electrochemical process from porous silicon formation to transition
A study on effect of type of dopant, p- and n-type, on over-mentioned fabrication
methods was also investigated.
To my Family
I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Mojtaba Kahrizi for
providing me with opportunity to join to his research lab. I would not be able to finish my
studies without his constant support and guidance. I would also like to acknowledge that
this work was funded by NSERC, and faculty of Engineering and Computer Science at
Concordia University.
I would like to thank my thesis committee members for their time and critical assessment
of this work.
I would like to express my great appreciation to my parents, Sorayya and Neamat, whom
I owe my life. A simple thank is insufficient for my dear family, without whom my
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
3.3.2 Creation of porous silicon (2nd stage) .......................................................... 33
3.4.2 Characterization of the porous silicon layer created at 2nd stage ................. 36
3.4.3 Characterization and analysis of the nano-structure array created at 3rd stage
4.3.4 Effect of HF concentration on the formation of nano-structure arrays ....... 64
List of Figures
Figure 3.11 Number of nano-structures per 1000 µm2 and pyramid to nano-structure
conversion rate at various pyramid surface coverage. ................................... 48
Figure 3.12 (a)SEM image of nano-layered rods formed after NaOH treatment, (b)
higher magnification of the rod, (c) nano-layered tip of the rod.................... 49
Figure 3.13 Cross-sectional view of macro-pores befor NaOH treatment. ..................... 49
Figure 3.14 Schematic that shows the formation of nanowire only at cross-points of each
four inverted pyramids, the location of each pore corresponds with the pit of
the inverted pyramid [24]. .............................................................................. 51
Figure 4.1 Top view of a textured silicon surface. The TMAH concentration was 1.5%,
The IPA concentration was 1.5%, the etching time was 30 minutes and the
temperature of electrolyte was 90 ºC. ............................................................ 57
Figure 4.2 Tilted view SEM images of silicon structures formed after anodization of
silicon, for etching times of 3 minutes (a), 7 minutes (b), and 10 minutes (c).
The HF:ethanol ratio was 1:4, and the anodic current was 120 mA in all
cases. .............................................................................................................. 60
Figure 4.3 (a) - 4.3(b) Cross-section SEM images of the same samples shown in Figure
4.2(a)-4.2(c) respectively. .............................................................................. 61
Figure 4.4 A tilted view of silicon nano-structures after 30 minutes anodization. The
average diameter of the nano-strcutures is 1.5 µm, the average diameter of the
tip is 250 nm, and the length of the structure is 20 µm. ................................. 62
Figure 4.5 (a) A tilted view of the textured silicon surface with a non-uniform pyramids
size. (b) a tilted view of the same sample after electrochemical etching.
Circled areas contain unetched small pyramids. ............................................ 63
Figure 4.6 Effect of HF concentration on the creation of free-standing nano-structures,
when the ratio of HF:ethanol in the electrolyte was: (a)1:2, (b) 1:4, (c) 1:5, (d)
1:6, and (e) 1:7. The anodic current was 120 mA, and the etching time was 30
minutes in all cases. ....................................................................................... 65
Figure 4.7 (a) SEM image of nano-structure array formed after electrochemical etching,
(b) higher magnification of the nano-structure, (c) tip of the nano-structure. 66
Figure 4.8 A schematic showing the cross section of silicon pyramids and hole
distribution as a part of the electrochemical etching process. (a) Distribution
of hole carriers at the earlier stage of etching process. (b) Redistribution of
hole carriers after pillar diameter reaches to SCR width. .............................. 67
Figure 4.9 Silicon dissolution mechanism (a) hole-transport limitation (b) mass-transport
limitation ........................................................................................................ 68
Figure 5.1 SEM image of a typical n-type textured sample prepared using 2% TMAH
and 3.5% IPA. ................................................................................................ 75
Figure 5.2 the top view of silicon samples after 3 minutes anodization under 80 mA
applied current. (a) p-type (b) n-type ............................................................. 76
Figure 5.3 Etching profile of a pyramid-shaped structure [110]...................................... 76
Figure 5.4 The macro-pore formation prepared using 80 mA anodic current for duration
of 30 minutes. (a) n- type and (b) p-type samples ......................................... 78
Figure 5.5 Cross-section of the n-type samples anodizied under various light power. (a)
50W, (b) 150W, (c) 300W ............................................................................. 79
Figure 5.6 Porous silicon formation under 10 mA anodic current (150W). .................... 80
Figure 5.7 Macro-pore arrays created at various applied current and illuminated by
150W source (a) 30mA,(b) 40 mA, (c)50mA, and (d)60 mA ....................... 81
Figure 5.8 (a)-5.8(b) the corresponding cross sectional view of the same samples shown
in Figures 5.7(a)-5.7(d) respectively. ............................................................. 82
Figure 5.9 (a)-5.9(b) The micro/nano structures develpoed by anisotorpic etching in
NaOH using two different porous silicon layers as building blocks. (a)
mushroom-like micro-structure. (b) Eiffel-tower-like nano-structure created
using porous silicon layer shown in Figure 5.8 (c) ........................................ 84
Figure 5.10 The arrow-liked micro/nano structures developed by anisotorpic etching in
NaOH using p-type macro-pore array ............................................................ 84
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Calculated surface coverage and number of pyramids per 1000 μm2 using
image analysis .................................................................................................. 35
Table 3.2 Anodic conditions used and the morphological characteristics of the created
silicon pillars calculated using the image analysis of the SEM photos ............ 39
Table 3.3 Measured geometric characteristics of nano-structures for samples under
different etching times ...................................................................................... 43
Table 4.1Calculated average pyramid surface coverage and base area of the pyramids
using image analysis. ........................................................................................ 57
Table 4.2 Characteristics of the samples developed under various etching times. .......... 59
Table 5.1 Morphological characteristics of n-type and p-type textured silicon ............... 75
List of Acronyms
F- Fluoride ion
HF Hydrofluoric acid
H+ Hydrogen
H2 Hydrogen molecule
OH- Hydroxide
h+ Hole carrier
RCA Radio Corporation of America
SiH4 Silane
Si Silicon
UV Ultraviolet
List of Symbols
Q Charge [C/cm2]
Ω Resisttance [Ohm]
T Temperature [Kelvin]
1. Introduction
behind this research work and objectives of the thesis are indicated.
1.1 A brief history of nanotechnology
“There’s plenty room at the bottom.” It is the talk given by Richard Feynman in 1959 at
“I don’t know how to do this on a small scale in practical way, but I do know that
computing machines are very large; they fill rooms. Why can’t we make them very small,
In fact, the idea of miniaturization can be traced back to the World War II, with the drive
to reduction in the size of vacuum tubes. The invention of the transistors and replacement
of vacuum tubes with transistors in the 1960’s began the trend toward miniaturization.
Since the evolution in microelectronics, miniaturization has had a great impact in human
nanotechnology has paved the way to miniaturize the device thousand times smaller than
Apart from the smallness point of view, nanotechnology plays a major role in introducing
new properties into materials. The electrical, optical, physical, and mechanical properties
of material change as the size of the materials shrink to the nano-scale. Furthermore One-
dimensional structures, due to their large surface area and high aspect ratio, are promising
candidates as fundamental building blocks for the manufacturing of various devices [1].
The potential applications of nano-structures are varied and included-but not limited to-
electron emitters [2], sensors [3], solar cells [4], and rechargeable batteries [5].
Such precision engineering and/or altering of materials can be done from two major
nano-scale structure.
Both techniques have been used widely towards fabrication of nano-structures such as
Earth’s crust after oxygen, which makes it a low-cost material. Moreover, the integration
Various approaches have been introduced and employed for the fabrication of silicon
nanowires such as chemical vapour deposition [6], thermal evaporation [7], and electro
deposition techniques [8]. These approaches however require equipment, which operate
in high vacuum and/or at high temperatures. Additionally, poisonous gases such as SiH4,
used as a silicon source, or high-cost catalysts such as gold and silver, are needed. Also,
nanowires. This contamination can increase the impurity level in the band gap of
1.2 Motivation
The low-cost, sustainable and accessible sources of energy, the more sensitive and
accurate diagnosis, the early detection of disease and treatment, a peaceful and secure
environment are the growing necessities of modern societies. Tremendous researches are
going on in each of these areas to meet the needs of socialites. Among them
research areas, from energy to security. Silicon can offer a wide range of applications by
fashioning the bulk silicon material into silicon nano-structures. A combination of factors
including large surface area and surface-dependent physical and chemical properties has
antireflection ability owing to the large surface area, which make these structures a
suitable candidate in solar cell applications [4]. Also, the conversion of waste heat to
electricity using silicon nanowires has been reported by research group at University of
California Berkeley [9]. They have engineered the surface of the silicon nanowire and
introduced a set of defects on the surface in order to make the surface of the wires rough
with the aim to slow down the flow of phonons (the acoustic vibrations in the crystal
The silicon nanowires are capable of carrying the drug molecules on the surface by
physisorption mechanism and then release the molecules into target cells [11]. The gold
decorated silicon nanowires have also shown to be an effective structure for sufficient
When it comes to safety and security, dozens of publications have been recorded on
suitability of silicon nanowire. Reliable hydrogen gas detection has been reported by
transistor [13]. They have designed and fabricated an electronic nose based on silicon
decorated silicon nanowires has also shown a reliable sensitivity upon exposure to 5% H2
Silicon nanowires have shown to be more effective than trained dogs at sniffing out
explosives materials including TNT, PETN, and RDX. Scientists at Naval research
laboratory have engineered an electronic nose for detection of explosive materials using
Introducing techniques that eliminate or mitigate many of the problems associated with
current fabrication methods such as need of high temperature and/or high vacuum
process, contamination of final product, the noisy wire to wire junctions and
The aim of this work is to suggest novel techniques for fabrication of large arrays of
vertical silicon nano-structures etched from single silicon wafer with one eye on
overcoming the above-mentioned challenges and one eye on keeping the fabrication cost
Over the past few decades, electrochemical etching of silicon in an HF environment has
versatile technique that can be employed for the fabrication of more complex nano/micro-
structures (e.g., spiral arrays, micro-tube arrays, trenches, and pillars) [19-21].
Electrochemical techniques profit from salient advantages, which include low-cost and
ease of application. Moreover, electrochemical methods, most of the time, do not require
pore arrays that can be used as a building-block for synthesis of 3-D nano-structure array.
One major problem for applying of electrochemical process for synthesis of 3-D structure
is random formation of porous silicon layer. The root of problem comes from the fact that
the surface defects such as sharp spots at the surface act as seeding points at
researchers purposely created specific defect sites on the silicon surface. These specific
defect sites consist of inverted pyramid which are fabricated on the desired positions. The
conventional approach to create macro-pore array on silicon wafers starts with deposition
of a thin layer (140-300 nm) of Si3N4 on front side of the silicon wafer using plasma-
deposition (LPCVD) [28]. The silicon surface was then patterned using lithography. The
patterned silicon wafer was dipped in diluted KOH solution in order to form the inverted-
pyramid-shaped pits. These pits predetermine the initiation sites for pores formation and
However, due to use of lithography, the fabrication process time increases. Aside from
the time, itself, that adds to the ultimate manufacturing cost, the in use equipment,
(lithography, mask, and CVD) and materials, (photoresist, and developer) additionally
expensive technologies.
Seeking ways to overcome economic barriers that block the way to transport novel
1.3 Objectives
This study is intended to propose two novel and cost-effective top-down approaches
towards fabrication of 3-D silicon nano-structure array on low p-type silicon wafer.
These methods of synthesizing silicon nano-structure arrays are appealing since they are
catalyst-free techniques and also are compatible with current CMOS process.
Furthermore, the process is non-lithographic and can lead to a low-cost route for
The first fabrication approach consists of a three consecutive etching steps. First, the
silicon surface is textured using anisotropic wet etching technique. Then the textured
porous silicon layer. Finally the porous silicon layer is partially etched in an alkaline
solution to dissolve the interconnected walls and to reveal the desired nano-structure
The second proposed fabrication approach consists of only two fabrication steps. The
silicon surface is textured using wet etching, followed by electrochemical anodic etching.
According to this method, the latter etching process is conducted in the transition regime
(between porous formation and electro-polishing regime), with the aim of elimination of
the third fabrication step, fine etching, of the first proposed technique and also
The detailed studies on growth mechanism of the nanowires helped to develop methods
for controlling the array density and nano-structure size characteristics. The effectiveness
for fabricating 3-D micro/nano structures is studied. The electrochemical etching process
is very suitable for the fabrication of porous silicon array with very smooth walls. The
morphology of these pores can be controlled and tailored by etching parameters. This
mechanism and some specific properties of the electrochemical process are discussed.
The formation of porous silicon, which is used as building blocks for formation of 3-D
technique gives a great freedom in controlling the characteristics of the structure. The
chemical etching and electrochemical etching. The nano-structure array was achieved as
Chapter 4 describes the second novel approach for formation of 3-D structures that
requires only two etching steps. Optimum conditions of the electrochemical etching of
silicon for formation of nano-structure array were determined by etching p-type silicon
are optimized in such a way that the silicon etching reaction follows the tetravalent path,
as opposed to the first approach. Nano-structures with smooth walls were achieved in
illumination of pattern on the surface of an n-type silicon sample, using a halogen lamp.
The photo-electrochemical etching conditions are optimized for formation of even and
uniform pore array with smooth walls. An array of Eiffel-tower-shape silicon nano-
In chapter 6 conclusions are drawn and suggestions for future research are given.
2. Overview of silicon chemical/
electrochemical etching
2.1 The Etching of silicon
Etching in the context of this work refers to the dissolution process that uniformly or
preferentially removes material from silicon immersed in a solution. Since its first
introduction in 1950s [29-31] etching of silicon, has been widely explored due to its
been carried out to develop and characterize the etching systems for micromachining
Two major types of etching can be identified: isotropic and anisotropic. In isotropic
etching, the etching rate is same for all crystal directions, while the etching rate depends
on crystal orientation for anisotropic etching. Figure 2.1 illustrates a schematic of cross-
(a) (b)
The isotropic etching of silicon is known by the works of H. Robbine and B. Schwartz
of silicon in 1950s [32]. The primer works on anisotropic etching of silicon have been
2.2 The anisotropic wet-chemical dissolution of silicon
About 30% of the total number of process steps for manufacturing an integrated circuit
involves wet etching process. Alkaline solutions are well-known etchants for chemical
wet etching of silicon. Alkaline etchants are aqueous solutions of inorganic including,
tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) compounds [37]. All these etchants show the
dependency of etch rate to crystal orientation, which is the basis for anisotropic etching
behaviour. The etch rate for the (111) planes of the silicon is smaller by about two orders
of magnitude than the etch rate of any other plane. The etch rate ratio between other
planes like (100) and (110) depends on etchant concentration and temperature, but does
not usually exceed a factor of two [38]. Regardless of the common anisotropic behaviour
that these etchants share, they possess some different properties that may be considered in
their selection. KOH has been widely used in studies involving anisotropic etching of
crystalline silicon. Despite a very good anisotropic behaviour for some orientations, 110
>100> 111, it is very corrosive etchants, and it shows a low selectivity with respect to the
masking layer. Another problem that arises from KOH is the presence of metal
compatibility [39].
Ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) is one hydroxide which is free of alkali metal, but it is
really ammonia which is dissolved into water [40]. Ammonia will rapidly evaporate from
Hydrazine is very dangerous because of being highly toxic and instable that makes
handling very difficult [41]. TMAH etchant has been developed more recently for
anisotropic etching of silicon that fulfils CMOS compatibility requirement [42].
Moreover, it is relatively safe to use and presents no special disposal issues [37]. It shows
an excellent selectivity to masking layer. It has a very low oxide etch rate, SiO 2 and does
not attack aluminum if the solution contains a certain amount of silicates. Also, it does
Etching of silicon in alkaline etchants is a thermally activated process and the etching rate
with hydroxide (OH-) ions at elevated temperature [43]. Hydroxide ions play an
important role in etching process [44]. The etching process occurs under evolution of
The morphology of the etched surface depends on various parameters such as solution
solution. The morphologies of the silicon surface can be varied depending on silicon
pits on 111 surface [46], and zigzag structures on 110 surface [47] have been reported
(a) (b)
Figure 2.2 (a) Zigzag pattern on Si (110) [47]. (b) Formation of deep pits on (111) due to
dislocations. Experimental image from Sato Laboratory, Nagoya University [48]
The morphology of alkaline-etched (100) silicon surfaces varies from rough surfaces that
The surface morphology of (100) silicon planes in alkaline solutions depends strongly on
etchant concentration. High OH– concentrations (e.g. > 40% for KOH) produce smooth,
electronic devices, but rough surfaces have wide applications, for instance, they have
been used for decades as antireflective surface to reduce the reflectivity of solar cells
However, there is no consensus among researchers regarding the origin of this surface
morphology. The formation of the pyramids has been attributed with the sticking of
hydrogen bubbles to the surface [52] which are elevated during etching process. Palik et
al. has proposed that the hydrogen bubbles act like a mask layer and result in cessation of
H2 Bubble
It has been reported by Schnakenberg and et al. that formation of pyramids can be
[54]. They suggested that the formation of smooth surface is due to the fact that no
It has been reported that detachment of hydrogen bubbles can be improved by adding of
surfactants such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) to the etchant solution [43, 55]. Also an
ultrasonic source can be used to remove the hydrogen bubbles from the surface [56].
Adding of silicon powder, and using a metal grid for trapping the hydrogen bubbles [57]
are other substantial procedures have been reported in order to get rid of sticking of
environment. Acidic solution was used for the first time by H. Robbins and B. Schwartz
to chemically etch the silicon crystal. They have used a mixture of HF, HNO3 and H2O
for etching of silicon. Acidic etchants add another degree of freedom to the design of
environments. Silicon etching rate is too low in acidic solution at room temperature
(~0.1nm min-1) [58] due to the low concentration of the OH- ions in acidic solutions.
The dissolution of silicon occurs in two steps involving, oxidation and dissolution. The
oxidation reaction can be occurred through two distinct methods: first, through adding
some oxidant to the etchant solution. A considerable enhancement of etching rate was
reported in the presence of oxidizing agents such as H2O2 [59], HNO3 [60], NaNO2,
Second, through supplying hole carriers into silicon surface. The former process is called
In order to conduct an electrochemical etching, two electrodes are required. One supplies
the electrons into the solution, cathode, and the other removes the electron from the
solution, anode. The term anodic electrochemical etching comes from the fact that silicon
material is the anodic electrode where the oxidation reaction takes place. With no applied
bias, the rate of hole transport across the silicon-electrolyte interface is low, while an
applied bias results in accumulation of charge carriers at the interface, (see Figure 2.4)
h+ h+ h+ h+ h+
Figure 2.4 Charge transport processes at the semiconductor/electrolyte interface for a p - type
silicon. The increase in hole current across the interface under forward bias (silicon positive
relative to the Pt counter - electrode in solution) is depicted [63].
The role of the valence band hole carriers in controlling the anodic oxidation of the
silicon ties the etching process to the hole carriers supply sources and also their transport
For p-type silicon these hole carriers are present in material, while n-type silicon requires
an external hole supply. Usually, the required hole carriers are provided through
illumination of the n-type silicon which results in generation of electron-hole carriers [64].
Hole injection from a pn junction has been reported as an alternative approach for
electrochemical etching of n-type silicon [65]. However, the extension of this approach to
2.4 IV Characteristics
The specific nature of the electrochemical etched surface can be modified and tailored
of electrochemical etching of silicon. The first peak observed in this curve is commonly
termed Jps and correspond to the critical current density. The involved parameters in
electrochemical etching determine the amount of Jps on the etching system. It is this Jps
that delimits three distinct regimes in IV plot: Porous silicon formation regime, J<Jps,
transition regime J~Jps, and polishing regime J>Jps [64, 66, 67].
Porous silicon
formation Electropolishing
Figure 2.5 A typical IV curve of silicon wafer in HF solution, showing the regimes of porous
silicon formation, transition and electropolishing [67].
The first proposed models for electrochemical etching of silicon in HF were based on
fluoride-terminated silicon surface [68, 69]. However, the in-situ infrared study of chemistry
of silicon surface using IR spectroscopy revealed that the silicon surface is terminated with
hydrogen atoms [70]. It is well-known that the H-terminated surface is chemically stable and
researches that holes are responsible for initial oxidation steps of anodiztion and weakening
of the Si-Si bonds [72, 73]. It has been reported that the sticking coefficient of F- ions
increases by 11 orders of magnitude in the presence of the holes [74]. As a result the
paths: 1) direct dissolution of silicon and 2) indirect dissolution of silicon through silicon
oxide formation. The first direction is known as divalent electrochemical dissolution and
the second path is known as tetravalent electrochemical dissolution [63]. Figure 2.6
Foll [76]. Path (1) is corresponding with potential lower than the potential of peak current
at IV curve which results in porous layer formation and path (2) is corresponding with
potentials higher than the potential of peak current which results in electro-polishing of
the surface.
The divalent dissolution starts with approaching of hole at the valence band of the silicon
atom, which activates the absorption of fluoride ions. The absorption of fluoride ions is
enhances the polarization and causes the detachment of another hydrogen atom and
SiF4, which has a gaseous state, but it reacts with HF to form a highly stable SiF6.
- (1)
+2F +2h-e +2H Si
Si Si Si Si HH
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si
+2H2O, 4h
Si Si (2)
O O Si
Si Si
Figure 2.6 Possible reaction paths for the electrochemical reaction in HF solution.
formation of anodic oxide followed by dissolution of the oxide in HF. The overall
As the reactions show, no hydrogen is elevated during the tetravalent corrosion of silicon
The divalent path is pre-dominated at lower potential, when the rate of holes transforming
to the surface is higher than fluoride diffusion rate and the tetravalent path is taken at
higher potential which is responsible for electro-polishing of the surface. The high
2.6 Porous silicon formation
Isotropic etching of silicon using electrochemical etching already started in 1950s. The
in 1958 [77]. The electrochemical formation of porous silicon was reported for the first
time by the A. Uhlir at Bell Laboratories in 1950s, while they were working on an
a brownish layer can form on the silicon surface. The characterization of this brown layer
revealed that it consists of randomly distributed and interconnected pores which today is
known as porous silicon. The porous silicon layers are classified in three categories by
IUPAC (The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) depending on their
pore size: micropore (< 2 nm), mesopore (2-50 nm) and macropore (> 50 nm) [78].
Experimental parameters that are involved in etching process, determine the specific
type, orientation and resistivity of the substrate, temperature of electrolyte, the light
intensity -determining the number of generated holes in the bulk-the light wavelength and
of substrate and also temperature. Critical polishing current increases with increasing
each one of these parameters. The relation between Jps and HF concentration and
where c is the HF concentration (in wt%), T the temperature (in Kelvin), K =1.38×10-23
responsible for generation of hole carriers. The light wavelength, which corresponds to
energy of the photons, is important for selection of a light source. The photons of
wavelength below 1100 nm have sufficient energy; excess the silicon band gap energy of
1.1 eV, for generation of electron-hole pairs. No photon absorption occurs in bulk silicon
at wavelength longer than 1100 nm. The white light sources such as halogen lamps have
a broad spectrum between 380- 750 nm. Also they are very useful for uniform
illumination of the whole surface. Laser can be used for area-selective illumination of the
Illumination can be conducted from both side of the silicon, either the surface that is
exposed to electrolyte, front-side, or from the surface that provides ohmic-contact, back-
side. Figure 2.7 illustrates the depth where the hole-electron pairs are generated and the
distance hole carriers have to travel to reach the silicon/electrolyte interface, where they
~ 1 ~ 1
(a) (b)
e e-
Figure 2.7 Diagram illustrates the depth where the hole-electron pairs are generated and the
distance hole carriers have to travel to reach the silicon/electrolyte interface. (a) back-side
illumination, (b) front-side illumination.
As Figure 2.7(a) shows, under back-side illumination the generated hole carriers have to
diffuse the whole thickness of the silicon wafer. A large fraction of generated carriers
will be lost due to the bulk recombination, hence, hole diffusion length delimits the
number of hole carriers reach toward the interface. It is why the thickness of silicon wafer
plays a key role in formation of n-type silicon wafers that are illuminated from the back-
side [79].
surface. It has been observed that the silicon surface is covered with pores that are
randomly distributed on the surface, for the case that electrochemical etching was
conducted on polished silicon wafer. Any roughness or defects on the flat silicon surface
The porous layer also can be formed on the desired area of the surface. Area-selective
etching can be done using different approaches. Selective chemical etching of doped
layers has been used since the early days of device fabrication.
properties of the substrate such as type of doping. Therefore, the areas which are doped
differently with respect to the host material show different IV characteristics. The sharp
selectivity of HF anodic etching between p-Si and n-Si has been used for micromachining
of silicon [80].
For n-type silicon, a selective-etching can be performed using localized light source such
as lasers. Lithography patterning of the desired surface is another approach for area-
selective etching. In this scenario a mask layer is used to preserve the arbitraries areas
against etching.
However, in all above cases still the pores are randomly formed and distributed on the
silicon surface. In order to stop the random distribution of the pores, the initiation points
followed by KOH etching is a very common and well-known approach for pre-patterning
the silicon surface. This approach has been used by several groups to create different
geometries such as inverted pyramid, and trapezoidal [81] pits on the silicon in order to
pre-determine the location of pore formations. It has been reported that the size and shape
of these pits affect the pore formations. Figure 2.8 shows the cross-section view of some
typical pits etched using KOH and their corresponding schematics after electrochemical
Figure 2.8 Schematic illustrates the effect of shape and dimension of the tips on electrochemical
etching of silicon [19].
Since its first report by A. Uhlir in 1950s, the porous silicon has been intensely
investigated due to its unique and rich morphology. Ideas on the applications of PS in
The first report by L. Canham in 1990 that efficient visible light can be emitted from high
The large internal surface area of porous silicon layer makes them promising candidate in
fabrication of chemical sensors such as biosensors [82] and gas sensors [83]. Also it can
be used as an excellent light-trapping site in solar cell devices [84]. Porous silicon also
has been widely used in micromachining process as a sacrificial layer [85]. Different
features make them suitable candidate as sacrificial layer: the high etch rate compared to
bulk silicon, and also it can be formed selectively in favoured area. Various devices such
as cantilevers, bridges [86], and flow channels have been fabricated using porous silicon
as sacrificial layer. In the above-mentioned cases the porous silicon layer is etched
Porous silicon layer also has been used as building blocks for formation of free-standing
pillars. In contrast to total removal, porous silicon structures are partially preserved and
formed the pillars. The micro-pores that are randomly formed on silicon surface are used
mainly in sacrificial layer applications while the pre-patterned macro-pore arrays are used
Different post processing techniques have been applied on the porous layer in order to
modify the pores structure and fabricate different micro/nanostructure. The widening of
the pore diameter and reforming it to square shaped pores using KOH, and TAMH
The first report on fabrication of silicon nanowire using electrochemical etching process
was proposed in 1990s by L. Canham [22]. This proposed approach consists of two steps:
randomly electrochemical growth of pores and subsequent enlarging of the pores with
chemical etching. L. Canham has claimed that, the porosities greater than 80% are
formed wherever that the neighboring pores meet/overlap each other. However, this
fabrication approach is not very reliable since obtaining the essential condition
(interconnected walls of the neighboring pores should meet each other) is not feasible for
randomly grown pores. Figure 2.9 shows a scheme of the idealized plan view for
Pores Nanowires
Figure 2.9 Idealized plan view of porous silicon layer with different porosities [22]
An adapted approach of L. Canham technique has been used by several groups for
formation of silicon nanowires. The main idea behind this revised approach is that the
locations of pores formation are pre-determined in order to avoid the random distribution
of the pores.
This approach involves different fabrication steps: patterning of the silicon surface by
lithography and then etching of the silicon surface using KOH to create the inverted
pyramid as a seeding point for pore initiation and therefore, avoiding the random
formation of the pores. Finally, the process followed by a post processing to enlarge the
A combination of thermal oxidation and wet etching post-processing technique has been
employed by H.W. Lau, et al. [23, 88] to widen the pores and eventually fabricate the
free-standing pillar array. In this approach a SiO2 layer has been grown on the porous
layer, followed by etching of the SiO2 in HF solution. This process should be repeated
until the walls oxidized and completely removed in diluted HF solution. Disadvantages
with this process are the need of very high temperature (e.g. 1147 ºC) and also the
fabrication process is time consuming (Oxidation and oxide removal should be done
In all above-mentioned approaches where the inverted pyramids are used as seeding
points, the rod is formed in the area where the four neighbouring pores meet each other.
In other word, the relation between the number of pores and number of resulting rods can
number of pores. This conclusion shows its importance in large scales where the density
of rods, number of rods in specific area, matters such as field emission applications.
Aside from the loss of surface, these fabrication methods are suffering from the need of
expensive and sophisticated equipment and materials. Furthermore, added steps to the
processing procedure will eventually increase the ultimate cost of the manufactured
New and reliable techniques, where there is no need to expensive equipment and
materials and also possess lesser processing steps are in demand in micro/nanoelectronics
3. Fabrication of vertical nano-structure
array on silicon wafer: Electrochemical
etching at porous formation regime
3.1 Introduction
Electrochemical etching of silicon in HF solution has attracted a great attention for the
fabrication of various micro-structures such as porous silicon [66], trenches [21], and
porous silicon has been developed using photo-assisted electrochemical etching [19].
This fabrication method uses oxidation and/or wet etching as post-processing techniques
conventional method, the silicon surface is first patterned using lithography technique
followed by wet etching [20, 24]. This technique leads to the creation of inverted
pyramids on the silicon surface followed by the formation of porous silicon starting at the
In this work, a new non-lithographical method was used for the fabrication of silicon
nano-structure arrays. In this approach, the pyramid shape seeding points were first
created on the surface of the silicon. Each of these pyramids will become the tip of the
anisotropic etching creates randomly distributed pyramids on silicon surface; the position
the location of these pyramids. This method of synthesizing silicon nano-structure arrays
is appealing because the process is non-lithographic and can lead to a low-cost route for
The detailed studies on growth mechanism of the nanowires helped develop methods to
control the array density and nano-structure size characteristics. The impact of anodic
electrochemical conditions and pyramid surface coverage on the fabrication of silicon
Silicon wafers with (100) orientation (10-20 Ω-cm) were purchased from Silicon Inc. and
were used for all experiments. All experiments were carried out on p-type silicon, so that,
due to the existence of hole majority carriers, no illumination of the sample is required.
All samples were cleaned prior to experiments using the Radio Corporation of America
purchased from Sachem Inc. and diluted with DI water to reach the desired 1.5 wt.%
concentration used in all experiments. 99% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) was purchased from
VWR International and added to the etching solution to obtain 1.5 wt.% and 6 wt.%
weight concentrations. 99.5% ethanol, and 97+% NaOH were purchased from Sigma-
Aldrich. 48.8% HF was purchased from ACP Chemicals Inc. Canada. The anodic
The developed nano-structures were characterized using Hitachi S-4700 field emission
surface coverage measurements were all obtained by performing image analysis of the
SEM photos using ImageJ image processing program developed by the US National
This novel approach requires three stages of fabrication to create the desired nano-
2. Anodic electrochemical etching of the textured silicon to create a porous
used in this work, are shown in Figure 3.1 and 3.2 respectively.
Figure 3.1 illustrates the schematic view of the apparatus used for the anisotropic etching
of silicon to form the pyramid-shaped structures. The glass beaker filled with etchant
solution, TMAH and IPA, was used for etching the silicon samples. Teflon basket was
used to hold the silicon samples inside the glass beaker. The beaker was placed on a hot
plate and heated at constant temperature at 90 °C. This operating temperature is chosen
since it is below the boiling point of the etchant solution. The experiments were carried
out in a closed system consisting of a beaker with a flux cap cooled through an internal
circulation of cold, 5-6 ºC, running water resulting in the condensation and return of any
evaporated component back to the solution. These precautions were taken in to account to
assure that the concentration of all volatile components in the solution remain constant
Thermometer Reflex cap
Silicon sample
Teflon basket
Hot Plate
Figure 3.2 illustrates a two electrodes electrochemical etching cell, as used in this work.
The cell is made of Teflon, which is resistant to HF. A Platinum electrode is mounted as
Platinum contour
container Potentiostat
Textured Silicon
contact Stainless
Figure 3.2 Schematic of a two - electrode electrochemical cell used to make porous silicon.
Silicon is the working electrode. The counter - electrode is platinum.
3.3 The fabrication process flow
Surface of a 1 cm2 samples of silicon wafer were textured using anisotropic etching
process in 1.5 wt.% TMAH for 30 minutes. Pyramids with various sizes were developed
on the surfaces of the samples. During the process IPA was added to TMAH solution in
order to remove the hydrogen bubbles from surface of the sample faster to facilitate the
etching process. It has been reported that the concentration of the added IPA affects the
size and surface coverage of the pyramids [90]. In this stage, samples etched in TMAH
with added various IPA concentrations (0, 1.5, & 6 wt.%) are used. The samples were
used to study the effect of pyramids concentrations on the developed final nano-
create a layer of porous silicon. The etching was done in a two-electrode Teflon cell with
metal base plate to form a back ohmic contact. A thin layer (~ 1 µm) of aluminum was
deposited on the back side of the silicon wafer to obtain an ohmic contact. The silicon
wafer is served as working electrode (anode) and the platinum mesh served as counter
electrode (cathode). Experiments were performed with various anodic current densities
and etching time in such a way that the total charge participating in the reaction, Q, was
kept constant at 144 C/cm2. Q can be calculated by multiplying the current density (0.08
C/s-cm2 = 0.08 A/cm2) times the etching time (1800 s). Therefore, two parameter values
that affect this total charge are: 1) the current density, and 2) the etching time. In order to
keep this charge constant, if the value of one parameter increases then the other
parameter value must decrease and vice versa. The etching solution (electrolyte)
consisted of 1:3 (HF:Ethanol) mixture for all experiments. Ethanol was added as a
surfactant to facilitate the detachment of the hydrogen bubbles from the surface of the
Alkaline solution, consisting of a diluted NaOH (0.2 Molar), was used to fine-etch the
porous silicon layer in order to achieve the desired nano-structure. In this fabrication
stage, the walls connecting the pillars in the porous silicon were etched until the desired
nano-structure array was achieved. A few drops of IPA were applied to the surface of the
sample (porous silicon) to increase its wet-ability before immersing it into the NaOH
solution. The temperature was kept constant at 35 ºC, and some agitation was applied
Samples with different pyramid surface coverage (during the first stage of anisotropic
etching) were achieved as a result of various IPA concentrations. Figure 3.3(a) illustrates
the SEM image of a sample textured using 1.5 wt. % concentration for IPA (high surface
coverage) and the inset shows the higher magnification of the pyramid structure. Figure
3.3(b) illustrates the use of image analysis of SEM image to calculate the surface
coverage and the number of pyramids per unit area. Figure 3.3(c) depicts an enlarge view
of the pyramids to illustrate the tip, edge and face of the pyramids.
(a) (b)
(111) plane,
Face of the Pyramid Tip of the Pyramid
Figure 3.3 (a) Textured silicon surface, (b) image analysis of the textured silicon surface, (c) an
enlarge view of the pyramid structure, the tip, edge and face of the pyramid are indicated using
Table 3.1 summarises the influence of various IPA concentrations on the resulting
pyramids surface coverage and the number of pyramids per unit area. In order to obtain
an average of the measured values, the same experiment was repeated a few times. As it
may be observed from Table 3.1, as the IPA concentration increases so do the average
pyramids surface coverage and the average number of pyramids per unit area.
Table 3.1 Calculated surface coverage and number of pyramids per 1000 μm2 using image
These results were used to correlate the morphology and density of the fabricated nano-
structure array to that of the pyramid-textured surface. The density of the pyramids and
how closely packed they were, influenced the creation of the nano-structure array in
nano-structure, experiments were conducted with various anodic current density and
anodic etching time but under constant total charge, Q = 144 C/cm2. The HF:Ethanol
Figure 3.4 illustrates the progress of the pore formation during the anodic etching stage.
The textured surface illustrated in Figure 3.4(a) was prepared under the texturing
condition of sample 2 listed in Table 3.1. Figure 3.4(b) shows the pore formation
progress after 1 minute. It was observed, that the pore formation initiated from the edge
of the pyramids. Image 3.4(c) is the top view of the silicon sample after 3 minutes of
anodic etching. The etching had initially started at the edges (Figure 3.4b), followed by
the etching of the pyramid faces. The tip of the pyramid identified in Figure 3.4(c) by a
square, has remained passivated and unetched. The arrows in Figure 3.4(c) identify the
four 111 faces of the pyramid where the etching took place during the porous formation.
Figure 3.4(d) shows the cross sectional view of the same sample where the two arrows
As it has been reported in the literature, in the case of the inverted pyramids textured
surface, the pore formation started from the pit of the inverted pyramids due to the higher
electric field [91]. As it was shown in Figure 3.4(b), unlike the inverted pyramid the pore
formation initiation points are the edges of the pyramids and not the sharp tips. This may
be attributed to the roughness that had been created as a result of the anisotropic etching
during the first fabrication stage. It has been reported that the roughness of the (111)
planes leads to the formation of di-vacancies and tri-vacancies [92, 93]. During anoding
etching, the dangling bonds on silicon surface are terminated by hydrogen atoms in the
forms of mono, di, and trihydride in HF solution [94]. However, the number of hydride
depends on the orientation and roughness of the surface [94, 95]. The dihydride (Si-H2)
the back Si-Si bonds. This polarization is considered to be responsible for weakening the
back Si-Si bonds and therefore, facilitate their removal. The initiation of the etching at
the edges of the pyramids followed by the 111 faces may be attributed to the trihydride
termination of the surface atoms which leads to the preferentially attacked 111 faces.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3.4 The top view of start and progression of the porous layer, (a) textured surface, (b)
after 1 minute anodic etching time, (c) after 3 minute anodic etching time, (d) cross section view
of the structures (c)
37 Porous formation under various anodic etching conditions with constant charge
The effect of various anodic current density and anodic etching time (at constant charge
passed) on the formation of silicon porous layer were investigated using sample 2 (Table
3.1) as the substrate. Furthermore, the impacts of these anodic conditions on the
fabrication of the desired silicon nano-structure array in the subsequent stages were
studied. The current density and the etching time were altered such a way that Q
Figure 3.5(a) illustrates top view of the morphology of the porous silicon layer created on
sample 2 using 80 mA/cm2, and 30 minutes for anodic current density and etching time
respectively. The figure shows the porous silicon consisting of pillars and walls
connecting them. It also shows the passivated and unetched tip of the pyramids after 30
minutes of etching time. The circled area in Figure 3.5(a) is magnified and illustrated in
Figure 3.5(b) identifying the pillars and the walls. Figure 3.5(c) illustrates the 45-degree
Figure 3.5 (a) The top view of silicon porous layer after 30 min, (b) enlarged image of circled
area, and (c) 45 degree tilted view of the image
This morphology may be attributed to the etching of the edges followed by the faces of
the pyramids.
Table 3.2 lists the experimental parameter values used for anodic current density and
etching time.
Image analysis was performed on the SEM images of the anodically etched samples to
obtain the average number of pillars per unit area, the average surface coverage of pillars,
Table 3.2 Characteristics of the samples after electrochemical etching for various anodic
conditions (anodic current and etching time).
Anodic Current density (mA/cm2) 100 80 40 20
Etching time (min) 24 30 60 120
No. of pillars per 1000 μm2 0 25 31 39
Surface coverage of pillars (%) 0 10.2 19.6 27.6
Porous layer depth (μm) 0 15 35 47
Experiments showed that, at current higher than 80 mA/cm2, the samples were polished
and no porous silicon layer was created. It can also be observed from Table 3.2 that, as
the current density was decreased while the etching time was increased (under constant
charge passed condition), the average number of pillars per unit area, i.e. pillars surface
Comparing the results in Table 3.1 with those in Table 3.2, one may observe that, for the
same surface area, the number of created pillars is less than the number of pyramids. This
may be due to the completely etched of the smaller pyramids during the anodic etching
3.4.3 Characterization and analysis of the nano-structure array created at 3rd
As it was listed earlier in Table 3.2, samples with different morphology of porous layer
were obtained as a result of various anodic etching conditions. The porous silicon layer
can be removed using different alkaline solutions like KOH, NaOH, and TMAH [96, 97].
In this work, low concentration of NaOH (caution should be taken to keep etching rate
low enough to avoid destroying the nano-structures) was used to remove the
interconnected walls between the pillars to reveal the nano-structures. Figure 3.6
illustrates the effect of anodic etching conditions on the number of pillar (pre-NaOH
etching) as well as the number of nano-structures (post-NaOH etching) per 1000 µm2. It
can be observed that with a constant charge passed, a combination of lower current
However, only a specific anodic etching condition (80 mA/cm2 and 30 min) results in the
creation of nano-structure arrays at the end of the final stage of the fabrication. In fact,
further away from this optimal condition, almost no nano-structure was achieved. As the
anodic current was reduced the pore diameter decreased resulting in the creation of
thicker walls. On the other hand, as the etching time increased, the depth of the pores
increased as well. A combination of thicker wall (connecting the pillars) and deeper pores
created at the 2nd fabrication stage may hinder the formation of the nano-structures in the
3rd stage.
No. of Pillars Per 1000 μm^2 No. of Nano-structures Per 1000 μm^2
45 45
1000 μm 2
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
(1 (8 (4 (2
0 0, 0, 0, 0,
24 30 60 12
) ) ) 0)
Anodic Current Density (mA/cm 2), Etching time(min)
Figure 3.6 Number of pillars per 1000 µm2 and number of nano-structures per 1000 µm2 at
various anodic etching conditions.
As it was shown in Figure 3.6, the nano-structures were obtained only under certain
anodic etching condition (80 mA/cm2 , 30 min). In order to investigate the effect of
anodic etching conditions with various Q on the creation of nano-structure arrays, the
current density was kept constant at 80 mA/cm2 , while the anodic etching time was
changed. Shallower pores with thicker walls were fabricated under 80 mA/cm2 current
density when the samples were etched for 5 and 15 minutes. However, to acheive the
compensate for the thicker walls. Figure 3.7 illustrates the nano-structures when the
anodic current density was kept at 80 mA/cm2 for various anodic etching times. The
NaOH fine-ecthing time was increased to obtain the desired nano-structure arrays.
Figure 3.7 The nano-structure array fabricated under constant 80 mA/cm2 and various etching
time, (a) anodic etching time (30 min), NaOH etching time (2.5 min), (b) anodic etching time (15
min), NaOH etching time (4 min), (c) Anodic etching time (5 min), NaOH etching time (5min).
Table 3.3 summarises the influence of the anodic etching time on the geometry and
aspect ratio of the fabricated nano-structure arrays. The longer the anodic etching time,
the higher aspect ratio was acheived. It can also be observed from the Table 3.3 that as
the anodic etching time is increased, the tip diameter of the nano-structure becomes
Table 3.3 Measured geometric characteristics of nano-structures for samples under different
etching times
Anodic etching time Tip diameter Length Rod diameter
Aspect ratio
(min) (nm) (µm) (µm)
(a) 30 50 15 2 7.5
(b) 15 100 10 3 3.3
(c) 5 500 4 2.5 1.6
As it was shown in Figure 3.4, the tip of the pyramids resist against electrochemcial
etching. On the other word, the pyramid-shaped structures act like a mask layer that
preserves the strcuture underneath during progress of anodic etching. Samples with
various densities, pyramid surface coverage, were created using different IPA
concentration. The goal is to study the effect of density of the pyramid-shape structures
Figure 3.8 illustrates the SEM images of textured samples as a result of anisotropic wet
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3.8 Pyramid-shape structures created on silicon surface in the presence of different IPA
concentrations. (a) No IPA, (b) 1.5 wt.% IPA, and (c) 6 wt.% IPA
Then the samples were anodically etched under the best set of anodic etching conditions,
80 mA/cm2 and 30 minute (as illustrated in Figure 3.6). Figure 3.9 illustrates the tilted
view of porous layers created using sample (a) and sample (b) (shown in Figure 3.8)
respectively. As shown in Figure 3.9, the tip of the pyramids acts like a mask layer and as
(a) (b)
Figure 3.9 The tilted view of porous silicon layer after 30 minutes of etching time (a) using
sample (a), (b) using sample (b).
As it can be observed from Figure 3.9(a) , a non-uniform porous silicon layer created
when anodic etching has been performed on sample (a). The non-uniformity of the
porous layer is due to the lower density of the pyramid-shape structures. Interestingly, it
was observed that the electrochemical etching was initiated exactly from the edges of the
pyramids and not from the uncovered spaces between the pyramids. It was also observed
that these spaces between the pyramids were covered with random distributed pores later
as anodization continued.
Following the anodic etching of the samples they were then etched in NaOH solution to
generate the final nano-structures. Figure 3.10(a)-3.10(c) illustrates the SEM images of
the samples after immersing in 0.2 Molarity NaOH solution. Figures 3.10(a)-3.10(c) are
resulted after conducting the two steps processing (anodization and NaOH treatment) on
Figures 3.8(a)-3.8(c)respectively.
Figure 3.10(a) shows the SEM image of the structure obtained after NaOH treatment of
sample shown in Figure 3.9(a). As it can be obsrved, not only the nano-structures are not
developed also the porous morphology of the sample has been still preserved after NaOH
treatment. It can be observed from this figure that the pillar structures are surrounded by
randomly distributed pores. The obtained result can be attributed to the existence of the
random pores that are generated due to the low pyramid surface coverage. The
found from the experiments that higher concentrations of NaOH solution and longer
etching time did not result in formation of nano-structure but annihilation of the entire
Figure 3.10(b) shows the SEM image of free-standing nano-strcuture achieved by NaOH
treatment of anodized sample shown in Figure 3.9(b). This structure shape is achieved by
pruning away the excess parts of the anodized sample (sidewalls) using NaOH.
Accordingly, the tip of the pyramids and the underneath structure are the survivor parts of
the anodized samples after NaOH treatment that form the free-standing nano-strcuture.
As shown in Figure 3.10(c), the same shape structures as the Figure 3.10(b) are achieved
after NaOH treatment of anodized sample that was prepared using sample (c). Although,
there is a difference in density of the nano-structure array, the denser array is achieved
Figure 3.10 SEM image of silicon nano-structure fabricated using samples with various pyramid
surface coverage (a) sample (a) 48%, (b) sample (b) 82%, and (c) sample (c) 100%.
Figure 3.11 shows the relation between the surface concentration of pyramids to the
between the pyramid surface coverage and the number of generated nano-structures. As
the pyramid surface coverage increases, so do the number of nano-structures. It may also
surface coverage gets below 80%. This may be attributed to the fact that, as pyramids
surface coverage decreases, the spaces between the pyramids increase. This results in
random pores creation in the empty space between the pyramids. The creation of random
pores with smaller diameters (and therefore thicker walls) hinders the removal of the
walls (to generate nano-structures) during the NaOH etching stage. The number of nano-
structures is increased as the rate of pyramid surface coverage goes above 80%.
However, at much higher rates, the ratio of the pyramid to nano-structure stayed
practically the same. This shows that the number of nano-structures per a certain surface
area may be increased (higher density) without having an impact on the conversion rate.
No. of Nano-structures Per 1000 µm^2 Pyramid to Nano-structure Conversion Rate
18 40
16 35
Pyramid to Nano-structure
14 30
2 5
0 0
47.55 82.40 100
Pyram id Surface Coverage (%)
Figure 3.11 Number of nano-structures per 1000 µm2 and pyramid to nano-structure
conversion rate at various pyramid surface coverage.
Figure 3.12 shows the SEM images of the rods created after NaOH treatment. Figure
3.12(b) shows the high magnification SEM of a rod, and Figure 3.12(c) shows the close
As it can be observed in Figure 3.12(b) and 3.12(c), the structure has a unique layered
morphology and consists of the square shape flakes sitting on top of each other along
<100 > direction. The length of the synthesized nano-structure is roughly 15 µm, the
thickness of each flake is around 20 nm and the space between the flakes is around 200
Figure 3.12 (a)SEM image of nano-layered rods formed after NaOH treatment, (b)
higher magnification of the rod, (c) nano-layered tip of the rod.
The formation of the layered structure can be attributed to the anisotropic behavior of
NaOH solution. In order to examine this hypothesis, the morphology of the porous
structure after electrochemical etching was investigated. Figure 3.13 shows the SEM
observed in the figure the pillars of the porous layer are almost smooth and no evidence
The formation of this morphology can be interpreted using the anisotropic etching of
silicon in alkaline solution. At the third fabrication stage, when the samples are immersed
into NaOH solution the reaction of porous silicon layer with OH- ions starts. Although the
total porous layer reacts with OH- ions, but the thinner pore sidewalls are dissolved faster
than the pillar structure. Consequently, a nano-layered structure is generated along 100
The proposed technique in this work is not only a simple and low-cost technique due to
the inherent self-mask behaviour that it shows, it also enjoys from the efficient usage of
the surface.
As it discussed earlier in chapter 2, section 2.6.1, the size and shape of the seeding sites
affect the pore formations (See Figure 2.8). Figure 3.14 schematically illustrates the
nanowire formation when the inverted pyramids are used as seeding sites. In this figure,
each square, solid line represents a macro-pore formed by etching progression of the pits
of the inverted pyramid and the dashed lines represent the enlarged macro-pore after
each four inverted pyramids. According to this schematic, the number of nanowire
( )
Where N, presents the number of nanowires and n, presents the number of pits (inverted
pyramids). In contrast to the inverted pyramid pattern, the pyramid-shape pattern that was
used in this work offers a better way for sufficient use of the surface. Owing to its self-
is due to the fact that each pyramid corresponds with one nano-structure.
Pore enlargement
Figure 3.14 Schematic that shows the formation of nanowire only at cross-points of each four
inverted pyramids, the location of each pore corresponds with the pit of the inverted pyramid
From applications point of view, the density of the nano-strcuture is an important factor.
For instance, for field emission display applications a minimum of 10 nanorods/cm2 is
required [98]. The average number of nano-structures produced using the three-step
3.5 Conclusions
approach. The pyramid structures practically covered the entire silicon surface as a result
of anisotropic wet etching technique. This stage was followed by electrochemical anodic
etching. The etching initiated at the four edges of the pyramids and progressed inward
through 111 faces. The pores are grown vertically along the [100] direction at each face.
In the final stage the interconnected porous walls are etched, to form the nano-structure
The first fabrication stage is a vital step towards the fabrication of silicon nano-structure
arrays. The highly packed pyramids surface coverage is a prerequisite for fabrication of
80% and no nano-structures were obtained at low surface coverage values of around
Experiments revealed that, for a constant charge passed, as the current density decreases
the pillar density increases. On the other hand, the higher number of pillars per surface
area does not necessarily result in higher number of nano-structures. Accordingly, the
optimal current density value seems to be around 80 mA/cm2 as greater values resulted in
no nano-structure formation (due to surface polishing) and at lower values, the creation of
thick walls prevented the transformation of the created pillars into nano-structures.
The anodic etching time may be used as a practical parameter to control some nano-
energy storage and harvesting, solar cells and electron emitters in field emission devices.
4. Fabrication of vertical nano-structure
array on silicon wafer: Electrochemical
etching at transition regime
4.1 Introduction
As it was mentioned and elaborated in section 2.4, the process of electrochemical etching
of silicon exhibits three distinct regimes known as porous formation, transition, and
electro-polishing [18]. The regime in which the electrochemical etching takes place can
was introduced. The experimental results were presented describing the fabrication of
consists of three consecutive steps: texturing the silicon surface, formation of a porous
predetermine the location of nano-structure formations during the following steps. The
textured surface is electrochemically etched to create a porous silicon layer. This step is
then followed by fine-etching of the walls between the pores using a diluted alkaline
nano-structure arrays through a two-step process using anisotropic wet etching, followed
by electrochemical etching process. According to this method, the latter etching process
regime), which in turn eliminates the third fabrication step fine etching, described in
chapter 3.
In order to obtain a better insight into the formation of nano-structures, the effect of the
are studied.
The fabrication process begins with generating pyramid structures on the surface of the
process to develop silicon nano-structures. These two stages are described in detail in the
following sections.
The surface of the silicon wafer was textured using an anisotropic etching process in
TMAH for 30 minutes. The TMAH was diluted with DI water to reach the desired 1.5 %
concentration and used in all experiments. The etchant temperature was kept constant at
90° C, for the duration of all experiments. IPA was added to the TMAH solution in order
to facilitate the hydrogen bubbles detachment from the surface of the silicon. The effect
of adding IPA with different concentrations on the developed pyramids’ size uniformity,
An anodic electrochemical etching was performed on the textured silicon surface, using a
two-electrode Teflon cell. A layer of aluminum (~1 µm) was deposited on the back side
of the silicon wafer to obtain an ohmic contact. The silicon wafer, then, served as a
working electrode (anode), and a platinum mesh served as a counter electrode (cathode).
The anodic current was kept constant, at 120 mA, during the entire process. The etching
solution, electrolyte, consisted of a mixture of HF and ethanol. The textured surface was
exposed to the electrolyte. Ethanol was added to serve as a surfactant to reduce the
surface tension, and to remove the hydrogen bubbles generated during the etching
It has been evident from the experiments that the concentration of the added IPA to the
solution affects the size uniformity and the surface coverage of the pyramids. The
concentration of IPA was changed from 1.5 to 9% with the step of 1.5%. The obtained
results revealed that for IPA concentrations as high as 6%, the surface coverage of the
observation showed that the size of the pyramids is decreased as the IPA concentration is
increased. Both pyramids surface coverage and their size uniformity are improved as the
both the surface coverage and the uniformity of the pyramids sizes. Adding 9% IPA to
the solution generated pyramids with a very wide range of sizes (between 1-12 µm).
An SEM image of a textured surface etched in 1.5% TMAH, and added 1.5% IPA is
Figure 4.1 Top view of a textured silicon surface. The TMAH concentration was 1.5%, The IPA
concentration was 1.5%, the etching time was 30 minutes and the temperature of electrolyte was
90 ºC.
The surface coverage, the average base area of the pyramids, and the standard deviation
values were obtained by performing image analysis of the SEM photos, using ImageJ
image processing program, developed by the US National Institute of Health. Table 4.1
coverage and size. The results shown in Table 4.1 are the average of several experiments
repeated under the same conditions. The calculated standard deviation of the pyramid
size confirms that the uniformity of the pyramids size, considerably improves by
decreased as the IPA concentration is increased further to 9%. The influence of these
pyramids size uniformity on development of silicon structures, formed during the second
Table 4.1Calculated average pyramid surface coverage and base area of the pyramids using
image analysis.
4.3.2 The creation of silicon nano-structure arrays (2nd stage)
In order to gain a better insight into the formation of silicon nano-structures, a set of
experiments was performed at several anodic etching times, under a constant current of
120 mA. The HF:ethanol concentration ratio was kept constant at 1:4, for all experiments.
All the anodization experiments were performed on surfaces textured with the same
characteristics of the surface of sample 1 listed in table 4.1 unless otherwise mentioned.
Figure 4.2 illustrates the progress of formation of the nano-structure arrays during the
Figure 4.2(a) shows the view of the tilted silicon sample after 3 minutes of anodic
etching. As can be observed, the etching had initially started at the edges of a pyramid,
followed by etching of the four pyramid faces. From Figures 4.2(b), etched for 7 minutes,
and 4.2(c), etched for 10 minutes, one can see that as anodization progresses the pyramid
structures evolve to new structures. The new structures consist of pillars that are linked to
each other by sidewalls, shown by arrows in the Figures 4.2(b) and 4.2(c).
Figures 4.3(a)-4.3(c) show cross-sectional views of the same samples of Figures 4.2(a)-
4.2(c), respectively. The results show that as the etching continues, the pyramids are
etched laterally and vertically until the average diameter of the pyramids reaches 1.5 µm
diameters is not affected by further etching. Vertical etching of the structures however,
continues until the final nano-structures are obtained. As Figure 4.4 illustrates, a
The characteristics of the structures developed under various etching time are
Table 4.2 Characteristics of the samples developed under various etching times.
Anodic etching time (min) Diameter of the structure (µm) Length of the structure (µm)
3 3 5
7 2 9
10 1.5 12
30 1.5 20
Figure 4.2 Tilted view SEM images of silicon structures formed after anodization of silicon, for
etching times of 3 minutes (a), 7 minutes (b), and 10 minutes (c). The HF:ethanol ratio was 1:4,
and the anodic current was 120 mA in all cases.
Figure 4.3(a) - 4.3(b) Cross-section SEM images of the same samples shown in Figure 4.2(a)-
4.2(c) respectively.
The cessation of lateral etching can be attributed to the width of the space charge region
Ronnebeck [91]. According to this model as the electrochemical etching continues, the
space charge region extends into the silicon nano structures. Therefore, the extension of
SCR region will deplete the silicon from hole carriers, which are responsible for the
etching process taking place in the electrolyte and hence stops the lateral etching of the
In fact, the lateral etching of the structure continues until the diameter of the structure
reaches the SCR width. The theoretically calculated SCR width for p-type silicon with
agreement with the average diameter of the silicon nano-strcutures obtained in our
Figure 4.4 A tilted view of silicon nano-structures after 30 minutes anodization. The average
diameter of the nano-strcutures is 1.5 µm, the average diameter of the tip is 250 nm, and the
length of the structure is 20 µm.
Using ImageJ program, the average number of free-standing nano-structure on the silicon
In order to investigate the effect of size uniformity of pyramids (fabricated on the 1st step)
samples with less pyramids size uniformity, as illustrated in Figure 4.5(a). Figure 4.5(a)
is SEM image of the sample 3 listed in Table 4.1. Figure 4.5(b) shows the tilted view of
one of the samples after electrochemical etching under the same anodization conditions
applied to the samples shown in Figure 4.4. One clear observation is that despite the
were obtained. As shown in Figure 4.5(b) the pillars are still linked to each other by
Another interesting observation from Figure 4.5(b) is the presence of unetched smaller
size pyramids, shown in circled areas. These observations can be attributed to the
pronounced non-uniform pyramids size distribution. The pyramidal textures with a wider
size distribution (1-12 µm), perturbs the uniform dissolution of the sample in the
(a) (b)
Figure 4.5 (a) A tilted view of the textured silicon surface with a non-uniform pyramids size. (b)
a tilted view of the same sample after electrochemical etching. Circled areas contain unetched
small pyramids.
Observation of both unetched sidewalls and smaller size pyramids can be attributed to the
SCR width effect, as mentioned in section 4.3.2. Pyramids and sidewalls resist etching,
whenever their sizes are equal or smaller than the SCR width, ~ 1.5 µm.
According to the experimental results, uniformity and size of the pyramids are two key
to realize silicon nano-structures, the size of the pyramids (obtained in the first
studied. In these experiments, several HF:ethanol ratios of 1:2, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6 and 1:7 were
used to perform anodic etching of the samples. The anodization of all samples was
performed for 30 minutes under an applied current of 120 mA. Figures 4.6(a)-4.6(e) show
(1:2) (1:4)
(a) (b)
(1:5) (1:6)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.6 Effect of HF concentration on the creation of free-standing nano-structures, when the
ratio of HF:ethanol in the electrolyte was: (a)1:2, (b) 1:4, (c) 1:5, (d) 1:6, and (e) 1:7. The anodic
current was 120 mA, and the etching time was 30 minutes in all cases.
concentration ratio of 1:2, long pillars connected with the sidewalls formed, Figure
4.6(a). On the other hand, at a very low concentration ratio of 1:7, the pyramids were
For HF:ethanol ratios of 1:4, 1:5, and 1:6 well-structured rods were developed, Figures
4.6(b)-4.6(d). Observations showed that the length of the nano-structures were largest for
the ratio of 1:4, followed by those for 1:5 & 1:6, respectively. The results show that in
this range, the vertical etching rate of the sample decreases as a function of the HF
The nano-structures with the largest aspect ratio were developed at HF:ethanol ratio of
1:4. However, the concentration ratio range of 1:4 to 1:6 is believed to be an optimal one
the interval, where the anodization occurs in the transition regime. A lower HF
concentration moves the electrochemical etching to the porous silicon formation regime
Figure 4.7(a) shows the SEM images of the structure created after electrochemical
etching step. Figure 4.7(b) shows the high magnification SEM of the structure, and
Figure 4.7 (a) SEM image of nano-structure array formed after electrochemical etching,
(b) higher magnification of the nano-structure, (c) A close up of the structure tip.
The higher magnification shows that the synthesized structure consists of three distinct
regions: an arrow-shaped tip with the diameter of 50 nm, a rod with roughly 18 µm
length, and a submicron base. Also it shows that unlike the first approach (see chapter 3)
A better insight can be gained on the formation of this morphology through analysing the
SCR Silicon/porous
++ + + + +++ silicon interface
+ ++ ++ ++
+ + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + +
(a) (b)
Figure 4.8 A schematic showing the cross section of silicon pyramids and hole distribution as a
part of the electrochemical etching process. (a) Distribution of hole carriers at the earlier stage of
etching process. (b) Redistribution of hole carriers after pillar diameter reaches to SCR width.
As experimentally were confirmed, Figure 4.8(a) shows the etching process starts from
the edges of the pyramids. At this stage, current propagates inward to the faces of the
pyramids (dashed arrows in Figure 4.8(a)) and results in formation of the porous structure
(pillar and interconnected-walls). As the diameter of these pillars reaches the SCR width,
its resistance for transport of hole carriers increases, and holes carrier do not propagate
further down the length of the pillars. Therefore, the hole carriers are deviated from these
regions and continue to oxidized the silicon/porous silicon interface (dashed arrows in
Figure 4.8b). This deviation causes the current at silicon/porous silicon interface to
increase. This behaviour, deviation of current, occurs in both porous silicon formation
and transition regimes. Therefore, the etching of the sidewalls and direct formation of
The dissolution of sidewalls can be better understood in the light of the analysis of the
dominant when the concentration of fluoride ions are higher than the hole carriers.
Accordingly, the porous silicon layer is formed under this condition. However, the mass-
transport is dominant when the concentration of fluoride ions is less compared to that of
F- F F-
F- F-
F- ++ ++
+ +
F F- + +
F- - F +
F ++ +
+ + ++ + +
++ +
(a) (b)
Figure 4.9 Silicon dissolution mechanism (a) hole-transport limitation (b) mass-transport
As pointed out earlier, the propagation of hole carriers is increased at the porous
As it can be observed from the equation, the SiO2 is an intermediate product that will be
dissolved by HF. Therefore, the structure owes the smoothness of the surface to this
4.4 Conclusions
structures was presented. This new and low-cost method utilizes only two steps etching
techniques, texturing the silicon surface using an anisotropic etching process, followed by
The effect of anodization etching time on morphology of the structure is presented. This
allows a better insight into the formation of silicon nano-structures. It was found that the
The first etching stage plays an important role in the formation of silicon nano-structures.
It was observed that it was not possible to develop silicon nano-structure arrays when the
pyramids size was smaller than or equal to that corresponding to the SCR width.
was also investigated. It was found that, there is an optimal range of HF concentration,
1:4 to 1:6, within which silicon nano-structures can be obtained. The pyramids are etched
out completely when the HF concentration is below this range. In contrast, the sidewalls
remained un-dissolved as the HF concentration went above this optimal range. It was
observed that within this optimal range, as the HF concentration decreased, the length of
The fabricated nano-strcuture array may have wide applications in microelectronic and
optoelectronic devices.
5. Fabrication of n-type silicon nano-
structure: Light-induced electro-
chemical etching
vertical nano-structures.
5.1 Introduction
Porous silicon formation has been widely studied since the first observation of creation of
porous layers in fluoride environment using anodization [32]. The porous layer can be
used as a sacrificial layer in MEMS and NEMS applications [100] or as a template for
the properties and morphology of porous layer can be modified from nano-porous to
various parameters including doping and orientation of silicon substrate, electrolyte (type
and concentration) [103, 104], anodic current densities, anodization time, and
illumination [103]. Both n-type and p-type macro-pore arrays have been used as building
blocks for formation of micro-pillars and nano-structures [23, 24, 105]. The macro-pores
need to be well-aligned and have straight and smooth walls to be applicable to fabrication
silicon layer by back-side illumination [64, 76, 79, 91, and 107]. As pointed out in
chapter 2, section 2.6, in case of back-side illumination, the thickness of the silicon wafer
is a limiting factor. This limiting factor has been reported to be the cause of formation of
uneven and non-uniform macro-pores for thick (625µm) and thin (200µm) silicon wafers
Pore formation can be performed on a polished or patterned silicon surface. The latter
one is known as area-selective formation of the pores. This chapter studies the macro-
pattern, the pore formation is performed on pyramid-shap structures, which are highly-
packed on silicon surface. The effects of light intensity and current density on formation
Several samples of (100) orientation p-type and n-type silicon with the thickness of 625
μm and a resistivity of 10-20 Ω-cm and 1-10 Ω-cm respectively (purchased from Silicon
Inc.) were cut and cleaned using the RCA procedure [89].
In order to obtain the almost same surface characteristics for textured silicon surface the
p-type and n-type samples are anisotropically etched under different etching parameters.
In the case of p-type samples the highly-packed pyramid structures are obtained using
1.5wt.% TMAH and 1.5wt.% IPA, while the TMA and IPA concentrations are
increased to 2 wt. and wt respectively, for n-type samples. The etching duration
and etchant temperature were kept constant at 0 minutes and 90 C for both n and p-type
samples. The samples were then rinsed with DI water and dried in air.
In order to conduct the electrochemical etching, the backside of the samples (the side
which is not exposed to electrolyte) was metalized before mounting on the anodization
cell. The sample was mounted on the Teflon cell, and cell was filled with an electrolyte
consisting of HF and ethanol. The ratio of the electrolyte was 1:3 for HF and ethanol
respectively. The n-type samples were illuminated using Halogen lamp with the aim of
generation of the hole carriers. Halogen lamps show a broad spectrum and high intensity;
therefore they are suitable for homogeneously illumination of the whole sample.
However, the high IR intensity leads to heating up of the sample. Therefore, halogen
lamp was located on top of the cell in 13 cm distance from the surface to illuminate the
sample from the side that is exposed to the electrolyte (no illumination was used for p-
type samples). The 13 cm distance was chosen to avoid heating of the samples.
A typical SEM image of the n-type sample prepared using 2% TMAH and 3% IPA,
etched for 0 minutes at 90 C is shown in Figure 5.1. Table 5.1 presents average surface
coverage of three prepared samples, which determined by the image analysis of the SEM
images. According to acquired data presented in Table 5.1, the same wet etching
doping, whereas under different wet etching parameters only slight difference is observed
fabricated using simple chemical lab equipment (See Figure 3.1) and low-cost materials,
Figure 5.1 SEM image of a typical n-type textured sample prepared using 2% TMAH and 3.5%
Figure 5.2(a)-5.2(b) shows the top view of SEM images of n- and p-type textured
observed in both cases, the pores formations are initiated from the edges of the pyramids
and the tip of the pyramids are passivated against etching. This selectively etched
behavior of textured samples can be explained by the etching profile of the concave
(a) (b)
Figure 5.2 the top view of silicon samples after 3 minutes anodization under 80 mA applied
current. (a) p-type (b) n-type
Etching rate
As the etching profile shows (Figure 5.3), the tip of the pyramid, where the two (111)
planes meet each other has the lowest etching rate, whereas the intersection of (100) and
A comparison of Figure 5.2(a) and 5.2(b) shows that, despite the same initiation etching
points for n-type and p-type textured samples after anodization, there is a significant
difference on characteristics of the etched areas. Figure 5.2(a) shows the SEM image of p-
type textured sample after anodization. As it can be observed, the edges of the pyramid
are etched smoothly inward to four (111) faces of the pyramid compared to Figure 5.2(b).
On the other hand, the SEM image of n-type sample, Figure 5.2(b), shows that unlike the
p-type samples the intersections of the edges of the pyramids are covered by micro-pore
Although, these observations confirm the area-selective electrochemical etching for both
p- and n-type samples on textured silicon surface but the electrochemical etching process
on p-type samples results in anisotropic etching behavior, whereas n-type samples are
isotropically etched.
The cross-sectional SEM images of anodized n-type and p-type samples are shown in
conditions (except the light for n-type sample) on the both n-type and p-type samples, the
morphologies of the anodized samples are not alike. As it can be observed from Figure
5.4(a), an uneven macro-pore array with various depths is created on n-type textured
sample. Moreover, smaller size pores have been formed inside each of these macro-pores.
On the other hand, anodization of p-type textured sample resulted in formation of a rather
These observations can be explained in the light of the fact that electrochemical etching
process is governed through two important factors: hole carrier concentration and rate of
hole carrier supplying. The latter one is controlled by the applied bias. In the case of p-
type silicon, holes are majority carriers and therefore, the rate of hole supplying
determines the morphology of the pores. However, in the case of an n-type due to the
(a) (b)
Figure 5.4 The macro-pore formation prepared using 80 mA anodic current for duration of 30
minutes. (a) n- type and (b) p-type samples
current, hints towards the possibility of hole carrier concentration being the main reason
for formation of uneven and partially filled macro-pores on n-type samples. Based on this
speculation, the light intensity is increased in order to increase the hole carrier
(a) (b)
Figure 5.5 Cross-section of the n-type samples anodizied under various light power. (a) 50W, (b)
150W, (c) 300W
The light power was increased further from 50 to 150 and 300 W, in order to increase the
generation of holes. Figure 5.5(a)-5.5(c) show the cross-sectional SEM images of porous
layer etched under light intensities of 50, 150, and 300 W, respectively. These
observations show that increasing the light intensity produced structures with higher
porosity in such a way that macro-pores were also filled with micro-pores. Negligible
changes were observed in morphology of the pores as the intensity of light was increased
further to 300 W. This can be explained by Arita et al., [111] findings. According to their
results, the effect of light intensity is almost diminished at higher applied anodic current
As for experimental results shown in Figure 5.5, the high anodic current (80 mA) can be
considered as a large reverse bias applied to n-type samples, in which the silicon-
electrolyte interface acts as n-p junction. This large reverse bias results in increasing
electron-hole pair generation, which in turn leads to avalanche breakdown and hence
Accordingly, in order to find the suitable anodic current for formation of even and
unifrom macro-pore arrays various current (10, 30, 40, 50, 60 mA) are applied to silicon
samples. Figure 5.6 depicts the SEM image of the n-type sample under 10 mA of anodic
current. As can be seen in this figure, the body of the pyramids is mainly filled with
deemed to be the result of the penetration of hole carriers into the body of the pyramids.
field, which is not capable of concentrating the generated hole carriers at the edges of the
Figures 5.7(a)-5.7(d) show the top-view SEM images of the porous silicon layer
produced under various anodic current. It was observed that by increasing the anodic
current to 30 mA the etching was progressed inward to the four (111) faces of the
pyramids as shown in Figure 5.7(a). The etching rate of the four faces of the pyramids
was increased by increasing the anodic current beyond 30 mA, which results in formation
of pores with larger diameters. Figure 5.7(c) illustrates that the four faces of pyramid are
completely etched at 50 mA however, the tip of the pyramid and structure underneath
were preserved against etching. As evident from Figure 5.7(d), further increasing of the
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5.7 Macro-pore arrays created at various applied current and illuminated by 150W source
(a) 30mA, (b) 40 mA, (c)50mA, and (d)60 mA
Figure 5.8(a)-5.8(d) show the corresponding cross-sectional view of the same samples
As it can be observed, the etching was progressed vertically. However, the macro-pores
not only are not well aligned but are also partially filled with micro-pores. The formation
macro-pore is decreased while pore diameter is increased. This result can be attributed to
the relatively higher lateral etching rate with respect to vertical etching rate. The higher
lateral etching rate can be explained by the fact that the anodization condition switches
from carrier-limit conditions to mass-limit conditions as the supplying rate of holes is
increased for a constant number of fluoride ions in electrolyte. As a result, the etching of
the pore walls occurs as the anodization process become mass-limited. As it was shown
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5.8(a)-5.8(b) the corresponding cross sectional view of the same samples shown in
Figures 5.7(a)-5.7(d) respectively.
The macro-pore array developed on n- and p-type silicon is then used as building blocks
for formation of the 3-D nano-structures. The macro-pore array is transformed into nano-
structures using wet-anisotropic etching. The porous silicon layer was washed with DI
water and dried in air, and then were immersed into diluted NaOH solution of 0.2
molarity for duration of 5 minutes. Two n- type porous silicon layers that were etched for
duration of 5 and 30 minutes were treated with NaOH. Figure 5.9(a)-5.9(b) show the
SEM images of samples after NaOH treatment. As it is shown in Figure 5.9(a) an array of
correspond with the porous silicon layer that was created under electrochemical etching
shape nano-structure array synthesized, using porous silicon layer etched under
can be defined in this structure: a nano-tip with diameter of 100 nm and length of 500
nm, a nano-layered structure, and a sub-micron base. The total length of the synthesized
nano-structure is roughly 5 µm. The length of the nano-structure is shorter than the
thickness of the macro-pore array shown in Figure 5.8(c). This could be due to the fact
that thickness of pore walls is thinner near the tip. Therefore, the thinner walls were
Figure 5.10 shows the SEM image of arrow-shaped nano-structures created as a result of
NaOH treatment of p-type porous silicon layer. Inset shows the higher magnification of
the nano-structures. It can be observed that the tip of the pyramids was well preserved
during NaOH treatment. The structure also shows layered morphologies especially in the
rod regions. The observed layered morphologies on n- and p- type 3-D structures can be
(a) (b)
Figure 5.9(a)-5.9(b) The micro/nano structures develpoed by anisotorpic etching in NaOH using
two different porous silicon layers as building blocks. (a) mushroom-like micro-structure. (b)
Eiffel-tower-like nano-structure created using porous silicon layer shown in Figure 5.8 (c)
Figure 5.10 The arrow-liked micro/nano structures developed by anisotorpic etching in NaOH
using p-type macro-pore array
5.4 Conclusions
structures that were highly-packed on the surface. The effect of dopant type (Boron and
Phosphorous), anodic current and light intensity on formation of macro-pore array were
studied. Even macro-pore array with smooth walls were obtained on both p-type and n-
type samples and then were used as building blocks for formation of 3-D structures.
An array of micro/nano structure has been successfully synthesized on both n-type and p-
has a unique layered morphology. This 3-D structure consists of three distinct regions: a
6. Conclusions, contributions and
suggestions for further research
The main aim of this work was to study and introduce novel and
synthesis of array of silicon nano-structure on n-type silicon. An
was investigated.
6.1 Contributions
Two novel low-cost, multi-stage methods for fabrication of array of silicon nano-
strcuture is introduced.
The effect of wet chemical etching parameter, IPA, on pyramid surface coverage
was studied.
and HF concentration were studied and were optimized for formation of an even
A well-aligned and uniform macro-pore array with smooth walls was fabricated
6.2 Future work
This work provided the fundamental steps toward fabrication of self-mask and
portion of this work may provide a good background for further advanced studies on
The results of this work may be extended and investigated in following topics:
Low-doped silicon wafers with resistivity of 10-20 Ω.cm were under study in this
applications. The field emission and optical characteristics of the silicon nano-
The potential application of silicon nano-structure array for hydrogen storage can
be investigated.
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