Chapter 1: Installation Prerequisites For Linux
Chapter 1: Installation Prerequisites For Linux
Chapter 1: Installation Prerequisites For Linux
This document describes the steps necessary to correctly install and configure all ANSYS, Inc. products
on Linux platforms for Release 2020 R2. These products include:
– ANSYS Autodyn
– ANSYS Chemkin
– ANSYS Energico
– ANSYS EnSight
– ANSYS Forte
– ANSYS TurboGrid
• ANSYS Offshore
– ANSYS Aqwa
• ANSYS Platform
– ANSYS optiSLang
Release Release 2020 R2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1
Installation Prerequisites for Linux
– ANSYS Mechanical Products (includes Mechanical APDL, Mechanical and ANSYS Composite PrepPost,
where supported)
– CATIA, Version 5
– NX
– Parasolid
Notes Not all products may be available on all Linux platforms. See the remainder of this document
for detailed information on which products are available on which platforms.
At Release 2020 R2, ANSYS BladeGen, Vista CCD, Vista CPD, Vista RTD, and Vista AFD are not supported
on Linux platforms.
ANSYS Workbench is installed by default as product components to most ANSYS, Inc. products. ANSYS
Workbench is not installed as part of the products under ANSYS Additional Tools. ANSYS Workbench
includes the following applications:
• DesignModeler
• Design Exploration
• Meshing
• Fluent Meshing
• EKM Client
Important Notice
If you wish to run multiple releases of ANSYS, Inc. software, you MUST install them chronologically (that
is, Release 2020 R1 followed by Release 2020 R2). If you install an earlier release after installing Release
2020 R2, you will encounter licensing issues that may prevent you from running any products/releases.
If you need to install an earlier release after you have already installed Release 2020 R2, you MUST un-
install Release 2020 R2, then re-install the releases in order.
Release Release 2020 R2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
2 information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
System Prerequisites
• The ANSYS optiSLang product has been added to the ANSYS installation program.
Supported Platforms for High Performance Computing See the discussions on Configuring Distrib-
uted ANSYS and Configuring ANSYS CFX Parallel for detailed information on supported platforms for
distributed computing.
Supported Products By Platform For a complete list of products supported by each platform, see
the Platform Support by Application PDF on the Platform Support section of the ANSYS Website.
A = Mechanical APDL
W = ANSYS Workbench
I = ANSYS ICEM CFD (standalone and ANSYS Workbench Readers)
Linux x64
CATIA 4.2.4 A, I
CATIA V5–6R2018 W, I
Parasolid 30.0 A, W, I
Release Release 2020 R2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3
Installation Prerequisites for Linux
Linux x64
ACIS 2018 A, W, I 1
NX 10.0 A, W, I
NX 11.0 A, W, I
NX 12.0 A, W, I
STEP AP203, AP214 A, W, I
IGES A 2, W, I 3
Rhinoceros I4
1. For ANSYS ICEM CFD standalone, ACIS 18.0.1 is the supported version for all platforms.
2. MAPDL supports 5.1 by default, but 5.2 is also supported if the IOPTN command is used.
Release Release 2020 R2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
4 information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Requirements for the GPU Accelerator in Mechanical APDL
Memory Requirements You must have a minimum of 8 GB of memory to run product installations;
16 or 32 GB of memory is recommended.
• The machine(s) being used for the simulation must contain at least one NVIDIA GPU card. The following
cards are recommended:
• When using the sparse solver or eigensolvers based on the sparse direct solver (for example, Block Lanczos
or subspace), only NVIDIA GPU devices with significant double precision performance (FP64) are recom-
mended in order to achieve optimal performance. These include the following models:
• NVIDIA GPU devices with at least 16GB of on-card memory are recommended in order to achieve mean-
ingful acceleration for most simulations in which the GPU card can be used.
• For NVIDIA GPU cards, the driver version must be 410.93 or newer.
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information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 5
Installation Prerequisites for Linux
• To utilize a NVIDIA GPU device that is not on the recommended list of cards, set the following environment
This is most beneficial when you wish to run on newer NVIDIA GPUs that were not available at the
time of release of this version of the ANSYS program. If you choose to use this environment variable,
you should ensure that the NVIDIA GPU device that you wish to use is sufficiently powerful, in terms
of both double-precision compute power and on-card memory, to achieve meaningful acceleration
for your simulation. Using this environment variable with an underpowered CPU may actually decel-
erate your simulation.
• 8 GB of RAM
• A current default web browser must be installed to view the ANSYS internet-based help documentation.
For a complete list of supported browsers, see the Browser Support PDF on the Platform Support
section of the ANSYS Website.
Note that Google Chrome does not support the Linux platforms that ANSYS supports.
For a local copy of the product documentation on your system, download an installable version from
the ANSYS Download Center. Instructions for installing the Local Help are included with the download
• TCP/IP for the license manager (see the ANSYS Licensing Guide for more information on TCP/IP)
• Approximately twice as much swap space as memory. The amount of memory swap space on the system
may limit the size of the model that can be created and/or solved.
• Discrete graphics card with the latest drivers and compatible with the supported operating systems. For
full functionality, use of a recent NVIDIA Quadro or AMD FirePro card with at least 1 GB of discrete video
memory and supporting OpenGL version 4.5 or above. Intel Iris Pro Integrated graphics has also been
used successfully.
For information on the most recently tested graphics cards, see the Graphics Cards TestedPDF on
the Platform Support section of the ANSYS Website.
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6 information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Third-Party Software and Other Security Considerations
• A minimum screen resolution of: 1024 x 768 (4:3 aspect ratio), 1366 x 768 (16:9 aspect ratio) or 1280 x
800 (16:10 aspect ratio) with minimum 24 bit color. A higher screen resolution such as 1920x1080 (16:9)
or 1920x1200 (16:10) is strongly recommended for most applications.
– A number of cosmetic display issues have been reported when running the installation
program on Linux platforms using AMD graphics cards. These issues do not affect the
installation functionality.
– Ultra High Definition (4K) Graphics Cards: Use of Ultra High Definition (4K) graphics
cards may cause a number of cosmetic display issues (including enlarged or reduced
text and incorrect positioning of option labels). These issues do not affect the function-
ality of the installation program.
• Mesa-libGL (OpenGL) is required to run data-integrated ANSYS Workbench applications such as Mechan-
• For most applications, a three-button mouse is required to access all available functionality.
• PDF reader software is required to read the installation guides and other user documentation.
• Running ANSYS Fluent or ANSYS CFX on Cray systems requires a minimum of Cray Linux Environment 6.0
update 03 (based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12).
• For ANSYS CFX on Cray systems, in order to use the command-line application cfx5mondata, you must
ensure that library is installed.
ANSYS, Inc. products may have softlinks that require 777 permissions. In addition, the following third-
party products are known to contain softlinks that require 777 permissions:
• CPython
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information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 7
Installation Prerequisites for Linux
• MainWin
• Mono
• Perl
• Python
• Qt
• Qwt
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8 information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.