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Brazen Bulletin - Volume 1 - March 2021 (Edited Version)

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March 2021

Image Credit: Loidrial


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Chaos Dwarfs Online:

The Brazen Bulletin, Chaos Dwarfs Online and CDO are the property of CDO. Unless otherwise noted material is in short ours. If you want to reproduce or host some of
the material contained within please contact the staff at www.chaos-dwarfs.com. This webzine is a free publication and no money is allocated for advertising in any
form. Any advertisements contained within are non profit.
Page 4 - The Brazen Bulletin

An introduction to The Brazen Bulletin.

Page 5 - The Ironclad Fleet

An army showcase by CDO’s Reaver.

Page 9 - An Interview with Fabelzel

4th edition inspired Chaos Dwarf sculpts—free to download!

Page 12 - Artisan’s Contest XXX

Come and see the “juggernauts” of Chaos Dwarfs Online

Page 14 - Tjublings

Learn about a characterful range of Chaos Dwarfs in 15mm scale

Page 15 - Planet OldHammer

Twitter’s PlanetOldHammer shares his latest Chaos Dwarf Warband

Page 18 - Golden Hat XXXIV

Set sail for nautical nastiness in this sea themed competition

Page 20 - Grimdark White Armour

GhraskDragh’s hobby guide to creating gritty and realistic white armour

Page 22 - Ragnarok: The Dvegr

Learn about this new Kickstarter and its unique take on evil dwarfs

Page 25 - Golden Hat XXXV

Muster the troops! The chaos dwarfs are on the march!

Page 27 - 3D Printing A Chaos Dwarf Army

Can you really print a whole army? Well MichaelX certainly has!

Page 33 - Artisan’s Contest XXX!

True “giants” of visual art revealed in this CDO competition.

Page 35 - Interview with Zanko

A one on one interview with the man who has collected over 10,000
points of chaos dwarfs!

Page 39 - Coming Soon

Previews of upcoming material for next issue and beyond!

Image credit: Antenor

Image credit (above): Zoddtheimmortal Front page image credit: Goltor

A word from the Editor:

“Welcome, Hashut Heads, to The This past year has also seen the forum move over to
Brazen Bulletin!” its new “discourse” website. This site uses newer
software, meaning that this content is more accessi-
Oxymandias: This is a publica-
ble than ever and it has never been easier to get
tion designed to share some the
involved in this fantastic little niche within the al-
best content from the Chaos
ready rather niche interest of war gaming and minia-
Dwarfs Online forum and the
ture painting.
wider web, for those with an
interest in miniature wargaming, particularly the forc- The year 2020 and the early part of 2021 has not an
es of chaos dwarfs, infernal dwarfs, evil dwarfs, abys- easy time for many. Most of us have in some way
sal dwarfs and generally anything short, ill-tempered been touched by hardship or personal tragedy due
and bearded. to recent global events. In the midst of all of this bad
news and turbulence, the forum, its community, its
The content in this issue deals primarily with work
positivity and the escapism it has provided for many
shared on the Chaos Dwarf Online forum over the past
of us has been invaluable. May CDO continue to
year, but also spotlights a few other pieces of work
endure for many years to come!
from around the wider internet that might be of inter-
est to our readers. Praise Hashut!

- Oxymandias, the Herald of Hubris .

For those who are not aware, this webzine is following
in the footsteps of “The Word of Hashut” zine which
was produced between the years of 2008 and 2012 by (Do you have an army showcase, hobby guide, fan
the users of the original Chaos Dwarfs Online forum, fiction, art, battle reports, fan rules or any article
many of whom continue to play an active role in our related to Chaos Dwarfs? Your work could be fea-
online community today! tured in a future article of this zine!

The way in which we use the internet has changed an Please email any submissions to
awful lot since the earlier days of our forum, but “BrazenBulletin@gmail.com”. Not all entries can
amidst the rise of modern social media, the Chaos be included for every issue, but all serious entries
Dwarfs Online forum has managed to stand strong and will be given proper consideration.)
continue as a thriving community.
The Brazen Bulletin recently caught up with chaos dwarf aficionado, Reaver. Reaver is a painter, gamer and one
of CDOs most iconic creators, whose unique style, imaginative conversions and beautifully finished paint jobs
have become the stuff of legend. In this article we asked Reaver to share some images of his Chaos Dwarf army,
and to speak a little about the dread legion we have come to know as “The Ironclad Fleet”.

Reaver: In the last few years the Reavers of Uzkulak have

dominated my hobby endeavours. For quite some time I lurked
on the fringes looking to take that first step into the Dark
Lands. Previously, I served the incomprehensible machinations
of Tzeentch while also dabbling with Vampire Coast undead
pirates. Amongst the industrious Dawi-Zharr and their night-
marish hell-forged creations I found a new path, with this com-
munity constantly providing a host of
inspiration to fuel the forges of war.

Knowing myself, I like to pull from many

sources to keep the hobby diverse and
interesting, even within an army project.
One challenge I enjoy is creating cohe-
sion from a miscellany of bits. These
inclinations lean into my enjoyment of
kit-bashing and what better theme than
chaotic seafaring stout angry steampunk
pirates to be eclectic in design opportu-

Most of my units have been attempts to integrate different sources of models into the Chaos Dwarf
range while still paying homage to traditional aesthetics and the wealth of innovation displayed by CDO
members over the years. Kharadron bits inspired the steampunk
direction alongside historical ironclads for which I’ve always had a
certain fondness.

Dividing up and selling kits on eBay gave me the opportunity to col-

lect bits from Dark Eldar, Dark Elves, Adeptus Mechanicus, Chaos
Space Marines, Kharadron, Skaven, and more. Other than a few
choice Forgeworld purchases I’ve been extremely impressed by the
wealth of Chaos Dwarfs miniatures emerging from different compa-
nies, leaving me to fill gaps in my army with nautical kit-bashes. Turn-
ing sea creatures into mechanical beings to serve my Daemonsmiths
has become one of my favorite Zen activities.

In an effort to avoid my previous disjointed pursuits and unfinished

armies I committed to a fresh start with lore documented and art-
work to match from the onset. Curating an army blog on CDO has
helped to keep myself motivated, organized, and doing my best to
please Hashut! Image credits: Reaver
Image Credits: Reaver

Image Credit: Reaver
Have a fully painted and original chaos
dwarf army? We’d love to feature it!

Please email any submissions to


Image Credit: Reaver

3D sculptor Fabelzel has been creating quite a buzz in the chaos dwarf community these past few months. His reimag-
ining of the “classic” 1990s chaos dwarf aesthetic rendered in 3D and free to download is a subject well worth discuss-
ing. The Brazen Bulletin managed to ask Fabelzel a few questions about his craft, these sculptures, future projects and
the future of the hobby in general.

BB: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today! How are you?

Fabelzel: Hi! I’m feeling quite grim today but I’ll try to answer to all your questions!

BB: First question, and most importantly, hats, helms or


Fabelzel: I really do like Big Hats! They are my first choice even
though I always liked every kind of evil dwarf, from Helmeted
ones to the most recent and defunct masked ones from Forge
World. Anyway, Perry’s sculpts are the best ones in my opinion.

BB: Very recently your 3D sculpts have been making quite the
impression upon the Chaos Dwarf community. What made you
choose to create evil dwarfs and eastern goblin slaves for them
to boss around?

Fabelzel: In December I’ve started my big hats collection but a

lot of models were so rare I decided to make my own version of
them. I thought that I really needed more chaos dwarf warriors
so I’ve started to sculpt a base version of an evil dwarf. At the
end I was so happy with it that I have sculpted one more. After
that I realized I could sculpt an entire army: the patreon project
was born after that decision.

BB: Aside from the obvious inspiration from the 1990s Citadel chaos dwarf range, what other inspirations have you
drawn upon to create these beautiful models?

Fabelzel: My main inspirations for this project are

John Blanche and Wayne England illustrations together
with “Old Tower” discography, my fuel during the brief
sculpting sessions.

BB: How did you get into 3D sculpture? Have you got
any advice for wargamers who wish to try it at some

Fabelzel: I started sculpting digitally at University: I’ve

always sculpted with clay but I dreamed to have a 3d
printer one day or another. After my degree I took the
decision to fully understand Zbrush and I did some
works for Durgin Paint Forge, Antimatter Games and
Abyssoul. This led me to abandon the putties and the
analogical sculpting tools that I occasional still use for
minor tasks. I would recommend to start sculpting with
clays though, I think that having a classical formation
with epoxies and polymeric pastes is necessary before
understanding any digital software!
Image Credit: Fabelzel
BB: Are you an active wargamer? If so what armies do you
own and what systems do you play?

Fabelzel: I am an active wargamer and boardgamer. My

favourite wargame is Lord of the Rings, the strategy battle
game from GW. I normally play Khazad Dum Dwarves and
Men of Dales but I also have a scratch built Ent army did
with my 3d printer (never played those beauties yet; they
are living peacefully in my bookcase).

BB: You’ve decided, very generously, to share these files on

Thingiverse for free. Why did you choose to give these files
away instead of selling them?

Fabelzel: Actually I thought a lot about selling my STLs:

many people suggested to sell files through Myminifactory,
told me to produce the models in resin and someone told me to
do the production in metal. I am sculpting mainly for fun, in my
spare time, I would be very happy if every Hashut fan could en-
joy these models in some way so I decided that I would be re-
leasing the files on a known platform for 3D files, Thingiverse. I
used this site before and it was a blast for file sharing. I know
that potentially these models could make me earn more money
on other platforms but I really want to spread the word of
Hashut and make this army worth having. At the moment 3D
printing is the fastest and cheapest way to obtain these minia-
tures, and even if you don’t have a 3D printer I bet there are a
lot of good services and co-working fablabs near you, I hope the
community will use this occasion to fill their chaos dwarf ar-

BB: Tell us about your Patreon. How can fans of your work
support what you are doing?

Fabelzel: I opened the Patreon page to support my

efforts. So far I created two levels for fans and a third
level for “Merchants” is going to be launched. If you
want me to continue this project just subscribe. The
evil dwarfs are just the beginning after all (I am plan-
ning to sculpt some humans and some dark elves in
the future)! If you don’t want to subscribe I would be
very happy if you could share the pictures of your
printed/painted models on the social media and I
would be really happier if you would send me some
old school minis to study. Looking at vintage pewter
models is very inspiring.

BB: I’ve heard that you are working on some more

sculpts for this chaos dwarf and hobgoblin project.
What other designs do you hope to add to this collec-
Image Credit: Fabelzel
tion? 10
Fabelzel: I dig the big monsters! And a Lammasu will come for sure. But honestly I want to sculpt every unit possi-
ble for this faction, from centaurs to slaves. If I had to choose which units to do first I’d say the Black Dwarfs from
Mordheim army list since I am giving a chance to this system.

BB: 3D printing has become massive in recent years, especially for those of us interested in “niche” armies. Is it the
future of the wargaming industry? How do you think it will affect the way we get our miniatures in five or even ten
years’ time?

Fabelzel: I think that the market is shifting to 3d printing at an alarming rate. Many major brands from the industry
started selling STLs or opened Patreon pages during 2020 and it is about time that even the biggest ones will decide
to make the shift. Eventually they will sell physical models along STLs: limited editions and complete board games for
the former and “regular” boxes for the latter. This is a pattern we can observe in recent Kickstarters for instance and
it won’t be a surprise for me if in a couple of decades we would see only 3d printers in GW’s stores. I am a 3D guy but
when the time will come I won’t sure give up on metal minis, that’s a promise

Are you a sculptor of Chaos Dwarf

themed miniatures? Want your range
reviewed or to be interviewed by this
www.patreon.com/Fabelzel zine?

Get in contact at:

In Artisan’s XXX members of the community were challenged to imagine, design, convert or build their own vision for the
Chaos Dwarf juggernaut first seen during the 1980s Realm of Chaos era. The brief was simple. Users had to create a siege
engine for a chaos dwarf army and it had to be large!

Bronze: Zoddtheimmortal Silver: WillLiam

Silver: Abecedar

Image Credit: Zoddtheimmortal Top left/ WillLiam Top right/ Abecedar Bottom.

Gold: Oxymandias

Image Credit: Oxymandias (Twitter @OxymandiasCDO)

How can I enter an Artisan’s Contest?

Artisan’s Contests are regularly ran competitions hosted at the CDO discourse forum.
These competitions, unlike the Golden Hat, are not painting competitions. These are
contests of creativity, imagination and design. Entrants can enter anything from sculp-
tures, converted models, paintings or 3D rendered art, depending on the brief.

To get involved in the next one simply sign up, read the brief for the next competition
and enter your images! Sculptors and artists of any experience or skill level are encour-
aged to get involved. You will find a culture that celebrates one another’s work and pro-
vides advice and support with the hobby when requested. Prizes are available for the
three top spots as well as occasional additional prizes for randomly selected entrants.
Forum users who enter enough competitions can also be awarded the highly coveted
Image Credit: Loidrial “veteran’s” awards showing that they have contributed to multiple competitions over
The Brazen Bulletin recently spoke with Admiral of Admiralty Miniatures, a long time staff member and contributor at
Chaos Dwarfs Online about a joint venture between himself and fellow CDO staffer and veteran , Tjub. These are the
Tjublings: 15mm evil dwarf and hobgoblin miniatures sculpted by Tjub and distributed worldwide by Admiralty Minia-

Admiral: The Tjubling range grew out of Tobias “Tjub” Torstensson’s wish to have an evil dwarf
15mm army. Since none were around four years ago, he set about sculpting his own miniatures to
cast for his own collection. One thing quickly led to another, and soon me and Tjub had initiated a
cooperation which sees Admiralty Miniatures sell his castings to collectors from all over the world.
And boy has there been demand! A whole new little niche has grown up around the Tjublings, and
Tobbe have endless plans for expanding the range and the brewing setting we’re cooking up for

The Tjublings inhabit the Ashlands, scattered about

inhospitable steppes and volcanic hotspots in a pleth-
ora of squabbling citystates, of which Tjubba-Tjubbuz
is the leading one. Some other notable great popula-
tion centres include the harbour city Tjubbab-
Tjubdansk and the extremely bull-worshipping city of
Tjubba-Tjur, as well as the great ruins of Kebaznut-
jubbuk, whose fall in hubris sport a meaty story for
another time. Likwise, from the large cities stretch
the ravenous Great Gold Trail and Silvertrail, sporting
various wayforts with strange garrisons watching
over war caravans laden with much wealth, booty
and captive slaves. Note that most Tjubling city
names are cheap Swedish puns, but Anglophones
won’t notice, so don’t tell anyone.

Between the cities, towns, colonies and forts stretch almost endless
badlands, where various monsters and barbarian nomad tribes roam, in-
cluding the Tjubgobs, lowly allies of the Tjublings, as well as Orc and Goblin
hordes on which the Tjublings and Tjubgobs prety. The Tjubgobs sport an
intricate and vicious culture of great cunning and treachery, of which you
can find out in Tobbe’s homebrew PDF rules set. Suffice to say that we have
based it closely on real world nomads of Central Asia and the Pontic-
Caspian steppe, with wacky humour, fantasy elements and a tribute to our
greatest Tjubling collector Duncan Sargent (Dun-Khan) thrown in!

Later on we hope to release a lot more polished background for public

reading akin to the Tjubgob ruleset, complete with drawings and pictures
of miniatures and scenery to illustrate them, but at the moment the grow-
ing mass of wild ideas and detailed setting entries remain a work-in-
progress document. Watch CDO for more in the future, and remember: Hat
or die!

Image Credit: Tjub/Admiralty Miniatures

Image Credit: Tjub/Admiralty Miniatures

Have you created a chaos dwarf army using a scale other that 28mm? We’d love to see it!

Please email any submissions to “BrazenBulletin@gmail.com”.

Iain, better known to most as “Planet Oldhammer” has dedicated himself to sharing the best of “Oldhammer” miniatures
found on Twitter, Facebook and the wider web. His Twitter page has become an absolute Mecca for Grognard lead heads
in want of a Citadel miniatures nostalgia and young guns who are only just starting to unearth the treasures of an earlier
time in our hobby. Being a fan of all things old school, it is of little surprise that Iain has an interest in those evil stunties
known as chaos dwarfs, and that he has a particular fondness for their earliest iteration way back in Warhammer’s third
edition. Iain has been scouring the internet for modern sculpts which capture this old school feel. The product of this en-
deavour is shared below.

PlanetOldHammer: This project

was an attempt to bring back
some proper oldschool chaos
Dwarfs. None of that large hat
Babylonian nonsense from the
early 90s. Oh no! Proper, 80s
style chaos dwarfs. However...they’re very hard to
find. Unless you’re willing to sell a kidney. And I still
need mine. So, I set forth into the realm of the Inter-
webs to discover some ‘new’ old chaos dwarfs. If
you’re looking to do something similar I can heartily
recommend Pal Rartha, who still cast some awesome
oldschool gems. Along with Knightmare Miniatures and
Oldschool Miniatures. Which brings me nicely to the Chaos Daemon Ass Cannon. Also from Oldschool and now one of
my favourite minis. I was so impressed with this, I even added greenstuff to improve the ‘ring’ and made a nice little cart
for my Dwarf troupe to carry him along in.

Image Credit: Twitter @planetoldhammer

Have a chaos dwarf warband you
want featured?

Please email any submissions to


Image Credit: Twitter @planetoldhammer

In Golden Hat XXXIV members of the community were challenged to create and paint models that represented Chaos
Dwarfs and their relationship to the sea. The top entries are pictured here!

Bronze: WIllLiam Bronze: Grimstonefire

Silver: Jackswift

Image Credit: Grimstonefire Top right. /WillLiam: Top left/ Jackswift: Bottom. 18
Gold: Reaver

Image Credit: Reaver

How can I enter a Golden Hat competition?
Golden Hats are regularly ran competitions hosted at the CDO discourse forum.
The focus is mostly on painting, although entrants are given free reign to go wild
with conversions and basing, as long as the image created fits the brief provided.

To get involved in the next one simply sign up, read the brief for the next competi-
tion and enter your images! Painters and hobbyists of any experience or skill level
are encouraged to get involved. You will find a culture that celebrates one an-
other’s work and provides advice and support with the hobby when requested.
Prizes are available for the three top spots as well as occasional additional prizes
for randomly selected entrants. Forum users who enter enough competitions can
also be awarded the highly coveted “veteran’s” awards showing that they have
contributed to multiple competitions over time!
Image Credit: Loidrial
GhraskDragh has recently been impressing the community with a realistic, gritty and weather-beaten armour style that
shows Chaos Dwarfs to be the harsh, uncaring industrialists we all know and love. We asked if he could spill the beans and
explain just how he achieves this hyper-realistic style.

GhraskDragh: The idea behind this is to be quick and easy so there some steps you
could add if you were painting a character or alternative methods to get the same effect
but I’ve gone for the easiest and quickest way here .

Step 1: Over primer. I’ve airbrushed Zandri Dust, this will be the base colour so I’m mainly
making sure to hit from below and get the underneath with this, you can also use this
through a spray can if you’d like to avoid the airbrush.

Step 2: I’ve then used Pallid Wytch Flesh. This is concentrated from above to leave some
of the previous Zandri Dust underneath. Again, you could alternatively use a white through a spray can for the
same effect

Step 3: Using a sponge I add Rhinox Hide, keeping mainly to the edges and areas that would get hit the most, it ’s
before this you could also add some decals or finer details so they too would get chipped by the sponge effect

Step 4: I’ve used an Armour wash (a mix of about 50% Agrax Earthshade, 30% Nuln Oil 10% Leviathan Purple and
10% Coelia Greenshade) in all the details of the armour like rivets and joints, not being too neat as this will help
dull down the brightness of the white base

Step 5: Mournfang Brown is then watered down heavily and washed/stippled over the areas that have been
chipped and also some other random areas to again bring down the brightness of the initial white. (I added fur-
ther details where water may gather and run down after I took the picture here).

Image Credit: GhraskDragh
Image Credits: GhraskDragh

Have you got a miniature or scenery related hobby guide you think our readers would like to see?

Please email any submissions to “BrazenBulletin@gmail.com”.

Launching via Kickstarter on the 1st March 2021 (the same day that this Webzine is released!) Rangnarok, the Twighlight
of the Gods is a new miniature project created by Rangnarok Miniatures. The Brazen Bulletin spoke to Rangnarok Minia-
tures to get the lowdown on what Rangnarok, the Twighlight of the Gods is and why our readers might be particularly in-
terested in one of the main factions that will be available upon release...the dreaded evil Dvergr.

Rangnarok Miniatures: “Long had Nidhogg the dragon been gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil the
world tree, the last has been bitten in two and Yggdrasil comes crashing down . The nine realms that
had existed resting within its roots have been pulled together with shattering force. At that moment
Heimdall sounds the Gjallorhorn, doom has arrived...Ragnarok has begun!

Fenrir the wolf has broken his chain, Jormungard the ancient serpent rises from the sea and vast ar-
mies are on the move making their way to Vigrior the battle plain.

In Asgard the doors of Valhalla open and the host of the Einherjar march out. These are the fearless ones, the heroes who
died in battle with their swords in their hands. Never in the long history of the world has such an army been seen and in the
vangard, leading this mighty host to battle come the greatest of the Gods both of the Aesir and the Vanir, Odin the All Fa-
ther, Thor the thunder God and Tyr the oath keeper,the bravest of the brave.

To the howls of the bloodstained dog Garmr the blackship Naglfar sets sails from Niflheim the ice realm carrying with it the
gruesome queen Hel and her army of the undead.

High in the Mountains of Jotunheim the Citadel of Utgard

opens its iron bound gates, and through them march the
Armies of the Jotnar, the Frost Giants, the Sworn enemies of
the Gods and all of mankind. At their fore strides Utgard-Loki
their mighty King leading them in their great battle song as
they make their way down from their mountainous strong-
hold to the great battle plain.

Emerging from the smoke shrouded realm of Muspelheim

comes Sutr, the demonic king of the Fire Giants wielding his
flaming sword. and taking with him his deadly host they
sweep towards that dreadful battle space. The forces of light
and the forces of darkness, of good and of evil have arrived
at Vigrior and stand silently facing each other. The Gjallorhorn sounds for the last time and echoes across the grim plain.

The first to move ,advancing slowly, in tight formation to the beating of shields come the dark mailed formations of the
bearded Dvergr. We start our Ragnarok range of hand sculpted 28mm white metal miniatures with the forces of Dvergr,
the evil brethren of the Dwarves.

Image Credit: Rangnarok Miniatures

Dvergr are evil brethren of the ‘true’ Dwarves. Cruel and cunning, long had they harboured their envy and hatred of man-
kind, especially those who dwelt in the fabled halls of Valhalla. Only the patronage of the Gods of the Vanir and Aesir had
held them back from sweeping down from their mountain vastness of Svartenheim to destroy them. Dvergr are the largest
of the dwarven races and comprise many clans, each with their distinctive characteristics and features however the one
they hold in common are their complexions running from swarthy to jet black. Their hair and beards, never brown, are ei-
ther white or black. Another distinctive feature of the Dvergr are that although they still have pride in their beards most
favour shaving their heads. Like many creatures of the
dark , Dvergr being closer by nature to Goblins rather than
true dwarves dress in black. Their helms,chain hauberks
and their trews and tunics being always of that dark hue.
Dvergr are well trained in the arts of war, which they prac-
tice amongst themselves until a greater enemy unites
them to common purpose. They fight in close ranks of ar-
moured infantry, favouring the long pike and pole arm as
their primary weapon. They are keen of sight and their
archers are second only to the bows of the elves (note
Dvergr are often referred to amongst men as black elves)
In combat , always at the front and first into battle, bellow-
ing frightful oaths charge the warriors of the Dreadful ber-
serk brotherhoods. These brotherhoods fight either naked or draped in the furs of their favoured beast, whether bear, boar
or wolf. Only the largest and most Fearsome are admitted to their ranks. I have chosen to concentrate on the armies be-
fore moving on to the character and monster figures, all of which will be released here on kickstarter. So far , apart from
the armies of the Dvergr
you see here I have al-
ready completed the first
of the Draugr undead re-
leases, 2 x8 figs warrior
packs , archers and a com-
mand. These will be sup-
plemented by other packs
including skeletons before
release. Oh and I almost
forgot a small force of
Wagnerian inspired Nibe-
lung dwarves to stand in
the ranks with the Viking
Einherjar !
Image Credit: Rangnarok Miniatures
Image Credit: Rangnarok Miniatures
In Golden Hat XXXV members of the community were challenged to create and paint models that represented the back-
bone of any Chaos Dwarf legion, the troops!

Bronze: WIllLiam

Silver: Zoddtheimmortal

Image Credit: WillLiam Top/ Zoddtheimmortal: Bottom. 25

Gold: Oxymandias

Image Credit: Oxymandias

How can I enter a Golden Hat competition?

Golden Hats are regularly ran competitions hosted at the

CDO discourse forum. The focus is mostly on painting,
although entrants are given free reign to go wild with
conversions and basing, as long as the image created fits
the brief provided.

To get involved in the next one simply sign up, read the
brief for the next competition and enter your images!
Painters and hobbyists of any experience or skill level
are encouraged to get involved. You will find a culture
that celebrates one another’s work and provides advice
and support with the hobby when requested. Prizes are
available for the three top spots as well as occasional
additional prizes for randomly selected entrants. Forum
users who enter enough competitions can also be award-
ed the highly coveted “veteran’s” awards showing that
they have contributed to multiple competitions over

Image Credit: Loidrial 26

The recent flurry of 3D printable Chaos Dwarf designs that have appeared on the market and the relative
affordability of high quality resin printers has meant that 3D printing an entire chaos dwarf army has now be-
come a very real possibility. Brazen Bulletin spoke to the forum user, MichaelX, who is attempting just this. He
is in the process of 3D printing an entire army. As he reached the impressive 1000 points mark, we asked him
to share the journey he has been on so far.

MichaelX: To be able to tell you why I decided to print and build a chaos dwarf army we
have to go back to 2006. At the time, I had just bought the Archaon’s Siege Attackers army
box for I around
180 euros. This
was a great deal
since it was a
huge collection of models that actu-
ally made a great army base.

One of the models that stood out

the most to me was the Hell can-
non. I loved that model and it was
absolutely the centerpiece of my
army. It looked so badass.

One I didn’t understand is why it

had a dwarf crew, but since I knew
next to nothing of the Warhammer
universe I asked one of my gaming
buddies. He told me some of the
chaos dwarf lore and history, and
from that moment on I was in- (Archaon’s Siege Attackers)

However, the lack of an army book and models steered me towards

other armies that had more support and more models. I really
wanted a chaos dwarf army but I did not have the funds, patience
and skills to build one at that time, but as it turns out the seed was

Skip a few years, and a break from the hobby, forward and I had
sold all my Warhammer stuff, including my huge chaos army, com-
pletely skipped seventh edition, and I found myself getting back
into it somewhere in the middle of eighth edition and the end

Around the same time I bought my first 3d printer. Not suitable for
miniatures at all, but I started thinking about what 3d printing
could mean for miniature based games. I printed lots of terrain and
for a few years I felt that it would never really go further than that.
I knew about resin printers but they cost upwards of 10k at that
(The infamous hellcannon) time.

Hellcannon Photocredit: Michael X/ Archaon’s Siege Attackers Photocredit: Games Workshop 27

(My First 3D Printer)
Then 2020 came and I had been following the cheap resin printer
market for a while. When Anycubic had a big sale I finally bought
my first resin printer, the Anycubic Photon. This was at the start of
the first Covid19 lockdown in Belgium and one of the reasons I
wanted that printer was to keep me sane while being locked up at
home! I started looking for good models to print when I discovered
Patreon, where I found creators that blew my mind!

(The Anycubic Photon) The thing that actually triggered

me to print an army was that at
some point, a new version of the chaos dwarf army book for the Warhammer
armies project was released and many creators were releasing chaos dwarfs.
At that time, I was working from home a lot, which created the perfect storm.
I just started printing lots of beautiful chaos dwarfs and hobgoblins, while
also trying to keep up with painting. Unfortunately, my printer does not
suffer from other responsibilities and can print 24/7, while I cannot paint that

I wanted to get the Hobgoblins out of the way, so I started by printing and
painting those first.

(3D printed hobgoblin spearmen, wolf riders and bowmen.)

After these were done I
wanted some characters
to offset the bulk painting I
had been doing.

I did not find suitable 3d

files for most war ma-
chines and some of the
Forge world stuff was just
too beautiful to pass on
but most of my army will
be 3d printed.

(Standard bearer and Taur-ruk from Lost Kingdom Miniatures. Sorcerer Prophet from Titan Forge. Hobgoblin
Khan and Deathshireker Rocket Launcher from Thingiverse.) Photo Credit: MichaelX 29
And the last printed model I painted is a
Siege Giant.

I still have a sizeable list of models and ter-

rain to print but I want to try to keep my
painting somewhat in sync with the printer.

My to do list is big enough as it is, these are

the models that still need some love!

(Siege Giant, K’Daai Destroyer and K’Daai Fireboen from Archvil-

lain Games, small cannon from Thingiverse, Warrior from Raven Twin Miniatures

Photo Credit: MichaelX 30

“Overall, I think I spent about 100 euros on resin
for the entire army (about 200 models so far). “
(Warrior from Lost Kingdom Miniatures, Hobgoblin Khan from Thingiverse. Warrior with blunderbuss and Standard
Bearer from Titan Forge.)

Photo Credit: MichaelX

Finally, the CDO community has been a great support for any and all questions regarding just
about everything I wanted to ask regarding my chaos dwarfs. I got very motivated by starting and
maintaining my army blog on the discourse taking everyone with me on my journey to have a
painted chaos dwarf army in 2021! When I got asked to do this article I was pretty honored to be
able to be able contribute and know my army is deemed worthy!

Image Credit: MichaelX

Want to print your own Chaos Dwarf army?

Some of these models were free, those that are still online at the time of writing
are found at the links below.

Hobgoblin Wolfriders: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-wolf-


The Hobgoblin warriors are taken offline, however there is another nice set on
there that could work very well: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4444464

Hobgoblin Khan: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3569207

Alternative Hobgoblin Khan: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3513860

Deathshrieker Rocket launchers: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4459238

Image Credit: Loidrial

In Artisan’s XXXI members of the commu-
nity were challenged to create a piece of
artwork that represented a siege giant
(or gargant for the Age of Sigmar fans
among us.) The entries varied from the
classic to the crazy, from the modern to
the old school. In fact this issues front
cover, created by Goltor, was originally
created for this very competition. The
three top spots were claimed by these
artists below:

Bronze: Admiral

Silver: a20t43c

Image Credit: Top: Admiral /Bottom: a20t43c (Deviant Art) 33

Gold: Atom

Image Credit: Atom

How can I enter an Artisan’s Contest?
Artisan’s Contests are regularly ran competitions hosted at the CDO discourse fo-
rum. These competitions, unlike the Golden Hat, are not painting competitions.
These are contests of creativity, imagination and design. Entrants can enter any-
thing from sculptures, converted models, paintings or 3D rendered art, depending
on the brief.

To get involved in the next one simply sign up, read the brief for the next competi-
tion and enter your images! Sculptors and artists of any experience or skill level are
encouraged to get involved. You will find a culture that celebrates one another’s
work and provides advice and support with the hobby when requested. Prizes are
available for the three top spots as well as occasional additional prizes for randomly
selected entrants. Forum users who enter enough competitions can also be award-
ed the highly coveted “veteran’s” awards showing that they have contributed to
Image Credit: Loidrial
multiple competitions over time!
Chaos Dwarfs Online user, Zanko, has been an active member of this community for many years. His collec-
tion adds up to over ten thousand points worth of chaos dwarfs! Brazen Bulletin managed to catch Zanko and
ask him a few questions about his hobby journey, the games he is most interested in at this time, his impres-
sive collection as well as his thoughts and hopes for the future of chaos dwarfs and our community.

BB: Hello Zanko! How are you mate?

Zanko: Hello, I am doing well. Even if Corona, with all its re-
strictions, is annoying by now.

BB: First and most important question: Hats, helms or masks? (I’m
pretty sure I know the answer to this one!)

Zanko: Helmets of course! Who would have thought it?! I’m just
easy to see through!

BB: How long have you been into collecting and painting minia-
tures? How did you first get into the hobby?

Zanko: I started collecting miniatures in 1986 - that means I’ve

been doing it for 34 years now. A friend at the time introduced me
to Warhammer. Until then, I had only played pen & paper role-
playing games regularly and had not heard of table top games. It
was at the time of the 3rd edition. The first two boxes I bought
were the Bugman`s Box and the Dragon Company Box, both still normal dwarves. The third box was the
Renegades box of chaos dwarves. I hadn’t seen any chaos dwarves before and was immediately thrilled.
At first I mixed normal dwarves and chaos dwarves,
but then I collected them separately. I painted with
enamel colours; I didn’t know of Citadel paint. Since
there was no internet and no real table top scene (at
least none that I knew of), there were no tutorials and
no one who could give me tips for painting. The first
bases I “designed” were completely covered with
grass. You can still see this in the first photos in my
blog in the old CDO forum! It was only through the
CDO forum that I saw what was possible in terms of
painting and design. At that time, I was already 38
years old, working full time and had (and still have)
two children and a wife. So I had no time (and to be
honest no desire) to really develop further. I collect
and paint purely for friends and to relax.

BB: You’ve been involved with Chaos Dwarfs Online for a number of years. How long have you been in-
volved in this community and how did you first find out about it?

Zanko: I have been a member of CDO since 2008. I came across the forum through a search on the inter-
net and became a member directly on impulse, which I have not regretted to this day! In the beginning it
was much more difficult for me, because I’m not really talented in foreign languages and often had to cre-
ate posts with the help of a dictionary. Since then, there are good translation programmes, which makes 35
my life a lot easier.
BB: You are one of the few members of our commu-
nity to have earned the much coveted “Blackshard
Army Badge” which denotes the fact that you have
collected an army which is worth 10,000 points or
more. How have you stayed motivated painting so
many miniatures for the same faction for such a long

Zanko: Well, first of all, I just love my little crazy

and twisted chaos dwarfs! There are a lot more pos-
sibilities with them than with the normal dwarves.
You can add all kinds of monsters and mercenaries
(like the Fimir). In the beginning I had a lot of orcs, goblins and hobgoblins (mostly from Grenadier Minia-
tures), but then I gave almost all of them to “Tarrakk Blackhand” a CDO member from Canada, because a
flood had destroyed / washed away all his miniatures. After that, I thought about building a chaos dwarf
army completely without greenskins (Okay, I still have a unit of GW Orcs for SAGA). So the hobgoblin rid-
ers are represented by chaos dogs and the black orcs by Bederken Dwergs. Furthermore, I simply enjoy
finding models on the internet and / or modifying models to fit the Chaos Dwarves. Like my lizards, which
carry war machines or are ridden by the chaos dwarfs.

BB: Do you get to play with

your miniatures regularly?
And if so, what systems do
you tend to play?

Zanko: Since I am very in-

volved in my job and, as I
said, have a wife and children,
I am very limited in terms of
tabletop games. Especially
since we’ve been playing role-
playing games again for about
a year, my first love when it
comes to gaming! Neverthe-
less, I played “SAGA - Age of Magic” with my son, which we like very much. Accordingly, for this system (a
skirmisher), I have started to put out some armies in order to have more fun and variety. I also got myself
the “Rangers of the Shadow Deep” system. You can play alone with this system.
Zanko: I find many models and conversion projects well done, but I still like my boar centaurs built in
the 90s best. I still like the conversions very much. I painstakingly halved Dark Dwarfs from “Metal Magic”
and put them on Citadel boar centaur bodies. That was a lot of work, but the result still pleases me. What
makes me a little “proud” is that I didn’t have any direct inspiration for these conversions, or any existing
pictures that I could have used as a guide.

BB: Why do you think Chaos Dwarfs Online community has remained so active and strong, while many
of the other Warhammer forums has slowly disappeared over the years?

Zanko: Why has CDO survived? … I think there are several reasons. First of all, the nice, friendly and al-
ways helpful community. In addition, the chaos dwarves were and are a niche army and something like
that welds a group together. And last but not least,
there is no additional competing forum for Chaos
Dwarfs where members could migrate to. Not to forget,
of course, the various moderators who continue to fill
the forum with life and suggestions!

BB: Do you have any other armies or miniature projects

that are not Chaos Dwarf related? If so, what are they?

Zanko: For SAGA and RotSD I have several troops in

the making to be able to play diversified. The Chaos
Dwarves, Dwarves, Melniboners (Elves) and Witch Hunt-
ers are finished (the Flagellants are still missing). I still
have to completely repaint (after stripping) the 3rd edi-
tion Slaan troops.

BB: With the Forgeworld army going out of production,

chaos dwarf collectors are soon going to once again
have little to no “official” support in their miniature line.
My question is: If chaos dwarfs were re-released by
Games Workshop as a fully playable army in either Age
of Sigmar or their upcoming Old World game, what
would you like to see? What aesthetic? What units? 37
Zanko: If GW were to remake the Chaos Dwarves for AoS, I would like creative chaos best. Simply a cra-
zy and varied design with many different troop types, monsters and war machines. Ultimately a bit like
the times of the 3rd edition. Everything can be done, but nothing must! Just fun and flexibility. It’s enough
if all the other armies are restricted and limited in terms of style. Chaos dwarves should be chaotic (in all
respects), this may and should also include mutations, because these make the models more exciting and

BB: What are your hopes for the future of our online community? What would you like to see in the future
for the followers of Hashut?

Zanko: Of course, I would be happiest of all if CDO were to continue for many more years. Together
with all the nice and courteous members and moderators. I am also always pleased when members who
have made themselves scarce for a long time come back and the contact is as it used to be. It should simp-
ly remain a haven of creativity and, above all, friendliness - sounds strange to a disciple of Hashut, perhaps
rather crazy, and this in turn suits a chaos dwarf quite well!

(Image credits: Zanko)

“Dire news young heroes: The Dawi Zharr have increased in numbers
and are on the move!”

Play HeroQuest as you never have before in an

ever changing campaign that will see you playing
against hordes of
Chaos Dwarfs and then switching sides to play as
the Dawi Zharr in attempt to remove unwanted
guests from the House of Hashut!

“Yes, now we may show our guests

the full hospitality of Hashut!”

Coming soon to a ziggurat near you, an all new seven part story based campaign for 2-5
players with a host of new monsters, spells and 4 new playable Chaos Dwarf charac-
ters. Best of all.. It will be FREE!
(You will need a copy of the original HeroQuest game as well as some extra miniatures to represent
additional monsters and characters in this campaign.
Written by Deebo, Flyer artworks by Admiral & Raul ‘knightinflames’ Gomes)
© Duck IT 2021
We are surrounded; beset on all sides by our enemies. These lesser races dare to rise up from the mire
and place their unwashed feet upon our holy lands!?

You and all the other noble lords of the Dawi-Zharr are commanded to send one of your most skilled
commanders, experienced soldiers and gifted daemonsmiths to a theatre of war marked out upon this
map. Choose well. He will be commanded to give battle perhaps in a far flung foreign land and it is likely
that he shall never return. But rejoice for you shall rest easy in the knowledge that he shall bring death
and destruction to the enemies of Zharr Naggrund wherever he may go.

You will not fail us in this task…

- Lord Astragoth, High Priest of Hashut.

Picture Credit: Admiral

Cover art: Goltar.

Editor: Oxymandias

Writers: Oxymandias, Reaver, Admiral, PlanetOldHammer, GhraskDragh,

Ragnarok Miniatures, MichaelX and Deebo.

Interviewees: Zanko and Fabelzel.

Miniature artists/ photographers:

Bolg, Bassman, Zanko, Michaelx, Oxy-
mandias, Zoddtheimmortal, WillLiam,
Ragnarok Miniatures, GhraskDragh,
Reaver, Grimstonefire, Jackswift, Plan-
etoldhammer, Tjub/Admiralty Minia-
tures, Abecedar, Fabelzel.

Artists: Loidrial, Admiral, a20t43c,

Atom, Raul “Knightinflames” Gomes.

Special thanks:

Reaver for the early support in gener-

ating ideas for this Zine.

MichaelX for the wealth of material,

ideas and support.

Zanko and Fabelzel for giving up your

time to be interviewed.

The staff at CDO for backing this crazy


The CDO community. A worldwide net-

work of Hashut Heads whose enthusi-
asm for miniature wargaming is unri-

Willmark, Xander and all the original

contributors to the Word of Hashut
magazine whose efforts and work di-
rectly inspired the creation of this pub-

And a special thanks to our lord and

saviour: The Mighty Hashut.

Photocredit: Bassman (Instagram @bluebeardsforge) 41

Image Credits: Bolg (Instagram:@Tandexborstello )


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