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The Biblical Concept of Spiritual Warfare

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First thing first, let's appreciate God for the ministry of Rev. Temilolu Aliu and
the entire team for this great convergence. I celebrate and love you Sir.

Good evening Fam!!! It's a great joy to be here. I trust the Lord to bless us tonight!

Today we would trusting God to expound on the subject matter THE BIBLICAL

Holy Spirit please enlighten us as we look into Your word in Jesus’ name. Amen
and amen!

You see, if you have your developmental stages (like childhood) in the part of the
world where I did, you would grow up with fear when it comes to Spiritual
warfare. You see I heard of Ministers of the Gospel who after crusades will have
demonic entities appear to them and that would results to a lot of causalities

One man after a meeting, came back home to take off his shirt and his skin came
off with it. Others will begin to see all manners of growth in certain parts of their
body until they are swallowed up in it; financially and finally they give up

Please, what was their offence? Because they challenged certain demonic
powers/entities… And that alone exalted the devil and demonic powers! It
painted a picture in my mind then that the power of the devil is greater than that
of God. It presented a distorted portrait of Spiritual warfare to me.

It was this that made me to begin to ask questions

Like is the devil the opposite of God?
Since God created the devil and demons, how come he has more power than his
Creator? (At least that what we saw) Does a believer engage in warfare with
uncertainty of whether or not victory will be recorded?
Tonight I will by God's Spirit be bringing the Biblical standpoint on the matter of
Spiritual warfare
So please pay attention.
1. The devil is not the opposite of God
2. All power belongs to God
3. The believer in CHRIST has access to that power
With these three (3) points we are good to go.

For sake of emphasis;

Point one (1) infers that the devil is a creation of God, not a creator in the class
of God.

1 Timothy 6:12 (KJV)

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also
called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Note that the scripture acknowledges the fact that there is a FIGHT. Contrary to
some who believe the moment we are in Christ, there is no "warfare". The Greek
word used for this "Fight" is AGON. AGON is this context is best translated as
CONTENTION. But this fight, this warfare, this contention is a GOOD one.

In reality, a fight is never good! As a child/teenager I engaged in fights and I am

truthfully saying this that a fight is not good. There were times we came back
with injuries and we would try to hide them.

So how come the scriptures says this our fight is a good one. It is a good Fight
because victory has been secured before we engaged.
Victory has been secured before we engaged!!
Let this sink tonight!
You know Friends, I read of how John G. Lake challenged witch doctors in South
Africa and they will jerk and fall down, until they had pity on this witch doctors
and cast out the demons in them!! My God! Is it the same Gospel he heard that I
heard? Until I found out that this reality gained ground and consciousness in

You see, quickly let me expose how Satan and his agents secure victory over the
saints in warfare. Because you see, the fact victory has been secured does not
mean you cannot get crushed or prevailed over.

This is why HE said contend to enforce and establish it in your space. It's like
buying a piece of land and making the required amount. But you did not get your
certificate of occupancy (obtainable in my country; Nigeria), another can come
with the certificate of occupancy and lay claim of your land; even though you
purchased it.

It's the same in the spirit realm, the fact that your victory has been secured does
not mean automatic victory. You must contend and contend rightly!

The devil operates by placing an image that sponsors fear through either dreams,
stories you have heard, experiences of men (especially family members) and evil
testimonies, such that when you want to stand in your Priestly office, those
images pop up and it punctures your faith and cripples your spiritual stamina

And the moment your convictions are tampered with your weapons of warfare
will be of little or no effect. This is one thing I had to deal with! When I began to
notice patterns and certain traits, I began to pray but as I was praying, images
popped up, dreams showed up! But thank God I held and kept my gaze fixed on
the provisions made available in Christ! I began to war undistracted!

There were days I felt strange atmospheres around, strange entities pass by at mid
nights hour but thank God I did not yield to them. The death and resurrection of
Christ would have been made void in my life!
What do you fear? That which you fear is a lie!!!! It's a lie! Your reality is in
Christ and it's documented within the scriptures that you are in Christ and you are
one with Him!

Quickly, two channels victory or subversion occurs in the spirit realm!

It's captured in Colossians 2:14-15
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was
contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having
spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing
over them in it.
1. By Legalities
2. By Power/Force

See the Amplified version of Verse 14
AMP: Having cancelled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the
note (bond) with its legal decrees and demands which was in force and stood
against us (hostile to us). This [note with its regulations, decrees, and demands]
He set aside and cleared completely out of our way by nailing it to [His] cross.

This is the strategy of darkness where deception is used to cause a believer to

fault spiritual laws or the laws of God, thus bringing that believer outside the
covering of God, where he can be struck.

That is in simple terms; the believer used his hand to "do" himself

In Numbers 23:20-24, Balack hired Balaam to curse the Israel of God but could
not! They were impregnable!

But in Revelation 2:14, Jesus revealed to us the strategy the enemy used to strike
Revelation 2:14
But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the
doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the
children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

They were brought out of the covering of God. You see why disobedience us
grievous! You rebuke every form and manifestation of disobedience when your
obedience is full.

I got involved in a case of a man of God who became insane (mad). On getting
there, I perceived something foul in the air. Then I was told that periodically he
regains consciousness. I didn't bother to pray! I just told them when he is
conscious, please call me!

He has legally incurred that on himself and my prayers would be unfruitful. I was
not called on again oh. You see many of us are using power for the things if
wisdom. Wisdom shows us the righteous demands of forces!

In many cases, curses are products of one or many spiritual laws. You are praying
for a land or territory to open for the gospel, and that territory at some point has
shed a lot of innocent blood, you don't use force oh. Those demons have secured
permanent residence by virtue of the blood crying for vengeance!

You introduce THE BLOOD OF JESUS!!!

The Blood of Jesus is the legal payment made for any legal issue!
The Blood of Jesus when introduced silences any legal demand!
Tonight, I engage the Blood of Jesus and declare that every battle, storm you are
in or find hard to establish victory is hereby OVER!!!
Whether it's your sins, fathers, territory or children, THE BLOOD IS THE
PAYMENT MADE!!! Lift up the Blood and the enemy stays at bay!
Have you heard of the word transgressions or transgressor? Any evil or demonic
entity that gained dominance in your space by reason of transgression is kicked
out as we lift up the blood of Jesus!

Now you know why holiness and genuine consecration is not an issue of
argument! Whenever any accusation is laid against you in the spirit realm or in
any court session while contending for your generation or your destiny, JUST

Can someone cry THE BLOOD OF JESUS!!!

Number two channel - BY FORCE/POWER

There are cases where without the will of a man, he is brought under bondage.
You see, the will of a man can only be of spiritual relevance in the spiritual
warfare when it is powered by a spirit entity. The mad man of Gadara will cry at
nights and desire to be free but after weeping he returns back to the state of

Your will and determination is not enough to be free from that addiction,
oppression, YOU NEED POWER!

Power in the kingdom is made available via several streams;

1. The Name of Jesus
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they
cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

2. By Revelation
Spiritual Illumination sparks the power resident in your spirit. When revelation
comes, the power in its potential state is converted to a working one! The day I
found Luke 10:19 and Light came!!!! POWER was sparked!! It's intoxicating!!!
You engage in warfare with a superior consciousness sponsored by
3. By building a strong Spirit!
One of the pointers of a strong spirit is discernment. Through prayers and
exposing yourself to the atmosphere of His word and Spirit, you build up your

I see God helping us in Jesus Name!!!

The last time you saw defeat is the last time you will see defeat!
A Path has been opened unto you!
And that pathway is called THE WAY OF VICTORS!!
Rise and contend till all you see in your space is Christliness!
Contend with the Word!
Contend in yieldedness to The Spirit of God and obedience to His Instructions!
Engage with the right perspective!
Blessed be God who has caused us to triumph in Christ Jesus!

God bless you! Thank you for having me tonight! I love you!

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