Anti Ragging Handbook
Anti Ragging Handbook
Anti Ragging Handbook
Students unions, although it seems funny but unfortunate, are also not
committed enough about the plight of the students who are ragged in
campus and sometimes are forced to return without completing their
dream courses because of the intolerable ragging.
2 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Why This Monograph 3
Often parents, particularly coming from rural bases, find it very difficult to meet time management for bringing out this maiden edition for use of
to deal a case of ragging while lodging an FIR with appropriate authority. the students stepping into educational campus for higher education in
In many occasions, police administration gives lip services and practically this year itself. More ever, responses from engineering, medical, technical
does nothing to bring culprits to book citing some built-in-defects in FIR and other colleges were discouraging in spite of our approaching them a
lodged. number of times. We expected far more spontaneous co-operation and
positive support from those colleges of higher education who are
In this monograph, utmost attempts have been made by us to pass on supposed to be pro-active for the well being of students. But, we are
much required information so that hapless guardians / parents (and of always hoping against hope. We are sure, this publication of monograph,
course the students) can take liberal help and complete guidance from which is a maiden effort in the entire country as on date shall go a long
this monograph in taking preventive, protective and curative shields. way and surely blast open the so-called ‘shell of confidentiality’ practiced
Besides, the monograph mentions many Do’s and Don’ts for students by some of the educational institutes. We shall be earnestly requesting
while they at the new colleges, which are the results of our year long for availability of data and other related information forthwith for the
study. We have also indicated some suggestions for the worried parents sake of students. All these shall help us to make educational campuses
and guardians. Through this monograph, we also intend to make an appeal ragging free in the near future.
to senior students (who till yester years were fresher!), college as also
the hostel authorities. We expect that district administration shall rise to Till such time we, at IEPM, shall be with you. Always.
real need of the hour by taking stock of situation at last in order to make
educational institutions ragging free. This is our commitment to the society. To the students. And obviously to
Telephone numbers of District Magistrates and Superintendents of Police
of all districts apart from address and telephone numbers of all such
authorities who matters in critical hours are given in this monograph.
We are sure that this monograph on ragging which is the first of its kind
in India shall be able to set the ball rolling in the desired direction. “If you want something very badly, you can achieve it.
It may take patience, very hard work, a real struggle
We regret any mistake and lapses despite our best efforts and intentions. & a long time, but it can be done.
We welcome suggestions / other inputs and feedbacks from all concerned That much faith is a pre-requisite of any undertaking artistic or
which shall be of great help to us in our efforts and will be duly
– Margo Jones
acknowledged and incorporated in next edition of this monograph.
4 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging - Meaning & Definition 5
agging is a form of mental and physical abuse, which the seniors
impose on the new comers. The senior students think that this will
After establishment of residential educational campuses, the practice of
ragging became a fashion. The practice aimed at creating a relation
between the new and the old students and the seniors used to joke and
? to get acquainted with the new comers tease at the juniors. Subsequently, however, ragging entirely changed
? to get respect from the juniors from normal and human methods to very rough, cruel and inhuman
? to inspire discipline among them methods in absence of adequate supervision and guidance. Sometimes,
? to help them in learning endurance situation goes too far, resulting in serious physical injury, irreparable
psychological damage, and even death.
The term “Ragging” is commonly known in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
and in many other countries and is a form of abuse on newcomers to
There is no fixed rule(!) for ragging. It depends on the whims and fancies
educational institutions. It is almost similar to the western form, known
as “Hazing”, but is commonly much more severe. Ragging is different of the senior students. Consequently, ragging may stretch from the first
from “hazing” in that it is forced on the victim, whereas “hazing” is done day to a considerably longer period. After that seniors suddenly become
friends; and they go out of the way to help the fresher they ragged. But
with the consent of a person.
this is not always be true as many fresher already suffer from stress and
There is a reference to ragging, racking and ducking in Everyman’s trauma, and may thereafter continue to suffer from post traumatic stress
Encyclopedia, London, Ed. 1938, Vol. II, (Pg. 382) and the Random disorders. Many leave their institution and some commit suicide. But
House Dictionary of the English language, Ed. 1967 (Pg. 487). Ragging, most survive ragging and are only too happy to forget their trauma and
racking and ducking as also teasing differ considerably in details so far move on. Those who rise up against it are shunned; revenge may also
as the original practices are concerned. take the form of physical assault, leading to serious injuries.
Oxford English Dictionary, Volume – VIII, 1961 Edition, mentions that The broader implication of ragging, which the Apex Court itself set out in
the term ‘to rag’ is university slang and is of obscure origin. It is especially the ‘Vishwa Jagriti Mission’ matter as:
an extensive display of noisy, disorderly conduct, carried on in defiance
of authority or discipline. The word ‘ragging’ is defined as an action of “Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an
scolding, annoying, teasing etc. and to torment or assail in a rough noisy act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any
fashion or to create wild disorder. other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes
or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to
The Roultedge Dictionary of Historical Slang edited by Eric Patridge, raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or
defines ragging as “display of noisy, disorderly conduct and great high asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student
will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or
6 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 7
? Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on The common people still are inclined to believe ragging as a somewhat
a junior student by senior students should be considered as an aspect of form of jokes and merry-making at the beginning of academic sessions
ragging of economic dimensions. by some handful merry loving senior students at college class rooms,
canteens or at hostels to get themselves acquainted with newly admitted
? Any act of physical abuse including sexual abuse, homosexual assaults students in new academic session.
and stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily
harm or any other danger to health or person can be put in the category
of ragging with criminal dimensions.
“We don’t see things as they are;
? Any act or abuse by spoken words, e-mails, snail-mails, public insults We see things as we are”
should be considered with in the psychological aspects of ragging. Any – Anais Nin
act that affects mental health and self-confidence of students also can be
described in terms of psychological aspect of ragging.
? Human rights perspective of ragging involves injury caused to
fundamental right to human dignity through humiliation heaped on junior
students by seniors.
8 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 9
Since World War II, ragging started spreading in other fields of civilian Early Egyptians, Romans and Greeks knew ragging. The Duke of Exeter
life. Here again the main reason was that soon after world war II, many is supposed to be responsible for beginning of ragging in practice in
of war brigades were dislocated and soldiers returned to civilian life. England. Racking was also in practice parallel to ragging with a special
Some of them also got admitted in colleges and universities. And with instrument of torture known as ‘rack’. But later, it got mixed up into
them the concept of ragging spread to colleges and universities. Thus ragging.
educational campuses were infected with ‘ragging syndrome. The senior
students started practicing ragging on their juniors. In the Netherlands in 1962 there was uproar because fresher were given
‘Dachan treatment’, a reference to the dreaded World War II
concentration camps. According to Time, one fresher suffered a brain
10 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 11
injury when a senior student tried to knock a ball off his head with a
hockey stick. In another custom, more than 200 young men were packed
naked or half naked into a small room. The seniors then performed various RAGGING IN INDIA
kinds of barbarities on them.
Ragging In Ancient India
France has also had its problems controlling young men. The French
term ‘brimade’ includes hazing, ragging, silly and dangerous jokes and
forced drinking. During 1920s in France, a national campaign raged
against brimades. The minister of public instruction forbade them in all
I n ancient India, students used to visit teachers’ home at an early
age .The students used to stay at the house of teacher for a couple of
years along with other students coming from far away areas learning
French schools, and the minister of war ordered an end to such practices. and practicing lessons from their ‘Gurus’ & ‘Guru-Matas’. They used to
According to a 1928 notice in the New York Times, brimades had too stay at ‘Guru-grihas’ (Gurukul) till they were declared successfully passed
often gone beyond the limits of fun, and, especially win anxious boys, out by gurus and allowed to return to their homes where they could
who often voiced persecution and cruelty. In the military schools practical practice and utilize acquired knowledge. In the mythological stories or in
jokes had been pushed much further. The ministers of instruction and such ancient documents, we do not find any reference of ragging in those
war emphasized that new boys must be welcomed cordially, fairly and days.
Brimades have also been a problem in Canada, perhaps because that Ragging In Medieval India
country has imported such customs from the British, French and American
Greeks. Hazing activities flourished on the Canadian border. Many In medieval India, students from abroad used to visit India for getting
incidents reported in Canada during orientation week, the conventional admission in various seats of learning. Many famous sites of learning and
method for introducing new students to college life. educational campuses were scattered all over India. Some of the popular
ones were Nalanda, Texilla and Bikrampura to name a few. All those
Source : Ms. Jayasree Sar, Ragging : Is it a pathological or casual phenomenon of famous centers of learning were frequented by many students even from
college culture? an exploratory study, unpublished M.Sc. dissertation from Dept of far away countries. Some of the students who came to India to study
Psychology, Univ. of Calcutta, 2006.
and learn specially the teachings of Lord Buddha were Hieun Tsang,
Fa-hien & Megasthenes. Those students from foreign countries lived
many years in India for the purpose of study. They also visited many
other centers of learning. They have made vivid accounts of their stay in
“The glory is not in never failing, India in their travelogues but there was no mention of any sort of ragging
but in rising every time you fall” of students especially the students from abroad in any of those places of
– A Chinese proverb learning in spite of their being residential in nature.
12 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in Ppst Independence India 13
14 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging and The Legal Provision 15
RAGGING AND THE LEGAL PROVISIONS Specific Sections to Deal with Ragging Cases and Ensuring
Justice under the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
? Scholarship / stipend / financial grant can be withdrawn / Major Complaints Against Ragging :
cancelled by the college / university
? He /she may be debarred from appearing at future 323 Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt
examinations of university 324 Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or
? He /she may be debarred from taking admission to any other 325 Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt
educational institute in the state or even in the entire country 326 Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous
weapons or means
? He /she may be charge sheeted and court of law may try the
accused student. Death or loss of life :
16 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging and The Legal Provision 17
Extracts from the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 Section 155 : Information as to non-cognizable cases and
investigation of such cases
Information to the Police and Their Powers to Investigate
1. When information is given to an officer–in–charge of a police station
Section 154 : Information in cognizable cases of the commission within the limits of such station of a non-cognizable
offence, he shall enter or cause to be entered the substance of the
1. Every information relating to the commission of a cognizable offence, information in a book to be kept by such officer in such form as the state
if given orally to an officer-in-charge of a police station, shall be reduced govt. may prescribe in this behalf, and refer the information to the
to writing by him or under his direction, and be read over to the informant; Magistrate.
and every such information whether given in writing or reduced to writing
as aforesaid, shall be signed by the person giving it, and the substance 2. No police officer shall investigate a non-cognizable case without the
thereof shall be entered in a book to be kept by such officer in such form order of a magistrate having power to try such case or commit the case
as the state government may prescribe in this behalf. for trial.
2. A copy of the information as recorded under sub-section (1) above 3. Any police officer receiving such order may exercise the same powers
shall be given forthwith, free of cost, to the informant. in respect of the investigation (except the power to arrest without warrant)
as an officer–in–charge of a police station may exercise in a cognizable
3. Any person aggrieved by a refusal on the part of an officer–in–charge case.
of a police station to record the information referred to in sub-section
(1) may send the substance of such information, in writing and by post, 4. Where a case relates to two or more offences of which at least one is
to the superintendent of police concerned who, if satisfied that such cognizable, the case shall be deemed to be a cognizable case,
information discloses the commission of a cognizable offence, shall either notwithstanding that the other offences are non-cognizable.
investigate the case himself or direct an investigation to be made by any
police officer subordinate to him, in the manner provided by this code, Note : Police can investigate even, if there is a case a single
and such office hall have all the powers of an officer-in-charge of the cognizable offence ( Naresh Chandra v. state 1978 A CrR 60)
police station in relation to that offence.
Section 156 : Police officer’s power to investigate cognizable
Note : FIR is the earliest report made to the police officer with a
view to his taking action in the matter. (Soma Bhai v. state of Gujarat 1. Any officer-in-charge of a police station may, without the order of a
AIR 1975 SC 1453) magistrate, investigate, any cognizable case which a court having
jurisdiction over the local area within the limits of such station would
have power to inquire into or try under the provisions of chapter XIII
18 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging and The Legal Provision 19
2. No proceedings of a police officer in any such case shall at any stage Section 158 : Report submission
be called in question on the ground that the case was one which such
officer was not empowered under this section to investigate. 1. Every report sent to a Magistrate under section 157 shall, if the state
govt. so directs, be submitted through such superior officer of police as
Section 157 : Procedure of investigation the state govt. by general or special order, appoints on that behalf.
1. If, for information received or otherwise, an officer-in-charge of a
2. Such superior officer may give such instructions to the officer-in-
police station has reason to suspect the commission of an offence which
he is empowered under section 156 to investigate, he shall forthwith charge of the police station as he thinks fit, and shall, after recording
send a report of the same to a Magistrate empowered to take cognizance such instructions on such reports, transmit the same without delay to the
of such offence upon a police report and shall proceed in person, or Magistrate.
shall depute one of his subordinate officer not being below such rank as
the state govt. may prescribe, to proceed to the spot, to investigate the Section 159 : Power to hold investigation or preliminary
facts and circumstances of the case, and , if necessary to take measures
for the discovery and arrest of the offender. Provided that – Such Magistrate, on receiving such report, may direct an investigation,
or, if he thinks fit, at once proceed, or depute any Magistrate subordinate
(a) where information as to the commission of any such offence is given to him to proceed, to hold a preliminary inquiry into or otherwise to
against any person by name and the case is not of a serious in nature , the dispose of, the case in the manner provided in this code.
officer-in-charge of a police station need not proceed in person or depute
a subordinate officer to make an investigation on the spot.
Section 164 : Recording of confessions and statements
(b) if it appears to the officer-in-charge of a police station that there is no
sufficient ground or entering on an investigation, he shall not investigate 1. Any Metropolitan Magistrate or Judicial Magistrate may, whether or
the case. not he has jurisdiction in that case, record any confession or statement
made to him in the course of an investigation under this chapter or under
2. In each of the cases mentioned in clauses (a) (b) of the proviso to any other law for the this being in force, or at any time afterwards before
sub-section (1), the officer-in-charge of the police station shall state in the commencement of the inquiry or trial.
his report his reasons for not fully complying with the requirements of
that sub-section, and in the case mentioned in clause (b) of the proviso, Provided that no confession shall be recorded by a police officer on
the officer shall also forthwith notify to the informant if any. in such manner whom any power of a Magistrate has been conferred under any law for
as may be prescribed by the state govt. the fact that he will not investigate the time being in force.
the case or cause it to be investigated.
20 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging and The Legal Provision 21
2. The Magistrate shall, before recording any such confession, explain any act which detracts from human dignity or violets his person or exposes
to the person making it that he is not bound to make a confession and him to ridicule or forbear from doing any unlawful act, by intimidating,
that, if he does so, it may be used as evidence against him: and the wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining, or injuring him or by using
Magistrate shall not record any such confession unless, upon questioning criminal force to him or by holding out to him any threat or such
the person making it, he has reasons to believe that it is being made intimidation, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, injury or the use
voluntarily of criminal force.
3. If at any time before the confession is recorded, the person appearing 4) Goa Prohibition of Ragging Bill 2006, defines ragging as ‘display of,
before the Magistrate states that he is not wiling to make the confession, doing any act disorderly conduct which causes or is likely to cause physical
the Magistrate shall not authorize the detention of such person in police or psychological harm or raise apprehension or fear or shame or
custody. embarrassment to a student in any educational institution and includes
teasing, abusing, threatening or playing practical jokes on, causing hurt
to, such students; or asking a student to do any act or perform something
which such student will not, in the ordinary course, willingly do’.
Some of the states in India have enacted state laws to prevent ragging in
educational institutions following the recommendations of the Supreme
5) The Karnataka Education Act 1983, defines ragging as ‘Causing,
Court of India.
inducing, compelling or forcing a student, whether by way of practical
joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or
1) Andhra Pradesh state law defines ragging as doing an act, which
causes or is likely to cause insult or annoyance or fear or apprehension violates his persons or exposes him to ridicule or forbear from doing any
or threat or intimidation or outrage modesty or insult to a student. lawful act, by intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining,
or injuring him by using criminal force to him or by holding out to him any
2) According to the Assam Prohibition of Ragging Bill 1998, ragging threat of such intimidation, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of
means display of noisy or disorderly conduct or doing of any act which criminal force.’
causes or is likely to cause social, physical or psychological harm or
raise apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to any student in 6) The Kerala Prohibition of Ragging Act 1998 defines ragging as
any educational institution and includes teasing, abusing of playing ‘teasing, abusing or causing hurt or asking student to do an act which he
practical jokes on or causing hurt to such students; or asking the student is unwilling to do’.
any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary
course willingly do. 7) Ragging as defined by The Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act
1999 is ‘a display or disorderly conduct, doing of any act which causes
3) The Chattisgarh Shaikshanik Sansthaon Me Pratarna Ka Pratishedh or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raise apprehension
Adhiniyam, 2001 defines ragging as causing, inducing, compailing or or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational
forcing a student, whether by way of a practical joke or otherwise, to do institution’.
22 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging and The Legal Provision 23
8) Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997, states that ragging (a) teasing or abusing of, playing practical jokes on, or causing
means ‘display of noisy, disorderly conduct, doing any act, which causes hurt to any student. or
or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raise apprehension
or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational (b) asking any student to do any act, or perform any thing, which
institution and includes teasing, abusing of playing practical jokes on or he/she would not, in the ordinary course, be willing to do or perform’.
causing hurt to, such students; or asking the students to do any act or
perform something, which such student will not, in the ordinary course, ? Proviso for Prohibition of Ragging
willingly do’.
(a) Ragging within an educational institution is hereby prohibited.
The Expert Committee formed by the apex court found that only the
Chattisgarh State Act on ragging is intended to ‘prevent’ ragging whereas (b) No person shall participate in, abet, or propagate, ragging in
all other state laws enacted by other states merely seek to ‘prohibit’ any educational institution.
ragging. There are very few states in India that have enacted
comprehensive laws in respect of ragging. Even those few existing state
laws are lacking in provisions intended to prevent ragging. No state laws ? Stipulated Penalty for Ragging
provide for any detailed scheme of prevention of ragging in educational
campus which is needed very much. Supreme Court guidelines on ragging (a) Expulsion from the educational institution, if found guilty on
are stated to be followed by the states; however, no state law has been enquiry by the institution against a complaint lodged by any other student.
modified or amended to bring them in line with the guidelines and directions
of the apex court. (b) Imprisonment of either description up to two years or fine up
to five thousand rupees or both.
The West Bengal Prohibition of Ragging in Educational
Institutions Act, 2000 (c) Any student convicted under 3 (b) shall be dismissed from
the educational institution in which he/she has been prosecuting his/her
The state of West Bengal is the only state in India where the Indian Penal studies for the time being, and shall not be re-admitted to that educational
Code has been amended to make ragging an offence. institution.
The West Bengal Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institutions Act, Source :
2000 (W.B. Act XIII of 2000) includes the following provisions
? “Ragging” means the ‘doing of any act which causes, or is likely to “You can’t shake hands with
cause any physical, psychological or physiological harm of apprehension clenched fist”
or shame or embarrassment to a student, and includes: – Indira Gandhi
24 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Initiation To Stop Ragging in India 25
26 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Initiation To Stop Ragging in India 27
As a matter of fact, the definition of ragging is common to the Acts of ? The Apex Court had prescribed that educational institutions should
Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and West Bengal. They do not take care of generate an ‘atmosphere of discipline by sending a clear message that
the psychological aspect of the trauma. no act of ragging shall be tolerated and any act of ragging shall not
go unnoticed or unpunished’. The continuation of ragging in various
Some of the observations of the Committee are - forms sometimes in the garb of ‘mild ragging’, ‘introductions’ etc. in the
opinion of this Committee is equally deplorable and often such ‘surrogate’
? The Committee found no instance where educational institutions ragging practices are patronized by institutional authorities themselves.
approached police authorities in reporting even the extreme incidents of This is established by the fact that ‘social interaction’ sessions or ‘fresher,’
ragging. Usually, complaints with police are lodged by parents/ guardians ‘welcome’ parties are traditionally organized only after sufficient time is
of the victims. available to seniors to rag ‘fresher’ – often months after the date of
admission to institutions.
? The Committee is concerned with the evasive attitude of educational
institutions and it is therefore necessary that institutional authorities are In our country the first real initiation to stop ragging was taken in the
made accountable in a variety of ways. state of Tamil Nadu in 1997 which witnessed a series of violent incidents
of campus ragging at that time. Many incidents of brutal ragging were
? The Committee views absence of civil society initiatives on the issue reported in media which depicts ragging is prevalent in educational
of ragging as a matter of serious concern. campuses in the state. All these ultimately prompted the Govt. of Tamil
Nadu to pass an Anti-Ragging Act in the state legislature. Some of the
? The locations of hostels are often unknown to institutional authorities other states are also following steps and have, of late, come up with anti-
or even to local law and order authorities and this is another cause of ragging legislation. The major boost to anti-ragging efforts was given by
ragging. a landmark judgment of Supreme Court of India in May 2001 in response
to a Public interest litigation (PIL) filed by the Vishwa Jagriti Mission- an
? Possession of mobile phone was the best and immediate source for NGO. Ragging, often a matter of great legal concern is defined by
the ragged to communicate with relevant authorities. Supreme Court as :
? State Governments haven’t monitored whether ragging has been ‘Any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written or by
restricted or not in their State. The authorities of institutions have not an act which is the effect of teasing or handling with rudeness any
played a pro-active role which was necessary as primary responsibility other student, indulging in rowdy or in-disciplined activities which
was cast on institutional authorities. causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological
harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior
Given below are the observations of the Committee specifically in respect student or asking the students to do any act or perform something
of the guidelines of the Apex Court :- which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has
the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or
28 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Initiation To Stop Ragging in India 29
embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of of Raghavan Committee by threatening to snap their purse strings. As
a fresher or a junior student.’ per news published in the Telegraph dated 28.11.07, there is no plan to
link performance of universities in curbing ragging to the funding they
Very recently, UP Govt. has taken up legislation of an Act completely receive from the apex body. Further, UGC, as it appears from reports,
banning ragging in the educational institutes in the state. But it is needed is doubtful about the workability in implementing the recommendations
to be emphasized that real initiation to stop ragging from college campus of Raghavan Committee.
only came from the apex court of the land. The Supreme Court, in its
epoch-making Judgment, desired that all educational institute campuses We, however, express our complete disappointment over the issue.
shall be completely ragging free. Secondly, the report submitted by
Raghavan Committee has been accepted by the Govt. of India. Necessary
instructions have been passed on to state governments, University Grants Sources :
? Supreme Court of India Judgment 2001
Commission and the Ministry of higher education. Educational Institutions ? ‘Raghavan Committee Recommendation Report’, HRD Ministry, Govt. of
all over the country have been advised to file FIR with local police against India
those who rag or even abet ragging. A list of proposed action plan has ‘Hon ble. Supreme Court interim order on Ragging’, Supreme Court
? Legal Correspondent. ‘Court :form panel to look into ragging’, The Hindu,
been passed out to the educational institutes. Recently, the Ministry of
Nov. 7, 2006
Human Resource Development under Department of Higher Education,
Govt. of India has also taken some pro-active positive steps towards
awareness campaign against campus ragging throughout the year for lasting
and positive impact.
The All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi has
put up a circular on its web site that ‘ragging in educational institutions in
any form is banned under law; all the AICTE approved institutions must
“We all have ability.
ensure that ragging does not take place at their campuses in any form;
The difference is how we use it”
should such a case be reported or brought to the notice of the AICTE,
then the Council shall take necessary action including withdrawal of – Stevie Wonder
30 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 31
32 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Safeguard Against Ragging 33
For better protection, we shall recommend the following measures- ? Communicate with parents/ local guardians over telephone /
Cell phone at least twice a day for initial few months
? Be courteous to all. It will make a favorable impression of you.
? Always speak the truth but never be blunt or brutally frank, ? Keep some standard SMS in your Cell phone ready for rapid and
i.e., never speak truth which is disagreeable. instant communication with your parents / guardians. For example - Ok
? Never move alone in the college and hostel premises. (every thing all right), LNPW (last night passed well), NP (No Problem)
? Even if you are introvert or lazy type, ensure that you are log or SOS (save our souls indicating possible ragging) etc.
on with your batch mates/ room mates continuously.
? Do not stroll but move fast in the college campus. ? Collect Cell / telephone number and complete address of office and
? Do not wait/ waste time in corridors, passages, staircases. residence of your local guardian in case you stay in hostel / mess.
? Avoid seniors particularly in toilets, bathrooms, canteens.
? Never visit canteen when seniors are there. ? Collect, preserve and load your Cell phone with cell / telephone
? Always keep Cell phone with you. Model with camera is number of class mates/ room mates. Also collect complete residential
preferred for obvious reasons. address and telephone no. of your friends. Your parents/ local guardians
? Let Cell phone on silent / vibration mode. also to be supplied with those cell/ telephone no. and addresses of your
? Load Cell phone with all important telephone nos. (Preferably friends.
Mobile Phone numbers) of
?Principal of college ? Ensure that telephone number and full address of your home is
?Registrar of college supplied to new friends as well.
?Training & Placement officer
?Hostel Superintendent / warden ? A copy of such address book to be readily available with your parents
?Security officer and local guardians.
?Medical officer, if any
?Parents / Guardians
?Local guardians, if any
?Local police station ? Collect the telephone nos. (preferably Cell Phone numbers) of
?Superintendent of Police of the district different authorities :
?District Magistrate ?Principal of college
?Chairman- WBJEE ?Registrar of college
?Chairperson- West Bengal Human Rights Commission ?Training & Placement officer
?Chairperson- West Bengal Women’s Commission ?Hostel Superintendent
?Security Officer
34 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 35
36 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Suggested Action Plan for College Administration 37
38 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 39
40 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Steps To Be Followed - If Ragged 41
an FIR. In case student himself is sick enough due to ragging injury/ ? In case Fresher is still admitted in hospital / nursing home till recovery
hospitalization, FIR may also be lodged by parents and/ or local guardians due to severe injury, the matter needs to be noted in FIR.
at the local police station.
? Lodging an FIR is very vital and crucial. The time of FIR filing is very Draft Copy Of First Information Report (FIR)
important as FIR needs to be filed soon after an incident. And the sooner
is the better. Describe the assault incident precisely but clearly. All To
The Officer –In – Charge Dated………….
important facts are to be noted in FIR. Any lapses in FIR may help Police Station : …………….
accused to give a slip and to get away easily without any punishment. It Dist : ……..
is suggested that the parents/ guardians prepare a Draft FIR first and
crosscheck to ensure that it is 100% fool prove so that the culprit cannot Sir,
escape from the law. We suggest use of ‘Model Draft FIR’ as enclosed
Subject : Lodging of FIR into the incident of Ragging on ……………
in this monograph may conveniently be used by parents/ guardians while
filing FIR with filling up with necessary and relevant information. I, do hereby lodge a complaint with you as detailed below and request you to
treat it as an FIR for taking immediate action against the culprit(s) :
? FIR must contain names and other detailed particulars of persons That on……………… at about ………… am/pm, my son / daughter namely shri /
who caused injury/ assault. Additional information regarding assaulters Miss ………………………………………… a student of ……………. College /
University and staying at hostel namely ………
viz., year of study, depts. belonged to, name of hostel; room no. etc …………………………………………… was ragged by some senior students of
should be noted in FIR to avoid any future confusion towards identification the college/ university/ hostel and was seriously injured so much so that his/her
of guilty. life is in danger.
? Mention names and relevant details of all others who were present He/ she was beaten, abused, forced to utter filthy languages, forced to uncover
his body, made to dance, commit nuisance, sexually abused, hurt in private parts
at the time of ragging / assault and had promoted / encouraged assaulters (specify the nature of injury) ……………………….
instead of saving you from physical assault.
He/ she has been rushed immediately to a Govt. Hospital namely,
? Mention names and other details of your friends/ room mates who ………………………….in a critical condition where he / she has been hospitalized
may have also been assaulted along with you or have witnessed the with grievious injuries for treatment and medical care by the attending doctors
on duty. He/she needs a few days observation and prolonged treatment.
ragging/ assault incident.
That the names of the assaulters who ragged Shri /Miss …………………………..
? Do not forget to mention that you have been given first aid at the are
hostel/ college first aid medical room and subsequently at govt. hospital 1) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year
duly examined and treated by doctor-on-duty. 2) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year
3) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year
42 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Steps To Be Followed - If Ragged 43
4) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year Complain With External Authority
(Keep whichever is applicable and delete others. Add names & other details as
? Send a copy of the complaint to District Magistrate, Superintendent
Further, note that some other students, namely Shri / Miss of Police and the Chairperson, Human Rights Commission. In case of
…………………………...Shri/Miss …………………………… and Shri/ Miss female students, a complaint may also be submitted to the Chairperson,
……………………………………(Add names who had also been assaulted ) were Women Rights Commission seeking immediate intervention and
also tortured, abused, humiliated, made to stand for hours / sexually assaulted / protection.
knelt down on floors (any other specify here) ……………….. by those senior
? Please remember to get all those complaints against proper
You are aware that ragging is a punishable offence in the educational campus official receipts for reference in future.
and the culprits are liable to face criminal charges as per the law of the land. I
would request you to treat this complaint letter as the FIR and please take
necessary actions so that justice prevailed.
Draft Copy Of Complain
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
To Dated………….
(Name & Signature of father / mother) The Principal
(Add name & address of college)
Address : ………………………
Telephone No. / Mobile No. : …………………………….. Sir,
Enclo: Documents / papers related to treatment in hospital (Photocopies) Subject: Lodging of complaint into the incident of ragging on ………… in the
X-Ray Report (Photocopy) campus.
I do hereby lodge a complaint with you as detailed below and request you to take
Lodge A Complain with College Authority immediate action against the culprits.
? You need to lodge a written complaint with the college authority That on ……………… at about ………. am/pm, my son / daughter namely Shri/
Miss …………………………………., a student of your College/ University
immediately. The complaint may be addressed to the head of college studying B.Tech / B.E / Medical / Hotel Management / (specify the name & year
particularly the Principal seeking disciplinary actions against culprits. It of the course) and staying at college hostel namely ……………………… (delete
must contain detailed incident of ragging and tortures as far as practical. if ragging incident happened in college premises) was ragged by some senior
Please ensure that vital detail about time of incident of ragging/ assault, students of the college/ university/ hostel when he/she was in the college/ hostel
and he/ she was hurt grievously and seriously injured so much so that his/her
names of students who participated in ragging and witnesses are matching
life is in danger.
with the medical report and FIR. Photocopy of the FIR done to be
enclosed with the complaint. He/she was beaten, abused, forced to utter filthy languages, kept physically
confined for hours, forced to uncover body, made to dance as per their wishes,
44 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Steps To Be Followed - If Ragged 45
forced to commit nuisance, sexually abused, hurt in private parts (Specify the A copy of FIR dated…………
nature of injury whichever is applicable) ……………….. He/she was rushed * add or delete as per documents available.
immediately to a Govt. Hospital namely, ……………………… in a critical condition
where he/ she has been treated by the attending doctors. The attending doctors
on duty hospitalized him/her with major injuries for treatment and medical care.
He/ She was released after making necessary investigation by the attending CREATE PUBLIC OPINION AGAINST RAGGING
doctors with advice for complete bed rest/ to be examined by a Psychologist
whichever is applicable). He/ she needs a few more days of observation and ? Seek help from media. It is suggested that television, radio and print
prolonged treatment by the doctors.
media like news papers, journals and magazines may be involved
immediately. Documents like photocopy of FIR, Hospital treatment
That the names of the assaulters who ragged Shri /Miss …………………………..
papers etc needs to be sent to media who shall prepare suitable ‘story’
1) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year forcing administration and college to take suitable actions without any
2) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year further delay for fear of negative publicity.
3) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year
4) Shri / Miss ……………… alias ……………….. , a student 2nd / 3rd / 4th year
? Team up with other parents and guardians. Maintain contact with
(Keep whichever is applicable and delete others. Add names & other details as
available) other parents and guardians over telephone or meeting on a fixed day
and time every week at least in the initial months and put pressure on
Further kindly note that some other students, namely Shri / Miss administration to take disciplinary actions against culprit(s).
…………………………...Shri/Miss …………………………… and Shri/ Miss
……………………………………(Add names who had also been assaulted ) were
also tortured, abused, humiliated, made to stand for hours / sexually assaulted /
knelt down on floors (any other specify here) ……………….. by those senior
Sir, ragging in educational institute is a punishable offence and the culprits are
liable to be punished and to face disciplinary actions as per the rules and
regulations of the college/ university and law of the land. I would request you to
take immediate necessary disciplinary actions so that justice prevailed and the
campus will be free of ragging.
The person who risks nothing,
Thanking You,
Does nothing, sees nothing, has nothing & is nothing;
Yours faithfully,
He can’t learn, feel, change, grow, love & live”.
(Name & signature of father/mother)
Address: ………………………
Telephone No. / Mobile No. : ……………………………..
46 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 47
T his is a fact that no general rule is there that why a student rag his/
her fellow student. But experience shows that though there are
S tress is believed to be caused mostly by external events. Ragging
induces stress – this is a known fact to all of us. Even the vary
thought of ragging provokes enough stress among the students taking
exceptions but in general senior students engages in ragging due to the admission to 1st year of college education in various courses. We
following causes - experience stress in the way in which we interpret and react to events. It
has physical, emotional and behavioral effects on us and can create
• Senior students think of themselves as Hero, They think that negative feelings.
• To show an attitude of revenge and get sadistic pleasures. If we are aware of the nature of stress and its harmful reactions then this
• To vent the mental and physical sufferings which they have knowledge may teach us not to rag our fellow students. Also the parents
suffered in the past. may take necessary steps to treat their ward appropriately with the help
• Hostel life is boring to them & lacks joyful excitement, so of medical practitioners and psychologists.
they like to get thrill from ragging.
• Lack of pro-active career development activities by college
hostel authorities. What is stress :
• Lack of games & sports and healthy cultural activities like
inter class / inter- hostel football and cricket matches etc. It is somewhat nonspecific biological, emotional & behavioral process
• Lack of administrative control of college / hostel authorities. that occurs when physical or psychological well being is disturbed or
• College authority’s apathy to general well being of the stu- threatened.
• Lack of qualified & competent hostel superintendent. It produces severe anxiety.
• Part time hostel super with practically no control over se-
nior students. Any environmental condition or event, that disrupts or is perceived as a
• In many cases Hostel super do not stay in the hostel itself threat to physical or psychological well being, may evoke stress.
and hostel is no man’s land particularly in the night.
Reaction to stressful events :
48 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging And Stress 49
Physiological Problems : ? Stress may produce much stronger psychological reaction than
simple anxiety.
? Nausea, headaches, hypertension, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ? Stress may generate Post Traumatic Stress Disoreder (PTSD),
sleep disturbance, that is the most long-drawn-out and serious of all reactions to
? Elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate severe stress.
? Skin disorders ? Interpersonal relationships may get disturbed
? Reduced immune function and therby increase in chances of
infectious diseases How to cope with stress :
Psychological Problems : ? Interact with trusted and dependable people, talk to them about
the problems. Take their suggestions and follow them.
? Anxiety is the most common reaction to stress. Anxiety affects ? Try to change the environment as far as possible.
the performance level. ? Try to modify personal behaviour
? Negative self image, reduced self-esteem and loss of faith ? Judge how stressful the situation actually is. Whether you are
? Anger, irritability and nightmeares over emphasizing it or not.
? Depression, lack of interest, and withdrawal behaviour ? Think what to do about the stressful situations. How you can
adjust with it.
? Join stress management programmes
Changes in cognitive pattern :
? Exercise relaxation techniques
? Lack of concentration and attention ? Practice meditation
? Reduced productivity ? Exercise regularly
? Forgetfullness, errors in judgement etc. .
Behavioral Problems :
? Alcohol and drug addiction, and increased smoking
? Compulsive behaviour, itinerant lifestyle
? Aggressive behaviour and criminal activities may also be the “You are everything that is,
reaction to stressful experiences.
Your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true.
Other reactions to stressful events : You are everything you choose to be.
? Prolonged stress gradually minimize the abilities of effective You are as unlimited as the endless universe”
functioning. – Shad Helmstetter
50 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 51
? Do not rag … Just interact with new comers to your college and Name of the authority Ph. (Office) Ph. (Residence)
hostel. Commissioner of Police 2214 5060 2289 3939
? Welcome them in the true sense of the term. You are the torch bearers. Director General of Police 2214 5486 2479 3042
You are the captain and mentors of the fresher. The new comers shall 2214 5400 2248 2233
look upon you as a mentor and shall approach you for guidance, District Magistrate(South 24 Pgs.) 2479 1694 2479 3713
suggestion and help in their new environment. Make it a true pleasure. Supdt. of Police (South 24 Pgs.) 2479 3333 2448 3626
D. M. (North 24 Pgs.) 2552 3662 2552 3474
? Ragging creates a bad blood in the mind set up of juniors which is S. P. (North 24 Pgs.) 2542 3055 2562 1282
damaging with cumulative disastrous effect on the life of those affected. D. M. (Howrah) 2641 2024/2961 2641 2024/2961
Even seniors who participate in active ragging are affected as negative S. P. (Howrah) 2641 2626 2638 2086
things are wrongly getting charged with long term side effects on inner- D. M. (Nadia) (03472) 251001 (03472) 252052
mind. Often ragging incidents results into catastrophic impact, although S. P. (Nadia) (03472) 252878 (03472) 252303
sometimes unintentional. But the after-effect impact of ragging is very 252229
much damaging and far reaching. D. M. (Murshidabad) (03482) 251650 (03482) 250002
S. P. (Murshidabad) (03482) 250751 (03482) 250003
251750 251750
? Please welcome your juniors to own campus with your warm
D. M. (Hooghly) 2680 2044 2680 2040
greeting, love and affection. Do not bully them. Act with maturity. Respect
S. P. (Hooghly) 2680 4827 2680 2325
human dignity of your junior-fellow students.
D. M. (Bardhaman) (0342) 2662428 (0342) 2625700
S. P. (Bardhaman) (0342) 2662495 (0342) 2624400
? Remember the very days of yesteryears when your had joined as a
D. M. (Birbhum) (03462) 255222 (03462) 255223
fresher in your college was a new comer to college and were shaky S. P. (Birbhum) (03462) 255353 (03462) 254001
about probable ragging at the hand of your seniors. Do you want a D. M. (Bankura) (03242) 250304 (03242) 250303
repeat of the same thing? No, absolutely not. S. P. (Bankura) (03242) 250305 (03242) 250306
? It is only you who can make your campus ragging free. D. M. (Purba Medinipur) (03228) 263098 (03228) 263120
S. P. (Purba Medinipur) (03228) 269580 (03228) 269602
“Wealth is thoughts, not things” D. M. (Paschim Medinipur) (03222) 275570 (03222) 275315
– Robert G. Allen 275571 94347 50400
52 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 53
Our repeated request and appeal fell in the deaf ear. Even repeated
telephone calls and personal visits did not make any difference and failed
to fetch any good things.
54 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 55
2. It is not confined to any particular state in India but has its presence
in all other states in India.
“It is a kind of fun to do the impossible” 3. Students of technical institutes are more innovative in designing new
– Walt Disney methods of ragging often touching the line of barbarism.
56 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 57
8. General concept that only students from rural areas are targeted for
ragging is unfounded. BE A GOOD PERSON
9. College/ Institutions take a passive role in curbing campus ragging.
10. In spite of Apex Court’s specific Guidelines, none of the colleges ? Be disciplined and dutiful.
formed ‘Anti- Ragging Committee’ and ‘Anti- Ragging Squads’ as ? Be good to others.
a preventive and prohibitive action against campus ragging. ? Always give yourself positive suggestions and be mentally &
physically enriched.
? Try to accept things with a positive attitude and smile that comes
your way.
Questionnaire developed and used for this study is given in appendix A ? Be satisfied with whatever comes your way.
? Be careful about other’s welfare. Be good to others
? Be loving, compassionate, optimistic and have self-esteem. This
will help you to get rid off cruelty, selfishness, hatred and
? Don’t be complaining.
? Try to do something useful always.
? Try not to act impulsively.
? Say ‘thank you’ and ‘I am sorry’ liberally as and when situation
? Try to mix with people of culture and refinement.
? Each day is a new day – look at it with hope and enthusiasm.
? Whatever the situation, you can make the best by the right
? Be reasonable in your expectations
? Be self confident
? Communicate effectively
? Maintain & handle personal relationships effectively
? Understand other’s problems & help others understand yours
? Be sensitive to other’s feelings and show sympathetic reactions
to them
58 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 59
60 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Experience Sharing 61
get rid themselves of their inhibitions, thereby freeing the person from
EXPERIENCE SHARING - I internal fetters. If you look at ragging with eyes wide open, you will see
in it the moral equivalent of rape –the elements in common being non-
My Experience with Ragging consent on the part of the victim and domination and control on the part
Shri Gautam Ray * of the perpetrator.
The concept behind ragging was abhorrent to me. Ragging, however, * Shri Ray is presently the HOD-MIS at Mother Dairy Calcutta
mild and non-physical, plants in young and impressionable minds, the
seeds of a culture of domination and abuse. Such a culture traps its
individuals to lead their existence in an atmosphere of conflict and strife
rather than one of co-operation and bonhomie.
“Strong is the man who is alone & fighting”
Those who rationalize ragging by arguing that it prepares one for the
‘big, bad world’ only succeeds in keeping the big, bad world that way
and making it worse. It is equally stupid to say that ragging helps one to
62 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 63
JIS Group Educational Initiatives
First Impression
Shri Abhijit Mondal*
E very year, over 2,000 students choose JIS Group Education
Initiatives. They come from all walks of life to benefit from an
academic environment and community that is stimulating, supportive and
Green grass, red buildings,
based on mutual respect.
Tiny things, not dwarfs,
Make me feel my existence here
Spread over several sprawling campus, JIS Group Educational Initiatives
At Lalbaba college, I have no fear.
with multifarious business interests, since 1998 has started fulfilling a
mission – Igniting Minds, Empowering Lives. Stretching from the
I was taught to be a man,
northern fringes of Kolkata to satellite township of Kalyani, an hour’s
To achieve every goal well,
drive from Kolkata, and one at Asansol we have already established
I was taught here to be a man
nine educational institutions in the last seven years. Each of them has
A man of head, heart and hand.
carved it niche with its academic ambience, infrastructure, student’s
performance and most importantly creating successful opportunities for
It is ‘we’ not ‘me’ here,
its students through impeccable placement records.
That moves each and every sphere,
We were taught here to live for others,
The Group’s Educational Initiatives accepts unreservedly that creating
And not to forget all that hurt our brothers.
an academic ground for social, cultural, scientific, economic and
technological development in a national context with a with global
Friends, Teachers, and Unions are its Jewels
demands as a prime reference point is essential for its mission. For this
None against the other rebels
reason, each of our institution aims to be a dynamic institution focusing at
Every one has own entity,
excellence that will bring the development of our society and mankind to
Though all are leaves of the same tree.
the highest universal standards.
Oh! our great college
JIS Group Education Initiatives is a unique model of amalgamation of a
Make us strong in resolve
private initiative through several foundations offering graduate/
That we may be near and near,
postgraduate programmes with degree provided by state-run universities.
To you, Lalbaba College! My crib of ideas.
* Abhijit Mondal is a student of Lal baba College The poem is collected from annual JIS Group Education Initiatives put its first steps through Joint Venture in
college magazine published by Students Union 2007. We are indebted to him. Our best 1998 with Asansol Engineering College, and then ventured single-
wishes to Shri Abhijit Mondal.
64 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace JIS Group Educational Initiatives 65
handedly in 2000 with JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani followed by The Group now aims to launch two more engineering colleges, Dr. Sudhir
Narula Institute of Technology, Agarpara in 2001. In the following years Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College (DSCSDEC), Dum Dum and
these two institutions has provided thousands of students’ quality technical Aasian Institute of Technology (AIT), New Town Kolkata. The Group
and management education to build their careers. IN 2002 both these has now started Sardar Jodh Singh’s most ambitious project. In a phased
technical institutes started their own separate management study centre manner it will launch a medical college with a mega-hospital – Guru
viz, Centre for Management Studies – JIS College of Engineering, and Nanak Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (GNIMSR) - (starting
School of Management Studies – NIT, offering graduate and postgraduate with at-least 500 beds) with combined facilities of medical service,
management degree programmes. academics and research activities. The project will involve a holistic
approach of medical treatment including homeopathy, ayurvedic,
2003 was a landmark year with JIS Group establishing the first and physiotherapy etc. It will give opportunity to students for studying in not
only private dental College in West Bengal, which now encompass the only graduate and post graduate medical programmes, but also graduate
largest and most sophisticated Dental Hospital and Research Centre in and post-graduate programmes on paramedical science, tele-medicine,
Eastern India. Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Science and Research is tele-surgery, public health, occupational therapy, hospital management
also proud to have the best academic record within its affiliating University among other academic programmes.
- the West Bengal University of Health Sciences. In 2003 the Group
also established another technical institute – the Guru Nanak Institute of
Technology at Panihati, Kolkata, nestled within a composite higher
education campus with a sprawling infrastructure and excellent educational
ambience. In 2005, with a vision to provide students opportunity to more
and more career linked courses, JIS group started the Guru Nanak
Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (GNIPST), and,
Guru Nanak Institute of Hotel Management (GNIHM) both at Panihati,
Kolkata. GNIHM pledges to give its students the best exposure to
working in international standard hospitality sector, while. GNIPST is a
significant step towards contributing to the pharmaceutical industry by
training a large pool of students, an asset for the pharmaceutical industry.
66 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Institute Of Educational & Psychological Measurement 67
68 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Institute Of Educational & Psychological Measurement 69
Some of the state governments have their respective anti-ragging laws; ? to extend help and support to the affected students.
even then students are actually not at all aware to stop it. Considering all ? to extend help to any person who is in distress
these we thought to start campaign against ragging through training,
seminar, workshop etc. and in this way support the state government to
making the educational campuses ragging free. Other Activities of the Trust
In 2007, we designed and developed some awareness material and ? Training course on Communicative English
organized some awareness programmes on ragging for the students of ? Mock Interview & GD / GT
higher studies. This was done primarily ? Presentation Skill Development Training
? Confidence Building and Decision Making Training
? to make them aware about the ill effects of ragging, so that in future
? Assertiveness Training
as senior students they would not take part in it and
? Training to Overcome Stress and Stress Related Problems
? Career Counselling / Guidance
? they can combat it as fresh student, if the seniors try to rag them
? Psychological Counselling
This was a success story. Media reported about it in their columns. The ? Marital Counselling / Family Counselling
Times of India published an article ‘Ragging Reversed’ praising our maiden ? Child Guidance
efforts in combating the social menace of ragging. ? Behaviour Therapy
An ‘All Bengal Essay Competition on Anti-Ragging’ has been organized ? A day care centre for the mentally challenged children
by us in collaboration with the JIS Group Educational Initiatives, with ? Medical guidance & assistance to the needy
tremendous response. ? To give financial support to the meritorious students, below poverty
Our present work plan :
? Creating environmental awareness among school children.
? to create awareness among the students against ragging through
posters, banners, leaflets etc.
? to create awareness among the students through work shops,
seminars, and other social programmes
70 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 71
ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher
or any other student, or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities
by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause
New Delhi annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or
NOTIFICATION apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking
any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary
Dated 01-07-2009 course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense
of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect
Sub:Prevention and prohibition of Ragging in technical Institutions, the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student, with or
Universities including Deemed to be Universities imparting technical without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power,
education. authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other
student, in all higher education institutions in the country, and thereby,
F.No.37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 - In exercise of the powers conferred to provide for the healthy development, physically and
under Section 23 read with Section 10 (b), (g), (p) and (q) of AICTE psychologically, of all students, the All India Council for Technical
Act, 1987, the All India Council for Technical Education, hereby makes Education,(AICTE) brings forth these Regulations.
the following Regulations:-
3. Definitions:-
1. Short title and commencement:-
(a) "Act" means the All India Council for Technical Education Act
(i) These Regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical 1987 (52 of 1987);
Education (Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical
Institutions, Universities including Deemed to be Universities (b) "Technical Institution" means an institution of Government,
imparting technical education) Regulations 2009. Government Aided and Private (self financing) conducting the
courses/programmes in the field of technical education, training and
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of the notification. research in Engineering, Technology including MCA, Architecture,
Town Planning, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel Management &
2. Objectives:- Catering Technology, Applied Arts & Crafts and such other
programmes and areas as notified by the Council from time to time;
In view of the directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in SLP No.
24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number (c) "University" means a University defined under clause (f) of section
887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit, prevent and eliminate 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and includes an
the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or institution deemed to be a University under section 3 of that Act.
students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which
72 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 73
(d) "Academic year" means the period from the commencement of c. asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the
admission of students in any course of study in the institution up to ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating
the completion of academic requirements for that particular year. a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely
affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student;
(e) "Head of the institution" means the Vice-Chancellor in case of
a university or a deemed to be university, the Principal or the Director d. any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the
or such other designation as the executive head of the institution or regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher;
the college is referred.
e. exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing
(f) "Fresher" means a student who has been admitted to an institution the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
and who is undergoing his/her first year of study in such institution.
f. any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on
a fresher or any other student by students;
(g) Words and expressions used and not defined herein but defined in
the Act or in the General Clauses Act, 1887, shall have the meanings g. any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse,
respectively assigned to them in the Act or in the General Clauses homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts,
Act, 1887, as the case may be. And gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or
(h) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but
defined in the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 h. any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults
(52 of 1987), shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or
in the said Act; sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the
discomfiture to fresher or any other student;
4. What constitutes Ragging: - Ragging constitutes one or more of
any of the following acts: i. any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher
or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic
a. any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student
or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or over any fresher or any other student.
handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student;
5. Measures for prevention of ragging:-
b. indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or
students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, It shall be mandatory for every technical Institution, University,
physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension deemed to be University imparting technical education to take
thereof in any fresher or any other student; following measures for prevention of ragging at such institutions.
74 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 75
1. The advertisement issued for admission by a technical institution, that the institution can thereafter keep intense watch upon the student
University including Deemed to be University concerned and/or who has a negative entry in this regard.
the admission authority/ affiliating University/State Govt./UT/Central
Govt. as the case may be, shall clearly mention that ragging is totally 6. A student seeking admission to the hostel shall have to submit
banned and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging another affidavit along with his/her application for hostel
is liable to be punished. accommodation that he/she is also aware of the law in this regard
and agrees to abide by the punishments meted out if he/she is found
2. The 'Prospectus' and other admission related documents shall contain guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging.
directions of the Supreme Court Affiliating University/admission
Authority/State Govt/Central Govt. shall make it mandatory for the 7. Every technical institution, University including Deemed to be
institutions under their jurisdiction to compulsorily incorporate such University imparting technical education shall maintain a proper
information in their 'Prospectus'. These Regulations shall be printed record of the affidavits obtained to ensure its safe up keep
in the brochure of admission/instruction booklet for candidates. thereof,including digital copies of the affidavits and such digital copy
should be made available to the AICTE or to an Agency identified/
3. The application form for admission/enrolment shall have a printed nominated by AICTE.
affidavit, preferably both in English and Hindi and/or in one of the
regional languages. The affidavit should be filled up and signed by 8. The AICTE or an Agency identified/nominated for the purpose and
the candidate to the effect that he/she is aware of the law regarding affiliating Universities and Directorate of Technical Education of the
prohibition of ragging as well as the punishments, and that he/she, if concerned State Govt./UT shall maintain an appropriate data base
found guilty of the offence of ragging and/or abetting ragging, is of the affidavits in the digital form obtained from every student at
liable to be punished appropriately. the time of admission to the technical institutions, Universities including
Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education.
4. The application form shall also contain a printed affidavit, preferably
both in English and Hindi and/or in one of the regional languages 9. Each batch of freshers should be divided into small groups and
and the affidavit should be signed by the parent/guardian of the each such group shall be assigned to a member of staff. Such staff
applicant to the effect that he/she is also aware of the law in this member should interact individually with each member of the group
regard and agrees to abide by the punishment meted out to his/her on daily basis to ascertain the problems/difficulties, if any faced by
ward in case the latter is found guilty of ragging and/or abetting the freshers in the Institution and extend necessary help.
10. Incase of freshers admitted to a Hostel it shall be the responsibility
5. The application for admission shall be accompanied by a document of the teacher incharge of the group to co-ordinate with the warden
along with the School Leaving Certificate/Character Certificate which of the Hostel and to make surprise visits to the rooms in the hostel
shall include a report on the behavioral patter of the applicant, so
76 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 77
where the members of the group are lodged. Freshers should be that they should desist from doing anything against their will even if
lodged in a separate hostel block wherever possible and where ordered by the seniors, and that they have nothing to fear as the
such facilities are not available, the college/institution shall ensure institution cares for them and shall not tolerate any atrocities against
that seniors' access to freshers' accommodation is strictly monitored them.
by wardens, Security Guards and Staff.
15. The information booklet mentioned above shall contain a calendar
11. Every institution should engage or seek the assistance of professional of events and activities laid down by the institution to facilitate and
counselors at the time of admissions to counsel 'freshers' in order to complement familiarization of juniors with the academic environment
prepare them for the life ahead, particularly for adjusting to the life of the institution.
in hostels. At the commencement of the academic session the Head
of the technical Institution, University including Deemed to be 16. To make the community at large and the students in particular aware
University imparting technical education shall convene and address of the dehumanizing effect of ragging, and the approach of the
a meeting of various functionaries/agencies, like Wardens, institution towards those indulging in ragging, big posters (preferably
representatives of students, parents/guardians, faculty, district with different colors for the provisions of law, punishments, etc.)
administration including police, to discuss the measures to be taken shall be prominently displayed on all Notice Boards of all
to prevent ragging and steps to be taken to identify the offenders departments, hostels and other buildings as well as at vulnerable
and punish them suitably. places Some of such posters shall be of permanent nature in certain
vulnerable places.
12. Every fresher admitted to the technical Institution, University including
Deemed to be University imparting technical education shall be given 17. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be
a printed information booklet detailing when and whom he/she has University imparting technical education shall request the media to
to turn to for help and guidance for various purposes (including give adequate publicity to the law prohibiting ragging and the negative
Wardens, Head of the institution, members of the anti-ragging aspects of ragging and the institutions 's resolve to ban ragging and
committee, relevant district and police authorities), addresses and punish those found guilty without fear or favor.
telephone numbers of such persons/authorities, etc.
18. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be
13. The technical institutions, University including Deemed to be University imparting technical education shall identify, properly
University imparting technical education through the information illuminate and man all vulnerable locations.
booklet mentioned above shall explain to the new entrants the
arrangements for their induction and orientation which promote 19. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be
efficient and effective means of integrating them fully as students. University imparting technical education shall tighten security in its
premises, especially at the vulnerable places. If necessary, intense
14. The information booklet mentioned above shall also tell the freshers policing shall be resorted to at such points at odd hours during the
about their rights as bona fide students and clearly instructing them early months of the academic session.
78 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 79
20. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be b) It shall be the duty of the Anti-Ragging Committee to ensure
University imparting technical education shall utilize the vacation compliance with the provisions of these Regulations as well as the
period before the start of the new academic year to launch wide provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging;
publicity campaign against ragging through posters, information and also to monitor and oversee the performance of the Anti-Ragging
booklets, seminars, street plays, etc. Squad in prevention of ragging in the institution.
21. The faculties/departments/units of the technical Institution, University c) Anti-Ragging Squad: Every institution University including
including Deemed to be University imparting technical education Deemed to be University imparting technical education shall also
shall have induction arrangements (including those which anticipate, constitute a smaller body to be known as the Anti-Ragging Squad
identify and plan to meet any special needs of any specific section to be nominated by the Head of the Institution with such
of students) in place well in advance of the beginning of the academic representation as may be considered necessary for maintaining vigil,
year with a clear sense of the main aims and objectives of the oversight and patrolling functions and shall remain mobile, alert and
induction process. active at all times. Provided that the Anti-Ragging Squad shall have
representation of various members of the campus community and
22. Mobile Phones and other communication devices may be permitted shall have no outside representation.
in residential areas including hostels to provide access to the students
particularly freshers, to reach out for help from teachers, parents d) It shall be the duty of the Anti-Ragging Squad to be called upon to
and Institution authorities. make surprise raids on hostels, and other places vulnerable to
incidents and having the potential for ragging and shall be empowered
6. Monitoring mechanism in technical institution, University to inspect such places.
including Deemed to be University imparting technical
education:- e) It shall also be the duty of the Anti-Ragging Squad to conduct an
on-the-spot enquiry into any incidents of ragging referred to it by
a) Anti-ragging Committee: Every institution University including the Head of the institution or any member of the faculty or any
Deemed to be University imparting technical education shall constitute member of the staff or any student or any parent or guardian or any
a Committee to be known as the Anti-ragging Committee to be employee of a service provider or by any other person, as the case
nominated and headed by the Head of the Institution, and consisting may be; and the enquiry report along with recommendations shall
of representatives of civil and police administration, local media, be submitted to the Anti-Ragging Committee for action. Provided
Non Government Organizations involved in youth activities, that the Anti-Ragging Squad shall conduct such enquiry observing
representatives of faculty members, representatives of parents, a fair and transparent procedure and the principles of natural justice
representatives of students belonging to the freshers' category as and after giving adequate opportunity to the student or students
well as senior students, non-teaching staff; and shall have a diverse accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before it the facts,
mix of membership in terms of level as well as gender.
80 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 81
documents and views concerning the incidents of ragging, and i) The Monitoring Cell shall also review the efforts made by institutions
considerations such other relevant information as may be required. to publicize anti-ragging measures, soliciting of affidavits from
parents/guardians and from students, each academic year, to abstain
f) Mentoring Cell: Every institution shall, at the end of each academic from ragging activities or willingness to be penalized for violation;
year, in order to promote the objectives of these Regulations, and shall function as the prime mover for initiating action for amending
constitute a Mentoring Cell consisting of students volunteering to the Statues or Ordinances or Bye-laws to facilitate the
be Mentors for freshers, in the succeeding academic year; and there implementation of anti-ragging measures at the level of the institution.
shall be as many levels or tiers of Mentors as the number of batches
in the institution, at the rate of one Mentor for six freshers and one 7. Action to be taken against the Principal or the Head of the
Mentor of a higher level for six Mentors of the lower level. Institution/Faculty Members/Non-Teaching staff of technical
institution, Universities including Deemed to be Universities
g) Monitoring Cell on Ragging:- The State Govt./UT and the imparting technical education.
affiliating University shall set up a Monitoring Cell on Ragging to
coordinate with the institutions to monitor the activities of the Anti-
1. The Head of the Institution along with other administrative authorities
Ragging Committees, Squads , and Mentoring Cells, regarding
should take adequate measures for prevention of ragging. Any lapse
compliance with the instructions on conducting orientation
programmes, counseling sessions, etc., and regarding the incidents on the part of these authorities shall make them liable for criminal
of ragging, the problem faced by wardens and other officials, etc. action for negligence of duty. The technical Institution, University
This Cell shall also review the efforts made by such institutions to including Deemed to be University imparting technical education
publicize anti-ragging measures, cross-verify the receipt of affidavits should incorporate a clause in their letter of appointment that the
from candidates/students and their parents/guardians every year, Director, Faculty and other administrative Heads should ensure all
and shall be the prime mover for initiating action by the University possible steps for prevention of ragging in the premises of the
authorities to suitably amend the Statutes or Ordinances or Bye- educational institutions, and that they are liable for action, in case of
laws to facilitate the implementation of anti ragging measures at the non-compliance.
level of the institution.
2. The Principal or Head of the Institution/Department shall obtain an
h) The Monitoring Cell shall coordinate with the the institutions, affidavit from every employee of the Institution including teaching/
universities including deemed to be universities imparting technical non-teaching staff, contract labor employed in the premises either
education to achieve the objectives of these Regulations; and the for running canteen or as watch and ward staff or for cleaning or
Monitoring Cell shall call for reports from the Heads of institutions maintenance of the building, lawns etc. that he/she would report
in regard to the activities of the Anti-Ragging Committees, Anti- promptly any case of ragging which comes to his/her notice. A
Ragging Squads, and the Mentoring Cells at the institutions, and it provision shall be made in the service rules for issuing certificates of
shall also keep itself abreast of the decisions of the Anti-Ragging appreciation to such members of the staff who report ragging which
Committees etc. will form part of their service records.
82 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 83
84 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 85
9 Action to be taken against the technical Institution, University i. No admission/Withdrawal of approval granted under section
including Deemed to be University imparting technical 10(k) of AICTE Act.
education which fail to take measures for prevention of ii. Withholding any grant allocated.
ragging:- iii. Declaring the institution ineligible for consideration for any
assistance under any of the general or special assistance
1. Role of the concerned technical institutions, Universities including programmes of the AICTE.
Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education shall be iv. Informing the general public, including potential candidates
open to scrutiny for the purpose of finding out whether they have for admission, through a notice displayed prominently in the
taken effective steps for preventing ragging and action taken against newspapers or other suitable media and posted on the website
provision indulged and/or abetting ragging. The Council shall of the AICTE, declaring that the institution does not possess
constitute Committees to inspect technical institutions, Universities the minimum academic standards.
including Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education v. Taking such other action within its powers as it may deem fit
to verify the status of anti ragging measures and to investigate specific and impose such other penalties as may be provided in the
instances of ragging and take appropriate action. Act for such duration of time as the institution complies with
the provisions of these Regulations.
2. The technical Institution, University including Deemed to be
University imparting technical education should submit an affidavit 5. As regards the Universities including Deemed to be Universities
along with its compliance report submitted to AICTE annually with imparting technical education the actions proposed to be taken such
details of measures taken for prevention of ragging in technical as stopping release of grants, withdrawal of approval/recognition
institutions. The Compliance Report should also contain the details will be sent to University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of
of the instances of ragging and action taken against students, and Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India and the
others for indulging and abetting ragging. concerned State Govt./UT. The UGC, MHRD Govt. of India, and
the State Govt./UT concerned shall initiate immediate action on the
3. All Letters of Approval issued by AICTE such as extension of recommendations of the Council.
approval letters, letters issued for additional courses/increase in
intake and letters issued for new technical institutions, release of 10. Duties and Responsibilities of the All India Council for
grants, letters of approval issued to integrated campus, second shift technical Education:-
etc. shall contain a specific clause of prevention of ragging.
a) All India Council for technical Education, or the Central Government
4. The AICTE shall, in respect of any institution that fails to take or the agency authorized for the purpose shall establish, fund and
adequate steps to prevent ragging or fails to act in accordance with operate, a toll-free Anti-Ragging Helpline, operational round the
these Regulations or fails to punish perpetrators or incidents of clock, which could be accessed by students in distress owing to
ragging suitably, take one of more of the following measures, namely; ragging related incidents.
86 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace All India Council for Technical Education 87
b) Any distress message received at the Anti-Ragging Helpline shall public and also to provide information of non compliance with these
be simultaneously relayed to the Head of the Institution, the Warden Regulations to the Councils and to such bodies as may be authorized
of the Hostels, the Nodal Officer of the affiliating University, if the by the All India Council for technical Education/Central Government.
incident reported has taken place in an institution affiliated to a
University, the concerned District authorities and if so required, the 11. The All India Council for technical Education shall take the
District Magistrate, and the Superintendent of Police, and shall also following regulatory steps, namely;
be web enabled so as to be in the public domain simultaneously for
the media and citizens to access it. a) The All India Council for technical Education shall make it mandatory
for the institutions to incorporate in their prospectus, the directions
c) The Head of the institution shall be obliged to act immediately in of the Central Government or the State Level Monitoring Committee
response to the information received from the Anti-Ragging Helpline with regard to prohibition and consequences of ragging, and that
as at sub-clause (b) of this clause. non-compliance with these Regulations and directions so provided,
shall be considered as lowering of academic standards by the
d) The telephone numbers of the Anti-Ragging Helpline and all the institution, therefore making it liable for appropriate action.
important functionaries in every institution, Heads of institutions,
faculty members, members of the anti-ragging committees and anti- b) The All India Council for technical Education shall verify that the
ragging squads, district and sub-divisional authorities and state institutions strictly comply with the requirement of getting the
authorities, Wardens of hostels, and other functionaries or authorities affidavits from the students and their parents/guardians as envisaged
where relevant, shall be widely disseminated for access or to seek under these Regulations.
help in emergencies.
c) The All India Council for technical Education shall include a specific
f) The All India Council for technical Education, the Central condition in the Utilization Certificate, in respect of any financial
Government or the agency authorized for the purpose shall maintain assistance or grants-in-aid to any institution under any of the general
an appropriate data base to be created out of affidavits, affirmed or special schemes of the All India Council for technical Education,
by each student and his/her parents/guardians and stored that the institution has complied with the anti-ragging measures.
electronically by the institution; and such database shall also function
as a record of ragging complaints received, and the status of the d) Any incident of ragging in an institution shall adversely affect its
action taken thereon. accreditation, ranking or grading by National Board of Accreditation
or by any other authorised accreditation agencies while assessing
g) The All India Council for technical Education, the Central the institution for accreditation, ranking or grading purposes.
Government or the agency authorized for the purpose shall make
available the database to a non-governmental agency to be e) The All India Council for technical Education shall constitute an
nominated by the Central Government, to build confidence in the Inter-Council Committee, consisting of representatives of the various
88 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Ragging in India 89
Councils, the Non-Governmental agency responsible for monitoring RAGGING – SOME STATISTICS
the database maintained by the All India Council for technical
Education/Central Government and such other bodies in higher Ragging cases double, deaths rise too: Report
education, to coordinate and monitor the anti-ragging measures in
institutions across the country and to make recommendations from
time to time; and shall meet at least once in six months each year. R agging can be thought of in terms of verbal, physical and sexual
aggression. A single act may be a combination of more than one of
these forms. Ragging in India commonly involves serious abuses and
f) The All India Council for technical Education shall institute an Anti- clear violations of human rights. Often media reports and others unearth
Ragging Cell within the AICTE as an institutional mechanism to that it goes on, in many institutions, on innocent victims. Senior students,
provide secretarial support for collection of information and force the unorganized newcomers to undergo several forms of mental,
monitoring, and to coordinate with the State Level Monitoring Cells physical and sexual abuses.
and University Level Committees for effective implementation of
anti-ragging measures, and the Cell shall also coordinate with the Now-a-days with the increase of students enjoying hostel facilities,
Non-Governmental agency responsible for monitoring the database academic institutions in India have been experiencing increasing number
maintained by the All India Council for technical Education/central of ragging related incidents. A report of 2007 highlights 42 cases of
Government. ragging, where physical injury occurred, and 7 to 10 death incidents
were reported which might be the result of ragging.
90 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace
total ragging deaths across the country. The highest incidents were
reported from Uttar Pradesh (26), Andhra Pradesh (18), Tamil Nadu Some cases are illustrated below
(14), Kerala (13) and West Bengal (11). In comparison to last year,
Tamil Nadu is a new entrant to this list, whereas Punjab has exited the list. CASE 1
There were 56 cases of ragging that led to major and minor injuries to Institute : Sree Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal, M.P.
students including several incidents leading to hospitalization and even Name of the Student : Vishal (19), a fresher student of BE (IT) ragged.
permanent disability to young students. 22% of the total cases involved Other fresher boys were also ragged regularly in the hostel in nights.
sexual abuse of fresher's. 24 cases of ragging led to serious group clashes, Incident : Seniors called Vishal and made to dance for hours, beaten,
protests and strikes and violence between students. Element of drug tonsured his head, shaved moustache & tried to sexually abuse him in
abuse, alcoholism, extortion, caste difference or regionalism was noted hostel at night. Vishal was forced to drink and stripped off his clothes.
in 19 ragging cases. Action Taken : Police registered a case of physical assault against two
senior students. Eight senior students were suspended by college. & CURE
President Termed Ragging a violence - not to be tolerated
Institute : Anand Engineering College, Agra, U.P.
Name of the Student : Abdul Wahab (21) a 2nd year student
New Delhi, Jan 25 (IANS) President Pratibha Patil Tuesday strongly
Incident : Abdul was beaten when he refused to pay Rs. 2000/- for
condemned incidents of ragging in educational institutions, saying it is
seniors’ drinks. He was pushed off 4th floor hostel balcony. He got multiple
violence and should not be tolerated. 'Cases of ragging in educational
fractures in legs and injuries in spinal cord which made him unable to
institutions are also disturbing. Ragging is violence,' Patil said in her address
speak any more
to the nation on the eve of the 62nd Republic Day. 'It is heinous and
Action Taken : College dean tried to underplay the incident ‘we have
should not be tolerated, for it can cause irreparable loss to the parents
not received any written complaint from Wahab’ – responded dean. SP,
and to the country,' she said. 'Our social fabric is deeply damaged by
Agra Police lodged a case of ragging and investigations are on.
such incidents and it is essential that these tendencies are curbed in the
interest of social harmony and cohesion. I appeal to my fellow citizens to
never resort to violence,' she said.
Institute : Sahara Arts & Management Academy, Lucknow, U.P.
It was unusual for the president to single out ragging in schools and Name of the Student : Sanjoy Singh, student of management
colleges in her Republic Day speech, and showed the government's Incident : Sanjoy Singh was beaten, ragged & humiliated by senior
reaction to mounting public rage over incidents of ragging, which has students from Lucknow University & some other Colleges staying in
claimed at least 30-31 lives in the last 7 years. same hostel when he was going to college on a bus. Later he ran away
from hostel.
92 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace Some cases are illustrated below 93
94 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace 87
nursing home. Father lodged FIR against 3 senior students of 2nd year.
Father said, he will think twice before sending his son to college again. (Filling up of this questionnaire is voluntary and there is no
First year student boycotted classes. compulsion either; however the objective being solely academic
Action Taken : Principal observed that incident happened outside the and for research purpose with a view to fathom the depth in which
gate of college and college has no responsibility. ragging element has spread its impact).
1. Name :……………………………………………………...
Institute : Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur, West 2. Address : ……………………………………………………..
Bengal 3a) Contact Tel. No. ……………………………………
Name of the Student : Soumik Basu, a 3rd year student 3b) Mob. No. …………………………
Incident : Soumik was a victim of a clash between two rival students’ 4. Highest Qualification attained with year of passing :
unions when he was thrown out of balcony causing death. University ……………………………………………
saw as many as 9 incidents of serious campus violence within a period of 5. Have you ever been ragged in your college / educational
3 years requiring a series of enquiry commissions and even police camp Institutions? (Put ? Mark) : Yes / No
inside campus. (You may indicate Name & address /location of your college
Action Taken : CID is handling the complain. Guardians of other /Institution.) ……..…………………
students were called into rein their wards. Model code of conduct 6. If ragged, can you indicate / describe, in brief, the incident of
published, revival of students’ facilities like common room, yoga etc., your being ragged ……………………………………………
intensive faculty – student’s interactions. 7. Please indicate the following : (Put ?Mark)
i) Place of ragging : Class room / Institute premises /
Hostel / Canteen / Common room
ii) Time of ragging : Day time / Night hours
iii) While being ragged you were : alone / alongwith batch
Institute : Stephen’s College, Delhi mates / alongwith room mates / alongwith others
Name of the Student : Not known iv) Duration of ragging : Less than 15 mins. / More than 15
Incident : Seniors spread deodorants on body of the newcomers and mins. but less than 1 hour / More than 1 hour
put match-stick on causing burn. The victim later on with aid of friends v) Ragged for : 1 Day / 2 - 7 Days / More than 7 Days
attacked 4 boys who set him on fire, dragged them out and beat causing vi) Do such ragging caused you any of the following –
serious injuries. a) Physical discomfort / injury / disabilities
Action Taken : Matter under investigation. Some of the boys suspended b) Mental stress / strain / disorder / complexes
for one month from class 7 hostel. vii) Do you still feel the punch of ragging incident : Yes / No
viii) Did you lodged any complaint in writing : Yes / No / I
was not aware of
96 RAGGING : March Against A Social Menace
(Signature with date)