Application To Vote by Post
Application To Vote by Post
Application To Vote by Post
Voting by post
Voting by post is an easy and convenient way of voting if you are unable to get to the polling station.
You can use this form to apply to vote by post for a particular election or referendum, for a set period of
time or for all future polls. Postal votes can be sent to addresses in the UK and abroad.
In England and Wales you must be 18 or over on polling day to vote.
In Scotland you must be 16 or over on polling day to vote in local elections and elections to the Scottish
Parliament. You must be 18 or over to vote in elections to the UK Parliament and European Parliament.
Privacy statement
The Electoral Registration Officer will only use the information you give them for electoral purposes. They
will look after personal information securely and will follow data protection legislation. They will not give
personal information about you or any personal information you may provide on other people to anyone
else or another organisation unless they have to by law.
The lawful basis to collect the information in this form is that it is necessary for the performance of a task
carried out in the public interest and exercise of official authority as vested in the Electoral Registration
Officer as set out in Representation of the People Act 1983 and associated regulations.
The Electoral Registration Officer is the Data Controller. For further information relating to the processing
of personal data you should refer to their privacy notice on their website. You can find their website
address and contact details at
Application to vote by post
Only one person can apply to vote by post using this form
Please write in black ink and use BLOCK LETTERS. When you have completed every section and
signed the form yourself send it to your electoral registration office. You can find their address at
5 Date of application
Today’s date 0 4 0 9 2 0 2 0