PROPERTY (Art. 75; Chapter 3, Title IV, Family (Art 105; Chapter 4, Title IV, Family Code)
(Chapter 6, Title IV, Family Code)
REGIME Code) Group Members: Saguibo, Llamera, Ocampo,
Group Members: Cas, De Guzman,
Group Members: Lising, Asiatico, Cruz, Galapon, Painaga and Gemoto
Duro, Jose and Lappay
Aguedan, Villamayor and Villapando
In this regime, the husband and wife are In this regime, everything earned (gained) by the In this regime, each spouse retains
joint owners or co-owners of all the husband and wife during the marriage belongs to the ownership, management and
properties of the marriage. Almost conjugal partnership. control of his or her property
everything is owned in common. brought into the marriage and of the
Under this regime of conjugal partnership of gains, the property he or she acquired during
husband and wife place in a common fund the the marriage, including all the fruits
DEFINITION proceeds, products , fruits and income from their and accessions, but under the
separate properties and those acquired by either or obligation to contribute
both spouses through their efforts or by chance, and, proportionately to the family
upon dissolution of the marriage or of the partnership expenses.
or benefits obtained by either or both spouses shall be
divided equally between them, unless otherwise agreed
in the marriage settlements.
NATURE Supplementing Law. Provisions of co- Supplementing Law. Provisions of partnership shall Supplementing Law.
ownership shall apply suppletorily (90) apply suppletorily (108) Article 143. Should the future
spouses agree in the marriage
The spouses are not co-owners of the conjugal settlements that their property
property. They only have a mere expectancy or relations during marriage shall be
inchoate right to the conjugal property. governed by the REGIME OF
provisions of this Chapter shall be
suppletory ( 212a )
Commencement. ACP shall commence Commencement. CPG shall commence at the precise Commencement.
at the precise moment the marriage is moment when the marriage ceremony is celebrated.
celebrated. Any stipulation at any other Properties are separate even
time shall be void (88) prior to marriage.
Waiver. No waiver of rights, shares and Waiver. Art. 107. The rules provided in Articles 88 and Waiver.
effects of ACP during the marriage can 89 shall also apply to conjugal partnership of gains. For complete separation of
be made, EXC: judicial separation of properties.
property. (89) No waiver of rights, shares and effects of the absolute
community of property during the marriage can be But in case of Partial Separation of
made except in case of judicial separation of property. Property, no waiver for properties
(89) not agreed upon as separate since
it is either ACP or CPG.
COMMUNITY What constitutes as community What constitutes conjugal property? Separation of Property maybe (1)
OR CONJUGAL present, (2) future or (3) both
PROPERTY Unless otherwise provided in this Under Art. 116 of the Family Code. All property
Chapter or in the marriage settlements, acquired during the marriage, whether acquisition to It may also be (1) total or (2) partial
the community property shall consist of have been made, contracted or registered in the name
all the property owned by the spouses at of one or both spouses, is presumed to be conjugal In partial separation of property, it
the time of the celebration of the unless the contrary is provided. (160a) can be said that the conjugal
marriage or acquired thereafter. (91) partnership partnership of gains or
The following are conjugal partnership properties: the absolute community, also
Property acquired during the marriage is exists.
presumed to belong to the community,
unless it is proved that it is one of those 1. Those acquired by onerous title during (Art 144)
excluded therefrom. (93) marriage at the expense of the common fund,
whether the acquisition be for the partnership, Both spouses shall bear family
or for only one of the spouses; expenses in proportion to their
2. Those obtained from the labor, industry, work income or in case of insufficiency,
or profession of either or both of the spouses; or default thereof, to the current
3. The fruits, natural , industrial, or civil, due or market value of their separate
received during the marriage from the common properties.
property, as well as the net fruits from the
exclusive property of each spouse The liability of the spouses to
4. Those acquired through occupation such as creditors for family expenses shall
fishing or hunting however, be solitary.
5. Those acquired by chance, such as winnings
from gambling or betting. However, losses
therefrom shall be borne exclusively by the (Article 146)
lose-spouse. (153A, 154,155,159)
Presumption. Presumption.
Property acquired before marriage and All property acquired during the marriage, whether the
fruits of the said properties, General acquisition appears to have been made,contracted or
rule: Common registered in the name of one or both spouses, is
presumed to be conjugal.
Property acquired before the
marriage by either spouse
who has legitimate
descendants by a former
marriage, and the fruits as
well as the income, if any, of
such property (92.3)
Acquired by Donation during
marriage - Exclusive
Fruits of the Donated property -
Personal/ Exclusive Use
(Clothes) - Exclusive
Either spouse may dispose by will of his
or her interest in the community
property. (97)
Art. 92. The following shall be excluded 1. That which is brought to the marriage as his/her
from the community property: own
2. That which each acquires during the marriage
(1) Property acquired during the by gratuitous title
marriage by gratuitous title by either 3. That which each acquires during the marriage
spouse, and the fruits as well as the by the right of redemption by barter or exchange
income thereof, if any, unless it is with property belonging to only one of the
expressly provided by the donor, testator spouses
or grantor that they shall form part of the 4. That which is purchased with exclusive money
community property; of the wife or of the husband (ART 148A CC)
(2) Property for personal and exclusive
use of either spouse. However, jewelry
shall form part of the community
What shall the exclusive property be What shall the exclusive property be liable for?
liable for?
Art. 110. The spouses retain the ownership,
Section 3. Charges and Obligations of possession, administration and enjoyment of their
the Absolute Community exclusive properties.
Art. 94. The absolute community of Either spouse may, during the marriage, transfer the
property shall be liable for: administration of his or her exclusive property to the
other by means of a public instrument, which shall be
(1) The support of the spouses, their recorded in the registry of property of the place the
common children, and legitimate property is located. (137a, 168a, 169a)
children of either spouse; however, the
support of illegitimate children shall be Art. 111. A spouse of age may mortgage, encumber,
governed by the provisions of this Code alienate or otherwise dispose of his or her exclusive
on Support; property, without the consent of the other spouse, and
appear alone in court to litigate with regard to the
(2) All debts and obligations contracted same. (n)
during the marriage by the designated
administrator-spouse for the benefit of Art. 112. The alienation of any exclusive property of a
the community, or by both spouses, or spouse administered by the other automatically
by one spouse with the consent of the terminates the administration over such property and
other; the proceeds of the alienation shall be turned over to
the owner-spouse. (n)
(3) Debts and obligations contracted by
either spouse without the consent of the Art. 113. Property donated or left by will to the spouses,
other to the extent that the family may jointly and with designation of determinate shares, shall
have been benefited; pertain to the donee-spouses as his or her own
exclusive property, and in the absence of designation,
(4) All taxes, liens, charges and share and share alike, without prejudice to the right of
expenses, including major or minor accretion when proper. (150a)
repairs, upon the community property;
Art. 114. If the donations are onerous, the amount of
(5) All taxes and expenses for mere
the charges shall be borne by the exclusive property of
preservation made during marriage upon
the donee spouse, whenever they have been advanced
the separate property of either spouse
by the conjugal partnership of gains. (151a)
used by the family;
(6) Expenses to enable either spouse to Art. 115. Retirement benefits, pensions, annuities,
commence or complete a professional or gratuities, usufructs and similar benefits shall be
vocational course, or other activity for governed by the rules on gratuitous or onerous
self-improvement; acquisitions as may be proper in each case. (n)
Art. 99. The absolute community In the conjugal partnership of gains, however, the
terminates: separate properties of the spouses are returned
1. Upon the death of either spouse;
2. When there is a decree of legal Upon the dissolution of the partnership are divided
separation equally between the spouses of their heirs.
3. When the marriage is annulled or
declared void; or
4. In case of judicial separation of Conjugal partnership is terminated by:
property during the marriage
under Articles 134 to 138. 1. Death of either spouse;
2. Legal separation;
Art. 100. The separation in fact between 3. Annulment or Declaration of Nullity; 4. Judicial
husband and wife shall not affect the separation of property during marriage (FC, Art. 126).
regime of absolute community except
1. The spouse who leaves the
conjugal home or refuses to live
therein, without just cause, shall
not have the right to be
2. When the consent of one spouse
to any transaction of the other is
required by law, judicial
authorization shall be obtained in
a summary proceeding;
3. In the absence of sufficient
community property, the
separate property of both
spouses shall be solidarily liable
for the support of the family. The
spouse present shall, upon
proper petition in a summary
proceeding, be given judicial
authority to administer or
encumber any specific separate
property of the other spouse and
use the fruits or proceeds thereof
to satisfy the latter’s share.
Section 6 Article 129 of the Family Code states that “Upon the
dissolution of the conjugal partnership regime, the
Art. 102. Upon dissolution of the absolute following procedure shall apply:
community regime:
1. Inventory of all the properties;
(1) An inventory shall be prepared,
2. Restitution of advances made to each of the
listing separately all the properties of spouses;
the absolute community and the
exclusive properties of each spouse. 3. Reimbursement for use of exclusive funds;
(2) The debts and obligations of the
4. Debts and obligations of the CP are paid;
absolute community shall be paid out
of its assets. In case of insufficiency of
said assets, the spouses shall be 5. Delivery of exclusive properties;
solidarily liable for the unpaid balance
with their separate properties in 6. Payment of losses and deterioration of movables
accordance with the provisions of the belonging to each of the spouses;
second paragraph of Article 94.
7. Division of the net conjugal partnership;
(3) Whatever remains of the exclusive
properties of the spouses shall 8. Delivery of the common children’s presumptive
thereafter be delivered to each of legitimes;
9. Adjudication of conjugal dwelling and custody of
(4) The net remainder of the properties
common children
of the absolute community shall
constitute its net assets, which shall be
divided equally between husband and
wife, unless a different proportion or
division was agreed upon in the
marriage settlements, or unless there
has been a voluntary waiver of such
share provided in this Code. For
purpose of computing the net profits
subject to forfeiture in accordance with
Liquidation of community property if the
Articles 43, No. (2) and 63, No. (2), the
termination of the marriage by death
said profits shall be the increase in
value between the market value of the
community property at the time of the Upon termination of marriage by death, the community
celebration of the marriage and the property shall be liquidated in the same proceeding for
market value at the time of its the settlement of the estate of the deceased spouse
dissolution. (FC,Art. 130).
(5) The presumptive legitimes of the If no judicial settlement proceeding is instituted, the
common children shall be delivered surviving spouse shall liquidate the conjugal
upon partition, in accordance with partnership property either judicially or extrajudicially
Article 51. within 6 months from the death of the deceased
spouse. If upon the lapse of the 6 month period no
liquidation is made, any disposition or encumbrance
(6) Unless otherwise agreed upon by involving the conjugal partnership property of the
the parties, in the partition of the terminated marriage shall be void.
properties, the conjugal dwelling and
the lot on which it is situated shall be Should the surviving spouse contract a subsequent
adjudicated to the spouse with whom marriage without compliance with the foregoing
the majority of the common children requirements, a mandatory regime of complete
choose to remain. Children below the
separation of property shall govern the property
age of seven years are deemed to
relations of the subsequent marriage.
have chosen the mother, unless the
court has decided otherwise. In case
there in no such majority, the court
shall decide, taking into consideration
the best interests of said children. (n)
PROPERTY Parties are capacitated to marry each other (147) Parties are NOT capacitated to marry each other (148)
UNIONS Cayabyab, Hipolito, Medico, Mendoza, and Regis
(Chapter 7, Title IV,
Family Code)
Rules on wages Owned in equal shares Earnings of the bigamous spouse should belong to the
and salaries *Article 147, Paragraph 1 real, actual and legal partnership (with the first spouse),
Rules on property Properties acquired during cohabitation shall be Only the properties acquired by both of the parties
acquired during presumed to have been obtained by their joint efforts, work through their actual joint contribution of money, property
cohabitation or industry, and shall be owned by them in equal shares. and industry shall be owned by them in common in
*Article 147, Paragraph 2 proportion to their respective contributions. (Agapay v.
A party who did not participate in the acquisition by the Palang, G.R No. 116726, July 28, 1997)
other party of any property shall be deemed to have
contributed jointly in the acquisition thereof if the former's - Mere cohabitation without proof of contribution will not
efforts consisted in the care and maintenance of the family result in a co-ownership.
and of the household
*Article 147, Paragraph 2 - Such contributions and corresponding shares were
prima facie presumed to be equal.
Rules on Neither party can encumber or dispose by acts inter vivos of Property of each that is not in co-ownership, such
encumbrances and his or her share in the property acquired during cohabitation as when bought by their money had before they
disposition and owned in common, without the consent of the other, until lived together, or acquired from fruits of their
after the termination of their cohabitation. separate properties, will belong to each separately
*Article 147, Paragraph 3 and exclusively.
The parties may have no capacity to marry or are
suffering under some legal impediment to marry
each other.
The share of the other party (not validly married to
another), will pertain to him or her if he or she did
not know of the marriage of the unfaithful partner.
Rules on forfeiture 1. When only one of the parties to a void marriage is in If a party who has acted in bad faith is not validly married
good faith, the share of the party in bad faith in the co- to another, his or her share shall be forfeited in the
ownership shall be forfeited in favor of their common following manner:
2. In case of default of or waiver by any or all of the
common children or their descendants, each vacant 1. In favor of their common children.
share shall belong to the respective surviving 2. In case of default of or waiver by any or all common
descendants. children or their descendants, each vacant share
3. In the absence of descendants, such share shall
belong to the innocent party. In all cases, the forfeiture shall belong to the respective surviving
shall take place upon termination of the cohabitation. descendants.
*Article 147, Paragraph 4 3. In the absence of descendants, such shares shall
belong to the innocent party.
*the foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise apply
even if both parties are in bad faith - Art. 148, par. 2 FC