Uas Dev Elgard Granada Tria V547
Uas Dev Elgard Granada Tria V547
Uas Dev Elgard Granada Tria V547
SK MENDIKNAS NO. 136/D/0/2001
Jln. Surya Kencana No.1 Pamulang Barat - Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Telp./Fax.(021)7412566 / 74709855
Shift : Reg. A
Sifat : Buka Buku
1. Choose one of period of English Literature (Old Priode - American Modern Period).
Finding Analyze:
Explain one of intrinsic elements of literary work that; (a.) is reflected by the
background of society of the period, (b.) show the characteristic of the literature in the
period. C. Conclusion :
5. Do not plagiarize.
Modernist literature
Modern literature is a literature that flourished in the new capitalist art market during a period
of time where writers were no longer pointed when it comes to what they write neither by the
church nor by monarchies. They also no longer had to answer to the old system of artistic
patronage; to the contrary, they signified their allegiance to all what is new. (Hutchens-Suggs
20). The modernist artistic movement is an intellectual movement that broke aesthetic and social
boundaries. It appeared in the early 20th century and aimed to uncover invisible systems and
unconscious codes or rules by explaining various phenomena using attractive and coherent style
in writing, painting, sculpture and all artistic and creative performances (Barret 22).
One of the most important specifications of modernism was that it abolished the idea of beauty
as the ideal of art (Atkins 56). Malcom Brudbury said “One of the defining features of
modernism has been the breaking down of traditional frontier of matters of literary and cultural
concern”. James Joyce was, and still is, a major figure of modernism. The Dead is one of the
finest short stories in English literature. Written by James Joyce, it is known as the most famous
and emotionally affecting story of his collection of fifteen stories ‘Dubliners’. The story was a
late addition long enough to be a novella.
Overall, the modernism and James joyce arts are very related because his arts really resembles
the modernism characteristics.
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