005 SkillFront Fundamentals of The Scrum
005 SkillFront Fundamentals of The Scrum
005 SkillFront Fundamentals of The Scrum
For Certi ed Associate In Scrum
Fundamentals (CASF)
To all of the SkillFront Entrepreneurs, thank you for inspiring us, keeping us
focused, and making sure we do our best to guide you to execute ideas,
grow businesses, and dominate your markets online and of ine.
We are proud of seeing you while you serve your clients at your highest levels
possible and positively in uence their lives that wouldn't happen otherwise.
Without you, your engagement, and your loyal support, SkillFront could not
come where it is today.
New Year's Eve 2010. I could see the colors of reworks, re ecting off my
husband's face. He turned and looked at me, while tears
As the rest of the world went about celebrating the were pouring down my cheeks, and he said, "You didn't
dawn of a new year heading into 2011, I lay in my bed, sign up for this. We're going to x it!"
next to my baby, who was born less than four short
months ago. I lay down and put my hands back behind my head;
closing my eyes, I felt every aspect of my being lled
My husband sat next to me, and I can still remember the with rage.
sound of reworks set off in the neighborhood.
My mind raced back to the winter, nearly twelve months back to my corporate career, although I could have
before, to me getting promoted to a leadership position reasonably quickly nd another job, given my
at one of Switzerland's largest local banks. As the quali cations and job experiences, even if I had this big
manager of the busiest branch in the middle of the city "obstacle" of having a few months old baby.
of Zurich, I was leading thirty to forty employees,
contractors, and agency staff. To this day, I can't help but Let me tell you this. The shock of getting red helped
marvel at the thousands of working hours, the millions of me admit three very important things that I haven't been
Swiss francs, and the enormously complex processes entirely honest to myself before:
necessary to make a simple nancial investment product
shown in our portfolio of products. 1. Large companies move slowly. Good ideas often died
on the vine simply because they had to be approved
And yet, there I was lying, heading into 2011, with the by too many people.
termination letter in my hand. It turned out that my
employer didn't want to occupy their demanding 2. Climbing the corporate ladder is an obstacle to doing
positions with mothers of newborn babies. They couldn't great work. I wanted to focus on getting things done
wait any longer and quickly sent me my noti cation at and making things better, not constantly positioning
the end of my twelve-weeks of of cially deserved myself for promotion. Politics and turf wars are an
maternity leave. inescapable part of the daily experience of working
for a large company.
At this moment, you may be wondering why I didn't go
3. Frustration leads to burnout. I wanted to enjoy my And most important:
daily work experience, but instead, I felt like I was I am a SkillFront Entrepreneur.
running a gauntlet each day. It began to affect my
health during my pregnancy, happiness, and I train entrepreneurs at all levels —from want-to-be
relationships with my husband, friends, and family. entrepreneurs to owners of large enterprises— to
execute ideas, grow businesses, and dominate their
The longer I thought of these facts, the more I realized I markets online and of ine.
wanted out. I desperately wanted to work on my own
terms, as an entrepreneur. I wasn't trying to become an expert.
The next ten years took me on a journey, trying to bring In fact, I wasn't even sure what being an expert meant. I
up my baby, become a good wife, and transform myself was, and I am still trying to be a student of my own
into the practical scientist to unlocking measurable passion; helping and serving other entrepreneurs
results in every area of my life every day. A scientist I call succeed in business.
the SkillFront Entrepreneur.
I wanted to set myself free after getting laid off. I had no
My name is Yeliz Obergfell. clue that what would start with a decision to change my
I am a married woman. life would transform into a global movement thanks to
I am a mother. the principles, frameworks, and support of SkillFront, the
I am a businesswoman. Skill Platform for Entrepreneurs.
I started the idea of SkillFront in 2011 with zero synthesist by nature, and my travels through the
knowledge of marketing, sales, persuasion, closing, e- business literature quickly became an exercise in
commerce, or automated digital marketing systems. separating the diamonds from the rough.
On top of that, I had never delivered a service that was The more I learned, the more helpless I felt. For every
100 percent created by me, and I had spent most of my great resource I found, I had to process ten other
career selling other services. resources to gure out how to apply that resource in
practice to excel on my own entrepreneurship journey.
From 2011 to 2014, I struggled to get the message I felt
in my heart and soul out to the world. Although we were I started to wonder: how much of what's out there —and
having some mild success, I was paralyzed trying to there is a lot out there— I really needed to know. How
gure out not only the psychology of being a female could I separate practical business and entrepreneurship
leader with my message, but also the science and skills from the dry theory and technobabble? I only had
technology to sustain and scale my business. so much time and energy, so I started searching for a
lter: something that would direct me to the useful skills
I have always been an avid learner, but before I decided and keep me away from the chaff. The more I searched,
to learn everything I could about how I can succeed as the more I realized it didn't exist — so I decided to
an entrepreneur, most of what I read was ction. If there create the SkillFront.
is one thing I am good at it, it is taking in a huge amount
of information and distilling it into essentials. I am a
The Key To Success: Model The Best That was the discovery of thoughtful modeling to build
my own skills and career. Children use modeling all the
During one of the seminars I attended more than a time to learn how to speak, use tools, or tie their shoes.
decade ago in Nashville, Tennessee, I had one of the
most signi cant aha moments in my personal and If you look at it carefully, modeling is not only essential
entrepreneurial growth journey, which impacted my to build new skills, but also it's necessary for the
business more than everything else I learned until today. continuity of skills, lessons, know-how, and the world's
intellectual and cultural legacy from one generation to
One caveat here: I have seen and met many people who 3. Use this information to build the path of your
mix modeling with copying someone else's materials, success that mirrors theirs. Your strategy may be
patents, works, ideas as they’re, and use them for their similar to the business or leader you're modeling, or
own goals. Don't do this. That is illegal and unethical. you adjust it for your present circumstances.
What I mean with thoughtful modeling is: So, I started looking at other businesses, studying how
they came to where they're today. After all, their
1. Look for a business that is already successful in techniques worked for them, they could work for me.
your chosen eld or a leader who has created the But for some reason, my efforts made very little (if any)
kind of life you want to live. success and income. I was frustrated because I could
see others making money successfully. What was I doing
2. As Tony Robbins rightly put out there: Success leaves wrong?
clues. Find them. There's no need to reinvent the
wheel. Those who have succeeded before you have It took me almost four years of studying, researching,
done so, followed a plan, and you can do the same and interviewing successful business people before I
thing. Look into their history and their rise to the realized that what I was seeing on the surface wasn't
top. How did they get to where they are today? What their full arsenal of skills and strategies. The
kind of obstacles and setbacks did they face, and entrepreneurs who were making decent money were
how did they overcome them? What are their doing it through steps and processes invisible to the
philosophies about their work and their life? naked eye.
While I had learned and modeled the part of their
businesses that I could see, multiple things were
happening behind the scenes that made the magic
tens of thousands of students and clients to guide them
All Skills You're Going To Learn Are
to build businesses in every industry you can dream of -
both online and of ine. Evergreen
This and other programs in the SkillFront platform will If you've tried to learn how to build and grow your
unlock the practical skills and frameworks that are company in the past, you've probably purchased courses
mastered and continuously used by champion and courses that teach systems that worked when they
businesses and leaders in their industries. were created but became outdated. Often, before they
even reached a wider audience and found their way to
I hope that while you're learning those skills, you will you.
realize your dreams of success are a lot closer than you
think. You will soon see that by providing a ton of value, SkillFront programs, on the other hand, are playcourses
communicating effectively with your audience, and for creating and scaling successful businesses that will
building out your sales processes and ows in a very exponentially increase your sales and income. SkillFront
strategic way, you can get your product, service, and teaches evergreen skills, frameworks, and strategies that
message out to the world. And you can get paid what will be just as useful 20 years from now as they are
you're worth while doing it. today. It's the mission of the SkillFront to focus on
principles and methods that are timelines, even if
technologies and tools change.
The difference between SkillFront and most others is One of our amazing partners MicroTrain from
that we actually do this for real. That's right. The skills Chicago, the United States of America, and their
we're going to reveal to you have been learned and then valuable trainees for their successful course and
veri ed by our own real-world practices, or we have certi cation programs.
earned them after thousands of tests, sleepless nights,
mistakes, trials, errors, successes, as well as failures.
Although the software is the main focus of the Scrum Scrum can be used in all kinds of software development
framework, iterative and agile Scrum process can be and projects. To develop and deliver complete software
is already being applied outside the software industry as packages or only some modules of larger systems —
well. both for products and services of internal and external
Most people in the IT industry believe that the term
"Scrum" was coined early in the 2000s as a parallel track The Scrum Framework is a lightweight process. It
of emerging agile software development and delivery focuses on increasing the productivity of teams while
trends. That is a piece of incorrect information! reducing wastes and redundant activities.
Overview of the Scrum Framework
Scrum de nes some general guidelines with a few rules, • Five Scrum Events (Scrum Rituals) or Ceremonies:
roles, artifacts, and events. Nevertheless, all of these Scrum Grooming (Backlog Re nement) Meeting,
components are critical, serve for speci c purposes, and Sprint Planning Meeting, Daily Scrum Meeting, Sprint
they are essential for the successful use of the Scrum Review Meeting, and Sprint Retrospective Meeting.
• Product Backlog (Scrum Backlog) or Scrum Product
The main components of Scrum framework are: Backlog: An artifact that is used to manage and
prioritize all of the known requirements of a Scrum
• Three Scrum Roles: The Scrum Product Owner, the project.
Scrum Team, and the Scrum Master.
Nonetheless, a Scrum Master or a Scrum Product is Every project has unknown unknowns. Sometimes a
never allowed to overrule the democratic decision- few, sometimes a lot. The Scrum framework helps us
making capability of a Scrum Team. For instance, only embrace that we can discover and deal with these
the Scrum team members can jointly commit which ones unknown unknowns only while we are running our
of highly prioritized Backlog items they will deliver in a projects.
The Scrum Team rst ne-tunes and granularizes the own goals, the team members feel more engaged, and
lower-level or low priority requirements before it they know that their opinions are listened to. This
implements them. During Scrum Grooming (Backlog inclusion of Scrum team members to the natural ow
Re nement) and Sprint Planning Meetings. Openness and planning of software projects increases the team
for change, continuous optimization, and learning from morale and subsequently augments the team
errors are now becoming integral elements of the whole performance.
software engineering lifecycle.
Scrum Masters possess another vital role in the Scrum
Another cornerstone of the Scrum framework is Framework as they work as servant leaders for and with
transparency and direct communication. The Scrum their Scrum Teams.
Product Owner works closely with the Scrum Team to
identify and prioritize requirements. These requirements Scrum Masters are trained facilitators to ensure awless
are written down as user stories and stored in the Scrum operation of their Scrum Teams. Sometimes they are
Product Backlog. The Scrum Product Backlog consists master negotiators to protect their Scrum Teams from
of all tasks that need to be implemented to deliver a interruptions and ctive priorities of their stakeholders.
working software system successfully. Other times they are master communicators to remove
or prevent known or anticipated impediments before
A Scrum Team is empowered to select the user stories these impediments bring their teams to dead-end
with which they are con dent to deliver within the 2-4 streets. To only call a few of the responsibilities of Scrum
weeks of Sprints. Because the Scrum Team commits its Masters. We will cover more about the duties of various
Scrum roles later.
scrum process. Agile manifesto values:
Agile Manifesto • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools,
When the IT industry talks about the Scrum framework, • Working software over comprehensive documentation,
It's also often we hear the term "Agile Scrum" along the • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation,
same lines as "Scrum". It led some of us in the industry • Responding to change over following a plan.
to think and look for differences between the terms
"Agile Scrum" and "Scrum".
While the factors on the right-hand side do still possess
Here is good news for you. "Agile Scrum" and "Scrum" signi cant values, the agile manifesto appreciates and
terms do both refer to the same thing. They both refer prioritizes the factors on the left-hand side higher.
to the Scrum software engineering process. Then why
do we sometimes use the word "Agile" in front "Scrum"? The elements favored by the agile manifesto have been
carefully time-tested and chosen to:
It's because the scrum framework fully embraced and
embedded the Agile Manifesto (Manifesto for Agile • Serve clients and stakeholders better and create value
Software Development) to its core process, principles, for them with software,
and underlying philosophy. That brings us to understand • Enhance the profession of software engineering
the agile manifesto and the values of the scrum process regardless of your role, title, and career level.
better before we deep-dive the technicalities of the
ecosystem of stakeholders. with my work?
To deal with this, all members of the scrum team should • Prioritization: What tasks should I be working on
remember what they learned during their scrum next?
certi cation training.
Each moment in time, there is one critical question that
They should remember to be courageous, and they the entire scrum team, including scrum master and
should master to decide and act courageously. product owner, must be answering.
possibility to deliver outstanding results with software. obsession with the team's mission to build and deliver
astonishing software, each time the scrum team
In the world of the scrum software development encounters a non-trivial impediment, your work will slow
process, most people translate the commitment value as down and stall.
the agreement and con nement of goals of given sprint
deliverables. Then the scrum master and the scrum team will start
creating explanations to justify and legitimize for scrum
Although this entirely makes sense, that understanding is product owner why they're unable to deliver sprint
not awless. Whenever you hear the word goals. Excuses should have no more room in your team
"commitment" within the context of scrum values; what if your goal is to become a better than an average scrum
you should remember is the word: "obsession". team.
To be successful in software engineering and, in life and Only with an enormously high level of dedication, it's
business, you should become obsessed with your goals. relatively more comfortable and ful lling to solve the
So in the context of the scrum process, you should problems of our clients and help and build value for
become obsessed with creating marvelous software for them with software.
your clients to solve their problems.
and they should result in substantial success stories. outcomes as vital chances to meaningfully improve
their overall productivity and quality of work.
Thanks to openness and courage values, the scrum
software development group is not afraid of making
mistakes. They see their errors and less than optimal
Courage, Focus, Commitment, Respect, Openness are the vital Scrum Values you always keep in mind.
He needs to make sure that his client will get the correct
Introduction To software to achieve tangible business results. He writes
down the essential use cases and discusses them with
software development and delivery process is correctly that all prerequisites and dependencies are ful lled,
applied in the store. which could be critical to delivering certain software
features successfully.
Now Alex, the Scrum Product Owner, begins to break
down the high-level requirements into the rst draft of During Sprint Planning Meeting (What-Part), the Scrum
smaller-grained user stories. With this list, he then calls Team commit to complete the user stories 1,2,3,6,7 and
for the rst Sprint Planning Meeting. 8 until the end of the Sprint. So these user stories are
now moved from the Scrum Product Backlog to the
Sprint Backlog. The user stories 4 and 5 cannot be
accomplished in this Sprint, as some prerequisite
Sprint 1 - Day 0 technical infrastructure is not yet in place.
After this meeting, Anna updates the Sprint Burndown
Sprint 1 - Day 1 Chart to visualize the progress of work during this
Sprint. Then she calls the software vendor, orders the
In the morning, the whole team gets together for their
missing license, and delivers it to Melinda.
Daily Scrum Meeting. Everyone gives a brief and
concise statement about what he or she has done so far,
updates the estimates of remaining work on the cards of
the Sprint Backlog. Everyone tells what he or she is
planning to do today, and reveals if there are any
impediments which hinder them from processing any
break-down, estimates, and priorities. At the end of the Sprint Review Meeting, Alex
Scrum Team for their efforts and commitment and
leaves the room.
Sprint 2 - Day 1
Alex, the Scrum Product Owner, keeps on adding new
After the completion of the Sprint Review Meeting, the
requirements to the Scrum Product Backlog based on
Scrum Team sits together for the Sprint Retrospective
his recent client meetings. Moreover, he improves the
Meeting. During this meeting, they discuss what went
way he articulated DoD of user story 8, so the Scrum
well during the Sprint and what could be improved, so
Team can better envision the expected outcome from
that the likelihood of failed commitments like it
this user story.
happened with user stories 3 and 8 will reduce in the
next Sprints. One of the hurdles identi ed from the
Alex then invites the team for the Sprint Planning
Sprint Retrospective Meeting is that the team do not
Meeting for Sprint 2. The Scrum Team discuss and
know enough about the overall system architecture.
commit to user stories with the guidance of Anna, the
Anna, the Scrum Master, takes over the task of bringing a
Scrum Master, and subsequently, the second Sprint
system architect on board to coach and guide the team
at the beginning of the next Sprint.
development and software delivery framework in our
Three Elements Of organizations.
Chaos And A few days before I wrote these lines, we had lunch with
one of my ex-colleagues with whom we used to work
• Differences in working styles among scrum team Then we explained to him one of our past software
members, projects before we used to meet with the scrum
• Timezone differences, framework. I'm sure that many scrum masters would
• Cultural mis ts, and resemble this experience to their previous projects
• Language constraints. before they've gotten their scrum master certi cations.
Despite these dif culties, Marcus still added that Back in the late 1990s, we were part of a software
running a software project with the agile scrum process engineering group to build a smart card-based public
is more fun, productive, and enriching than how we key infrastructure. Smart cards securely protected
used to work 20 years ago. Compared to days when we private keys of infrastructure members, associated
used to work without scrum software development and public keys and their wrapper certi cations were openly
scrum software delivery processes. distributed (as the name public implies).
Marcus’ statement was indeed a big testimonial for the Back in the day, this was by itself a relatively complex IT
credit of the scrum framework from a very accomplished project that required multiple interdependent hardware
and experienced manager, scrum master, and product engineering and software engineering teams. We had to
owner. do massive amounts of research and development
(R&D) to build a fully functional hardware and software
Thank you, Marcus! system.
Capability Maturity Model (CMM), ISO 9001:2008 and
Frustration #1. We other derivates attempted to help our companies to
ensure we build our correct software in correct ways.
Had To Plan Our How successful they used to be is not part of this book.
Entire Project This book was meant to focus on the scrum process and
merits of the scrum framework rather than criticizing
almost extinct procedures.
Before We However, I have to add that these process improvement
Then we designed these requirements, we implemented we reached to end of the software engineering lifecycle.
them, we tested (veri ed) them, and we maintained Nonetheless, the reality didn't play out like that!
them in our software production environments. Finally,
as ne-grained and complete as possible. However, that the development phase nished before the testing
requirement de nition in an initial stage of a project is phase started. And yet, this is precisely and
often complicated, and therefore many requirements unfortunately how the Waterfall Methodology used to
change (or should change) throughout the project. work.
Studies have shown that in more extensive and complex The Waterfall Methodology for developing software can
projects, about 60% of the initial requirements do be used for implementing small and straightforward
change throughout the course of projects. Other projects. But for bigger and more complex projects,
requirements are implemented as de ned, but some of this approach is highly risky, if not insane. It's often
them are not really needed by the customer. So those costlier and always less ef cient than Scrum software
implementations consume time and money that could development and delivery framework.
have been better used to implement functionality with a
higher added value for its clients. This was the life before the Scrum framework.
The separation into different project phases forces Sending our software back and forth between various
project managers to estimate each phase separately. teams, without the guidance of professionals with the
The problem is that most of these phases usually are not Scrum skills, made our work bureaucratic, complex and
separate. They are working together and in parallel. unproductive. Finally, it wasn't only the product which
suffered, but also employee morale and commitment to
For instance, no reasonable human-being can assume our organizational mission have wholly disrupted.
issues before the scheduled date of project completion.
Have you got a guess about the reason for this silo- One silo for C++ developers, another silo for database
mentality in our organizations rather than focus on administrators, and another entirely separate quality
business missions and professional (business) maturity of assurance silo in over-sees and it goes on and on. Go
employees? and gure!
The reason is simply the matrix management. Matrix The biggest challenge with the matrix organizational
management is an organizational management and structure was that: To deliver a software project without
employee structure, and it has been in our businesses the scrum framework and scrum masters, project
since the 1970s. At rst glance, the differentiating idea managers had to borrow employees from silos
behind a matrix organization or matrix management temporarily.
seems to be smart.
These employees did not even physically position with
The Leadership creates an organizational structure by their project teams, but they still located in the rooms of
bringing together employees with similar kinds of their particular center of competences.
functional and technical skillsets into the same or at best
neighbor silos. Up upon completion of projects, these temporary
Back in times, it was quite popular to see the so-called project teams dissolved and project participants moved
"Center of Competences" in our companies where each on their next assignments to serve for other projects.
center of competence represented an independent and
autonomous silo.
The Waterfall Project Delivery Model in a Matrix Organization
Therefore, the targeted business values of these Now let's take a short moment to visualize how the
ongoing software projects have never been the utmost change management and impediment handling of
priority for these independent silos. software projects played out. How they played out in a
project con guration with the waterfall model, with the
They tend to see their work as checkboxes they ticked matrix organization, and without the scrum process.
for one project over here and another project over
there. Yes. You're right.
Leadership and matrix organizational model didn't teach Management and employees treated change
them how professionals should commit their business to management, impediment, and error handling as if
improve the bottom line, including sales, revenue, and they're ill exceptions which shouldn't have happened in
pro t. the rst place.
A McKinsey Quarterly article written by McKinsey & Therefore, changes in a software project have been the
Company has also clearly illustrated this illusion of cost synonym of delays. They usually created a domino effect
optimization beyond the matrix organization. of cascading delays. Teams required someone to blame
Gartner has estimated that organizations worldwide and nger-point for defects and impediments.
have been yearly spending 600 billion USD to recover
their IT systems from non-scheduled maintenance work Last, but not least, because silos did not have a
and defects. mechanism in place to process, x, and learn from their
"It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell The judgments from leaders used to be usually
them what to do. We hire smart people, so they can tell impulsive, not thoroughly thought-out, mostly late and
us what to do." tentative, but sometimes even too early.
Scrum Framework
The Scrum Framework changes the classic triangle of
project management.
Triangle of Project Management
documentation, and so on. DoDs are de ned in the team demonstrates and discusses these increments with
levels of both user stories and tasks. DoDs of user the Scrum Product Owner and client stakeholders to get
stories focus on functional and non-functional client and incorporate their feedback towards the next steps
requirements, whereas DoDs of tasks focus on the of their project.
desired working activities from the Scrum Team
members. This exibility applies to not only software delivery but
also the operational processes. So, the Scrum
The Scrum Team is not allowed to close the user stories, Framework allows the optimization of the use of
and obviously, the tasks that do not ful ll their DoDs. resources (human, time, budget, material) and the
Scrum Product Owner and the Scrum Team de ne user minimization of wastes.
stories and their tasks through-out the course of the
Scrum software engineer-ing process incrementally. Studies have shown that Scrum has the following
positive effects in practice:
This incremental development allows the team to
remain adaptive and adjust their next best actions in a • More frequent code deployments,
controlled manner without the additional costs and • Faster lead time from committing to deploying code,
risks of jeopardizing large chunks of previous work. • Faster mean time to recover from downtime,
• Lower change failure rate,
The Scrum Team builds a potentially shippable software • Better product quality,
product increment until the end of each Sprint. The • Reduced or identical costs compared to pre-Scrum
• Improved productivity and throughput,
• Improved code and operational reliability,
• Enhanced organizational performance and client
• Improved market penetration, market share, and
pro tability of organizations,
• Improved market capitalization growth,
• Improved motivation of employees.
They rst need to learn and adapt their playing styles, • Team members share the same norms and rules,
their strengths and weaknesses to assist each other, and • The Scrum team as a whole is accountable for the
to play in harmony. Scrum teams are not that different. delivery,
Therefore, it's vital to keep in mind that it usually takes • The Scrum Team is empowered,
about 3 to 5 Sprints until the team becomes mature • The Scrum Team is working as autonomous as it is
enough to deliver its results effectively and predictably. possible,
• The Scrum Team is self-organizing,
• The skills within the Scrum team are balanced,
• A core Scrum Team is small and has no sub-teams,
• The Scrum Team members are dedicated to their
teams with 100% capacity,
• Scrum Team members are collocated, and they ideally
share the same room.
into tasks,
Accountability • Who will perform a speci c task and in which order
the tasks are implemented.
The Scrum Team as a whole is responsible for delivering
the committed user stories in time and with the highest
Only if the Scrum Team is empowered to decide these
possible quality.
and similar internal decisions, the team members will
work with higher performance and motivation for the
A good result or a failure is never attributed to a single
interest of their client stakeholders.
team member but always the result of the Scrum Team.
Size Of The Scrum Team
That means a Scrum Team should be multidisciplinary
Scrum Teams are small. The ideal size is 7 +/- 2 people.
(designers, developers, testers, architects, etc.) right
from the beginning. On the other hand, this also means
Note that if the Scrum Team contains more than nine
that each team member should learn a little bit from
members, your team will most probably suffer due to
each other's specialization. For instance, to be able to
excessive overhead of alignment and communication.
nish a committed user story until the end of the Sprint,
And yet, there is no one size ts all answer. Your Scrum
a developer should willingly write and execute tests, and
Teams may still productively function even if they have
consult the tester whenever necessary.
less than ve or more than nine members.
Responsibilities Of The
Scrum Team
The Scrum Team has speci c responsibilities they need
to ful ll:
To effectively do this work, a Scrum Master needs to Since there must be trust between the Scrum Master
possess savvy moderation and coaching skills. He or she and the Scrum Team members, it can always be a good
needs to be a continuous learner to inspire others to idea that the Scrum Team chooses its Scrum Master.
learn, change, and grow. However, in reality, the management usually imposes
who the Scrum Master will be. To get the required trust,
To learn more about Scrum Master's duties as a the Scrum Master should have no line management
facilitator, I recommend you to have a look at this article: responsibility above the Scrum Team members.
If I had 5 Minutes to explain Scrum Master As a Otherwise, open communication in the Scrum Team and
Facilitator. joint ownership of work and decision-making ability of
the Scrum Team can suffer.
The Scrum Master is part of the Scrum Team and acts as
a servant-leader for the Scrum Team. In the beginning,
this will be a full-time job so that the Scrum Master will
not be able to contribute to the Sprint results directly.
Guarding The Scrum Team,
However, after a few Sprints, while the Scrum Team Removing Impediments
approach to the Performing phase of the Tuckman
model, the initial workload as moderator and coach will An essential job of the Scrum Master is to safeguard the
reduce. So, the Scrum Master could actively contribute Scrum Team from a false sense of urgency. Line
to the Sprint goals. management and the Scrum Product Owner often
attempt to add unplanned user stories to the Sprint
Backlog while the team focuses on the work of a Examples of removing impediments could be:
planned Sprint.
• To arrange support, resources,
However, one of the critical aspects of the Scrum • To nd missing knowhow, and
Framework is that all user stories are known and • To do hands-on work to help the Scrum Team
committed only during the Sprint Planning Meetings. Members.
The Scrum Team cannot be forced to take over new user
stories. The job of the Scrum Master is to ensure that
until the next Sprint Planning Meeting, these new user
stories are stored in the Scrum Product Backlog.
Scrum Master As A Change
Alternatively, if the ongoing Sprint does not make any
business and/or technical sense to continue, it can be One of the cornerstones of the Scrum Framework is the
canceled, and a new Sprint can be planned. continuous improvement through Inspect & Adapt.
Scrum Team members should only concentrate on The Scrum Master hosts and moderates the Scrum
delivering client value by building potentially shippable Retrospective Meeting, and his or her job is then to
product increment. The Scrum Master helps by facilitate, control and measure the change of the
removing impediments that block or slow down the identi ed shortcomings.
progress of work.
Owner Role That means that the Scrum Product Owner has to work
very closely with the Scrum Team and coordinates their
The Scrum Product Owner is a central role within the activities over the entire lifecycle of the project. No one
Scrum Framework. That role uni es product and project else is allowed to impose the Scrum Team to work for a
management tasks, and it's also rmly integrated with different set of priorities.
software development and delivery.
• Courage
• Focus
• Commitment
• Respect
• Openness
How to Guarantee Your Position As A The economy most likely doesn't even know you exist;
up until now, you only operated as a small part of it, or
Successful Entrepreneur you're just getting started.
I feel that it's now my job to inspire you to actually The government is not going to bail you out on your
implement and execute what you have learned from this dif cult days, and they certainly are not going to help
program. you to advance and conquer on your entrepreneurship
journey while you are setting yourself free.
Let's face it: The big, vast economy is not going to
accommodate you with more opportunities and more Something tells me that you didn't pick up this program
business without you taking some serious initial steps. because you are comfortable or satis ed with where
you're in your career and business. Chances are you together, they tend to learn faster and become a
want to change or improve your career, build a side support system for one another. So gather a group of
h u s t l e , i n c r e a s e yo u r l eve l o f ex i b i l i t y a n d like-minded and highly driven people who refuse to live
independence, or you want to simply have much security by the norms of the mediocre. Assemble a group to
and more available options in life and business. discuss this program and brainstorm it with you. Ask your
Otherwise, you wouldn't have nished this program. family, friends, and other like-minded entrepreneurs to
make this program as a team.
Taking the time to pick up this program and study it
suggests that you truly do want to do something Then help one another apply and commit to using the
different. For this, I acknowledge and congratulate you. actions, hold one another accountable to these
commitments. This is the game, and it's the most fun
Well done to you on getting this program. I applaud you game that I've ever played. You now started getting the
for starting it and even more for nishing it. Now, if you skills you need to start building your empire or make it
want the world to give you a standing ovation, put bigger.
lessons in it to work.
During this journey that we've been on together through
Interestingly, one of the most effective ways of this program, we've covered a lot of things, but there
perfecting these disciplines is to help others attain are still a lot I am going to provide you. Everything
success and implement these actions themselves. When you've learned in this program is literally the same thing
people with common goals and motivations come we would discuss and do with you if one of my SkillFront
advisors or I had a chance to y to you and sit in your I still remember the excitement as I learned each of
of ce. You now have access to the skills that will unlock these skills and used them for the business for the rst
the path of success in your business and ultimately in time. Whenever I meet someone talking about our
you life. programs and skills they are learning from SkillFront, I
get slightly jealous about how much fun it would be to
rediscover all these skills.
My entrepreneurial journey hasn't been all sunshine and If you want to get up-to-the-minute ideas, keep yourself
roses. There have been many ups and downs, and I informed about other SkillFront Programs like this one,
fought hard to learn all these skills in this program you follow our pages on LinkedIn, Facecourse, Twitter, and
have in your hands, and all other programs we have Instagram.
released, and we're going to release. It is my honor and
privilege to be able to share them with you. P.S. Don’t forget, you’re just one skill away…
Thanks For Learning
With The SkillFront
I want to thank you for taking the time with our program. We hope
you enjoyed studying this lecture as much as we had enjoyed while
we were creating it. It would be our greatest pleasure if we managed
to help you to learn a thing or two, which will guide you on your own
exciting entrepreneurship journey.
And with that … Thank you so much once again, and I wish you all the
success you can dream of.
— Yeliz Obergfell, SkillFront