Suction Piles and Suction Anchors For Offshore Structures: Sangchul - Bang@sdsmt - Edu
Suction Piles and Suction Anchors For Offshore Structures: Sangchul - Bang@sdsmt - Edu
Suction Piles and Suction Anchors For Offshore Structures: Sangchul - Bang@sdsmt - Edu
S. Bang, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, USA; 605-394-2440;
K. D. Jones, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, USA
Y. Cho, Daewoo Engineering and Construction, Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea
D. J. Kwag, AdvaCT Inc., Anyang, Korea
In recent years, suction piles and suction anchors have been used as underwater foundations for
various offshore structures. They have been proven very versatile, effective, and environmentally
friendly. This paper describes the load resisting mechanism, installation, and design of suction piles
and suction anchors. Also included are brief descriptions of three offshore structures that have
recently been constructed using suction piles and suction anchors. They include: a new breakwater
system utilizing gravity-type concrete caisson superstructure on top of concrete suction piles; a
floating breakwater system utilizing embedded suction anchors; and a foundation system utilizing
suction piles for temporary mooring of underwater tunnel elements.
Bearing Capacity
Caisson Blocks
Prior to the installation of concrete caisson
blocks, leveling stones were needed to be
placed on top of the suction pile top slabs.
The purpose of the leveling stones is to
compensate any difference in vertical elevations
and tilts between the suction pile top slabs. A
geosynthetic mat was first placed on top of the
suction pile top slabs, which was followed by a
placement of crushed rocks. The crushed rocks
[FIG. 10] Caisson Block Installed on Top of Suction Piles
were then leveled and compacted.
The concrete caissons each have a length of Korea as part of a new 8.2 km (5.1 mile)
16 m, width of 21.4 m, and height of 18 m highway connecting Busan, the second largest
(52.5 ft x 70.2 ft x 59 ft) with an air weight of city in Korea, and Geojedo, an island that is
approximately 3,700 tonnes (4,079 tons). Fig. home to two major shipyards. The underwater
9 shows a photo of the assembly plant where tunnel will consist of 18 immersed pre-cast
concrete caissons were fabricated. One at a concrete elements with each element being
time, the caisson blocks were first moved out 180 m (590.5 ft) long. Each tunnel element will
of the assembly plant and sat on top of a semi- have eight segments that will be constructed
submersible FCL barge. The FCL barge with a separately and joined later. Each segment has a
caisson block on it was then towed to the site width of 26.4 m, length of 22.5 m, and height of
where the suction piles were already installed. 10 m (86.6 ft x 73.8 ft x 32.8 ft). A total of 144
The concrete caisson was then slowly sunk segments are therefore necessary to complete
by careful control of flooding of the interior the immersed tunnel.
hollow space until it touched and was correctly
The tunnel elements are constructed on-shore
installed on top of the leveling stones. Fig. 10
and left floated (six tunnel elements at a time)
shows a photo of the exposed part of concrete
until they are ready to be installed. Fig. 11 shows
caisson blocks above the water after they were
a photo of tunnel element being built in a dry
seated successfully. Three concrete caisson
dock and to be towed out. Therefore, temporary
blocks were tied together by a cap concrete slab
mooring of these six tunnel elements is inevitable.
so that they could act as a unit against the wind
Initially, embedded deadweight concrete
and wave loads.
anchors with its top surface being flush with the
seafloor surface were considered to provide the
necessary resistance against the mooring line
tension. However, due to environmental concerns
associated with the potential contamination
and damage that may be caused by underwater
Soil Conditions
[FIG. 12] Details of Temporary Mooring of Tunnel Elements
The seafloor consists
of predominantly silty
clay extending to an average
thickness of 7 meters (23 ft).
Below the silty clay layer,
1.0 m to 1.7 m (3.3 ft to 5.6 ft)
thick sandy gravel underlain
by weathered rock exists. The
properties of silty clay include
undrained shear strength of
zero at the seafloor surface and
7.86 kPa (1.14 psi) at a depth of
7 meters (23 ft); and an effective
friction angle of 28.1 degrees.
The sandy gravel has an average [FIG. 13] Schematic of Typical Suction Pile
standard penetration value of 12.
Considering both the normal and extreme
Design of Suction Piles
loading conditions under short and long term
For a typical suction pile, it is subjected to four situations and utilizing the analytical solution
mooring lines, i.e., two transverse lines and two of the inclined loading capacity of suction
spring lines (Fig. 12). The expected loading piles, the outside diameter of the pre-cast
conditions on the suction piles were determined concrete suction piles was determined to be
based on anticipated waves and currents acting 10.5 m or 11 m (34.4 ft or 36.1 ft). The length
on the floating tunnel element at the temporary of the suction piles varied between 7.7 m and
mooring site. For normal conditions, a load 8.4 m (25.3 ft and 27.6 ft) depending on the
factor of 1.35 was used, whereas 1.0 was used site seafloor soil conditions. All together, 14
for extreme conditions. suction piles were required for the temporary
The design of suction piles adopted a minimum mooring of six tunnel elements at any given
factor of safety of 1.75 for normal loading time. Fig. 13 shows a schematic diagram of pre-
conditions and 1.2 for extreme loading cast concrete suction pile dimensions.