MEO-Design Project Group Work Rubric: Name of The Evaluator: Student 1: Cantos, Leslie A
MEO-Design Project Group Work Rubric: Name of The Evaluator: Student 1: Cantos, Leslie A
MEO-Design Project Group Work Rubric: Name of The Evaluator: Student 1: Cantos, Leslie A
You have the opportunity to evaluate the work of the members of your group. Complete the rubric below for each of the
Your evaluations will be compared against my ongoing evaluation and the evaluation by the other group members. If there is
a major discrepancy there will be consequences against the group’s marks.
Write the score in the last column of the row for each criterion mentioned below.
This evaluation is CONFIDENTIAL and will not be shown to the other group members. Submit the completed form in the
Dropbox activity in your LMS.
Each row in the score column is assigned to the above mentioned students. Evaluate and fill up the rubric accordingly
Does not try to Does not suggest or Refines solutions Actively looks for 4 4 4
solve problems or refine, but is willing suggested by others. and suggests
d Problem solving help others solve to try out solutions solutions to
problems. suggested by problems.
4 Working with Others
Rarely listens to, Often listens to, Usually listens to, Almost always 4 3 3
shares with, and shares with, and shares, with, and listens to, shares
a Support
supports the efforts supports the efforts supports the efforts with, and supports
of others. Often is of others, but of others. Does not the efforts of
not a good team sometimes is not a cause "waves" in the others. Tries to
player. good team group. keep people
member. working well
Student is Student responds Student interacts Student actively 4 3 3
insensitive toward to prompting and with others and is supports
the opinions and interacts, however, sensitive to differing interaction that is
feelings of others in remains insensitive opinions and feelings positive and
the group. Does to the opinions and of others in the respectful to the
b Interpersonal Skills
"put-downs" and feelings of others in group. feelings and
refuses to actively the group. opinions of others
listen to others. in the group.
Pays no attention to
teacher prompting.
Often publicly Occasionally Rarely publicly Never is publicly 4 4 4
criticizes work of publicly criticizes criticizes work of critical of the
other group work of other group other group assignment or the
c Attitude members. Never members and members. Often has work of others.
has a positive rarely has a a positive attitude for Always has a
attitude for the positive attitude for the group task. positive attitude for
group task. the group task. the group task.
56 48 40