Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance
Course Description :
Finance is the language of business and therefore it is very important for any business student to have a sound
understanding of financial information. Corporate Finance deals with investment and financing decision,
hence the aim of this course is to make students familiar with investment and financing decision-making
process in corporate level. Topics that will be covered in this course are alternative investment rules, NPV and
capital budgeting, Capital market theory, capital structure, dividend policy, mergers, acquisition, divestures
etc. As stipulated in the university catalogue, students should already have completed required courses in
accounting, business mathematics & statistics, and economics.
Corporate Finance, 7/e, by, Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe, McGraw–Hill
Course Assessment:
The final grade for this class will be based on the points achieved on the following areas:
Altogether 6 quizzes may be taken during the semester. The quizzes generally based on previous class lectures.
No make up quizzes will be taken. Students are strongly recommended not to miss any quizzes.
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The topic of the assignment will be informed in the class. All the assignments will be individual/group based
and they must be submitted by the deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
A. Students are expected to attend class and be on time. Students must have 80% attendance of the total
number of classes. Otherwise, the students will receive a “UW” grade. It is entirely the responsibility of the
students to collect the materials that has been missed due to failure of attending any classes for any reason
whatsoever. Let it be reminded that lectures will not be repeated. Withdrawal from class is not automatic. The
student who desires to withdraw is responsible for processing the withdrawal.
B. Students are encouraged to actively participate in the class discussion and ask relevant questions.
C. Students must turn off their cell phones or put on silent mode prior to entering the classroom.
D. Honesty is the best policy. Any sort of academic dishonesty will result in severe consequences and may lead
to receiving a failing grade for the course.
Lecture Schedule*
***Note: The instructor reserves the right to make any changes to the above course outline if
deem necessary and will be announced accordingly. ***
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