The Power of La Qi E Book
The Power of La Qi E Book
The Power of La Qi E Book
The Power of La Qi
Based on Dr Pang Ming’s method
and Master Yuantong Liu’s teachings
Published by Zhineng Qigong Students Hub
The Power of La Qi
The Power of La Qi
The Power of La Qi
Table of Content
Chapter I
Living a healthy, balanced and harmonious life
Chapter II
Why is La Qi so Powerful?
a. Two types of Illnesses or Malfunctions
b. The two transformation laws
Chapter III
How to practice La Qi?
a. The Posture
b. The Movement
c. The Effects
The Power of La Qi
Chapter I
Living a healthy, balanced and harmonious life
Healthy people truly follow the natural and conscious principles of the uni-
verse to live and transform their lives. They adapt to the evolution and regen-
eration of the world. They grow with the universal changes. They open their
heart and mind to go with the flow.
• Disharmony
towards another
human being;
• Our true self-
awareness relating
to our own heart
and mind can be
• Our true self-
awareness with
nature is out of
Graphic: Healthy Balance
With La Qi we create balance and harmony, within ourselves, with our life
intentions, nature and other people. From the perspective of Qigong medicine,
every kind of disease and/or discomfort originates from disorganized Qi in the
The Power of La Qi
“Our consciousness is refined so that the state of our energy in our body im-
proves,” says Dr Pang Ming, founder of Zhineng Qigong. “This then leads to
vibrant health, new vitality, a harmonious body and mind and a keener life.”
Zhineng (Wisdom) Qigong takes into account that by being healthy from
within, we are healthy on the outside and not the other way around. This is in
contrast to many people who may direct their focus more to the outside.
The Power of La Qi
For example, medication is an external remedy for the body that ignores the
body’s own natural and internal remedies and abilities to restructure itself and
heal. Nowadays, people
follow the advice of doctor
after doctor, but with the
Zhineng Qigong approach
you become your own doc-
tor as no one understands
your body better than you
The Power of La Qi
Chapter II
Why is La Qi so Powerful?
There are two types of illnesses or malfunctions that can occur in our body:
The Power of La Qi
For our La Qi practice: when we open, let the Qi expand outwards, our life Qi
goes out into space with the Qi of nature and is connecting, uniting and trans-
forming our body Qi with the Qi of nature.
Then we bring this Qi into our body and this is the closing / contracting pro-
cess to the inside of our body. The Hunyuan Qi inside our body is uniting and
transforming from inside into our life’s Qi.
The steps can be described as follows:
1. Hunyuan Qi dissolves and expands
2. Substance entity transforms into energy
3. Energy transforms into information
as well as
1. Hunyuan Qi gathers and contracts
2. Information transforms into energy
3. Energy transforms into the substance entity
In nature and in our body everything is growing, changing and transforming,
following the process through specific laws or rules.
- Albert Einstein -
The Power of La Qi
Chapter III
How to practice La Qi
a. The Posture
The Power of La Qi
b. The Movement
While collecting the abundant Hunyuan Qi from the universe, the hands move
back with the palms facing each other to the original distance of about 15-20
cm, absorbing plentiful Qi either into the lower Dantian or into the Hunyuan
Palace. While absorbing the Qi inwardly together with the closing movements
of the hands, one can imagine the Qi is enhancing and building up inside the
Lower Dantian or Hunyuan Palace. Qi is flowing freely and abundant. All
functions and abilities of the body return to normal.
This movement is repeated gently, smoothly and evenly as long as you like
e.g. for 10, 20 or 30 minutes or even longer, there is no limitation. The La Qi
method is ended by placing the hands on the navel (right palm over left for
men, reverse for women) or in front of your Hunyuan Palace.
You may experience some form of resistance or force between the hands
almost as if the open and close movement is prevented, this is the Qi that is
being formed by the movement and visualisations. Just keep practicing , in a
very relaxed, peaceful, natural state and enjoy the impact and effectiveness of
your practice.
The Power of La Qi
c. The Effects
Hunyuan Qi Therapy
The Power of La Qi
The Power of La Qi
The Power of La Qi