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10 TLE-Cookery Third: Division School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Time & Dates Quarter I. Objectives

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Division Lanao del Norte

School Salvador National High School Grade Level 10

Teacher Cecelia A. Abalo Learning Area TLE-Cookery
Time & Dates Quarter Third


The learners demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts

A. Content Standards
and underlying theories in preparing sauces.

B. Performance
The learners apply a variety of sauces used in different cultures

LO 3. Prepare sauces required for menu items

3.4 Use of thickening agents and convenience products
C. Learning
Competencies/ At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
Objectives (Write a. explain how to use thickening agents and convenience products
the code for each appropriately.
LC) b. prepare a sauce using thickening agents and convenience
products appropriately.
c. discuss the significance of cleanliness

D. Specific Objective

E. Integration of
Content Within
and Across
Role of Thickening Agents and Convenience Products in the Preparation of
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s
p. 274 -275
Material Pages

3. Textbook Pages None

4. Additional
Materials from None
LR Portal
B. Other Learning
CG p. 22

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s

What was our lesson last

Last meeting we were able to identify
the types of thickening agents and
Very good. convenience products use in
preparing a sauce.
To make you recall the things
you’ve learned from our
previous discussion, let us do
this activity.
A. Reviewing Identify the pictures shown by
previous lesson standing if the picture is a
or presenting thickening agent and remain be
the new lesson seated if it is fats.

1. 2. 1. Stand – Thickening agent

2. Seat - Fats
2. Stand – Thickening agent
3. Seat - Fats
3. 4.

Why do we need to understand We need to understand role of the

B. Establishing a the role of thickening agents thickening agents and convenience
purpose for the and convenience products in the products in the preparation of a sauce
lesson preparation of a sauce. so that we can properly use them
according to the ratio needed in the
sauce we’ve planned to prepare.

What can you say about the The pictures shown are different
pictures? starches.

C. Presenting What is the role of these Cornstarch and others starches are
examples/ starches in a sauce? used to thicken the sauce.
instances of the
new lesson Very good.
These are just one of the
ingredients in making sauces.
Today, we will discuss the Role
of the thickening agents and the .
different convenience products
in the preparation of the sauce.

D. Discussing new
concepts and Activity 1 - Group Work
practicing new
The sauce to be prepared are
the different types of white
sauce. The ingredients will be
placed on one table where
students get their needed

Group 1 Light Sauce

Group 2 General Sauce
Group 3 Thick Sauce
Group 4 Souffle Sauce

For you to be guided on how

you will do the activity and what
is expected from you, let us
read and discuss the mechanics
and rubrics in the preparation of
the sauce.

Note: The rubrics and The students read the mechanics and
mechanics are presented in a rubrics.
skills #1 ppt. presentation in which
teacher discusses clearly to the
students for the smooth flow of
the activity. *Please see
attached rubrics in the last part
of this LP.

1. Get the appropriate amount
of ingredients needed in your
sauce without hurting others.
2. Prepare the materials and
ingredients for 3 minutes
3. Prepare the sauce for 10
4. After you have prepared the
sauce, you are given 10
minutes to clean the utensils
and the area you have
occupied while you are
preparing the sauce.

E. Discussing new
concepts and The students learn the skill in
practicing new preparing the required sauce
skills #2 according to the mechanics and

Guide questions were presented

on the board so they can take
down notes while they are
observing/doing the process of
preparing a sauce. (For the
purpose of discussion)

Sample questions:
1. What are the ingredients of
the sauce you’re making?

2. What is the role of the

following ingredients in the
sauce you are making?
a. Flour
b. Butter
c. Milk

3. When the milk is added to the

mixture of flour and butter,
what will happen to the

Discussion proper to deepen the

understanding and mastery of
the students.

1. What are the ingredients of The ingredients are butter, flour and
the sauce you’re preparing? milk.
2. What is the role of the
following ingredients in the
sauce you are preparing ?
a. Flour * Flour was use to thicken the sauce.
b. Butter * Butter gives extra shine and
c. Milk smoothness to the sauce. It also adds
flavor to the sauce.
* Milk enhances the creaminess and
flavor to the sauce..
This means that you really
understood the role of each
ingredient in the sauce you’ve
F. Developing prepared.
If you are going to add
seasoning to the sauce, what do
you think would happen to the
taste of the sauce?
In Mathematics, ratio is a The seasoning can also enhances the
comparison of two numbers flavor and palatability of the sauce.
which is generally separated by
a colon. Let us try to look at the
ratio of these two ingredients –
flour and butter
What is the ratio of flour and
butter in a light sauce?
What about the ratio of these The ratio of flour and butter in a light
two ingredients in a thick sauce is 1:1.
When the milk is added to the The ratio of butter and flour is 5:2 which
mixture of flour and butter, what means 5 parts of butter and to 2 parts
will happen to the sauce? flour
G. Finding practical What convenience product will If there is no available butter, I will use
applications of you use if there is no available margarine as a substitute to give shine
concepts and butter? and smoothness that the sauce requires.
skills in daily

What is the role of each If use appropriately, each ingredient

ingredients and convenience plays an important role to a sauce
products in a sauce? because each one contributes to perfect
the taste, consistency and flavor of the
H. Making
generalization Before a certain dish or a sauce Before any dish or any sauce will be
and abstractions will be prepared, what will you prepared, we will see to it that all the
about the lesson do with the kitchen utensils and things needed during the preparation
equipment? Why? must be cleaned because unclean
materials can bring diseases to the
people due to cross contamination of
Excellent realization!

The students will rate their

I. Evaluating output/ produce sauce base on
learning the rubric found on the last page
of this LP.

Using your group, you are

assign to make a video
demonstration of a sauce that
your community or barangay is
J. Additional
always preparing during fiesta
activities for
and other special occasions.
application or
The more likes and share that
you get the more points will you

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

The table shows the ingredients of the sauces that the students will prepare.
Purpose Butter Flour Liquid(milk/cream/stock)
Light Sauce 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 cup
General Sauce 1½ tbsps. 1 ½ tbsp. 1 cup
Thick Sauce 5 tsps. 2 tbsps. 1 cup
Souffle Sauce 2 tbsps. 2 tbsps. 1 cup
Sauces Blanches
White Sauces


I PRODUCT Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Color combination is
attractive and appealing
Ingredients cooked just right
Correct consistency not
mushy/very thin/thick
Taste just right
Highly Nutritious
4. Use of Resources:
a. Kept working table orderly
while preparing the
b. Used only the proper and
needed utensils and dishes
c. Used time-saving techniques
and devices

5. Cleanliness and Sanitation

a. observed well-groomed and
properly dressed for cooking,
use clean apron, hair nets,
hand towel and pot holders
b. observed sanitary handling of

6. Conservation of Nutrients
a. followed proper preparation
and cooking procedures
Maximum Score – 42 points

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