Audit of Investment-Lecture
Audit of Investment-Lecture
Audit of Investment-Lecture
Based on level of ownership and management’s intent for holding the investment,
investment in equity securities (IFRS 9) are classified under the following classifications:
Equity investments at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL);
Equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
Investment in associate
Equity investment held primarily for trading and non-trading equity investments in which
the company does not elect to designate such as fair value through other
comprehensive income belong to the category of investments at fair value through profit
and loss. These investments are presented as current assets. FVPL are initially
measure at purchase price and at reporting date reported at fair value. The change in
fair value during the reporting period is recognized in profit or loss.
Equity investments not held for trading but ownership is not enough to the investor
ability to exercise significant influence over the investee are also measured at fair value.
On the date of initial recognition, the entity may exercise its option to recognize the
change in the fair value through other comprehensive income. In such case, they are
initially recognized at purchase price plus directly attributable transaction costs. At
reporting date , they are measured at fair value with change in fair value during the
reporting period reported as component of other comprehensive income. The
accumulated balance of the holding gains and losses is a component of equity in the
equity section of statement of financial position.
Investment in associate, which gives the holders significant influence over the reporting
and financial policies of the investee are accounted for in the investor’s consolidated
financial statements using the equity method.
Inclusion Securities not held for *Securities held for
trading for which the trading
enterprises elects to *Securities not held for
recognize change in fair trading for which the
value through OCI company did not elect
measurement at fair
value through OCI
Initial recognition Purchase price plus Purchase price,
transaction costs transaction costs are
taken to profit or loss
Measurement after initial Fair value Fair value
Amount taken to OCI *Unrealized gains and None
*Realized gains and
losses, with no recycling to
profit or loss, instead
transferred to RE
Amount taken to profit or Dividends that are *Dividends that are
loss considered return on considered return on
investments investments
*Unrealized and realized
gains and losses
At amortized Cost At FV through OCI At FV through PL
Inclusion Debt instruments Debt investments *Debt investments
that are held within that are held within held for trading
the business model the business model *Debt investments
of collecting of collecting held within the
contractual cash contractual cash business model of
flows for which the flows and to sell, collecting
company did not for which the contractual cash
elect to measure at enterprise elected flows and for which
FV to recognize the the company
change in fair value elected to measure
through OCI at FV
*Debt investments
held within the
Initial recognition At purchase price At purchase price At purchase price
plus transaction plus transaction
costs costs
Measurement after At amortized cost, At fair value At fair value
initial recognition using the effective
interest method
Amount taken to None Unrealized gains None
other and losses due to
comprehensive change in FV, with
income recycling to profit or
loss when realized
Amount taken to *Interest revenue *Interest revenue *Interest revenue,
profit or loss *Realized gains *Realized gains for practicality
and losses, and losses based on nominal
including (recycled from interest
impairment loss cumulative OCI), *Unrealized and
including realized gains and
impairment loss losses
The major elements of adequate internal control over the investment securities focus on
the following:
Separation of duties between the custody of the instruments, the maintenance of
accounting records and the authorization of purchase and disposals;
Joint control (of at least two officials) over the investment securities, or the use of
an independent outside entity custodian;
Complete detailed records of all securities owned and the related revenue from
interest and dividends;
Registration of securities in the name of the company;
Periodic physical inspection of securities by an internal auditor or other
independent official; and
Formulation and implementation of investment policies
The auditor’s objectives in the audit of investments in financial instruments are to:
Consider internal control over financial instruments held by the client;
Determine the existence of investments and that the client has rights to the
Determine that all financial instruments held by the entity are reported and that
transactions affecting the investments are properly accounted for
Establish the proper measurement of investments in financial instruments;
Establish accuracy of the amounts recognized in profit or loss and OCI relating to
investments; and
Determine that the presentation and disclosure to the investments is adequate.
When auditing investments, the principal objective for the substantive tests is to
determine the following:
Assertion Category Account Balances Audit Objectives
Existence All recorded investments on the statement of
financial position exist.
Occurrence All recorded income from investments has
accrued to the entity at the reporting date.
Completeness All investments owned by the entity at the
reporting date are included on the statement of
financial position. All income accruing from
investments at the reporting date has been
Valuation and Investments are included on the statement of
Allocation financial position at the appropriate amounts.
Accuracy Investment income is included on the statement
of comprehensive income at the appropriate
Classification Income statement related items are appropriately
recorded in the proper accounts in the statement
of comprehensive income
Rights and The entity owns, or has a legal right to the
obligations investments included on the statement of
financial position
Presentation and Investments and related investment income
Disclosure accounts are properly classified, described, and
disclosed in the financial statements, including
note, in accordance with the applicable PFRS.
To verify the existence and ownership of investments by the entity, the auditor’s
procedure depends whether the securities or evidence of ownership are held by the
client or held by a third party.
If the stock certificates (evidence of ownership) is held by the client , the auditor
counts the stock certificates at the reporting date and simultaneously with the
count of cash and other negotiable instruments to prevent substitution. When
inspecting the securities, the auditor should note the following:
a. The name(s) of the indicated owner(s) of the securities;
b. The names of the issuers of securities;
c. Whether the security is debt or equity;
d. The certificate numbers on the documents;
e. Any evidence of pledging or restrictions on disposal shown on the certificates;
f. The number of shares of stock or the face value of the debts.
Some of the company’s securities and other financial instruments may be held by a
custodian such as brokerage firm or banks for safekeeping. If this is the case, the
auditor will confirm to the custodian. The auditor would normally include the
information mentioned above in the confirmation request.
a. Existence
b. Rights and Obligations
c. Completeness
d. Valuation and Allocation
e. Presentation and Disclosure
Substantive Procedures:
1. Confirm balances with the trustee or broker
2. Compare serial numbers of securities with those recorded in prior years’ working
3. Confirm with banks for investments used as loan collaterals
4. Recompute gains and losses on disposals of investments
5. Verify interest and dividends by recomputations
6. Inspect investment securities simultaneous with count of cash on hand balances
7. Obtain fair value from security dealers and from published priced quotations
8. Obtain an understanding of management’s process for classifying investment
9. Evaluate information that indicates existence of impairment
10. Conduct cutoff test of purchases and sales of investments and accruals of
interest and dividends.
2. In your audit of the investments held by Pau Company you found the following
transactions and other information for the year 2020:
The financial statements of the company for the year 2019 revealed the following
investments balances:
Instrument No. of shares Balance
Cam ordinary shares 5,000 Php 84,000
Mari ordinary shares 2,000 60,000
You found that the December 31 balances approximated the fair values of the
On April 3, Cam Company distributed 20% bonus issue.
On April 29, Mari Company paid P5.00 cash dividend declared on March 30,
On May 15, Pau Company sold 1,000 of Cam Company ordinary at Php20 per
On May 15, Pau Company purchased a Php25 per share 2,000 of Grace
ordinary. Pau Company paid transfer taxes and commissions amounting to
Php2,500. The company exercised its option to designate the Grace Company
shares at FV through OCI.
On October 1, Pau Company sold 500 of Mari Company ordinary shares at
Php37 per share.
Or Unrealized
Grace Co. (FV- Dividen Loss Gains
Trans Cam Co. (FVPL) Mari Co. (FVPL) OCI) d on (Losses)
Income sale
Shares Amount Shares Amoun Shares Amoun
t t
1/1/2020 5,000 84,000 2,000 60,000
4/3 1,000
4/29 10,000
5/15 (1,000) (14,000) 6,000
6/1 2,000 52,500
10/1 (500) (15,000) 3,500
12/1 4,500
adj 5,000 70,000 1,500 45,000 2,000 52,500 14,500 9,500
PL 40,000 7,500 47,500
OCI 3,500 3,500
balance 5,000 110,000 1,500 52,500 2,000 56,000 14,500 9,500
Current Assets
Equity Investments at Fair Value through
Profit or Loss Php 162,500
Dividends receivable 4,500
Non-Current Assets
Equity Investments at Fair Value through
Other Comprehensive Income Php 56,000
Profit or Loss
Dividend Income Php 14,500
Gains on Sale of Equity Investments 9,500
3. Pau Company engaged your services to examine its financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 2020. You identified from the trial balance that its
debt investment, consisting solely of ABC 8% Bonds had a balance of
Php925,250, representing its acquisition cost of Php1,084,250 of the
Php1,000,000 face value bonds, due on December 31, 2024 and a net of
Php159,000 proceeds from sale of the investments. Interest is collectible every
December 31. Pau Company recorded the interest collected amounting to
Php80,000 as a credit to Interest Revenue. On December 31, after receiving the
periodic interest, Pau Company sold Php150,000 of the bonds to generate
enough funds for settlement of its maturing obligation. The selling price of
Php159,000 represents the fair value of the Php150,00o bond investment sold.
Because the entity hold these bonds in a portfolio of securities held for collection
and also for sale in response to financing requirements, the enterprise elected
to designate the debt investments as at fair value through other comprehensive
Your audit staff has calculated an effective interest rate on these investments at
6%, and has provided you the following working paper for the computation of the
correct amortized cost and interest revenue.
Based on the above set of entries and the working paper and computations
provided by the member of the audit staff, the appropriate audit adjustments to
correct the investment balance and the amounts taken to profit or loss and other
comprehensive income are as follows:
Audit Adjustments:
The market value per share on Camil Company ordinary shares on December
31, 2020 and 2021 was Php8.00 and Php9.00, respectively. Pau Company
incorrectly accounted for this investment as if significant influence had not been
As a result oof incorrectly applying accounting principles, the financial
statements of Pau Company are incorrect. At December 31, 2020 and 2021,
were the following accounts overstated, understated or correct? If incorrect, by
what amount? Show supporting computations.
1. Net Investment in Camil Company.
2. Net Income
3. Audit Adjustment 2020 and 2021.