Date: Decanted By:: Decantation Checklist
Date: Decanted By:: Decantation Checklist
Date: Decanted By:: Decantation Checklist
g. TT Helper (crew) secures the with wooden wedges at the tyres (One in Front and one at the Back)
h. 2 Fire Extinguishers are placed (One in Front and one at the Back) Earthing Wire connected
i. Ensure TT is bonded with Earthing Strip
j. Cordon off TT decantation area by placing chain link traffic cones near TT
a. Check the following Document for correctness Invoice for…
i. Loading Location
ii. TT Registration Number
iii. Ensure product Batch NO, Temp and Density is PRINTED legibly NOT Handwritten
b. TEC (Transporter's Card)
c. LR (Lorry Receipt)
d. Validity of PESO certificate
e. Valid Driving License
f. TT W&M (weights and Measurements) Calibration Certificate and Insurance Validity
g. Check Dip Rod for Seal and validity
h. Check Dip Line and proof Line matches with TT Calibration Certificate
Cross Check the proof line and the dip line details with a measuring tape/master dip rod. A variation of
i. ±2mm (per TT compartment) and ±6 mm overall for all compartments put together of the dip or the proof
length on the dip rod is acceptable.
j. Check ABLOY Locks are intact (Both Top & Bottom) and match with INVOICE
Check number of Leaf Springs / Fish Plates are same on each Side and NOT tilted. Also, look for any extra
pipe found in and around TT Cabin.
l. Check Bottom Pipelines for any Grease/ New paint/ Nuts/ Studs.
m. Check there are NO under/over Inflated Tyres.
n. Verify no Inconsistencies in welds and hinges are welded as per guidelines
o. Check HOSE PIPE is free of cracks and cuts and not twisted (i.e. electrically continuous)
p. Ensure 'TT Lever arrived in up position and sealed. Check SEAL Serial NOS matching with INVOICE
q. Open Mechanical lock of TT.
a. Climb on top of TT and verify SEAL Nos matching with INVOICE, and open
b. Put the Lever down
c. Open Dome Cover and remove Cap of Fill Pipe, Vent opening and Dip Pipe
d. Allow TT to stand 10 minutes
Apply water finding paste to the bottom of dip rod and take a rough dip of all the TT compartments using
oil-finding paste near DL mark on TT dip rod.
b. Check for water in all compartments.
Apply oil-finding paste 2-3 cm on either side of the dip mark on the dip rod for the particular
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Sr.No Process Tick Remarks
Lower rod very slowly in the dip pipe of TT compartment & allow it to touch the datum plate (bottom)
with the actual proof line (top of hatch socket) tallying with that indicated on the dip rod.
e. Withdraw dip rod immediately and measure difference between D/L on dip rod and Actual Product Level
Calculate Top up/ Drain Out quantity by multiplying this difference with appropriate Micro calibration
factor per compartment capacity(5KL Chamber 3.5ltr/1mm ,4KL Chamber 3litr/1mm). If product level is
f. lower than D/L, it is TOP up. if product level is above
g. Repeat for all compartments and calculate the whole Dip shortage.
Scoop out product from top of respective compartment and record density and temperature of product
using Hydrometer and Thermometer.
Temperature Variation Allowance =(Observed Temp- Loading Temp)x(Tank Size)x0.84.
i. Actual Shortage=(DIP Shortage + Temperature Variation Allowance)
j. Convert density at natural to density @ 15 Degrees Celsius using ASTM Table 53 B
k. Compare density of all compartments with 15o C density recorded on Invoice. The maximum variation
l. Note variation, in the two density readings allowed is ± 0.0030 for any compartment
m. Re-measure density for any compartment out of tolerance with master Set.
n. If still out of Tolerance, contact Supply Location.
Have crew removed 20 Liters (using Calibrated Measuring Can) of product from Faucet valve of each of
the compartments. Pour it in to Aluminum bucket, ensure bonding is done.
p. Observe fall in product level in corresponding compartment to ensure that pipeline was full.
Visually inspect the water or sludge after 5 minutes of settling time, If impurities continue to appear even
after removing 50 liter, contact supply location.
In case clear product is coming in each compartment before reaching 50 liter limit, collect the
r. impurities/water/sludge together and measure the quantity and add in case of overall top up and
subtract in case of drain out quantity as per step
Collect clean sample from faucet valve for bottom density measurement. Observe sample temperature
and density
t. Convert density at ambient to density @ 15 Degrees Celsius using ASTM Table 53 B
u. Check if density variation is ±0.0030 with respect to INVOICE Density
v. Repeat for all compartments.
w. Prepare Bottom Composite Sample by mixing individual Bottom Samples.
x. Convert density at ambient to density @ 15 Degrees Celsius using ASTM Table 53 B
y. Check if density variation is ±0.0030 with respect to INVOICE Density, record it
z.. Prepare Bottom Composite Samples in Aluminum Containers (HSD 2samples per UST)
Aa.. Seal (plastic seal) and label the containers take signatures of TT crew.
a. Check Inventory of the receiving fuel If has multiple tanks (if location has multiple tanks of same product)
Based on Tank Ullage decide on tank to receive fuel. Confirm with TT Crew, If multiple tanks of same
product, close valve to isolate tank. (ln case of Master Slave arrangement)
c. Open fill pipe lock
The earth reel on the TT connected to the receiving tank/fill point perform a final Check Of all
e. Record initial dip / stock in UST (Pre Decantation Stock)
Pour good product collected in barrel into storage tank (product collected for density, 20 liters from
Faucet Valve etc.)
g. Have TT Crew Connect the hose pipe to the storage tank fill pipe to TT compartment "1 discharge faucet
h. Place Aluminum bucket duly bonded with the TT below TT compartment manifold.
i. Are all the 3 covers inside the dome open before discharging of product?
j. Stop all transactions (Fueling).
a. Have crew open TT faucet valve, ensure no leakage.
b. Confirm flow of product by feel and listen for hum (sound).
c. Confirm when flow is exhausted.
d. Crew closes the discharge valve
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Decantation Checklist
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