RA & Gout Case Study
RA & Gout Case Study
RA & Gout Case Study
ity lor the past evera wecks. She preented th snikr symptoms 3
momhsago at wch me her drus regimen was changed from
methotreate nd NSAID therpy to her aurrent repimen below.
RAx6 ears
SP byteTectomyreasa°
Feet no odemas; hull plantar Blecioa and dorilaion; 3+ pedal pulsa Optimal Plan
Neur 4. What dn, dasage fom, dose, achbedule, and duration of therapy are
CN1-XII grossly intact muade trength 5/5 UE, V5 LE DTRs 2/4
bet for this patient
biceps and tricep, 1/4 patela
Outcome Evauation
5. What clinical and Laboratory parameters are necesary to evaluate the
See Table 96.1 patient's drug therapy
Patient Education
6. What intormation shouk be provided to the patient to ahance
a Che ay adherenoE, ure suocesshul thernpy. and minimire advere
No Ouid, musa, or inbection; no cardiomega eflect
Erosion of MCP and PIP joints bilaterally; meusurable joint space 1. Performs kterature arch and awen the risk of cardiovascular
narrowing from previous 3 ray 6 months ago a Syaovial Fuid events aociated with NSAID us
From let kne; white cels 23.0 x 10hmn', turbid in appearance 2. Cremea kst od the cdinically sigaificant drug interactions Sor
NSAID and DMARDs incduding methotraate.
a DEA San of hip/spine T-care neported as -2 D Assexment 3. Compare the biotogic agents used to treat rheunatoid arthritis
S8-year-old woman in moderate distres with acute dare of RA with respeoct to cass of agent, route of administration, eflicacy. and
incidence of side effects.
(functional class 11). RA not adequatety cortroled with curent
therpy. Patient is adhereat with current medication repimea HTN
After completng ths case sucy, the reader shoud be able to:
Recognze maor nsk tactors for developng gout in a gven pa-bert,
incudng drugs that may ontrbute to r cause ths dis-order.
a Chief Complaint
"t can't walk because my ankle is killing me"
Nathan Vance is a 66- year old man with a history of dylapademis
who presents to the emergency department of his kocal hospital. Ite is
suffenng from sudden anset of ercruciutung pain in his leh ankle that
woke hum up a 5:00 AM this morning. Over the lst 2 hours, bis let
anke has become red and swollen, and the pan frocn the joint is so
**** bad that he cannot walk Ne relates no trauma or injury to the ankle
** ****R and has nat exerted himself more than usual in the recent past. He
also denies baving erperienced thee symptoms previously.
Dyslipidemis, peptic uker disease (duodenal uoer discovered 6
Cmonths ago), and obesity
The patient drinks "a can of beer or hwo" daiy. He does noi smoke
**** ***t or use illit drugs.
*** *
Extended-release niacin (Niaspan) 1,000 mg po at bedtume, started 2
98 months Ago
Omeprazole 20 mg po daily
GOUT AND HYPERURICEMIA Seavastatin and atorvastatin (both caused severe musce aches, and the
. . Level II ROS
Ceodirey C al, Pharmd, BOs cC The paticnt has no mapor complaints prior to this mergency room
visit. He relates feeling "hot and fhushed" occasionally after taking
his niacin, but this hs not beena major problem for him. No hes
pain, nauscavomitmg or respiratory symptoms. Bowel habets are
ormal. 1le has no prior bistory of arthntic symptoms or joint
a Physical Examinsion
A bealthy ppearing, obese, white male in acute distres
PERRLA, throat/ears dear of rednes or inflammation
BP 135/88, P 100, RR 18, T 37.5 C W 97 kg. H S11"
Medtylyanph uodes
Negative for lymph node swelling or maes
No rashes or other dermatologic abnormalities Has aul tattoo on
his leh arm.
Clear to ausculution bilateraly, symmetric mavement with inspira
HCENT tion
1b. What patient inforrmation {symptoms, nigns, kboratoy values)
indicates the prenence or severity of acute gouty arthritis?
RRR, normal 5, and S 1c. What nedication is the patient taking that could contribute to
or canse gouty arthriti
Obee, but soft, nontender. Positive bowel sounds in all quadrants. Desired Outcome
Ceniect 2. What are the goals of pharmacotbeapy in thas case?
Therapeutic Alternatives
3a What nondrug therapies may be useul for this patient?
3.b. What pharmacotherapeutic modalities are available for the
treatnent of acute gouty arthrits?
3.c. Sboud chroaic treastment to decreae the patient's serum uric
acid level be inatiated ar this time? Wby or why not?
Optimal Plan
4a Conmdering the patient's informtbon, what drug, domge
form, chedule, and duration of therapy are best in this cae?
4.b. What gent would be best to treat the patient's hyperlipademia?
Outcome Evaluation
5. Which cdanical and laboratory perameters hould be monitored to
assess the eéicacy of the pharmacotherapeutic plan and to pre
vent adverse effects?
Let ankle with 3+ edema around joinm, contrasted eryehema
present, and very warm to touch. Joint is exquisitey painkal with Patient Education
patient relating the pain as currenthy a 10/10 (on a 1-10 cak with 6. What inkormatson sboud be provided to the patiend to enhance
1 beng no pain and "10* being ihe ware pain the patiem has ever
dherence, cneure succeshul therpy. and to avoid advere ettoct
suffered). No swelking of any other jeints incduding great toe. No
igns of tophi present. LINICAL COURSE
Meuro The patient responded to the therapr you recmmmended and within
% hours his pain has subided significantly. Ande redness and swelling
A &0x3.CNI-XIl grosely intact, no focal neurologic deficits
have decreased to noar normal. After consutabon with you, the
patienM's phyican decides against mantenance therapy to decrease
serum unc acid kves Tbe patient, remerabering the ver pain this
wu 12 x 10''m ipdpaw Uh
episode caused folows your recommended lifestyle changes and a
K9mEA Neuns adihcrent to the new medicboa you reocommend tor has dylipidemia
2 m'L 2t9 1m LDiCPmgdL At his 6- month follow-up appointment, he reports no more atacks of
gout. IHe hes loet 20 lb and no longer drinks ethanol His serun urnc
BUN9 MLV l T. chal 1 pdL acid level has decreaaed to 69 mg/dL and a fating lipid profile
Momoa 1 demonstrates a trigyceride lrvel of 168 mgdL and FDL-Cof 41 mgd
Problem ldentification
aCreatea ist of the patiesn's drug therapy problems.