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Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 283 (2020) 102234

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Historical Perspective

Fundamentals and applications of particle stabilized emulsions

in cosmetic formulations
Deepika Venkataramani, Ana Tsulaia, Samiul Amin ⁎
School of Chemical Engineering, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY 10471, United States of America

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The cosmetic industry is one of the fastest growing industrial sectors that is constantly evolving by absorbing new
5 August 2020 technologies and incorporating innovative yet sustainable products. Cosmetic products are comprised of diverse
Available online 6 August 2020 formulations such as skin care, color cosmetics, hair care, makeup, body care products. Traditionally, cosmetic
emulsions are stabilized using surfactants or polymers. Due to its adverse effects on environment, cytotoxicity
effects, numerous health hazards, there is a strong drive to shift towards sustainable and surfactant free
Particle stabilized cosmetic emulsions
Cosmetic formulations
emulsions. With increasing consumer demand for a safer and more biodegradable products, formulating
Janus particles in cosmetic formulations “surfactant- free” emulsions by replacing conventional stabilizers with particles has gained popularity. In
Surfactant stabilized cosmetic emulsions this review, various important aspects and applications of particle stabilized emulsions in cosmetic formu-
lations will be discussed. Importantly, novel ideas on surface modification of particles and use of Janus par-
ticles in cosmetic formulations will be discussed.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Particle stabilized emulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1. Stabilization mechanism: similarities and differences between surfactant and particle stabilized emulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2. Particles in cosmetic formulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3. Key features of particle stabilized cosmetic formulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1. Introduction Cosmetic emulsions are composed of water/ hydrophilic base material,

oleaginous (oil)/ hydrophobic base material, surfactants/ amphiphilic
Emulsions are colloidal dispersions of a liquid in another immiscible substances, and materials that add or improve the functional value,
liquid stabilized using a surfactant and/or solid particles. Emulsions are fragrance, sensory feelings and quality control (for example shelf-
of great importance due to their widespread occurrence in industries life, viscosity) [2]. In cosmetic emulsions, amphiphilic substances
such as pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, agricultural, and energy. In or otherwise known as surfactants are primarily used to emulsify,
the cosmetic industry, emulsions represent one of the most common solubilize, disperse the oil or aqueous phase, increase stability, and
media characterized by two-phase systems that are highly versatile enhance adsorption (help the emulsion penetration into skin and
and find widespread use in color cosmetics, skin care, and personal hair). A unique feature of cosmetic formulations is that they are com-
care [1]. posed of a mixed surfactant system instead a single surfactant
Cosmetic formulations can be broadly classified into skin care cos- thereby creating a synergistic effect [3]. Some of the most commonly
metics, color cosmetics, body-care, haircare, and personal care products. used surfactants in cosmetic emulsions include tween 80, span 80,
sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium
⁎ Corresponding author. dodecyl sulfate (SDS), cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB), polyethyl-
E-mail address: samin01@manhattan.edu (S. Amin). ene glycol ethers and several others [4]. Though the presence of

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2 D. Venkataramani et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 283 (2020) 102234

surfactants in cosmetic products is quite common, recent studies added to stabilize the oil-water interface. Surfactants are the usual
have indicated that surfactants cause adverse effects such as skin ir- choice for this purpose and are used for both water-in-oil (w/o) and
ritation, hemolysis, and cytotoxicity [4]. In addition to this, surfac- oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions. The role of a surfactant is to reduce the in-
tants are not biodegradable, biocompatible, and have adverse effect terfacial tension between the phases thereby minimizing the free en-
on the environment. Studies have indicated that surfactants interact ergy of the system and subsequently stabilizing the interface to resist
with the hydrolipidic film of the skin thereby leading to greater per- coalescence [8]. Emulsions stabilized using finely divided particles/
meability that causes perturbance of the cell membranes, and some- nanoparticles are called solid stabilized emulsions (also known as Pick-
times cell lysis and protein denaturation [3]. Long term stability and ering emulsions) [9]. Solid stabilized emulsions have gained importance
increased shelf life, parameters such as sensory feeling during prod- in the last two decades due to their applicability in many industries
uct application, long lasting effects of the products appearance, and (such as cosmetics, food, agriculture, pharmaceutical), their enhanced
texture play a vital role in cosmetic formulations. In response to emulsion stability, and their ability to produce droplets ranging from a
consumer's demand for a safer and more biodegradable products, few microns to several millimeters [10].
formulating “surfactant- free” emulsions by replacing the conven- Pickering established through extensive experimental study that
tional stabilizers with particles has gained popularity. solid particles function very similar to surfactant molecules in stabiliz-
Particle stabilized emulsion also known as Pickering emulsions have ing oil-water interface [9]. Fig. 1 illustrates oil-water interface of an
gained popularity particularly in the cosmetic industry as they are emulsion stabilized using either surfactant or solid particles. Solid parti-
known to aid stable and highly versatile emulsions. Studies have indi- cles such as pre-treated silica (available in the market as Aerosil) has
cated that in addition to improving emulsion stability, particles enhance been widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as a sta-
sensory feeling during product application, product appearance and bilizer for producing stable and large droplet emulsions [11]. Pickering
texture as the surface of the particles can be easily modified [5]. observed that solid particles that are preferentially wetted by the oil
With increasing consumer demand and trends moving towards sus- phase have a contact angle >90° and act as an emulsifying agent
tainability, there is strong drive within the cosmetics and personal care for w/o emulsions [8,12]. Whereas, particles preferably wetted by
industry to shift towards using biodegradable substances. Although the water phase and have a contact angle <90°, produced o/w emul-
there is a widespread interest and experimentation conducted on the sions. Ramsden and Pickering first quantified that emulsion stabili-
use of particles as additives in cosmetic formulations, there is very lim- zation by solid particles occurs because of their strong adsorption
ited research available on the use of particles as stabilizing agent in cos- at the oil-water interface [9]. The contact angle, coalescence kinetics,
metic emulsion. The objective of this article is to review the recent free energy of adsorption of particles, and particle interaction energy
developments and application of particles as an emulsifier in cosmetic contribute to the stability of the emulsions [12,13]. Stable emulsions
formulations and identify areas of improvement towards developing are prepared when the particles are neither too hydrophilic nor hy-
sustainable products. Sustainability can be achieved through use of nat- drophobic and if there is complete surface coverage. The particle
urally occurring raw materials such as cellulose, biosurfactants, and par- shape, size, and concentration greatly affect the emulsion stability
ticles where the surface can be modified to enhance stability, solubility, and droplet size [13,14].
absorption, rheology, sensory feeling, and long lastingness [3]. In this re- Studies have indicated that mixed emulsifier (particle-surfactant
view, use of various kinds of solid particles in cosmetic formulations, mixture) system enabled novel formulations where emulsions
their morphology and application in cosmetic formulations, and deliv- displayed high thermal resistance at elevated temperatures [15,16].
ery mechanism will be discussed in detail. Masalova and Kharatyan investigated the stability and rheological
properties of w/o emulsions stabilized using a mixture of inorganic
2. Particle stabilized emulsions salts, silica particles, and non-ionic surfactant. They observed that
emulsions formed solely using silica particles were stable upto
2.1. Stabilization mechanism: similarities and differences between surfac- 85 wt% dispersed phase and phase inversion was achieved at higher
tant and particle stabilized emulsions internal phase concentration [17]. Factors such as silica particle con-
centration, presence of salt were identified to influence the inversion
Emulsions are thermodynamically unstable systems due to the point. The influence of particle concentration, surface modification
high interfacial tension between two immiscible phases, and the of silica particles, and concentration of particles to surfactant ratio
free energy of the system not being minimized [6]. A stable emulsion on emulsion stability and rheological properties were studied in
is achieved when the surfactant concentration and emulsification emulsions stabilized using either only surfactant or solid-particles
conditions (mixing time, speed) are optimized [7]. Emulsifiers are or surfactant-particle mixture. Emulsions containing surfactant-

Fig. 1. Illustration of water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsion stabilized using a) surfactant b) solid particles (Pickering emulsion).
D. Venkataramani et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 283 (2020) 102234 3

particle mixture and systems containing higher particle to surfactant With the recent trend moving towards sustainability, particle stabi-
ratio were most stable when compared to emulsions stabilized using lized emulsions has gained popularity over traditional emulsifier systems
either only particles or surfactant [17]. Better stability was observed as they are less toxic, biocompatible, have enhanced skin permeation,
in mixed stabilizer system due to enhanced steric hinderance at the controlled release mechanism, non-allergic, and surface properties can
oil-water interface and 3D network of particles formed in the contin- be tailored to achieve better results. Studies have indicated that surface
uous phase. modification of particles (using either physical adsorption or chemical
A study conducted on the rheology of emulsions suggests that sur- treatment) with polymers or small molecules results in enhanced skin re-
factant stabilized emulsions systems depend on the volume fraction of tention and controlled diffusion mechanism [32,33]. Adsorption of ions,
the dispersed phase when the elastic modulus of the system is scaled molecules such as La3+, hydroquinoline onto silica particles was found
to γ/R [18]. The scaled modulus was observed to increase drastically at to promote stable emulsion [32,33]. In-situ modification of particles,
a volume fraction of around 0.63, which is equal to random close pack- changes in pH of the solution were also identified as a technique for
ing of solid spheres. However, a contrary observation was seen in Pick- forming switchable Pickering emulsions and phase inversion [34–36]. A
ering emulsions. Elastic storage modulus was determined as function of similar study was conducted by Llamas et al. on the interaction of micro-
interfacial elasticity (not interfacial tension) due to strong adhesion of molecules and surfactants in the alteration of surface properties for hair
particles at the interface [19]. Lee et al. showed that the rheology of gels care formulation [37]. In their work, polycations and negatively charged
was mainly influenced by the volume fraction of particles [20]. Systems surfactant were combined to enhance the adsorption onto keratin sub-
with completely different oil-to-water ratios could have very similar rhe- strate of hair and therefore optimized film-forming and conditioning per-
ological properties if the particle ratio were the same. In contrast to formance imparted from the shampoo. Additionally, a combination of
surfactant-stabilized emulsions, these systems showed elastic properties amphoteric starch particles with cationic surfactants in personal care for-
even when the volume fraction of the dispersed phase was below the mulations demonstrated cosmetic effects such as smoothness, lightness,
random-close-packing limit for spheres. Therefore, Pickering emulsions and suppleness. This formulation may be used for the formulation of hair
are mechanically stable towards creaming at dispersed phase volume care products such as shampoos and conditioners, bath gels or facial
fractions lower than the random-close-packing limit. make up removers [38].
Several researchers identified that solid particles impart mechanical A recent study conducted on the rheological characterization of
rigidity and viscosity to the interfacial film if the solid particles form a polysaccharide–surfactant matrices demonstrated enhanced effects on
tightly packed network around the droplet [14,21–23]. To this end, mechanical properties in cosmetic o/w emulsion. This observation was
Simon et al. studied the viscoelastic behavior of emulsions stabilized attributed to the coexistence of surfactant-polymer mixture that causes
with particles of different polarity and observed that their rheological steric and electrostatic stabilization [39]. The system was comprised of
properties were similar [24]. This study also indicated that the viscosity polysaccharide scleroglucan, a nonionic surfactant dimethicone copolyol
and stability of the emulsion decreased with increase in the particle (DC), cationic surfactant TTAB, and silicone oil as the internal phase. Addi-
concentration. The stabilization mechanism in Pickering emulsions tion of higher concentration of nonionic surfactant reduced intermolecu-
was attributed to the strong adhesion of particles at the oil water inter- lar connection of the weak gel matrix the most by decreasing its linear
face due to steric hindrance or surface rheology effects [25]. Fan and viscoelastic moduli and low shear viscosity values. Depending at the con-
Striolo implemented particle dynamics simulation to study the influ- centrations of surfactants, droplet sized reduced with increasing surfac-
ence of solid nanoparticles on the oil-water interfacial tension measure- tant concentration. Addition of polysaccharide to surfactant mixture
ments and observed that the interfacial tension is a function of particle demonstrated a synergistic effect on the linear viscoelasticity moduli. Ad-
coverage and affinity of nanoparticles to the interface [26]. They ob- dition of a small quantity of TTAB resulted in a reduction in the sauter
served that increase in the primary particle size significantly increased mean diameter and therefore preventing droplet coalescence and yield-
the nanoparticles desorption energy, leading to larger surface coverage ing narrow droplet size distribution.
and interfacial tension reduction. Sullivan and Kilpatrick, Hannisdal,
et al. investigated the effect of silica nanoparticles on model oil emulsion 2.3. Key features of particle stabilized cosmetic formulations
stability and demonstrated that the stabilization mechanism and ease of
achieving catastrophic phase inversion in solid stabilized emulsions was Cosmetic emulsions are formulated differently when compared to
achieved using particles with intermediate wettability [13,27–29]. emulsions encountered in other industries as one of their primary roles
A recent study on the competitive absorption of surfactants and sil- is to deliver pleasant sensorial feelings in addition to physicochemical
ica particles at the oil-water interface revealed that silica particles have functions such as cleansing, moisturizing, hydrating, and nourishing at
no effect on the interfacial tension and contact angle whereas, an antag- the skin level. Some of the important factors that are critical in formulat-
onist effect was observed in the presence of surfactant [30]. Silica parti- ing cosmetic emulsions are: user sensory experience, use and perfor-
cles were observed to have no effect on the interfacial tension in the mance of several functional materials and stabilizing agents, prevention
presence of w/o surfactant. Whereas, a contrary observation was seen of phase separation (stability)/ shelf-life of the product, and biodegrad-
in the presence of particles and o/w surfactant. Irrespective of the sur- ability of the raw materials, compatibility of the raw material on skin,
factant type, the contact angle profile at the oil-water interface was at- pH, temperature, and rheological profile [2,31,40]. Advantages of particle
tributed primarily due to surfactants at high concentrations. Whereas, stabilized cosmetic formulation over surfactant stabilized emulsions are:
at low surfactant concentration, both particles and surfactant determine increased stability, better skin permeation, better sensory effects, con-
the contact angle profile. trolled and slow drug release, better rheological profile, ability to form
tunable emulsion, and sustainable.
2.2. Particles in cosmetic formulations Stability of an emulsion involves physical stability, chemical stability
and microbiological stability [34]. Physical stability is usually measured
Pickering emulsions are widely used in color cosmetics such as facial by the absence of phase separation and coarsening which is regulated
makeup, nail, skin, and hair care products. Some of the most commonly by the choice of emulsifier, modifying the rheology of the emulsions,
used solid stabilizers in cosmetic formulation are polymer latexes, inor- and producing emulsions with narrow drop size distribution [35,36].
ganic particles, silicone particles, silica, lysosomes, chitosan, clays, For example, during an application of a moisturizer, an emulsion should
starches, carbon nanotubes, and several others [2]. Choosing an appro- not be either too runny or too viscous but something that can stay stable
priate solid stabilizer is of great importance due their multifaceted char- in the jar. When applied on the skin, it should have a shear thinning be-
acteristics such as emulsion stabilization, film forming, moisturizing and havior leaving a smooth sensorial feeling. Therefore, viscosity of an
exfoliating, conditioning and waterproofing properties [2,31]. emulsion can be tuned accordingly by the addition of colloidal particles
4 D. Venkataramani et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 283 (2020) 102234

such as cellulose derivatives, or natural gums such as xanthan or Wettability of particles can be tailored by modifying its surface with
Caesalpinia spinosa gum, or minerals such as clays and pyrogenic silica small molecules such as surfactants, oil molecules, acids or polymers,
[41,42]. A recent study of rheology of particle stabilized emulsions iden- that can either be adsorbed physically or anchored chemically [52].
tified that an increase in contact angle resulted in a decrease in relative Modification of surface configuration of particles with switchable sur-
viscosity in o/w Pickering emulsions [43]. Whereas, a contrary observa- factants form stable emulsions [53]. This type of switchable emulsions
tion was seen in w/o Pickering emulsions. are called as SWOP posse the ability to invert W/O emulsions when me-
In cosmetic industry, sensory feeling is one of the most important chanical energy is applied such as rubbing onto the skin. Hence, they
parameters that is detrimental for a product's success or failure. In the find great application in cosmetic industry, especially for sun protection
consumer market, cosmetic products by default provide more emo- products [54,55]. In recent years, tailoring the surface properties of solid
tional value for the three senses (sight, smell, and touch) [44]. Color, particles has gained importance due to its widespread functionality and
smell, and touch are the most important senses that strongly influence use. In a study conducted by Zhu et al., the surface of negatively charged
the preference of a product over another. After-feel, greasiness, texture, silica particle was chemically modified in-situ with cationic surfactant
stickiness, shine, residual coating, smell, appearance are some of the twice causing destabilization-restabilization mechanism [36]. The
properties that are evaluated when developing a cosmetic formulation. strong electrostatic interaction between the oppositely charged ions re-
In recent years, formulations stabilized with particles were found to fur- sulted in switchable emulsions. Surface modification of solid particles
ther add beneficiary sensory properties and improve customer experi- has gained widespread interest and numerous applications in cosmetic
ence when compared to conventional formulations [44–46]. Pickering and personal care industry. Several commercially available products
emulsions are known to offer a non-irritant, pleasant sensory, and de- such as shampoos, hair conditioners, foams, moisturizer, foundation,
sired texture such as viscosity and shear thinning that are often perti- sunscreen and another cosmetic product are developed by using the
nent to customer experience during product application [44–46]. synergistic action of particles and surfactants. Particles such as silica,
A study conducted on the sensory evaluation using blind ranking test TiO2 are treated with surfactants such as SDS, CTAB, AOT to generate
indicated that emulsions stabilized using particles had better after feel, and stabilize colloidal suspensions [56]. A synergistic effect in terms of
less greasy and sticky, minimal residual coating [44]. Particle stabilized foamability, foam stability was observed at various surfactant concen-
emulsions showed the best sensory profile in terms of improved sensory tration. Phase inversion, emulsion stabilization-destabilization, and re-
effect, absorbance, spreadability, and transient stability (stability remained stabilization and vice-versa can be easily achieved by surface modifica-
unaffected under varying conditions) when compared to traditional emul- tion of solid particle using either surfactants, solid particles, acids, or any
sifier system [44]. Terescenco et al. investigated textural and sensory prop- other surface-active agents. The two ways for improving the versatility
erties of colloidal based emulsions stabilized using either surfactant or and tunability of particles are: surface modification by coating the par-
particles or surfactant-particle in topical applications [5]. The study ticles homogenously or by modifying the particle surface to function
demonstrated that the sensorial profile of mixed emulsifier system as Janus particles [8,12,34,56–58].
produced the most in-between results in terms of skin feel, texture, Janus particles are substances that are surface active and have amphi-
glossiness, and greasiness. The choice of particles dictated the sen- philic properties (i.e. one half of the hemisphere is hydrophobic in nature
sory perception in terms of determining the emulsion orientation and the other one hydrophilic) [28]. Due to this amphiphilic structure,
(O/W or W/O) and therefore which phase permeated first onto the Janus particles mimics the behavior of surfactants by forming stable clus-
skin [5,47,48]. Conventional emulsifier system resulted into glossy, ters or micelle like structure with defined size that can reduce the interfa-
greasy, and difficult to spread. Whereas, particle stabilized system cial tension between two different phases [59]. Recent studies have
brought improvement in sensorial and textural properties when indicated that though Janus particles are structurally homologous to sur-
combined with surfactant [5]. The addition of SiO2 decreased greas- factants, there are however differences in terms of emulsion stability, cat-
iness, while TiO2 eased spreadability and ensured whiteness of the alytic activity, and stimuli-responsiveness. Janus particle stabilized
emulsion. Emulsions formulated with ZnO had small differences as emulsions are known to be thermodynamically stable due to the substan-
they were already aqueous and easy to spread; the minor difference tially large adsorption energy associated with attachment of particles at
was observed in film whiteness that is directly related to the concen- the interface. The factors that determine the emulsion type in a surfactant
tration of particles [5]. stabilized emulsion are shape, amphiphilicity, packing parameter, HLB
Recent studies by Frelichowska et al. suggested that surfactant-free ratio, and concentration of the immiscible phases. Whereas, in a Janus
emulsion has better skin absorption, enhanced permeation and physico- particle stabilized emulsion, the Janus structure parameter (JSP)(ratio of
chemical properties when compared to surfactant stabilized emulsions hydrophilic domain to total particle volume) and water affinity of the
[49,50]. Skin permeation of hydrophilic particles was investigated in two regions of Janus particle plays a critical role in determining the emul-
both particle and surfactant stabilized w/o emulsions and it was observed sion type [60]. A recent study by Yan et al. identified that when the water
that the permeation rate (absorption on skin) was three times higher and affinity of the two regions are strong, configuration of the Janus particle or
enhanced (retention in skin was >24 h) in Pickering emulsions due to in other terms JSP factor determines the emulsion type [60]. A particle
strong adhesion of the droplets on skin surface [49]. These studies indi- with a JSP threshold of 0.48 was identified to cause phase inversion sug-
cated that particles provides faster diffusion and slow release of drug to gesting that particles with larger hydrophobic domain stabilize w/o emul-
deeper layers (drug penetration vehicle) due to the encapsulation system sion whereas, particle with larger hydrophilic domain stabilize o/w
(3D structure around droplets), high adhesion energy, and small particle emulsion. Studies indicate that synthesis of pH – responsive, stimuli-
size [49,50]. responsive Janus particles are capable of stabilizing different types of
Other parameters that aid to stability of Pickering emulsions are emulsions (O/W and W/O) as well invert the phase of the emulsions in re-
particle size of the solid stabilizer and the ability of form narrow sponse to change in pH of the solution [33]. The advantage of using Janus
drop size distribution. Stability of an emulsion increases as particle particles over particles of intermediate wettability is that they can be up
size decreases [14]. These parameters are important not only for to three times or more surface active which leads to greater emulsion sta-
the stability of the emulsion, but also for the texture and skin feel of bility [12,30]. The ability to tailor functionalities of Janus particles and the
the cosmetic formulation. In comparison to the size of dispersed drop- ease in synthesizing at both small-scale and large-scale capacity provides
lets, particles must be small enough to be kept at the interface and wide range of applications and opportunities to explore within the cos-
thus allow formation of a smooth film around the droplets [51]. If the metic industry.
particles are too big then they are more susceptible to phase separation In the last few decades, cosmeceuticals has emerged as one of the
and will coalesce. Therefore, it is essential to maintain larger ratio fastest growing market in the personal care and cosmetic industry.
between the droplet size and particles to form a stable emulsion. Cosmeceuticals involves the use of biologically active ingredients in
D. Venkataramani et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 283 (2020) 102234 5

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