Mild Steel Corrosion Inhibition by Pls Extract
Mild Steel Corrosion Inhibition by Pls Extract
Mild Steel Corrosion Inhibition by Pls Extract
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The inhibition effect of Parsley (Petroselium Sativum) leaves extract (PSL) on mild steel in one molar HCl
Received 9 October 2018 solution was investigated by weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, impedance spectroscopy and
Revised 25 December 2018 scanning electron microscopy. Steel corrosion rate decreased significantly in the presence of PSL. The cor-
Accepted 3 January 2019
rosion inhibition efficiency increased with the increase of PSL concentration up to 92.39% obtained at
Available online 16 January 2019
25 °C for a 5 gL1 concentration. Polarization showed that PSL acts as a mixed type inhibitor. The adsorp-
tion of the extract on mild steel surface was spontaneous, physisorption type and according to the
Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Results obtained by different tests proved that the extract is an effective
Mild steel
green inhibitor for mild steel corrosion in acid solution.
Parsley Ó 2019 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article
Polarization under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Impedance spectroscopy
1. Introduction leaves [17], Adhatoda Vasica [18], Ilex paraguariensis [19], Brown
Onion [20], Gongronema latifolium [21], Grape Pomace [22],
Corrosion remains a serious problem when steel is used in most Tiliacora accuminata [23], Juniperus [24], Argania Spinosa [25].
industrial sectors. It costs billions of dollars each year, especially Parsley (Petroselium Sativum), is rich in antioxidant components
in industrial processes when metal is exposed to the acid solution, such as: alkaloids, flavonoids, flavones glycosides, carotenoids,
a very corrosive agent. These acids play an important role in proteins, amino acids etc. [26,27], but unfortunately, it has not
industry; in the refining of crude oil, acid pickling, industrial been sufficiently studied in the inhibition of metal corrosion as
cleaning, acid scaling, and in petrochemical processes. evidenced by the limited number of papers published in this field
In the last three decades, environment protection became a [28–30]. The purpose of this work is to contribute to the efforts
major concern. In the field of science, researches turned to made on this plant and further explore its inhibitory capacity
anything biodegradable and respectful of the environment. In the against corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric acid. The
field of corrosion inhibitors, conventional and organic inhibitors investigation was carried out by different tests as weight loss,
have been ruled out because of their adverse effects on human potentiodynamic polarization, impedance spectroscopy and
health and the environment. scanning electron microscopy.
Researches increasingly focus on the development of safe
inhibitors by the use of plant extracts. This interest to plant 2. Materials and methods
extracts has been very encouraging, as evidenced by the density
of researches published in international journals, such as Justicia 2.1. Samples preparation
gendarussa [1], Nypa fruticans Wurmb [2], Garcinia Mangostana
[3], Leocarpus Gum Anogessus [4], Siparuna Guianensis [5], Working electrodes were prepared from steel specimens A60
Eggplant Peel [6], Piper guineensis [7], Potato Peel [8], Fig Leaves (E335) with the following chemical composition (% w/w); 0.48C,
[9], Psidium guajava [10], Garcinia Kola [11], Chamaerops humilis 0.218Si, 0.717 Mn, 0.018 Al, 0.147 Cu, 0.022 S and Fe balance. They
[12], Tiliacora accuminata [13], Cucumis Sativus (cucumber) [14], were cut from Ø14 mm bar into cylindrical rods. Weight loss
Setaria verticillata [15], Reutera lutea (Desf.) Maire [16], Henna specimens were enrobed in epoxy resin with 1.54 cm2 exposed
area, whereas for electrochemical tests, they were mounted in
Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. sample holders with 1 cm2 exposed area. The specimens were
⇑ Corresponding author. abraded with 180, 400, 600 and 1000 grade emery paper, washed
E-mail address: (M. Benarioua). with double-distilled water, degreased with acetone, and dried.
1110-0621/Ó 2019 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
156 M. Benarioua et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 28 (2019) 155–159
Dried leaves of Petroselinum Sativum (Parsley) were ground 3.1. Weight loss measurements
and pulverized into a fine powder. 20 g were added to 500 ml of
1 M HCl. The mixture was shacked for two hours. The extract Corrosion rates (CR), inhibition efficiency (IE) and surface
was cooled, filtered and completed up to 500 ml using 1M HCl. This coverage (h) values obtained from gravimetric measurement in
was considered as the stock solution. The required concentrations 1 M HCl without and with different concentrations of the inhibitor
were prepared by diluting the stock solution. (1–5 gL1) after 24 h immersion at 25 °C are listed in Table 1. As
shown in Fig. 1, the corrosion rate was reduced with the addition
of the extract and the inhibition efficiency increases as the
2.3. Solution preparation inhibitor concentration increase.
The electrochemical tests were carried out with three-electrode The mild steel experimental impedance results in 1 M HCl with-
cells. A saturated calomel electrode (SCE) and a platinum electrode out and with 5 gL1 of PSL are displayed in Nyquist (Fig. 3) and
were used as a reference and auxiliary electrodes, respectively. Bode (Fig. 4) plots. They show a single depressed half circle. This
In all experiments, the mild steel electrode was left (30 min) to indicates that the corrosion of mild steel in 1 M HCl acidic solution
reach a stable open-circuit potential. Polarization tests were was mainly controlled by a charge-transfer process. It is clear that
performed with 10 mVmin1 scanning rate in the range ± 200 mV the extract changed the impedance response of mild steel. The
from the corrosion potential. The tests temperature was diameter of the capacitive loop in the presence of PSL is larger than
25 ± 2 °C. For each extract concentration, the tests were repeated the one in the blank solution. In order to determine the impedance
twice. The electrochemical measurements were performed using parameters from the experimental results, the data were fitted to
a computer-controlled Potentiostat (Solartron SI-1260) and data the electrical equivalent circuit (Fig. 5) using the Zview software.
were analyzed using gain phase analyzer electrochemical interface In the equivalent circuit, (Fig. 5), Rs is the uncompensated
(Solartron SI-1287). solution resistance, Rct refers to the charge-transfer resistance
The inhibition efficiency IE was calculated from the and CPE is the constant phase element (CPE).
potentiodynamic polarization curves and the electrochemical Constant-phase elements (CPE) are used extensively in equiva-
impedance diagrams, using Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively: lent electrical circuits for fitting of experimental impedance data.
The CPE behavior is generally attributed to distributed surface
Icorr reactivity, surface inhomogeneity, roughness or fractal geometry,
IE ¼ 1 ð2Þ
Icorr; 0 electrode porosity, and to current and potential distributions asso-
ciated with electrode geometry [32].
The impedance of constant phase element (ZCPE) is defined by
Rct; o
IE ¼ 1 ð3Þ Eq. (4) [33]
ZCPE ¼ ð4Þ
Q ðjxÞ
where: Icorr,0 is the corrosion current density without inhibitor
(blank) and Icorr. the corrosion current density with the inhibitor
(Tafel plots). where Q (O1sncm2) and n are independent of the frequency. The
And Rct,0 is the charge-transfer resistance without inhibitor factor n is the CPE power, its deviation from unity is an indication of
(blank) and Rct is the charge-transfer resistance with inhibitor deviation of Q from the ideal capacitance behavior. j is the imagi-
(Nyquist plots). nary unit (j2 = 1) and x is the angular frequency (x = 2pf ). The
M. Benarioua et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 28 (2019) 155–159 157
Table 1
Corrosion rate of M-steel after 24 h immersion in 1 M HCl at different PSL concentrations.
Concentration (gL1) 0 1 2 3 4 5
2 1
Corrosion rate (mgcm h ) 0.230 0.055 0.039 0.032 0.031 0.029
IE (%) 77.32 84.38 86.14 87.15 87.65
Surface coverage h 0.7732 0.8438 0.8614 0.8715 0.8765
Table 2
Mild steel corrosion polarization parameters in acid solutions with and without different PSL concentrations.
Fig. 3. Nyquist plots of M-Steel in 1 M HCl with (h) and without (Ο) 5 gL1 PSL.
Table 4
Langmuir adsorption isotherm parameters for adsorption of PSL on mild steel surface.
Fig. 4. Bode plots of M-Steel in 1 M HCl with (h) and without (Ο) 5 gL PSL.
Methods Slope Intercept R2 Kads DG0 (kJ/mol)
Weight loss 1.1041 0.1755 0.9999 5.698 14.272
Polarization 1.0231 0.1790 0.9987 5.5865 14.069
Table 3
Mild steel impedance parameters for in1M HCl solution with and without 5 gL1 of PSL.
Concentration (mgL1) Rs (O) Rct (O.cm2) Qdl (X1sncm2) Chi-Squared n Cdl (mFcm2) IE %
00 4.21 34.52 0.000170 0.00057 0.91 103.38
5 4.097 453.7 0.000161 0.00018 0.78 75.38 92.39
M. Benarioua et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 28 (2019) 155–159 159
Fig. 7. SEM micrograph (3000) of M-steel immersed in 1 M HCl; polished (a) in the absence of PSL (b) and with 5 gL1 of PSL (c).
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