A Comparitive Study On Level of Stress Among Non Working Women and Working Women
A Comparitive Study On Level of Stress Among Non Working Women and Working Women
A Comparitive Study On Level of Stress Among Non Working Women and Working Women
Introduction 5
(II)Research Title 10
(III)Objectives Of Study 10
(IV)Research Design 10
Chapter 7 Conclusion 12
In the middle of the 19th century there was no stress in workplace and
occupational stress grew in disturbing over the last 40 years .
It is a general belief in many cultures that the role of women is to build and
maintain the homely affairs like task of fetching water ,cooking, rearing
children. In the traditional society, women’s role was naturally limited to the
family. Since she was bearer of occupational stress is commonly children, she
was fully occupied with her duties as a mother and home maker.
Defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the
demands of the job exceed then capabilities, needs or resources of the
Stress is one of the most important things that play a major role in human life.
Review of literature:
(I)SANLIER AND ARPACI [18] :Studied the effect of stress on women health. Results
reveal that employed women in the stress scale have ‘a higher average sc
(ii) Hashmi et al.[19] : found that working married women have to face more
difficulties in their lives like they experienced more stress and depression as compared
to non- working married women.
(iii)Patel[30]: revealed that in pretest most of the nurses 53.3% had moderate
stess,40.0% had mild stress and 6.7%had severe stress .in posttest most of the nurses
had mild stress 73.3% and no stress 26.7%it is concluded that progressive muscle
relaxation therapy is effective in reducing the stress level of the staff nurses.
(i)Role overloaded
(iii)Role stagnation
Thedata is analyzed using SPSS, tests applied correlation and regression .The
finding suggest that work life balance has a significant impact on employee job
satisfaction in private sector commercial banks of Sri Lanka.
Today, almost all working are prone to sexual harassment irrespective of their
status, personal characteristics and the types of their employment. They face
sexual harassment on way on transports, at working places, educational
institutions and hospitals, at home and even inpolice stations when they go to
file complaints.
It is shocking that the law protectors are violating and outraging modesty of
women. Most of the women tend to be concentrated in the poor service jobs
whereas men are in an immediate supervisory position, which gives them an
opportunity to exploit their subordinate women.
However, Indian women still face blatant discrimination at their work places. they are often
deprived of promotions and growth opportunities at work places but this doesn’t apply to all
working women.
The orthodox mindset in the Indian society makes it difficult for working
women to balance her domestic environment with professional life in some
families; it may not be acceptable to work after 6’o clock.
So many issues affect a working women because she is closely protected are
watched by her family and the society.
The family doesn’t support women to leave the house hold work and go to
They also resist for working till late in office which also hampers the
performance of the women and this also affects their promotion.
Increased work load extremely long work hours and intense pressures to
perform at peak leaves all the time for the same pay, can actually leave an
employee physically and emotionally drained.
Adjusting to the work place culture whether in a new company or not, can be
intensely stressful. Maladjustments to work place culture may lead to conflicts
with colleagues or even with superiors.
In many cases office politics or gossips can be major stress inducers
Internal factors which influence your ability to handled stress include your Self
nutritional status, overall health and fitness levels, emotional well-being, your
ability to control stress through relaxation techniques or other strategies, and the
amount of sleep and rest you get
Employers should also consider the HSE(Health&SafetyExecutive’s)
management standard for work-related stress indirect tool, the job content
The effort reward imbalance questionnaire and the Copenhagen psychosocial
questionnaire. There are also sect oral tools available, such as the EEF work
organisation assessment questionnaire.
Self acceptance - having a positive attitude two wards oneself and one’s past
Purpose in life - having goals and objectives that give life meaning.
Environmental mastery – being able to manage complex demands of daily life.
Positive relation with others - having a sense continued development and self
This study falls under descriptive techniques was used to select a sample of 300
working women of various districts.
The present study is based on primary data. Questionnaire was the main tool for
collecting the primary data. The questionnaire was designed way of covering adequate
and relevant sequentially and of the study.
The data collected from the primary sources were arranged sequentially and tabulated
in a systematic manner.
Secondary data required for the study was collected from books, magazines, journals,
newspapers, past research, reports and various webs
TO successfully manage stress in every day lives.The best way to manage stress is to
prevent it. This may not be always possible.
So,the next best things are to reduce stress and make life is easier. For this purpose
different stage management techniques like meditation,yoga,hyponosis,guided
imaginary,musclerelaxation,mindfulness,breathingetc..,should be used.
So as to curtail the stress level which is the cause of various fatal diseases like cardio
vascular diseases, hypertension etc..,women being the prime victim especially
employed women of stress.
Therefore their stress management is essential both in private and govt organizations.
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