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BCT4302B: Dual SIM Card Controller

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September, 2016, REV3.

Dual SIM Card Controller
General Description
The BCT4302B is a dual SIM card control chip optimized for GSM/EDGE/GPRS/3G handsets, It provides
the power conversion and signal level translation needed for advanced cell phones to interface with 1.8V
and 3V SIMs. The device meets all requirements for 1.8V and 3V SIMs and contains LDO regulators to
power 1.8V or 3V SIM card from a 2.7V to 5.5V input. A serial port interface(SPI) is used to control dual
SIM channel individually. The BCT4302B I/O voltage can support 1.65V to 5.5V.

The BCT4302B is available in 20-pin 3mm x 3mm QFN package. The operating temperature range is from
-25°C to +85°C.

Support dual SIM card interface
GSM, EDGE, GPRS and 3G Cell Phones

♦ CMOS Technology for dual SIM card controlling
♦ Control and communication through a SPI interface with baseband processor.
♦ Power management and control for two SIM cards
♦ Independent 1.8/3V VCC control for each SIM card
♦ Fast channel switching
♦ Independent clock stop mode (at high or low level) for each SIM card
♦ Temperature Range: –25°C to 85°C
♦ 8KV ESD on SIM Card Pins
♦ 20-pin 3mm x 3mm QFN package (Pb-free & Green available):

Ordering Code Package Description Temp Range Top Marking

BCT4302BEGP-TR QFN-20 –25°C to +85°C 4302B

Connection Diagram (Top View)

September, 2016, REV3.0

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller

Pin Description

Pin Name Description

1 VSIM2 SIM2 Supply
2 VIO Digital IO Supply
3 VBAT Battery Input Voltage
4 VSIM1 SIM1 Supply
5 SCLK1 Level-Shifted SIM1 Clock Output
6 SRST1 Level-Shifted SIM1 Reset Output
7 SIO1 Level-Shifted SIM1 Bidirectional Data Input/Output
8 SIMIO Non-Level-Shifted Bidirectional Data I/O
9 SIMRST Non-Level-Shifted SIM Reset Input, Internal Pull High to VIO
10 SIMCLK Non-Level-Shifted SIM Clock Input
11 NC
12 /SYSRSTB System Reset, Low Active
13 SPICS Serial bus selection
14 SPICK Serial bus clock
15 SPIDATA Serial bus data
16 NC
17 VREF Reference Voltage Output
18 SIO2 Level-Shifted SIM2 Bidirectional Data Input/Output
19 SRST2 Level-Shifted SIM2 Reset Output
20 SCLK2 Level-Shifted SIM2 Clock Output
21 GND Ground

Detailed Description Overview

The BCT4302B is a dual SIM card control chip optimized for use with GSM baseband chipsets in handset
applications. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the BCT4302B.

The BCT4302B contains several blocks:

◆ Serial Port Interface (SPI)
◆ Signal Processing Blocks
◆ Analog Blocks
◆ SIM Card Interface

Figure 1. BCT4302B Block Diagram

September, 2016, REV3.0

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller

Application Circuit Example


Supply Voltage VCC.........................................–0.5V to +7V Junction Lead Temperature (TL)
DC Switch Voltage (VS) .……..... .....…..–0.5V to VCC +0.5V (Soldering, 10 seconds) .................................... 260°C
DC Input Voltage (VIN) .…..…….....….. .........–0.5V to +7.0V Power Dissipation (PD) @ +85°C .............................180mW
Storage Temperature Range (TSTG) ....... –65°C to +150°C
Junction Temperature under Bias (TJ) .......…............ 150°C

Note 1:Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation
of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this
specification is not implied.

( VBAT=2.7V-5.5V, CVREF=CVSIM1=CVSIM2=2.2uF, minimum loads applied on all outputs, unless
otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA=+25 ºC, VIO=3.0V, VBAT=4.0V )

Parameter Condition Min Typical Max Unit

Input power supply
VBAT Operating 2.7 5.5 V
VBAT Shutdown VIO=0V --- 0.1 1 uA
VBAT Operating VSIM1=3.0V, VSIM2=0V, no load --- 30 70 uA
Ground Current VSIM1=1.8V, VSIM2=0V, no load 30 70
VIO Operating Voltage 1.65 5.5 V
VIO Shutdown Current --- 0.1 1 uA
VIO Operating Ground --- 3 5 uA
Input Control
Low Input Threshold SPIDATA, SPICK, SPICS, 0.15*VIO V
High Input Threshold SPIDATA, SPICK, SPICS, 0.85*VIO V
September, 2016, REV3.0

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller

Parameter Condition Min Typical Max Unit

SIM Card Supplies (VSIM1, VSIM2)
1.8V Output Voltage 1.65 1.8 1.95 V
3.0V Output Voltage 2.82 3.0 3.18 V
Output Short Current --- 38 --- mA
Load Regulation(1.8V) 0.05mA<I_load<20mA at Vbat=3.6V --- 1 10 mV
Load Regulation(3.0V) 1.7 10
Turn-On Time No load, Enable to VSIM1,2 at 90% 0.8 1.5 ms
selected voltage
GSM Interface
Vih(SIMCLK, SIMRST) Vio-0.6 --- --- V
Vil (SIMCLK, SIMRST) --- --- 0.6 V
Vil (SIMIO) Vol<=0.4V, lol=1mA --- --- 0.23 V
Vol<=o.4V, lol=0mA --- --- 0.335
Vih(SIMIO), Voh(SIMIO) lih,loh=±20uA Vio-0.6 --- --- V
lil(SIMIO) Vil=0V --- --- 0.9 mA
Vo(SIMIO) Vil=0.4V --- --- 0.42 V
Interface to 3V SIM Card
Vol(SRST) Sink Current=-20uA (VSIMRST=0.6V) --- --- 0.4 V
Voh(SRST) Source 0.9*VSIM __ __ V
Vol(SCLK) Sink Current= -20uA (VSIMCLK=0.6V --- --- 0.4 V
Voh(SCLK) Source 0.9*VSIM __ __ V
Vil(SIO) --- --- 0.15*VSIM V
Vih(SIO), Voh(SIO) Source Current=20uA VSIM-0.4 --- --- V
lil(SIO) VSIO=0V --- --- -1 mA
Vol(SIO) Sink Current=-1mA(VSIMIO=0V) --- --- 0.15*VSIM V
Interface to 1.8V SIM Card
Vol(SRST) Sink Current=-20uA(VSIMRST=0.6V) 0.2*VSIM V
Voh(SRST) Source 0.9*VSIM V
Vol(SCLK) Sink Current= -20uA (VSIMCLK=0.6V 0.2*VSIM V
Voh(SCLK) Source 0.9*VSIM V
Vil(SIO) 0.15*VSIM V
Vih(SIO), Voh(SIO) Source Current=20uA VSIM-0.4 V
lil(SIO) VSIO=0V -1 mA
Vol(SIO) Sink Current=-1mA(VSIMIO=0V) 0.15*VSIM V
SIM Card Interface Timing
SRST, SIO rise/fall times VSIM=3, 1.8V, loaded with 30uF 500 ns
VSIM=3, 1.8V, loaded with 15 ns
SCLK rise/fall times 30uF(10%~90%)
VSIM=1.8V, loaded with 30uF 40 ns
SCLK frequency 5 MHz
SCLK duty cycle SIMCLK Duty=50%, fSIMCLK=5MHz 47 53 %
SCLK propagation delay From SIMCLK to SCLK,load with30pF 8 10 ns

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller
Details of the individual subsystems and blocks are described in following Chapters.

Serial Port Interface (SPI)

This module is used to receive the commands transmitted by baseband processor. It will decode the received
data and send corresponding commands to signal processing and analog blocks. The 8-bit serial interface
uses three pins –SPICS#, SPIDATA an SPICK- to enter data. Data read is not available with the serial
interface and data entered must be 8 bits. The description of three pins is:

Signal Name Attribute Direction Description

SPICK Edge Triggered BB->BCT4302B Serial bus clock
SPIDATA Level BB->BCT4302B Serial data
SPICS Active Low BB->BCT4302B SPI bus selection

Figure 2 shows the timing diagram of this serial interface. When the block is idle, SPICK is forced LOW and
SPICS# is forced HIGH. Once the data register contains data and the interface is enabled, SPICS# is pulled
LOW and remains LOW for the duration of the transmission. The first three bits are address bits and the others
are data bits.

Figure 2. SPI Interface Transfer Diagram

Figure 3. SPI Interface Timing Diagram

Serial Port Interface Timing

Symbol Parameter Min Tye Max Unit
Ts SPIDATA to SPICK setup time 4 ns
Th SPIDATA to SPICK hold time 4 ns

Register Definitions

0000H Reset control Register

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0

The LSB of these two signals is for 1st SIM card, and MSB is for 2nd

September, 2016, REV3.0

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller

RSTSEL SIM card RST pin control, only valid when VCCEN is 1.
0 The RST pin of SIM card is the same as BCT4302 input pin SIMRST.
1 The RST pin of SIM card is controlled by RSTVAL as show below.
RSTVAL Control the value of SIM card RST pin, only valid when VCCEN is 1 an RSTSEL is 1.
0 Force the SIM card RST pin to 0.
1 Force the SIM card RST pin to 1.

0001H Clock Control Register

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 1 1
st nd
The LSB of these two signals is for 1 SIM card, and MSB is for 2 one. The value of SIM card pin is
controlled by the combination of the two signals when VCCEN is 1.
01 The CLK pin of SIM card is the same as BCT4302B input pin SIMCLK.
11 Force the SIM card CLK pin to stop at high.
00 Force the SIM card CLK pin to stop at low.
10 Not allowed.

0002H Data Control Register

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0
The LSB of these two signals is for 1st SIM card, and MSB is for 2nd one.
DATAEN SIM card DATA pin control, only valid when VCCEN is 1.
0 The channel between SIM card DATA pin and BCT4302B I/O pin SIMDATA will be gapped. If there
were no drivers of these two pins, the they will be pulled high.
1 The channel between SIM card DATA pin and BCT4302B I/O pin SIMDATA will be opened. If there
Were no drivers of these two pins, then they will be pulled high.
DATA_L Control the value of SIM card DATA pin, only valid when both VCCEN and DATAEN are “1”
0 normal function.
1 Force the SIM card DATA pin to 0.

0003H VCC Control Register

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0
The LSB of these two signals is for 1st SIM card, and MSB is for 2nd one.
VCCEN SIM card power control.
0 Turn off SIM card VCC pin, all signals to SIM card will be 0.
1 Turn on SIM card VCC pin.
VSEL Choose the supply voltage level of SIM card.
0 Supply voltage is 1.8V.
1 Supply voltage is 3V.

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Type WO
Reset 0
September, 2016, REV3.0

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller

REFSEL LDO reference selection
1 Bandgap

0005H Bandgap Control Register

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0

BG_EN Embedded bandgap enable

0 Disable
1 Enable
RGBSEL Bandgap T.C. fine turning
00 initial setting
01 minus 1 step
10 plus 1 step
11 plus 2 step

Signal Processing Blocks

The main function of this block is to handle the command ordered by baseband processor about SCLK
and SRST. When it receivers commands sent by SPI, it will do the corresponding signal processing, and then
sent the results to analog blocks. The commands is transmitted through serial port interface (SPI) and stored
in the register set. Signal processing blocks will process signals with corresponding commands. The truth
table of SCLK and SRST is shown in the following tables.


0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 1 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 0 0

0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0

1 0 1 0 0

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 Not allowed

1 1 0 1 Not allowed

1 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1

Table 1. Truth table of SCLK

September, 2016, REV3.0

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1

Table 2. Truth table of SRST

It will be noticed that the effect of those controlled signal may not be valid immediately due to the delay of
some processing time.

Analog Blocks
This module contains SIM LDO, level shifter and bandgap function. It will accept the command set by SPI and
also transfer the signals to suitable voltage level to SIM cards. The SIM LDO is a regulator that could source
40mA(max) with 1.8V or 3.0V output voltage selection based on the supply specs of subscriber identity
modules(SIM) card.

SIM Card Interface

The SIM card interface circuitry of BCT4302B meets all ETSI and IMT-2000 SIM interface requirements. It
provides level shifting needs for low voltage GSM controller to communicate with either 1.8V or 3V SIM cards.
All SIM cards contain a clock input, a reset input, and a bi-directional data input/output.

Card Activation and Deactivation

The role of BCT4302B at card activation and deactivation is just a signal bypasser. It will bypass SIMCLK and
SIMRST transmitted by baseband processor and turn on the channel between SIMIO and SIO.
When card activation, user just needs to follow the steps listed below.
♦ Set VSEL to desired level.
♦ Turn on VCCEN and DATAEN in sequence, and the other registers just keep their default settings.
♦ Turn on SIM interface of baseband processor to start activation sequence.

Similarly, when card deactivation, user just follows the steps listed below.
♦ Turn off SIM interface of baseband processor to start deactivation sequence.
♦ Set DATA_L and then turn off VCCEN, and the other registers just keep their default settings.

September, 2016, REV3.0

BCT4302B Dual SIM Card Controller

Package Information




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