MKT 423 Assignement - Tahrin
MKT 423 Assignement - Tahrin
MKT 423 Assignement - Tahrin
Submitted by:
Tahrin Ahmed Shoily
BRAC Business School
ID: 17204005
Section: 01
Submitted to
Afsana Akhter
Assistant Professor, (BRAC Business School)
BRAC University
Branding is the practice of differentiating a business from its competitors with the usage of
symbols, logo and slogans. If marketing is presenting someone to buy your product, Branding is
the reason the consumer will purchase your product.
During ancient times, Promotion, Branding, Advertising was not so much famous like today but
the utilization of hawkers for promotion of goods was visible in Egypt and Babylon. Usage of a
name which is unique in the market would have been enough for a business to represent its brand
on earlier days, sometimes it also includes symbols which creates an identity for the brand in the
Today, the businesses do not restrict their Branding strategy to a unique name only but now it
includes Slogans, Logos, Advertising with a celebrity and jingles. Branding is now the way of
directly communicating with the emotions of the consumers. A consumer becoming loyal to their
brand is the success of a good brand analyst.
Brand: Coca-Cola
Communication that time was mainly based on poster or advertisements in the newspapers,
magazines. Therefore, certain words of description were enough to describe their brands. Visual
representation was not emphasized at that time.
But as time goes and businesses develop, we see a noticeable change as the companies upgrade
its branding strategies.
Coca-Cola came up with their new “Hash-tag” marketing through social media which eventually
connects millions of consumers though the online platform. From colorful logos to printing
different names in the bottling labeling of coke.
Coca-Cola has been quite successful to connect the consumers through emotional marketing.
The initiative of Coca-Cola through Digital marketing has set a benchmark for its competitors in
the upcoming future.