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ECG (Electrocardiogram) Tracings: Capitol University College of Nursing

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Capitol University

College of Nursing

ECG (Electrocardiogram) Tracings

Submitted by: Riel C. Tumanda


Submitted to: Dennis Medalle

Clinical Instructor
As the heart undergoes depolarization and repolarization, the electrical currents that are
generated spread not only within the heart, but also throughout the body. This electrical
activity generated by the heart can be measured by an array of electrodes placed on the
body surface. The recorded tracing is called an electrocardiogram (ECG, or EKG).
The different waves that comprise the ECG represent the sequence of depolarization
and repolarization of the atria and ventricles. The ECG is recorded at a speed of 25
mm/sec, and the voltages are calibrated so that 1 mV = 10 mm in the vertical direction.
Therefore, each small 1-mm square represents 0.04 sec (40 msec) in time and 0.1 mV
in voltage. Because the recording speed is standardized, one can calculate the heart
rate from the intervals between different waves.

P wave

The P wave represents the wave of depolarization that spreads from the SA node
throughout the atria, and is usually 0.08 to 0.1 seconds (80-100 ms) in duration. The
brief isoelectric (zero voltage) period after the P wave represents the time in which the
impulse is traveling within the AV node (where the conduction velocity is greatly
retarded) and the bundle of His. Atrial rate can be calculated by determining the time
interval between P waves. The period of time from the onset of the P wave to the
beginning of the QRS complex is termed the P-R interval, which normally ranges from
0.12 to 0.20 seconds in duration. This interval represents the time between the onset of
atrial depolarization and the onset of ventricular depolarization. If the P-R interval is
>0.2 sec, there is an AV conduction block, which is also termed a first-degree heart
block if the impulse is still able to be conducted into the ventricles.
QRS complex

The QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization. Ventricular rate can be

calculated by determining the time interval between QRS complexes. The duration of
the QRS complex is normally 0.06 to 0.1 seconds. This relatively short duration
indicates that ventricular depolarization normally occurs very rapidly. If the QRS
complex is prolonged (> 0.1 sec), conduction is impaired within the ventricles. This can
occur with bundle branch blocks or whenever a ventricular foci (abnormal pacemaker
site) becomes the pacemaker driving the ventricle. Such an ectopic foci nearly always
results in impulses being conducted over slower pathways within the heart, thereby
increasing the time for depolarization and the duration of the QRS complex.

The shape of the QRS complex in the above figure is idealized. In fact, the shape
changes depending on which recording electrodes are being used. The shape will also
change when there is abnormal conduction of electrical impulses within the ventricles.

ST segment

The isoelectric period (ST segment) following the QRS is the time at which the entire
ventricle is depolarized and roughly corresponds to the plateau phase of the ventricular
action potential. The ST segment is important in the diagnosis of ventricular ischemia
or hypoxia because under those conditions, the ST segment can become either
depressed or elevated.

T wave

The T wave represents ventricular repolarization and is longer in duration than

depolarization (i.e., conduction of the repolarization wave is slower than the wave of
depolarization). Sometimes a small positive U wave may be seen following the T wave
(not shown in figure at top of page). This wave represents the last remnants of
ventricular repolarization. Inverted or prominent U waves indicate underlying pathology
or conditions affecting repolarization.

Q-T interval

The Q-T interval represents the time for both ventricular depolarization and
repolarization to occur, and therefore roughly estimates the duration of an average
ventricular action potential. This interval can range from 0.2 to 0.4 seconds depending
upon heart rate. At high heart rates, ventricular action potentials shorten in duration,
which decreases the Q-T interval. Because prolonged Q-T intervals can be diagnostic
for susceptibility to certain types of tachyarrhythmias, it is important to determine if a
given Q-T interval is excessively long. In practice, the Q-T interval is expressed as a
"corrected Q-T (QTc)" by taking the Q-T interval and dividing it by the square root of the
R-R interval (interval between ventricular depolarizations). This allows an assessment
of the Q-T interval that is independent of heart rate. Normal corrected Q-Tc intervals
are less than 0.44 seconds.

There is no distinctly visible wave representing atrial repolarization in the ECG because
it occurs during ventricular depolarization. Because the wave of atrial repolarization is
relatively small in amplitude (i.e., has low voltage), it is masked by the much larger
ventricular-generated QRS complex.

Examples of ECG Tracing Results:

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