Rules For Moot Court
Rules For Moot Court
Rules For Moot Court
Constitution of the team will be as per the division unless contrary appears. Each team
shall be constituting by six members unless otherwise required. Each Team will upload
the softcopy of memorial on turnitin by following the role so assigned in .pdf format by
1. 12/03/2021 for Fourth Tutorial
2. 23/03/2021 for Fifth Tutorial
1. Memorial Structure: The memorial must have following pages only:
i. Cover Page – The cover page shall contain the case title, side of the memorial-name of
court, year of case and number on top right corner, names of team members.
ii. Table of Contents
iii. List of Abbreviations
iv. Index of Authorities
v. Statement of Jurisdiction
vi. Statement of Facts
vii. Issues Raised
viii. Summary of Arguments
ix. Pleading
x. Prayer
Content Specifications: The following content specifications must be strictly adhered to:
i. Font and Size (General) - Times New Roman, 12 pts
ii. Line Spacing (General) - 1.5 lines
iii. Font and Size (Footnotes) - Times New Roman, 10 pts
iv. Line Spacing (Footnotes) - Single line
v. Page Margins - 1 inch on all sides
vi. The Hard Copies of the Memorial shall be printed by both the sides.
vii. The citation should be in compliance with the 20th edition of Bluebook. Speaking
footnotes or Endnotes are not allowed.
The pages for each Moot Exercise shall not be less than 10 and not more than 15
(Excluding point no i to v)
1. Marking Criteria: (Each for 25 Marks): -
1. Observations of Rules relating to Pleading: 5
2. Observance of Law and authorities: 4
3. Written Arguments and formatting: 4
4. Timely Submission- 02
2. For Oral Round
i. Preparation and familiarity with facts – 3marks
ii. Knowledge & Application of Law Organization, Presentation, Speaking Ability -3
iii. Responsiveness to the questions, persuasiveness and advocacy -2
vi. Courtroom Etiquette -2
Note: The notice for oral rounds with slot will be provided separately. Student shall
appear for presentation without fail. The presentation would be team wise. There would
only be one round for each team to contest the issues. The team performing the role of
petitioner will act as a respondent in next round and The team performing the role of
respondent will act as a petitioner in next round accordingly. Oral rounds will be
followed by draw of lots.
All clarifications regarding (Subject - Moot Court Exercises and Internship) should be
sent to .