Chapter 1 - Intro To Techno
Chapter 1 - Intro To Techno
Chapter 1 - Intro To Techno
1.1. Technology and Entrepreneurship
1.2. Definition of Technopreneurship
1.3. Types of Entrepreneur
1.4. Five Traits of Technopreneur
1.4.1. Differences between Entrepreneurial Process and Technopreneurial Process
Figure 1 Technopreneurship
1.3. Types of Entrepreneur
Types of
Drone Imitating
Innovative Entrepreneur
An innovative entrepreneur invents new ideas, new products, new production methods
or processes, discovers potential markets and reorganizes the company’s structure. This
type of entrepreneur is the industry leader and contributes significantly towards the
economic development of the country. The innovative entrepreneurs have an unusual
foresight to recognize the demand for goods and services. They are always ready to take a
risk because they enjoy the excitement of a challenge, and every challenge has some risk
associated with it. Ratan Tata is said to be an innovative entrepreneur, who launched the
Tata Nano car at a considerably low cost.
Imitating Entrepreneur
The imitating entrepreneurs are those who immediately copy the new inventions made
by the innovative entrepreneurs. These do not make any innovations by themselves; they
just imitate the technology, processes, methods pioneered by others. These entrepreneurs
are found in the places where there is a lack of resources or industrial base due to which no
new innovations could be made. Thus, they are suitable for the underdeveloped regions
where they can imitate the combinations of inventions already well established in the
developed regions, in order to bring a boom in their industry.
Fabian Entrepreneur
This type of entrepreneurs is skeptical about the changes to be made in the organization.
They do not initiate any inventions but follow only after they are satisfied with its success
rate. They wait for some time before the innovation becomes well tested by others and do
not result in a huge loss due to its failure.
Drone Entrepreneur
These entrepreneurs are reluctant to change since they are very conservative and do not
want to make any changes in the organization. They are happy with their present mode of
business and do not want to change even if they are suffering the losses.
Deep Technical Understanding
As a technopreneur, it is important to be tech-oriented as you will deal with the
technical aspects of your idea or product. A technopreneur should know how to be
technology savvy to be able to compete with others, be competitive and understand the
dynamics of the market.
Taking Big Risks
Dealing with the competition will basically improve the way technopreneurs thick
outside of their box. They have to take risks as not all idea or product are meant to be
successful in the business world. Even famous technopreneurs have to deal with the risks
for their product or services to be recognized locally and globally. They need to know how
to gamble in the competitive environment to gain branding.
Not all entrepreneur can be a technopreneur but all technopreneurs are entrepreneurs.
That is why they have to acquire persistence to achieve their goals. Staying positive in all
aspects of life is possible even if there will be challenges and odds along the way, hard
road is next to success.
To summarize, Table 1 shows the differences between an entrepreneur and a
Table 1 Differences Between Entrepreneur and Technopreneur
Entrepreneur Technopreneur
• Likes to compete • Likes to compete
• Self-starter/pioneer • Likes to innovate
• Able to do many things at once • Part of a team
• Creative and has goals and dreams • Able to do many things at once
• Likes to work for himself but chooses to delegate
• Motivated to achieve and attain • Innovative/greater vision
financial success • Likes to be one to control innovation
• Focuses on the chances of success • Motivated by a strong vision and passion
rather than the possibility of failure to innovate
• Takes failure in stride and knows that
if corrected it will lead to success
study of the market potentials to create strategies and desirable objectives
for the growth of an organization.
2. Business Planning
The entrepreneur should have a written business plan that composed of the
organization’s future goals, how to achieve those goals and the timeframe
within which these goals are to be achieved. Business planning usually
includes marketing strategy, financial and operational viewpoint.
3. Gathering Resources
Entrepreneurial resources include sources of financing such like lines of
credit and investment capital, technology, networks of contacts and
publicity. A business ought to have four types of resources that includes
physical resources, intellectual, human and financial resources.
4. Implementation
Implementation is a process of execution about what has been planned and
utilizing the numerous resources for the success of the business.
5. Scaling and Harvesting
Scaling is a process where the organization will encounter challenges. The
organization will experience painful point for rapid growth for stability and
continuity of the business operations. On the other hand, harvesting is a
process where the organization will reap what they sow in dealing with the
challenges they had encountered throughout the process of the business.
Scaling and